How to write the purpose of a course work and tasks: instructions with recommendations and examples. Abstract: The purpose of this course work is to study the motivation of personnel at the enterprise. How to write work goals

It would seem that there is no simpler task than writing an essay. There is a topic, there is information, then there is sleight of hand and no magic. But here too, many students have problems. The essay, like other student works, requires proper formatting.

Introductory part, correct structure, relevant topic, original text, conclusion and, of course, setting goals and objectives - all these elements must be taken into account in order to write an abstract correctly. So, if you have problems compiling this type of work, then read our article: we will tell you everything, we promise.

How to write the purpose of an essay: rules and example

The purpose of the essay directly depends on the topic. If the topic is correctly composed, then there will be no problems with setting goals and objectives. But it is necessary to understand what their difference is in order to know how to correctly write the purpose and objectives in the abstract.

Target is what you want to achieve as a result of the research.

Tasks- these are the specific steps-subgoals with the help of which you achieve the overall goal.

The goal should be general, clear, concise and achievable. Tasks are unique subgoals, which in no case should repeat the goal.

In addition, the objectives must be specific. A detailed action plan will help you set goals and objectives and correctly disclose them in the report.

How to write essay objectives: depending on the goal

But now let’s look at a very important point: how to correctly write goals and objectives in an abstract. Students often confuse these two concepts, which is unacceptable when writing any scientific student work, be it a coursework, essay or graduation project. This is why it is so important to understand these definitions.

Goals are usually formulated with the following verbs: analyze, summarize, describe, identify, explain.

For example, the goal of a paper on “Volcanic Crater Research Techniques” is: “to summarize and briefly describe successful volcanic crater research techniques.” As you can see, the goal statement contains the name of the topic (it is also the object of research). We divide the goal into tasks-subgoals:

  • reveal the content of the concept “methodology for studying volcanic craters”;
  • describe modern methods for studying volcanic craters;
  • analyze the most successful of them.

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Where to write goals and objectives in an essay: sample

The goal and objectives are located in the introductory part (introduction). Please note that in the introduction we state the goal and objectives, in the main part we reveal them using the selected methods, and in the conclusion we make sure to make a verdict: was the goal achieved?

Object and subject of research

In addition to formulating the goals and objectives, it is necessary to determine the object and subject of the study. An object is a scientific field, and a subject is its component. These concepts should not be confused in the same way as the concepts of goals and objectives - this is a serious mistake.

Goals and objectives: their number in the abstract

A common question among those who write an abstract is: “How many goals and objectives should be written in an abstract?” If the work is small, then one goal and two or three tasks will be enough.

If the abstract is voluminous, then you can write a larger number of them. It is better to discuss this issue with the teacher.

If, after reading this article, you decide that writing goals and objectives in an essay is difficult and unnecessary, then you can contact the student service and get the help of specialists who will write everything quickly, clearly and to the point. To keep up to date with current news and student life, subscribe to our

Indicating the purpose of work in a resume is comparable to the key that opens the opportunity to find the most suitable job. If you correctly formulate the purpose of your activity, then you can count on receiving business proposals that will interest the applicant. The objective section of a job search resume is of great importance and should never be overlooked.

A resume is one of the most common and reliable generally accepted ways of informing an employer about your abilities, existing skills, and possession of certain experience. It allows the employer to understand the potential of the applicant. Properly specifying your job search goals can attract the employer’s attention, and this is already a good bonus for a positive decision.

It is no secret that having a goal speeds up the solution to the issue of employment. A goal-oriented approach to any task is a good sign of thoughtfulness and adequacy in finding a favorable path leading to the established goal. But when you go blind, there will be little hope for good results.

When consulting and then drawing up a resume, few people wonder what the purpose of the work should be indicated in it. But there are times when the applicant should familiarize himself with this issue in more detail.

When filling out the document, one column about the desired position is enough. The document is in simple and understandable language, and is easy to read. And additional information, along with specific wishes for future work, is better suited for a cover letter.

  1. I would like to work in the HR field.
  2. I am looking for a job as an accountant.
  3. Need a job as a production director in the field of mechanical engineering.
  4. I can work as the head of the sales department of household and computer equipment.

By indicating specific goals, the applicant receives additional points to his karma. Employers value specialists with a narrow specialization, especially those who are one hundred percent suitable for them.

First you need to decide, imagine what kind of company you would like to work for, and how your activities will benefit it. Therefore, the main focus should be on the final product of your participation. What can a specialist do? What kind does he have? If the applicant is a road builder, then the final product will be a high-quality constructed or repaired road delivered on time.

How can you prove yourself as a secretary, accountant or manager? In this case, it is better not to pay much attention to the current work process; it would be better if you tell what benefits the applicant can bring while staying in the company, in other words, keep the focus on the final product. Only in this case will the employer have an understanding that the applicant is well aware of his purpose for his company. For example, if a person worked as a system administrator, then they will be very willing to read in his resume about the purpose:

  1. We need a promising, constantly developing company that is interested in a well-functioning IT structure.
  2. I organize the smooth operation of a computer network, including all specialized programs along with the Internet. I will optimize and create maximum convenience for users. This will reduce their time expenditure and focus their attention as much as possible on completing the main tasks.

Goals at work: example

Each applicant for a position pursues a specific goal, which may differ from the goals indicated by other applicants. If the applicant has extensive professional experience, then instead of a goal, he can briefly describe his career achievements. For young professionals and beginning workers, only the correct formulation of the goal will help in finding a free job.

For example, what can be written on a resume as an objective for any type of job:

  1. Beginning work in the service sector.
    I want to get a job in the service sector of a reliable company in order to take advantage of my skills and abilities that I gained from my previous work experience.
  2. Working as an editor.
    I want to work as a newspaper editor with practical use of my experience and skills.
  3. An example of a common goal for all applicants.
    I am coming to work with you to realize my enthusiasm, high performance, experience and responsibility gained as a result of working in the following areas: (listing of skills indicating experience).
  4. Working as a cashier.
    I have five years of experience in this field of activity, I am a diligent, hardworking cashier with extraordinary responsibility.

Purpose of an accountant's work

Possessing certain skills and experience, an applicant can show his advantage in the labor market, bypassing the required minimum with a general set of skills inherent in most specialists. If there is a predominance of such skills, then all this should be reflected in the resume. Let's look at an example:

  1. I create accounting and tax accounting from scratch, or restore it, correct mistakes made by other accountants;
  2. I will bring accounting automation to new companies;
  3. I can freely conduct personnel records, create and manage personal files of the company’s employees;
  4. I develop job descriptions;
  5. I participate in the liquidation of companies;
  6. I can manage several legal entities;
  7. I carry out an economic analysis of the company.

An important point is to add your importance to the employer by mentioning in your resume not only your skills, but also your achievements in the same block.

Here is an example of reflecting professional achievements:

  1. I will ensure the correct calculation and timely transfer of payments to the accounts of the state and local budgets;
  2. I will prepare and submit tax and accounting reports independently and in a timely manner;
  3. I will develop the company’s accounting policy, taking into account the minimization of taxation.

Objective of a resume without a specific position: example

There are often cases when the applicant has nothing to say about a specific goal. This indicates. That he has no focus and goals at all, and he cannot navigate the issue of formulation. Therefore, in order to figure out what professional goal should be indicated in a resume, you should decide on your own professional interests. Everything that the applicant can extract from his intentions must be carefully laid out in one sentence. Usually there is a certain relationship between them and a common focus that falls within the same profession.

Below are examples of defining professional interests.

Give answers to questions for yourself:

  1. what list of professional tasks do I wish and can solve;
  2. what methods will I use in doing so?
  3. what results do I want to achieve as a result of my work activity;
  4. who will my work help?

State your goal using:

  1. owning your own experience;
  2. analyzes and forecasts of problems of professional activity;
  3. presenting the expected result of your work that will satisfy you.

Objective in a resume, what to write

There should be a clear and concise statement of purpose in the resume. This part of the section must be filled in no more than two or three lines.

In the goal section, you don’t need to use general and vague phrases, for example: “I want to get a job in a large company with high pay, with further professional and career growth,” “I’m looking for a prestigious job with further growth and promotion,” etc.

Some examples of resume objectives:

  1. I am looking for a position as a chief accountant in a financial company.
  2. I would like to get a job as an economist (indicate the desired level).
  3. I am applying for the position of manager in the banking sector.

The description of the purpose in the resume is an important component that the hiring manager will be interested in. To increase your chances of getting an invitation to an interview, you need to take a serious and responsible approach to writing your resume.

Objective in a resume for a student

Provided that the student has never had to work before, he still has practical skills. Often they receive them during internship - when the student has to work in production. Even in the process of short practice, this is first-hand contact with the profession, and not with theory.

It is advisable to mention the internship in your resume: where it took place, how long it lasted, what tasks were performed, what responsibilities were borne and what results were achieved. It would be nice to add to all this recommendations with reviews from people with whom you had to collaborate (from the practice management).

For example, you decided to try yourself as a manager related to the purchase of goods, and you have experience as a counselor. No matter how there is a direct connection here, it may have happened that while working as a counselor, your responsibilities included planning purchases, or you had resources available to you at your disposal, and you were planning their expenses. Otherwise, you still have some experience working with people. And almost any position is connected with this issue.

This kind of work is associated with great responsibility, composure, the ability to make quick decisions... The set of these qualities is universal and useful in most cases, so their presence in a resume is highly desirable.

Sales manager resume objective

The sales manager has a great responsibility, since he is the face of the company, because he has direct contact with customers. To create an effective resume, you first need to list your qualities, how to quickly find common ground with clients who have different age-old categories. Particular attention should be paid to the willingness to go on business trips and the seriousness of their attitude towards their responsibilities, and also to mention the willingness to donate personal time and effort in achieving the tasks assigned to you.

The column about personal qualities should be filled in with a list of whether you are a persistent and purposeful person in achieving the required result, since the employer needs an employee who wants and strives to earn money. Because sales managers are most often paid a percentage of their sales.

Objective in a lawyer's resume

The main task of a lawyer is to be a company’s guide in the whirlwind of legality and legal relations. Everyone and everything trusts such a specialist. His responsibilities include not only consulting, but also directly carrying out the employer’s instructions, which includes documenting the main points of law in the work of the company, as well as being an expert in the work of the organization under contracts. An experienced employer reads a lawyer's resume with passion, since this specialist will need to be scrupulous, demanding and comply with the law.

A lawyer, as a specialist in the field of law, ensures that all the company’s work is in strict compliance with legal rules. Therefore, a lawyer should write his resume without exaggeration. In this regard, it will be difficult to find officially established forms and recommendations, but a set of unwritten rules for making a successful written presentation has been developed through practice. They work on the principles of compiling business documentation, interspersed with individual information about employers' perceptions of applicants for positions.

Writing a term paper, as a rule, begins with an explanation of the relevance of the chosen topic and setting the goal of completing the work. Then the student should begin to identify tasks that should detail the purpose of writing the course work and correspond to the study of the chosen topic. An important aspect of the written introduction is the definition of the purpose and objectives of the study, which reveal the problems that the process of completing the course work is aimed at addressing.

Goals and objectives emphasize the relevance and significance of the chosen topic. The purpose of the course work should be indicated in accordance with its topic; tasks should be formed on the basis of the compiled content of the course work. It should be noted that there is a direct relationship between the goal and objectives, and, therefore, they complement each other within the framework of the student’s implementation of a specific course project.

Goals for writing a course project:

To correctly determine the purpose of the course work, you need to understand why the research is being conducted. The purpose of the research will be the result that will be obtained during the writing of the course work. To determine the goal, carefully study the given topic, because it is in it that there are clues about how the goal of the course work will be formulated.

The purpose of writing a term paper is to solve a problem or obtain an answer to a question posed, which should be indicated in relevance.

If you formulate a goal as a process, then it will be wrong. Such an interpretation of the goal as “Study of economic indicators” will be considered an incorrect option.

Because the goal of the course work should be formulated in the form of achieving a result: “To analyze economic indicators.” At the beginning of the goal statement, you can use the words: determine impact, study, identify, prove, and others.

The tasks set when writing the course work:

The setting of research objectives on a specific (selected) topic of coursework is carried out in accordance with the stated goal; they represent a series, as a rule, four or five specific sequential stages (paths) of solving the main problem. The course work must contain a theoretical and practical part, this should also be reflected in the tasks for writing the work.

The objectives of the course work are interrelated with each other, so they are arranged sequentially in the disclosure of theoretical and practical material and correspond to the compiled content of the work.

Here are some specific examples of defining goals and objectives for coursework.

If the chosen topic of coursework in economics

"Inflation as a socio-economic process that manifests itself during periods of macroeconomic instability."

The purpose of writing the work is to study inflation as a socio-economic process and determine the factors that cause its growth during periods of macroeconomic instability.

According to the goal, several main tasks are solved in the process of writing a course work:

Consider the concept of inflation, identify the causes and forms of its manifestation;

Characterize the specifics of the increase in inflation in Russia for periods of macroeconomic instability in the twentieth century;

To analyze the causes of modern inflation in Russia and the factors influencing its growth, and to identify ways to implement effective anti-inflationary policies.

When the topic of the course work is rightfully designated as follows: “Legal regime of forest fund lands”,

then the purpose of its implementation will be to conduct a study of the legal regime of forest lands.

In the process of writing this course work, the following tasks must be solved:

Consider the concept of forest lands, their composition and types;

Study the legal relations arising in the field of protection and use of forest lands;

Characterize the right of ownership and use of forest areas included in the forest fund lands;

Reveal the distinctive features of the concepts of conservation and protection of forests in the legal framework in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

So for the topic of work on pedagogy: “The educational process in preschool educational institutions (DOU)”,

The goal can be designated “Identify pedagogical methods and determine the sequence of constructing the educational process using the example of a preschool educational institution (name).”

For this course work, a number of the following tasks will be set:

Study psychological and pedagogical materials on conducting the educational process;

Consider the basic concepts that reveal the research problems (educational process, preschool educational institution, teacher working in the preschool education system);

To study the structure of the educational process of a preschool educational institution (name) and explore the results of its influence on children of primary preschool age;

When submitting your resume to a position offered by an employer, it is important to let him know that you know what you want. If in doubt, it is better to look at an example of an objective in a resume. The sample will give you the opportunity to figure out how to correctly fill out the specified column.

Basic Rules

Please note that the specific goals for applying for different positions vary significantly. Therefore, you should think about what purpose you should indicate in your resume when applying for a job. Depending on the proposed vacancy, your goal can be formulated as follows:

  • take the position of manager involved in active sales;
  • get a job as a manager who knows how to approach clients and make profitable deals;
  • apply for an open position as an experienced sales consultant;
  • getting a job as a cashier in one of the stores of a large supermarket chain;
  • take the position of commercial director in a distribution company;
  • plan the financial and economic activities of the company as a leading economist;
  • employment for the vacancy of a beauty salon administrator;
  • maintain accounting and tax records of the company as deputy chief accountant;
  • develop new products, increasing the range and popularity of the confectionery shop, working as a technologist;
  • engage in website promotion and development as an SEO specialist, demonstrate your professional skills;
  • work as a sous-chef in one of the chain’s restaurants;
  • achieve growth in sales and promotion of the company's brands as a senior sales manager.

It is better to indicate the name of the vacancy for which you are applying as the potential employer called it in his advertisement. This will help you show your interest.

Common goals

But there are situations when an applicant applies for several vacancies at the same time. In this case, it is better not to look for a sample resume objectives without a specific position, but to create a resume for each of the vacancies that interest you separately. General goals can be formulated as follows:

  • work in a large trading company;
  • realize your increased efficiency, organizational skills and enthusiasm in a distribution company;
  • get an interesting job in a large manufacturing company;
  • applying for a position in a stable company, getting the opportunity to demonstrate your skills.

But it is better to avoid such formulations. The recruiter should not decide for you what kind of job you want to get.

Underwater rocks

When writing a resume, you should pursue one goal - to interest the HR manager. And for this it is not enough to write only the title of the position in the “goals” column. Of the three options presented:

  • head economist;
  • work as a chief economist;
  • engage in planning and analysis of the activities of a large manufacturing company as a chief economist,
    The latter will attract attention.

When deciding what to write, do not forget to indicate the selected vacancy.

The following options will be unpromising:

  • desire to get a well-paid job in a bank;
  • get a job to pay the mortgage;
  • find additional part-time work to pay for your studies;
  • get a job that will demonstrate all my abilities and talents;
  • I want to get a job with a decent salary and a convenient schedule.

Therefore, before looking for an example of a resume, it is better to find out what vacancies are open in the company and demonstrate in the “goal” column that you know what you want and can be useful to the company.

Coursework objectives are compiled based on the content. They are needed in order to facilitate the process of achieving the goal. That is, you draw up a plan that you will follow during the research process.

Goals and objectives are closely interrelated. There can be a lot of tasks, it all depends on the scope of your research and what goals you are going to achieve. Every task you set for yourself should bring you closer to achieving your goal.

The correct formulation of objectives involves describing the steps that you have to go through before you achieve your goal and to achieve it.

Examples of coursework tasks

Let’s take as a basis the topics already given, thus, the objectives of the course work on the topic “Characteristics of the Internet” can be formulated as follows:

  • Expand the concept of “world wide web”;
  • Find out the benefits of using the Internet;
  • Clarify the disadvantages of the Internet;
  • Determine how the Internet works.

Objectives of the course work on the topic “Inflation during economic instability”:

  • Identify the causes of inflation;
  • Outline the features of inflation as a macroeconomic process during the periods of the 20th century;
  • Make an analysis of the features of the modern inflation process.

The objectives of the course work “Psychological development of preschool children” include:

  • Analyze the psychological state of preschool children living in different living conditions;
  • Find out the causes of psychological disorders in children;
  • Identify the characteristics of the child’s psychological state;
  • Study methods for the development of preschool children.

In the course work on the topic “Creativity of A.S. Pushkin" the following tasks can be distinguished:

  • Study the author's most famous works;
  • Analyze the author's biography;
  • Study the opinions of critics about the poet’s work.

There can be a lot of tasks, it all depends on your desire, the amount of research and the goal you set. Formulate them correctly, and you will have before your eyes a plan of your actions that will simplify the course of your research.
