Propagation of thuja by cuttings in spring at home. Propagation of thuja by cuttings - step-by-step instructions

It always seemed to me that in order to have such a beautiful plant as a thuja on your garden plot at home, you need to spend a lot of money.

After all, these plants are quite expensive. But it turns out that it is quite possible to grow such a beauty yourself without spending money on it. Since I succeeded, I want to tell you how to do it yourself and completely free.

If you have a dream to grow lush and luxurious thujas on your plot, then the cutting method will great solution, which can be implemented without problems and costs. And if you follow the rules it will give excellent results.

Thuja can be propagated in two ways: using seeds and cuttings.

Reproduction using seeds is not popular, since this method takes longer, and it is possible to see the result of your labor only after a few years. While propagating thuja by cuttings is much faster and more convenient.

It is best to propagate thuja by cuttings in spring or autumn. This method is the simplest and most effective. Its advantage is the ability to preserve varietal qualities, and the opportunity to obtain full small tree in a couple of years.

There are also disadvantages to this method, since such trees are not very hardy.

Strong and healthy individuals are suitable for this purpose, since harvested cuttings from diseased plants will also be weak and diseased. In addition, cuttings not taken from upright shoots may not grow erect, but may have a bent trunk. That's why the best material there will be branches cut from the apical part of the plant.

As material for cuttings, you should take shoots that are already lignified, 2 or 3 years old, grown to 10-15 centimeters, cut from the ends of the shoots. Older plants lose the ability to form a root system.

It is recommended not to cut off the branch for cuttings, but to tear it off along with the heel. This is a piece of last year's bark, which contains nutrients accumulated since last year. For better rooting of cuttings, these branches are the most suitable.

You can root thuja cuttings in different times year, but the autumn period is considered the most promising. Although rooting occurs faster in cuttings prepared in the spring. To do this, you need to wait about three months for the root system to form.

But the roots of thuja cut in the fall will have to wait much longer. These plants will only be able to take root next year.

Nevertheless, such seedlings suffer less from lack of water because sap flow stops in the fall. Consequently, more plants will be able to take root. Although rooting will take longer.

It is best to collect material in October, when leaf fall has already ended. It is better to choose a cloudy day for harvesting cuttings. And if the thuja is pyramidal in shape, then it is better to choose cuttings from the side shoots. Great value has appearance the top of the cutting, its color should be green.

Getting started further stage for rooting, you should remove small twigs and leaves to a height of 3-4 centimeters from below. Excess needles at the bottom of the cutting can contribute to further rotting, so you can even shorten the needles at the bottom of the stem somewhat.

After this, the cuttings are placed in a solution of a root formation stimulator for 10-12 hours (Epin or Kornevin are suitable for this).

Cuttings cannot be stored, as they deteriorate and become unsuitable for rooting. If it is not possible to immediately begin rooting, then they are wrapped in a wet cloth and stored in a cool place.


Light soil with fairly good drainage is best for rooting thuja cuttings. Very good in this sense, ordinary river sand. It is also possible to cook soil mixture, mixing peat with sand and leaf soil in equal proportions.

To plant cuttings, use containers of shallow depth, which must certainly have good drainage and be breathable. If you use ordinary sand as a primer, it is very important to first boil it thoroughly for at least five minutes and then cool it.

In addition, a 3% solution of potassium permanganate should be added to both the sand and the soil mixture before planting, mixing it with the substrate.

Expanded clay or small pebbles can be placed at the bottom of the container as drainage. Then the prepared soil mixture or boiled sand is poured on top.

Rooting cuttings

The rooting process itself can be reduced to the following instructions:

  • Before planting, cut thuja cuttings are treated in a growth stimulator;
  • Insert the branches into the prepared soil at an angle of 45 degrees, deepening them 1.5-2 centimeters into the soil;
  • When planting, maintain a distance between seedlings of at least five centimeters;
  • After planting, the soil is slightly compacted and watered;
  • Containers with cuttings are covered with film or a plastic bag;
  • Alternatively, you can use a plastic cup and cover it with another similar glass on top.

If the rooting process proceeds normally, then some time after planting the cuttings in the ground you will be able to see the appearance of young shoots on the branches.

Non-standard rooting method

You can also root cuttings in a non-standard way - in potatoes. After all, potatoes contain nutrients and starch, which contribute to the successful rooting of the cuttings.

For this purpose, you need to choose fresh and healthy potatoes. They are thoroughly washed and the eyes are removed, and then with a nail, indentations about 4 centimeters in length are made, into which the prepared thuja cuttings are placed.

Then a fertile substrate is poured into the prepared containers, into which potatoes with cuttings are dropped.

The branch is covered with plastic bottle, whose bottom is pre-cut. The bottle cap is then periodically removed, and the plant is watered through the hole.

Rooting cuttings in water is also possible, but this method is not very effective.


Caring for plants before planting permanent place involves maintaining a certain humidity and temperature.

An indispensable condition is high humidity, at least 70%, as well as an air temperature of 20-23 degrees. In addition, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the seedlings. The container with seedlings should be in a well-lit place, but at the same time, the bright sun is dangerous for tender young plants.

Watering plants should be done with the utmost care to avoid exposing the “heel” and avoid getting the needles wet.

It is best to use a spray bottle to moisten the soil. In addition, you need to water the plants only after it dries out. top layer soil, since waterlogging can destroy young thujas.

With the onset of autumn, when the plants take root, they are transplanted into slightly larger containers, or into a special school - a bed allocated for these purposes in a secluded place in the garden.

When planting in containers, prepare a nutrient mixture. To do this, mix garden soil with peat in equal proportions.

The rest of the care will consist of timely watering, fertilizing and removing weeds.

Before the onset of cold weather, young seedlings must be covered to protect them from the winter cold. You can use spruce branches, sawdust, and fallen leaves as covering material.

With the onset of spring, the shelter from the seedlings is removed. At the same time, you need to be completely sure that frost will not return. Further care carried out to the same extent as before. And you can plant young thujas in a permanent place in two years.

Propagation of thuja by cuttings, video:

Thuja - evergreen coniferous plant(shrub or tree). Plants are slow growing. Their distinctive features– decorative qualities of the crown and absolute ease of care. Increasingly, gardeners decide to grow the beautiful thuja, especially since it is not difficult, but the process is still time-consuming. Planting a ready-made seedling, which usually quickly takes root and pleases with its beauty throughout the whole year, helps to alleviate the situation.

Thuja propagation is available in two ways. The first of these is the use of seeds. This is a very long and rather difficult process, which involves constant maintenance optimal conditions cultivation (temperature, humidity, daylight hours, etc.). On average, it takes about five years before plants are planted outside. Keep in mind that plants grown in this way do not always inherit the characteristics of the mother specimen. Growing a plant from a separated shoot is a simpler operation. In general, propagation by cuttings, in other words cuttings, is good opportunity get new plants at least twice as fast. The time required is much less, and the thuja itself will inherit all the characteristics of the parent specimen.

Cutting is a procedure that involves growing a thuja from a cutting (a separated part of the parent plant). This takes about two to three years. Such a long growing period is explained by some features of the growing season of a coniferous plant:

  • long root formation, which takes about two to six months;
  • slow growth in general, which requires rearing for two to three years.

In many ways, the success of the procedure depends on how well all the conditions for rooting cuttings are met. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to optimize the reproduction process and significantly speed it up.


Winter is the only time of the year in which it is unacceptable to carry out the procedure of thuja cuttings. Opinions on this issue do not agree. But it is important to know that the choice of planting period determines the rate of formation of the root mass. Each option has advantages and disadvantages.

Features of choosing a suitable planting period are summarized in the table.

Time of year Duration of root mass formation Advantages / Disadvantages

Can be planted immediately after the melting of the snow cover and after the end of frost.

Roots will form in about two to three months. The main advantage is the accelerated formation of the root system.

The main disadvantage is that the plants will go into winter with an insufficiently strong root system.


You can plant in early June, that is, until the active growth of shoots begins.

An alternative planting option is the last two weeks of summer, when growth processes slow down.

The roots take approximately two to five months to form. The main advantage, according to experienced gardeners, is that long and warm summer nights have the most positive effect on the development of the root mass.

One of the disadvantages of June rooting is that the growing period is shortened due to the late formation of the root system. As a result, plants enter winter weakened.

Another significant drawback: summer temperatures increase the likelihood of root system rotting.


In southern latitudes, planting is carried out in November, and in middle latitudes a little earlier - in October.

Roots can form from three months to six months. The advantages include the possibility of conducting spring time planting for growing. In other words, thuja seedlings will have enough time to strengthen and have a favorable winter.

The main disadvantage is the slow growth of roots. Another possible drawback is the increased likelihood that the roots may begin to rot.

The main condition that will determine the period for starting the preparation of cuttings is the cessation of the process of active growth in the coniferous plant.

How to prepare thuja cuttings?

You can take cuttings from a coniferous tree at almost any desired time of the year. But it is still advisable not to do this in the cold. winter period, since the tree is in the dormant stage at this time. In other periods, it is recommended to harvest shoots either on a cloudy day or on a rainy day. Choose only a healthy parent plant. In addition, focus on the following characteristics: it must be in the growth stage and it must be a young donor tree (preferably about four to nine years old).

Branches that are no more than two to three years old are ideal. Their length should be about ten centimeters minimum, but no longer than 50 centimeters.

Advice! If you are breeding thuja “pyramidal”, then you should cut off the side shoots for cuttings. To get a “spherical” thuja, which will inherit the characteristics of the mother specimen, cut off the apical or lateral shoots.

How to get an escape? It must either be carefully trimmed, or very sharply torn off with a downward movement. Just keep in mind that a “woody heel” should form on each branch. It is desirable that it be as long as possible, since it is in this area that the formation of the root mass and its development occur.

Next, you need to remove the area of ​​exfoliated bark. It is necessary to remove those leaves that are located from the heel at a distance of about 3-4 centimeters. All remaining leaves need to be shortened, removing approximately one-third of their length.

Methods for rooting thuja at home

Cuttings of an evergreen coniferous tree must be rooted after they have been separated from the parent plant. This can be done in several ways. The most popular are: using water, sphagnum, substrate.

  1. To prevent the possibility of rotting, under no circumstances allow the cutting to come into contact with water or substrate.
  2. Before the rooting process begins, you need to place the heel in a stimulator (it is pre-diluted in accordance with the instructions, any will do) for about twelve hours. A stimulator is an opportunity to speed up the process of root formation. Some gardeners prefer not to soak the plant, but to immerse it in an undiluted preparation (literally three to five times for two to three seconds).
  3. The container with the shoots should be placed in a place where the temperature will not rise above twenty-three degrees. If the plant is located in a place with excessive high temperature, then there is a high probability that the roots will begin to rot.
  4. To ensure more effective rooting of branches, they need good lighting. But just make sure that the light scatters. Direct sunlight on a young plant that has not yet matured will not do it any good.

All other features of rooting coniferous plant branches depend on the chosen method. You need to understand each method in more detail to choose the most preferable one.

In the water

This method is the easiest to implement, and it is also the most effective. So, it is recommended to carry out rooting in the spring. For this you need to use a half-liter transparent container, 3-5 tree shoots, settled water (it should be room temperature).

Technologically, the procedure looks like this:

  1. Take three to five cuttings.
  2. Place them in a container with liquid and place them so that the heel is only submerged by about one and a half to two centimeters.
  3. Further storage of the container should take place in a cool place with sufficient lighting.

Further care for the fragile plant involves timely changing the water to avoid cloudiness. And as necessary, the container is washed. During this period, you need to wrap the cuttings in a moistened cotton napkin. To prevent the possibility of rotting, it is worth adding a couple of manganese crystals to the water. When the shoots take root, they are moved into the soil for the growing procedure.

In the substrate

The technological principles of rooting cuttings of a coniferous tree using a substrate do not have any special differences from the traditional procedure in water.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Take containers (preferably transparent plastic ones, seedlings, jars, mini-greenhouses) and place a cutting in each of them.
  2. Be sure to make sure that the heel is placed in the substrate (a nutrient mixture of one part peat, one part leaf soil, half of the sand) by one and a half to two centimeters and no more.
  3. Send the container with the coniferous plant shoot to a cool but bright place.
  4. Water the plant regularly.

Before using the soil mixture, you need to perform the disinfection procedure in any convenient way: heat the container in the oven or microwave, treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The rooting method involves performing the following steps:

  1. The first layer needs to be shallow drainage.
  2. The next layer is nutrient soil.
  3. The soil should be moistened so that the water saturates the earthen ball well (preferably completely).
  4. Holes are created in the substrate into which the shoots are immersed one and a half to two centimeters and no more.
  5. To create greenhouse conditions, you need to cover the containers with transparent breathable material. Then send them to a lighted area.

Advice! If condensation forms on the covering material, the container must be ventilated. The shoots and the soil itself must be moistened by irrigation from a spray bottle.

Delicate green coniferous scales form on the shoots after about two to three months. They will indicate that the rooting process was successful.

In the "diaper"

Rooting shoots of a coniferous plant is possible in sphagnum in accordance with a special technique, which involves wrapping the heel of the cuttings in moss, which lies on the fabric. That is why the method received this name. You should prepare fabric (its width should be 20-30 centimeters, and its length - up to fifty centimeters), sphagnum moss, settled cool water, a bag or polyethylene film.

Three hours before the rooting procedure, you need to fill the sphagnum moss with water (it should be cold). Before doing this, you need to drain the water, and then:

  1. Lay out the fabric on flat surface, for example, on a table.
  2. Conditionally divide the fabric widthwise into equal parts. You need to step back about two centimeters from the top of the fabric and spread out the wet moss.
  3. Twigs are laid out on top of the moss coniferous tree so that the heels are on the moss, as for the green part, it should be outside the fabric. The distance between the branches should be 2-3 centimeters. The sphagnum layer is covered with the second half of the fabric.
  4. Next, the shoots with moss in the fabric are rolled up. It should be wrapped in plastic wrap (cloth only), and then the structure is sent to a cool and fairly bright place.

This rooting method has some significant advantages. Among them: long-term provision of cuttings with moisture, constant maintenance of high humidity, no need for constant watering and ventilation, ease of care, minimal likelihood of rotting due to the excellent antiseptic properties of sphagnum moss.

You can judge whether the plants need to be moistened by the formation of condensation on the inside of the covering material. To moisturize, the cocoon is removed from the film, then the fabric is irrigated with a spray bottle, and then wrapped back.

"Wick" rooting

Rooting using this method has much in common with the technology of using the substrate, and the main difference is the need to use a special design, for the creation of which you should prepare:

  1. Plastic containers, each of which is designed for several cuttings at once. Small jars or cups will do.
  2. Half liter glass jar.
  3. A plastic cup, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the container for rooting (this is necessary to create a mini-greenhouse). You will need a glass for each group of cuttings that are planned to be rooted.
  4. A small piece of fabric from one and a half to two centimeters wide, ten to fifteen centimeters long. The fabric should absorb moisture well.
  5. Nutrient substrate (consists of equal parts of leaf soil and peat) and settled water.

When performing the procedure for growing root mass in young plants using the “wick” method, it is very important to adhere to step-by-step algorithm actions:

  1. Take a plastic container and make a small hole in it (in the middle or somewhere on the side). Approximately one third of the fabric needs to be inserted into it by pulling. It needs to be evenly distributed along the bottom.
  2. Next, the container should be filled with substrate. Then it is thoroughly moistened.
  3. Now you need to make several shallow holes in the prepared nutrient mixture (depending on the number of cuttings).
  4. The twigs, which have previously been soaked in a root growth stimulator (any kind is suitable), are deepened into the prepared substrate by about one and a half to two centimeters.
  5. Take a half-liter jar and fill it with water to about one-fourth of the total volume. Then place the container with the rooted cuttings in it so that the strip of fabric is in the water. The bottom of the plastic cup may lightly touch the water, but complete immersion in water is unacceptable.
  6. Then plastic container you need to cut off the edges and place it bottom up on top of the container with the cuttings. This is done to cover the above-ground part young plant.

That's all, the structure is assembled. It must be installed in a cool place with constant access to fresh air, and it must be sufficiently illuminated. You need to add water to the jar from time to time. As soon as new pale green leaf scales appear on the cuttings, you need to make a hole in the cover cup for ventilation. Essentially, the appearance of green vegetative mass indicates that the rooting procedure is proceeding correctly.

The method of growing an evergreen coniferous tree using the “wick” rooting method is quite simple to implement and very effective. The most difficult thing is assembling the structure. Experienced gardeners often use this method, noting its high effectiveness.

When the plants take root, you can begin to ventilate them. To do this, remove the shelter, and in summer and spring, the seedlings can be taken outside for hardening. Gradually, the time of the ventilation procedure increases.

Features of growing thuja

Even after rooting, the young trees still remain rather weak and fragile. So far, they are not yet ready to be planted in the ground in a permanent place. Cuttings definitely need to be grown. This procedure is carried out in pots that are placed either outdoors or in growing beds.

It is advisable to grow young plants rooted in spring in September, and those rooted in autumn in May.

Algorithm for carrying out the procedure for growing young coniferous trees on growing beds:

  1. Select a site. It is advisable to stop your choice on an area that is located in partial shade.
  2. The earth needs to be dug up. For each square meter you need to add one bucket of peat and half a bucket of sand. This completes the soil preparation.
  3. In the soil prepared in this way, planting holes are made at a distance of about 25-30 centimeters, the depth of which corresponds to the size of the earthen ball of the seedlings.
  4. Transplantation of rooted cuttings from temporary containers into prepared recesses is carried out using the transfer method.
  5. Then the plants are covered with soil so that the green vegetative mass is above the soil.
  6. The last stage is thorough watering.

If seedlings are planted in the fall, it is necessary to mulch the soil for the winter. To do this, use peat and sand, and then you need to cover everything with leaves or spruce branches.

If the seedlings are planted in the spring, then it is necessary to provide proper care for the young and not yet mature plants. In particular, they are watered from time to time (the soil should not dry out), weeds are removed as necessary, and the plants are covered for the winter.

The growing procedure takes approximately two to three years. During this period, the seedlings will grow and become stronger. After this, they can be planted in their permanent habitat.

Pay attention! All thujas, regardless of variety, reproduce equally. In other words, there are no differences in the propagation of the varieties “Teddy”, “Danika”, “Columnar”, “Brabant”, “Smaragd”, “Western”. In principle, all evergreen plants, including juniper, reproduce according to the same algorithm, which was discussed in the article.


Thujas look perfect as one of the elements landscape design. They look impressive both individually and in group plantings. Plant compositions complemented by thuja cannot but please the eye. Dense plantings will look very impressive, allowing you to form amazing alleys or hedges. By the way, after planting a thuja, you can form a crown of almost any shape.

There are many ways to propagate a coniferous tree such as thuja, but the best one is cuttings. It is both simple and effective. The cutting itself can be carried out various methods, they are all equally effective. The main thing is to follow the instructions, and then after a while the young evergreen trees will decorate the garden or personal plot.

The thuja plant belongs to the cypress family. This evergreen shrub is often used for decoration. suburban areas, as well as local areas, city parks and gardens. Perennial loved by many summer residents. Some garden arrangements require many seedlings. Propagation of thuja by cuttings in the fall at home will be possible even for a beginner.

General description of culture

This evergreen has excellent decorative properties. Thuja is a very durable tree. It is grown by many gardeners; the shrub is considered very popular among landscape designers. The wood of the plant is often used to make furniture and for carvings.

Thuja is a low tree or shrub that is covered with cracking bark. The entire plant consists of skeletal branches, short, they can be sticking up or spread out in different directions. The branches create a narrow crown. Young shrubs have needle-shaped needles, which over time transform into falling out.

The crown of the thuja is oval or pyramidal, root system not too voluminous. The plant grows very slowly, however, it can reach a height of 20 m. In young specimens, the bark is smooth, red-brown in color, but with age it becomes brown. In older plants, the bark peels off and narrow strips extend from the trunk. Thuja produces fruits in the form of scaly cones, the diameter of which ranges from 8 to 12 mm. These cones emit a pleasant pine aroma.

Main varieties

Science knows a large number of varieties of thuja. Specialists have also developed special varieties of plants that are planted in city gardens, parks and public gardens. In the Russian climate, 14 frost-resistant species of thuja can be grown, which are adapted to natural conditions Russia. The most popular of them are:

Thuja propagation methods

Quite often, to decorate a garden composition, for example, to form a hedge, dozens of shrub seedlings are required, so the question of plant propagation methods is relevant for gardeners and summer residents. This coniferous plant can be propagated in three ways:

  • By cuttings.
  • Seeds.
  • Ready-made seedlings in the form of grown bushes.

Sowing seeds

It’s worth noting right away that propagating thuja by seeds is a very long and labor-intensive process. Mainly until the bush is planted in open ground It takes about 5 years from the time the seeds are sown. In addition, it may lose all its varietal characteristics while it develops. The only advantage of this propagation method is that the plants are so long time developments adapt to climatic conditions one area or another. Before sowing the seeds, You will need to prepare a substrate consisting of the following components:

  • Coarse river sand.
  • Coniferous land.
  • Deciduous land.

It is worth taking care of purchasing high-quality seed material. To do this, you need to make sure that the seeds have undergone stratification before sale, which means wintering under a layer of snow.

It is recommended to sow in the spring. At this time, the seeds of the plant are placed in a jar or container with a nutrient soil mixture, and sprinkled on top with earth, which must be mixed with sawdust from coniferous trees. Propagating a coniferous plant using seeds at home requires certain care:

  • Protecting young seedlings from direct sunlight during the hot season.
  • Timely watering.
  • Regular weed removal.
  • Periodic feeding.

When the seedlings grow up, and this usually happens in the fifth or sixth year of their life, the young trees can be planted in open ground.

Planting cuttings

Speaking about how thuja reproduces at home, it is worth noting that the most convenient and effective method propagation is by cuttings. How to grow a thuja from a twig experienced gardener, and a newbie in this matter.

The main advantage of this propagation method is the preservation of the varietal qualities of the plant, as well as the ability to grow full-fledged small coniferous trees in just a couple of years. The only disadvantages include poor endurance and a small percentage of bush survival. But if everything is done according to the rules, then no problems with propagation and growing from cuttings will arise.

Before you root a thuja from a branch, you should decide on the time. Cuttings take root best in the spring. The main stages of thuja cuttings in the spring:

Some people prefer to propagate conifers in the fall. Before propagating thuja by cuttings in the fall, it is worth keeping in mind that the rooting process at this time of year takes longer. It is best to do this in October, when the leaves have already fallen from the trees in the garden. It is recommended to cut cuttings from the top of the bush, which are about 3 years old. For this purpose, only lignified branches are selected, the length of which is not more than 50 cm. Next, the cuttings are rooted in exactly the same way as in the case of propagation in spring.

In addition to this, there is also another convenient way thuja propagation in the fall, which requires peat moss. This propagation method involves swaddling cuttings in sphagnum moss. In addition to peat moss, for propagation you will need polyethylene film, clean scraps of fabric and growth stimulator Kornevin. Step by step guide:

This method of propagating thuja is the simplest; thanks to sphagnum, the necessary level of air humidity is created, which is constantly maintained.

Propagation of thuja is a very productive and interesting procedure, because from one bush you can get up to 10 new plants. After a couple of years, full-fledged small bushes are formed, with which you can decorate your suburban area, giving it some personality.

Thuja is an evergreen, coniferous plant used to decorate the garden. Thuja reproduces well in spring and autumn cuttings. In today's article you will learn about propagating thuja by cuttings in winter.

Thuja cuttings are a relatively quick, affordable and not complicated method of propagation. The grown plant is less strong and stable than after the seed method, but this does not diminish the popularity of this method.

Propagation of thuja by cuttings - advantages:

  1. Retains specific appearance.
  2. Conveys maternal qualities (resistance).
  3. Fast growing (2-3 years) of young thujas.

It is necessary to prepare thuja cuttings in the fall, if we are talking about propagating thuja by cuttings in winter. The vegetative method and warning preparation are among the disadvantages of the method, and if there are errors, planting may not succeed.

How to prepare thuja cuttings in the fall?

Preparing thuja cuttings in the fall and propagating coniferous trees in winter increases the chances of successful planting. Why is it necessary to prepare cuttings in the fall? At the end of this period, the movement of sap in the trunk of the thuja decreases, so there will be much less damaged branches after pruning and harvesting cuttings, but harvesting takes more time than during the period of active bud growth.

How to prepare thuja cuttings:

  1. Select the top shoots (top) for pruning.
  2. Cuttings should be cut from branches 3 years old.
  3. Cut off the cuttings that are completely woody.
  4. The length of the cutting is up to 50 cm.

What needs to be done after taking cuttings:

  • Clear the cuttings of leaves, leaving only part of the bark with a heel;
  • Renew the places where the bark comes off by removing it;
  • There should be no foliage 30 mm before the heel;

Propagation of thuja by cuttings in winter: rooting methods

Thuja cuttings can be rooted in water, in sand/substrate, or under film - the gardener chooses the rooting method at his own discretion. Reproduction in water is one of the simplest and least expensive ways to root thuja cuttings in winter.

Rooting thuja in water:

  1. Fill a container with water (the height of the column is 15 cm).
  2. Place 3 cuttings in each jar, heel down.
  3. Make sure that the remaining pair of leaves does not come into contact with water.
  4. Move containers to a cool place with moderate lighting.

The water must be changed regularly and the jars rinsed to prevent mold from forming. After the roots appear, you can transplant the cuttings - now seedlings - of the thuja into the soil substrate.

Rooting thuja in film and substrate:

  • Sphagnum moss;
  • "Kornevin";
  • Film;

Place sphagnum moss soaked in water on a film laid out lengthwise. Sprinkle it with Kornevin. Place thuja cuttings on the development material and close the bag/film. The bag or film must be opened periodically to allow the cuttings to breathe; the moss can also be changed from time to time. As soon as full-fledged roots appear, you can transplant them into a full-fledged substrate at home.

As soon as the thuja cuttings sprout, and the weather in the spring is acceptable for planting in open ground, you need to choose a permanent planting site and move the thuja seedlings into the ground.

Thuja is a member of the cypress family. With the help of this evergreen plant you can decorate any garden plot, local area, garden, do hedge or green corridor.

One way to have an unusual thuja on your property is to take cuttings from the plant. This is convenient and effective, since the varietal qualities of the plant are preserved and full-fledged trees are obtained in 2-3 years. It is quite possible to propagate thuja at home.

How to grow thuja from a twig?

To carry out spring cuttings of thuja, you need to select the most beautiful branches of a plant that has not yet become woody, which is no more than 3 years old. When asking how to propagate thuja, you need to focus on the quality of the selected branches. It is better to cut half-meter green ones with a small piece of tree bark at the end. Such an event should be carried out in cloudy weather in the morning manually, tearing off the desired cutting with a sharp downward movement.

At the end of the plucked shoot, a “woody heel” should be left, which is a piece of bark as a basis for new roots. One more condition you need to know: if the cutting is taken from the tops of the axial shoots of the thuja, then a branched tree will grow, and if the cutting belongs to the lateral branches of the bush, a creeping form of the plant will be obtained.

It is best to carry out cuttings in the spring, based on the fact that it is during this period of the year that all processes in living nature are carried out faster, the movement of juices in the thuja shoots is activated and the cut cuttings will give the first roots faster.

In spring it is held at the end of March or beginning of April. If this period of the year is missed, then cuttings of thuja can also be done in June.

Cutting thuja cuttings in the spring, when the first wave of growth occurs, the germination of cutting branches takes over the entire development cycle of the plant. However, in this case, there is a danger that the branches planted for germination will be subject to spring frosts. This can be avoided by installing a box with cuttings in a home mini-greenhouse and covering it with film.

Summer cuttings affect the second wave of growth. In this case, sufficient watering of the substrate in which the twig produces roots is necessary. You need to carefully monitor soil moisture and watering frequency. Future seedlings can seriously suffer from the summer heat. At this time, the plant is periodically sprayed with a spray bottle 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Thuja propagation occurs using a substrate or ordinary water. This means that a plucked cutting can take root equally well both in a glass of ordinary water and in soil prepared for it.

How to grow thuja in water?

In this case, the long tail of the “woody heel” of the newly cut thuja cuttings is trimmed and the lower green growth of the shoot is cleared so that about 5 cm of clean stem remains. Then the root of the cutting must immerse 2 cm in water with Kornevin powder. More than 3 cuttings cannot be placed in one container, so that they do not suffocate.

Be sure to ensure that the branch does not begin to rot. To do this, do not immerse the green part of the sprout in water. Such home germination of cuttings in water should take place in a bright, cool, but not cold place.

The water needs to be changed promptly. It must not be allowed to become cloudy. When changing water, the cutting is removed from the container and its root part is wrapped with a damp cloth. IN clean water you need to add a couple of manganese crystals for disinfection.

Once the cutting takes root, it can be planted in the area. First you need to prepare a place in the ground for it.

Growing in substrate

A cut thuja cutting is also easy to grow in a substrate. This method of propagating thuja is considered more reliable, since in this case the sprout is saturated useful substances. Stages of planting in the substrate:

You should spray the cuttings daily with water at room temperature from a spray bottle. This way, water will not wash away the “woody heel” of the cutting. After two months, the thuja sprout should finally take root. If buds begin to appear on the cuttings, then this good sign. You should not immediately plant the sprout in open ground. First you need to harden the plant. The box should sometimes be taken outside so that the plant gets used to environmental conditions.

At spring breeding Already in September, thujas plant the rooted sprout in a temporary place, where it should spend a couple of years. This is the so-called school for a young plant. The soil should be filled with peat and leaf humus, and the place should be in light shade. If necessary, scatter 1 bucket of peat per 1 m 2 of land.

Planting a young plant and caring for it

There is no need to rush to plant the germinated thuja from school in the place prepared for it. It is necessary to think through all the nuances of the future existence of the plant . It must grow in a place, well warmed by the sun, which sun rays will be especially visited in the first half of the day, and in the second there will be partial shade from neighboring trees.

In the thuja hole you need to put a mixture of manure, compost and garden soil. The roots of the plant should not be broken, and the root collar should be above the ground. After replanting, you should water the plant generously and put sawdust or pine bark. This will protect the root system. It is necessary to ensure that the mulch does not cover the lower branches of the thuja and her fragile trunk - they can ban.

Young shoots should:

Propagation of thuja by cuttings is a very interesting and sensitive process. A beautifully growing tree will be a reward for all the efforts made during the entire period of growing the cutting. This plant will fit perfectly into any landscape design..
