What kind of plastic compound for PVC corrugated pipes? PVC corrugated pipes

Polyvinyl chloride has long ceased to be just a name chemical element. This polymer has become indispensable in our everyday life and construction. AND pipes, which are mounted under the cable routing, is a clear confirmation of this. After all PVC corrugated pipe is a truly indispensable building material for the described types of installation work.

Depending on the features pipe designs there are three types:

  • super heavy;
  • heavy;
  • lungs.

The first is represented by a dense and reinforced structure. This product is used for laying wiring under the load of earth or concrete. In the first case, we are talking about burying the cable in the ground. And in the second - under concrete floors or transport asphalt highways. Often this type of pipe is used during construction to insulate the electrical network of important social facilities: schools, hospitals, kindergartens, maternity hospitals, etc.

Heavy pipes buried in the ground, but in a small layer. This product allows you to protect wiring from moisture and harmful microorganisms.

Lightweight ones are often used when installing wiring in buildings and residential buildings. Main task Such protective mechanisms protect the network from moisture and dust.

In construction, PVC corrugated pipe has various areas applications. However, the use as a protective tray for wiring is one of the advantages.

For such an application, it is very important to calculate everything correctly. We are talking about the diameter of the section. To avoid emergency situations It is important that the cable is located spaciously and does not touch or become jammed.

Corrugated pipe is an excellent organization material protective measures, which allow you to anticipate:

  • negative weather conditions;
  • moisture ingress into wiring cables;
  • household dust pollution;
  • ingress of household chemicals (often detergent and abrasive);
  • electrical voltages up to 2 thousand volts.

The polymer also has a sufficient service life of five decades, has high environmental friendliness, is non-toxic and very practical. The increased flexibility of the building material allows you to lay the cable in any hard to reach places. This is very convenient for newly built buildings.

Such PVC have a fairly wide scope of application. In addition to the described use, they are used for installation of water supply, sewerage and casing pipes.

All characteristics allow us to conclude that there are significant advantages of using corrugated PVC pipes before other materials.

The corrugated pipe system (series: FL, FН, ВL, ВH) is a professional cable support system for hidden / open electrical wiring in walls (on walls), ceilings (on ceilings), floors of residential, administrative and industrial premises.

The system consists of corrugated plastic pipes different diameters and external and internal distribution boxes and shields.

The purpose of the corrugated pipe system is to provide a reliable electrical wiring system with guaranteed savings in labor costs and installation time.

The system planning process can be carried out both at the design stage or the first stages of construction, and during on-site reconstruction. At the same time important detail, is the ability to add and replace wires and cables at any time. All components of the system are additional insulators, and the properties of the material eliminate the possible fire of the cable from short circuit flame spread through pipes and cables.

System characteristics:
- Diameter of corrugated pipes: 16-50 mm
- Option: with or without probe
- Material: self-extinguishing PVC composition and HDPE composition (polyethylene)
- Mechanical strength: 350-750N / 5cm
- Insulation resistance: not less than 100Mohm
- Dielectric strength: not less than 2000V
- Installation temperature: from - 25C to +60C
- Degree of protection: IP55
- Dimensions of boxes (AxBxN): 80x80x36 - 310x240x125 mm
- Number of sealed entries: 4-10
- Degree of protection: IP44 - IP55
- Application: - for external wiring
- For internal wiring

System advantages:

The corrugated pipe system is more practical solution during installation and operation.
- Significantly cheaper than traditional analogues, such as: metal hose and metal pipes.
- The system of pipes and components represents a hidden / open highway, therefore, if it is necessary to expand the cable network, the wires are laid in the same pipes without destroying the surface of the walls.
- Has high resistance to aggressive environments and eliminates corrosion.
- Corrugated pipe systems do not require grounding.
- Corrugated pipes equipped with a steel broach (probe) for quick and easy pulling of cables and wires. Using a probe, you can repeatedly pull the cable through pipes.
- The pipe material is an excellent dielectric and also protects networks from damage and moisture penetration, which is especially important when leakage currents occur.
- System components are an integral part of electrical installations in monolithic walls, on them or in plasterboard partitions and false ceilings.
- The system is lightweight and convenient for installation, transportation and storage.
- Corrugated pipes of the system have high plastic characteristics. This in turn leads to solving problems when the geometry of the premises is violated.
- A wide range of boxes and pipe fastening components are available.
- Pipes are made in various colors.

The system is certified in accordance with the following standards:

  • against fire safety RF
  • Gosstandart of the Russian Federation (GOST-R)
  • Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation

Flexible corrugated pipes (corrugation) made from self-extinguishing PVC plastic are intended for laying replaceable electrical wiring. For ease of cable pulling, corrugated pipes can be equipped with probes (pulling) made of metal wire. Network wiring should be done with non-flammable or low-flammable cables (wires). Simultaneous pulling of several networks in one corrugation and laying of networks with direct or alternating current voltage of more than 1000 volts is not allowed.

One linear meter corrugated pipes (corrugations) should be fixed 3 pcs. mounting clips of the appropriate diameter. During installation, avoid sharp corners. The maximum number of angles when installing corrugated pipes with a length of 25 m is no more than 5. When laying corrugated pipes with a length of more than 25 meters, installation (junction) boxes should be used.

ambient operating temperature range— from -40°С to +45°С.
permissible temperature environment, during installation— from -5°С to +90°С.
heat and fire resistant- according to GOST R 50827 (IEC 670-89).
platicate color— RAL 7035 (gray).
mechanical strength— 350N per 5 cm at +20°C.
technical specifications— TU 2247-001-58170273-2003.
probe (broach)— from steel wire class 2 with a diameter of 0.9 mm according to GOST 9389-75.
bend radius— 3 pipe diameters.
degree of protection from environmental influences— IP55 according to GOST 14254 (IEC 529),
while providing protection to other network elements.
shelf life— 2 years (in manufacturer’s packaging).

Due to their low weight and many other technical characteristics, polyvinyl chloride pipes are one of the best solutions for laying systems for various purposes. Installation work is not accompanied by difficulties, but you need to know what features a PVC pipe has. Among the additional features of the described products are:

  • long service life;
  • affordable price;
  • light weight;
  • ease of installation.

The low weight allows installation without the use of special fasteners. In addition, you don’t need expensive tools; you can lay the pipeline yourself, saving your money. One of the significant advantages is the absence of disadvantages that are characteristic of cast iron and metal pipes.

That is why these pipes are increasingly used in many areas of human activity, replacing products made from other materials. After all, they are more durable, do not require complex and expensive maintenance, and they can be installed at minimal cost.


PVC pipes have outstanding operational features. They are characterized by high annular rigidity, thanks to which the products are able to withstand internal pressure of up to 120 atmospheres. The pipes are extremely resistant to temperature deformation. When heated, the pipe expands by only 5% of its original volume. As for frost resistance, PVC is not so resistant to such influences. Therefore, this material must be accompanied by thermal insulation.

The pipe must not be cooled below -15 °C. PVC pipes do not have such good heat resistance. The material begins to lose its rigidity when exposed to temperatures above 78 °C. External and internal surfaces have minimal roughness, this prevents silting of the pipeline. The construction material can have quite impressive light transmittance. You can find transparent PVC pipes on sale, but in most cases the products are supplied painted. But even in this state, polyvinyl chloride is able to resist ultraviolet radiation better than other types of plastic.

Water does not change its properties when transported through PVC pipes. This indicates that communications of this type can be used to pump not only technical, but also drinking water. Among the main advantages of such pipes are inertness to the transported medium and high annular rigidity, which makes it possible to lay high-pressure pipelines.

As for hot water supply systems, polyvinyl chloride cannot be used in them, since temperature limit pipeline operating temperature is only 40 °C. While in free-flow systems other advantages are required from pipes, among them the minimum wall thickness and high smoothness of the internal surface should be highlighted. As for the thickness, it can vary from 1.5 to 6 mm. These properties make it possible to install sewer system impressive length. As a result, it is possible to obtain systems with a small pipeline cross-section that are capable of discharging a significant volume of wastewater.

Some characteristics of free-flow polyvinyl chloride pipes

Free-flow PVC pipes can be laid and connected to each other using O-rings. This installation method is acceptable for outdoor and internal systems. Gravity pipes have a thickened socket at one end, the diameter of which can vary from 63 to 315 mm. Such pipelines can be operated at a maximum operating pressure of 0.63 MPa. However, the pipe itself can withstand up to 20 MPa.

Characteristics of PVC

PVC pipes can also be pressure pipes. They have the ability to endure impressive pressure, so adhesive products are used to assemble pipelines. They are similar to bell ones, but at their end there is a special thickening in the form of a bell.

The diameter of a pressure-type polyvinyl chloride pipe can vary from 10 to 90 mm. In accordance with GOST, 11 original standard sizes can be counted. Maximum working pressure is 2 MPa. If this value is exceeded, the adhesive seam will not be able to cope with the load. On sale you can also find a pipe without a socket; it is used when assembling a system of the following types of fittings:

  • sealing;
  • threaded;
  • adhesive.

Diameter smooth pipes varies from 10 to 315 mm. Such products can be used not only in pressure, but also in non-pressure systems.

Corrugated PVC pipes: properties

PVC corrugated pipe has the ability to self-extinguish; this is a priority that is one of the most important when laying electrical wiring. The pipe does not burn, but melts and smolders, completely extinguishes and stops the fire. Such pipes are durable, they have a crack-resistant, moisture-repellent surface that does not corrode, does not lose properties and does not dry out throughout its entire service life.

Electrotechnical pipes corrugated polyvinyl chloride thermoplastic. They respond minimally to temperature changes. operation may vary from -20 to +80 °C. As for installation, it must be done at temperatures from -5 to +60 °C. Among other things, polyvinyl chloride acts as a dielectric, which indicates its insulating abilities.

Installation features

The pressure pipeline starts from the source and ends at the tap. The gravity pipeline at the beginning has a PVC-type siphon, while at the end there is a septic tank buried in the ground. To connect the septic tank and siphon, it is necessary to arrange a winding line that will include fittings and pipes. The installation process can be carried out using one of three technologies. The first involves the use of a socket, the second - cold welding, while the third - threaded fittings.

Features of installation of PVC sewer pipes

The PVC sewer pipe is laid using a certain technology. At the first stage, the elements must be adjusted to each other and checked whether the slopes and angles correspond. Next, markings are carried out so as not to get confused in a large number components. The elements are connected to each other, it is important at this stage to check that the pipe fits 2/3 into the socket without force.

To ensure tightness, the connections are glued together with a special compound. In order to increase adhesion, the mating areas should be roughened. Once the adhesive is applied, the fitting can be put on. After completing the installation work, you need to check the system for leaks. If no leak is found, then installation work were carried out successfully.

Assembly into a socket

PVC pipes (GOST 51613-2000) can be assembled into a socket. For T-shaped insertion of one branch into another, tee fittings are required. An O-ring should be placed in the socket, and the smooth end of the pipe should be installed in the sealing socket. The ring will hold the smooth part and seal the joint.

Assembly using cold welding

Installation with cold welding can be practiced when laying a pipeline, when it is necessary to provide an angular connection or insertion. If in the latter case it is used, then in the former you can get by with adhesive fittings and smooth pipes.

Assembly using glue is as follows. At the first stage, it is necessary to cut the end and calibrate, that is, clean and remove burrs. The technician should check the immersion depth of the smooth end and then mark it.

After this, the outer surface of the smooth end is treated with a solvent, and the joint is cleaned. A similar action must be carried out with the inner surface of the fitting and socket. As soon as cleaning has been carried out, a special glue must be applied to the surface of the fitting and pipe, which should cover inner surface and a marked area. At the final stage, the pipe must be pressed into the socket or fitting to the depth marker, and then rotated around its axis, this will allow the adhesive to be distributed evenly.


If you decide to purchase a PVC pipe, the price of this product should interest you. For example, a corrugated pipe for laying electrical wiring can be purchased for 10.67 rubles. per meter IN in this case We are talking about a product whose diameter is 25 mm. a line made of corrugated PVC pipe will cost the consumer 16.73 rubles. per meter But you can buy a light rigid pipe for electrical wiring for 17.15 rubles. per meter

Fire resistant cable line, which is lightweight and rigid, will cost 26.89 rubles. per meter Its diameter is 25 mm. Fire resistance corresponds to classes E60-E90. You can purchase a pipe for laying electrical wiring in a package - a coil (25 m). The product has a probe and the pipe diameter is 25 mm. You can purchase a PVC pipe of this type for 333.38 rubles. per package.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) has excellent technical characteristics, due to which pipes made from it are extremely in demand in construction. PVC pipes for electrical wiring fully comply with the requirements for this type of product when laying electrical networks: they provide simple installation, the ability to replace the cable if necessary, reliable insulation and even aesthetics. What other advantages do PVC pipes have for laying cables, what types are on the market, and how to install them when arranging power supply, you can find out from our article.

Characteristics of electrical PVC pipes

The electrical pipe is made of self-extinguishing polyvinyl chloride and high and high polyethylene low pressure. These materials are endowed with technical characteristics that allow the installation of pipes of this type to create cable support systems. In addition, the PVC electrical pipe serves as an additional layer of insulation for the cable, provides fire resistance and protects the wiring from mechanical damage.


PVC pipes have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • durable: they have original strength, are not subject to corrosion, are resistant to humid and aggressive environments, and to ultraviolet radiation;
  • hygienic and environmentally friendly;
  • easy to install: lightweight, easy to saw, glue, solder;
  • have a low deformation coefficient;
  • do not bear a significant load on the structure;
  • provide (with appropriate accessories) complete tightness, in which the cable is reliably protected from the penetration of dust and moisture;
  • practical: they have low price, during operation they do not require painting or other maintenance.

In addition, cable installation with their use is carried out quickly and efficiently, this is facilitated by the absence of roughness on the inner wall of the pipe. Such systems are practical to use, since the electrical wiring in them is replaced without the need to open the trench and dismantle the ceiling.

Due to these qualities, PVC pipes for cable laying have no alternative today. They are an indispensable component of power supply systems and are successfully used in the construction of residential, industrial and administrative facilities.

PVC electrical pipe is non-flammable, it has the highest fire safety category among polymer analogues.


Electrical PVC pipes are usually divided into two main categories:

  1. smooth hard (smooth-walled);
  2. corrugated (flexible corrugated pipes).

Rigid PVC pipe for cable is mainly used in outdoor building structures, corrugated pipe - when laying electrical supply systems inside ceilings (under plaster, in a floor screed, etc.).

Also, their classification is determined according to GOST 18599-83, which distinguishes 4 categories of electrical pipes:

  • T – heavy;
  • C – average;
  • SL – medium-light;
  • N – non-standard.

They can be produced with different diameters: 8 ÷ 250 mm; with different wall thicknesses and different colors.

The corrugated PVC pipe with a probe for cable pulling deserves special attention. The advantageous feature of this model is the presence of a special rigid steel wire, which greatly facilitates the process of installing the wire inside the cable support system.

The corrugated pipe is attached to the supporting planes using special latches-clips, which are easily detached if it is necessary to change the direction of the cables or move part of the wiring to another place.

Installation of cable in PVC pipe

Use of components

The advantage of laying cables in PVC pipes (compared to metal ones) is obvious:

  • PVC electrical pipe is cheaper;
  • does not require grounding;
  • under normal use it can last up to 50 years;
  • can be operated at temperatures from –25 to + 70 0 C;
  • do not form or accumulate condensation;
  • do not require expensive welding;
  • do not require maintenance.

In addition, when using these pipes, the cost of the project is significantly reduced; insulation for PVC pipes is not needed, it itself plays the role of protection, therefore the cable can be used in a lightweight design.

For open wiring(walls, ceilings), according to current standards, a smooth PVC pipe is used for the cable; for laying the cable inside structures made of fireproof materials, a corrugated pipe is used.

When installing power supply on wooden and other combustible substrates, only metal pipes or metal hose should be used!

To implement high-quality installation It is recommended to use additional components, which are selected based on the diameter and model of the pipe. These include tees, connectors, turns, crosses, dowel-ties, clips, etc. Consultants from the Electrical Installation Products Department will help you select all the necessary parts.

Installation technology

The installation process looks like this:

  1. Mark the future placement of pipes with electrical cables. In this case, the distance from the heating elements must be at least 0.5 m so that the cables do not heat up. The locations of the panel boxes are also noted.
  2. Define required quantity fastening elements at the rate of 1 fastener for every 10-15 cm of pipe.
  3. Prepare all the necessary elements and check that the voltage in the electrical network does not exceed 1500 V.
  4. If necessary, cut the products into sections of the required length.
  5. They prepare the products - straighten the wires, and, if necessary, clean the inner surface of the pipes.
  6. Pull the cable through the pipeline elements, and then install its sections in accordance with the diagram.

Installation of the PVC pipeline must be carried out with a slope in order to avoid the accumulation of condensate in it.

  1. The pipeline is fastened at regular intervals in accordance with the markings.
  2. Panel boxes are installed in which the cables being laid are connected into nodes.
  3. Check the reliability of the insulation between the laid wires.

Installation subtleties

A smooth or corrugated pipe for electrical wiring is laid taking into account the following important points:

  • When installing pipes in the floor or brick wall use metal brackets; you can fill the system only after it is securely fastened.
  • When a pipe passes from the floor to the wall or when it enters a slab cavity, use special corrugated connectors.
  • Do not allow any creases to form, as this will make it difficult to pull the cable later.
  • To connect two points in a straight line, always use whole pieces pipes.
  • When cutting the broach with a side cutter, do not let the wire go inside the pipe; you will have to remove it by making an additional cut on the pipe.
  • If the pipe kit does not include a special probe, use an elastic metal or nylon broach. It must first be run into the pipe, and then the cable attached to it must be pulled through.
  • The wires must be prepared for pulling; to do this, they must be secured in several places with PVC electrical tape.
  • To prevent the harness from slipping, it is necessary to securely connect it to the broach. To do this, wrap the wire around the bundle and tighten it with pliers. The ends of the cable should not stick out in different directions, otherwise pulling will be impossible.

It is more convenient to pull the cable together. If you do the work alone, then the broach must be securely attached to the permanent structure.

The main purpose of corrugated pipe is to lay internal cable systems, but some models can be used for external underground laying. Such models are double-walled corrugated pipes with a diameter of up to 200 mm.

Standard PVC pipe for cable is used not only for laying electrical power cables, but also for laying low-current cables: telecommunications, telephone, communication and alarm cables.
