Installing a window sill on a plastic window with your own hands. How to properly install a window sill on plastic windows

Repairing an apartment or house includes installing window sills and slopes on plastic windows. It is known that the window sill, in addition to its aesthetic role, also plays a protective role.

In addition to mechanical loads and the influence of temperature, wooden, stone and plastic window sills are influenced by moisture and sunlight.

All these factors determine the service life of windows.

Installing or replacing them with your own hands on plastic or wooden windows is a simple process and does not require any professional construction skills.

Preparatory stage

Before you repair and replace window sills and slopes, you should buy everything necessary tools, which are needed to install a window sill under the window.

After all, correctly selected and good materials, the tools are a pleasure to work with, as they increase efficiency and quality of work.

In addition, the products and tools will be useful in the future, given that the repair and replacement of windows will be done more than once, and the installation of slabs will be carried out under each window.

All of them are purchased in specialized stores or window companies.

If you will be installing windows yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • circular saw or jigsaw;
  • level
  • roulette;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • marker;
  • hammer drill.

Installation of a window sill begins, first of all, with measurements. First you need to find out the dimensions of the workpiece.

It should be remembered that the quality of the entire work depends on how correctly the required dimensions are determined.

The length of the workpiece should be chosen longer than necessary, because later it will not be difficult to adjust the dimensions using ordinary tools.

The width of the workpiece should be such that the design does not interfere with the air circulation from the battery upwards.

If this condition is neglected, condensation will appear on the windows, and a flow of cold air will move into the room and it will be necessary to replace the windows.

That is why determining the dimensions correctly in advance is very important stage preparatory work.

Trimming a slab under a window

Sometimes a situation arises when you need to correctly adjust the window sills to the appropriate window sizes. First, markings should be made on the product using a marker.

Do not forget that the excess is cut off from the part that is attached to the wall.

At the same time, the cutting lines should also be noted. They must pass by 0.5 - 1 centimeter so that the slab fits rigidly and tightly with the window frame.

If the edges of the products do not preserve the stiffening ribs, the internal sections will lose the required form at the junction and bends inward.

Trimming is done with your own hands using a jigsaw, a saw or a special hacksaw, and stone window sills are trimmed with a special diamond blade.

The main thing here is not to forget about accuracy and not to press the tool with great force in order to prevent scratches or chips, otherwise you will have to change the workpiece.

You should also not forget about safety measures: avoid getting small particles in your eyes and use gloves.

Now the workpiece is completely ready to be installed in place. The window sill must be washed and proceed to the next stage.

Lining installation

When the measurements and trimming of the window sill have been carried out, it is necessary to continue the repairs and prepare the linings.

This is important for creating small slopes during outside so that the water flows out.

The linings should not protrude so that they do not have to be cut off again later.

If there are gaps, they are usually closed polyurethane foam.

When laying, do not forget to install plastic or plastic slopes. wooden windows. The lower slopes are cut to the wall, and the installation site is cleared of unnecessary material.

It is assumed that the gap between the window sill and the wall does not exceed 4 millimeters and is quite tightly and correctly adjacent to the windows.

It is also necessary to install metal strips and insert the ends of these strips into the lower plugs under the window sills to avoid their deformation.

Installation of window sills

Repair involves installation of window sills and slopes in various ways. The first one is outdated and rarely used.

It implies that the window sills are fixed using a special adhesive solution. Most quick way- This is a do-it-yourself installation using self-tapping screws.

First, holes are drilled in the frame, into which these same parts are then screwed.

The joint area is poured silicone sealant, and the edge of the window sill is placed under the frame, tightened with self-tapping screws.

According to the second method, installation is carried out using aluminum spring brackets, screwed with self-tapping screws.

And the final method, which is the most reliable and involves the use necessary materials, consists in the use of special linings that are installed under various window sills.

Eat different ways installation of various window sills, the positive and negative aspects each of them and only after that - you need to choose the most optimal one, because the replacement of windows will depend on this.

The methods differ only in how various window sills, including wooden ones, are placed under the frame.

If the window sill is uneven, then during installation there may be a gap left between its upper part and the frame. It is carefully filled with silicone.

After this you need to wash everything.

Installation of slopes

Upon completion of the installation of the window sill, it is necessary to install the same (wooden or plastic) slopes.

To do this, both horizontally and vertically, you need to level the window opening with your own hands.

This process is carried out using polyurethane foam, which protects them from the influence of temperature. Next, the quality of the poured foam is checked.

If there are excesses, they should be removed, and if deficiencies are found, they should be refilled.

First, you should install the top panel, which stretches along the entire length window installation and only then secure the side panel.

There are different approaches. Installation can be carried out using slatted frames, while securing the panel with nails or staples.

It is necessary to do everything as correctly and carefully as possible, without damaging the window sill, window and its slopes.

The second approach, the simplest and most convenient, is to use polyurethane foams for installing windows, as well as masking tape.

An important condition for beautifully made slopes is the ideal vertical fastening of the rails.

For leveling purposes, you should use wooden blocks and use a level to achieve the perfect vertical.

When everything necessary materials installed, excess amounts of foam cut off, outside and inside the room, before washing everything, it is necessary to apply a rotband to the foam.

As soon as it hardens, the various external slopes should be painted with water-based paint.

Then you need to remove the protective layer from the slopes, window sill, plastic window, wash off the stains and dirt, and finally coat all the cracks with liquid plastic.

At this stage the renovation is completed.

Nowadays they are gaining more and more popularity plastic products. This material is quite practical and reliable, and also not expensive. If you decide to replace wooden windows with plastic ones, and do not want to overpay for installing a window sill, or simply want to install a window sill yourself, then this article is just for you.

Preparatory stage includes measurements future design, also all materials and tools, as well as preparation window opening to install a new window sill.

Before purchasing, you need to take several measurements, namely:

  • Window sill width. It is equal to the width of the window opening plus 10-15 centimeters.
  • Window sill length. Measured as the length of the window opening plus 10-15 centimeters.

It should be noted that a window sill that is too large and wide can significantly impair air circulation, therefore, water droplets will accumulate on the windows and their service life will be reduced.

Of the tools, you should prepare or purchase:

  • Jigsaw or grinder.
  • Level.
  • Hammer.
  • Angle-ruler.
  • Masking tape.

Materials you will need:

  • Construction foam.
  • Sealant.
  • End caps.
  • Panel PVC suitable size.
  • Plastic substrates.

Preparing the surface for installing a window sill

First, you need to remove the old structure. This is done using a jigsaw or hacksaw. Next, you need to remove cement screed around the edges.

Clear the space of debris, loose material, insulation, and everything else. This will guarantee reliable fastening new window sill. It is best to vacuum the base under the window sill, this way you are guaranteed to reliably clean the base.

If you are planning to install a window sill with projections on the sides, then you should create small openings so that the panel fits in easily. First, a notch is made on the wall, then an opening is knocked out with a hammer the right size. The openings must be the same on both sides and such that the PVC panel can be easily inserted.

After cleaning the base under the window sill, it should be well primed to ensure adhesion of the solution to level the base.

If you are only planning to replace the window sill, and the windows remain old, then the width and height will be the same as the width and height of the old wooden window sill. All you have to do is remove it and transfer the measurements to PVC panel. If they plan to change the windows or new windows have already been installed, then the dimensions of the window sill are calculated again. It is important that the window sill is installed only after the installation of the new windows has been completed. When taking accurate measurements before cutting, it is important to take into account that the window sill should extend 10-15 centimeters under the window frame, and the protrusions on the sides should not exceed 5 centimeters. The window sill should be made at an angle so that the absolute height under the window frame and the height at the periphery differ by 2-3 millimeters.

Installing a PVC window sill with your own hands involves cutting the material. PVC cutting can be ordered from hardware store or do it yourself using a jigsaw.

Once you have your PVC panel cut out, follow the instructions:

  • Cut the bars for the substrates. They can be either plastic or wooden. Their width should not be less than 5 centimeters, and their length should be the same as the width of the base, excluding window frame. The thickness of the substrate is selected based on the height of the window opening and the width of the PVC panel. Please note that the PVC panel must fit freely between the window frame and the substrates.
  • The optimal number of substrates is 2-3 pieces per meter of length. Before installing them, the base must be properly leveled.
  • The base is leveled using cement mortar or alabaster solution. This is done to ensure that the window sill does not have significant irregularities and maintains the integrity of the structure.
  • After the base is leveled, it is checked with a level.
  • Supports are installed every 40-50 centimeters. After this, they are checked by level in two directions. The supports can be tilted away from the window, but the angle of inclination should not exceed 0.5-1 degree.
  • To check the correct installation of the supports, a control installation of the panel is done. If it fits in well and lies flat, then work continues.
  • Before you start fixing the window frame, you should first clean the window frames from the protective film and install plugs on the ends.
  • The supports are securely fastened, and only after that the plastic panel can be installed. To ensure that it adheres to the base as best as possible, it is tapped with a hammer. After that, control measurements are made again with the level in two directions. If the panel lies flat, then work continues; if not, the panel is removed and the supports are aligned.
  • Small gaps should be left on the left and right to prevent the panel from deforming. At the end of the work, they are sealed with sealant. Gaps should be no more than 5 millimeters. This is done so that the foam does not deform the window sill.
  • All cracks and voids are filled with foam. Some experienced experts advise filling the voids between the supports not with foam, but with some kind of solution, for example, gypsum or cement. In this case, the support will be securely fastened.
  • If you are afraid that the window sill may become deformed under the influence of foam, then leave several weights on it for a couple of days. Although, this should not happen if you left small gaps on the left and right.
  • After the foam has completely dried, the excess should be removed with a knife, all remaining cracks should be filled with sealant, the joints between the window sill and the wall should be leveled and puttied. This way you will give your window sill a neater look.

In order to better understand the sequence of work, we suggest you watch the DIY installation of plastic window sills video.

Unlike plastic, wood gives the interior a touch of luxury and home comfort. But, at the same time, wood is a heavier and more capricious material.

The preparation process is no different from the preparation process for a plastic window sill.

The plane is cleaned and primed, leveled and supports are installed. The only difference is that a wooden window sill also needs metal frame.

Wood is a rather heavy material. Small blocks of aerated concrete or wooden blocks. It is best if the gaps between these blocks are minimal. All cracks should first be filled with a solution of cement or gypsum.

To ensure that the window sill does not hang in the air and is securely attached to the surface, screws are screwed from above onto the base at a distance of 30-40 centimeters. The caps of the screws should stick out as much as necessary so that the window sill fits tightly to the base of the window frame and does not hang in the air. To prevent the caps of the screws from falling inward, they are coated with plaster or cement around them. Then, construction foam is applied to the plane. Particular attention is paid to the surface under the window, the rest of the space is filled evenly with foam.

After all the work has been completed, it is placed on top wood panel window sill, blown with foam at the seams. After a few days, the foam is cut off and the cracks are filled with sealant.

Installing a window sill with your own hands on a plastic window requires certain knowledge, therefore, carefully re-read the instructions and watch the training video before you begin.

Installing a window sill involves such basic types of work as: surface preparation, leveling, fastening the base, fastening the window sill, sealing the structure.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 2 minutes

The installation of the window sill usually completes the installation of the window. Exclude this element from window design it is forbidden. Firstly, it is a decorative element. Agree that window opening without a window sill it will look, to put it mildly, ridiculous. Secondly, this additional element also fulfills protective function, taking on temperature changes and mechanical loads. Replacing old windows more practical PVC designs are carried out by specialists. Typically, the range of services provided includes installation of window sills and. However, installing a plastic window sill with your own hands is not particularly difficult, so you can save money by doing the installation yourself. Let us immediately clarify that this procedure carried out only after replacing the window. Let's consider all stages installation work, including sizing.


The installation procedure begins with dismantling old design. This is very important nuance: PVC structures are never installed with wooden frames. If you ordered window installation from a specialized company, then this stage will be performed by the installers. Specialists dismantle old frames and... All you have to do is prepare the window opening. To do this, it is necessary to clean the lower part of the window opening from the remains of construction debris, remove the remaining plaster and make grooves in the side walls. This is done for reliable fixation. plastic construction.

Please note that it is not always advisable to make grooves. Typically, this procedure is performed if the width of the panel extends beyond the window opening.

Then you need to foam all the cracks that remain after installing the window, level the lower part of the window opening and prime the surface. These precautions will help eliminate drafts and, accordingly, maintain heat in the apartment.


Purchase a product suitable sizes it won’t work: the window sills are adjusted individually according to the parameters of the window opening. That's why plastic panel you'll have to trim it yourself. It is not difficult to adjust the window sill to the size of the window with your own hands: plastic can be easily processed and cut with any sharp tool. At this stage, it is important to correctly calculate the length and width of the structure.

USEFUL INFORMATION: How to choose the right blinds for plastic windows: by room and size (40 photos)

First, measure the width of the window opening. To the resulting figure you need to add 1.5-2 centimeters on each side. Usually the edges are retracted into grooves or covered with slopes. The width of the window sill depends on your desire. If the structure will not extend beyond the wall, then you need to add 2 centimeters to the width of the window opening: this part will go under the window. If you are planning to install a protruding structure, then ideally the window sill should reach the middle of the radiator.

Close heating system highly not recommended. Warm air will not rise to the windows, as a result in winter condensation and ice will form. Accordingly, the lifespan of PVC windows will be significantly reduced. If you still decide to close the batteries completely, you need to make ventilation holes in the window sill.

The thickness of the window sill does not play a special role: this element does not bear high mechanical loads. The exception is when a PVC panel is installed on the entire wall, combining two windows. In this case, the thickness of the window sill should have a maximum value of 22 millimeters. Don't forget to equip the window sill with end caps.

Installation process

How to install a window sill correctly? It is enough to approach the installation procedure responsibly and follow the instructions given. Here is a step-by-step installation diagram:

  • The dimensions of the structure have already been adjusted to the parameters of the window opening. To ensure that the calculations are correct, the window sill is installed in place. If the panel does not fit, you need to remove the element and clean the end and front sides with a knife.
  • Please note that window sills are not laid on a concrete or brick base. Therefore, panel installation involves the use of wooden or plastic supports. The recommended width of such substrates is at least 50 millimeters, the length is less than the width of the panel. The thickness of the supports is selected individually, the main thing is that the window sill fits clearly into the groove under the window. It is worth noting that the supports are installed only on a leveled surface to prevent distortions in the structure. The distance between such substrates is 40-50 centimeters. You can check the correct installation of the supports by cutting the window sill: the piece should fit tightly into the groove between the support and the bottom of the window.

USEFUL INFORMATION: Drywall slopes: do-it-yourself installation

  • The voids between the supports are usually eliminated. To do this, use polyurethane foam or mineral wool. In the second case, the substrates must adhere firmly to the base of the window opening, so the supports are fixed with silicone glue. Before using this material, it is recommended to degrease the surface.
  • We proceed to the installation of the PVC structure. Before starting work, you must remove protective film from the window side and install end caps. Then we install the window sill in place.

Please note that the element should fit into the groove quite tightly, but there is no need to apply excessive force. You need to leave a small gap (about 5 millimeters) on the sides of the structure; this is a precautionary measure that will help prevent deformation of the window sill. To do this, install substrates of appropriate thickness on the sides. These beacons then need to be removed and the gaps sealed with sealant.

  • Align the panel in a horizontal plane with light tapping. We check the position of the window sill by level.

  • Installation is almost complete. Now you need to foam the free space under the window. Please note that the polyurethane foam increases in volume as it dries, so you need to install special spacers. If this is not done, the structure will become distorted and subsequently replaced. Spacers are made of wooden blocks, one is installed in the center and two on the sides. The clamps are removed after the foam has completely hardened (about a day), the excess of which is removed with a knife.

  • Then the slopes are installed and the remaining gaps are sealed. A sealant is usually used for this. The edges of the window sill adjacent to the walls are covered with mounting tape.
  • After completing all installation work, remove the protective film from the window sill.

Don't repeat the mistakes

Remember: violation of installation technology will invariably entail replacement of the window sill.

Therefore, we will give a few useful tips that will help avoid unpleasant consequences:

  1. Installation is carried out immediately after replacing the window. If you first install slopes and plaster the walls, the risk of damaging the surfaces increases. Accordingly, all the work done will go down the drain.
  2. Wide and long panels require additional fastening. This is usually done if the window sill exceeds the width of the window space by a third. Brackets are used for mounting.
  3. Maintain the size carefully and be sure to use a building level.
  4. For better adhesion of surfaces, the window opening must be moistened with water.
  5. Don't use too much foam. When foaming the window sill space, it is recommended to leave small gaps.

Today there are quite a large number of different window sills on the market, which are made of plastic, wood and other materials. Installing such structures by specialists will be expensive, so many people want to know how to properly install a window sill with their own hands.

How is a plastic window sill installed?

Plastic profile is environmentally friendly pure material, and all structures that are made from it undergo careful control.

Such window sills have many advantages:

  1. The structures are light in weight.
  2. They are quite easy to install.
  3. Such structures do not need to be painted.
  4. Plastic products are impact resistant.
  5. Resistant to heat and light.
  6. Do not rot.
  7. The products are practically non-flammable.

Such structures can be installed even by a person who does not have relevant work experience, and there will be no need for special tools. A plastic window sill can be installed on any window indoors or on the balcony.

To properly install such a window sill with your own hands, you need to know the sequence of actions.

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Existing methods of installing a window sill

To install a plastic structure, you need to measure the parameters of the window.

There are several options for installing such structures. In the first case, the window sill is fixed with a special compound. This method is outdated and is rarely used today, as other, more modern and convenient ways installation

In order to be able to quickly, you should use self-tapping screws. In this case, you will need to drill a hole in the frame into which the fasteners are installed. The joint should be treated with silicone-based sealant. The outermost part of the window sill is placed under the frame and secured with self-tapping screws. The rigidity of the structure can be imparted with special linings. The area under the window sill must be treated with polyurethane foam.

During the installation of such structures, metal spring brackets can also be used. They should be screwed to the profile with self-tapping screws. The product is installed in the groove that is formed between the frame and the fastening element.

The latter method will not use additional devices such as screws or staples. This method is labor-intensive, but the most reliable. The installation principle is that special pads are installed under the structure so that its edge fits tightly under the window frame.

The last 3 methods are used quite often. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, you cannot fasten a plastic window sill with self-tapping screws if the sash opens. All methods differ only in the method of inserting PVC window sills into the frame; all other stages of work are identical.

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How to do the preparatory work?

The first step is to purchase all the necessary tools and materials. The quality of the work performed will depend on the quality of the tools used.

Items you will need:

  1. PVC profiles.
  2. Self-tapping screws.
  3. Silicone sealant.
  4. Polyurethane foam.
  5. Spring brackets made of metal.
  6. Linings.
  7. A simple pencil.
  8. Construction level.
  9. Saw or electric jigsaw.
  10. Metal strips.
  11. Masking tape.
  12. Polyurethane foam.
  13. Nails.
  14. Screws.

To correctly install a structure for PVC windows, you should take measurements. The strength and how well the structure will cope with its functions depend on the measurements. If the measurements are taken incorrectly, the design will not have the best appearance.

You should know that it will not be possible to correct an installed window sill made of plastic or wood if the measurements are incorrect. IN in this case All installation work will need to be done again.

During the measurement process, it is necessary to take into account the properties and characteristics of the plastic, as well as a number of other parameters. These parameters include the height of the batteries located under the windows. If the distance between the two structures is small, then air circulation will be disrupted, resulting in a greatly deteriorated microclimate.

When measuring the window sill to be installed, you need to take into account the fact that its length should be several centimeters longer than the width of the window. The width of the structure can be chosen based on your own preferences, but the distance between the wall and the window sill should not be more than 8 cm. If the window sill has a large width, this may affect the functions of the radiators. In the process of determining the size of the structure, you need to check the air circulation that forms in this area.

The products are installed close to a plastic window, so a special profile must be attached to them, which will be used to fix the ebb.

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How to trim a window sill?

The design can be purchased at finished form or cut it out of plastic yourself. If the window sill is cut from PVC, then the profile must be purchased with a margin of about 5 cm.

The first step is to check the product for defects, as they can spoil the appearance. In some cases, it may be necessary to trim the structure to fit the size of the opening. To do this, first of all you need to correctly mark the window sill. This can be done using a simple pencil.

The maximum length of a plastic structure is 3 m. The width of the product varies between 25-70 cm. If the width of the structure is too large, then the excess can be cut off from the part from which it is attached to the wall. Cutting lines need to be given special attention. It should pass 0.5-1 cm behind the stiffeners, which are located inside the product. In this case, the window sill will be able to fit tightly with the window frame. The back of the structure should go under the window and be tightly supported by wedges and construction foam. If the outermost part of the product loses its stiffeners, then the inner base will not be able to maintain the required shape at the junction, as a result of which it will bend inward.

The window sill can be cut using a saw or electric jigsaw. You can also use a hacksaw for plastic. You need to cut carefully, do not press the tool too hard to avoid scratches or other defects on the structure. Small pieces of plastic may get into your eyes. To avoid this, you should know the safety rules. When cutting plastic, you need to wear safety glasses and work gloves.

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How to lay the lining?

To install the lining, use bars. They will take on the load from the windowsill. If there are potholes or cracks, then foam should be used. On at this stage It is important to check the tightness of the product to the frame, as this indicator will guarantee the strength and reliability of the structure.

Slopes are installed. Their lower part must be cut down to the wall, and then the installation site must be cleared of debris. The bars on which the window sill will be supported should not extend beyond the wall. It is best to secure the blades immediately. In this way, it will be possible to form a groove into which the window structure will be installed. The window sill must be adjacent to the window frame. The gap between the structure and the walls should be less than 4 mm.

The part of the window sill that protrudes beyond the slopes must be tightly adjacent to the wall, since leaving gaps is not allowed.

To prevent the structure from deforming, metal strips must be mounted underneath it. These products must fit into the lower plug of the product.

How to take the dimensions of a window sill and how to cut a PVC window sill? Competent, step by step installation window sill. Read in this article.

The classic installation of a PVC window sill is the installation of a window sill, which includes the basic operations performed in most cases. Of course, there are always exceptions, which we will also talk about, for example VIP installation!

Window sills for plastic windows

PVC window sills are most often installed on plastic windows. Wooden window sills are installed less frequently. And very rarely, stone window sills are installed. The latter have their own installation specifics. We will not talk about them in this article.

How to install a wooden window sill on plastic windows? Technology for installing plastic and wooden window sills, is not fundamentally different. Therefore, further, we will only talk about methods for installing PVC window sills.

For those who first decided to install a window sill with their own hands, it is important to know that the quality of the window sill plastic affects the installation process. If you intend to work with an economy class window sill (for example, from the ECO company), then you need to treat it with care. For example, when cutting such a window sill with a jigsaw, large chips may appear.

Where can you buy a PVC window sill in St. Petersburg at an affordable price? — Below, for comparison, I give approximate window sill prices for plastic windows, having dimensions 250 x 2000 mm:

  • Inexpensive and not high quality - “Eco” - 350 rubles.
  • Inexpensive, but high quality - “Stained glass” - 450 rubles.
  • Expensive and high quality - “Stained glass VPL” - 1250 rubles.
  • Very expensive and very high quality - “Danke”, “Moeller”, 2200 rubles each.

PVC window sill markings

Following the technology for installing a turnkey plastic window, plastic window sill should be installed after the plastic window has already been installed. In the previous article, I already said that the ebb and window sill are installed at the same time.

In order to understand how to install a window sill on plastic windows, you need to understand that the most important operation in this process is marking the PVC window sill. Next, step-by-step verified instructions with photos, and my video is at the end of the article.

First, take a sheet of paper and a pencil. We draw a window in a section along the width, in a simple way, in the form of an elongated rectangle. Top view. And enter the value of the window width into our rectangle.

Secondly, we find the starting point of the marking. This is done as follows. We measure the length of the window sill. We write the value above the rectangle. We get two numerical values ​​in a column that need to be subtracted. Like at school, in first grade))).

We divide the resulting difference in half. And we get the main number, which determines the starting point for marking the PVC window sill. This figure is equal to the distance from the edge of the window sill to the edge of the frame on each side.

Thus, after installing the window sill and slopes, we will have the same:

  • The side projections of the window sill are the “ears” and
  • Dawn angles of slopes

Thirdly, continuing the marking, we take two bench squares (90 degrees) with a scale - 30 cm and 50 cm. Next, the first large square We place one side against the window sill profile, and the other side, perpendicular, presses it against the wall, leaving a small gap. The main thing is to understand that the position of the square is the future position of the cut-off window sill. All that remains is to take the first measurement along the length of the window sill, and write down this size on our sheet of paper, on which the starting point of measurement has already been determined.

Fourthly, using a second square, pressing it against the inner wall of the room, we fix the second size along the width of the window sill. After which, the last cutting line of the side protrusion is automatically obtained.

Dimensions are taken similarly on the right side of the window sill.

After which the markings are applied to the window sill itself.

This markup that we looked at is the simplest. It is made in a flat perpendicular opening.

It happens that the opening has a step configuration, then it is necessary to take several measurements. But the principle of marking does not change.

Fifthly, if the opening has an angle, then the marking of the PVC window sill is carried out at an angle. To do this, just as in the first case, we press one side of the large square against the window sill profile, and direct the other perpendicular side at an angle. Let's imagine that this will be the corner cutting line. And we place the second square against the inner wall of the room. The point where the squares intersect is the end point. Let's fix its value. Next, leaving the second small square in a stationary position, we again attach the large square to the window sill profile at 90 degrees. We fix the second value at the intersection of the squares.

Thus, the PVC window sill is marked. It must also be said that the cutting line of the side protrusion can be either flush with the inner wall of the room or recessed into this wall. This depends on whether the customer will make repairs after installing the window.

How to cut a PVC window sill?

After marking, the PVC window sill must be cut off. For this you can use four tools:

1. Hacksaw for metal. Yes, the cheapest instrument, but it requires good physical training.

2. Electric jigsaw. The most acceptable option. You can use an inexpensive one. For example, I have recently been using the company Interskol. Such a jigsaw costs from 1700 to 2500 rubles.

The main thing when working with a jigsaw is to set the pendulum stroke to the number “0” and use a metal file with a fine tooth.

3. Grinder (“UShM” - corner grinding machine). The most effective tool. Allows you to cut PVC window sills most accurately. But, at the same time, the grinder is very noisy and creates a lot of dust.

4. Cordless saw “Makita HS300DWE” and “Bosch GKS 10.8 V-LI”. Lightweight, convenient, cordless tool, but very expensive. The cost of such a saw is about 10,000 rubles.

By the way, we don’t throw away the trimmings from the window sill. They will be useful to us during installation. Read about it below.

We made the markings. The window sill was cut off. Now we will learn how to install it. Before that, we need to prepare some materials:

Well, and some tools:

  • Construction knife
  • Hammer
  • Bench angle 90 degrees (also used for marking, see above)
  • Level 40 and 60 cm
  • Gun for polyurethane foam with a cylinder
  • Sprayer with water
  • Cargo in the form of improvised means

The most important thing in installing a window sill- these are its supporting points, or rather their number. The classic installation done by most window installers is to minimize these supporting elements. In this case, the window sill will look quite durable. You can stand on it and you can walk on it. In this case, a slight deflection is possible. As they say, price equals quality.

The gap between the window sill and its base in the classical method does not matter. There are many tricks and subtleties that allow you to achieve a certain strength of the window sill when large gap, for example, from 5 to 15 cm. It is clear that the client who paid for classic window installation is enough low price, has no idea that he is literate and correct installation has a completely different cost. And having recognized her, he would have begun to doubt and run to another company, where he would have been offered the original price, having gone over his ears. And the end result would most likely be the same.

This revelation is necessary so that a client who wants truly super quality must understand that he will have to pay a lot of money for this quality. But this is not enough. Also, you need to thoroughly study the process for which he pays. For example, the process we are talking about in this article is how to install a window sill on plastic windows? Otherwise, he will simply be cheated. So there are two options:

  1. Classic PVC window sill installation
  2. VIP installation of PVC window sill

I consider myself not to have the right to condemn the first installation method, since it has the right to life, if only because we live in Russia. And in our country there is such a thing as Russian reality. But even this installation method must be competent and verified.

Classic PVC window sill installation

So, we have an already installed window and a PVC window sill cut to size. As I said above, we need to create support points in two or three rows parallel to the window. The first row runs directly along the window. The second row runs along the edge interior wall. The third row is the middle one and is necessary if the window sill width is more than 400 mm.

In the classical method optimal quantity support points in each row is calculated as follows:

  • Single-leaf window (width 1000 - 1200 mm) - two supports
  • Double-leaf window (width 1400 - 1600 mm) - three supports
  • Three-leaf window (width 1700 - 2700) - four or five supports, depending on the width of the window

Further, the support in a classic PVC window sill installation is usually wooden. And these wooden linings, installers saw from old, dismantled wooden windows, which is not so scary. After all, the tree is dry.

First, we set up the first row. To do this, take the largest trim from the window sill. With its help, we select the height of the support so that the window sill is pressed tightly against the window frame.

Also, instead of wooden pads, you can use brackets to press the window sill to the window frame, costing 8 rubles apiece. A little expensive, but the installation speed is increased and simplified. The number of staples is the same as the number of supports. The disadvantage is that the bracket only serves as a temporary support for the window sill. Under the weight of a person, the bracket bends slightly, unlike wooden linings. To avoid this, after foaming the window sill (foaming occurs at the very end), you need to wait for the foam to dry completely, about one hour, before standing on the windowsill.

When the first support row is set, you can proceed to the second - outermost row. It is also installed using the same trim from the window sill, and using a level or square. I prefer a square, and set the window sill at 90 degrees relative to the window frame at each reference point. After all, I know that my In this case, the subsequent installation of the slope is facilitated. There is practically no gap between the slope and the window sill. And the slope does not need to be cut at an angle ( extra work). And the horizontal level of the window sill does not need to be checked. It will be the same as the window level.

Here, let's make a small digression. A question arises. How to properly install a window sill on plastic windows? Strictly at a horizontal level or at an angle of 2 - 3 degrees (with a slight inclination into the room)? Why is it so strongly recommended to do this tilt? No matter what site you go to, everywhere an inclination angle of 2-3 degrees is required and that’s it.

So, the slope is needed to drain water inside the room, which appears on the windowsill from slanting rain, from condensation during incorrect installation windows, from excessive watering of flowers, from washing glass.

Now let's imagine where will he go water at horizontal installation window sill. Firstly, The amount of water on the windowsill is minimal under any circumstances. I personally have not heard of floods on windowsills. Secondly, The seam between the window sill and the window frame is always sealed. Thirdly, in order for the water to quickly leave the window sill, a much greater slope is needed, and with a slight slope, water will still accumulate on the window sill.

Yes, installing a window sill with a reverse angle is unacceptable, as this actually creates the possibility of water accumulation. But, again, don’t forget about the sealant. In short, the window sill must be level.

I believe that when, while watering a pot of flowers that stands on the windowsill, and water accidentally spills, it should spill on your windowsill evenly in different directions, and not pour onto the floor. Also, I believe that, for example, a writing pen should not roll off the windowsill, as well as any round object. Especially considering the fact that some wide window sills are used as tables.

Well, in general this is my opinion about the slope of the window sill. Let's move on. If a third - middle row is required, it is done very simply. In the middle of the window sill trim, linings are selected according to height.

Since, in my example, a double-hung window, I use three supports in each row. Accordingly, we display them in the same way.

After all the supports have been selected, you can take our pre-cut window sill (see above) and insert it under the window frame for fitting. At the same time, once again check the perpendicularity of the installation with a square. Next, remove the window sill, wet the first row along the frame and all support points with a sprayer. And we begin the foaming stage.

We apply a strip of foam along the first row of support points along the window frame, so that half of the window sill profile is covered with foam.

If there is a middle support row, then you need to foam it not completely, but only the support points. The second, outermost row is foamed at the end. Next, we insert the window sill so that the right and left starting points of the markings coincide with the edges of the window frame.

We measure the width of the protrusions. If necessary, we adjust these values ​​by slightly extending or deepening the window sill on each side. We make a control measurement with a square or level in the plane of inclination. After that, all that remains is to foam the second support row completely. Advice: if this gap is more than 5 cm, you need to foam in two layers. Apply the first layer 2.3 cm. Wait for it to dry (20 - 30 minutes). Then, foam the second layer to the end. Also, do not forget to foam the gaps where the window sill is cut, and do not forget to put a weight weighing from 1 kg to 10 kg, depending on the width of the gap. Since I have a gap of about 2 cm, a load like the one in the picture (tray with tool) is enough.

And here is what should happen after installing the slopes. Despite the fact that when marking, the protrusions, the so-called ears, were different, now, as can be seen in the photo, these protrusions are the same. At the same time, the angles of dawn of the slopes are also the same.

This is the classic installation of a window sill, which is done by professionals. But anyone can do such an installation with their own hands.

VIP installation of PVC window sill

The most important principle, VIP installation of a PVC window sill, is that the size of the gap between the base of the platform and the window sill should be 10 - 20 mm. Accordingly, if in a classic installation, this distance is not filled with anything. That is, voids remain because the installers have neither time nor money, which the client does not want to part with. That VIP installation involves filling this space with cement mortar.

One more digression or advice. Very often this filling method is used for large-scale repairs. But builders and finishers, understanding little about the window business, pour the screed under the window sill tightly to the frame or to the window sill profile. And sometimes the foam is picked out right under the window sill profile. So, you can’t do that. The screed should not reach the window block by about 5 cm. There should be foam there.

Further, why don’t window installers make such a screed? That's right, you have to wait for it to dry. And for the money they work for, it is not profitable to wait. In addition, you need to buy the solution. Some craftsmen install the window sill directly on the screed. It's faster that way.

But, if we talk about top level installations - VIP, then, as I said above, you need to fill the screed with a gap of 10 - 20 mm, wait until it rises. Then, foam the area evenly with a snake. The foam layer is about 30 mm. Carefully place the window sill on this layer without moving it. Align with a level or square and press down with a light weight. The supports for this installation method are, of course, plastic. And they are displayed only in the second outer row. In all other places the window sill will have sufficient rigidity. This is achieved due to a small gap, which is filled with mounting foam in the form of a snake.

After the foam has completely dried, its remains under the window sill are cut off and the seam under the window sill is sealed. This operation is done both on a VIP installation and on a classic PVC window sill installation.

Pay attention! Installation plastic threshold on the balcony has its own technology. The classic threshold setting is not suitable. Read about it

I hope that the reader of my blog will understand not only the principle of DIY installation, but also the principle of the approach from a professional point of view. Payment for the services of a PVC window installer must correspond to the work done!!! And of course, my video.
