How to make roof insulation with your own hands. Proper insulation of a pitched roof from the inside with your own hands - what could be simpler? Correctly insulating a pitched roof

Traditionally, in private houses it is customary to use a gable ridge roof.

Few people think about its design and what it can affect.

Recently, one can observe a noticeable increase in the popularity of pitched roofs. This design not only looks more attractive and original compared to other structures,

but also has a lot of advantages:

  • Proper insulation is one pitched roof allows significantly improve thermal performance indoors. The house will be warmer, and the microclimate will cool more slowly than in the case of a gable roof.
  • Reduced roof weight, allowing reduce the load on load-bearing structures.
  • Reduced windage. This is especially important in open areas or if the region experiences strong winds.
  • Ease of maintenance both inside and outside.
  • Possibility of creating additional spacious rooms in the attic.
  • Easy to install truss structures and design of a pitched roof.
  • The economic question follows from the previous point - such a roof will significantly more profitable. This also applies to the materials used in pitched roofs.
  • Variety of roofing and rafter materials, which can be used in such a roof.
  • Original and interesting appearance. The design allows you to create a whole space for architectural and design creativity.

The insulation is important material for the roof, on which not only the comfortable warm microclimate in the house will depend in the future, but also the functioning of the structure as a whole. Requirements, which a high-quality insulation for such a roof must meet, is not much different from other structures, but has nuances that need to be paid attention to special attention.

  • Moisture resistance– perhaps the most important quality of a material for insulation. If possible, it is better to choose insulation with hydrophobic impregnations. The thing is that even if it gets slightly wet, the material will lose its qualities and may stop working. In the case, for example, with mineral insulation, this can lead to a significant reduction thermal insulation properties.
  • Try to approach as carefully as possible waterproofing. The thing is that the presence of pores and air content between the fibers of any insulation is what makes them work. Moreover, getting wet insulation materials, which absorb moisture well, can increase their weight several times. As a result, the structure may collapse.
  • From the previous paragraph it can be understood that material weight also plays a role. The structure itself has considerable weight and it is not worth loading it additionally.
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient And technical specifications that the insulation will have are the qualities laid down by the manufacturer himself. The insulation capacity of the material depends on it.

Choose materials that don't lose their properties during sudden temperature changes. This quality is inherent in most common insulation materials. The same goes for waterproofing.

Of course, we should not forget that the insulation material must also be fireproof and environmentally friendly.

Types of insulation

The pitched roof has simple design. This allows you to use various types of insulation in it:

Expanded polystyrene is one of the most popular insulation materials. Many people confuse it with polystyrene foam, since their properties are very similar: very light, environmentally friendly pure material , which is also quite cheap.

It is installed very simply and without special tools. The material also retains heat effectively, as it has many air chambers.

The most popular manufacturers are Penoplex and TechnoNIKOL.

Ecowool- practically not used in Russia, but very popular in the West. The properties are very similar to min. cotton wool It comes in both bulk and sprayed consistency. Ecowool consists of recycled cellulose and waste paper. Has excellent thermal properties, lightweight, cheap, environmentally friendly. The material has long term operation and prevents noise and vibration.

Penoizol- almost the same as expanded polystyrene, only does not burn, does not melt and does not get wet.

Do-it-yourself insulation of a pitched roof

In the case of sprayed ecowool, you will need a special pump through which the process of pumping the material onto the structure will take place. Such equipment is usually rented in order to save money.

For installation of insulation in the form of tiles or layers of min. cotton wool will be required special clamps with increased area. Thanks to them, the material will be tightly fixed to the structure.

The easiest way to start insulating a pitched roof from the inside, but installation of waterproofing should begin with outside :

  1. So the first thing is installation waterproofing materials . The effectiveness of the insulation will directly depend on them. It is necessary to install waterproofing layers over the entire roof area and on the Mauerlats with overlap 100 mm or more.
  2. As soon as you start installing the insulation directly, take care of it unpacking. Yes, this also affects its effectiveness. In the case of mineral wool, the layers must take on nominal dimensions before installation, since they are supplied compressed in the package. This is necessary both for high-quality thermal properties and for compliance with the design dimensions.
  3. The width of the insulation needs to be determined greater than the rafter width at least 30 mm. This way you will be sure that you do not have any through gaps at the joints, and insulation material securely fixed.

You can find more detailed information by following the link.


Think about vapor barriers, which will prevent the penetration of all moisture from the room into the insulation. In the absence of a vapor barrier layer, moisture vapor will penetrate deep into the roofing pie and settle in the heat-insulating material in the form of condensation, which will lead to damage to insulation and a decrease in its thermal insulation properties. The vapor barrier is installed on the side of the room, the side that does not allow water vapor to pass through. The layers of vapor barrier must be well glued together with special tape, pay special attention to the junction of the vapor barrier and walls.

roof angles and materials

Useful video

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the insulation of a pitched roof on practical example presented in the video:


Worth noting important detail: any insulation will not work effectively if it is installed incorrectly. The roof has the largest amount of heat loss in buildings, so you need to think about its insulation first. Otherwise, dismantling may be required roofing and all the money invested in insulating the roofing pie will be wasted.

A pitched roof is not so often used for arranging the roofs of private houses, although both the structure itself and its installation are much simpler than a gable roof. It is believed that this type of roof does not retain heat in the house well enough, therefore, it is more often used in the construction of country houses and barns. However, it should be noted that this structure can be made warm and even arranged under it extra room, if the thermal insulation is installed correctly.

A do-it-yourself pitched roof is made according to previously drawn up drawings made on the basis of calculations. This is especially important in cases where it is planned to make living space underneath it.

Main advantages and disadvantages of the design

The advantages of this design include the following:

  • Saving money on the purchase of building materials.
  • Simplicity of design, and therefore of installation.
  • Light weight compared to the gable option - less load is placed on the walls.
  • High resistance to wind and loads from snow accumulated on the roof.
  • The structure can be erected in different angular ranges - from 5 to 45º.
  • A pitched roof, made at a slight angle, allows you to install a hot water tank or solar panels, and also arrange a place to relax.
  • Such a structure can be covered with any of the existing roofing materials, of course, taking into account the conditions of its operation and the angle of inclination.

Naturally, like any structure, a pitched roof has its drawbacks, which you also need to know when choosing this option:

  • A roof with one slope requires more serious insulation than one, since there is not such a large space under it, which creates an air gap. Without reliable thermal insulation, the attic space will become very hot in the summer months and cool down in the winter months, in both cases transferring the temperature into the house. However, if you correctly calculate and install all the elements, this drawback can be avoided.
  • If the ceiling is made immediately under the roof, arranged at a small angle, then the house loses not only the upper air gap, but also an attic, and therefore the possibility of creating an additional room - this can be considered the second disadvantage of the design. But, if the attic space is planned a little differently, then this drawback can be overcome.

  • Another disadvantage of a pitched roof applies only to a structure that has a slight slope of 5-10º - this is poor shedding of snow masses from it. So, if there is a large accumulation of snow, the roof will have to be cleared manually or a heated roof system can be made using a heating cable.

Prices for heating cable and components

Heating cable and accessories

Video: small country house with a pitched roof

Calculation of a pitched roof structure

If you decide to install a pitched roof, then first you need to make calculations and make sure they are correct by seeing the preliminary result in the drawing with your own eyes. Only in this case can you get exactly the option that is ideal for a particular building and its residents.

In order to create such a diagram, you will need to determine the following parameters:

  • The total width of the building and the length of the spans between load-bearing walls.
  • Estimated slope angle.
  • Overall roof length.
  • Desired roofing material.
  • Height and width of load-bearing walls.

If the roof is planned for country house or, then it is enough to make the front wall of the building slightly higher than the back wall to a certain height in order to increase the slope angle.

— The internal distance between the walls will determine how much the rafters should be strengthened and how many beams will be required.

— Before completing the drawing, it is necessary to decide whether it is planned to arrange a living room in the attic space - the angle of inclination of the slope and the height of the pediment being built will depend on this decision.

— Also, the angle will depend on how much you plan to take out the trump card To to the rooks in front and behind the building.

— In addition, you need to decide on the location of the veranda or terrace, since the roof in front or behind the house may cover it too.

— The above factors directly affect the length, and the total length of the building affects their number.

— The rafters are laid across the building at a distance of 500 to 800 mm from each other. The wider the building, the longer and more massive the rafters should be. Their cross-section varies from 80×150 mm and above. For example, if the rafters are fixed over a span of 6-7 meters, then the cross-sectional size of the rafters must be at least 110×200 mm.

— For the manufacture of rafters, high-quality, well-dried lumber is selected, which does not have cracks and large knots, especially in the areas of their connection with other parts. made from thick boards or timber.

— When the length of the blanks is not enough due to the large width of the structure, they have to be joined. The connection of two parts of the rafters into a single piece is recommended to be placed on support beams or, if they consist of boards, one of them should be located at least 500 mm over the other.

— Sometimes the rafters are even made up of three parts. In this case, the central part of the rafters extends to the outer ones also by a distance of 500 mm.

— To prevent the rafters from sagging over time, they are supported and secured various elements rafter system - struts, crossbars and racks. Such additional details are used if the span width exceeds a distance of 5 meters.

The cross-sectional dimensions of these reinforcing elements must be at least 50×100 mm, and for spacers and beds - 100×150 mm.

— With a span length of 12 m, a rack must be installed in the middle of the floor beam, which also serves to support rafter leg.

- If the length between opposite walls exceeds 12 m, then, in addition to the stand, additional rafter legs are installed - they will add rigidity to the flooring.

- With a distance between load-bearing walls 15 meters or more, there must be at least two posts, and each of the rafter legs is installed as close as possible to the middle of the rafter span between the gable wall and support stand. Additionally, in the center of the structure, the racks are fastened together with a screed bar - this distance should be one third of the width of the building.

- Whatever the angle of the pitched roof, the rafters are laid on the roof, fixed to the walls and to the pediment.

The diagrams show options for supports in rafter systems, with spans of different sizes between the walls. You can easily navigate through them when drawing up a design diagram for a specific building.

The roof drawing must include all necessary information about all sizes of structural elements and the distances between them. Having such a diagram at hand, it will be easy to use it carry out work, so the drawing must be drawn up very carefully and accurately.

Calculation of the roof slope angle

  • It is calculated based on the fact that the roof has the shape of a triangle, in which one angle is always right. This angle is formed by the legs of the floor beams and the pediment part of the structure, and the rafters in this figure play the role of the hypotenuse.

In the presented figure the following are applied symbols:

Lc- length of the rafter leg;

Lbc- the height of the pediment from the floor beams to the intersection with the roof plane;

Lsd– width of the house;

A– selected or calculated slope angle.

If you remember the basic school course in trigonometry and arm yourself with a calculator, it will not be difficult to calculate all the parameters of the future roof, based on the initial values. The width of the building is easy to measure, and the second parameter can be either the desired gable height or the selected roof slope angle.

So, if the width of the building and the planned height of the pediment are taken as a basis, then the angle of the slope can be easily calculated using the formula:

TgA = Lbc : Lсд

If the calculations are based on the selected angle of the roof slope, then the height of the pediment will be equal to:

Lbc =TgA× Lsd

Lc = Lсд : СosA

At the same time, do not forget that the length of the rafters, calculated in this way, is only up to the intersection with the plane of the walls, without taking into account the canopies on the front and rear sides of the building.

  • The slope of the slope angle is selected depending on certain criteria, one of which is the selected type of roofing material, since for each of them it is recommended to select a certain value or a parameter as close as possible to it, for example:

— Corrugated sheeting requires a slope of at least 8º.

— When using metal tiles, you can make a roof with a slope of 30º.

— For slate, an angle of 20–30° is good.

— For rolled roofing materials, such as roofing felt, as well as other soft roof The recommended slope angle is 5-7°, but not less.

If the roof does not have a heating system, and the building is located in a region where winter time there is a large amount of precipitation, then the best option there will be a pitched roof, arranged at an angle of 40-45°, no matter what roofing material she was neither covered.

In addition to the above data, you need to understand what types of rafter systems there are.

Types of rafter systems on a pitched roof

When installing a pitched roof, it can be designed in one of three options, the choice of which depends on the type and size of the building:

  • A hanging system is installed in rare cases when there are no permanent partitions between the main load-bearing walls. When constructing such a roof, for ease of work, a temporary flooring of boards is laid on the floor beams. On this basis, the trusses of the rafter system are assembled. In order for the hanging system to be reliable, the parallel walls on which the floor beams will be laid must be placed on same height. If necessary, this type of construction is used in houses built from any types of materials used in construction.

If a room is planned in the attic, then ventilation is arranged as for a living space.

If the structure will only serve as an attic, then ventilation must be strengthened, since the room will not be heated. In this case, ventilation must function effectively so that moisture does not accumulate here and dampness and mold do not arise, which will eventually appear in the house.

  • Layered rafter systems are distinguished by the fact that they are installed in buildings with internal capital partitions, which become additional supports for floor beams.

In layered systems, the rafters are installed rigidly on the gable wall, on which installed Mauerlat, and their lower edge may be fixed both rigidly and on sliding fastenings. Brick or stone houses are mainly covered with such shed roof structures.

For structural rigidity, additional spacer elements are installed. There are several systems for installing them, depending on how much free space there should be in the attic, the angle of the slope and the massiveness of the rafters.

  • The sliding rafter system is used mainly for log cabins, as it avoids deformation of the roof structure if the house shrinks. When installing this type of roof, the rafters are rigidly fixed on the gable wall, on the mauerlat, and their lower part is attached to the mauerlat exclusively with sliding fasteners, which, when the walls of the house oscillate, allow the rafters to take a comfortable position.

Installation of a pitched roof

Having specified V all the necessary nuances, having made calculations, drawn up a drawing of the roof and purchased as required for work materials, you can begin to install the structure.

  • To make the work easier and safer, the structure must be immediately covered with beams attic floor. They are laid on strips of roofing felt waterproofing laid on the walls. The beams are placed at the same distance from each other as the rafters will be installed in the future - it usually ranges from 500 to 800 mm.

Prices for timber

  • On the rear lower wall of the building, along its entire length, a mauerlat made of massive timber is laid on top of the floor beams.
  • Next, a flooring of boards should be laid on the beams - it will be safe to walk on it and it will be more convenient to continue the construction of the structure.

  • The next stage is the construction of the gable wall; it is built from the same material as the entire building, or from another, lighter one. For example, if the building is built of brick, then the pediment can be raised from bars and boards.
  • Floor beams, previously covered with waterproofing, are embedded in the wall. The pediment is raised to the height specified in the drawing.
  • On the gable wall, just like on the opposite wall, the mauerlat beam is fixed.
  • Next, markings are made on the lower wall, and fasteners are screwed in to install the rafters.
  • On the rafters, for their rigid fastening, according to the drawing, grooves are cut out with which they will be put on on the Mauerlat on the upper wall and the lower one, if provided.

  • Then they are secured using special corners and fasteners. On the gable, the rafters are screwed rigidly, while on the lower mauerlat they can be installed in sliding fasteners, depending on the type of structure chosen.

  • There is a sequence for cutting in rafters: first, the outermost elements of the entire rafter system are installed, then a cord is pulled along them, which will become a level for the remaining parts. Distance betweenrafters must correspond distance between floor beams.
  • For stability, the installed rafters are connected to the floor beams with racks, struts and other elements discussed above. They are secured with metal brackets and corners, which adds rigidity to the structure.

If it is necessary to extend the rafters beyond the level of the walls, “fillies” are mounted to them
  • If it was intended to extend the roof to build a terrace or veranda, then external boards called “fillies” are additionally attached to the rafters.

Video: the process of building a pitched roof

Prices for various types of fasteners for rafters

Rafter fasteners

After completing the installation of the rafter system, it is necessary to move on to insulation measures, since a pitched roof especially needs thermal insulation, even if there is a regular attic under the roof.

Suitable for this , descriptions of which can be found on our website by following the link.

The installation of sheathing under the roof or continuous roof sheathing is carried out taking into account the selected roofing material - each of them has its own technology for such work.

Video: continuous sheathing of a pitched garage roof with boards

Installing any roof is a responsible and labor-intensive process, and due to working at height, it is also quite dangerous. Therefore, without having experience in the construction craft, it is better to entrust the installation to craftsmen who know their business, since an unsuccessfully constructed foundation for the roof threatens that the walls of the house will be subject to deformation.

6 main types of rafter systems

Photo Name Rating Price

⭐ 100 / 100

Hip rafter system ⭐ 100 / 100

⭐ 100 / 100

⭐ 99 / 100

⭐ 99 / 100

⭐ 98 / 100

Gable rafter systems are the most popular for one-story private houses. They look neat, fit well into any style of construction, are reliable and can be used, depending on the angle of their slope, for arranging an attic under living rooms, utility rooms or simply to create an air gap that retains heat in the building.

  • high reliability;
  • simplicity of design;
  • a gable roof with a slope angle of more than 50 degrees is practically not afraid of snow drifts; a large snow cap will not form on it.
  • Hip rafter system
    • for buildings with hip roof pediments are not provided, which greatly reduces the consumption of materials and work for the construction of pediments and filing of overhangs;
    • a roof of this type has excellent aerodynamic properties, it is not afraid of strong winds, and the design features will prevent precipitation from entering the attic;
    • the surface of such a roof warms up sun rays from several sides at once, on sunny days the room under an uninsulated roof will be warmer;
    • The slopes of such a roof are located at a certain angle, which helps drain rainwater and melting snow from the roof.
    • a hip roof is quite complex to design and construct;
    • the design of this roof is replete with a large number of connections, beams and rafters, it is necessary to strictly monitor the reliability of all components and connections in order to avoid loss of rigidity and plane shape during the construction of the roof;
    • large waste when using most roofing coverings (especially metal tiles).

    Attic rafter systems are called broken, which are used in cases where it is planned to attic space arrange a living space, since this design creates the most spacious area for future rooms. Each of the two slopes of the broken rafter system consists of two planes - the top and the side.

    • additional living space;
    • an attic is cheaper than building full second floors or expansion of the perimeter of housing;
    • The appearance of a private house with a sloping roof is superior to a classic gable roof.
    • inability to create spacious room in the attic, because the height of the walls is limited by the roof;
    • heat and waterproofing will be carried out using more complex techniques and using special materials;
    • Dormer windows increase the requirements for roofing and accumulate more snow.

    Multi-slope rafter system can be called the most complex of all existing ones, since it often includes different shapes roofs - it can be gable and single-pitch, hip, hip or half-hip in various combinations. This option is chosen for houses with complex internal layout, and them in recent years is getting bigger.

    • reliable, durable and robust design;
    • due to the large slope of the roof, the risk of stagnation of melt water and precipitation is reduced to zero;
    • fits perfectly with any architectural form;
    • the presence of a balanced rafter system.
    • complexity of installation work;
    • arrangement of a large number of valleys;
    • high consumption of building and roofing materials;
    • complex care and maintenance of the structure.

    Hip roofs have four slopes, with the gable sides having a shallow triangular shape, and the side slopes of the structure being trapezoidal. It is the triangular slope that is called the hip - it joins the trapezoidal plane at a certain angle.

    • not subject to deformation;
    • the snow does not linger;
    • will resist perfectly strong winds, for regions where hurricanes and tornadoes are not uncommon - a big plus;
    • eaves overhangs are less susceptible to damage.
    • differs in higher cost than gable;
    • the design turns out to be complex, usually the construction hip roof they trust specialists, and this again means additional costs;
    • equipping an attic under a hip roof is a difficult task, often simply impossible.

    As can be understood from the name, this roof has one slope, located at a slope. If the building is small in size and is entirely built from brick or concrete, then the rafters of the structure are laid on the high load-bearing façade wall and on the low rear wall. If the distance between the facade of the building and the rear wall is six meters or more, then retaining posts are installed between the front and rear walls.

    • efficiency (almost double savings in lumber and roofing materials compared to a gable roof);
    • insignificant weight of the roof (makes it possible to erect it on buildings with a lightweight foundation without the use of lifting equipment);
    • the possibility of installing a pitched roof on large houses;
    • maintainability (ease of movement on the roof, especially at small angles of inclination);
    • high dependence on snow loads (requires correct calculations sections of structural elements during design);
    • enhanced thermal and waterproofing of the roof (important at small angles of inclination);
    • unsightly appearance, which requires increased attention to the quality of facade work and the use of modern roofing materials.

The advantages of a pitched roof include simplicity of design and installation, low windage and minimum costs for building materials. Attic space underneath it is of little use as a living space; most often it is used as a storage room.

Insulation of a pitched roof is carried out in order to reduce overall heat losses; work is best carried out at the construction stage.

The roofing pie consists of three layers: hydro-, heat- and vapor barrier; the nuances of installation include the need for gaps, a tight fit of the insulation to the rafters and the choice right side placement of vapor barrier film.

Selection of material, basic requirements

Selected thermal insulation material with low density, exerting minimal load on the rafters, with a thermal conductivity coefficient not higher than 0.05 W/m∙°C.

The insulation must withstand changes temperature regime, be moisture-resistant, non-flammable, resistant to biological influences (fungus, mold, rodents).

An important requirement is that the material fits tightly to the rafters and that there are no gaps.

Suitable types of insulation in in this case are:

  • Mineral wool from basalt rock melts.
  • Good quality glass wool.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Liquid polyurethane foam.

The recommended layer thickness is 15-20 cm, the width is selected taking into account the pitch between the rafters (on average 60 cm).
To eliminate cold bridges and quick installation, it is more convenient to use the material in rolls.

The use of foamed polyurethane foam completely eliminates the problem of gaps and cracks. Read the article about its properties.

Most cheap option‒ polystyrene foam does not meet fire safety standards; dense natural insulation materials made from flax and jute are impractical to use due to their high cost.

Backfill bulk materials(expanded clay or perlite) is only possible when insulating a pitched roof from the outside simultaneously with its construction; this method is considered inconvenient and is rarely chosen.


Work order

The sequence of laying layers depends on the method of insulation: external or internal.

Due to the low slope of a pitched roof, it is advisable to insulate it from the outside; in this case, to lay heat-insulating material, a lathing is attached to the underside of the rafters, on which a vapor barrier is laid in a continuous layer (inside the room).

After installing the insulation, it must be protected from moisture and used roll waterproofing or membrane films.

If the work is carried out indoors, first the waterproofing material is nailed down, then the insulation is laid, and the last layer is a vapor barrier.

The installation of each layer has its own nuances and requirements.


Protecting the insulation from external moisture is a must, otherwise it will lose its insulating properties. A gap of 3-5 cm is provided between the roof and waterproofing.

The moisture-proofing membrane sheet or film is laid with a slight deflection. For fastening, a construction stapler is used, the places of fastenings and joints are taped with tape.

At internal insulation the rafters remain unprotected from moisture; it is recommended that these structures be treated with antiseptics. About protection wooden structures look .


Before installation, fibrous materials such as glass or basalt wool are opened in advance so that they regain their shape.
The space between the rafters is filled with insulation. Knock down and specially compact soft types insulation is not allowed, this worsens its thermal insulation properties.

Rigid slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are laid according to the same principle - in the gaps between the rafters, in at least two layers, to seal all the cracks are filled polyurethane foam.

Vapor barrier

The main purpose of this layer is to prevent the insulation from getting wet under the influence of rising moist air. This stage can be excluded only if you purchase insulation with a special protective layer (for example, lavsan).

When choosing the required installation side, the manufacturer’s recommendations are taken into account; a mandatory overlap of 10-15 cm is provided. The material is attached to the rafters with staples, and the joints of the panels are treated with sealant tape.

When constructing a residential building, pitched roofs are rarely used. These types of roofs are popular in the construction of buildings such as bathhouses, garages, outbuildings, verandas and many other adjacent structures. However, there is an opinion among architects that this approach is not correct. They believe that developers are in vain neglecting the construction and insulation of pitched roofs, because they have a number of characteristic advantages.

Advantages and disadvantages of pitched roofs

Much less often than modern insulation materials, insulation from natural materials such as flax, straw, seaweed, etc. is used.

The disadvantages of these insulation materials are their high cost and rather short service life.

Types of thermal insulation materials

Expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is one of the most commonly used thermal insulation materials. In its properties, this material is similar to polystyrene foam, which is why these two materials are often confused with each other: the material is lightweight, low cost, and also has high environmental qualities.

Installing polystyrene foam on an insulated surface is quite simple; you can do it yourself without involving professionals or using special equipment. Due to its structure with a large number of air chambers, polystyrene foam will effectively protect the house from heat loss.

Among the most popular manufacturers of expanded polystyrene are Penoplex and Technonikol.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is not inferior in popularity to expanded polystyrene; it is often used for insulation residential buildings, and for thermal insulation of personal buildings. Despite its excellent thermal insulation qualities, mineral wool has significant drawback- It is susceptible to moisture accumulation. In addition, the weight of mineral wool is greater than that of expanded polystyrene. Installing it is quite simple, just lay the sheets between wooden rafters ceilings


Ecowool, or cellulose wool, is often used in the West; in Russia it is rarely used. In terms of its insulating qualities, ecowool is similar to mineral wool. It is produced from the processing of cellulose and waste paper. There are two types of material on sale: in bulk form or in the form of sprayed insulation. In addition to high thermal insulation properties, lightness, availability and ease of installation, ecowool has noise and vibration insulation functions. In addition, the service life of ecowool is quite long.


Penoizol is practically an analogue of expanded polystyrene. The advantages include its non-flammability, waterproofness and the fact that it does not melt under the influence of high temperatures.

Installing insulation on a pitched roof with your own hands

The method in which the insulation must be installed directly depends on the thermal insulation material. Most insulation is installed on the roof quite simply, without the help of specialists or professional equipment.

If you choose ecowool as insulation, to spray it onto the insulated coating you need to use a special pump with an air blower. To make the work more economical, such equipment can be rented.

In order to fix the material in the form of plates on the surface, fasteners with a large area are needed. Using them, you will securely fasten the insulation. Mineral wool is installed in this way.

You can start installing thermal insulation from both the inside and outside of the roof. The waterproofing layer is laid on the outside:

  • The first step in performing thermal insulation works Waterproofing will be installed. How long and effectively the insulation will serve directly depends on high-quality waterproofing materials. Waterproofing should be laid over the entire insulated surface. The membrane sheets must be overlapped by approximately 100-150 mm.

Expert opinion

Konstantin Alexandrovich

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Important! Before you start installing the insulation itself, pay attention to its packaging. It must be opened before starting work. For example, when using mineral wool, you should be more careful. On the construction market, layers of mineral wool are supplied in compressed packages; after opening, the mineral wool increases in size. With this packaging method, its insulating properties are better preserved.

  • To determine what width of insulation to use, measure the distance between adjacent floor rafters. It is recommended to lay the insulation at a width greater than the rafter spacing by 30 mm. This way you will protect the surface from the formation of voids and cracks, and also fix the material more tightly.
  • The last step is to install the vapor barrier layer. This layer will protect the insulation from moisture penetration. Otherwise, if you skip the vapor barrier layer, moisture rising from inside the house will accumulate in the insulation. This, in turn, leads to a deterioration in its thermal insulation qualities. It is necessary to lay a vapor barrier layer from the inside of a residential building, because it is from below that water vapor rises to the top. Sheets vapor barrier membrane it is necessary to overlap, fixing the joints and places of contact with the surface using construction tape.

Repairing damaged roofing

The most in an efficient way will replace the material in the damaged area, regardless of the type of roof (slate, soft tiles, profiled sheet or other types). However, it is difficult to carry out such work quickly and without outside help, so you can resort to laying new material on top of the damaged one or sealing the damaged area. Areas with nail holes or other minor damage can also be sealed, for example by soldering a small piece of Bicroelast.

Insulation of a concrete roof

In the event that the base of the roofs is reinforced concrete slabs(in garages or boiler rooms), it is recommended to lay insulation on the outside of the structure. In this case, the thermal insulation material can be foam plastic with a thickness of at least 100 mm, on top of which they are mounted concrete screed.

When performing such work, some preparatory work should be carried out. The concrete surface must be treated and cleaned of various types of dirt and dust. Gaps between concrete slabs cover with polyurethane foam or use fiberglass. After completing all preparatory work lay thermal insulation material - polystyrene foam. It is recommended to lay the insulation in two layers so that the joints of the top and bottom do not coincide, and the foam slabs are laid overlapping. To fix the foam, use construction film.

The last layer of the “roofing pie” is waterproofing membrane, which is stretched over the insulation. The best option for waterproofing in terms of price and practicality is a built-up roof.

Let's sum it up

One of the most important criteria for the effectiveness of thermal insulation is its proper installation. Most thermal energy losses all kinds of buildings and constructions take place precisely through the roof, so it is necessary to address the issue of its thermal insulation first of all. Otherwise, if technological requirements are violated during work, the roofing itself may deteriorate during operation, which will lead to its dismantling and huge cash costs.

Step-by-step video on how to insulate a flat roof
