How to waterproof a concrete floor. Floor waterproofing device

Ensuring waterproofing of the floor and walls of a building is important both from the point of view of the stability of the building on the foundation, and as a preventive measure to prevent the destructive influence of the external environment on the elements of the foundation and structure.

Experts distinguish external waterproofing, which involves performing a number of actions, the main purpose of which is to prevent the penetration of moisture from atmospheric precipitation into the structure structural elements structures.

The second type of waterproofing, performed for the walls and floor of the basement or the foundation of a building, provides for the isolation of these elements from external influences from groundwater.

The need to perform an operation on the floor is due to the possibility of penetration or absorption of moisture by its surface. wooden elements, which will lead to dampness and destruction. In addition, the presence of moisture in the structure brickwork or on the surface of concrete can lead to the appearance of fungal formations. And this, in turn, is fraught not only with deterioration in the appearance of the room and bad smell, but can also pose a threat to human health.

Properly performed waterproofing of floors prevents moisture from penetrating into structural elements, disrupting their functional characteristics and appearance.

  • Hydroprotection of the first type (external), excluding the penetration of precipitation, includes the implementation of a blind area during the construction of a structure, refers to external type work depends on the quality, the performance of which will depend on the longevity of the structure. The blind area is a concrete area with a slope away from the building and a width of about 50-100 cm, made along the entire perimeter of the structure in order to drain water generated by precipitation and melting snow. If necessary, depending on the groundwater level at the construction site, it is possible to carry out drainage system to drain groundwater from the building.
  • Depending on the purpose of the room, the requirements for it and the materials used, it is possible to use various schemes waterproofing, while the main parameter ensuring the quality of the operation will be the continuity of the waterproof layer and the degree of flatness of the floor surface. The flatness of the surface prepared for treatment is important when using materials that have an applied adhesive base, which will reduce the adhesion characteristics of the composition when it comes into contact with dirt or dust.

Waterproofing with a liquid base can be of several designs:

  • Cast - made from bitumen-based mixtures heated to the melting and fluid temperature with the addition of polymers and plasticizers. Waterproofing the floor in front of the screed to form a flat film plane, the molten material is applied in a uniform layer over the surface prepared for the base. For the surface of foundations under garage floors or rough structures, bitumen-rubber type mastics are used, applied in a single layer or in several stages to form a film up to 100 mm thick.

  • Insulation by impregnation type is carried out using brushes, spatulas, sprayers through special devices. After drying, a film is formed from the liquid structure of the material, which has good properties for air transmission, but excluding adhesion of water-based mixtures.

Materials for waterproofing of premises

One of the indicators of the quality of renovation of a room is in the apartment in front of the screed, for which structures based on glass or cardboard with fillers in the form of shavings or small particles of basalt or bitumen are used.

Classic materials for waterproofing are represented by roofing felt, roofing felt and glass roofing felt.

Modern compositions of materials used to create a waterproof layer are represented by polymer membranes that have several layers and combine the properties of hydro- and thermal insulating compounds. This is especially true when installing waterproofing for heated floors in apartments or cottage buildings.

In general, the compositions on the basis of which the waterproof ability of the materials used is achieved are divided into:

  • Structures with self-adhesive properties are produced in the form and are characterized by high adhesive ability when mounted to the base surface. This type of waterproofing is performed before installing a dry-type screed or before installing a cement-sand floor screed. The basis of the compositions used in this case is polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene films.
  • are compositions that penetrate into the structure of materials and have high degree plasticity and manufactured on the basis of resins with various compositions, softened rubber, polymers, rubber, bitumen with fillers in the form of plasticizers and additives to impart special properties. In residential buildings, mastics are used in cases where waterproofing of premises such as baths, swimming pools and saunas is carried out to treat the floor, seams and joints, creating tightness and waterproofness of these objects. Within the type, mastics are divided into compositions that are used without the need for preheating and require heating to soften the structures to a viscous-plastic state. Surface treatment using polymer-cement type mastic can be combined with reinforcement, resulting in a structure that provides screed and waterproofing.

  • Waterproofing under screed using liquid composition materials is a large group of water-repellent and waterproof materials with different viscosities, used for carrying out local work or applying a solid coating. The basis of structures of this type are varnishes, paints, primers and injection mixtures, characterized by the fact that they create a thin waterproof structure with high strength on the surface of wood and concrete coatings.

Waterproofing underfloor heating involves the use of the latest types of material of this class, which, when hardened after application to the surface, form structures that have the property of waterproofing, while maintaining the ability to transmit air.

  • Materials powder type represent, plasticizers, glue and viscous components used in various proportions depending on the requirements for the composition. These dry mixtures are diluted with water before application in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions for use and are used in both industrial and residential construction, for example, when waterproofing a concrete floor in a garage, for the surface of basements and swimming pool walls.

Waterproofing methods

When choosing from a wide range of options offered for construction work materials, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the substance from which the base is made, the type of room and conditions of use.

The most popular methods of applying materials to the surface being treated are:

  • Coating type, in which a layer with a thickness of no more than 2-3 mm is formed using a roller or brush, which has waterproofing properties. As a rule, materials with anti-fungal and anti-corrosion properties are added to the filler for a mixture of this composition. The main components of the composition in this case are polymer-bitumen mixtures heated to the required temperature, structures based on rubber-epoxy mixtures. Plasticizers, latex or rubber shavings are used as fillers; the use of these materials facilitates the application of the composition and high adhesive properties. To avoid the formation of signs of structure destruction after shrinkage and to increase the strength and durability of the layer, it is recommended to waterproof the floor under the screed with fiber reinforcement of the structure. The disadvantages of this method include relatively short term coating service not exceeding 5 years.

  • The painting type consists of applying a composition based on paint and varnish materials polymer or bitumen composition. Depending on the consistency of the structure in each specific case, its distribution over the surface is carried out using brushes, rollers, spatulas. This type of protection provides high insulation performance, but has disadvantages similar to the previous type of insulation. A waterproof layer of this type, despite its small thickness of a few mm, provides sufficient protection against the passage of moisture and steam, and the absence of fungal infection of the concrete screed material or base. In view of these qualities, waterproofing the floor using painting and coating is practiced when renovating residential premises and apartments.

To perform high-quality waterproofing of the painting type, it is important to use rollers, brushes and brushes high quality, preventing them from losing hardness or fluff particles. The implementation of the method involves the sequential application of several layers of the mixture to the prepared surface and is used to provide the required characteristics for a floor made of concrete or wood.

To obtain high-quality waterproofing, it is critical to ensure continuity of the coating in any method of its implementation. In addition, in places where the waterproofing layer comes into contact with the walls of the room or other surfaces that have a difference in level with the floor, in addition to continuity, a rise relative to the floor level to a height of more than 300 mm is required. This requirement is critically important in the case of waterproofing under a heated floor.

  • The adhesive waterproofing is very sensitive to compressive or shear stresses, therefore, this waterproofing is not carried out when protecting the floor in places where there are rigid structures based on reinforced concrete, brick or concrete. Tape-type waterproofing is carried out by installing a waterproof insulating material on a specially prepared base surface, cleared of debris and dust.

Pasting technology, which waterproofs the surface of bases and floors, is in most cases carried out by applying the material in several layers and is carried out using one of three methods:

  • Cast waterproofing is performed using torches gas type, soldering stations or devices for supplying heated air. Waterproofing the floor screed is carried out by laying the prepared material using molten material to attach the sheets to the surface of the base and to each other, ensuring the absence of water permeability. This method is used to produce monolithic structures before fabrication sand-cement screed, in this case, the material that provides waterproofing properties is laid in several layers with the space between them being reinforced using fiberglass or metal mesh. Typically, the thickness of this coating for concrete screeds is in the range of 5-15 cm with a high degree of flatness and diffusion of the heated composition into the pores of the building material.

  • By gluing - in this case, materials that have a special adhesive base or prepared structures from glue and mastic of a special composition are applied to leveled and pre-treated planes under the surface of the future floor. Mastic for waterproofing floors has a number of advantages over other types of consistency of material structures to ensure waterproofing of the room. First of all, it can be applied in a layer of the required thickness, if necessary ensuring leveling of the floor surface; secondly, the plastic-viscous structure of the material allows it to fill the smallest cavities in structures, which helps reduce water permeability.
  • Spreading, in which materials for waterproofing the floor are laid out under the base on a prepared surface with fixation using an overlapping joint and secured with adhesive tape. A similar scheme is used when performing a rough type of waterproofing or when pouring screeds under the floor, while the size of the material overlap is more than 15 cm.

  • Plastering method, in which the composition used is based on cement mortar filled with polymer and binder additives, it is characterized by a high degree of void filling. The plaster solution has a sufficient degree of plasticity to level the surface, eliminate cracks and crevices and can be applied to the surface of various materials. Waterproofing the floor in the garage, ensuring tightness before screeding when working with stone, concrete, wood and tiles is not the full range of uses of the method.

When performing plastering waterproofing before complete hardening, which occurs within several weeks, it is necessary to avoid excessive dryness of the surface. This is achieved by using wetting every few hours during the first 24 hours after application of the coating and several wettings every week during the subsequent drying period.

In addition, the plaster type of waterproofing has a backfill type, the essence of which is that materials with the property of hardness, when in contact with moisture in a granular state, fill the space necessary for processing. The materials used to perform this type of protection include: perlite-based sand, bentonite, mineral wool, ash. After this, when they are exposed to moisture, a uniformly applied layer of absorbent material absorbs moisture, hardens for some time, after which a waterproof layer of high strength is formed on the surface.

Video about waterproofing

High-quality waterproofing requires thorough cleaning and preparation of the surface for coating, which involves achieving high flatness of the treated areas. The correct choice of materials and adherence to waterproofing technology will ensure the absence of excess humidity premises, fungal formations and unpleasant odors in it.

Concrete floors, like other types of flooring, require waterproofing. Concrete itself is somewhat waterproof, but with prolonged contact with moisture it begins to deteriorate, and unprotected joints between the floor and the wall can cause a number of serious problems.

For waterproofing a concrete floor, both traditional and more modern methods. Let's consider the technologies for their use, and analyze the features of floor protection depending on the type of room.

The need to waterproof a concrete floor

Concrete floors are often used in residential and non-residential premises. They are a good basis for laying all kinds of floor coverings: linoleum, laminate, parquet.

Concrete is a hygroscopic material that gradually absorbs moisture. In order to protect expensive floor coverings from contact with moisture, a layer of protective barrier is installed on top of the concrete floor (in front of the screed). Waterproofing material prevents contact of finishing materials with water vapor.

On the first floors of industrial buildings and basements, a layer of waterproofing must be laid on top of a sandy, well-compacted cushion.

Waterproofing a concrete floor significantly reduces the risk of a number of problems, namely:

Materials for protecting concrete floors and the specifics of their application

There are various ways waterproofing concrete floors. Price, application technology, service life and technical specifications protective layer depends on the material used.

Roll waterproofing. The most common method that uses roll materials on a bitumen basis. They come in two types: floating and self-adhesive.

The advantages of floating materials, such as roofing felt, include their durability and affordability. However, they also have significant disadvantages:

  • the need to use gasoline or gas burner, which is not always convenient and acceptable (especially in small rooms);
  • releases when heated bad smell and harmful smoke;
  • laying roofing felt requires subsequent pouring of additional screed - this increases the load on the foundation and reduces the height of the ceilings.

A worthy alternative to traditional roofing felt is roll materials with an adhesive base. They are more convenient to install and provide a high level of moisture protection.

Coating waterproofing. This method is gradually replacing roll waterproofing. Various bitumen-polymer, cement-polymer and bitumen-rubber mastics are used. Thanks to plasticizers and special fillers contained in mastics, the waterproofing layer is strong and elastic.

Some manufacturers add components that prevent the development of fungus and mold growth.

Before applying mastic, it is advisable to treat the floor with a special primer - this will increase the adhesion of the waterproofing layer to the concrete base

Often, protective mastic is sold complete with a primer (their composition must have the same main component).

The main advantages of coating waterproofing are the cost-effectiveness and ease of application of the material.

Cement-polymer mastic can be laid on a reinforcing mesh, resulting in a layer of waterproofing and screed at the same time

Penetrating waterproofing can be used as an additional or primary measure of protection for a concrete floor. The following subgroups of penetrating waterproofing are distinguished:

  1. Concreting - allows you to increase the density, strength and frost resistance of the material. Used as an additive in the manufacture of waterproof concrete structures or to create a protective reinforcing layer.
  2. Polymer cement - can be used to treat concrete, wood and brick floors. The material is characterized by high adhesion to the surface, is environmentally friendly and easy to use.
  3. Cement inorganic waterproofing is used to treat concrete floors and walls (relevant for swimming pools, baths, bathrooms).

Ceramic tiles can be laid on a layer of penetrating waterproofing

Backfill waterproofing used to protect foundations or floors in wet areas. The pre-constructed formwork is filled with bulk material. As a filler you can use: perlite sand, ash, mineral wool, bentonite (when moistened, it turns into a waterproof gel).

Backfill waterproofing is reliable and has a long service life, but its installation is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process.

Features of waterproofing concrete floors in different rooms

Protecting concrete floors in your home and bathroom

When waterproofing the floor in living rooms houses or apartments use painting or coating technology. This will be enough to provide the floor covering, and the room as a whole, with protection from excess moisture.

Can be applied to the floor surface waterproof paint, which contains polymers that can clog concrete pores. To increase the effectiveness of the waterproofing layer, it is advisable to apply the paint in 2-3 layers.

Waterproofing work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area, as the paint has a strong odor

Since the bathroom is a place with high humidity and a high risk of leaks, it is better to use adhesive or coating waterproofing here - it is more durable and reliable.

Self-adhesive roll material, bitumen or synthetic mastics are well suited for such work.

A video of waterproofing a concrete floor in a bathroom is presented below.

Waterproofing garage and basement floors

Particular care must be taken to waterproof the concrete floor in the garage, since constant excess moisture can lead to rotting and damage to vehicles. Postpone negative consequences Ventilation will help, but not for long.

Types of concrete floor waterproofing:

  • ground device;
  • covering device.

Waterproofing on the ground is carried out at the time of arrangement of the base for the floors. Rolled material (polymer membrane, bitumen roofing felt or polyethylene, about 1 mm thick) is suitable for work. When laying out the material, the overlap on the walls must be at least 10 cm. The waterproofing layer must lie flat, without the formation of “waves” or breaks.

When installing a floor in a garage above the basement (along the ceiling), you can use a layer of roofing felt or bitumen mastic as protection. However, if the plans include manufacturing inspection hole in the garage, then there will be no point in such waterproofing.

If there is a basement in the garage, the only sure way is to waterproof the concrete floor in the basement itself.

There are three types of basement floor waterproofing:

  • anti-capillary - protecting the floor from capillary water;
  • non-pressure - protection from floods and rain;
  • anti-pressure - protection from groundwater.

You can perform high-quality waterproofing of the floor in different ways. One of the most reliable is the “pie” laying, in which the floor level rises to a height of about 50 cm.

The sequence of laying layers is as follows:

  1. crushed stone (layer thickness - about 2 cm);
  2. fatty clay;
  3. thin layer of concrete;
  4. a layer of waterproofing mastic;
  5. roll waterproofing (2 layers in a row);
  6. thin layer of concrete;
  7. reinforced concrete screed.

To waterproof a concrete floor in a basement, it is not recommended to use membranes and films - they are not able to withstand friction against the foundation during seasonal soil shifts, and will not cope with pressure groundwater

Protection of concrete floors in bathhouses

Some people believe that it is not necessary to waterproof the concrete floor in a bathhouse, since the air temperature is very high and the humidity will evaporate on its own. However, this is not true. Very often, due to improperly performed penetrating waterproofing of concrete, the floor in the bathhouse does not warm up. In addition to discomfort, this can lead to destruction of the floor covering.

To protect the concrete floor from excess moisture, penetrating waterproofing can be used. To do this, you need to thoroughly clean the floor surface, level it, prime it and cover it with a cement, polymer-cement or concrete waterproofing composition.

Properly executed waterproofing of a concrete floor in a bathhouse will protect the elements of the structure from premature destruction and improve the microclimate in the steam room.

Do-it-yourself waterproofing of a concrete floor

Preparatory stage

To carry out waterproofing work, it is necessary to first prepare the room, namely:

Coating technology with roll materials

For roll waterproofing, the evenness of the surface is very important, so before work you need to double-check that the gap between the level and the floor does not exceed 2 cm.

The sequence of work is as follows:

When laying out waterproofing material, you must ensure that the overlap between the sheets is at least 1 cm

If during installation the roll “goes” to the side, it must be cut off and the direction aligned with a new piece of fabric. When a bubble forms, it is cut, air is released, re-spread with mastic and glued to the concrete base. The restored swelling area must be smoothed out with a spatula.

Technology for applying seamless waterproofing (coating)

You can do the coating waterproofing of a concrete floor yourself and in a short time. The technology for applying mastics does not require ideal flat surface- it is enough to sweep or vacuum the floor. It is not advisable to make a wet frill.

Procedure for applying waterproofing mastic:

During drying, the waterproofing layer should not be exposed to moisture, dust or foreign objects.

Can be laid on dried waterproofing flooring: tiles, porcelain tiles, linoleum, etc.

As you can see, you can protect a concrete floor from moisture yourself; the main thing is to choose the right waterproofing material and adhere to the technology for laying it.

During the operation of the house, excess moisture can cause irreparable damage to its structure. If in apartment buildings waterproofing the floor is necessary only to avoid flooding the neighbors below in the event of a pipe break, then waterproofing the floor in a private house is a blatant necessity. The water contained in the soil rises up through the capillaries and, penetrating into the room, changes the microclimate in it and violates the integrity and structure of the floor and foundation of the building. Acids, alkalis and salts dissolved in water negatively affect wood and concrete. To protect the floors in the house from the negative effects of water, it is necessary to carry out a number of works. We will tell you which ones exactly in this article.

To waterproof floors on the ground, it is necessary to start with bedding at the construction stage

Waterproofing the floor on the ground

In private houses, the floor on the ground floor is installed directly on the ground, which causes some difficulties in providing protection from moisture.

Rising through capillaries from deep soil layers, water can penetrate the structure of wood or concrete, saturating it with moisture. In addition to the destructive effect of salts contained in water, there is another negative factor. Wood or concrete saturated with moisture, freezing and then thawing, lose their integrity: air bubbles form in the concrete, and the wood begins to rot, which will subsequently lead to destruction.

That is why all work on floor waterproofing does not begin with the use of newfangled modern materials, but with the right equipment “pillows” under the structure.

Important! Waterproofing the floor on the ground must be done during the construction stage. In a building that is already in use, all attempts made to waterproof the floor will be in the nature of “half measures” that will not bring 100% results.

Technology for performing “backfill” to ensure high-quality waterproofing:

  • We thoroughly compact the soil at the bottom of the pit under the building;
  • We fill in crushed stone with a fraction of 30 - 50 mm (large) in a layer from 7 cm to 10 cm or more;
  • We compact the crushed stone;
  • We fill the sand with a layer of 7 - 10 cm. You can use any sand: river, gully (quarry).
  • We carefully compact the sand.

By performing such bedding, we create wide air pockets, breaking off the capillary rise of water upward. How thoroughly the layers of bedding are compacted will determine its ability to keep water out.

Sometimes, for safety reasons, large stones are first placed on the compacted soil at the bottom of the pit, and then crushed stone. This method also exists. The main thing is to compact it well.

Important! You cannot replace the layer of crushed stone in the bedding with expanded clay, as the latter absorbs water and swells. But if groundwater are very far away, the soil is constantly dry, then expanded clay can be used for backfilling. In this case, the entire bedding will not serve as waterproofing, but only as a quality base.

The “filling” described above is required if the groundwater level is above 2 m. Otherwise, it is optional, but desirable - as a safety net.

After completing the cushion, there are two ways: to create a wooden floor on joists or a concrete floor. Their waterproofing technology varies.

Waterproofing a wooden floor

To install a wooden floor, it is necessary to erect support columns under the logs. They can be made from brick or monolithic concrete, poured into the formwork.

After the concrete has dried, the surface of the posts should be treated coating waterproofing from all sides. Rolled material, such as roofing felt, can be laid on top of the posts. Thus, we will protect the logs in the places adjacent to the support pillars from the influence of moisture.

After laying the logs, it is necessary to equip the subfloor. To do this, you can use thick sheets of moisture-resistant plywood and nail them to the joists from the bottom. Or you can make a traditional one - a plank subfloor.

Waterproofing a subfloor looks like this:

  • If we use moisture-resistant plywood, it will already perform some waterproofing functions;

The base of the subfloor made of waterproof plywood can be waterproofed with thick plastic film

  • We lay a layer of rolled film waterproofing on the plywood. For example, plastic film 200 microns or diffuse membranes. Be sure to lay it with an overlap of 10–15 cm, gluing the joints with tape. We lay insulation on top.
  • We lay the rough plank floor on the joists.

We also lay plastic film on the rough wooden floor for waterproofing.

  • We again lay plastic film on the subfloor and make an overlap of 20 cm on the walls.
  • As additional thermal insulation We lay a layer of foamed polyethylene, which also has some waterproofing properties.

This concludes the work on waterproofing the wooden floor. Even in the technology described above, provided that sheets of moisture-resistant plywood were laid, and plastic film was placed on them, laying plastic film on the subfloor is additional measure. may serve as an additional measure.

Layout of a concrete floor with layers of waterproofing

Installation of a concrete floor on the ground is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to create monolithic structure in moving ground conditions. After completing the “pillow” you should do rough screed. There are two ways to do this.

First option.

On top of the sand that is finishing layer“bedding”, pour a layer of fine gravel. Then mix a cement-sand mortar with a slightly liquid consistency and pour gravel over it, so that a layer of rough screed of at least 3-5 cm is formed on top.

After the concrete has dried, lay rolled waterproofing on it in two layers, for example, roofing felt or roofing felt, always without toppings. Carefully glue all joints with a gas torch.

Then lay thermal insulation and complete the finishing screed.

Second option.

Place a 200 micron thick plastic film on top of the sand. Flatten it and seal all joints well with tape. In this case, it is necessary to act extremely carefully so as not to tear the film.

Apply a rough screed of cement-sand mixture (of normal consistency) on top of the film. This layer is also called “lean concrete”, since it is only necessary for waterproofing. The layer should be 5 - 7 cm thick. To prepare the solution, crushed stone of a fraction of 5 - 10 mm (fine) is used, sand - only river sand.

To waterproof a concrete floor, you can spread rolled waterproofing materials on the rough screed

You can also spread a layer of waterproofing (roofing felt or PVC membrane) on the rough screed. Insulation is laid on top, then a finishing screed.

The above is sufficient to ensure high-quality waterproofing in most cases, but there are situations when additional waterproofing is required.

Do I need additional waterproofing of the floor?

When groundwater is too close to the ground surface, additional measures may be required to protect against it. You can determine whether additional waterproofing is really needed by making the appropriate calculations. This is done by specialized companies that carry out house construction projects. Soil analyzes are taken, water levels are measured in different times year and based on the data obtained, a verdict is made.

Additional work to ensure floor waterproofing:

  • We compact the soil base;
  • Lay a layer of oily clay or roofing felt in 2 layers;
  • We lay crushed stone and sand;
  • We impregnate the layers of crushed stone and sand with bitumen;
  • We lay a rough screed of “lean concrete”;
  • We waterproof the subfloor using rolled material or coating mastics.
  • We install a vapor barrier.

The measures taken will be quite sufficient to ensure high-quality waterproofing of the floor in conditions of close moisture.

Waterproofing the kitchen floor

The floor in the kitchen is exposed to moisture not only from below - from the ground, but also from above - during washing, cooking and other kitchen work, a lot of water gets on the floor.

Therefore, it is necessary to protect the floor not only from below, as was written above, but also from above.

The principle of waterproofing a kitchen floor largely depends on the finishing floor covering.

It is not advisable to install a wooden floor in the kitchen, since it is most susceptible to moisture and will be difficult to protect. If you decide to lay parquet, parquet boards or solid boards in the kitchen, you should cover their surface with waterproof varnish.

For additional waterproofing of the kitchen floor, you can treat the concrete base with a painting material

If you plan to use linoleum as a finishing coating in the kitchen, then the concrete base on which it is laid should be treated with a waterproofing material, for example, by painting or coating. Then put the linoleum on the glue. IN in this case linoleum itself will act as a waterproofing material.

Ceramic tiles also have water-repellent properties, but as a safety net it would be a good idea to treat concrete screed bitumen-polymer mastics, paints or other methods. And for better adhesion of the tile adhesive to the base, the top of the waterproofing must be impregnated with a special primer.

Waterproofing the floor in a private house is a very responsible matter. If this is not done on time and efficiently, over time fungus and other mold may appear that cannot be removed. And the structure of the entire house will gradually collapse. There is no need to talk about high humidity indoors, which leads to frequent allergies and other diseases. It is better to think through everything and complete it on time than to rebuild and repair it later.

Waterproofing floors in private housing construction is a real necessity. If such an operation is not performed, over time the foundation of the home and its entire structure as a whole will begin to experience negative impact soil waters.

Houses in private sectors and country cottages are built on a variety of foundations - combined, strip, columnar. Such dwellings can stand directly on the ground or have basements, have a diverse architecture. Regardless of the design of a residential building, it is imperative to carry out work to effectively protect its floor from moisture. In situations where such events are not carried out, the quality and comfort of living in the house leaves much to be desired.

Wet floor

The lack of waterproofing of the floor base leads to a decrease in the service life of all elements of a residential building without exception. Besides, high humidity becomes the cause of health problems for all inhabitants of such a house. Water, which is present in any soil, rises to the surface, penetrates into the base of the structure and gradually destroys it. Before negative impact neither concrete, nor wood, nor any other building material.

If in a private house there are black spots on the walls in the rooms caused by fungus, this means that the protection of its base from moisture was done poorly or not at all. To prevent such problems from arising, you should take care of proper waterproofing of the floor. It is made using different materials:

  • synthetic - mixtures of gasoline and special resins(primers), roofing felt, moisture-proof membranes and films, moisture-resistant plywood;
  • natural - resin, gravel, sand, crushed stone.

We will talk further about how to properly waterproof a floor in a private home.

On the first floors of private housing construction, the floor base is installed directly on the soil. Water from it, as we noted, rises from deep soil layers through capillaries and saturates concrete and wooden materials. It is clear that they quickly become unusable. For this reason, floor waterproofing measures should begin at the stage of construction of a residential building by laying a special cushion under the building.

Waterproofing on the ground

The work is carried out as follows:

  1. Compact the soil at the bottom of the pit for construction.
  2. Pour 8–15 cm of coarse (fraction size 3–5 cm) crushed stone onto the compacted surface. Tamp this layer too.
  3. Pour 8–15 cm of river or inexpensive water on top. You compact it.

All the described actions allow you to form wide air pockets in the pit. They are necessary to prevent moisture from rising from the ground through capillaries to building elements. In this case, it is very important to compact all layers of the said cake as thoroughly as possible (it is often called bedding). The denser the sand and gravel, the more difficult it is for water to reach the building.

On problem soils, the pit can be filled with large stones before laying crushed stone. It is not allowed to use expanded clay instead of crushed stone on wet soils. This popular building material today is capable of absorbing water and increasing in size (swelling). Expanded clay is used exclusively on dry land plots. And even then only as a foundation for a house, and not as a water protector. The pie we have considered must be made when soil water is present in an area above 2 m. Under other conditions, it is advisable to equip it as an additional safety net.

After arranging the bedding, either a concrete or wooden base is made in the house. Their waterproofing is carried out according to different methods. They are described below.

The problem of arranging a concrete floor lies in the need to erect a monolithic type structure on soils characterized by a certain level of mobility. This problem can be solved by performing a special rough screed. It is done after arranging the previously described compacted pie of sand and crushed stone.

Massive base waterproofing

The rough screed is performed using the following method:

  1. Place a 200-micron thick polyethylene film on a layer of sand. You glue its joints (very carefully and carefully, since the material breaks easily) with construction tape.
  2. Mix 4 parts river sand with part of the cement and small crushed stone, add water to the standard consistency of the solution. Fill it with film. You should get a layer of rough screed about 6–7 cm. Pay attention! For the screed we are interested in, you cannot use quarry sand, only river sand.
  3. After the solution has dried, spread it on it and level it with a PVC membrane or roofing felt.
  4. Lay the selected one thermal insulation material, and then make a finishing screed.

The second method requires a little more time. Waterproofing the floor using this technology is carried out according to the diagram below. First, pour gravel onto a layer of sand (you need to use very small-sized material). After this, mix a liquid solution of sand and cement. Fill it with gravel in a layer of 4–5 cm. Then lay roofing material on top in two layers. The use of roofing felt is allowed, but only those types that do not have additional topping on the surface.

Now you need to connect the roofing material into a continuous sheet. The easiest way to do this is with a gas burner. The waterproofing of the concrete floor base in the house is completed by laying insulation and finishing screed.

To begin, build support posts under the joists. They can be made from concrete, which is poured into, or (which is easier and faster in time) from bricks. After installing the supports, treat them on all sides with coating waterproofing, and lay roofing felt on top. Such protection can protect logs in areas where they are adjacent to constructed concrete or brick pillars.

Now let's start arranging the rough wooden base. It makes the most sense to make it from moisture-resistant plywood. Sheets of this material must be attached to the joists on the underside using small nails or self-tapping screws. If you have free time, you can also build a regular subfloor - a plank floor. In many respects it looks preferable to a plywood base. But the costs (both money and effort) for its arrangement will be large.

Ruberoid for waterproofing

Waterproofing a wooden floor is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Place a diffusion membrane or waterproof film (polyethylene) on boards or plywood. Lay individual strips of waterproofing on top of each other with a 12–15 cm overlap, and then use tape to seal all joints.
  2. Install a heat insulator.
  3. Install a rough base on the joists.
  4. Lay down another layer of film. At the same time, you run its edges 20 centimeters onto the walls.

Some craftsmen advise taking additional measures to protect the wooden floor from moisture. For example, you can lay polyethylene foam on the top film. There is no particular need for this measure if the subfloor was made of plywood. It itself, to a certain extent, performs the function of protecting the wooden floor base.

Moisture affects kitchen floors both from the ground and from inside the room in which food is prepared and dishes are washed. In this regard, there is a real need to protect such floors on both sides. Their waterproofing in the kitchen depends on the type of finish used. When laying massive or parquet board It is enough to treat them with high-quality varnish with a moisture-resistant effect.

Floor coatings with varnish

If the flooring is done tiles, you need to apply a special mastic based on polymer compounds and bitumen to the concrete screed. Don't forget before processing concrete base soak it with a primer using mastic. Then the tile adhesive will hold the tile securely. When covering the floor with linoleum, it is advisable to treat the base with coating or painting insulation. Myself finishing material lay on glue.

Waterproofing a concrete or wooden floor in private housing construction, as you can see for yourself, is of great importance for the safety of all elements of a residential building. Therefore, it must be carried out competently and truly responsibly.

At one of the stages of floor installation in a residential or production premises it is necessary to carry out waterproofing by choosing the most suitable material for this. Using a cement-sand mixture, the base floor in the room is leveled. In this case, the floor must be waterproofed in advance before screeding. A high-quality waterproofing layer protects the floor structure from the damaging effects of moisture. In rooms with high level humidity, floor waterproofing directly affects the comfort and safety of their operation.

What kind of waterproofing is there?

On the building materials market you can find various materials, allowing you to effectively protect the floor from moisture. The most widespread are coating and pasting materials, with the help of which waterproofing the floor with your own hands is carried out quickly and easily.

  • Coating waterproofing flooring is made by manufacturers on the basis of oxidized bitumen, to which an organic solvent and various fillers are added. Latex, plasticizer or crumb rubber can be used as additives. Thanks to these additives, it is possible to increase the elasticity of the coating. This affects the reliability of the material and its resistance to external influences. Bitumen-rubber or bitumen-polymer mastics have high adhesion, ensuring strong adhesion of the waterproofing material to the base of the floor. If the floor is waterproofed under a screed based on reinforcing fiber, the strength and abrasion resistance of the concrete base increases. The risk of shrinkage cracks appearing in concrete is also reduced.
  • Pasted waterproofing is created on the basis of bitumen, which is reinforced with fiberglass or polyester and enriched with modified polymers. The production of these products is established in rolls. It is more convenient to use self-adhesive materials for waterproofing the floor, because laying fused rolls requires the use special equipment in the form of a gas burner.

Rolled floor waterproofing is very effective, but only if done well.

Pay attention! Mastic for waterproofing floors displaces rolled materials because, unlike them, it does not have an unpleasant odor, and also does not contain seams that can cause water leaks. However, roll materials have their own niche in the market and attract buyers with their affordability. In addition, after fixing the adhesive waterproofing to the base, you can continue working on laying the floor.

We produce cement-polymer mastic

Know that waterproofing the shower floor can be done not only from ready-made mixtures, but also from cement-polymer mastic, mixed with your own hands. To prepare it you need:

  • dry cement;
  • mineral filler;
  • water.

Sometimes, instead of water, a special binding emulsion is used, as well as an aqueous, acrylic, silicone or vinyl dispersion of polymers. The consistency of the resulting mixture resembles liquid plasticine.

In order for the waterproofing to adhere well to the base base, it is necessary to carefully prepare it for work. At the same time, garbage is collected and removed. Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of construction dust. To ensure better adhesion, it is recommended to treat the surface of the subfloor with primer solutions. Usually manufacturers waterproofing materials advise which primers are best to use.

Apply the mixture in two layers, with one square meter floor area requires 3 kg of cement-polymer mastic. All joints are pre-sealed with a special sealing tape.

Important! Using cement-polymer mastics, you can level the floor level in the bathroom, bringing it to the required height. Therefore, after applying this composition, the screed is not poured. The final floor covering can be laid directly on top of the waterproofing layer.

Remember that after applying bitumen mastic, liquid rubber or other types of coating materials, you must allow time for the applied waterproofing layer to polymerize. Pouring the screed or laying the finishing floor begins after this process is completed.
