Modular houses. Prefabricated houses: technologies and their features Prefabricated wooden house

Just a decade ago, a radical revolution took place in the industrial construction industry. , which were called prefabricated buildings. They erased the word “long-term construction” from our everyday life, because the construction of even the largest hangar or warehouse took a month or two instead of a year.

Developed a new type building structures. This is how warm residential prefabricated houses began to appear in Moscow and throughout Russia. They surpassed the classic ones, and also made it possible to acquire own home people with average incomes.

Turnkey prices for prefabricated houses in Moscow

Construction times for prefabricated houses

It is possible to raise a frame house in record time - the specific construction time depends on the type of structure. The fact is that the technology is designed for the construction of light buildings of various types - we have wonderful projects, two-story cottages and garages, garden houses, bathhouses, and garden buildings belonging to the type of small landscape forms.

A professional team of 2-3 people can lift a simple frame box in 2-5 days. You can do construction yourself. In this case, the time period will not increase by much, because the construction site does not receive a certain amount of building materials, but thermal profiles and fasteners. All that remains is to follow the instructions and assemble the frame like a regular children's construction set.

The construction of a turnkey prefabricated house can be organized in any season. A house on a metal frame is also built in winter, because the technology does not provide for “wet” processes. There are no materials here that need to be protected from the cold and ensure that they do not freeze and lose their performance.

How warm are prefabricated panel houses?

For internal comfort and heat preservation in rooms when it is minus 20 outside, the following are responsible:

  • Special thermal profiles: upon closer inspection, you can see symmetrical perforations on the surface. This is not done for beauty, but with the aim of eliminating “cold bridges”. As a result, the metal frame does not let cold in and does not let heat out of the house;
  • Dense (from 35 kg per cm 3) basalt insulation: natural not flammable material put it inside the frame. It has been proven that a metal frame wall with insulation retains more heat than brickwork of the same thickness.

Turnkey for little money it will be ready within 1-2 months, if you take into account the installation of the roof and finishing. The price of a prefabricated house kit is indicated without windows, doors, stairs, because these materials are chosen by the client.

Buildings, the construction speed of which is higher compared to conventional buildings, are becoming increasingly popular in Russia. By choosing them, you can get ready-to-move-in housing in just 1-3 months. Not only time costs are reduced - such a building is cheaper, and sometimes can even be moved to a new location. But before choosing such a structure, it is worth finding out how prefabricated houses are built and what types there are. Each type has its own characteristics and is built using its own technology.

Advantages of LSTK and LMK designs

The category of prefabricated buildings includes not only frame buildings. To the houses that can be built in as soon as possible, include designs different types. They differ in construction technology and materials. But the list of their advantages is approximately the same for each and includes the following features:

  1. Optimization of deadlines through the use of ready-made modules or elements that just need to be assembled at construction site, saving time.
  2. Good performance characteristics. High construction speed does not lead to a decrease in strength and durability. Prefabricated house will serve its owners for 50 years or more, depending on the materials of the frame and walls.
  3. Reliability and resistance to external influences. A prefabricated house can withstand wind loads and is not afraid of precipitation. It has no shrinkage, due to which the geometry of the structure is disrupted.
  4. Relatively low price. the absence of significant costs is achieved due to inexpensive foundations- instead of monolithic foundations usually use columnar or ribbon. Less is spent on labor costs that are completed faster than for a brick building.
  5. Use of environmentally friendly materials that are safe for environment and people. To build a prefabricated house you will need wood, metal structures and insulation.
  6. Convenient and simple installation of communications. Unlike buildings made of bricks or blocks, the walls of prefabricated structures do not have to be tiled. Pipes and wiring are laid during the stages of assembling the frame or filling the walls with insulation.
  7. Exact geometric dimensions of the premises. A feature that is important for housing is that when performing repairs you do not have to level the walls, floors and ceilings.

Fast construction does not mean that the building should be standard in appearance and not very attractive. Customers of such a house can choose various projects, standard or specially designed taking into account their needs. It is possible to make the building individual using architectural elements of the facade and changing the layout, and decorate it in any style.

Principles of rapid construction

The following factors can speed up the process of building a house:

  • readiness of individual structural elements;
  • large sizes of blocks, modules or panels;
  • effective insulation used during assembly.

Thanks to these features, builders spend less time on the same amount of work. They don't need to perform brickwork, install blocks and additionally finish the walls, increasing their heat-insulating characteristics. On assembled wooden or metal frame panels, slabs or other types of relatively large cladding are installed. The weight of the walls is reduced, reducing costs and time for delivery, unloading and installation of materials.

The rigidity of a prefabricated house is achieved through the use of a frame made of wood and steel. Wall panels are also quite durable, consisting not only of insulation and sheathing, but also of a durable frame. The structure is less rigid compared to brick, but withstands most external influences and lasts quite a long time.

Basic options for building a prefabricated house

When ordering construction, you should know how prefabricated houses are built for different purposes. Thus, residential buildings are often built from sandwich panels and frame-panel technology. To speed up the construction of commercial buildings, LSTK type structures are used. Modular buildings that can be used for housing and other purposes are also considered prefabricated.

Canadian technology

The process of constructing houses from “Canadian” type sandwich panels includes the following stages:

  1. Planning and engineering surveys on the site where construction will take place.
  2. Preparation of the site, which includes marking the territory and excavation work.
  3. Construction of a foundation, which can be strip, columnar or monolithic.
  4. Installation strapping beam, on which the lower ceiling is installed.
  5. Assembly of walls from SIP panels. The design of such elements includes external OSB boards and an internal layer of insulation. Thickness varies by region, for warm climate it is smaller, for cold weather it increases.
  6. Installation of roofing, laying of communications and finishing works – standard stage, completing the construction of most houses, regardless of technology.

The construction time of a one-story “Canadian” house depends on the volume of work. On average, it takes two or three months from installation of the foundation to commissioning of the facility. Unlike the construction of brick or wooden house, can be built continuously, at any time of the year.

Frame-panel buildings

The construction of frame-panel structures is reminiscent of the construction of houses from sandwich panels. The difference lies in the use of special shields, which are ready-made elements designs. This could be the wall of a building with an already constructed window or doorway.

A prefabricated house is built in several stages:

  1. The kit is delivered ready for assembly.
  2. Structural elements are connected to each other.
  3. Communications are being laid and finishing work is being carried out.

You can build a one-story building in just 15-20 days. The rest of the time is spent on finishing. The technology is often used to build a bathhouse. And the advantages of choosing a frame-panel building are considered not only the high speed of construction, but also the absence of the need for a powerful foundation. In most cases, the base is made shallow.

Houses and buildings made of metal structures

Light metal structures (LSSK) – good way increase the strength of the building without increasing its weight. They retain the main advantages of a prefabricated building - affordable cost, fast and simple assembly. The technology is suitable for warehouse and retail structures, but can also be used for the construction of residential buildings.

Several assembly options are used:

  1. The building parts are assembled on site, manually and using self-tapping screws. Suitable option for self-construction buildings.
  2. Wall elements are manufactured in a factory, delivered to the construction site and assembled here using lifting equipment.
  3. The modules are delivered to the site disassembled and assembled near the site. Equipment is used to assemble the building.

Homes from metal structures are distinguished by perfectly accurate geometric dimensions. The technology does not require leveling walls, ceilings and floors when finishing rooms. The buildings have no shrinkage, and the safety margin is sufficient for 100-200 years of operation.

Modular buildings

The list of prefabricated structures can be continued with houses that are assembled from modules. Such buildings are widely used for temporary residence on construction sites and industrial facilities. They are also suitable for warehouses and shops. And the development of technology and the possibility of individualizing modular buildings makes it possible to build permanent housing from them.

Features of the technology include a prefabricated structure, which allows the structure to be moved to another location after completion of the work. The basis of the frame is a metal profile, the walls are usually made of sheet metal. For permanent residence the module can be assembled from other materials, including slabs filled with basalt wool.

The construction of a modular house consists of the following stages:

  1. Preparatory work - research, design, marking.
  2. Making a foundation, if provided for by the project.
  3. Delivery of finished modules to the site.
  4. Connecting elements into a common structure.
  5. Removing cold bridges at joints.
  6. Laying communications – electrical wiring should be laid in single-layer corrugated tubes to increase safety.
  7. Execution of external and interior decoration. An optional step for a commercial building, but important for a residential building.

Additional architectural elements – false roofs, decorative designs, terraces, verandas and stairs. The attractiveness of a modular home will also increase when used for exterior finishing natural materials - wood, lining boards.

Saving financial resources remains an extremely important and pressing problem for many companies. On preparatory stage when approving the direction of activity, planning the inclusion of capital structures in the enterprise’s capacity. The technology for constructing buildings from metal structures is based on the use of light steel frames. The material that is placed on the frame ensures the functionality of the building is similar to complexes made of more expensive materials. Lightweight steel thin-walled structures significantly reduce the overall load on the foundation. This parameter is taken into account by contractors who build lighter and less expensive foundations.

In a professional project, visualization tools are developed. With the help of special programs, sketches are created, from which you can view the structures in cross-section, establish a diagram of the layout of the functioning of utility networks, and entrances to pavilions and sites. The solution submitted for approval to the owners of the future structure is clear to all users, right down to the installer.

Designing prefabricated buildings upon completion of installation provides the basis for starting work, taking into account all the details. One of the leading applications of the plan is the estimate, adherence to which ensures compliance with the budget.

Reasons for the increase in the number of orders for the design of construction of prefabricated buildings:

  • An opportunity is created to create a structure in a short time;
  • To start construction, you do not need to be tied to a specific area or time of year;
  • Improved control over estimates of prefabricated buildings;
  • The materials included in the design bureau's reports are absolutely environmentally friendly;
  • The finished structure does not require additional finishing. After delivery by the contractor, the facility is almost ready for operation.

After construction, finished metal structures are sheathed with panels. Sandwich panels are installed on the frame. The type and quantity of cladding material is also designed by an expert agency.

Application of new LSTK technology

Creating a technical solution for prefabricated buildings (PBU) begins with the customer’s idea. The organizers of the future construction submit detailed information for consideration by the expert team. terms of reference indicating the purpose of the object. Structural design is necessary to ensure the following processes:

  • Installation of parking lots and covered parking areas from sandwich panels;
  • Construction of centers trading companies and entertainment complexes;
  • Construction of hangars for agricultural, automotive and aviation equipment;
  • Construction of production facilities, warehouse complexes, car washes;
  • Construction of administrative facilities;
  • Private construction.

Risks when choosing a prefabricated house

Choosing a prefabricated house allows its owner to receive many advantages - from savings to a quick start to using the building for its intended purpose. But there are also certain risks - if the work is performed by non-professionals, the design will not be reliable enough. Design and assembly errors lead to deterioration in performance.

Therefore, besides the choice suitable option buildings, you should choose the right contractors. The services of professionals, even if it makes construction more expensive, are paid off by quality and the absence of problems. You can find such specialists by calling the phone numbers posted on the website.

Thanks to technology based on a durable and lightweight frame and wall panels frame houses have quality combined with high construction speed. We use high-quality winter-cut lumber from our own cuttings in the Kirov region, which we process at our own technological facilities. Thanks to three-stage quality control, frame houses last more than 100 years.

Thanks to the use of modern technological solutions and extensive assembly experience, we can build ready house in a few months. You can order prefabricated for year-round residence, as well as for seasonal country holiday. To protect wood from adverse factors, we use fire-bioprotective impregnation, which prevents the formation of mold and also stops the flame in case of fire.

The main advantages of prefabricated houses in the WoodHouse company:

  • short construction time (times vary depending on the production of lumber), usually not exceeding 2 months;
  • qualified specialists ensuring control of all stages of construction;
  • high energy efficiency and economical operation of a finished house;
  • high quality materials in accordance with current standards;
  • use of modern architectural and design solutions in design;
  • 30 year quality guarantee.

Our homes are characterized by modern, versatile and attractive architectural style. Order the construction of prefabricated frame houses now by filling out an application on the website. Call or request a call back for a free consultation.

Any construction always involves expenses, and considerable ones at that. But even if your budget is small, you shouldn’t give up trying to get your own home, because you can always build a house inexpensively if you know where and how you can save. However, it is worth understanding that any savings should not be at the expense of the strength, comfort, beauty and durability of the home. In our article we will tell you how to quickly build a house with your own hands and at the same time get by on a minimal budget.

Ways to save

Let's start with the fact that it is, of course, possible to build a house cheaply, but since you and your family will live in it, the quality of the construction should not suffer. Moreover, the completed house should not be:

  • Too small. Usable area buildings should meet the needs of your family.
  • Inconvenient. It is necessary to choose a layout option in which all family members will feel comfortable and cozy in such a house. It is equally important to provide for zoning of the house, separating the sleeping (quiet) area from the living room, kitchen and hallway.
  • A well-built home does not have to be expensive. To build cheap house, you can use inexpensive but high-quality materials, economical construction technologies and simple installation methods.

To make your home quickly and inexpensively, you can save money in the following ways:

  1. Actually initial stage You can save on choosing a project. Moreover, we are talking not only about using a standard project instead of developments made according to individual order, but also about economical planning solutions, as well as the selection of durable and inexpensive structures.
  2. To build a house cheaper, you can save on finishing works. That is, you should use the simplest and most inexpensive finishing materials for walls, floors and ceilings, inexpensive plumbing fixtures. This will not reduce the comfort of living in the house, but the savings are obvious.
  3. It is better to carry out the purchase and delivery of materials yourself, rather than entrusting them to a contractor. This way you can control everything and choose less expensive materials.
  4. It is much cheaper to build your own house than to hire a team of workers. But this option can be implemented if building houses is at least a little familiar to you.

This is not worth saving on

If you decide to build the cheapest house, but want it to be warm and economical, then you should under no circumstances skimp on the following things:

  1. If you entrust the construction process to a team of workers, then you should not skimp on technical supervision. Even if you have at least some knowledge about the construction process and materials, you still will not be able to fully control the quality and correctness of all construction work. And the strength and durability of the entire building depends on this.
  2. Even if you buy standard project at home, it’s worth ordering it to be linked to your area and climatic conditions. This way you can build an inexpensive house, the design solutions of which will be adapted to your climatic conditions, soil characteristics, and standing level groundwater. It would also be useful to do thermotechnical calculation the thickness of the enclosing structures so that the house is warm in winter, and there is also no waste of materials on excessively thick walls and insulation.
  3. If you decide to build an inexpensive house, then you should not save on engineering systems and communications, because the comfort of your stay in the house depends on it. Electricity, water, sewerage and good heating– all this must be of high quality and work properly for a long time.

Economical housing construction options

To build a house inexpensively, you need to choose the optimal construction technology. Today, several technologies are known that allow you to build a house quickly and inexpensively:

  • frame-panel housing construction;
  • frame-panel houses;
  • construction of a house from timber;
  • use of aerated concrete blocks.

The construction of prefabricated houses using each of the above technologies has its pros and cons. So you can choose best option construction, which will allow you to build a house relatively inexpensively and quickly, it is worth studying the advantages and disadvantages of each technology.

Frame house construction

The construction speed using this technology is the highest. A house can be built even in a few weeks. The resulting structure will be quite warm, durable and weather resistant. Service life frame house can reach up to 75 years.

A house can be built cheaply using one of two frame technologies:

  • Frame and panel construction in first place in terms of installation speed. To build a house, ready-made or home-made sandwich panels and a timber frame are used. The construction technology is so simple that the structure can be erected independently.
  • For the construction of a house frame-panel technology it will take a little longer, but the cost of construction will be cheaper than the previous installation method. In this case, a wooden frame of the house is first erected at the construction site, then it is sheathed with wood sheet material. In the gap between the frame posts is placed thermal insulation material, then the walls are lined from the inside with OSB or moisture-resistant plywood. A wind and water barrier must be used in the construction of the walls.

The advantages of the technology include the following:

  1. Thanks to the light weight of the building, you can save on the manufacture of the foundation and volumes earthworks. Moreover, the walls themselves are cheaper in cost than building a house made of brick or concrete.
  2. Such a house warms up very quickly and retains heat well. Walls 20 cm thick protect against the cold in winter no worse than a brick wall 0.5 m thick.
  3. Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, you can significantly save on heating your home in winter.
  4. Such buildings do not shrink, so finishing work and moving into the house can be done immediately after the construction of the box.
  5. Since there are no wet processes during construction, the installation of the house can be carried out even in winter.

Disadvantages of frame technology:

  1. The high tightness of a frame house is its main disadvantage, because for a comfortable stay in the house you will have to equip high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation.
  2. The environmental friendliness of such a building is questionable, because OSB contains synthetic resins, and polystyrene foam itself, used to insulate a house, cannot be called an environmentally friendly material.
  3. Increased flammability. Moreover, expanded polystyrene releases toxic components during combustion.
  4. The durability and safety of such a house is questionable, because if desired, you can cut a hole in the wall with an ax.

Houses made of aerated concrete

You can quickly build a house from aerated concrete blocks. Building a house frame from this material is much more profitable than building from brick for several reasons:

  1. If you are looking for how to build a house cheaply and quickly yourself, then aerated concrete is exactly the material that will allow you to achieve what you want three times faster than using traditional bricks.
  2. The completed house practically does not shrink, so after installing the windows and doors, you can immediately begin finishing and moving into the home. This is especially important if it is important to you to get your home as quickly as possible.
  3. The low thermal conductivity of the material helps retain heat in the house. As a result, in winter you will be able to save on heating. Moreover, the walls are 1/3 thinner than brick structures and retain heat in the house just as well.
  4. Due to small specific gravity and the significant dimensions of one block, you can build a house with your own hands without using construction equipment in the shortest possible time.
  5. The porous structure of aerated concrete allows the walls to breathe. Thanks to this, a microclimate favorable for humans is formed in the room.
  6. Aerated blocks provide a flat, smooth surface that does not require additional leveling before finishing.

Important: when building such a house, it is better to use not an ordinary mortar, which will contribute to the formation of “cold bridges,” but a special glue that produces a tight and thin seam.

When deciding what is cheaper to build a house from, it is worth considering the disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  1. Due to its high porosity, the material is very hygroscopic, so it must be carefully protected from moisture with special finishes outside and inside the premises. A damp gas block loses its thermal insulation characteristics.
  2. Aerated concrete walls cannot be left unfinished, so you will not be able to save on finishing materials.
  3. To lean on aerated concrete blocks truss structure and floor slabs, it is necessary to equip a monolithic reinforced belt, and this entails additional costs money and time.

Timber houses

When choosing what to build a cheaper house from, you should pay attention to profiled and laminated timber. Of course, laminated veneer lumber is not like that cheap material, but profiled products of chamber drying are no worse in terms of operational characteristics and at the same time have an affordable price.

Among the advantages timber houses The following points are worth noting:

  1. High thermal insulation characteristics. A wall made of timber 22 cm thick has the same thermal conductivity as brick wall 0.6 m thick.
  2. Walls made of profiled and laminated timber look so attractive outside and inside that they do not require any finishing.
  3. Due to the lightness of the material, a shallow, lightweight foundation can be made for the structure.
  4. The technology of construction from timber is quite simple, so you can build a house with your own hands.
  5. The building made of wood is distinguished by its environmental friendliness and a special favorable microclimate.
  6. The speed of construction is another plus in favor of this technology.
  7. A house made of timber can be built even in winter.

Among the disadvantages of the technology it is worth mentioning the following:

  1. Wood is susceptible to rot, mold and damage by insects, so periodically you will have to renew the protective antiseptic impregnation.
  2. A house made of wood shrinks, so you won’t be able to move in immediately after the box is built.

Attention: shrinkage of a house made of wood with natural moisture can take from 6 to 12 months. The construction of kiln-dried glued and profiled timber will shrink within 3 months.

  1. Wood is a flammable material, so all elements must be treated with fire retardants.
  2. It is necessary to strictly follow the construction technology and use inter-crown insulation so that the house is warm and comfortable, and the structure itself lasts a long time.

But in order to fully enjoy the positive properties of such buildings, you need to trust difficult work to our professionals. After all, we have been working in the field of manufacturing and construction of turnkey modular houses since 2004. For long period activities of our organization, we have successfully implemented more than 3,000 projects of varying degrees of complexity. We have managed to accumulate a wealth of experience and gain well-deserved popularity among our clients. That's why they trust us and recommend us to their friends, colleagues and family.


The technology of modular housing construction is widely developed both in private construction (small country houses, country houses and garden houses), and in the commercial sphere (trade pavilions, warehouses). The base of the frame is made of metal or wood, and the walls are sheathed with block house, siding, pseudo-timber, OSB or chipboard panels. The thickness of the walls depends on climate zone. In regions with severe frosts, the depth should exceed 400 mm. In regions with a mild, warm climate, 100 mm will be sufficient. A ready-made modular house is installed on a strip, block or columnar foundation. If the building is planned to be two-story, then the structure is lightened, and the first floor is made permanent, and the second is made using attic technology.

Advantages of modular housing construction

Recently, the demand for the construction of modular houses has increased rapidly and there are good reasons for this:
light weight buildings;
speed of construction;
aesthetic appearance;
durability of operation;
good sound and heat insulation qualities.

Choice in favor of our construction company obvious

We are professionals in the field of manufacturing structures and building prefabricated houses, because we employ only experienced and well-equipped craftsmen for whom there are no impossible tasks. They successfully introduce innovative developments into their activities, applying them in practice. And the use of effective tools and equipment, reliable and environmentally friendly materials can significantly improve the quality of work performed and reduce the assembly time of modular houses.

We provide the best prices for modular homes. All this is thanks to the clear optimization of all work and cost processes: in-house production of the main sections, full compliance with manufacturing and assembly technologies, purchasing everything necessary at wholesale prices from trusted suppliers, and more.

Our modular home construction services include:

planning on the site, arrangement of the foundation;
installation of the frame base and building sections;
roof installation, drainage system;
laying communication routes;
fixing insulation, vapor barrier;
laying logs, flooring, installation of ceilings;
installation of windows and doors;
internal and external finishing and more.

We correctly distribute the entire sequence of processes:

1. We accept an application for the manufacture and assembly of a modular house and agree on some nuances (the volume of work carried out, the number of floors of the building, the materials used and other special preferences of the customer);
2. we take measurements and study the soil of the site, draw up and approve the estimate and project documentation, we sign a bilateral agreement;
3. we buy everything necessary materials, we manufacture modular sections and deliver them to the site;
4. We carry out turnkey installation of a modular house, starting with planning on the site, arranging the foundation and ending with the assembly of structures, interior and exterior decoration;
5. We hand over the finished housing to the customer with the signing of the acceptance certificate, issuing technical documentation with the specified warranty periods.

Our professionals are waiting for your applications!

Do you want to calculate the cost of a modular home?, find out about production and assembly times, order a service? With us everything is extremely simple! You just need to contact the manager at the specified address, he will promptly conduct a detailed consultation, answer all your questions and accept your order. And our highly qualified specialists will qualitatively assemble a modular structure of any complexity, both according to standard and individual project in the shortest possible time.
