Interior decor: how to decorate walls. DIY wallpaper decor - affordable beauty

Often, after completing a renovation, we find that we have one or more empty walls that simply require some kind of decoration. The question immediately arises - how to decorate the wall. There are many different ways. Moreover, the beauty of wall decorations is that most of them can be easily removed and replaced, thereby changing the mood, and sometimes even the style of the room. First, let's look at how to decorate a wall correctly, from a design point of view.

Design approach

Almost everything - modern, hi-tech, minimalism, etc. - suggests light, plain-painted walls. The design turns out to be light and unobtrusive, but after a while you want something brighter, some accents. AND The best way add these accents - decorate the walls. Smooth and smooth, they serve as an ideal background.

Panels and collages

The easiest way is to make a wall panel from identical small fragments, paint them in colors close to the main one, or play with one of additional colors, already present in the interior.

Simple panels look good in any interior

Collages are suitable for wall decoration. They can be made from photographs - from a personal album, celebrities, natural or city landscapes, animals, birds... whatever. Reproductions of paintings are also suitable, even just multi-colored fragments covered, for example, with companion wallpaper.

If the style of the room is closer to pop art or any other avant-garde movement, choosing the right theme, and the color design of the collage is more difficult. This is closer to art than just design. As an example, you can play with images or reproductions of avant-garde artists in different colors.

Moreover, it is far from necessary to make holes in the walls for each frame. The solution can be borrowed from galleries: hang a cornice - regular or string - under the ceiling, and attach wall decorative elements to it with a thick fishing line. Changing the exposure in this case is a matter of several tens of minutes.

Photo from home album Mesmerizing landscapes


Since ancient times, walls have been decorated with triptychs, only paintings were used earlier. You can paint walls today, but it requires considerable talent. For those who have had trouble with painting, there is another option - divide the image (photo) you like into several fragments and place it on the wall in this form.

The method is simple, but gives an interesting effect. And to make everything look more voluminous, make a base for each fragment. You can use thin wooden slats, you can upholster it from fiberboard, even thick, even cardboard, cut out pieces of insulation - thin foam plastic.

You choose the style of the image and the predominant color based on the general style of the room and the shades available in the interior. It is not necessary for the image to consist only of these tones, but the primary colors must be present. This is the only way to connect the wall decoration with the rest of the design into a single whole. If you can't find a suitable image, you can use a black and white photograph. It also looks very impressive. Only with photographs the frames should be almost flat - pieces of hard, thick cardboard and that's it.

Decorate the walls with photographs

In general, the idea of ​​decorating a wall with photographs adds personality to your home. Even strict, cold minimalism becomes more cozy. If you're tired of the coldness of your home's decor, add a few photos, framed or unframed, and you'll immediately feel the ambiance feel warmer.

Moreover, you can hang photos on the walls using the same principle - on fishing lines attached to a baguette under the ceiling.

Decorating with wood and stone

If you consider wall decoration as something more global, stylish and permanent, you can turn to materials such as wood and stone. This will already be a stationary decor that you are unlikely to be able to quickly change. But the degree of decorativeness is an order of magnitude higher.

Volumetric wooden wall- stylish decor

You can brighten up the gloom and coldness of the stone with warm-toned lighting. The fragments do not have to be even; the “torn” edge is even more interesting from a decorative point of view, but is very inconvenient from the housewife’s point of view - it’s difficult to clean up.

Living decorations from plants

The living decorations on the walls are very unusual. These are the so-called “green walls”. Living plants are planted to some extent. They're getting picked up different colors, species, with different leaf shapes. You can make such a composition in the form of a picture in a frame, with mandatory lighting. Just remember to water the decor regularly...

Green painting made of plants - unusual way wall decorations

It's a little easier to create compositions from climbing plants. They are planted in a long container, a fishing line is tied, and the lashes are distributed along it. Properly selected plants look great. The only negative is that the “decor” takes a long time to grow.

We make wall decorations with our own hands

There are many ideas for decorating walls in a room that are easy to implement on your own. The most popular, perhaps, are stickers or stickers. There are many ready-made ones that just need to be glued, but it’s not always possible to find exactly what you want. But you can always do what you dreamed of with your own hands.

Paper wall decor: butterflies, flowers, hearts

It’s very easy to make three-dimensional wall decor from colored paper. Only it must be double-sided - the sheets must be painted on both sides. You will also need double-sided tape, and also a pencil, scissors, maybe cardboard.

IN romantic interiors- children's rooms for girls - you can use flowers. The easiest way is to cut patterns from cardboard different sizes. It is convenient to trace them with a finely sharpened pencil, then cut them out along the drawn lines.

Decorating a wall with butterflies is cute and unexpected

If we are talking about butterflies, then they need to bend their “wings”, leaving a straight body. Glue a small piece to the body double sided tape(remove for now protective covering only on one side). This Velcro can be used to glue the decoration to any surface.

These colorful butterflies can be used to create pictures. The main thing is the idea and the desire to implement it.

Flowers are made using the same principle from the same double-sided colored paper. Moreover, simple daisies look more graphic as decoration than more complex ones (poppies, roses, etc.). Having cut them out, the petals are slightly bent, and Velcro is glued to the middle. The result is a voluminous decoration.

Paper wall decor - voluminous flowers

Another romantic option- hearts. They are also cut out of paper, only the cut is made deeper. Then, by connecting and gluing the cut part, they add volume to the decor. They are attached in the same way - with pieces of double-sided tape.

Wall decoration - hearts

Wall decorations made of threads and carnations

Don't know how to decorate a wall in an original way? You can make very interesting things from threads. They take some kind of basis - wooden board, for example, the silhouette is stuffed with carnations on it.

Threads are pulled between the nails, creating a three-dimensional pattern. You can use any thread, for example, floss.

You can make almost any image using this technique.

Make a panel

It’s easy to make a wonderful mural for a bedroom or room. You need to take dense insulation - polystyrene foam or something similar, 2-3 cm thick.

Cut the foam into strips of equal or different sizes, wrap suitable fabric or wallpaper. The easiest way to secure them is with staples from a construction stapler.

To make the panels easy to attach, staples are attached to them (for example, with glue). On one of the fragments - smoothly painted - you can apply a drawing. It can be made using a stencil, you can find some kind of design, cut it out and glue it.

Everything is easy and simple, the panel is ready in a few tens of minutes. Several options in the photo below.

Beautiful landscapes are an excellent basis for a panel. A panel of photos of flowers is gentle and life-affirming.

Kitchen wall decoration

The first possibility is to make a panel, but with a “kitchen” pattern. For example, a photo of coffee beans, a cup of coffee or some other similar images. You can make a decorative panel using even ordinary things - for example, cutlery and dishes.

It is more traditional to use plates brought from different countries. They are both a decoration and a reminder of a pleasant time spent.

Plates on the wall - it’s nice to remember your travels and it’s beautiful

The second way to arrange plates is on shelves

Another way to decorate an empty kitchen wall is to use stickers. They can be ready-made - you can find them on sale, or you can cut them out from any images and stick them on double-sided tape.

Video tutorials on creating DIY wall decor

How to make a panel from shells

Coffee bean painting

Decorative panel

Examples of wall decorations in video format.

Everyone wants to see their home stylish, original and beautiful. The hall is the center of any apartment and country house, often serving as a living room for receiving guests. To simply decorate the wall in the living room with your own hands, you can hang pictures, plates, and clocks on it. But these are all the little things that are intended for the final decoration of the interior. There are many more ways to decorate the walls in the hall.

Three general rules for decorating walls

First and foremost - wall decor should be in harmony with the style chosen for the living room. Even if “fusion” or “eclecticism” is chosen, the harmony of all components should not be forgotten.

Secondly, large decorative elements attract attention. But an excess of them will visually reduce the space of the room, while a few small ones will only expand it. Large “spots” are preferable to use for zoning.

Third - “strips”, “strips” should be used with caution. They don’t fit “art deco” at all. Vertical ones raise the ceiling, and horizontal ones, on the contrary, push the walls apart. To minimize these effects, it is necessary to select non-contrasting colors for adjacent stripes and make their boundaries somewhat blurred, flowing from one to another. And to enhance it, on the contrary, you need a contrast in relation to each other or a strict limitation of their number on the wall.

Niches, built-in shelves and stands for wall decoration in the living room

For modern design all kinds of wall niches are already a common practice. Previously, they were more used as places to place various figurines, books, vases, and photographs. Today these are completely independent and complete stylistic decisions. Each style has its own niches: arched, rectangular, stepped and many others.

And in combination with lighting and flowing onto the ceiling, they allow you to transform the room, giving it exclusivity and originality. This is also an effective and simple way to zone a living room.

There are two methods of color design for niches in the wall of the hall: contrasting and close to the shade of the main surface. It is recommended to paint them in a lighter tone than the rest of the wall. Otherwise, the recess will turn into an unsightly black hole in the middle of the room. If you are still planning a dark solution, then it is best to choose bed colors(lilac, peach). This will smooth out the contrast a little, and the niche will attract a little less attention, while remaining a kind of dominant feature in the room.

Decorative painting is an affordable, simple and exotic way to decorate a wall in a living room

Fancy ornaments, a branch of barberry or lilac, landscapes, individual images in the center of the wall and drawings over its entire area - paints, imagination and the ability to hold a brush allow you to realize everything with your own hands. Originality, originality and uniqueness in design will be guaranteed.

A more simplified option for those who do not have painting skills is to decorate walls using stencils and interior stickers. With your own hands you can create complete artistic compositions in floral, abstract, geometric and ethnic themes.

For those who want to stand out, more exotic ways of decorating the walls in the hall with paints are more suitable - painting with luminescent luminescent dyes or creating three-dimensional paintings.

Looks good on the wall monochrome images, from the same paint of different shades.

Decorative stucco and moldings on the walls in the living room

The decoration of walls with stucco elements is a typical feature of “retro”, “empire”, “renaissance”. And moldings will find a place in almost any style. You can create entire wall bas-reliefs and decorate interior elements (mirrors, lamps, door and window openings). Both ready-made products made from gypsum or plastic and those made independently from dry gypsum mixture are suitable for this.

For plain walls, the ideal option would be stucco textured panels and elements of various shapes. They can be painted in brighter colors, making accents on the wall.

Imitation of brick and stone masonry - freshness and originality or an attempt to return to the roots

There are many finishing materials to imitate brick: plaster for decoration, ceramic tile, plastic or wallpaper. You can always choose the most convenient one for decorating “brick” walls yourself. It will look like ordinary clinker, but will not clutter up the room.

It is also possible to completely “brick” the entire surface of the wall and highlight its individual sections (from the floor to the middle, around windows or doors, outlining columns). Decorative brickwork Suitable for “loft”, “high-tech”, “country”. In some situations it will refresh and complement the interior, and in others it will become the main theme of wall decoration.

Another variation of brick decor is a rocky layer of decorative stone. This design guarantees the living room sophistication and style, and it will also slightly soften the severity of the lines in the hall.

LED lighting in the decoration of the hall walls

LED strips and Spotlights– this is an undeniable novelty in decor, which has a wide palette of colors in all shades of the rainbow. The compactness and inconspicuousness of the lighting equipment itself allows it to be built into the most difficult places, outline various shapes, and illuminate equipment on the wall or niches in it.

Professional designers love this decorative element. It makes it easy to fill a room with soft lighting, highlight any area in the room with brighter light, and create a directional glow that will visually expand the walls or raise the ceiling.

DIY decorative fireplace against the wall - affordable luxury in the living room

We are not talking about inviting a professional stove maker and building a massive fireplace. It is enough to choose its electric model, since the choice is now extensive. And then put it against the wall and create a single decor, organically fitting it into the overall style of the room. Many people call the fireplace the “heart” of the home. Decorating a wall in the hall in this way is easy, and as a result, a unique atmosphere of comfort and family well-being will be ensured.

All of the above allows you to decorate the walls in the hall in the most different styles. You can use one of these methods, but it is best to combine several. You just need to look at the photo various options, turn on your imagination and begin to independently implement your ideas in your own living room.

Video “Wall decoration, master class”

Renovating an apartment is quite a labor-intensive task, which is why I want to do something unique so that for a long time there was no need to change the interior. First of all, the question arises: “how to decorate a wall with your own hands at minimal cost?”

Decorating walls in an apartment is becoming increasingly popular. The very process of applying decorative items is fascinating and gives the house a peculiar touch of novelty. There are many ways to decorate walls with your own hands, and it can be difficult to make a clear choice. But you should consider all the methods to choose an acceptable option.


When answering the question of how to decorate the walls in a room with your own hands, the first thing that comes to mind is the use of painting.. This method has a centuries-old history; even in ancient times, a painting hanging on the wall was considered a great luxury. Nothing has changed today. This decor has a lot of original variations and is considered quite luxurious.

But here we are not talking about paintings, but about the surface of the wall, like a canvas. To decorate it you need a good flight of imagination and Creative skills, then you can decorate the walls as in kindergarten, and at home.

Exploring the technique of applying various patterns, three methods can be noted:

  • Traditional . It is a sketch on plaster, using acrylic-based paints or oil suspensions.

  • Modern . The image is applied using new technologies, which makes the process much more pleasant and faster. As an example, an airbrush and pearlescent paints are used.

Picture on the wall

Volumetric mother-of-pearl painting

  • 3D drawings or three-dimensional paintings . Speaking about 3D images, you need to take into account that not every specialist can handle this work. As for a three-dimensional painting, almost anyone can do it. This is done by recreating the mold, preferably in plaster, and then painting the surface.

Volumetric flowers

Bas-relief on the wall

Volumetric image in color


If you lack the artist’s abilities, you shouldn’t be too upset. For beginner decorators, a suitable way to use stencils. They are cardboard sheets with cut-out designs; all you have to do is lean them against the wall and spray paint. That's it, the drawing is ready.

Although the market is overflowing with such products, decorating walls with your own hands is still much better, and you want to create a stencil yourself. Here whatman paper, a construction knife, pens or pencils will come to the rescue. A pattern found on the Internet is applied to thick paper, and the excess is carefully removed with a construction knife.

It is advisable to use a spray bottle to apply the paint, but a regular can of paint will also work.

On video: how to make a stencil with your own hands

Volumetric decor

If you don’t plan to place anything near the wall, and the space will be completely free, you can opt for volumetric decorative elements. You should arm yourself with drywall (it will become the main material) and select certain decorative elements. These can be decorative niches, columns, a fireplace or ordinary stucco.

If the question arises of how to decorate the walls in a room with your own hands, and drywall is chosen as the main material, we must not forget about the purpose of the room. It must be remembered that such decor carries a rather heavy emotional load.

It is necessary to determine the further texture of the wall panels:

  • Niches fit well into the interior of a corridor or living room; they act as a kind of showcase on which you can display beautiful objects from my own collection. But we should not forget about sanctification, which needs to be given sufficient attention.

  • You can decorate an empty wall columns, they divide the room into unique zones. Use this in case low ceiling and make beautiful columns-stands - they will hold the roof over you.

  • Another decorative element - fireplace. It does not have to be natural; there are many analogues that run on gas and electricity. They can be purchased at any specialized store. But the decoration will be left to you. Drywall is used to make three-dimensional decorative elements. But the cladding is carried out with other materials.

Do-it-yourself flexible stone is used to decorate the walls in a kindergarten. Recently, this material has begun to be widely used. It is a kind of thin slice of natural stone, arranged on a flexible basis. Thanks to its structure, it is no more difficult to glue regular wallpaper And decorative tiles. It is usually used when decorating arches, doorways, columns or niches.

This is what a flexible stone looks like

Many people are interested in how to decorate bathroom walls with their own hands. And in this case, flexible stone is not inferior to classic tiles; it is ideal for decorating the floor and finishing the wall in the bathroom.

Flexible stone can be used to finish the bathtub itself, because it is highly resistant to a humid environment.

Woven paintings

A popular way to decorate walls with fabric paintings. These paintings attract the eye from the first minute. A dense fabric that is resistant to moisture and various stains is well suited for their creation.

Also, the canvases can be highlighted with drapery, but it is worth considering the features of this type of decoration. Firstly, the fabric itself should fold well, and secondly, it is necessary good combination colors with the overall design. After this, all that remains is to purchase or make a stretcher and stretch the fabric.


Stickers can be used as DIY wall decorations.. They are various sizes, shapes and colors, so they will suit any design. The stickers are easy to apply because they have an adhesive layer and do not require additional processing.

This decorative element will look good when applied to white walls.. Another feature is that more expensive elements can compete with stencil designs. Although their cost will be slightly higher, this is well compensated by the lower cost of labor and time.

You can create your own stickers. To do this you will need a ready-made stencil with a pattern. Self-adhesive is applied to the stencil, cut out according to its pattern and glued in the right place.

Create your own gallery

It should be noted that a plain wall is a kind of showcase on which you can arrange various objects, creating your own gallery at home. All you have to do is place your unique collection, and it doesn’t matter what it is. Everyone has their own tastes and interests, so the main thing is not what, but how.

You should pay attention to the placement of things Special attention, any mess will only spoil the view and not cause admiration. Therefore, distribute your creations on the floor, then transfer them in the same form to the wall.

Ideas for decorating a wall in a room (2 videos)

How to decorate a wall: decor options (43 photos)

Painting on the wall with mother-of-pearl paints

Volumetric mother-of-pearl painting

Bas-relief on the wall

Volumetric flowers

Volumetric image in color

Bas-relief with decorative plaster

Pearlescent paints with strokes

Picture on the wall

Decorating the walls will help you quickly and practically freely update your interior without resorting to repairs.

Today, all kinds of voluminous jewelry are at the peak of popularity, but do not rush to run to the store for them. Try to make something original and unique decor walls in the apartment with your own hands from available and available materials, without spending a lot of money. Even if you've never done design or crafts before, don't worry, with our tips you'll succeed!

Decor using frames and mirrors

Buy several photo frames without glass from the store, from which you can quickly and without losing decorative properties remove the back. Choose frames taking into account the main design direction in which the apartment is decorated.

If it is a classic, then choose products made from noble wood; if it is Provence, let there be white frames, and if it is, then frames of different shapes, but the same color, or similar shapes, but from different materials will do.

White frames on a blue background

Unobtrusive decoration

Frames can be placed on the wall in a chaotic manner or drawing any shape, for example, they can go down diagonally, form a square, circle or rum.

Combination of empty frames and mirrors

Frames can be filled

Empty frames will create additional volume and make the room more comfortable. If the room is small, then mirrors can be placed inside all or several frames - their reflective abilities will visually enlarge the space. Similarly, you can use mirrors without frames with a self-adhesive backing. Stylish frames you can do it yourself, for example.

Jewelry from scrap materials

When going to the country or for a walk in the park, take a closer look at the cut branches. They may turn out original decor for walls in the house.

Bushings left over from toilet paper, it also makes sense to use them; they make beautiful voluminous jewelry, which, after dyeing, is impossible to recognize as unnecessary garbage.

Cardboard bricks can be made white or red, and if desired, it is easy to give them an aged look or give them the tone of Provence by painting them with white paint.

Soft decor made of fabric and leather

Strangers are rarely allowed into the bedroom, so here you can indulge yourself non-standard methods wall decoration. At the head of the bed, they look great made from flat pillows made of fabric, faux fur or leather. If the room is decorated in rustic style, then don’t be afraid of bright colors and rich colors.

For classic interiors noble fabrics and leather are more suitable, and for oriental ones - brocade and pillows embroidered with stones. Pillows can be attached directly to the wall, but decor hanging on cornices will look much more impressive. You can also use this idea if you need to decorate a heating pipe.

Beautiful fabric panels are easy to make if you wrap textiles or leather around a base made of wood, chipboard or thick cardboard and secure the fabric with a stapler - cheap, but very stylish. Using the same technology, it will not be difficult to make it yourself Modular pictures- the most fashionable decor of this year.

Decorative elements made of paper

Paper not only endures everything, but is also ideal for DIY wall decoration. Such luxurious interior can be created using corrugated or papyrus paper. It’s easy to glue the finished flowers onto double-sided tape.

You can also use colored paper, tracing paper and even napkins with beautiful patterns.

If you know how to make or, then feel free to use these crafts for decoration - you definitely won’t have such decorations among your friends or in the store!

Plates on the walls - an original approach to the kitchen

If your kitchen doesn't have room for cabinets with glass doors in which you can display your dishes beautifully, use a free wall for this purpose. However, to implement the idea, it is recommended to purchase separate plates, since you will no longer be able to use them for their intended purpose.

If you are using plastic plates that are decorated or painted, you can simply glue them on. Glue ceramics and glass only to tiles and only with proven glue. The safest thing to do is to drill holes in them and screw them, and carefully cover the screw heads.

Using ready-made vinyl stickers

If you don’t want to use scrap materials to decorate your walls, buy ready-made interior stickers. Three-dimensional images look most impressive. For example, a sticker in the shape of a window not only decorates, but also visually enlarges the space of a small bedroom or kitchen. And if you find a place for a vinyl window in the bathroom, you will be able to get away from the enclosed space and fulfill your old dream of a bathroom with a window.

Images of alleys stretching into the distance, endless sea expanses, fields and meadows with endless horizons have the magical property of increasing space.

Please note that vinyl stickers are not suitable for relief walls, but they are not afraid of moisture and can be easily removed from the surface without leaving marks.

As you can see, decorating walls with your own hands is not so difficult, but very interesting!

One of the rules for successful interior design says: “There should be no bare walls in the house.” An undecorated wall has a dull and depressing look. Someone will think: “I’m not a designer, how can I decorate the walls with my own hands?” But it's not difficult at all. If a person has at least minimal construction skills and is not deprived of creative talents, then success is guaranteed. The most important role, of course, is played by the appropriate attitude, a great desire to complete the work started and a creative approach.

DIY wall painting

It is clear that only a professional artist with considerable talent can create a beautiful wall painting with his own hands in the form of an image of a picturesque landscape, cityscape or fresco. It takes years to acquire such skills. Especially for those who want to quickly decorate the walls of their home, in many construction stores offer a wide selection of photo wallpapers. In this case, achieving a given goal will require a minimum of time.

painting the wall in the room

How to decorate a wall with your own hands using a stencil

A stencil is an image cut out on any dense material. There are several options for decorating a wall using a stencil:

  1. Regular painting in one color.
  2. Combining different techniques.
  3. Creating a three-dimensional drawing.
  4. Decoration using the reverse stencil technique.

Even if the drawing is quite complex, it will take very little effort and time to achieve a spectacular result. What you need to have on hand:

In any construction supermarket you can find many models of stencils on vinyl film. If the buyer is not satisfied with the design of the drawings presented for sale, then there is always the opportunity to order the production of a stencil according to the selected sketch. Moreover, it is quite possible to make such blanks with your own hands.

Before you start decorating a wall with your own hands using a stencil, think over a design so that at least some of the image elements are connected to the base or neighboring parts. Therefore, it is extremely important to create such jumpers. This is necessary so that during the work, pieces of the pattern do not fall out of the workpiece. If you don’t have enough of your own imagination, you can find many ready-made sketches online for every taste.

family tree on the wall as a decorative element

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The selected drawing should be enlarged to the required size.
  2. Carefully transfer the enlarged image onto the prepared material: vinyl film or cardboard.
  3. Double-check that all the details of the drawing are still in place.
  4. Carefully cut out all elements.
  5. Immediately before work, it is advisable to try to make an impression on paper or a piece of old wallpaper. This way you can see whether the result matches the owner’s taste and correct any shortcomings.
  6. Then the stencil is attached to the wall surface using glue or masking tape.
  7. Needs to be applied to a brush or sponge minimal amount paint and evenly color all elements of the image. If you choose a spray for painting, you must ensure that the paint does not get beyond the boundaries of the stencil.

If it is necessary to create a gradient effect, then using white and black paint the main color is diluted until the desired shade. The created shades are carefully applied with a sponge from light to dark.

original wall decor

A multi-color stencil makes it possible to create a real work of art. To do this, paints are applied according to a certain pattern.

Convex images also look beautiful. It's very easy to make them. True, the base of the stencil must be made of thick material. The stencil should be attached to the wall and filled finishing plaster. You need to wait a while for it to set. The film is carefully removed. After complete drying, the drawing can be painted with acrylic paints.

The technique of applying a “reverse” image is not at all complicated. An image that is impervious to paint is attached to the wall, and a halo of the desired shade is applied using spray paint. The main thing is to calculate the density of paint application and optimal width halo.

wall painting geometric shapes created using a stencil

Painting in the “oriental” style for beginners

In illustrations to Arabic fairy tales you can often see beautiful images clouds and puffs of smoke. How to decorate a wall with your own hands for a person who is not familiar with the art of drawing? It’s very simple, because to apply such an image you will need a minimum of materials:

  • electrical tape or masking tape;
  • brush of sufficient width;
  • paint roller;
  • two shades of paint.

Action plan:

Imitation bamboo wallpaper

Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase high quality wallpaper from environmentally friendly pure materials, but everyone can use improvised materials to imitate such an expensive decoration of a room. The big advantage is that you can choose shades and colors in full accordance with the overall color scheme rooms. Before decorating a wall with a homemade imitation, prepare:

Stages of work:

Panels are a fashionable way to decorate walls

“Before you decorate the walls with your own hands using panels, plan their location: under no circumstances should the panels be hung chaotically”

This method of decoration is good because beautiful panel can be made from any available materials. For this you need:

  • different pieces of fabric of any color;
  • rectangular frame made of foam plastic or plywood;
  • any adhesive;
  • stapler;
  • decorative strips, baguettes or moldings.

Such a simple and at the same time effective decoration can instantly enliven a boring interior. Plain wall– the best background for a decorative panel. In order for the decoration to be combined with the style of the room, it is necessary to select shades that complement color palette interior

floral arrangement made of textiles in the kitchen

Another good option is to decorate the walls with baguettes, moldings and unnecessary remnants of wallpaper. Pieces of wallpaper of a certain size are glued to the wall, and the borders are decorated with decorative strips. This frame is also perfect for decorating stencil designs. Many people put within such frameworks beautiful pictures big size.

Design options can be varied. You can order exclusive frames for artists from the workshop and simply hang them on the wall, leaving free space inside. You can also creatively play with a part of the wall enclosed in a frame. Inside you can put:

  • mirror;
  • smaller frame;
  • letters cut out of cardboard, fabric, wood;
  • children's drawings (for the children's room);
  • composition of dried flowers and leaves;
  • beautifully designed recipes for preparing your favorite dishes (relevant for the kitchen).

By the way, in the latter case, you can use metal baking dishes instead of decorative strips.

panel at the head of the bed in the bedroom

Before you decorate the walls with your own hands using panels, plan their location: under no circumstances should the panels be hung chaotically. Such an ill-considered pile-up will not decorate the room. A collection of decorative panels needs a certain rhythm and sequence of arrangement, so the composition should be carefully thought out.

Photos are a great way to decorate walls

“Before you decorate a wall with your own hands, you need to carefully select photographs, and when choosing photographs to decorate a room, you should take into account the atmosphere and overall design premises"

This type of wall decoration gives the room a pleasant atmosphere of comfort and hospitality. It is not only beautiful, but also useful for internal state souls. Staying in such a room lifts your spirits and adds strength, because each photograph captures the faces of your loved ones and the most pleasant moments in life.

photos like main part living room wall decor

Of course, the design of the room dictates the style of placement of photographs. There is no need to buy a dozen identical frames for all the images and place them side by side on the wall. It's boring and uninteresting. A composition made from round and rectangular frames of different sizes looks much better.

The composition can be in any form. A collection of photographs designed in the shape of the sun looks great. Making such a composition is as easy as shelling pears. All you need are clothespins and a large circle cut out of cardboard. This sun can be supplemented with various postcards, notes and other little things that are memorable to you.

IN matrimonial bedroom You can hang a big heart above your bed and attach your best pictures to it. Such decoration will constantly remind you of the wonderful moments spent together. Of course, we constantly need to update and supplement the “exhibition” with new photos.

Wonderful unusual options are a decorative tree with a photo and a composition of pictures in the shape of a clock.

family photos as wall decor in a classic living room

Before you decorate a wall with your own hands, you need to carefully select photographs, and when choosing photographs to decorate a room, you should take into account the atmosphere and overall design of the room. Romantic photos will be a good option for decorating the walls of the bedroom, living room - the best place for general family photos, and photos sparkling with fun will decorate the children's room.

Decorative plates on the wall

Now in any decor and interior store you can find a huge variety of decorative plates for exclusive room decoration. The range of thematic designs on the plates is quite wide, which makes it possible to decorate any living space with them. This decor looks especially beautiful on the walls of the kitchen, dining room and living room. But offices, conference rooms and creative clubs are not taboo either.

Decorative plates you can do it yourself, using leftover dishes from the sets of your grandmother’s times and acrylic paints. If you don't know how to draw, copy the image onto a plate using special paper. Those who master the decoupage technique are especially lucky; they can create real masterpieces.

decorative plates of various shapes and sizes in the living room

It is not recommended to place decorative plates in one line. Look harmonious bright compositions from plates of various shapes and sizes. Among the most popular forms, compositions reminiscent of a cloud, flower, diamond or clock predominate.

The color scheme of the plates should match the interior of the room, and the chosen style should be repeated in other decorative elements.

Shelves for decoration

Everyone in their home has a countless number of little things dear to their hearts and overseas souvenirs. Why not use them as decoration on your DIY decorative shelves?

The main trump card of decorative shelves is unusual shape. It could be a labyrinth, a circle with crossbars, a triangle, a butterfly-shaped shelf. Interesting option– a decorative shelf in the form of a frame with a built-in stand for a flowerpot or souvenirs.

bookshelf covering the entire height and width of the wall in the living room

Mirrors - functional room decor

Not a single house is complete without a mirror, and if a representative of the fair sex lives in it, then there may be quite a few such interior items. Therefore, women are very attracted to the idea of ​​decorating the walls with mirrors.

They can be placed in several lines horizontally or vertically, hung in a chaotic manner, or used to decorate the entire surface of the wall. Start taking action and inspiration will come. It is not necessary for mirrors to have strict geometric shape. The use of mirrors of different sizes and shapes is encouraged. They can also be placed in decorative frames. For a girl's room the most suitable option– a collection of elegant mirrors on ropes or chains.

using two mirrors to decorate the living room walls

Decorate corners? No problem!

Corners should not be empty and faceless. But those who have at least once tried to decorate wall surfaces on their own come to the conclusion that corners are the most difficult place to decorate. There is no need to worry, many professionals fully agree with this point of view. But this is a winning place for any decor, and correctly selected details will turn an unremarkable corner into an original part of the interior. Designers offer the most original ways decorating corners:

Such elements can be arranged into an effective composition or used separately. A small gallery of paintings or photographs will enliven an empty corner. But don't overdo it. Let better angles will remain a little empty than overloaded.


Now you know how to decorate the walls of your home with your own hands. Many people think that in order to implement different design ideas it requires the help of professionals and a lot of money, but, fortunately, this is not at all the case. A person who has basic skills in handling protozoa building materials and tools, with my own hands can create a unique decoration.

Photo gallery - how to decorate a wall with your own hands:
