Which cement to choose for foundation construction? Types of cement - which is better The best cement on the market in terms of quality.

Cement refers to the most popular building materials. It belongs to the group of hydraulic binders that are used in the fastening process various surfaces. The properties of this material vary greatly depending on the required tasks. To find out which cement is better for the foundation, you need to understand the types of cement, its brands and main characteristics.

Cement is a free-flowing dark gray powder. This is the main component of concrete. It is mixed with sand, water and crushed stone, resulting in a monolithic composition that can withstand significant loads.

Features of cement for foundations

On the packaging of cement there is marking, which helps determine the percentage of additives and loads that future structures can withstand.

When choosing cement for pouring the foundation, you need to knock on the bag to determine the degree of flowability of the material. If the consistency of the composition contains fossils, then such a product is not worth purchasing. Availability lumps in powder talks about too long term cement storage. When choosing products you need to consider resistance to aggressive factors.

The cement must have the following characteristics:

The advantages of cement mixtures include:

Calculation of cement for the foundation

For many brands of cement, certain values ​​are already provided, which are taken as the main measure when constructing a foundation:

Certain additives influence the improvement of cement quality. There are special components that allow the solution to be used at very low temperatures. For the construction of foundations for buildings, the grade of cement for the foundation is M300 and higher.

Knowing the cement consumption for cubic meter, you can calculate how much you will need building material. Running simple calculation of the amount of sand and cement with the addition of crushed stone: For one part of cement, take three parts of sand and five parts of gravel. In this case, water must be added until the solution has a medium consistency.

When deciding what kind of cement is needed for the foundation, you need to pay attention to the quality of sand and crushed stone. There should be no clay substances in the sand, since it reduces astringent properties cement. It is also worth considering that the cement fraction does not exceed 40 mm.


There are more than 30 types of cement in the construction industry. The most commonly used types are:

There are many types of cement, so when choosing a material for a foundation, the most important parameter is the grade of cement for the foundation. Each of them has a certain strength class and frost resistance.

Brand selection

It is worth considering that damage to the packaging will cause the material to absorb moisture and become unusable within a few days. It is important to know how to calculate the cement for the foundation correctly in order to accurately calculate how many packages are needed and not buy material in reserve.

In addition to marking the cement, the bags are written additional indexes:

  • D0 indicates that the cement is without additives.
  • D20 indicates that the composition contains 20% additives.

Different abbreviations are also used. PC stands for Portland cement, Pl- frost-resistant and plasticized. If the soil is dry, then Portland cement is used.

The quality of the prepared concrete is influenced by the type of soil where construction work will be carried out. For rocky and sandy soils you can use concrete M250 or M200. It is worth considering that the grade of cement for the foundation M400 is used to create M200 concrete. In this case, the ratio of cement, crushed stone and sand is 1 to 4.8 and to 2.8. For M250 this ratio is 1:3.9:2.1.

When building the foundation on clay soils M300 concrete is used, which has more durable properties. It is obtained from M500 cement, and the ratio of the starting material, crushed stone and sand is 1 to 3.7 and to 1.9.

Before preparing the solution, you need to check the quality of the sand. The sand is poured into a tank of water and left for a day. If during this time the water has become cloudy, then the material cannot be used to prepare the foundation. You also need to check the quality of the cement. There shouldn't be any fossils in it. This material begins to harden in the corners of the package. Therefore, first all corners are checked for softness.

The best option Portland cement without additives is used for foundation construction. Pozzolanic and slag type of material can also be used.

The foundation is the foundation for every building. The durability and reliability of the structure depends on its quality. Therefore, the choice of cement must be taken responsibly. Knowing the brands and their characteristics will help you avoid mistakes when purchasing.

Updated: 09/18/2019 22:30:15

Expert: Boris Mendel

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Not a single construction site today can do without this important material like cement. Manufacturers every year improve manufacturing technologies, modernize equipment, which leads to the creation quality compounds. The scope of application of the product is very wide; the material is used not only on construction sites, but also in other industries. Therefore, each case requires cement with a certain set of characteristics. Before you head to the store or place an order online, you should listen to the advice of experts.

How to choose quality cement

  1. Cement composition. The basis of the cement composition is crushed inorganic substances, for example, limestone, clay, mineral additives and fillers. Depending on the recipe, there are many types of material. The most popular in our country is Portland cement. It is suitable for the construction and production of reinforced concrete structures. But sea water destroys concrete based on Portland cement.
  2. Strength. The most important characteristic any cement is strength. This indicator is included in the labeling of the material. M400 cement can withstand pressure of 32.5 MPa, this number is called the strength class. The 500th grade must correspond to strength class 42.5. Military cement (M600) has the highest strength. It can withstand a load of 52.5 MPa. The most commonly used cement brands in everyday life are M400 and M500.
  3. Purity. Another designation worries potential buyers. On the packaging, the manufacturer indicates a number next to the letter D. It indicates the content of additives. For example, in cement mixture D20 contains up to 20% fillers, plasticizers and other compounds. The D0 marking indicates the purity of the cement; it contains no additives.
  4. Curing speed. Depending on the type of work performed concrete mortar should harden faster or slower. Therefore, manufacturers offer cement modifications with different hardening rates. If the package is marked CEM I, then the concrete will harden as quickly as possible. For construction concrete M400 is considered normal marking CEM V.
  5. Packing. To package bulk and hygroscopic material, manufacturers use multilayer paper bags and sacks. Large packaging (50 kg each) is optimal for construction. And when small amounts of work are performed, it is more profitable to take packages weighing 5-30 kg.
  6. Best before date. Distinctive feature cement has a limited shelf life. The date of manufacture is indicated on the package, so when purchasing, you should calculate whether the composition will be used before the expiration date. Most often, the manufacturer guarantees the safety of the product from 3 to 6 months, and the time of transportation and storage in warehouses should be taken into account. Experts recommend checking the freshness of the composition yourself by hitting the corner of the bag with your hand. It is in these places that the cement begins to harden.

We have selected 11 of the best for our review. cement compositions. The distribution of places in the ranking was influenced by the opinion of the expert community and reviews of Russian consumers.

Rating of the best cement manufacturers

Nomination place product name price
The best cement brand M400 1 372 RUR
2 263 RUR
3 690 ₽
4 298 RUR
The best cement brand M500 1 382 RUR
2 311 RUR
3 379 RUR
4 255 ₽
The best cement brand M600 1 820 ₽
2 980 ₽
3 592 RUR

The best cement brand M400

Cement compositions of the M400 brand are intended for the preparation of medium-strength concrete. They are most often used when constructing screeds, constructing internal partitions, leveling surfaces with large differences. Experts noted several trusted manufacturers.

The leading position in the Russian construction market is held by the domestic company Eurocement Group. The most popular brand of cement is Eurocement M400 D20. The holding's production facilities are located in different regions countries. The composition with this designation is produced by such enterprises as Mordovcement, Mikhailovcement, Pikalevsky Cement. The product meets all the requirements of international standards, therefore it is exported to a number of neighboring countries. The building mixture is used in the construction industry and in industry. Cement is used to make floor slabs, reinforced concrete structures, foundations, walls, etc. The domestic product is moisture and frost resistant. The composition can be stored in closed bags for up to 6 months.


  • reasonable price;
  • water and frost resistance;
  • high quality;
  • wide scope of application.


  • not found.

Holtsim M400 cement is produced at the Shchurovsky plant in Kolomna. The company is part of the international concern LafargeHolcim, founded in Switzerland (1912). The products are distinguished by whiteness, the level of which in the M400 brand reaches 70-74%. Unique properties cement was obtained through the use of special clinker with a low iron content. To increase the coefficient of light reflection, additives such as diatomaceous earth and gypsum are added to the composition. The list of products also includes classic brands of Portland cement with a strength class of more than 32.5.

Cement Holtsim M400 has earned high marks from experts and users for its quality and strength. The product takes second place only due to its shortage in the retail network of provincial cities.


  • high quality;
  • white;
  • reasonable price;
  • versatility.


  • shortage in the trading network.

Experts recommend purchasing Portland M400 Hercules cement for pouring floor screeds. The product is highly durable after drying. Within a day you can continue repairs and perform other finishing work. The company's assortment includes different types of packaging; it is especially convenient to transport 5-kilogram white and blue bags with slots for fingers. The composition meets Russian standards, its strength class is more than 32.5. Therefore, the screed will serve for a long time, and cracks and chips will not appear on it.

Users are satisfied with the quality of the cement, its strength and durability. The product is in 3rd place in the ranking due to the large number of counterfeits in the construction market.


  • environmental friendliness;
  • high strength;
  • versatility of use;
  • not afraid of low temperatures.


Cement CEM II 32.5 (M400 D20) gray De Luxe

CEM II 32.5 cement (M400 D20) from Favorit LLC is distinguished by its stable quality and affordable price. It is sold in the retail chain under the brand TM "De Luxe". Through the use of innovative technologies, the manufacturer managed to occupy its niche in the domestic market. Experts highly appreciate the resistance of concrete to temperature changes and resistance to moisture. The cement ensures the strength of the solution at the level of 32.5, and it is worth noting the good adhesion of the composition.

Users like the speed of setting of the solution, the rapid increase in hardness, and the strength of the hardened concrete. Cement did not make it into the top three ratings due to one type of packaging (50 kg), as well as the need to work only at positive temperatures (above +5°C).


  • strength and durability of concrete;
  • good adhesion;
  • fast hardening;
  • reasonable price.


  • packaging in large bags;
  • installation work can be carried out at temperatures above +5°C.

The best cement brand M500

Cement grade M500 has increased strength and durability. This composition is recommended not only for creating internal screeds, but also for pouring foundations and erecting walls. Experts noted several high-quality products.

Many positive feedback comes from domestic consumers to Eurocement 500 Super cement. This brand is widely used in the construction of houses. The composition is suitable for laying foundations, for erecting brick and block walls, pouring screeds, etc. Experts highly appreciate the fact that the production of cement is carried out in accordance with GOST. The material corresponds to class 42.5. The resulting concrete solution is characterized by high mobility and fast setting. Therefore, the timing construction work manages to reduce. It is also worth praising the composition for its moisture and frost resistance.

Builders in reviews speak flatteringly about the concrete recipe that is given on the packaging. For quality and durability, the product wins first place in our rating.



  • not found.

Holcim ExtraCem M-500 cement stands out for its rapid hardening and durability. Concrete prepared on its basis can withstand high loads. It does not crack or delaminate. Therefore, experts recommend using the composition when constructing the foundations of multi-story buildings. The product class corresponds to 42.5. The manufacturer added special additives to the dry mixture that prevent cracking of the structure after drying.


  • strength and endurance;
  • can be used inside and outside buildings;
  • plasticity of the working solution;
  • resistance to cracking.


  • inconvenient packaging.

Another brand of cement from the Eurocement Group holding is included in our rating. This is the composition 500 Extra D20. It is produced at the enterprises of ZAO Maltsovsky Portland Cement and JSC Mikhailovcement. The product attracted the attention of experts with its hardening speed and high strength. With the prepared solution it is convenient to fill voids, it is easy to level, and has a minimum setting time. Cement can withstand low temperatures, so builders advise using it during winter concreting.

Users are satisfied with the quality of the cement, its hardness and strength. The disadvantage is that hardening slows down at low temperatures (below +10°C). One of the disadvantages is the high price.



  • high price;
  • slow hardening at low temperatures.

The cement Stone Flower M500 D20 has the best binding properties. The quality of products manufactured at the Stone Flower plant meets modern requirements domestic and foreign standards. In production we use only products that are safe for humans and environment raw materials. At each stage of production, strict control of compliance with technological discipline is organized. Therefore, experts recommend cement from this manufacturer for critical work. Special compounds are introduced into the composition, which increase the resistance of concrete to cracking and speed up the drying process.

The product is one step behind the leaders in the rating due to inconvenient large bags and limited shelf life.


  • ease of preparation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • suitable for indoor and outdoor use;
  • moisture and frost resistance.


  • uncomfortable bags;
  • limited shelf life.

The best cement brand M600

To create reinforced concrete structures with maximum strength, M600 grade cement is required. With its help, sculptors make monuments, steles and concrete figures for decorating garden plots. Experts paid attention to several compounds.

Widely popular on Russian market I use white cement from the Turkish company CimSa. The composition is intended primarily for carrying out finishing works. The company has long been operating in the European market and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Therefore, good contact has been established with dealers and end users. Experts consider the advantages of CimSa M600 cement to have an ideally smooth and even surface, no cracks after drying, and resistance to negative weather conditions. And in reinforced concrete structures white mixture protects steel reinforcement from corrosion. Cement is produced by the “dry method”, which makes the final product competitive on the Russian market.

fully complies with the requirements of international standards, and even far exceeds them. Along with aesthetic and decorative properties, cement can withstand very heavy loads. The whiteness index reaches 90%, the class corresponds to 52.5.

White cement is widely used in the construction of architectural and decorative concrete structures, the production of dry building mixtures And adhesive compositions, construction of monuments, sculptures, etc.


  • high aesthetic properties;
  • wide scope of application;
  • strength and endurance;
  • weather resistance.


  • high price.

The Russian "Production Company Rusean" has been working in the building materials market for more than 20 years. The main goal of the company is to produce high-quality goods at affordable prices. A striking example of the combination of price and quality is White Polymer Cement M600. The product is characterized by workability, ductility, good strength and ease of use. For these properties, experts gave the material the third line of the rating. The composition can be used for both interior and exterior work. It is resistant to negative external influences, maintaining excellent aesthetic qualities.

Users praise Russian composition for low shrinkage, fine grinding, frost resistance. The disadvantages include the high price and the need to use quartz sand.


  • fine grinding;
  • weather resistance;
  • white;
  • plastic.


  • high price;
  • You need to add quartz sand.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

When buying cement, many of us know very little about this building material. As a result brickwork, the foundation and mortar screeds are of poor quality and crack under the influence of load, frost and groundwater.

Ignorance of application specifics various types cement, its grades and characteristics lead to excessive consumption of this material.

Untimely use and improper storage lead to damage and loss of investment.

In order to confidently navigate when choosing cement for repairs, landscaping or new construction, let’s take a closer look at its classification, as well as strength and price indicators.

Cement is a powdered building material consisting of a binder base - clinker, filler and modifying additives. Upon contact with water, it turns into a plastic mass called cement paste. When hardened, it turns into durable stone.

Unlike other binders (gypsum, lime), all types of cement harden and gain the necessary strength not only in air, but also in water.

The main characteristic of any cement is its brand. This is a digital designation of its strength in the solid state, expressed in kg/cm2. The grade is determined in accordance with GOST standards by testing samples for bending and compression after 28 days of exposure. Rapid-hardening types of cement are tested for strength 3 days after preparing the solution.

Brands of this group of binding materials are designated in numbers from 100 to 900(in increments of 100 or 50 kg/cm2). Today, cement grades below 300 are not produced. The most popular on the market are M400 and M500. High-quality cements (from M600 and above) are used in military, mine, airfield and hydraulic engineering construction.

When buying a bag of cement in a store, you will see on it not only the brand designation, but also other abbreviations, the meaning of which we will now explain. In the retail network, Portland cement is most often sold, marked with the letters - PTs.

To regulate the setting speed, increase frost resistance and water permeability, special additives are introduced into the cement composition. They are designated by the letter D, after which the percentage of additives is indicated (0, 5, 10 or 20%). For example, Portland cement grade 400 with 20% chemical additives is labeled as follows: PC 400 D20.

Slag Portland cement

In addition to Portland cement, Portland slag cement is used in construction. In addition to clinker, granulated blast furnace slag is added to it in an amount of 30–65% of the total weight.

It is marked with the letters ШПЦ and differs from Portland cement in several important parameters:

  • resistant to soft river and aggressive sulfate groundwater;
  • low resistance to low temperatures;
  • gains strength slowly over the first 4 weeks;
  • withstands action without loss of strength high temperatures(from +600 to +800 C).

Listed technical specifications cement using slag allow us to draw two important conclusions: it should not be used to make concrete that will be used under low temperatures or be subject to periodic freezing and thawing.

IN cold season it is best used for preparing mortars and concrete laid in heated rooms, and for open works use in summer.

The light shade of Portland slag cement allows it to be used for preparing decorative mortars, saving on the purchase of expensive alkali-resistant dyes.

An important advantage of cement based on blast furnace slag is the low rate of loss of activity. Therefore, it can be stored longer than ordinary Portland cement.

The beginning of setting (hardening) of this cement occurs 3.5 hours after preparing the solution, and ends after 6 hours (air temperature +18 - +22C). By this time, the solution loses its plasticity, and any mechanical impact on it leads to irreversible destruction of the cement stone. With ordinary Portland cement, the setting process ends after about 2 hours.

Special types of cements

Since cement is used in all industries construction production, there are many varieties of this binder.

The most famous of them are:

  • Rapid hardening Portland cement, abbreviated as BTC. It gains 60% of brand strength within 3 days and is used for high-speed construction;
  • Sulfate-resistant cement (SSPC) used for massive foundations that experience the destructive effect of sulfate groundwater (dams, piers, breakwaters);
  • Cement using surfactants. If an additive is introduced into the composition that improves the plasticity and workability of the mortar, then the cement marking contains the letters PL. To reduce water permeability, a hydrofibizing substance is added, and the letters GF are added to the marking;
  • Portland cement cement. Used to isolate boreholes from groundwater penetration.
  • Waterproof Expanding Cement. Denoted by the letters VRTs. It has a very high density and is used for sealing cracks in reinforced concrete structures, waterproofing water pipes and mine structures;
  • White (BC) and colored cements. Used for cooking decorative concrete and mortars used for laying facade and facing bricks.

The cost of this material depends on its brand and type. In addition, the final price of cement is influenced by the reputation of the manufacturer (brand).

The price of one bag of Portland cement grade 500 (weight 50 kg) that does not contain additives (PTs M500-D0) ranges from 200 to 250 rubles.

Cement with additives is slightly cheaper. A 50-kilogram bag (M500, 20% additives) will cost you from 190 to 220 rubles.

A standard bag of M400 cement from different manufacturers costs from 160 to 190 rubles.

Prices for domestically produced white cement M500 start at 390 rubles. Turkish white cement M600 D0 (50 kg) is significantly more expensive. Its cost ranges from 540-570 rubles.

Consumption rates

When answering the question of how much cement is needed per cube of concrete, you need to take into account its brand and the required structural strength. Great value also has a release date, since this type of binder loses activity over time and is very sensitive to storage conditions.

Practice shows that it is more profitable to buy cement of a higher grade, since to prepare concrete or mortar of the same strength, it can be taken 15-20% less than low-grade cement.

For example, the cement consumption per 1 m3 of mortar of the “three hundredth” grade is: M500 - 500 kg, and M400 - 600 kg. To prepare one cubic meter of M200 concrete, you need to buy 400 kg of M500 cement or half a ton of M400 Portland cement.

To simplify the calculation of the composition of concrete or mortar, you can use the following formula: for structures that do not bear a large load (paths, floor screed, plaster), a ratio of M500 cement to sand of 1:5 is sufficient.

For foundations, floors and other critical structures, the proportion should be 1:2. For tub mortars, a ratio of 1:4 is usually used.

Deciding for yourself which cement is better to choose, remember that the date of its release is no less important than the brand. Even if all storage conditions are met, it loses about 10% of its activity every 30 days. This means that if 3 months have passed since the date of manufacture, then instead of the M500 you will buy the M350.

If the cement has been in the warehouse for six months, then its grade will not exceed 200 kg/cm2. It is unrealistic to make a high-quality solution, much less durable concrete, using such material. Therefore, before purchasing, ask the seller for a document that clearly indicates the date of manufacture.

Cement is an important building material, which, like lime, gypsum or clay, is an inorganic binder. You need to know what grades of this material there are and what they are best used for in order to determine which cement is best. At the same time, the products must not only be of high quality, but also be well preserved for a long time.

Like other materials used in construction, cement has differences in physical and technical characteristics, which depend on the conditions of its operation.

Which cement to buy – bagged or loose?

Despite the constant development and emergence of new technologies, construction is not complete without the use of cement mortar. This material is sold in loose form and in bags. Therefore, the question often arises, which option is better and of higher quality? There is a clear answer to this question - the best cement is in bags. In addition, it is the one that can most often be found on sale. They produce packaged material both abroad and in the CIS countries. It is sold in construction supermarkets, at special bases, as well as at cement factories.

Cement packaged in bags is of high quality and is better suited for storage.

It is also much more profitable to buy cement packed in bags because it is easier to store. But at the same time, the room where it will lie must meet certain criteria. It should be well ventilated and not damp, otherwise the cement will harden. It is advisable not to store this building material for more than six months - after this period it loses its basic qualities.

Cement packaged in bags can be different types, each of which has its own marking, depending on the strength of the finished material.

Before going on sale, all products undergo a thorough check at the factory, in accordance with which the manufacturer puts a GO on the bag, the corresponding brand, trademark and telephone number for consultation.

To avoid mistakes, it is best to purchase cement from well-known manufacturers in the construction market who value their reputation.

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Main signs of quality

Visual signs of high-quality cement can be seen already during construction work:

  • the mass should be dark in color;
  • the cement should dry quickly and be in good contact with the tools;
  • there should be no dry matter during compression;
  • Cement should set within 28 days;
  • brickwork for which the mortar was used, when used quality material will be durable.

The quality requirements for cement in accordance with the established regulations are as follows:

  • drying time;
  • grinding fineness;
  • consistency of the solution;
  • proper storage of various types;
  • alkali content.

There are different brands of this building material, which have an individual composition and are used for different purposes. To understand which cement is best suited in a particular situation, it is necessary to understand all types in more detail.

The main advantage of loose cement is its low cost.

Lumps most often appear in high-grade mixtures. To avoid water separation and enhance strength, an acceptable grind size should be around 350-380 sq.m./kg. In this case, the density of the dough is 25-26%. The cement should set within 4.5 hours, and hardening should usually occur in the third hour. If these requirements are met, then the necessary strength will be provided in the required time frame.

In accordance with SNiP 2.03.11-85, in order to avoid the appearance of cracks, the alkali content in cement should not exceed 0.6%. But in practice, you can effectively prevent a threat to strength if you stick to 0.7 - 0.72%. Storage conditions and shelf life, as well as the method of transportation, have a certain impact on quality.

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How to choose the best material?

If the material is manufactured in accordance with international standards, it must have an international certificate ISO-9000.

It is almost impossible for a non-professional to determine from external properties whether the cement chosen is good, so compliance with the declared characteristics must be determined in laboratory conditions. But at the same time, when purchasing it, it is still worth paying attention to some factors that will help you decide which brand of material is the best.

As mentioned above, the most acceptable option is prepackaged construction composition by bags. They should indicate the weight, manufacturer, GOST, brand of the product, as well as what additives are included in the composition, etc.

The seller selling this product must have documents confirming quality. If they are not there, this indicates the dubious origin of the material, which is not advisable to purchase.

Another important factor is price. When cement meets all requirements and has quality certificates, it cannot be cheap. It should be noted that its cost is approximately the same in all countries. But at the same time, delivery costs are also added to imported products. Therefore, if the cost of a foreign building material is low, there is reason to think that it contains components of poor quality, or the proportions were violated during the manufacturing process, there is underweight in the packaging, or the expiration date has long expired.

It is better to choose products that are produced by well-known brands that have an established reputation.

To fill the foundation, it is customary to buy the highest quality cement with a high grade of strength. This is due to frequent loads placed on the structure: the weight of the building, soil displacement, exposure to precipitation and capillary water, freezing of the base in winter time. Portland cement from M400 and above has proven itself, but in some cases it is allowed to use a less expensive brand. Each specific variety is selected according to the conditions of construction and operation; it is also important to comply correct proportions and carry out concreting taking into account the requirements of pouring technology.

The strength of cement is indicated by the letter index “M”, followed by an additional abbreviation: d0 - without additives, d20 - with 20% impurities. Varieties that have a specialized purpose are labeled separately, but they are rarely used when pouring foundations. When determining which cement is best for the foundation, the future load, the presence of a basement and soil conditions are taken into account. It is recommended to choose:

1. M200 - when pouring the base for prefabricated panel structures.

2. M250, M300 - for the foundation of a log house.

3. M350–M400 - for brick buildings. This is the minimum acceptable grade, suitable for the construction of buildings with a basement, bathhouse foundations and for objects on clay soils.

4. Portland cement M400 d0 - when mixing concrete for pouring the foundation of a private house, regardless of the number of storeys in an area with moving soil or high level groundwater.

5. PC M400 d20 - for the same structures, but with lower requirements for frost and water resistance. This brand of cement is recommended for preparing foundations and constructing small buildings.

A binder with a minimum strength of M100 is suitable only for pouring a concrete pad over a backfill of crushed stone and sand when constructing strip foundation types. In turn, Portland cement with a high grade (M500) is not economically profitable to use in private construction; it meets the requirements of industrial and residential construction. But if the other components in the concrete for pouring are inferior in quality (for example, crushed stone with low strength was purchased), then the use of an expensive type becomes not only justified, but also a necessary action. Recommended brand for columnar and pile foundations- Portland cement M400.

To correctly determine soil conditions and groundwater levels, they are measured; this is best done in the summer. For sedentary, dry and sandy soils, it is allowed to use cement for pouring the foundation with a strength of M250. For clay soils and loam minimum is M350. The same strength is the initial strength when building houses with a basement. For masonry mortar when constructing foundations from blocks, it is recommended to choose M400 cement without additives; in general, this brand is considered optimal in terms of the price/result ratio and meets almost any requirements of private construction.

The influence of slags and impurities

Despite the fact that for the foundation of a house it is better to use Portland cement without mineral additives (they lead to a decrease in the strength of structures), in some cases mixed varieties are also needed. Their main advantage is their cost-effectiveness (with the exception of formulations with modifying and specialized additives, they, on the contrary, are more expensive); the PPC M400 d20 brand is considered an example of a good price/quality ratio.

The advantages of using slag and pozzolanic cements include sulfate resistance; they should be chosen when there is a high proportion of salts in the soil or other aggressive influences. But they reach the required strength more slowly, so foundations are laid on their basis in the spring. Significant disadvantage cement mixed with slag reduces the frost resistance of concrete; it cannot be used on moving soils.

Cooking proportions

To pour the foundation, you should make concrete with a grade of at least M200. The quality of work directly depends on the use of the correct components, their preparation and mixing in proven proportions. Ideally this is: fresh Portland cement without lumps, dry and sifted river sand, gravel or crushed stone from hard rocks, clean (drinking) water. Coarse-grained filler is selected with a grain size of no more than 30 mm, preferably with a square flakiness; it must be cleared of debris and, if possible, washed. The mixing is carried out in a concrete mixer; this is required not only to reduce the labor intensity of the process, but also to obtain the desired structure.

The ratio of cement, sand and gravel depends on the type of base. Yes, for columnar foundations it is better to choose a proportion of 1:3:4 with a W/C of no more than 0.65; the same mixture is suitable as a masonry mortar when building it from blocks. In this case, a grade of cement not lower than M400 is used. For a strip foundation type, these proportions are 1:4:6, with the same W/C ratio equal to 0.65. Excess water is unacceptable; it leads to disruption of the hardening processes and the formation of cracks.

The method of preparing concrete for pouring the foundation, taking into account the grade recommended by the standards, has proven to work well. A proven proportion is selected: 1 part cement, 3 sand and 5 gravel. W/C ratio in in this case depends on the required concrete parameters:

Expected grade of concreteCement strength grade
300 400 500
200 0,55 0,63 0,71
250 0,5 0,56 0,64
300 0,4 0,5 0,6
400 Not preparing0,4 0,46

The humidity of the sand plays a huge role; using undried sand or preparing the solution in damp weather leads to a violation of the proportions. In general, the concrete should be workable, but not liquid; it is recommended to leave some of the water and add it in small portions to the concrete mixer in the last minutes of rotation.

What else do you need to consider?

The quality of cement is inversely proportional to its shelf life, and taking into account the fact that high-quality cement is purchased for pouring foundations (that is, quickly losing its properties), it is necessary to use the freshest powder of a light gray or greenish color that spills through your fingers. The attached certificate is checked, if the volume of work allows, then the material is purchased in plastic big bags, the packaging is opened immediately before preparing the solution.

Strengthening the strength of concrete is very simple: just add fiber or plasticizers, but this method increases costs. Strip foundations necessarily reinforced; for them it is recommended to purchase gravel or hard crushed stone with maximum size fractions up to 20 mm. Regardless of the type of structure, waterproofing work is provided.

Cost of materials.
