Analysis of the qualitative composition of chewing gum. Start in science

Skachkov Daniil

Project Manager:

Ananko Kristina Sergeevna


State Educational Institution "Gymnasium No. 71", Gomel

Author of the research paper chemistry project "Determination of the qualitative composition of chewing gum" determines the positive and negative effects of chewing gum on the human body by analyzing food additives that are part of the product. Various chewing gums are compared.

More details about the project:

In the presented research project “Determination of the qualitative composition of chewing gum,” an 8th grade student studies the history of the product, the chemical composition of chewing gum and gives arguments for and against the use of the product.

This research work on the topic “Determination of the qualitative composition of chewing gum” also contains a practical analysis of the effect of the components on the human body, as a result of which an 8th grade student provides recommendations for safer use of the product.

In his research work in chemistry "Determination of the qualitative composition of chewing gum" the author determines the presence of sweeteners (sorbitol, mannitol), glucose, phenylalanine residue in aspartame in chewing gum, conducts experiments on the effect of hydrochloric acid on chewing gum and its combustion.

1. Literature review
1.1. The history of chewing gum.
1.2. Chemical composition chewing gum.
1.3. Positive aspects and shortcomings of the subject of study.
2. Practical part
2.1. Determination of sweeteners (sorbitol, mannitol).
2.2. Glucose detection.
2.3. Detection of phenylalanine residue in aspartame.
2.4. The effect of hydrochloric acid on chewing gum.
2.5. Burning chewing gum.
2.6. Properties of menthol.
List of sources used.


Our health - the most valuable thing we have. Modern man Unfortunately, he often doesn’t listen to his body. For him, the process of chewing becomes not only a means of satisfying hunger, but also a tribute to fashion, since we do not want to be different from our peers.

Everywhere you can meet schoolchildren and even adults, chewing gum. Not everyone understands that this is indecent. Chewing gum consumers do not think about whether chewing is healthy at all. People do not recognize time or place; they chew while talking, neglecting certain aesthetic norms inherent to humans.

Children are more attracted outer side: a variety of beautifully packaged packs and records with different names, pictures, as well as active propaganda coming from our TV screens every day.

Advertising attributes various miraculous properties to chewing gum: improves tooth enamel, prevents the appearance of tartar, eliminates bad breath, restores acid-base balance, etc.

Chewing gum What is more in it - harm or benefit?

Object of study – chewing gum from various manufacturers.

Subject of research – substances included in chewing gum.

Hypothesis – we study 4 types of chewing gum and assume that frequent use of chewing gum has a negative effect on the human body.

Target - study of the effect of chewing gum on the human body.


  1. Study literature about chewing gum
  2. Familiarize yourself with the composition of chewing gum
  3. Research the qualitative composition of chewing gum;
  4. Analyze the effect of the components on the human body;
  5. Compare chewing gum from different manufacturers.

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format


Our health is the most valuable thing we have. Modern man, unfortunately, often does not listen to his body. For him, the process of chewing becomes not only a means of satisfying hunger, but also a tribute to fashion, since we do not want to be different from our peers. Everywhere you can find schoolchildren and even adults chewing gum. Not everyone understands that this is indecent. Chewing gum consumers do not think about whether chewing is healthy at all. People do not recognize time or place; they chew while talking, neglecting certain aesthetic norms inherent to humans. Children are largely attracted by the external side: a variety of beautifully packaged packs and records with various names, pictures, as well as active propaganda coming from our TV screens every day. Advertising attributes various miraculous properties to chewing gum: improves tooth enamel, prevents the formation of tartar, eliminates bad breath, restores acid-base balance, etc.

During classes, visiting theaters, cinema, people do not part with

chewing gum. Where can we find chewing gum? Students often leave it under their desks and chairs, which results in many students ruining their clothes. This is one of the disadvantages. The second, in my opinion, significant disadvantage is the negative impact on health.

But then why do we chew it? I was interested to know: chewing gum, what is more harmful or beneficial in it? This is what I dedicated my work to.

Purpose of the work: Study of the effect of chewing gum on the human body.


    Learn the history of chewing gum.

    Familiarize yourself with the composition of chewing gum.

    Conduct an experiment to prove the composition of chewing gum.

    Conduct a survey of students.

    Draw up findings and conclusions

Subject of research: chewing gum from various manufacturers.

Methods of doing the work:

    Studying specialized literature and Internet sources.

    Analysis of the composition of chewing gum (according to the labels of different chewing gums).

    Study of acid-base balance when using chewing gum.

    Conducting an experiment and survey.

Research hypothesis: Chewing gum has a negative effect on the human body

Main part

The history of the origin of chewing gum

Chewing gum- (colloquial chewing gum, chewing gum) - a culinary product that consists of an inedible elastic base and various flavoring and aromatic additives. During use, chewing gum practically does not decrease in volume, but all the fillers gradually dissolve, after which the base becomes tasteless and is usually thrown away.

The twentieth century is so far the only century in history in which humanity chewed gum from beginning to end. This product was invented only a little over a hundred years ago, but by the beginning of the 20th century it had become a popular pastime for which millions of people willingly paid money. Chewing gum turned out to be a real commercial miracle. And to a certain extent, even a commodity through which the history of the twentieth century can be told.

Humanity's passion for the process of chewing has been known since ancient times. This is confirmed by archaeological finds dating back to the Stone Age. Pieces of prehistoric resin with imprints of human teeth have been found in Northern Europe. They date back to the 7th - 2nd millennia BC. For centuries, the Greeks chewed mastic gum, which was obtained from the bark of the mastic tree, a bush-like plant found primarily in Greece and Turkey. From the Indians of New England, American colonists learned to chew the rubber-like resin that forms on spruce trees when the bark is cut from them. Chunks of spruce gum have been sold in the eastern United States since the early 1800s, representing the first commercial form of chewing gum in this country. Sweetened wax became widespread around the 1850s and subsequently greatly surpassed spruce resin in popularity.

The modern variety of chewing gum first appeared in the late 1860s, when chicle was introduced to the United States. Chicle is made from the milky sap (latex) of the sapodilla tree, native to the tropical rainforests of Central America. Improvements in production methods for this product led to the birth of a new type of industry.

Industrial production of pine chewing gum. John B. Curtis and his brother created a product called "Pure Maine Pine Gum" in Franklin's kiln. Like many new products, the gum sold poorly at first: people simply did not know about the new chewing gum. At that time two pieces cost one penny. Having achieved success (small, but quite acceptable), the brothers in 1850 moved from Bangor, Maine, to Portland in the same state, where they began producing chewing gum with the addition of paraffin. The paraffin flavors had poetic names: “White Mountain,” “Biggest and Best,” “Four-in-Hand,” “Cream Sugar,” and “Lulu’s Licorice.” They expanded their spruce gum production and produced several brands of gum: American Flag, 200-Count Spruce, Pine Trunk, and Yankee Pine. They grew, and soon the Kurtis Chewing Gum Company had 200 employees and three workshops. Pine gums declined in popularity because they contained impurities that were difficult to remove from the pine resin.

Paraffin chewing gums were the most popular. William Finley Semple of Mount Vernon, Ohio, received the first patent for chewing gum on December 28, 1869. Patent N98,304 vaguely stated: “the combination of rubber with other ingredients in any proportion to create an acceptable chewing gum.” Semple himself did not establish industrial production of chewing gum.

Making rubber chewing gum. The coup occurred in the same 1869, but had a different reason. Exiled Mexican ex-president and general Antonio Lopez Santa Anna was living in New Jersey at the time. Leaving Mexico, he took with him a ton of rubber in the hope of selling it at a profit. He persuaded Thomas Adams of Staton Island, New York, to buy his product. Adams was a photographer and inventor. Adams's intentions were simple - to vulcanize rubber to make a rubber substitute. However, vulcanization failed. However, Adams was very observant and noticed that the Mexican general Santa Anna himself loved to chew the rubber he brought. Disappointed with his rubber experiments, Adams tried boiling a small piece of rubber in his kitchen and making chewing gum. He gave it to a small shop to see if people would buy it. People liked the chewing gum and Adams' business soon took off.

In 1871, Adams patented a gum machine. Now he could produce gum in very large quantities. To please even more customers, Adams began adding licorice flavoring to his chewing gum. Success awaited him again. It was the first flavored chewing gum in the United States. And her name was - Black Jack. At this time, the chewing gum changed its shape - instead of pieces and balls, small pencils appeared. The Black Jack flavor was produced until the 70s of the twentieth century, then it was discontinued due to low sales. He reappeared in 1986 with clove gum and Beemans gum (more on them below) when Warner Lambert (Adams' successor) began the Nostalgia Gum Program.

Adams continued his success with the creation of Tutti-Frutti chewing gum. His products were the first to be sold through vending machines. The machines were installed in New York in 1888 on the platforms of railway stations. John Colgan, a pharmacist from Louisville, Kentucky, is mainly known for improving the taste of chewing gum. In 1880, he mixed flavoring with sugar before the sugar was added to the rubber base. This made the chewing gum taste more stable. At the turn of the century, many new chewing gum manufacturers appeared on the market. Wrigley's sells chewing gum made production company Zeno. Beeman's introduces pepsin chewing gum, positioning it as relieving indigestion. The Frank H. Fleer Company sells lollipops with chewing gum inside hanging on the street. Frank W. Canning's Dentyne company is developing a direction - “chewing gum good for teeth.” Chewing gums were especially popular in the 1920s and early 1930s, during Prohibition, bartenders handed them out to customers to cover up the smell of illegal alcohol.

Survey results

In order to study the problem of the influence of chewing gum on the human body, I decided to conduct a survey of my peers - 10th grade students at Kazachinskaya Secondary School. The survey results are presented in diagrams

From the diagram presented in Fig. 1 it follows that 30 schoolchildren (96%) love chewing gum. 4% do not use chewing gum at all.

According to the diagram presented in Fig. 2, it is clear that of all chewing gum brands, Orbit enjoys the greatest consumer demand among students - 65%. In second place is Dirol - 19%, third position is occupied by Eclips - 10%, Others - 6%.

From the diagram presented in Fig. 3 it follows that 65% of students (20 people) use chewing gum once a week, 19% (6 people) do it only a few times a week, 6% (2 people) use chewing gum every day , and 3 people (10%) do not chew gum.

Analysis of the diagram presented in Fig. 4 shows that 52% of schoolchildren (16 people) use 2-5 sticks of chewing gum per day, 39% of students use only 1 stick, 9% of all respondents use a pack a day.

From the diagram presented in Fig. 5, it follows that 25 schoolchildren, i.e. 81%, use chewing gum to freshen their breath, 3% of students answered that they use chewing gum to make their teeth sparkle and shine like in advertising, 3% of students answered that they use chewing gum simply because it is fashionable, 13% of schoolchildren offered their own answer.

From the diagram presented in Fig. 6 it follows that 18 schoolchildren (58%) use chewing gum for 15 minutes, 10 students (32%) use chewing gum from 30 minutes to an hour.

From the diagram presented in Fig. 7 it follows that 45% of students (14 people) use fruit and mint chewing gum, 3 people (10%) answered that they prefer neutral chewing gum.

Analysis of the diagram presented in Fig. 8 shows that 61% of schoolchildren (19 people) think about the influence of chewing gum,

39% of schoolchildren responded that they had never thought about the influence of chewing gum.

Analysis of the survey results allows us to conclude that not all students know how long they normally need to chew gum; they use it not only after meals, but also during the day. However, most of them do not pay attention to the composition of chewing gum.

Chewing gum composition

There is an opinion that chewing gum or chewing gum is a means of improving oral hygiene by stimulating the process of salivation. In other words, in the process of chewing gum, organic acids that are released by plaque bacteria are neutralized. According to academician Todor Dichev, most chewing gums, instead of protecting teeth and gums, contain components that themselves cause diseases of the teeth, gums and oral cavity such as caries and periodontal disease.

I analyzed the composition of the most popular chewing gums “Orbit”, “Dirol”, “Eclipse” and identified the components contained in them: sweeteners, rubber base, natural, identical to natural and artificial flavors, sorbitol E420, maltitol E965, stabilizer E422, thickener E414, emulsifier E322, dye E171, glaze E903, antioxidant E320 and others (see table in Appendix No. 1)

From the reference book" Sanitary rules and SanPin standards" I learned that:

Sweeteners- they are different:

Aspartame. E951. It is a genetically engineered chemical with a large body of clear evidence of health hazards. Causes headache, nausea, palpitations, weight gain, weakness and hearing loss. During pregnancy, aspartame can directly affect the fetus, even when consumed in very small quantities. At the same time, aspartame can safely be called a biological weapon. In addition to its sweet taste, aspartame is a source of phenylalanine. According to Internet sources, I learned that Phenylalanine is an essential amino acid obtained from almonds, avocados, bananas, beans, brewer's yeast, cheese, barley, cottage cheese, dairy products, eggs, fish, molasses, lima beans, meat, nuts, peanuts , pickled herring, seafood, sesame seeds (other seeds), soy, whey, and whole grains. Phenylalanine, entering the body, is converted into the amino acid tyrosine, which is then converted into the neurotransmitters levodopa, norepinephrine and adrenaline (epinephrine). Phenylalanine controls the release of cholecystokinin, which signals the brain about satiety.

Sorbitol and xylitol. More than one pack per day may have a laxative effect. Since advertising recommends consuming chewing gum with xylitol as often as possible, “diarrhea may unexpectedly take you by surprise.” Safe dose xylitol - 40g. per day. Xylitol content in chewing gum as a percentage of all sweeteners included in their composition: “Orbit” (pads) -33%, “Dirol” - 6%

Natural, identical to natural and artificial flavorings - in order to make natural flavoring, fruits, berries, leaves, flowers and other natural raw materials are used. Flavors identical to natural ones are obtained when a small amount of chemically synthesized substances is added to a natural extract. These flavors are different high quality and rich taste, while being absolutely harmless to health.

This list is alarming, since in certain proportions and concentrations these substances have a pathological effect on the human body. And yet they are used in the manufacture of chewing gum only to obtain taste, physical and color characteristics. And to a lesser extent - to protect our health. Chewing gums contain preservatives, some of which are carcinogenic. In Russia, the sale of rubber bands with codes is prohibited. E121, E123, E240, causing malignant tumors.

Which chewing gums can be dangerous:

    with cinnamon - long-term use causes ulcers in the mouth;

    with menthol - may cause allergies

    Bubble gum - contains oils that can cause inflammation of the skin around the mouth.

Troubles from chewing gum:

Diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence - sugar substitute sorbitol, which has a laxative effect;

Oral Ulcers - Cinnamon Flavorings;

Inflammation and irritation of the skin around the mouth - oils from Bubble Gum chewing gum;

Allergic urticaria - chlorophyll (E140), menthol, butylated hydroxytolol (E321);

Increased blood pressure and decreased amount of potassium in the blood - licorice (licorice)

After reading the manual "Sanitary rules and standards SanPin" I found out that stabilizer E 422- this is glycerol, when absorbed into the blood it has strong toxic properties, causing quite serious blood diseases, for example, hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, as well as kidney infarctions;

emulsifier E 322- This is lecithin, it is usually obtained from soy. This valuable substance is an important supplier of phosphorus for our body and helps regulate fat metabolism. Lecithins accelerate salivation, which in turn can lead to gradual disruption of the digestive tract;

antioxidant E 320- this is butylhydroxyanisole, with frequent consumption of products containing this antioxidant, the level of cholesterol in the blood increases;

acid E 330- this is citric acid, long-term and uncontrolled use citric acid may cause serious blood disorders;

thickener E 414- this is gum arabic;

glaze E 903- this is carnauba wax, it gives gloss and shine to the product, the glaze shell does not allow the product to dry out, does not allow fat to pass through from the inside and moisture from the outside;

These ingredients were present in all the chewing gums we examined, so it's worth thinking about what we're chewing! Microbes found in oral cavity in large quantities, they release acids that destroy teeth. Competent chewing gum, just like toothpaste, should neutralize the acid. To do this, urea is added to the gum. When buying chewing gum, you need to pay attention to the presence of sugar or sweeteners in it. If glucose is used as a sweetener, you can forget about dysbacterial properties, since glucose is a treat for bacteria. At the same time, microbes are not able to absorb sorbitol, which allows, as the advertisement says, “to maintain the acid-base balance.”

Most chewing gums, instead of protecting teeth and gums, contain components that themselves cause diseases of the teeth, gums and oral cavity such as caries, periodontal disease and various types of gingivitis. Chewing gums contain stabilizer E-442 - this is glycerin; thickener E-414 is gum arabic; antioxidant E-320 is butylhydroxynazole; emulsifier E-322 is lecithins and phosphatides. This list is alarming, since in certain proportions and concentrations these substances have a pathological effect on the body. Thus, glycerol, when absorbed into the blood, has toxic properties, causing serious blood diseases, such as hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, as well as methemoglobin renal infarctions. Butylhydroxinazole, when used frequently, increases blood cholesterol levels. Lecithins accelerate salivation, which, in turn, leads to a gradual disruption of the digestive tract. The components of saliva are depleted, the absence of which leads to diseases such as caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, etc. From the same reference book it is clear that the E-903 glaze is carnauba wax; acid E-330 is citric acid. Chemists claim that urea is urea, well known to all agricultural workers, from which concentrated nitrogen fertilizer. Various connections When urea enters the stomach, it causes pulmonary edema and depression motor activity. And long-term and uncontrolled consumption of citric acid can cause serious blood diseases.

I studied the composition of chewing gum using their labels. Moreover, the font on all the labels was so small that it was difficult to read even with a magnifying glass. This means that not every person will read this label, that is, they will not know what the chewing gum they are chewing consists of.

It should also be noted that not all chewing gums have an expiration date indicated. This fact also does not speak in favor of chewing gum.

Experimental part

Experiment No. 1 Study of chewing gum wrappers

Modern chewing gums are a combination of many substances. These are rubbers and various food additives. Having studied the labels of chewing gums, I saw acids and sweeteners in the composition (see Appendix No. 1). I discovered that chewing gum has a laxative effect.

Experiment No. 2 Solubility in water

I took a stick of Eclips menthol chewing gum, chopped it up finely and placed it in a test tube. I added 5 ml of water and left for 10-15 minutes, then I filtered the solution. I observe good solubility and a white solution is obtained.

Experiment No. 3 Determination of the content of polyhydric alcohols

in chewing gum

Glycerin is a polyhydric alcohol. To prove the presence of glycerol, I used a qualitative reaction for polyhydric alcohols with a freshly prepared CuSO4 solution. When dissolved chewing gum was added to a freshly prepared CuSO solution, the precipitate dissolved and a bright blue color appeared.

This indicates the presence of a polyhydric alcohol-glycerol.

Experiment No. 4 Determination of the pH of the oral cavity after using various types of chewing gum

I measured the pH of saliva after eating various types of chewing gum. Saliva without subsequent gum chewing was used as a negative control. I took measurements every 5 minutes using universal indicator papers, wetting them with saliva. Immediately apply the indicator test strips to the corresponding color scale (color standard), while achieving complete color matching. This made it possible to determine the pH level of the oral cavity. I presented the results in a visual table.

(See Appendix 2). From the analysis of the results obtained, it is clear that after consuming chewing gum, the indicator strip changed color to dark green, which means that an alkaline environment is formed in the saliva.


I came to the conclusion that among the chewing gums I studied

there is not a single one that you can chew without fear for your health. Maybe, by using one pad, we won’t feel any harm to our body, which, however, is what I found out

I doubt it very much, but according to the processed questionnaires, schoolchildren use up to 3-4 pads a day. per week

21, per month up to 90! And how many chewing gums do they chew in a year and in general throughout their entire age? And students very often simply swallow these chewing gums, as they themselves admitted. It becomes scary. And all these food additives do not leave their mark on the body.

The effect of chewing gum on the human body

After studying the literature and consulting with a dentist, I found that chewing gum still has beneficial properties:

    Chewing gum does a relatively good job of cleaning teeth after eating;

    freshens breath;

    chewing is accompanied by copious secretion of saliva, partial cleansing of the teeth and removal of food debris occurs;

    It’s good when chewing gum contains calcium lactate: tooth enamel receives this mineral to restore microdamages from saliva.

    stimulates blood circulation in the gums;

    strengthening the mandibular joint and gums. The masticatory muscles can receive such a balanced load only when chewing gum;

    helps to avoid problems with blocked ears of airplane passengers;

    According to some studies, the main purpose of chewing gum is to chew it in order to feel more confident, calm down, and relax;

Now let's look at all this from the other side. What's wrong with chewing gum, besides the composition that I've already mentioned?

Negative aspects of chewing gum

However, during my research, I found that chewing gum has more negative effects on the human body than positive ones.

— Some fillers may cause allergic reactions, especially in children;

—Children who constantly chew may develop an incorrect bite, because childhood the formation of the oral cavity occurs;

— In terms of the amount of energy expended during the chewing process, all “chewing gum” can be compared to meat. That is, they significantly load the chewing muscles and joints connecting the upper and lower jaws. A person who is addicted to chewing gum eventually begins to feel pain in the jaw muscles and difficulty opening the mouth. It is also possible to increase the size of the lower jaw

— The very first piece of food taken into the mouth causes the production of gastric juice. The same thing happens with gum - juice is produced, but there is nothing for it to digest. This can start stomach problems.

— By sticking to the teeth, “chewing gum” can provoke fillings to fall out, and if there are cracks in the teeth, their further destruction, and also “chewing gum” negatively affects the enamel of the teeth.

— On chewing gum stuck under a school desk, germs of a sick schoolchild who chewed it live for several days;

— Psychologists note that children who do not let chewing gum out of their mouths have a reduced level of intelligence. An elastic band makes it impossible to concentrate, dulls attention and weakens the thinking process;

— Chewing gum is addictive;

— A huge amount of fake chewing gum is sold on the market.

These results are confirmed by the work I have done

Conclusion on the work done

Having analyzed the questionnaire data, it can be argued that most children begin to use chewing gum from early age. At the same time, students know little about the dangers of chewing gum. My research has shown that chewing gum contains substances that cause various diseases. During the study, I confirmed the hypothesis that chewing gum is harmful to the body.


The work fascinated me very much. I became a literate consumer

I always pay attention to the composition of the product I buy. Having deciphered some nutritional supplements thanks to literary sources, I learned a lot about them. Unfortunately, the information is very scarce, but this is quite enough to draw conclusions about the negative effects of most food additives on the body. The questionnaire made it possible to find out the popularity of chewing gum among schoolchildren and the reasons for such popularity. I think it's good that it's mine

The study focused specifically on chewing gum because they

are also in demand among the adult population. It is rare to see a person not chewing on the street, in any institution, or even

On TV we often see the same picture.

For myself, I concluded that the best way out is to eat natural products. As a buyer, you need to be literate and follow some rules: remember at least the food additives prohibited for use in Russia;

carefully read labels and become familiar with the composition of the product you are purchasing; do not buy products with unnaturally bright, flashy colors; do not be deceived by advertising products. In this case, when you buy a product, you pay most of the cost for advertising, and not for the quality and taste of the product, try to replace chewing gum with raisins or nuts, if you are interested in the fact that chewing gum cleans your teeth, just rinse after eating mouth with water

I would really like my generation to grow up healthy. While working on the research topic, I came to the conclusion that although moderate

chewing gum helps prevent dental problems

diseases, but there is a need to reduce chewing gum consumption. To prevent the occurrence of various diseases, I have developed these tips for schoolchildren.

    Chew only after eating for 10-20 minutes;

    You can chew gum no more than 3-4 times a day;

    Do not chew on an empty stomach;

    Do not use chewing gum with dyes;

    Swallowing chewing gum is unacceptable;

    The chewing gum used must be produced by a well-known company that has positively established itself in the market and strictly monitors the quality of its products;

    You should chew it carefully, without demonstrating “special effects,” especially if you are in public places;

    Use chewing gum only in appropriate situations, so as not to turn out to be an uncultured person;

    Used chewing gum should be thrown only into trash cans specially designated for this purpose, and in no case under your feet.

List of used literature

1. Guseva, O.I. A smile will make everyone brighter // Science and Life. - 2009. - No. 3. - P. 69.

2. Kuznetsov, S.M. Large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: Norint, 1998.

3. Erlikhman, V. Chew always, chew everywhere // Gala Biography. - 2009.- No. 5. - P. 71-80.





Appendix No. 1

Study of composition

Chewing gum name


Sweeteners: with rbitol E420, maltitol E965, maltitol syrup E965, mannitol E421, aspartame E951, acesulfame K, rubber base, thickener E414, humectant E422, flavorings.

Acids: Lemon, apple, fumar.

soy emulsifier, lecithin, dye E171, glazing agent E903, antioxidant E320. Contains phenylalanine.

Sweeteners: Sorbitol E420, maltitol E965, maltitol syrup E965, mannitol E421, aspartame E951, acesulfame to E950, sucralose E955, rubber base, thickener E414, flavorings,

natural flavoring, acidity regulator E330, humectant E422, emulsifier sunflower lecithin, dye E171, glazing agent E903, antioxidant E321

Sweeteners: Sorbitol E420, maltitol E965, maltitol syrup E965, mannitol E421, acesulfame E950, aspartame E951, rubber base, humectant E422, flavorings, thickener E 414, dye E170, emulsifier soy lecithin, dye E171, E133, glazing agent E903, antioxidant E320. Contains phenylalanine.

Appendix No. 2

Foods that can be chewed to cleanse teeth and eliminate unpleasant odor from the mouth have been known for a very long time. In ancient times, in different countries, mixtures of aromatic leaves, roots or resinous deposits formed on the trunks of some trees were used for this purpose. The prototype of modern chewing gum was invented in the mid-18th century, after the discovery of a method for producing a synthetic analogue of rubber, but the first industrial version, containing a polymer and a sweetener, hit the shelves of American stores almost 70 years later (in 1928). From that moment on, chewing gum began its triumphal march around the world, and today millions of people cannot imagine their lives without its daily use. Manufacturers advertise chewing gum as an absolutely safe and very healthy product, but scientists have not yet reached a consensus on this matter. The debate about what is more significant: the benefits obtained from chewing gum, or the harm it causes, is still ongoing.

Positive health effects of chewing gum

Today, many varieties of chewing gum are produced, but their differences from each other are not that great. All products of this type contain a polymer as a main component, similar in quality to latex. All other ingredients (sweeteners, flavors, flavor enhancers, dyes, stabilizers, etc.) are added to give the gum a pleasant taste and aroma, as well as to ensure the possibility of their long-term storage.

Despite numerous studies, of the widely advertised benefits of chewing gum, only one has been indisputably confirmed: the use of this product helps eliminate bad breath. The quality is undoubtedly useful, but, according to most experts, it is not sufficient to recommend an elastic band for many hours of daily use. Rather, it is a quick-relief product that should be kept with you for emergencies, and used within a few minutes before business meeting, important conversation, date, etc.

Among the positive aspects, the following should be noted:

  • Using a rubber band is soothing. Monotonous chewing movements really help to take your mind off stressful situation and restore (at least temporarily) peace of mind;
  • Eating gum speeds up the body's recovery after colon surgery. It has been clinically proven that with prolonged (longer than half an hour) chewing, the production of certain substances necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system is activated and gastrointestinal motility is stimulated;
  • The use of chewing gum enhances the processes of salivation and the secretion of gastric juice, which helps optimize the process of food digestion;
  • The chewing process massages the gums, and to some extent can be considered a preventive procedure that reduces the risk of developing periodontal disease;
  • The use of chewing gum speeds up metabolism and creates a deceptive feeling of fullness, which can help you lose excess weight.

Scientists have not agreed on the widely held belief that chewing gum improves memory and optimizes mental performance. On the one hand, studies have shown that some people actually think better and faster when they chew gum while solving intellectual problems. On the other hand, the use of this product has been found to reduce short-term memory and distract attention.

Checking the validity of the most attractive statement for consumers, that chewing gum saves from caries, showed that in reality the situation is the opposite. Products containing sugar create conditions in the oral cavity that increase the risk of dental caries. Eating unsweetened gum is less harmful, but it does not come into contact with the main area of ​​caries development (the interdental space), does not clean out food debris, and does not affect the likelihood of the disease occurring.

What harm can chewing gum cause?

The negative consequences of chewing gum use turned out to be much greater. Among them:

  • Allergic reactions to dyes, sweeteners and flavorings;
  • Destruction of tooth enamel, fillings and crowns, both due to mechanical stress and due to increased salivation, which disrupts the acid-base balance in the oral cavity;
  • Increased risk of developing gastritis and peptic ulcers. Their appearance can be triggered by too active production of gastric juice (especially when gum is chewed for a long time or on an empty stomach);
  • Ingestion of toxic substances - phenylalanine and methanol, which are products of the decomposition of some sweeteners (for example, aspartame).

Chewing gum is especially harmful for children. It has been established that with its frequent use, children's bite deteriorates. In addition, gum belongs to the category of products whose excessive use is addictive. Scientists note with alarm that children who chew gum every day prefer it not only to fruits and berries, but even to sweets. Children often swallow gum, which is virtually indestructible in the digestive tract, which can eventually lead to intestinal obstruction. It is better for children under 4-5 years of age and pregnant women not to touch such products at all. 5 out of 5 (1 vote)

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The ruminant animal in our zoo, The beast is scary for the kids with its saliva. Why doesn’t the camel chew the cud? Maybe because people don’t give it? Maybe because there are no huge chewing gums? Do you need a lot of packs of simple, ordinary ones? My grandmother explained everything to me in full: - Chewing gum is simply harmful to the stomach!

Currently, almost the entire world uses chewing gum, but they do not even realize that this product can harm our health. Chewing gum is loved by both children and adults from all over the world. There are many advertisements that talk about the obvious benefits of chewing gum, and the disadvantages and side effects of its use, of course, are safely hidden so as not to undermine the demand for this product. People believe what they say in advertising, hoping that chewing gum will prevent problems in their mouth. And I decided to find out whether chewing gum is good or bad?

Purpose: to study the effect of chewing gum on the human body.


    Conduct a survey among students in grades 9-11;

    Study the composition of chewing gum using the example of the most popular brand and the effect that these ingredients can have on the human body;

    Interview the school paramedic about the benefits or harms of chewing gum;

    Conduct chemical experiments with chewing gum

    Based on the research conducted, draw a conclusion about the benefits and harms of chewing gum.

Object of study: chewing gum.

Subject of research: influence of chewing gum on the human body.

Methods: work with literature, statistical, experimental

Working hypothesis: Chewing gum is harmful to human health.

2. Main part.

2.1. Questioning among students in grades 9-11.

Observing the same picture day after day: boys and girls chewing gum, blowing bubbles from them, bragging to each other about the amount of chewing gum they had eaten and swallowed, we wondered if those around us knew what chewing gum was. We conducted a survey to find out the opinions of my classmates and high school students about chewing gum. The survey involved 70 people, students in grades 9-11. The survey questions and results are presented in Appendix No. 1.

Conclusion: 98% of respondents use chewing gum, and 58% of them use it regardless of meals; 75% of respondents partially know the composition of chewing gum. And the most interesting results were obtained on questions 4-5: 62% of respondents think that chewing gum is beneficial, and 79% of the guys could not say what harm a person gets from chewing gum when chewing. The most popular brand among respondents is “Orbit” (48%).

2.2. Chewing gum composition.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the formula for ideal chewing gum was derived:

60% sugar or sweeteners, 20% rubber, 1% flavor, 19% corn syrup.

If initially natural rubber was used, now synthetic polymers are more often found in the product composition. The main components of modern chewing gum:

1. Latex is the basis of chewing gum. So far it is considered harmless. However, complete studies have not been carried out.

2. Flavors, natural and identical to them. They are not always harmless, because they are often obtained chemically (synthesis). Sanitary standards allow this.

3. Dyes. If you see on the packaging E171, please know - this is the so-called titanium white. Previously in Russia food products they were banned, but now the ban is no longer in effect. This dye causes liver and kidney diseases.

4. Sweeteners. They are different:

    Sugar. It has long been proven: the longer its contact with teeth, the higher the risk of caries. And here chewing gum simply has no competitors.

    Acesulfame-K. Its structure is similar to saccharin and promotes the development of tumors, at least in laboratory animals. Safe dose: 1 g per day.

    Aspartame. Causes headache, dizziness and nausea. When the temperature of aspartame exceeds 30 C, the wood alcohol in it turns into formaldehyde, and then into formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis (an imbalance in the acid balance in the body). Previously, it was banned in the USA, but then for some reason they revised the decision. Safe dose: 3 g per day.

    Sorbitol and xylitol. More than one pack of gum per day can have a laxative effect. Since advertising recommends consuming chewing gum with xylitol as often as possible, “diarrhea may unexpectedly take you by surprise.” Safe dose of xylitol: 40 g per day.

And, in addition, absolutely any chewing gum stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

We purchased the classic Orbit with peppermint flavor at the store. Having studied the composition on the chewing gum wrapper, we found information about the effect of these ingredients on the human body. The main composition of Orbit chewing gum is presented in Table No. 2 in Appendix 2.

You can find a different one on the package useful information: ...contains sweeteners, which may have a laxative effect if consumed in excess. Contains a source of phenylalanine... Shelf life 12 months... and storage conditions between 0°C and 25°C in a dry place.

In Russia, GOST R 51561-2000 is in force. This standard applies to chewing gum, including with therapeutic and prophylactic action, which is a product consisting of an elastic base, flavoring agents and aromas, food and therapeutic and prophylactic additives with or without the addition of dyes. But there is no matching information on the wrapper.

2.3. Harmful and beneficial properties chewing gum.

We talked with the school paramedic Natalya Ivanovna Bogdanova. She shared the following information with us: “On the one hand, chewing gum is a means for cleansing and refreshing the oral cavity; chewing stimulates salivation, trains the chewing muscles and increases blood circulation in the gums. But, on the other hand, it has many disadvantages. Thus, the abuse of chewing gum can lead to an increase in chewing load and negative influence on the teeth. And if chewing gum contains sugar, then frequent chewing contributes to the development of caries. Constantly chewing on one side of the mouth can lead to facial asymmetry due to the enlargement of the masticatory muscles on only one side. People neglect brushing their teeth, thinking that chewing gum removes bad odor and plaque, but this is not true... If you still want to chew chewing gum, then only after eating, for a short time, and under no circumstances, not on an empty stomach! The stomach acid produced when chewing can be harmful if you chew gum on an empty stomach. The stomach “thinks” that it needs to digest something, but inside it is empty. As a result, heartburn, stomach pain, nausea and gastritis appear. Chewing gum can seriously harm children: accidentally swallowing gum during play and getting stuck in the throat, esophagus or intestines will cause a lot of trouble.”

Using this information, as well as various articles on the Internet , we have compiled a list of harmful and positive properties of chewing gum.

Useful properties:

1. Chewing gum (only at a stretch) can be classified as an oral hygiene product;

2. Chewing is accompanied by copious secretion of saliva, and partial cleansing of the teeth and removal of food debris occurs, and the chewing muscles develop;

3. According to some studies, the main purpose of chewing gum is to chew it in order to... feel more confident, calm down, relax;

4. Chewing gum helps reduce bad breath and gives fresh breath.

Harmful properties:

1. Due to excessive load in the presence of some other factors, diseases such as increased tooth wear, periodontitis, and much more develop. If you already have tooth decay and a gum accidentally gets stuck in your teeth, this will only speed up tooth decay.

2. From the gastrointestinal tract - it can have a laxative effect (with a single use of the entire package); chewing on an empty stomach provokes the development of gastritis and stomach ulcers.

3. For taste, various flavors, preservatives and sweeteners are also added to chewing gum, many of which are harmful to the liver and kidneys and can also cause allergies.

4. Chewing gum also contains substances such as sorbitol and aspartame, which are not beneficial for our body.

5. Chewing gum should not be chewed by people suffering from gastritis, gastroduodenitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as cholecystitis and pathology of the salivary glands.

6. Incessant chewing turns into a bad, and in some cases, bad habit for the simple reason that children constantly pull the gum out of their mouths, then start chewing again, or, which is generally unacceptable, they give it to each other, bringing in a lot of germs from their dirty hands.

7. According to many psychologists, chewing gum can affect the development of thinking and memory. They believe that chewing gum only distracts the attention of schoolchildren and weakens the thinking process. If a child's mouth is constantly busy with chewing gum, his speech, as a rule, is unclear and incomprehensible. The constant presence of chewing gum in the mouth increases the tone of the masticatory muscles, which causes teeth grinding, and as a result, poor sleep.

2.4. Chemical experiments with chewing gum.

We conducted a number of experiments proving the composition of Orbit chewing gum:

Experience1) Determination of sweeteners (sorbitol, mannitol), i.e. polyhydric alcohols.

Place chopped chewing gum (1.4 g) into a test tube and add 5 ml of ethyl alcohol. Stopper the test tube and shake for 1 minute. Then filter the mixture. We begin the determination of sweeteners in the filtrate. Add 1 ml of 10% NaOH solution and 3 drops of 10% CuSO4 solution to 2 ml of filtrate. Stir the mixture. A characteristic bright blue color appeared, i.e. a qualitative reaction to polyhydric alcohols proves their presence.

Conclusion: The shells of the chewing gums under study contain sugar substitutes, because These substances belong to polyhydric alcohols; they give a qualitative reaction.

Experience 2) Glucose detection.

Add an ammonia solution of silver oxide to the solutions (filtrates) of chewing gum and heat the test tubes. The characteristic silver coating did not appear

Conclusion: this chewing gum does not contain glucose.

Experience 3) Detection of a phenylalanine residue in aspartame.

Conclusion: The characteristic yellow color indicates the presence of phenylalanine in the chewing gum.

Experience 4) Properties of menthol.

For the experiment, I take a pad of chewing gum with menthol, chop it finely and place it in a test tube. I add 5 ml of ethyl alcohol solution. I shake the mixture for a few seconds and filter. I add water to the alcoholic gum extract. Cloudiness occurs, since the solubility of menthol in water is low; this precipitate will easily dissolve if more alcohol is added.

Conclusion: the chewing gum contains menthol extract.

Experience 5) The effects of hydrochloric acid and water on chewing gum.

Over the course of 4 days, chewing gum reacted with hydrochloric acid and water. Water has no effect on chewing gum and does not dissolve it.

In a specimen in hydrochloric acid, the shell quickly dissolved, the chewing gum was hard and hard. On day 4, the volume of the chewing gum doubled, it became looser, more porous, and much softer. From this we can conclude that chewing gum contains a rubber substance with a three-dimensional structure. This means that chewing gum that gets into the stomach swells and will not be digested for a very long time. (After all, gastric juice is a weak solution of hydrochloric acid)

The softened chewing gum became soft by the end of the experiment. An unpleasant smell of urea appeared. The hydrochloric acid has evaporated. Used chewing gum changes its properties slightly, the smell becomes clearer; does not swell, but becomes viscous; probably affects the action of salivary enzymes.

Conclusion: once in the stomach, the chewing gum will take a long time to digest, and under the influence of saliva it will soften.

Experience 6) Burning chewing gum.

Place the crushed chewing gum in a burning spoon and heat it in the flame of an alcohol lamp.

Chewing gum burns well. Melts in a short period of time. Outside the flame it burns and the smell of rubber is released. Burns to black coal. Coal crumbles in your hand; it is a porous, fragile material. And this is not without reason, because chewing gum contains a large amount of organic substances of an unsaturated nature (since there was a lot of soot).

Conclusion: chewing gum is based on rubber, an artificial, unsaturated hydrocarbon that requires a large amount of oxygen for combustion.

The experiments we conducted allow us to confirm our hypothesis. Chewing gum undoubtedly does more harm than good! And once in the human body it will cause serious problems. Many of the substances contained in chewing gum are most often obtained through the synthesis of chemical rather than natural substances.

According to the reference book “Sanitary Rules and Standards SanPin”, we can conclude that thickener E414 is gum arabic, dye E171 is titanium white, which causes liver and kidney diseases, E133 promotes the formation of cancer cells, sorbitol and xylitol have a laxative effect. All these components included in the composition are used only to obtain new taste, physical and color characteristics, and to the least extent to protect teeth. After all, chewing gum has poor hygienic effectiveness compared to, for example, toothbrushes. Some types of modern chewing gum add components for the prevention of caries and oral and dental hygiene. But these components are ineffective from this point of view.


In our work, we investigated the effect of chewing gum on human health. The relevance of the topic is due to a problem that is observed in society: most people use chewing gum without thinking about its harm or aesthetics. Since I myself don’t often chew chewing gum, I hardly thought about its effect on the human body. As a result of the research, a lot of useful information about chewing gum was revealed:

    The chemical composition of chewing gum is very complex;

    We experimentally determined the content of polyhydric alcohols, butadiene and isoprene rubber, the content of menthol, phenylalanine (sweetener) in aspartame

    You can chew gum no more than 3-4 times a day;

    The chewing gum used must be from a well-known company that has positively established itself in the market and strictly monitors the quality of its products;

    Some components of chewing gum can cause side effects: diarrhea, abdominal pain, flatulence, mouth ulcers, etc.

    So, you need to chew chewing gum after eating, but not more than 15 minutes. Then plaque will not appear on your teeth, and the acid-base balance will be normal.

    You can use chewing gum not only after meals, but also before. In order to stimulate the production of gastric juice, you can chew gum for five minutes before meals, but no more.

    Drivers should also not overuse chewing gum, as chewing gum leads to decreased concentration, which can lead to an accident.

    Chewing gum should not contain sugar.

    Swallowing chewing gum is unacceptable.

    It is worth learning the following simple rule - if you have fillings, then prolonged chewing can simply loosen the artificial “patch”.

    Avoid chewing gums containing dyes - E 133, E 102, E 33, E 129, E 132, taste stabilizers - E 414, E 422, emulsifier - E 322, which harm the liver.

    It's best to avoid chewing gum with "naturally identical flavorings." Incomplete information on the label can already be classified as a sign of low quality product.


    Chewing gum: history and harm of chewing gum. Chewing gum and teeth. How to use chewing gum correctly. Women's website

    Yakovishin L. A. Chemical experiments with chewing gum // Scientific and methodological journal “Chemistry at school”. - 2006. - No. 10. - p. 62-66.

    Directory "Sanitary rules and norms SanPin" for food


    Website “Additives. no" -

    Website "Calorizator" -

Appendix No. 1.

Questionnaire. Survey results.


1.Do you use chewing gum?

B) After eating

B) Regardless of food intake

2.You use chewing gum:

B) Partially

3. Do you know the composition of chewing gum?

4. Do you know about the benefits of chewing gum?

5. Do you know about the dangers of chewing gum?

6.What brand of chewing gum do you prefer?

Appendix 2.

Table No. 2. Composition of classic Orbit chewing gum.


Effect on the human body

Pros: good choleretic agent. Helps the body reduce the consumption of vitamins B1, B6 and biotin, and also helps improve intestinal microflora

Cons: It has 53% more calories than sugar, so it is not suitable for those on a diet. In large quantities it can cause side effects: bloating, nausea, stomach upset.


E965 (maltitol)

Due to slow absorption, excessive consumption of products containing E965 may have a laxative effect and lead to bloating.

Rubber base

The rubber base is mainly latex.

E 170 (CaCO 3)

In the human body food Calcium carbonate participates in the process of blood clotting. When consuming products with calcium carbonate, you should keep in mind the daily dose recommended by doctors: 1.2 to 1.5 g per day. They are classified as safe food additives. Minus: excess calcium in the body can lead to hypercalcemia with a slight excess of the norm (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, irritation, poor coordination of movements, changes in mental state) or, in case of severe overdose, to milk-alkali syndrome, even death.


E 414 (gum arabic), solid transparent resin, released various types acacia

It is of natural origin and zero level danger (safe for health). Not absorbed in the human digestive system. The safe daily intake of this substance is set at no more than 2 g per kg of weight. It is allowed to use gum arabic in food products for children.

Acidity regulator

E341 (calcium phosphates) Ca(H 2 PO 4)2, Ca 2 HPO 4, Ca 3 (PO 4)2

The food additive E341 has been little studied. According to some data, calcium phosphates have a carcinogenic effect and increase the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. May cause gastrointestinal diseases.

Mannitol 421 (sexahydric alcohol, found in many plants)

Cons: upset stomach. Dangerous for teeth. Mannitol should not be used if the excretory function kidney or severe circulatory failure. Using large amounts of this substance may cause signs of dehydration.


E 951 (C 14 H 18N2 O 5)

Cons: it is a source of phenylalanine, which leads to hormonal imbalance. Aspartame can provoke the following health problems: brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, mental retardation, tuberculosis, it can even cause death.


E 950 (C 4 H 4 KNO 4 S)

Pros: can be stored for a long time, does not cause allergic reactions and is low in calories.

Cons: contains methyl ester, which worsens the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and aspartic acid, which has a stimulating effect on nervous system and may be addictive.

Dye E171 (TiO 2)

May cause liver and kidney diseases.

Dye E133 (Blue Shiny FCF)

It has a negative effect on the human body, causing allergic reactions and triggering asthma attacks. Scientific research on E133 is still ongoing

Dye E553 (MgSiO 3)

Safe for health. Presented as supplements with no side effects (known to date). But in some countries (for example, Japan) they are still prohibited due to suspicion of their carcinogenicity.

It is not toxic, therefore, within reasonable limits, it will not cause any harm to the body. Side effects from use in food was not detected.


E 320 (C 11 H 16 O 2)

The maximum permissible daily dose per day is 0.5 mg/kg of human weight. Scientists have concluded that the food additive is “conditionally safe” for human life and health. Since basically a person does not exceed in his consumption daily doses that can adversely affect health. But medicine is of the opinion that E-320 interacting with nitrates, it is a carcinogen and exhibits mutagenic properties, changing cell DNA. However, research is currently being conducted on the supplement to ensure that it really helps slow the growth of cancerous tumors and prevent HIV disease and the development of the herpes virus. Antioxidant E-320 is included in the list of approved food additives in the European Union, Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

It is of synthetic origin and high level danger.

Cons: if used systematically, it is significantly harmful to health: it causes rashes and cancer.

A person has both pros and cons. We will talk about them today.

In 1848, American entrepreneur John Curtis launched the production of chewing gum of his own invention. And at the end of the 19th century, it was first introduced, which, as the advertisement said, “prevents tooth decay.” Nowadays, advertising also convinces the consumer that it protects against caries and removes plaque. However, experts have their own opinion on this matter.

Ph balance and caries

Many manufacturers of chewing gum claim that it normalizes Ph balance. But, chewing gum in itself is not a means to reduce Ph levels in the oral cavity. During chewing, in the first 2-3 minutes, the salivary glands are activated, which contain a large number of systems that balance the condition of the oral cavity.

The acid balance in your mouth may change briefly depending on what food you just consumed. But a smart body itself is able to bring the Ph balance back to normal. Chewing gum can somehow affect it only if you chew it non-stop, including at night. And all statements about the effect of chewing gum on Ph-balance are purely a PR stunt.

Chewing gum manufacturers also say that chewing gum reduces the level of acidity in the mouth and, thus, protects teeth from caries. However, the Ph level does not reduce the risk of developing caries, which occurs locally under the influence of microorganisms. Microorganisms attack the enamel and hard tissues of teeth.

When a person chews chewing gum or vegetables, all that happens is self-cleaning of the chewing surfaces. Caries appears on the interdental teeth, which means that talking about the fight between chewing gum and caries can only be conditional.

"No sugar"

Manufacturers advertise chewing gum with xylitol (“sugar-free”), positioning influence of chewing gum as more beneficial for teeth. This chewing gum does not contain sugars that activate the development of microorganisms. Due to their activity, lactic acid is released, which destroys tooth enamel. However, if you don’t chew gum at all, there will be no sugar either, so there is no benefit from chewing gum with xylitol either.

There is an opinion that chewing gum promotes weight loss by dulling the feeling of hunger.

Indeed, occasionally, in order to avoid the temptation to grab something in between meals, you can chew gum. But this is strictly prohibited for people who have any problems with gastrointestinal tract.

Composition of chewing gum

The main disadvantage of chewing gum is its composition.

Almost all chewing gum ingredients are obtained not from natural sources, but from chemical means. The basis of chewing gum is latex. It is believed that it is particularly harmful effects of chewing gum on the body does not exist, although full-fledged studies on this issue have never been conducted.

The flavors used to create chewing gum are natural or identical to natural. They can be harmful due to the way they usually turn out chemically(by synthesis). But, in general, sanitary standards allow this.

Manufacturers add dyes to almost every chewing gum. E171, often found on packaging, was previously banned in Russia. This dye is also called titanium white. Now their use in food products is acceptable. But keep in mind that such a dye can cause liver and kidney diseases.


Dentists note that sometimes chewing gum is not only useless, but also harmful. Some people have overdeveloped chewing muscles, resulting in increased abrasion of tooth enamel, and they are contraindicated from chewing gum.

Also, if you suffer from periodontal disease, have problems with tooth mobility, or use dental appliances, you should absolutely not use chewing gum, as chewing gum can contribute to tooth decay.

Chewing gum is contraindicated those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It irritates the gastric mucosa: when chewing gum enters a person’s mouth, the body perceives it as a product. The result of such an irritated stomach is gastritis and ulcers.

In any case, it would not be a bad idea to regularly, once or twice a year, visit the dentist and undergo a blood test. To do this, you will need a medical record. You can find out about this at your local clinic or online.

Chewing gum - time

Constantly chewing gum can lead to overload of periodontal tissues. Initially, nature provides the benefits of chewing. The pressure that is transmitted from the teeth to the gums creates a so-called massage of the gums and improves their blood circulation. But overloading these tissues is much more dangerous than underloading. Constant chewing leads to compression of the blood vessels in the gums and poor circulation. This is fraught with the development of inflammatory processes – periodontitis and gingivitis.

Amateurs constantly chew bubble gum increased salivation is observed. Prolonged chewing loads the salivary glands, forcing them to constantly work. The consequence of this is that even when a person stops chewing, saliva continues to be released, and there is a desire to spit. This, of course, is not very aesthetically pleasing.

Some time after salivation has increased from constantly chewing gum, the reverse process begins. There is less and less saliva. And this has an extremely negative effect on digestion in general. Food is not supplied required quantity liquid and enzymes for its processing enters the stomach in a large solid lump. This is where the first prerequisites for gastritis and ulcers begin.


Of course, in some situations the influence of chewing gum is positive. For example, if you get carsick, chew some gum and the nausea will go away. Chewing gum is also an essential item when traveling by plane. Chewing gum and, as a result, swallowing saliva will help with stuffy ears.

Doctors do not say that chewing gum should not be used at all. For example, it is perfectly acceptable to chew it after eating to cleanse your mouth a little and freshen your breath. But this method cannot be considered the only possible one. It is still preferable to brush your teeth with a toothbrush.

Chewing gum cannot harm a well-placed filling. It is just a myth that chewing gum will make you lose all your fillings. But you shouldn’t abuse chewing gum either. 15-20 minutes are enough to freshen your breath and enjoy its taste.
