How to seal drywall seams. Grouting drywall joints: materials and techniques for performing the work

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Drywall - universal building material, which has many unique advantages. It allows you to bring extraordinary ideas to life with your own hands. design solutions and design any shapes - from oval to polygon. It cuts easily without special effort mounted. The sheets are absolutely environmentally friendly and are capable of creating excellent sound and thermal insulation. It does not matter what condition the original walls and ceilings are in, or how smooth their surfaces are. But how to seal the seam between the sheets? We will talk about this in this article.


General information about drywall

Just one sheet of plasterboard is so large that it covers more than two square meters, covering all defects and irregularities. When installing load-bearing structures between the base and the finished surface a space is formed sufficient for laying thermal or sound insulation. Any finishing finish can be applied to drywall: paint, wallpaper, decorative plaster.

But as soon as the last self-tapping screw is tightened, the problem arises of how to properly and with what to seal the seams in the drywall. This is worth worrying about, otherwise over time:

  • cracks form at the joints of the sheets;
  • the service life of the finished structure will be significantly reduced;
  • the finishing coating will deteriorate, and this will lead to additional financial costs.

As a result, if you don’t ask the pressing question in a timely manner, instead of an exclusive element of the main decor of the room, you can get an unaesthetic “bunion”.

It happens that seams form on their own if the frame is not rigid enough. The mounting profiles are deformed under the weight of the gypsum boards, and the edges of the attached sheets follow their outlines. Another factor is the loss of linear dimensions of the structure as a result of a sharp temperature change. Microscopic shifts will lead to the formation of cracks.

To avoid this, during the installation process a gap of 1–2 mm is provided between the gypsum boards. In the worst case, the putty will crack, but the sheets themselves will remain intact. And it doesn’t matter if the drywall is installed on metal frame, or glued to a flat wall. When developing instructions, global manufacturers recommend using technologies based on GOSTs and building codes.

Mesh and other materials and tools to seal sheet joints


Proper preparation of surfaces for sealing


First you need to check whether all the joints of the sheets are securely attached to supporting frame and whether the heads of the screws are sticking out. When puttying, the spatula will bounce on them, you will have to get dirty in the mixture, recessing the fasteners below the level of the sheet. Drywall, and especially the joints, should not have paper peeling; they must be cut off under the base and cleaned with emery cloth. If burrs and burrs are found, they are carefully removed with a construction knife.


With the same tool, at the joints of straight ends and cut out elements, where the gypsum part of the sheet is visible, the so-called. jointing - chamfer with an angle of 45 degrees, width and depth up to 5 mm. It will make the seams much stronger, because it will also be filled with putty. An edge plane significantly speeds up the application of chamfers. Factory sheet edges do not require additional processing. Next, the dust and dirt generated during the installation process are cleaned. This is done with a vacuum cleaner or an ordinary dry cloth.

To improve adhesion, special primers are used. Butt seams are processed with a brush or roller 15 cm on the sides of the joint. The soil layer prevents the process of destruction of drywall, because it protects it from dust, moisture and has antifungal components.

Preparation of putty solution for gypsum joints


When working with dry putty, it becomes possible to select the thickness of the solution. The optimal consistency for application is considered to be one in which the cone from the mixer on the surface does not fall off or spread. Then the finished composition reliably sticks to the spatula and adheres perfectly to both the wall and the ceiling.

Place in a specially prepared container according to the instructions. required quantity dry putty, fill it with water and stir until smooth. If dust is generated, you need to take care of protective equipment. It is advisable to prepare no more than 5 liters of the mixture at a time, since its so-called. The pot life is only 30–40 minutes.

Cover the seams with putty mixture


The technology for grouting gypsum joints is simple, and following it gives excellent result. To cover, a portion of putty is transferred to a working spatula using a trowel and applied in thin strokes across the gap, trying to fill its entire depth. A large thickness on the surface is a prerequisite, since excess putty mixture will not allow it to dry out too much. If the length of the joint is significant, then it is convenient to work by dividing it into small sections. The heads of all self-tapping screws must be puttied with strokes in a crosswise direction.

To level the seam and prevent the formation of cracks, the so-called. bandaging - reinforcement tapes made of fiberglass or special paper are attached. Depending on the presence of an adhesive layer on the surface, they are used:

  • If the tape already has a self-adhesive layer, then before covering the drywall seams, it must be unpacked and, gradually unscrewing, pasted along all the joints.
  • If a self-adhesive layer is not provided, then, after the solution has already been applied, the tape should be recessed as deeply as possible into its thickness. The paper perforated tape deserves attention here. Paper and drywall are related materials and work well together.

To rub the putty to obtain a flat, even surface, use a wide spatula. Corner elements are decorated using special devices - metal corners, corner-forming tapes, etc. After 8-12 hours of drying, you can apply the next layer of putty - a covering one, which will smooth out all the defects identified during the first pass and make the seam stronger.


On the ceiling, sealing seams presents a certain inconvenience, since the master has to constantly keep his head thrown back. You will have to prepare the putty mixture a little thicker, otherwise it will flow off the spatula, and you will have to press harder with the tool itself in order to press the mixture well into the gap on the ceiling. But when priming, you should not press the roller too hard on the surface of the drywall, so as not to peel off its paper component.

Sanding drywall seams


When the putty is completely dry, the seams are sanded with an abrasive mesh or sandpaper. The goal here is to ensure that no defects are noticeable. Quality can be controlled by illuminating the sanding areas with a spotlight. With its help, the smallest irregularities, depressions and bulges are revealed. If everything was done correctly, you will get a completely smooth surface. It is advisable to protect it from overdrying, hypothermia and waterlogging in the first three days after completion of work.

We close the gypsum joints with our own hands (video)

The video at the end of this article will help you better understand the topic.

Plasterboard ceilings are relatively inexpensive, simple and convenient way get perfect flat surface based on one or more tiers. The final picture is spoiled only by untreated plasterboard joints on the ceiling, which introduce dissonance into the harmonious execution of the structure. The solution to the problem is the correct sealing of the seams according to a practice-tested work algorithm.

Materials and tools - caulking kit

To work with seams on a plasterboard surface, you will need to prepare special tools.

The set includes:

  • spatulas different sizes, including a corner one for processing corner areas;
  • plate with handle for ease of use of putty mixtures;
  • sandpaper for grouting;
  • level;
  • brush or roller for priming the surface;
  • painting knife for processing drywall.

Materials other than putty (gypsum is better) use acrylic primer mixtures, as well as masking tape or serpyanka, corners to strengthen the corners of the structure.

The final choice of mixtures for processing seams with your own hands will be influenced by the type of finishing material for finishing. So, for example, if the structure is finished with decorative plaster, budget options primers and putty mixtures, since minor defects formed during the work will remain invisible.

Painting a plasterboard ceiling will require preparing a perfectly flat surface, so you can’t do without proven, expensive compounds that guarantee results.

Unstitching - what is it for?

Jointing is where the seams on the surface begin to be sealed plasterboard construction. This stage should not be skipped, as it will allow the seams to be prepared for subsequent processing. Unstitch the seams by processing the edges of the sheets with a painting knife so that they are in as close contact as possible with each other.

From sheets that are not yet fixed to the ceiling, be sure to remove a chamfer at an angle of 40 degrees to form a V between them deepened by about 5-10 mm. Only after this they are screwed on with self-tapping screws.

This step will be simplified by installing sheets with a special thinned edge, which does not require preparation and allows the formation of the necessary recess for further finishing of the seams.

Surface priming - is it really necessary?

It is believed that the joints plasterboard sheets priming is not necessary, given the sufficient level of adhesion of the material with finishing mixtures. In fact, the primer is needed to enhance the adhesion properties and prevent the formation of cracks in the future.

To treat the surface of drywall, it is better to use acrylic-based primer mixtures. Unlike analogues, they are absorbed faster into the surface of the sheets and require minimal drying time.

Priming is considered mandatory for structures that are being prepared for final painting.

Caulking seams - work algorithm

Before you learn how to seal seams on a plasterboard ceiling, it is important to take into account some nuances in preparing the mixture. We are talking about putty supplied dry. To carry out the work, it is diluted with water according to the instructions, mixed thoroughly until a homogeneous mass of consistency of medium-thick sour cream without clots is obtained.

It is important to prepare enough mixture to use it within 40 minutes. At the end of this period, the putty is considered unusable, since it cannot be re-diluted with water.

Apply the mixture using the following technology (video instructions will simplify the task):

  1. Putty is poured into the tray for painting mixtures.
  2. Use a medium spatula to scoop up the mixture and spread it into the seam in a circular motion.
  3. Check that the seam is filled with the compound.
  4. Cut off the connecting serpentine, paste it onto the seam, press it in and cover it again with a layer of the mixture.
  5. Spread the putty layer, check its height using a level, and repeat the treatment.
  6. If this is a joint between a wall and a plasterboard ceiling, the procedure is carried out in the same way, using an angle spatula and corners for strengthening.

Paper tape is also suitable for reinforcement, which significantly increases the strength of the seam, but requires certain preparation (soaking, smearing with glue, leveling).

The final stage is sanding the finished surface after the day required for it to dry completely. For this purpose, regular sandpaper with a grit value of 240 is suitable. High-quality sanding will give the seams and the ceiling as a whole a finished, neat look. Work is carried out wearing a protective mask due to the abundance of dust generated in the process.

Drywall as a building material is very good. It is installed quickly, with virtually no “wet” processes. You can create any designs and shapes. But there is one problem that is sometimes not so easy to solve. This is sealing drywall seams. If it is not done according to the rules, after some time cracks will appear at the seams between the sheets of drywall.

On a plasterboard ceiling, the seams between the sheets should not be noticeable

How to seal drywall seams: choosing tools and putty

The work of sealing seams is a painstaking task that does not tolerate fuss and negligence.

A spatula is the main tool that is useful for work. Everyone chooses the spatula that is most convenient for working. Some people work with a narrow spatula, while others prefer a wide one. That's not the point. The main thing is the flexibility of the blade. Test it by holding the handle and blade - it should bend easily.

In addition to the tool, it is important to choose a putty for drywall. Many people simply treat the joints with finishing putty. This is wrong, especially if the surface is being prepared for painting. So, the choice of putty depends on the further finishing of the walls or plasterboard ceiling.

If the surface is being prepared for painting, the seams must be filled with a special putty for seams. Uniflot putty from Knauf is excellent for these purposes. This is a rather expensive putty, but if you are preparing a surface for painting, it makes sense to purchase it. In this case, the seams most likely will not crack, and this is very important for a surface to be painted. Professional drywall craftsmen, when preparing the surface for painting, use material only from this company.

If you are preparing the surface for subsequent wallpapering, it is not necessary to use such putty; a regular finishing or cheaper starting putty will be enough. You will also need tapes, reinforcing mesh or sickles, which will be used to glue the longitudinal and transverse seams.

Some craftsmen successfully use ordinary paint to seal drywall seams. paper tape.

To stir the putty, you will need an electric drill with a special attachment, as well as a container for preparing the putty.

Sealing drywall seams: description of the process

Gluing tape or bandaging is one of the stages of sealing seams between sheets of drywall

Having prepared the putty mixture, put it on the end of a spatula and apply it with longitudinal movements onto the surface of the seam so that the width of the strip exceeds the gap between the sheets of drywall. Try to press the putty mixture into the seam. If the seam length exceeds 3 m, divide the surface into sections to work on.

Cut a piece of paper tape or mesh along the entire length of the seam and glue it to the joint of the drywall sheets. Try to glue so that the joint runs in the middle of the tape.

It is, of course, more difficult to seal joints on the ceiling. First of all, it's inconvenient. Secondly, the putty mixture does not adhere sufficiently to the drywall and falls down. It is necessary to press the spatula to the surface of the ceiling at the beginning of the seam and move it along, increasing the pressure. This will prevent the putty from falling and the surface of the joint will become smooth.

How to choose a good reinforcing mesh? Take it in your hands, crumple it, pull it up a little, evaluate the stretch and shift of the cells, and then straighten the mesh again. If it is elastic and not frayed, then it is suitable for work.

How to trim corners correctly

If all the rules are followed, the seams between the sheets of drywall will be completely invisible

First, spread the putty along one side of the spatula, and then transfer it to one side of the corner and inside the seam. Repeat the same on the other side of the corner. If you work in this sequence, you can avoid overusing putty.

After cutting a piece of tape to length, fold it in half and apply it to the corner. Apply putty to each side of the tape one by one and pull it through with a spatula.

Close up in the same way internal corners along the ceiling. To close up external corners, attach a metal corner to them. It can be secured with screws. Apply a layer of putty with a wide putty knife, working first on one side of the corner and then on the other.

Sandpaper is used to sand the sealed areas. Remember that sanding produces quite a bit of dust, so wear a respirator. Drywall should be primed after sanding. Only after this the surface is considered ready for painting or decorative plaster.

Tape for sealing seams greatly simplifies the work and allows you to get a better result.

Even if all the rules are followed, cracks often appear on the surface of the drywall after sealing the seams. This is not surprising: when the temperature changes, any material changes size. Temperature changes can be several degrees. Micro-shears of sheets lead to cracks at the seams. To minimize the likelihood of occurrence, try to fill the seams well with putty.

It is advisable to seal drywall seams with putty after constant humidity and temperature have been established in the room. In this case there will be no cracks. But constant temperature and humidity indicators are observed only in rooms that are equipped with serious ventilation and air conditioning systems, so implementing such recommendations in practice is very problematic.

You may be misled by a similar inscription on the packaging of the putty: for sealing seams on drywall without reinforcing tape. Don't think that this means that you will putty on the walls and there won't be any cracks. Most likely, this putty is simply not intended for reinforcing tape, since it will not be able to hold it.

Technology for sealing drywall seams: video instructions

Drywall is a fairly popular building material today, because with its help you can create almost any structure and shape. It is especially advantageous because it is quite easy and quick to install. Some difficulties can only be caused by sealing the seams between the sheets of this material. But still, this procedure is not too complicated, it is quite accessible to do it yourself without the involvement of professionals. The main thing you need to pay attention to is compliance with the work technology, because mistakes made will inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks at the joints.

Necessary conditions for performing work

Before you start sealing the joints between the sheets, you need to comply with a certain temperature regime and humidity conditions. The temperature in the room where repairs are being carried out should not be below 10 degrees. And all wet work must be completed by this time.

An important condition is maintaining a constant temperature in the room after sealing the joints. It is also necessary to avoid possible drafts during work and until the putty has dried.

Advice. Before sealing joints, it is advisable to make sure that all sheets of material are rigidly fastened to the base, otherwise the layer of putty at the seam will quickly collapse. If necessary, it is better to tighten the heads of the screws securing the drywall so that they do not protrude on the surface.

How to seal seams: choosing a tool and putty

To seal seams at the joints of sheets, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • spatula - one familiar to the hand with a flexible blade, or two - narrow and wide;
  • reinforcing mesh - can be replaced with ordinary paper tape;
  • edge plane or drywall knife;
  • putty.

Required Tools

It matters right choice putties for sealing joints. Many people use finishing putty in such work, which is not always correct. Here everything depends on the further finishing of the walls and ceiling, what exactly this surface is being prepared for - for painting or. A putty specifically designed for sealing seams is best, especially if you plan to paint the walls or ceiling. If the surface will be covered with wallpaper in the future, you can use either the finishing or starting wallpaper.

Attention! You should not save on reinforcing the seams between plasterboard slabs. Joints sealed without the use of special reinforcing mesh or tape may subsequently crack.

How to seal joints in drywall with your own hands

First, you need to clean the joints from dust with a slightly damp cloth or using a vacuum cleaner. The plasterboard slabs themselves may have a special thinning along the edge, which is filled with putty and facilitates the process of leveling the surface. If there is no thinning on the edge, the edges of the sheets of material must be cut with a plane or knife at an angle of 45 degrees. Then this place can be primed so that the putty adheres better to the surface of the material and allowed to dry.

First, treat the edge of the drywall

The seam sealing process itself must be performed in the following sequence:

Advice. If the first time it was not possible to lay the reinforcing tape evenly, it is better not to correct it, but to completely remove it and do everything again.

Sealing the seams of drywall sheets at the corners

Corner gaps at the junction of plates are sealed slightly differently than conventional seams between sheets of material. When filling them with putty mixture you must:

  • first apply a little putty to both surfaces, leveling alternately on both sides;
  • folding the reinforcement tape in half, lay it along the corner seam, fixing it with pressure and removing excess putty mixture;

Working with a fillet weld

  • after the putty mixture has dried, sand the treated surface to remove any unevenness with coarse sandpaper;
  • Apply a thin final layer of putty on top with a slightly wider coverage of the surface and carefully level it to a uniform structure.

If the length of the seams for sealing exceeds 3 m, it is better to divide them into sections for work, performing each separately. By doing this, you can get neater joints. And to quickly understand how to properly seal seams in drywall, you can watch a video on this topic that will help you visualize all the stages of this work.

Installation of reinforcing tape

As you can see, the process of sealing drywall seams does not present any particular difficulties. You can easily handle this work yourself. But if you have doubts about your abilities, then it is better, of course, to turn to the help of professionals or at least get advice from those who have already done such work with their own hands.

Sealing drywall seams: video

Sealing drywall seams with your own hands: photo

Drywall seams at the final stage of installation require finishing so that the surface becomes smooth and neat. But what other tricks and secrets does this technology hide? In the article we will tell you why, how to properly, and what means are best to seal the seams, and whether it is possible to do without this procedure.

Joints formed during installation of gypsum boards

No matter how correctly the frame for drywall is made, a seam remains between two adjacent sheets. The size of the joints depends on the characteristics of the material itself, which has various types edges During installation, these edges create visible indentations on the surface, which can only be removed during the finishing process.

Uneven seams are formed if the frame is not rigid enough or few profiles are taken for its construction - under the weight of the gypsum board these metal structures are deformed, causing the edges of the slabs to stick out unevenly. Another factor in the formation of seams is the loss of linear dimensions of gypsum board sheets as a result of temperature changes. Microshifts of the sheets in this case lead to the formation of cracks.

If you do not seal such seams, then:

  • it will not be possible to achieve a flat surface;
  • the material will deteriorate, because the edges will become exposed direct influence environmental factors (getting wet, drying out, etc.);
  • When painting or wallpapering, stains will appear on the surface and the finish will move away from the surface.

What products will help hide joining seams?

To finish the seams you will need the following materials:

  • Perforated paper or reinforcing serpyanka tape for reliable fastening of drywall seams. It is able to withstand high tensile loads, protects sheet joints from the appearance of cracks during microshears, and is used to ensure adhesion between the putty layer and gypsum board.

Serpyanka ribbon
  • Putty is one of the most important components in this chain with which seams are sealed. Most high-quality compositions– Uniflot or Fugen (Knauf brands) – easy to apply, do not shrink and do not crack over time, provide low consumption, high strength, and a smooth hard surface.
  • The primer is used to protect the material from mold and mildew, to increase resistance to moisture, to ensure adhesion of the finishing layer to plasterboard sheets and to reduce material costs. Apply the primer in two layers, it is preferable to use an acrylic mixture of the Knauf, Belinka, LNPP brands.
  • The plaster serves as a finishing coating, creates a smooth surface, protects the gypsum board and increases its adhesion to the subsequent applied layer.

Read also:– causes and solution to the problem

Most Popular plaster mixture– Rotband (Knauf, Germany). Its advantages are a wide range of surfaces to be treated and fast drying time (from 25 to 45 minutes). Plaster is made on the basis of gypsum, so it allows the walls to breathe. Moisture resistant. Used as finishing decorative covering or serves as a layer between gypsum board and wallpaper, paint or tiles.

The main feature when working with Rotband is that the composition must be applied quickly or diluted in small portions, since the mixture sets quickly.

Finishing materials produced by Knauf

How seam finishing technology works: practical tips

Finishing stages:

  • the surface of the plasterboard is cleaned of dust and dirt (with a vacuum cleaner or a dry cloth);
  • run your hand along the surface of the sheet - if the heads of the screws are touched, they need to be tightened;
  • a chamfer is cut from gypsum board sheets at an angle of 45 degrees, with a width and depth of no more than 5 mm, so that the plasterboard sheets do not cling to the edges in the event of micro-shear and chips do not appear;
  • then the surface of the gypsum board is coated with the first layer of primer;
  • dilute the putty, apply perpendicular movements to the seam at the joints, pressing inward;
  • let the putty set (but not dry), apply reinforcing or paper tape to the seam, press it - it should immediately stick to the solution;
  • another layer of putty is applied over the tape, carefully leveling, but so that the tape is not visible, the mixture is pulled out and leveled until the surface becomes even;
  • The joint between the wall and the gypsum board is sealed in the same way, only the tape is folded in the corner so that it folds in half;
  • screw caps are puttied;
  • After the putty has completely dried, carefully sand the seams;
  • after sanding, apply a second layer of primer;
  • when there's nothing left on the wall dark spots from the primer mixture, the surface of the sheet is covered with Rotband, carefully leveling.

Room ready for final plastering

After this stage finishing GKL sheets are considered completed. It is not necessary to additionally treat the layer of plaster; you can use it as a front covering or decorate it with tiles, wallpaper, or tinting. You will see how all the stages of finishing take place, from puttying the seams to applying the decorative layer, in the video below.

In conclusion

In the end, we’ll tell you about the little helpers in this matter: a spatula, a brush or a roller. You will need two types of spatula: one narrow (100 mm) - designed specifically for sealing seams, the second wide (250 mm) - for rubbing putty and plaster over the surface of the sheet.

The blade should be flexible to make the solutions easier to apply.

For priming, you will need a brush or roller, but in order to save material and even distribution, the latter is preferable. The use of these tools, materials and technology will help keep the surface smooth for a long time, free from small cracks and other flaws.

– a necessary measure if you want to end up with a flat wall or ceiling.
