How to calculate the number of radiators per room. Calculation of heating for a house by room area

Correct calculation heating radiator sections is a fairly important task for every homeowner. If an insufficient number of sections is used, the room will not warm up during the winter cold, and the purchase and operation of too large radiators will lead to unnecessary high costs for heating.

For standard premises you can use the most simple calculations, however, sometimes it becomes necessary to take into account various nuances in order to get the most accurate result.

To perform calculations you need to know certain parameters

  • Dimensions of the room to be heated;
  • Type of battery, material of its manufacture;
  • The power of each section or one-piece battery, depending on its type;
  • Maximum allowed number of sections;

Based on the material they are made of, radiators are divided as follows:

  • Steel. These radiators have thin walls and are very elegant design, but they are not popular due to numerous shortcomings. These include low heat capacity, rapid heating and cooling. When hydraulic shocks occur, leaks often occur at the joints, and cheap models quickly rust and do not last long. Usually they are solid, not divided into sections, the power of steel batteries is indicated in the passport.
  • Cast iron radiators are familiar to every person since childhood; this is a traditional material from which long-lasting batteries with excellent technical characteristics are made. Each section of the Soviet-era cast iron accordion produced a heat output of 160 W. This is a prefabricated structure, the number of sections in it is unlimited. There can be both modern and vintage designs. Cast iron retains heat well, is not subject to corrosion or abrasive wear, and is compatible with any coolant.
  • Aluminum batteries are lightweight, modern, have high heat transfer, and due to their advantages they are becoming increasingly popular among buyers. The heat output of one section reaches 200 W, and they are also produced in one-piece structures. One of the disadvantages is oxygen corrosion, but this problem is solved using anodic oxidation of the metal.
  • Bimetallic radiators consist of internal collectors and an external heat exchanger. The inner part is made of steel, and the outer part is made of aluminum. High heat transfer rates, up to 200 W, are combined with excellent wear resistance. The relative disadvantage of these batteries is high price compared to other types.

Radiator materials differ in their characteristics, which affects calculations

How to calculate the number of heating radiator sections for a room

There are several ways to make calculations, each of which uses certain parameters.

By room area

A preliminary calculation can be made based on the area of ​​the room for which radiators are purchased. This is a very simple calculation and is suitable for rooms with low ceilings (2.40-2.60 m). According to building codes, heating will require 100 W of thermal power per square meter premises.

We calculate the amount of heat that will be needed for the entire room. To do this, we multiply the area by 100 W, i.e. for a room of 20 square meters. m, the calculated thermal power will be 2,000 W (20 sq. m * 100 W) or 2 kW.

Correct calculation of heating radiators is necessary to guarantee sufficient heat in the house

This result must be divided by the heat transfer of one section specified by the manufacturer. For example, if it is 170 W, then in our case required quantity radiator sections will be: 2,000 W/170 W = 11.76, i.e. 12, since the result should be rounded to a whole number. Rounding is usually done upward, but for rooms where heat loss is below average, such as the kitchen, you can round down.

It is imperative to take into account possible heat loss depending on specific situation. Of course, a room with a balcony or located in the corner of a building loses heat faster. In this case, the calculated thermal power for the room should be increased by 20%. It is worth increasing the calculations by approximately 15-20% if you plan to hide the radiators behind the screen or mount them in a niche.

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By volume

More accurate data can be obtained by calculating sections of heating radiators taking into account the height of the ceiling, i.e. by the volume of the room. The principle here is approximately the same as in the previous case. First, the total heat demand is calculated, then the number of radiator sections is calculated.

If the radiator is hidden by a screen, you need to increase the room's need for thermal energy by 15-20%

According to SNIP recommendations for heating each cubic meter residential premises in panel house 41 W of thermal power is required. By multiplying the area of ​​the room by the height of the ceiling, we get the total volume, which we multiply by this standard value. For apartments with modern double-glazed windows and external insulation, less heat will be needed, only 34 W per cubic meter.

For example, let’s calculate the required amount of heat for a room of 20 square meters. m with a ceiling height of 3 meters. The volume of the room will be 60 cubic meters. m (20 sq. m*3 m). The calculated thermal power in this case will be equal to 2,460 W (60 cubic meters * 41 W).

How to calculate the number of heating radiators? To do this, you need to divide the obtained data by the heat transfer of one section indicated by the manufacturer. If we take, as in the previous example, 170 W, then for the room you will need: 2,460 W / 170 W = 14.47, i.e. 15 radiator sections.

Manufacturers tend to indicate overestimated heat transfer rates for their products, assuming that the coolant temperature in the system will be maximum. In real conditions, this requirement is rarely met, so you should focus on the minimum heat transfer rates of one section, which are reflected in the product data sheet. This will make the calculations more realistic and accurate.

If the room is non-standard

Unfortunately, not every apartment can be considered standard. This applies even more to private residential buildings. How to make calculations taking into account the individual conditions of their operation? To do this, you will need to take into account many different factors.

When calculating the number of heating sections, you need to take into account the height of the ceiling, the number and size of windows, the presence of wall insulation, etc.

The peculiarity of this method is that when calculating the required amount of heat, a number of coefficients are used that take into account the characteristics of a particular room that can affect its ability to store or release thermal energy.

The formula for calculations looks like this:

KT=100 W/sq. m* P*K1*K2*K3*K4*K5*K6*K7, Where

KT - the amount of heat required for a specific room;
P - room area, sq. m;
K1 - coefficient taking into account the glazing of window openings:

  • for windows with conventional double glazing - 1.27;
  • for windows with double glazing - 1.0;
  • for windows with triple glazing - 0.85.

K2 - coefficient of thermal insulation of walls:

  • low degree of thermal insulation - 1.27;
  • good thermal insulation (two bricks or a layer of insulation) - 1.0;
  • high degree of thermal insulation - 0.85.

K3 - ratio of window area to floor area in the room:

  • 50% - 1,2;
  • 40% - 1,1;
  • 30% - 1,0;
  • 20% - 0,9;
  • 10% - 0,8.

K4 is a coefficient that allows you to take into account the average air temperature in the coldest week of the year:

  • for -35 degrees - 1.5;
  • for -25 degrees - 1.3;
  • for -20 degrees - 1.1;
  • for -15 degrees - 0.9;
  • for -10 degrees - 0.7.

K5 - adjusts the heat demand taking into account the number of external walls:

  • one wall - 1.1;
  • two walls - 1.2;
  • three walls - 1.3;
  • four walls - 1.4.

K6 - taking into account the type of room located above:

  • cold attic - 1.0;
  • heated attic - 0.9;
  • heated living space - 0.8

K7 - coefficient taking into account the height of ceilings:

  • at 2.5 m - 1.0;
  • at 3.0 m - 1.05;
  • at 3.5 m - 1.1;
  • at 4.0 m - 1.15;
  • at 4.5 m - 1.2.

All that remains is to divide the obtained result by the heat transfer value of one section of the radiator and round the resulting result to a whole number.

Expert opinion

Victor Kaploukhiy

Thanks to my varied hobbies, I write on various topics, but my favorites are engineering, technology and construction.

When installing new heating radiators, you can focus on how efficient the old system heating. If its work satisfied you, it means that the heat transfer was optimal - these are the data that you should rely on in your calculations. First of all, you need to find on the Internet the value of the thermal efficiency of one section of the radiator that needs to be replaced. By multiplying the found value by the number of cells that made up the used battery, data is obtained on the amount of thermal energy that was sufficient for comfortable living. It is enough to divide the result obtained by the heat transfer of the new section (this information is indicated in the technical data sheet for the product), and you will receive accurate information about how many cells will be needed to install a radiator with the same thermal efficiency indicators. If previously the heating could not cope with heating the room, or, on the contrary, it was necessary to open the windows due to constant heat, then the heat transfer of the new radiator is adjusted by adding or reducing the number of sections.

For example, previously you had a common cast iron battery MS-140 of 8 sections, which pleased you with its warmth, but was not aesthetically pleasing. Paying tribute to fashion, you decided to replace it with a branded bimetallic radiator, assembled from separate sections with a heat output of 200 W each. Nameplate power of the used thermal appliance is 160 W, but over time, deposits have appeared on its walls, which reduce heat transfer by 10-15%. Therefore, the actual heat transfer of one section of the old radiator is about 140 W, and its total thermal power is 140 * 8 = 1120 W. Let's divide this number by the heat transfer of one bimetallic cell and get the number of sections of the new radiator: 1120 / 200 = 5.6 pcs. As you can see for yourself, in order to keep the heat transfer of the system at the same level, it will be enough bimetallic radiator of 6 sections.

How to take into account effective power

Defining parameters heating system or its individual circuit, one of the most important parameters, namely thermal pressure, should not be discounted. It often happens that the calculations are done correctly, and the boiler heats well, but somehow the heat in the house does not work out. One of the reasons for the decrease in thermal efficiency may be temperature regime coolant. The thing is that most manufacturers indicate the power value for a pressure of 60 °C, which occurs in high-temperature systems with a coolant temperature of 80-90 °C. In practice, it often turns out that the temperature in the heating circuits is in the range of 40-70 °C, which means that the temperature difference does not rise above 30-50 °C. For this reason, the heat transfer values ​​​​obtained in the previous sections should be multiplied by the actual pressure, and then the resulting number divided by the value specified by the manufacturer in the data sheet. Of course, the figure obtained as a result of these calculations will be lower than that obtained when calculating using the above formulas.

It remains to calculate the actual temperature difference. It can be found in tables on the Internet, or calculated independently using the formula ΔT = ½ x (Tn + Tk) – Tvn). In it, Tn is the initial temperature of water at the inlet to the battery, Tk is the final temperature of water at the outlet of the radiator, Twn is the temperature of the external environment. If we substitute into this formula the values ​​Tn = 90 °C (high-temperature heating system mentioned above), Tk = 70 °C and Tvn = 20 °C ( room temperature), then it is not difficult to understand why the manufacturer focuses specifically on this value of thermal pressure. Substituting these numbers into the formula for ΔT, we get the “standard” value of 60 °C.

Taking into account not the nameplate, but the real power thermal equipment, it is possible to calculate the system parameters with an acceptable error. All that remains to be done is to make an adjustment of 10-15% in case of abnormal low temperatures and provide in the design of the heating system the possibility of manual or automatic adjustment. In the first case, experts recommend installing ball valves on the bypass and the coolant supply branch to the radiator, and in the second - install thermostatic heads on the radiators. They will allow you to set the most comfortable temperature in each room without releasing heat to the street.

How to correct calculation results

When calculating the number of sections, it is necessary to take into account heat loss. In a house, heat can escape in quite significant quantities through walls and junctions, floors and basements, windows, roofing, and the natural ventilation system.

Moreover, you can save money if you insulate the slopes of windows and doors or a loggia by removing 1-2 sections; heated towel rails and a stove in the kitchen also allow you to remove one section of the radiator. Using a fireplace and underfloor heating system, proper insulation of walls and floors will reduce heat loss to a minimum and will also reduce the size of the battery.

Heat loss must be taken into account when calculating

The number of sections may vary depending on the operating mode of the heating system, as well as on the location of the batteries and the connection of the system to the heating circuit.

Used in private homes independent heating, this system is more effective than the centralized one, which is used in apartment buildings.

The way radiators are connected also affects heat transfer rates. The diagonal method, when water is supplied from above, is considered the most economical, and side connection creates a loss of 22%.

The number of sections may depend on the mode of the heating system and the method of connecting radiators

For single-pipe systems, the final result is also subject to correction. If two-pipe radiators receive coolant at the same temperature, then a single-pipe system works differently, and each subsequent section receives cooled water. In this case, first make a calculation for two-pipe system, and then increase the number of sections taking into account heat losses.

The calculation diagram for a single-pipe heating system is presented below.

In the case of a one-pipe system next friend after another, sections receive cooled water

If we have 15 kW at the input, then 12 kW remains at the output, which means 3 kW is lost.

For a room with six batteries, the loss will average about 20%, which will create the need to add two sections per battery. The last battery in this calculation must be of enormous size; to solve the problem, installation is used shut-off valves and connection via bypass to regulate heat transfer.

Some manufacturers offer an easier way to get the answer. On their websites you can find a convenient calculator specifically designed to make these calculations. To use the program, you need to enter the required values ​​in the appropriate fields, after which the exact result will be given. Or you can use a special program.

This calculation of the number of heating radiators includes almost all the nuances and is based on a fairly precise definition heat energy needs of the premises.

Adjustments allow you to save on purchasing extra sections and paying heating bills, and will provide economical and effective work heating systems, and also allow you to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere heat in a house or apartment.


But in order for all rooms to be warm enough, you also need to decide on exact quantity sections, based on the square footage of the room and possible heat losses.

Before calculating the number of batteries or sections of heating radiators per square meter based on the area of ​​a certain room in a private house or apartment, make sure that the selection of the device was correct and that it is really suitable in your case. Let's look at their types briefly.


Aluminum radiators can be made from primary or secondary raw materials. The latter are noticeably inferior in quality, but are cheaper. Main advantages of aluminum batteries:

  • High heat transfer,
  • Light weight
  • Simple universal design,
  • Resistance to high pressures,
  • Low inertia (quickly heat up and cool down, which allows you to quickly regulate the room temperature),
  • Reasonable price (300-500 rubles per section).

Aluminum is sensitive to alkalis in the coolant, so the core is often coated with a layer of polymers, which increases the service life of the product. The main part of the models is made by casting; extrusion (extruded) sections are much less represented. Popular manufacturers: Sira, Global, Rifar and Thermal.


Heat loss compensation

To ensure that the battery power is enough to heat the room, you need to make some adjustments:

  • Round fractional values ​​to positive side . It’s better to leave some power reserve and let the desired temperature level be adjusted using a thermostat.
  • If there are two windows in the room, then you need to divide the calculated number of sections into two and install them under each of the windows. The heat will rise, creating thermal curtain for cold air entering the apartment through the double-glazed window.
  • You need to add several sections if two walls in the room face the street, or the ceiling height reaches more than 3 m.

Additionally, it is worth considering the features of the heating system. Autonomous or individual heating is much more efficient compared to central systems in multi-storey buildings. If the coolant is already cooled through the pipes, the radiators will not be able to operate at full capacity.

Is it possible to save money?

Precise mathematics in the process of choosing the power of radiators and the number of sections allows you to make the room warm enough and comfortable to live in. This approach There are also financial benefits.: you can save money without overpaying for excess equipment. Even more impressive savings occur when using modern plastic windows(subject to their correct installation) and the presence of thermal insulation of the walls.

Here you will learn about section calculations aluminum radiators per square meter: how many batteries are needed per room and private house, an example of calculating the maximum number of heaters per required area.

It's not enough to know that aluminum batteries have high level heat transfer.

Before installing them, it is imperative to calculate exactly how many of them should be in each individual room.

Only knowing how many aluminum radiators are needed per 1 m2 can you confidently buy the required number of sections.

Calculation of aluminum radiator sections per square meter

As a rule, manufacturers pre-calculate the power standards for aluminum batteries, which depend on parameters such as ceiling height and room area. It is believed that heating 1 m2 of a room with a ceiling up to 3 m in height will require a thermal power of 100 W.

These figures are approximate, since the calculation of aluminum heating radiators by area in in this case does not provide for possible heat loss in the room or higher or low ceilings. These are generally accepted building codes, which manufacturers indicate in the technical data sheets of their products.

Besides them:

How many sections of aluminum radiator are needed?

The number of sections of an aluminum radiator is calculated according to a form suitable for heaters of any type:

Q = S x100 x k/P

In this case:

  • S– area of ​​the room where the battery installation is required;
  • k– adjustment factor of 100 W/m2 depending on the ceiling height;
  • P– power of one radiator element.

When calculating the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators, it turns out that in a room with an area of ​​20 m2 with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, an aluminum radiator with a power of one section of 0.138 kW will require 14 sections.

Q = 20 x 100 / 0.138 = 14.49

IN in this example the coefficient is not applied, since the ceiling height is less than 3 m. But even such sections of aluminum heating radiators will not be correct, since possible heat loss in the room is not taken into account. It should be borne in mind that depending on how many windows there are in the room, whether it is corner and whether it has a balcony: all this indicates the number of sources of heat loss.

When calculating aluminum radiators by room area, the formula should take into account the percentage of heat loss depending on where they will be installed:

  • if they are fixed under the window sill, then the losses will be up to 4%;
  • installation in a niche instantly increases this figure to 7%;
  • if an aluminum radiator is covered with a screen on one side for beauty, then the losses will amount to 7-8%;
  • completely covered with a screen, it will lose up to 25%, which makes it, in principle, unprofitable.

These are not all the indicators that should be taken into account when installing aluminum batteries.

Calculation example

If you calculate how many sections of an aluminum radiator are needed for a room with an area of ​​20 m2 at a rate of 100 W/m2, then adjustment coefficients for heat loss should also be made:

  • each window adds 0.2 kW to the indicator;
  • the door “costs” 0.1 kW.

If it is assumed that the radiator will be placed under the window sill, then the correction factor will be 1.04, and the formula itself will look like this:

Q = (20 x 100 + 0.2 + 0.1) x 1.3 x 1.04 / 72 = 37.56


  • first indicator is the area of ​​the room;
  • second– standard number of W per m2;
  • third and fourth indicate that the room has one window and one door;
  • next indicator– this is the heat transfer level of the aluminum radiator in kW;
  • sixth– correction factor regarding the location of the battery.

Everything should be divided by the heat output of one heater fin. It can be determined from the table from the manufacturer, which shows the heating coefficients of the carrier in relation to the power of the device. The average for one edge is 180 W, and the adjustment is 0.4. Thus, multiplying these numbers, it turns out that one section produces 72 W when heating water to +60 degrees.

Since rounding is done up, then maximum quantity sections in an aluminum radiator specifically for this room will be 38 fins. To improve the performance of the structure, it should be divided into 2 parts of 19 ribs each.

Calculation by volume

If you make such calculations, you will need to refer to the standards established in SNiP. They take into account not only the performance of the radiator, but also what material the building is built from.

For example, for a brick house the norm for 1 m2 will be 34 W, and for panel buildings - 41 W. To calculate the number of battery sections by room volume, you should: multiply the volume of the room by the heat consumption standards and divide by the heat output of 1 section.

For example:

  1. To calculate the volume of a room with an area of ​​16 m2, you need to multiply this figure by the height of the ceilings, for example, 3 m (16x3 = 43 m3).
  2. Heat norm for brick building= 34 W, to find out how much is required for a given room, 48 m3 x 34 W (for panel house at 41 W) = 1632 W.
  3. We determine how many sections are required with a radiator power, for example, 140 W. For this, 1632 W / 140 W = 11.66.

Rounding this figure, we get the result that a room with a volume of 48 m3 requires an aluminum radiator of 12 sections.

Thermal power of 1 section

As a rule, manufacturers indicate technical specifications heaters have average heat transfer rates. So for heaters made of aluminum it is 1.9-2.0 m2. To calculate how many sections are required, you need to divide the area of ​​the room by this coefficient.

For example, for the same room with an area of ​​16 m2, 8 sections will be required, since 16/2 = 8.

These calculations are approximate and cannot be used without taking into account heat loss and the actual conditions for placing the battery, since you can get a cold room after installing the structure.

To get the most accurate indicators, you will have to calculate the amount of heat that is needed to heat a specific living space. To do this, you will have to take into account many correction factors. This approach is especially important when calculating aluminum heating radiators for a private home is required.

The formula needed for this is as follows:

KT = 100W/m2 x S x K1 x K2 x K3 x K4 x K5 x K6 x K7

If you apply this formula, you can foresee and take into account almost all the nuances that may affect the heating of the living space. Having made a calculation on it, you can be sure that the result obtained indicates optimal quantity aluminum radiator sections for a specific room.

Whatever principle of calculation is undertaken, it is important to do it as a whole, since correctly selected batteries allow you not only to enjoy warmth, but also significantly save on energy costs. The latter is especially important in the context of constantly rising tariffs.

Before the start of the heating season, the problem of good and high-quality home heating arises. Especially if repairs are being made and batteries are changed. Assortment heating equipment rich enough. Batteries are offered in different capacities and types. Therefore, it is necessary to know the features of each type in order to correctly select the number of sections and type of radiator.

What are heating radiators and which one should you choose?

A radiator is a heating device consisting of separate sections that are connected to each other by pipes. Coolant circulates through them, which most often is plain water, heated to the required temperature. Radiators are primarily used for heating residential premises. There are several types of radiators, and it is difficult to decide which is best or worst. Each type has its own advantages, which are mainly represented by the material from which the heating device is made.

  • Cast iron radiators. Despite some criticism of them and unfounded claims that cast iron has weaker thermal conductivity than other varieties, this is not entirely true. Modern radiators made of cast iron have high thermal power and compactness. In addition, they have other advantages:
    • Large mass is a disadvantage during transportation and delivery, but weight leads to greater heat capacity and thermal inertia.
    • If the house experiences changes in the temperature of the coolant in the heating system, cast iron radiators better maintain the heat level due to inertia.
    • Cast iron is poorly susceptible to the quality and level of water clogging and overheating.
    • The durability of cast iron batteries exceeds all analogues. In some houses, old batteries from Soviet times are still visible.

Among the disadvantages of cast iron, it is important to know about the following:

  • heavy weight provides a certain inconvenience during maintenance and installation of batteries, and also requires reliable mounting fasteners,
  • cast iron periodically needs painting,
  • since the internal channels have a rough structure, plaque appears on them over time, which leads to a decrease in heat transfer,
  • cast iron requires a higher temperature for heating and in case of weak supply or insufficient temperature of heated water, the batteries heat the room worse.

Another disadvantage that is worth highlighting separately is the tendency for the gaskets between sections to collapse. This manifests itself, according to experts, only after 40 years of operation, which in turn once again emphasizes one of the advantages cast iron radiators- their durability.

  • Aluminum batteries are considered optimal choice, since they have high thermal conductivity in combination with a larger surface area of ​​the radiator due to protrusions and fins. Their advantages include the following:
    • light weight,
    • ease of installation,
    • high working pressure,
    • small radiator dimensions,
    • high degree of heat transfer.

The disadvantages of aluminum radiators include their sensitivity to clogging and metal corrosion in water, especially if the battery is exposed to small stray currents. This is fraught with an increase in pressure, which can lead to rupture of the heating battery.

To eliminate the risk, inner part The batteries are covered with a polymer layer that can protect aluminum from direct contact with water. In the same case, if the battery does not have an inner layer, it is highly not recommended to turn off the water taps in the pipes, as this may cause a rupture of the structure.

  • A good choice would be to purchase a bimetallic radiator consisting of aluminum and steel alloys. Such models have all the advantages of aluminum, while the disadvantages and danger of rupture are eliminated. It should be taken into account that their price is correspondingly higher.
  • Steel radiators are available in different form factors, which allows you to choose a device of any power. They have the following disadvantages:
    • low operating pressure, usually up to 7 atm,
    • the maximum coolant temperature should not exceed 100°C,
    • lack of corrosion protection,
    • weak thermal inertia,
    • sensitivity to changes in operating temperatures and hydraulic shocks.

Steel radiators are characterized by a large heating surface area, which stimulates the movement of heated air. It is more appropriate to classify this type of radiator as a convector. Since a steel heater has more disadvantages than advantages, if you want to buy a radiator of this type, you should first pay attention to bimetallic structures or cast iron batteries.

  • The last variety is oil radiators. Unlike other models, oil ones are independent from the general central system heating devices and are often purchased as an additional mobile heating device. As a rule, it reaches maximum heating power within 30 minutes after heating, and in general, they are a very useful device, especially relevant in country houses.

When choosing a radiator, it is important to pay attention to their service life and operating conditions. There is no need to save and buy cheap models of aluminum radiators without polymer coating because they are highly susceptible to corrosion. In fact, the most preferable option is still a cast iron radiator. Sellers try to force the purchase of aluminum structures, emphasizing that cast iron is outdated - but this is not the case. If we compare numerous reviews by type of battery, it is cast iron heating batteries still remain the best investment. This does not mean that you should stick to the old ribbed MC-140 models from the Soviet era. Today, the market offers a significant range of compact cast iron radiators. Starting price for one section cast iron battery starts from $7. For lovers of aesthetics, radiators that represent entire artistic compositions are available for sale, but their price is much higher.

Necessary values ​​for calculating the number of heating radiators

Before you begin the calculation, you need to know the basic coefficients that are used to determine the required power.

Glazing: (k1)

  • triple energy-saving double glazing = 0.85
  • double energy saving = 1.0
  • simple double glazing = 1.3

Thermal insulation: (k2)

  • concrete slab with a layer of polystyrene foam 10 cm thick = 0.85
  • brick wall two bricks thick = 1.0
  • regular concrete panel - 1,3

Ratio to window area: (k3)

  • 10% = 0,8
  • 20% = 0,9
  • 30% = 1,0
  • 40% = 1.1, etc.

Minimum temperature outside the room: (k4)

  • - 10°C = 0.7
  • - 15°C = 0.9
  • - 20°C = 1.1
  • - 25°C = 1.3

Room ceiling height: (k5)

Heated room coefficient = 0.8 (k6)

Number of walls: (k7)

  • one wall = 1.1
  • corner apartment with two walls = 1.2
  • three walls = 1.3
  • detached house with four walls = 1.4

Now, to determine the power of the radiators, you need to multiply the power indicator by the area of ​​the room and by the coefficients using this formula: 100 W/m2*Sroom*k1*k2*k3*k4*k5*k6*k7

There are many calculation methods, from which you should choose the most convenient one. We will talk about them further.

How many heating radiators do you need?

  • The first method is standard and allows you to calculate by area. For example, according to building standards, heating one square meter of area requires 100 watts of power. If the room has an area of ​​20 m², and the average power of one section is 170 Watts, then the calculation will look like this:

20*100/170 = 11,76

The resulting value must be rounded up, so to heat one room you will need a battery with 12 radiator sections with a power of 170 watts.

  • An approximate calculation method will make it possible to determine the required number of sections based on the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings. In this case, if we take as a basis the heating rate of one section of 1.8 m² and the ceiling height of 2.5 m, then with the same room size the calculation 20/1,8 = 11,11 . Rounding this figure up, we get 12 battery sections. It should be noted that this method has a larger error, so it is not always advisable to use it.
  • the third method is based on calculating the volume of the room. For example, a room is 5 m long, 3.5 m wide, and the ceiling height is 2.5 m. Taking as a basis the fact that heating 5 m3 requires one section with a thermal power of 200 Watts, we get the following formula:

(5*3,5*2,5)/5 = 8,75

We round up again and find that to heat a room you need 9 sections of 200 Watt each, or 11 sections of 170 Watt each.

It is important to remember that these methods have errors, so it is better to set the number of battery sections to one more. In addition, building codes require minimum room temperatures. If it is necessary to create a hot microclimate, then it is recommended to add at least five more sections to the resulting number of sections.

Calculation of required power for radiators

  • The volume of the room is determined. For example, an area of ​​20 m and a ceiling height of 2.5 m:

After increasing the indicator upward, the required radiator power value is 2100 watts. For cold winter conditions with air temperatures below -20°C, it makes sense to additionally take into account a power reserve of 20%. In this case, the required power will be 2460 watts. Equipment of such thermal power should be looked for in stores.

You can correctly calculate heating radiators using the second calculation example, based on taking into account the area of ​​the room and the coefficient for the number of walls. For example, we take one room with an area of ​​20 m² and one outer wall. In this case, the calculations look like this:

20*100*1.1 = 2200 Watt, where 100 is the standard thermal power. If we take the power of one radiator section at 170 Watts, we get a value of 12.94 - that is, we need 13 sections of 170 Watts each.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that overestimation of heat transfer becomes a frequent phenomenon, therefore, before purchasing a heating radiator, you need to study technical passport to find out the minimum heat transfer value.

As a rule, there is no need to calculate the radiator area, the required power or thermal resistance is calculated, and then suitable model choose from the assortment offered by sellers. In the event that an accurate calculation is required, it is better to turn to specialists, since you will need knowledge of the parameters of the composition of the walls and their thickness, the ratio of the area of ​​walls, windows and climatic conditions terrain.

Warmth in housing is the basis of comfort, health and well-being. Taking into account that it takes 6 or more months to warm up, a properly thought-out heating complex also saves users’ finances. The calculator simplifies the calculation of heating radiators by area.


In private households, heating is individual, in high-rise buildings - general, but in any case, radiators form the basis. They are the ones who provide heating to the room, and energy consumption and temperature depend on their properties and quantity. The calculator allows you to calculate heating radiators by area by entering actual indicators into the fields. The counting procedure is carried out manually in simplified and detailed formats.

Types of radiators

The process of heating the air and maintaining its sufficient temperature depends on the batteries - metal, size, connection to the complex and their placement. Before calculating the number of radiator sections, you will need to find out the metal of manufacture.


Indicators of various metals:

  • A 350 aluminum - 138 W;
  • A 500 made of aluminum - 185 W;
  • S 500 made of aluminum – 205 W;
  • L 350 made of bimetal – 130 W;
  • L 500 made of bimetal – 180 W;
  • Made of cast iron - 160 W.

Batteries are grouped according to their center length:

  • 200 mm;
  • 350 mm;
  • 500 mm;
  • 600 mm.


This type of coolant is characterized by its relatively low cost and aesthetically pleasing. The design is integral and the number of sections is not adjustable. Steel walls are thin and require anti-corrosion protection. During operation, protection against water hammer and mechanical damage is necessary, since the seams can leak. Considering the low heat capacity of the structure, installing it in an apartment is impractical. IN private building This option is more acceptable, since it is possible to independently regulate the degree of heating of the coolant.


Cast iron

Models with maximum heat transfer. Unlike Soviet radiators, modern ones are presented in decent design options, while maintaining positive properties.

This type of battery is practical and convenient:

  • the number of sections can be adjusted;
  • water hammers are not dangerous for them;
  • the walls of the sections are little susceptible to corrosion processes;
  • The device is suitable for any coolant.

Cast iron batteries are heavy and require high-quality installation And reliable fastening(wall and floor options available).

In addition, batteries take a long time to heat up.


With high heat transfer aluminum structures have little weight. Appearance elegant and diverse, which allows you to install them in any room. The structures can be either solid or prefabricated, consisting of several sections.

Since aluminum is susceptible oxygen corrosion, the battery requires appropriate anti-corrosion protection. If available, operational characteristics this type of radiator is superior to all others.


The devices are installed in the private sector due to increased exposure to water hammer. At central heating it is impossible to resist.


Made from two layers. External aluminum, has high heat dissipation. The second is made of an alloy that is not destroyed by corrosion. This design ensures long-term operation. However, the cost of these models is quite high, so it is important how to calculate the number of bimetallic radiator sections per room. They are characterized by stronger thermal conductivity than cast iron.

Simple calculation

Connecting heating to high-rise buildings, the number and location of devices is made on the basis of complex technical computing. They are produced by specialists based on SNiP 41-01-2003. Regulatory rules stipulate, for example, how many sections of a bimetallic radiator are needed per 1 m² of area:

  • in the center -100 W;
  • in the north – 150-200 W;
  • in the south - 60 W.

Different types of radiators for a home heating system Source

SNiP stipulates how many battery sections are needed per square meter of building area, taking into account the composition of the alloy:

  • bimetal – 1.8 sq. m;
  • aluminum – 2.0 sq. m;
  • cast iron - 1.5 sq. m.

The user can make an approximate calculation independently. The purchased radiator comes with a user manual. It contains device data and power. Using these indicators, you can calculate radiator sections by room area using the template:

room area (in sq. m) X100 W / section power (numbers in instructions)

The data obtained are used with heated floors above and below, not on a corner, in a brick building, with a distance to the top of up to 3 m.

Calculation by volume

For wall heights of more than 3 meters, size calculations of heating radiators are used. For 1 sq. m of housing:

  • for buildings made of panel blocks - 41 W;
  • for buildings from brickwork– 34 W.


Heat transfer = room area X wall height X standard power (41 or 34).


The resulting total is divided by the standard output of the section and the required number is obtained.

Example of a simple calculation

In calculations, the average option of 1300 W is accepted. It is added by 20% and leads to a higher value. Thus, they buy a device with a power of 1600 W. If 1 section is 160 W, then 10 pieces will be required.

To find out how many sections of a bimetallic radiator are needed for 18 m² with a wall height of 2.7 m, we substitute the numbers:

18 X 100=1800 W.

Then the required complex is selected. The consumer can buy the device suitable size, length from 0.8 to 2.0 m and height 0.3-0.6 m.

Then you need to decide on the metal.


Video description

About calculating the number of battery sections in the video:

Detailed calculation

The number of sections of heating radiators can be calculated taking into account additional coefficients. The standard power is assumed to be per 1 sq. m 100 W. Additional indicators that affect the atmosphere in the building are taken into account:

Heat transfer = area X 100 X K1 X K2 X K3 X K4 X K5 X K6 X K7 X K8 X K9 X K10

Each coefficient affects the thermal conditions of the room.

K1– number of walls in contact with outside temperatures, Where:

  • for one surface, take 1;
  • with two surfaces – 1.2;
  • with three – 1.3;
  • with four walls in contact with the atmosphere - 1.4.

At the same time corner rooms will be the coldest.

K2– an indicator that takes into account the relationship to the poles. Surfaces in the shade will be cooler because they are not exposed to the heat of the sun's rays:

  • northern surface -1.1;
  • east side -1.1;
  • southern surface -1;
  • western surface of the building -1.


K3- an indicator showing the degree of insulation. Except standard structure Residents can insulate walls special products both outside and inside, reducing heat loss.

Thermal insulation reduces heating requirements:

  • masonry walls with a thickness of two bricks without additional insulation – 1;
  • masonry walls with a thickness of one brick without additional insulation – 1.27;
  • with additional insulating material - 0.85.

K4– an indicator indicating the temperature regime of the area. Temperatures vary greatly in different regions. For the indicator, information from the hydrometeorological service about the lowest temperatures is used:

  • from -10 °C the indicator is 0.7;
  • from -15 °C the indicator is 0.9;
  • from -20 °C indicator 1.1;
  • from -25 °C indicator 1.3;
  • below -35 °C – 1.5.

K5– takes into account the height of the walls in the room. To heat a larger volume, more power will be required:

  • with a standard indicator of 2.7 m - 1;
  • from 2.8 to 3 m – 1.05;
  • from 3.1 to 3.5 m – 1.1;
  • from 3.6 to 4.0 m – 1.15;
  • more than 4 m - 1.2.


K6– takes into account the temperature in rooms above and below the calculated one. Apartments on the top and first floors will require greater heat transfer. It should be taken into account that it is prohibited to install a heated floor system in multi-storey buildings. It can be insulated using special materials at the request of the owners. The attic is made warm in private households.

Applicable indicator:

  • cold, unheated room above -1;
  • insulated surface at the top - 0.9;
  • heated room above – 0.8.

K7- an indicator that takes into account heat leakage through the surface of the glass.

Even modern ones metal-plastic windows I let heat through and this factor must be taken into account when calculating heating. Wooden frames have high heat loss rates:

  • wooden frame material and two glasses - 1.27;
  • metal-plastic frames with double glass – 1;
  • double-glazed window with two glasses and argon as a filler or two-chamber – 0.85.

It's not just the material that matters window frames, but also the size of the glazing surface.


K8– an indicator that takes into account the ratio of the surface area of ​​the windows to the entire room:

  • ratio less than 0.1 – indicator 0.8;
  • ratio from 0.11 to 0.2 – indicator 0.9;
  • ratio from 0.21 to 0.3 – indicator 1.0;
  • ratio from 3.1 to 0.4 –1.1;
  • ratio from 4.1 to 0.45 –1.2.

K9– takes into account how the blocks are embedded in general scheme. The heating device is connected to a system through which heating fluid is pumped. Radiators are inserted into the pipes, releasing the temperature into the atmosphere. After cooling, the coolant returns through the pipes to the boiler and heats up, closing the cycle in a circle.


The order in which radiators are connected and inserted into the heating structure directly affects the air temperature:

  • diagonal: heat at bottom, return at bottom (1.0);
  • diagonal: heating at the top, return at the bottom (1.25);
  • one-way: heating at the top, return at the bottom (1.03);
  • one-way: heating at the bottom, return at the bottom (1.28);
  • double-sided: heating-return at the bottom on both sides (1.13);
  • double-sided: heating-return at the bottom on one side (1.28).

K10– coefficient that determines the closedness of devices. It is customary to install heating under glazing. This is due to the fact that the veil of warm air from heating devices rises up and prevents low-temperature air from the window from penetrating inside. Therefore, even when there is ice on the glass, it can be warm inside.


Types of installation:

  • the device is mounted on the wall without covering it with anything –0.9;
  • the device covers a window sill or other object –1.0;
  • the device is fixed in a niche – 1.0;
  • the device covers the window sill and the grille on the side of the room –1.12;
  • The device is hidden behind an aesthetic grille -1,2.

Substitute all indicators and multiply. Before calculating the number of sections of a heating radiator when purchasing, study the indicators from the manufacturer in the technical documentation. The total figure is divided by the power of 1 device. The result will be the desired number.

Structures larger than ten sections are not used. Take two devices from size 5 in one.

Manufacturers write maximum heating rates in the product data sheet. Therefore, the minimum indicated figure is substituted in the calculations.

When studying the components of heating systems in an online store, the calculator calculates heating radiators per area online.

Data is provided for each model. The figure is sometimes given not in W, but as coolant flow. You can recalculate: 1 l/min is considered as 1 kW of power.

Single pipe system

There are some special features when using a system with a single-pipe connection. A cooler coolant reaches the device installed further. In order not to count the temperature individually, a simplified procedure is used.


First, calculate as for a two-pipe system, and then add the required number of radiator sections. The percentage of heat reduction at the connecting joints determines the number of additional sections. The drop in heating temperature is typically assumed to be 20% at a more distant junction.

Video description

Additionally, see how to connect radiators to a one-pipe system:

Using old metrics

During production repair work and replacing previous heating equipment, you can use the previous data. If the temperature level is heating season satisfied, then the thermal power remains the same. Old batteries will lose 10-15% of their thermal conductivity over time due to internal corrosion. Therefore, the new ones will require a smaller number of sections with a similar battery material.

When installing devices in designer versions, you should approach the installation with special care. Unconventional solutions significantly change the air heating system.



As a result, before making a purchase, the user can independently calculate the preliminary need for devices using a simplified or detailed formula or use a calculator on the Internet.
