Room design for a guy: ideas and examples. Married bedroom: photos, design tips Modern room design for a young couple

The most important rule is not to start arranging your apartment until you have calculated the entire budget in great detail. Calculate how much wallpaper, paint, parquet board, find out how much the furniture you need costs, the work of a connection specialist washing machine- if possible, foresee all the operations that you have to do with your apartment and add 10-15% to this amount for unforeseen expenses (and there will be some).

Otherwise, there is a risk that, for example, you will buy super-expensive wallpaper, but will not have enough money to buy a table and chairs for the kitchen or will have to wait for your next salary. It is better to start repairs when you have at least 50% of the total amount, otherwise the repairs will drag on forever.

Choose the best solution, not the cheapest

It is clear that the budget for home improvement for a young family is usually very limited, but you should not give in to the temptation to buy the cheapest. In the matter of repairing, finishing and furnishing an apartment, the saying “the miser pays twice” is more relevant than ever. The cheapest pipes in the kitchen can burst immediately after the renovation is completed and lead to terrible losses and damage to property (including the property of neighbors).

The cheapest sofa will tear, sag and simply lose its presentation after six months active use. If you decide to paint the walls in the bathroom rather than lay tiles, be prepared for pieces of paint to swell and fall off the wall over time. Of course, there are solutions that are excellent budget savers, but it is better to consult with professionals about what is worth saving on and what not.

Don't overuse temporary solutions

As you know, there is nothing more permanent than temporary. Somehow hanging grandma's tulle, in principle, solves the problem of “bare windows”, but the sight of windows in the decoration of these curtains will make you feel sick. You can, of course, be content with a sofa as an ironing board, but the fact that you have a temporary solution will forever delay the purchase of an ironing board.

Unsightly, haphazardly hung lines for drying clothes on the balcony, believe me, will live with you forever if you do not take care of this issue right away. The cost of these little things, as a rule, is not critical, but it brings great discomfort to those who use these temporary solutions, so if there is a choice, it is better to solve the problem once and for all, rather than looking for a temporary solution.

Know your lifestyle well

When planning your future interior, carefully study your family’s lifestyle. The interior should help you lead a life that is familiar and understandable to you, and not just be beautiful picture. Do you cook often? If not, it is better to allocate a small nook for the kitchen with the minimum necessary kitchen utensils, rather than buying a full-fledged and very bulky one. kitchen set.

If one of you works from home, you need to take care of creating a full-fledged workplace - preferably one that is closed and quiet, so that nothing distracts from work. Do you often invite guests? If not, you don’t need a huge dining room table and a sofa with armchairs ready to accommodate ten people. Do you have a lot of clothes? If there is so much of it that not a single closet in the world can accommodate it, consider creating a separate dressing room. If not, you can easily limit yourself to buying a simple hanger on wheels, rather than spending money on a full-fledged closet.

I would advise a young family not to get carried away by interior fashion trends if you plan to live in this type of interior for many years. There are win-win solutions that I always recommend to my Russian clients: these are calm options Scandinavian style, classics and fusion. If you want to make your home stylish without spending crazy money on it, you can add accents using the color of the walls - for example, in my recent project standard solutions for Barkley residential complex "Honey Valley", in the version of the interior in the fusion style, I suggested painting it in bright color only one wall in the room and support this color with accessories. It turned out simple and stylish.

Egor Somov


Use ready-made palettes

Young families quite rarely use the services of designers when arranging their first apartment, but this does not mean that it is impossible to decorate a house with taste without professional help. The main mistake here is color inconsistency. In order to avoid this, you should search the Internet for ready-made color palettes, which combine perfectly and build the entire interior based on this palette.

You can also use a color ring, but here you also need to be careful and know what effect you want to achieve from the color. In this sense, ready-made palettes are safer because they offer ready-made professional solutions. Save the palette you like to your phone and go shopping, looking for decorative elements that match your color combinations.

Coordinate interior purchases

When the wife is primarily involved in the interior design of the apartment, there is always a risk of getting carried away with “female” solutions. 3D butterflies on the wall, wallpaper in large flower and interior in pink tones may be an ideal solution for the apartment of a young career woman or for decorating a nursery, but is this the case or are they good for decorating common areas in the apartment of a young couple? Make it a rule to coordinate what you are going to do, at least in common areas - living room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

The ideal option is to go shopping for your home together. Otherwise, a scenario is very likely when the husband will complain to his friends about the pink sofa, and the wife - about the bear skin that her husband brought from hunting into their ideal living room. Agree on the right of veto - if one of you thinks that an item is not appropriate, then the other party unconditionally gets rid of it, sells it on Avito or returns it to the store. After all, you should both be comfortable at home.

The newlyweds' bedroom should be decorated in such a way that it looks stylish and modern, but at the same time there are notes of romanticism in it. When arranging a young couple’s bedroom, you need to choose a bed that should be spacious, comfortable, and fully consistent with the overall decor of the bedroom. If the bedroom is decorated in a classic, fusion or modern style, it is best to choose neutral shades.

The bedroom is a place for sleep and relaxation, so its arrangement must be approached with special responsibility. The bedroom for a married couple requires even more attention, because it is necessary to maintain a romantic and reverent relationship for a long time.

For the bedroom of young people most of all suitable furniture, made from natural wood, because in this way it is quite possible to bring a touch of romanticism and naturalness to the room. Flooring in the matrimonial bedroom it is best to make it from carpet dark shades, because this will make you feel very comfortable when moving around the bedroom. In the bedroom you can place original accessories, and it is also quite possible to place a large number of wedding photographs, because they will remind you of the happiest moments in life.

A bedroom for a married couple can be made in absolutely any style, in particular such as:

  • Classical;
  • Minimalist;
  • Village;
  • Eastern;
  • Hi-tech.

This room is intended for two, so the preferences of both spouses must be taken into account so that both feel very comfortable. For classic style characterized by exquisite decorative carvings or forged elements. If it is made in a rustic or ethnic style, then mainly natural materials are used for finishing. The style is characterized by minimalism minimum quantity furniture and decorative elements.

The bedroom, made in oriental style, which is characterized by the presence of bright original elements, a canopy and many decorative elements. The high-tech style contains chrome-plated furniture elements, glass and untreated surfaces.

Finishing materials, furniture and other decorative elements are selected in accordance with the selected style. When arranging a bedroom for a married couple, you need to remember that this room should not have too much furniture, but it should be combined with other interior items.

Modern bedroom for young people: colors and accessories

When decorating a youth bedroom for newlyweds, you must choose the right color scheme. When choosing a color scheme, you need to make it comfortable for your wife and husband to be in the room. This is especially important for newlyweds who are just starting to live together.

The best option for decorating a matrimonial bedroom would be the following colors:

  • Black and white shades;
  • Chocolate tones;
  • Burgundy.

Despite the apparent gloominess, with well-arranged lighting, you can create a unique, secluded atmosphere that must be present in the newlyweds’ bedroom. The red color will look very interesting in the interior of the bedrooms, because it will help bring a special passion to the relationship. Dark and muted shades in the newlyweds’ bedroom should be diluted a little with pastels light colors, which are made in the same color scheme, which is quite possible a niche located at the head of the bed. This will create a kind of contrast in the room being decorated.

It is advisable to place fresh flowers in the newlyweds’ bedroom, which will help create a unique atmosphere. They will help add sophistication to the room, but the most important thing is that their aroma is not too strong.

Important! To prevent the room from becoming very gloomy, it is worth using properly set lighting.

Exquisite matrimonial bedroom: what you need to consider

The matrimonial bedroom occupies special place in the house, so you need to arrange it in such a way that you can feel very comfortable. An ideal bedroom should have unnecessary furniture, because it may cause some discomfort.

The bedroom must have:

  • Bed;
  • Closet;
  • Bedside tables.

If there is a lot of free space, then you can additionally place a chest of drawers, a dressing table and other interior items in the bedroom. It is best to choose a built-in wardrobe, because such furniture allows you to save free space. It is best to place the bed in the middle of the room so that each spouse has their own access to the bed.

If the area of ​​the room allows, then you can arrange a separate recreation area. In such a relaxation area you can place a small soft sofa, couch or chair, where you can sit comfortably with your favorite book.

It is best if the bedroom design is very calm and relaxing, so it is important to choose color combinations, which will be plain or with small patterns. When choosing textile materials it is important that they are made from natural fabrics.

It is very important to carefully consider the lighting in the bedroom. If there is not enough natural light in the room, then it is quite possible to compensate for it with bright overhead lighting, as well as several local lighting sources. For local lighting sources, it is best to choose matte shades or lampshades. To add a romantic atmosphere, you can additionally use sconces made in the form of candles.

Bedroom for adults: features of room arrangement

A bedroom for newlyweds is a place where they can spend their time together. free time, rest and relax. Therefore, the interior of the newlyweds’ bedroom should be designed in such a way that the young couple can feel comfortable, free and at ease. The interiors of bedrooms for adults can be very different, it all depends on your own preferences.

To make the bedroom look interesting and original, you need to adhere to certain rules, namely:

  • There must be a competent combination of colors;
  • Plain bright interior can be diluted with bright accents;
  • You need to set the correct lighting.

Bedroom for a young couple(video)

When designing a bedroom, you need to take into account a lot of nuances and first draw up a plan for completing all the work. Taking into account all the rules for decorating a bedroom for newlyweds, you can create a very comfortable, relaxing environment. A bedroom for a married couple must be decorated in accordance with all requirements, because only in this way can an excellent effect be achieved.

The interior design of a typical one-room apartment for a young couple is an interior made by Moscow designer Anton Pecheny and which I would like to show you as an example of a successful color, light and composition solution. Lots of photos attached

Description and layout

The apartment is absolutely standard, series P44-T, combined bathroom, small kitchen and hallway, room to the left of the entrance. The only feature of the apartment is the pentagonal kitchen. In such one-room apartments, the dining area in the kitchen is often problematic.

Kitchen and hallway

The fact is that the kitchen is not just small, but with the door positioned in such a way that it does not allow the use of one of the corners of the kitchen - the door is equal in width to the corridor and one of the jambs rests against the kitchen wall, which makes it difficult to fully use this wall.

At the same time, a normal kitchen set occupies at least an entire long wall, and often a short wall opposite the window. Thus, for dining table there is either very little space left by the window (where chairs interfere with the use of the set), or equally little space on the wall opposite the set. Some people remove the door to the kitchen altogether, but then all the cooking smells go into the apartment, which, of course, is undesirable.

Anton Pecheny proposed an ingenious solution - to make the door not hinged, but sliding and transparent, so that the kitchen visually remains an open space. And then it became possible to place a table and two large comfortable chairs against the wall.

Please note that the same design of the walls of the kitchen and the corridor, firstly, makes the corridor much more decorative, and secondly, it helps to “merge” the space of the kitchen and the corridor, visually enlarging the kitchen, avoiding the feeling of a kitchen-closet.

In the photo above, the glass door is practically invisible, and the space of the kitchen and corridor is perceived as one. And even when the door is closed, this feeling remains - these are the benefits completely glass doors without frame.

As you can see, white gloss is ideal for small kitchen. Pay attention to the long, flat handles of the headset - they are convenient to use and easy to clean. The solid metal plinth under the set also makes cleaning easier. Light floor, white furniture, light walls, light curtains– the kitchen seems much larger.

Room design

Built-in wardrobe from wall to wall – perfect solution for a one-room apartment. It doesn't take up much space, it's almost invisible, and it's very roomy. Considering that the room is 18 meters long, and the closet is located opposite the window, it is best to make it white - by reflecting the light, it will make the room visually more spacious.

Please also note that the TV stand and cabinet are made of the same or very similar materials - this always looks very good and stylish. Due to the fact that most of the things went into the closet, in the TV area you can do without wall shelves- this way there is more air and light in the room.


Now let's consider color scheme. As you can see, light beige, white and beige as base colors plus chocolate and pink as accent colors is a win-win solution. Here it is important to correctly distribute the colors around the room so that they do not merge, and Anton Pecheny did an excellent job - there are either white or chocolate objects on a beige background, this avoids monotony.

And here's what these colors look like under local yellow electric light. This set of colors is good because in daylight it looks neutral and makes the space lighter, but in electric yellow it becomes warm and very cozy.


Pay attention to the lighting - the room has several local light sources plus a large candle in a beautiful candlestick. This is a very correct move by the designer; it allows you to vary the illumination of the room, which is important for a young couple in one-room apartment. Well, it’s beautiful when the room is illuminated in the evening with different points, and this has a relaxing effect (romantic natures can add all the necessary beautiful words themselves).

As you can see, it is very neat, tasteful, and most importantly, thanks to the interior design of a typical one-room apartment, a feeling of spaciousness is created, a lot of light is left, and the space is used wisely. The balanced approach of the owners, the thoughtful design of Anton Pecheny - the apartment turned out to be both comfortable and beautiful.

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Studio apartment plan.

Reader Question

Good afternoon, dear editors. We purchased an open-plan studio apartment and are now thinking about where to build walls and how to preserve the “studio space” by isolating separate living rooms. You need a full-fledged bedroom with a bed and you want to have a large bathroom, which can be combined. Since there are only two of us at the moment, a combined kitchen-living room will suit us. Please help me with advice on planning and furniture arrangement.

Marina, Minsk

Designer's response

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In the photo:

Design project with furniture arrangement.

Brick wall in the interior

Brick wall in the interior - great item decor. You can leave it untouched, paint or cover it thin layer light plaster, which will preserve the surface relief and make the wall not so rough. Best for interior decoration fits clinker brick, which is released in various colors and textures, and can also look like naturally aged. In order to avoid destruction of bricks under the influence of moisture and other external factors, it should be coated with a special compound that will make the brick moisture-resistant and more durable.

Architect Olga Sushko proposed maintaining open space in the studio apartment and not erecting many partitions. The apartment initially had only one column among the interior partitions. The young couple expressed a wish to make only one living space, the bedroom, isolated. Therefore, the architect Olga Sushko limited herself to building a wall only between the bedroom and the living room, and combined the kitchen with the living room.

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