Wood stitching. Do-it-yourself wood brushing - the main stages of artificial aging

Today, one of the fashionable materials used in the decoration of any premises is aged wood. IN natural conditions During its growth, any tree ages very slowly, so a special method was created and specially used - brushing. This process involves artificial aging of the required lumber.

Brushing is the artificial aging (aging) of wood using various devices and special techniques. The whole process of work consists of removing the soft top fibers of wood using a hard, metal brush.

As a result of this work, a hard surface remains, on which the pattern and structure of the growth rings is clearly expressed. Subsequently, a special shade is selected that helps to further reflect the desired effect of aging of the wood.

The use of brushing opens up enormous possibilities for changing the texture and color of the most different breeds wood. allows you to express the effect of patina, when the main wood is painted in one tone, and the pores of the wood in a completely different one.

The trees that are most easily susceptible to artificial aging are: walnut, larch, ash, oak and wenge:

Brushed walnut wood Brushed larch wood Brushed ash wood Brushed oak wood Brushed wenge wood

Beech, maple, alder, pear, and cherry are practically not used for brushing. Using the brushing technique, you can end up with a tree with a completely unusual color. Dyes used include black, purple, orange, red, white, and green.

In progress artificial aging the right tree exposed and necessary for . After painting, the workpieces are polished or varnished. Brushed wood is widely used in the manufacture of furniture; it is often used to decorate interior walls houses, create various accessories.

The advantages of artificially aged wood include:

  • Unusual and most fashionable appearance of the material.
  • Wood resistance to rot and various insects.
  • Opportunity self-creation exclusive items. The appearance of such products can be rated a solid five points; they not only favorably emphasize the exclusivity of any interior, but also look quite expensive and luxurious.
  • Decorative finishing of simple tree species allows you to create an artificial imitation of exotic wood species, while the cost of the product will always be significantly lower.

The brushing process requires the use special tools, it is necessary to follow all the technology of working with wood. The ease of making specially aged wood yourself can be rated four points, but only if you have sufficient experience and all the necessary equipment when working with wood.

The video shows the process of brushing or aging wood:

Main production stages

The entire brushing cycle consists of sequentially performed operations:

  • On initial stage The upper surface of the wood is processed using brushes with metal bristles. This process removes the softest, outer fibers of the wood.
  • Next comes grinding. This is achieved by using a polymer, abrasive brush or using sandpaper with large grains.
  • After the preparatory stages, stain or other necessary dyes are used. Exactly correct use dyes allows you to achieve the desired effect of antiquity.
  • The treated wood is polished and multi-layered with varnish.

Aging wood at home

Brushing wood, if necessary, can be done entirely at home yourself. You will need to purchase special metal and abrasive brushes, grinding devices, dyes and varnish. In production, artificial aging is carried out using special grinding machines and other devices that facilitate the entire work process.

Automation of the entire brushing cycle allows you to reduce the price of the resulting products. The cost of artificially aged wood in production can be estimated at five points, since at home this process is somewhat delayed and requires some effort.

The photo shows what you might need to work with wood

Tools used for brushing


Primary wood processing is carried out with brushes. When choosing a hand brush, you need to purchase one with the hardest, metallic bristles. If necessary, some people trim it using a grinder, this allows the metal pile to be made harder.

To obtain longitudinal recesses, a chisel is sometimes used. And sandpaper with a coarse-grained surface helps to add expressiveness to the design. dried wood, so when wet, the fibers will rise during the stripping process.

For rough cleaning of the surface of a wooden workpiece, a grinder is often used. In this case, at the beginning of processing, nozzles with metal bristles are used, and at the end with copper bristles. A special “Piranha” attachment is also available; it is an abrasive-polymer brush.

This attachment allows you to remove soft fibers and leave hard ones, which makes it much easier preparatory stage brushing. In addition to the grinder, a drill can also be used to remove soft fibers. Brushes are purchased depending on the tools used - for grinders and drills they differ in size.

Aging machines

In production plants, the entire process of wood aging will take a short period of time if special machines are used. The configuration of such automatic machines is represented by several devices at once.

They allow you to rough the wood in a few minutes, sand it, and remove small fibers. If necessary, production facilities also use special devices for painting and polishing wood.

Automation of work helps to achieve ease of production of aged wood, while the practicality of the material can be rated five points.

For independent work When working with wood, it makes sense to purchase special machines only if a large amount of work with wood is expected. There are many models on the market that are produced specifically for brushing wooden workpieces.

The most popular of them include:

  • FESTOOL RUSTOFIX RAS 180 stripping router. It comes with a steel brush for the first stage of wood processing. Also included is a brush for intermediate sanding and a sisal brush for polishing.
  • A Makita 974 sanding machine is suitable for brushing. It comes with a nylon abrasive brush. When using this machine, certain difficulties arise when processing corners.
  • The Felisatti AGF 110/1010E sander is designed for processing smooth and uneven surfaces. This device comes with nylon and metal brushes.

When choosing a grinder, you need to take into account the ease of use and the possibility of purchasing brushes that are suitable in design for these devices.

Operating principle of wood aging brush sl-6352:

Do-it-yourself wood brushing

If you really want to, you can make artificially aged wood yourself. O :

  • The selected workpiece needs to be slightly moistened, this will eliminate the release of wood dust during work. First, the workpiece is processed with a hard metal brush. Her rigidity is being picked up empirically. It is necessary that the brush removes soft surface fibers well, but does not disturb the structure of hard fibers. The movement of the brush attached to the grinding machine or grinder is carried out in the direction of the fibers. The rotation speed is also pre-selected on the sample; for each wood the speed can vary significantly. When working manually, there are no problems with selecting the rotation speed of the brush, but the process of preparing the wood becomes significantly more complicated and lengthened.
  • After using a wire brush, use abrasive bristles. Using this attachment or brush, all fiber fragments and roughness are removed. At this stage, using a chisel, you can further add various indentations and grooves. They can be given the appearance of natural cracks in wood.
  • In the future, final polishing is necessary, this is usually done using a brush with sisal bristles. You can use sandpaper by hand. At this stage it is necessary to achieve perfect polishing of the entire surface.
  • Special decorative look the detail becomes more beautiful if it is tinted, painted, or gilded at the final stages. Stain is often used. Impregnation with stain and its quick removal allows you to paint areas with the softest fibers, while the hard ones are practically not stained.
  • Painting with gold or silver paint gives the wood an original look. When applying the dye, particles of coloring pigment get clogged into microcracks, which ensures the appearance of glare in sunny weather. You can use different dyes for painting, but they must be designed for working with wood. After painting, it is recommended to polish the surface again, this will remove roughness from the product.
  • At the last stage, you need to apply several layers of varnish. Before applying a layer of varnish, the previous one must dry well and it must also be polished.

With sufficient experience, the process of brushing wood and using special devices is not particularly difficult. At the same time, it is possible to produce the most exclusive products, ranging from wall shelves and ending with cabinets and kitchen units.

This video will tell you how to age wood yourself:


Another fairly simple method of aging wood, which can be used independently, is patination.

This method is easier to perform than brushing:

  • First, the desired wooden surface is protected, sanded and carefully coated with a layer of primer.
  • Apply a base coat to the dry surface the right paint. The first layer must dry thoroughly, usually this happens within 24 hours.
  • After drying, it is cleaned and a new layer is applied. At the second stage, bronze or gold can be applied over the paint, and this can be done in individual areas. This is how the aging effect is achieved.
  • To consolidate the aging effect, a layer of varnish is applied over the paint. It can be glossy or matte.

With the help of patination and execution, you can change the appearance of boring wooden products beyond recognition, while the ease of work, appearance and low price all devices are rated five points.

Applying patina to a wooden door:

Do-it-yourself wood brushing is interesting technology, which allows you to artificially age the tree. IN normal conditions this process occurs very slowly, the patterns are formed over several decades. IN winter periods darker stripes appear, while summer is characterized by relatively light, loose fibers. However, now you can achieve a similar effect at home, without overpaying for expensive aged wood.

Brushing wood - what is its essence

The main purpose of this process is to give an ordinary wooden surface an artificial antique effect through tooling. Light soft fibers are removed, which makes the wood visually older, and a unique original relief appears, characteristic only of fairly old trees. Depending on the goals pursued, the depth of surface treatment can vary significantly. Thus, the depth of roughness and irregularities can reach 2-3 mm, when it is necessary to recreate the effect of deep rough aging.

Unlike natural aging, brushing wood helps improve the strength of wood, its durability, and also prevents the development of rot and damage from the action of fungi or insects. All this is achieved through the use of special antiseptic solutions and compositions to protect the wooden surface.

You should know that not all tree species can be subject to artificial aging. For example, wood with a uniform, dense structure is extremely undesirable for this process. Therefore, some species, including teak, alder, beech, maple, will be quite problematic to age.

The best way to use wood coniferous species. Unfortunately, pine, which is the most affordable, cannot boast of beautiful and unusual pattern, so even brushing will not greatly improve the situation. If you take larch or spruce, the effect will be simply excellent; you will be able to obtain unique rich textures of patterns at home.

It is also worth remembering that before proceeding directly to brushing, the wood must be prepared for this process. First of all, the material should be as smooth and even as possible; there should be no nicks, irregularities or other defects. Humidity should be within 10-15%, otherwise the fibers will only tear during processing, forming small pile, and artificial aging will not be achieved.

Brushing at home - what tools will you need?

When doing brushing yourself at home, you will need a small list of available tools. First of all, these are brushes, which are rather rough disc-type brushes, the bristles of which are made of steel or brass. To obtain uniform processing, experts recommend buying brushes that are similar in shape to a roller, as well as with a wider end side.

The main work is carried out precisely by brushing, the task of which is to remove the largest part of the fibers. Naturally, the surface after such treatment remains too fleecy and rough. To improve appearance surface we will need nylon synthetic brushes. A special feature of such brushes is abrasive powder of various fractions, which is fused into the thickness of the plastic. The cost of synthetic brushes may be unpleasantly surprising, but it would still be very advisable to purchase them, since they eliminate and remove fine lint that interferes with polishing and painting, and besides, the wood looks much prettier after treatment with such brushes.

Next, brushes with natural hard bristles, for example, made of coarse wool or sisal brushes, come into play. They are used to polish the surface. This stage of brushing is not mandatory, but if you need to achieve the maximum quality of wood, then polishing is indispensable.

If necessary, you can use electric tools, for example, corner grinder or a drill. However, working with brushes is more advantageous in the sense that you can completely control the force of pressure and the direction of stripping. In any case, do not forget to purchase anti-dust glasses, as well as gloves, since when sanding, a lot of small fluff will get into the air, which can harm your eyes.

Brushing technology - main stages

So, all necessary tool acquired, wooden boards lie in front of us. Let's start brushing.

All surface treatment technology is carried out in accordance with this scheme:

  • metal brushes to remove soft fibers
  • Sanding cleaned wood using synthetic abrasive brushes
  • Painting special solutions, contributing to giving visual effect aging
  • Wood polishing and varnishing.

Step 1. Preparatory work. We check the tree with which we have to work. If it is too wet, it is necessary to dry it, but if it is too dry, then, on the contrary, moisten it, since with dry wood the amount of waste, sawdust and dust increases significantly. On at this stage Let's use a wire brush. It should be remembered that only soft fibers must be removed. If the brush is so hard that it even touches hard fibers, the tool should be replaced immediately. Movements are made at low speed along the direction of movement of the fibers.

Step 2: Sanding. Now we need an abrasive brush with which we will polish the wood. Carefully pass over the cleaned surface in order to remove all remaining fibers and eliminate roughness. As a rule, this does not require much time; it is enough to carefully sand the wood several times to achieve the desired result.

Step 3: Polishing. To give the brushed treated wood a polished look, we use sisal brushes. It is worth noting that this tool allows you to achieve a unique decorative texture of a wooden surface. You may also need fine-grit sandpaper to polish the material. After completing all the work, we once again carefully remove all debris, dust, and dry the surface.

Step 4. Painting. A beautiful decorative look can be obtained as a result of gilding, painting, patina and other effects. If you apply several layers of stain to wood, you can observe the appearance of beautiful contrasting textured images. Products are also brushed with gold paints, which look original in microcracks and depressions. After applying the paint and its complete drying, the surface will need to be polished again. This is due to the fact that during painting various irregularities and roughness may appear, including paint sagging, but polishing will completely eliminate these defects.

Step 5. Varnishing. Coating with various compounds to protect the surface, increase its durability and reliability. If they brush parquet boards, then a special parquet varnish is required that allows you to preserve the basic positive consumer qualities of the floor throughout its entire service life.

Wood aging technique – where is it used?

Brushing falls into the category of relatively simple processes, which are available to absolutely everyone. For this reason this technology has found application in many areas of human activity. Brushing is most popular in the production of interior items and room decoration. Living rooms and halls decorated wall panels, mantels, columns, furniture from visually, look very beautiful and original, create warmth and comfort in the room.

Furniture deserves special mention, as manufacturers are increasingly trying to use brushed wood elements and structures. Moreover, using this method you can make absolutely any furniture, be it a closet, shelves, chests of drawers, beds, etc. The only limiting factor in in this case– this is fantasy and creativity.

Finally, we note that due to its availability and demand, broaching is often performed at home. In these cases, you should never forget about safety precautions. Therefore, you should work with tools very carefully, especially if you work with a drill or other power tools. All processes are carried out in special equipment - safety glasses and gloves. Sometimes you may even need a respirator if the amount of dust in the air is too high, or when working with antiseptic solutions.

Brushing a wood surface is original way make the tree more beautiful, unusual and attractive. This trend in the field of room decoration is gaining more and more fans both among designers and ordinary apartment owners, since the process of artificial aging is very simple and accessible to everyone. You just need to spend a little time and effort to get luxurious furniture or a chic antique-style ceiling.

Among modern finishing materials natural wood remains a relevant decorative element. Popular styles interior design Provence, loft, colonial, require that wooden elements The furniture looked as if our grandmothers had used them. The paradox is that the older the tree looks, the more successful and noble the owner of such an office or living room appears.

What does the term wood brushing mean?

In the natural environment, wood is gradually subject to mechanical wear, the surface texture changes unevenly, loose layers are washed away, while dense layers remain. The result is an aesthetic picture created by nature and time. But try to find it now wooden furniture aged naturally.

Masters resort to artificial aging technologies wooden surfaces. Available in English word "brush" - brush, bristles. It gave its name to the term brushing as one of the methods of aging furniture and interior items.

The essence of the technique is to enhance the texture of the natural grain of wood by combing out loose fibers and then treating them with special antiseptics.

Brushing wood is one of the aging technologies that emphasizes the natural beauty and noble texture of the material.

How does the brushing procedure work?

The essence of the technique is quite simple: the surface is wetted chemical composition. Soft fibers absorb liquid. At the next stage, loose parts are selected with a stiff brush. Solid fibers remain, which form a unique pattern. To enhance the effect, the surface is additionally treated with dye.

The result is an interesting stylized texture, with a slight touch of aristocracy and charm.

What tools and materials are needed for the job?

If you decide to age a buffet, chair or mantel yourself, then first prepare a set of tools. To work in the brushing technique you will need:

  • sandpaper of different grits (coarse-grained is suitable for roughing, fine-grained for final polishing of surfaces);
  • two or three metal brushes of varying degrees of hardness;
  • stain (to give individual elements additional decorativeness);
  • paints for tinting;
  • varnish matte or glossy for finishing.

For large volumes of work, a stripping milling machine is used, which automates most of the aging processes. Replaceable attachments allow you to perform grinding, polishing, and brushing in stages.

Using a power tool speeds up the brushing process

At handmade the product looks more aesthetically pleasing, looks like a piece product.

How to age wood yourself

Brushing wood with your own hands is done in several stages. Typically the sequence of actions is as follows:

When tinted with ordinary stain, an interesting two-color texture is obtained.The composition is applied in a thick layer, the excess is quickly removed. Areas with soft fibers have time to dye, but hard layers do not have time to absorb the pigment and remain light.

7. After drying, the finishing stage begins: the workpiece is varnished.

This easy-to-use technique allows you to transform an ordinary interior into an elite, expensive, stylish one.

Chalet style interior

mantel, ceiling beams, headboards and sideboards made of aged wood will emphasize the taste of the owners.

Wood brushing is the process of artificial aging of the surface layer of lumber. The origins of this name are in English word brush, which means “to clean” or “brush”. In Russian, the same process is called wood structuring.

Under natural conditions, wood ages gradually. It is subject to weathering, and wear occurs unevenly - the looser layers age and fall out, while the denser ones remain. As a result, a beautiful picture is formed, painted by time itself.

Man constantly learns from nature. So here, having looked at the history of the creation of the natural aged structure of wood in nature, he decided to take it into his arsenal and achieve a similar effect for more short time. Unlike the natural process, which weakens the wood, the artificial aging procedure, on the contrary, increases the strength of the wood. All loose layers are removed, leaving the hardest ones. Treatment with special compounds protects the tree from rotting and damage by various bark beetles.

Brushing wood is a technique decorative finishing wood. The design idea is not limited by anything, and the idea of ​​​​giving a good-quality item an aged look has found its followers. Now this is a fashionable trend in decor, extremely in demand. It allows you to create a complete imitation of the road exotic breed wood, using ordinary, affordable wood. Brown or grayish-green with gold veins and pores, oak parquet with tinting white, sky blue or azure with platinum-colored pores - all options are subject to this technology.

Give space to your imagination, just don’t overdo it! Advice experienced designer will be useful to those who do not know the sense of proportion.

Brushing technology is used in the production of furniture, in finishing the interiors of shops, restaurants, cafes, cinemas, and in private apartments. Brushing boards is widely used in the manufacture of parquet - with the help of sanding, uneven coloring and varnishing, parquet coverings will acquire their own individuality and a touch of mystery will settle in your apartment, a kind of flair of antiquity.

Brushing furniture in antique interior design

The technology for brushing wood is simple, but labor-intensive. If you need to use this technique on a small object, say a wooden box, then you can independently perform all the operations to decorate it, and at the same time enjoy the creative process. If you plan to completely process parquet or large furniture, then it is better to contact a company that provides such services and performs these procedures using professional equipment.

What types of wood are good for brushing?

It should be noted that not every type of wood accepts this type of decor. It is most preferable to use soft or medium-hard wood: oak, ash, walnut, larch. The structure of the tree must have a pronounced fibrous structure, otherwise the whole meaning of processing is lost. The fact is that the whole effect is based on tearing out soft fibers located between the annual rings of wood. This emphasizes the existing structure and makes it brighter and more contrasting. When the existing structure is homogeneous, it turns out that there is nothing to identify. However, it is possible to create the necessary surface on any wood, the only question is cost and time.

Important! The brushing process itself will not accomplish the task of aging wood. Without the use of wood coloring operations, the work will have an unfinished appearance. And painting with stains and other means requires a creative approach and artistic taste from the performer.

Mechanical method brushing

The full cycle of wood brushing consists of the following operations:

  1. Initial treatment with wire brushes to remove some of the soft wood fibers from the surface layer;
  2. Grinding the structured surface with an abrasive polymer brush or coarse sandpaper;
  3. Painting with stain and other dyes, the result of which should be that same “antique effect”;
  4. Surface polishing, sometimes multi-layer varnish coating. In this case, after each layer has dried, the surface is thoroughly cleaned with thin abrasive sandpapers.

When brushing wood, all work can be done with your own hands, or using an electric angle grinder (grinder) or drill. You will need to purchase different attachments in the form of metal (steel, copper or aluminum) brushes and abrasive synthetic brushes; other devices for grinding and polishing wood.

Rough wood processing

When cleaning the surface of wood from soft fibers, it is recommended to move a metal brush in the direction of their growth. The speed of the brush should also be the same on all parts of the surface.

Try to ensure even pressure on the brush so as not to make too deep holes and damage the pattern of the annual rings themselves. The scratches that appear on them stand out from the general series and worsen the result of the work.

To obtain a deeper effect of wood aging, some resort to crude methods of creating the necessary relief. Thus, even making various dents and nicks with an ax can have a highly artistic meaning. Of course, such processing is appropriate only on large interior parts.

To obtain the highest quality result, pay attention to the choice of the position of the lighting source - the light beam should be directed across the fibers. Only in this case will you be able to see all the subtleties of the acquired wood texture.

Wood blanks to be processed must be dried to a moisture content of 15-16%. This is necessary so that there are fewer fibers on the treated surface in the form of raised, but not torn fibers.

Sometimes you can do without a wire brush. You will need to use a universal abrasive brush made of polymer-abrasive materials. Operating principles of abrasive synthetic and metal brushes are the same, but when working with the latter, the result will be a delicate processing of wood, with less pronounced roughness.

Sanding a textured surface

Grinding removes the remaining “shaggy” material, in the form of lint from wood fibers and create a surface that is pleasant to the touch. You cannot sand the protruding parts on the surface very hard, because they can break off during use. Sanding is carried out using a universal abrasive brush or sandpaper.

Adding an antique effect with paint

After we have successfully created the desired surface texture of the wood, simulating time treatment, it is necessary to enhance this effect with the help of staining. Agree that fresh wood with signs of wear will still look new if you do not change its color.

The play of colors can change our workpiece beyond recognition. With the help of a simple painting procedure, if done professionally, ordinary wood will have a solid and presentable appearance.

Most affordable way painting a brushed surface - applying stain and then washing it off. The paint will be absorbed into the soft layers of wood instantly, but the hard areas will not have time to paint. Due to this, the natural pattern of the wood layers will appear and the material will receive an interesting texture. You can add gold paint (or another of your choice), after applying which you need to run a spatula along the plane of the wood. This will remove excess paint; it will only paint over pores and dents.

If brushed wood is used to cover floors or countertops and shelves, it would be advisable to fill all pores and dents with special transparent putties. This will prevent dirt from getting into the pores and cracks of the material.

Finishing - polishing and varnishing

In order for the decorated surface to become fully ready for use, it must be thoroughly polished, wired or varnished.

The effect of old wood is achieved through the use of a special craquelure varnish, which promotes the formation of small cracks on the surface. Paint or coal dust is rubbed into these cracks, which ultimately produces a beautiful, unique pattern.

Chemical brushing method

Chemical methods for brushing wood can be used to facilitate the mechanical removal of fibers, or are carried out without additional mechanical influences at all. The meaning of chemical exposure lies in the ability of some active chemical solutions soften or corrode wood fibers. It is possible to use acids, alkalis, and any caustic compounds. When using compositions with a high concentration of active components that decompose wood fibers, you can do without finishing the texture with brushes; you will just need several stages of applying and rinsing off the product.

The chemical brushing method is accompanied by the release of pungent odors, so it is better to carry out the work in the fresh air.

After creating the surface relief using chemistry, further decoration is carried out in the same way as with the mechanical brushing method.

Safety precautions

The work of brushing, although not particularly difficult, requires a lot of effort and time. For quality performance decorative processing you will need to purchase expensive paints, stains and other products. Vapors of solutions at chemically, the smell of paint and varnishes is especially harmful to our health - we should buy respirators, however, even if machining There are many points from which we must protect ourselves:

  • Wear gloves, use a respirator and safety glasses;
  • If work is carried out using electric machines, follow all safety requirements that protect against electric shock and damage from rotating mechanisms.

Designing interior items in accordance with the style of the room is one of the integral tasks of designers in our time. The method of giving wood an aged look using various means has become especially popular.

This is explained by the fact that in the age of cars and fairly dense urban development natural materials, such as wood, are a kind of island of safety for humans - their connection with nature. This can be achieved using brushing, which has its own secrets and features.

Wood brushing method

Wood brushing is a chemical-mechanical aging of wooden products, which can be carried out using both certain technologies and special tools. This process is quite good due to the fact that the natural aging of wood occurs for a very long time and unevenly.

Removing soft fibers from the structure of wood to reveal its natural pattern is an excellent decoration method that you can do yourself without spending a lot of money. Every person can master this method; the only condition that is required is desire and a little free time.

Wood Brushing Tools

To a beginner who is not familiar with the process of working with wood, the technology of processing it may seem quite complicated and difficult. But in fact, by setting up or using a home workshop, as well as preparing the appropriate tools, you can even brush wood yourself.

This can be done without the use of technology using improvised means, or you can use the mechanization of the process. In the first case, you will only need a few things:

  • several metal brushes, which have varying degrees of hardness;
  • 2-3 types of sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • stain;

Brushes are designed to clean wood from unnecessary fibers and dirt. Sandpaper is used for polishing or rough grinding. After this, stain can be used to add brightness and color to the design, and varnish can be used to protect the product from the influence of external mechanical damage.

You can speed up the process by mechanizing the work, for which there are many tools and devices. This type of wood processing is productive and the right choice if the surface to be decorated is too large. For small amounts of work, classic traditional brushes are suitable. The following power tools are suitable for brushing wood:

  • drill with speed control;
  • a brushing machine, which comes with special brushes;
  • grinder with different discs and operating modes.

Often, a stripping router equipped with three types of brushes for wood processing is used as a brushing machine. They all have different structures and perform different functions:

  • steel wire brushes intended directly for brushing;
  • brushes from synthetic material, which can be used for intermediate grinding;
  • sisal brushes, with which you can finish polishing the entire product.

In each specific case, wood processing is carried out using certain tools that best give the desired effect. Therefore, it is necessary to make the right choice so as not to purchase and use an unnecessary tool.

Brands of woodworking products

Tools for working with wood are produced by both domestic and foreign companies. The most popular nowadays Russian market are companies such as Interskol, Makita, Jet and Triton.

Brushing wood with JET 10-20 Plus

Interskol is a domestic brand that has existed since 1991. The tools that the company produces are presented in different countries CIS and is in certain demand. The products of the Interskol company are gaining more demand every year, which is why the company is expanding its range.
Brushing with Interskol

One of the leaders among the world's woodworking companies is the Japanese company Makita, founded at the beginning of the last century. Its product range includes more than a thousand items, ranging from drills and screwdrivers to machine tools and laser equipment.
Brush sander Makita 9741

Cheaper instruments are sold domestically Russian companies, such as Interskol. In addition, such instruments are easier to obtain, as they are popular in the country. Foreign companies, including Makita, do not present their entire range on the Russian market, but it can be ordered without problems through official dealers and regional distributors.

If wood aging occurs on a large scale, you can create a special machine that will semi-automatically carry out this process. You can create it yourself or order it, for example, from Jet. Russian Interskol does not manufacture such mechanisms. The cost of such a mechanism will be quite impressive, since the machine efficiently simultaneously performs several brushing processes. It is also very important that only removable products can be used on it. In case of aging of the floor or wooden part The machine will not help with a complex configuration.

Wood brushing process

Before starting work, you need to moisten it a little wooden product to prevent the spread of dust during the process. After this, you need to select the appropriate tool that can remove the top fibrous layer without damaging the hard fibers. The selected brush should be moved along the grain of the wood, regardless of whether it is used mechanical tool or manual. A brush sander with different attachments and operating speeds will greatly speed up the process.

After the first process, preliminary grinding is carried out to eliminate roughness using a softer brush. In this case, the nozzle on the tool is changed to a polymer one. This cleaning can also be done with a grinder with a special type of disc. At this stage, you can decorate the product according to your wishes and give it the look it should have. Oil can help improve the appearance of wood, and you can create additional chips using hand tools. Final polishing with an even softer brush can add uniqueness to the structure. After this, the surface is cleaned and prepared for external coating.

The next step could be a patination technique, which will color the deep furrows in a more dark color. After all the necessary steps are completed, painting and varnish are applied. Before painting, you can use oil to tint. It can also be used after application paint coating. Oil, wax and varnish are applied using standard technology and do not require any special precautions.

You can also age wood using various chemicals and firing using gas burner. In the latter case, flame treatment is carried out and the darkened surface is cleaned with sandpaper. Such various ways They provide a huge selection of tools for brushing. Therefore, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money to age wood, the main thing is the best way do it!
