How to clean an acrylic bathtub. How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home, tips and tricks

Acrylic bathtubs are gaining popularity every day. This is due to ease of use, hygiene, and lack of corrosion on their surface. But since this material is whimsical, the question arises of how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of an acrylic bathtub

An acrylic bathtub has the following advantages:

  1. Light weight. Standard bath has an average weight of 30 kg. It is easy to transport, lift and install yourself.
  2. Ease of installation. There is no need to purchase special legs, as is the case with other bathtubs. The product comes with a frame that can be adjusted based on the specified parameters.
  3. Big model range. Acrylic is the most flexible compared to other materials. Therefore, baths can have the most different shapes: from simple to curly. This is a godsend for designers seeking to surprise unusual shapes, and also for lovers non-standard solutions in interior design.
  4. Easy maintenance and repair. To clean the bathtub from dirt, just use the bath gel. washing dishes or liquid soap. Despite this, it is recommended to purchase special products for cleaning acrylic surfaces. If small scratches appear, clean the surface with sandpaper. If large cracks occur, you should contact a specialist who will restore the surface with liquid acrylic.
  5. The property of maintaining temperature. The water cools down more slowly, and the acrylic surface does not give off cold, unlike cast iron or metal.
  6. Non-slip coating. The surface of such a bath is smooth, but not slippery. In this regard, the risk of falling is greatly reduced.
  7. Material hygiene. Acrylic does not contribute to the development of fungus, rotting and the proliferation of pathogens.
  8. A convenient addition. The owner of an acrylic product can buy special attachments for massage and other relaxation devices.

The disadvantages of these products include low strength, susceptibility to damage and scratches, and high cost. The latter is determined by the application complex technologies for the production of acrylic products.

Caring for an acrylic bathtub is not so difficult if you do it regularly and correctly. This surface prevents the accumulation of dirt and stains on it. But if there are small cracks, plaque, grease and dirt will accumulate in them.

You should avoid falling or hitting the bathtub with various objects, as this may damage the integrity of its surface.

The container must be washed regularly: after each use, using liquid detergents or shampoo. To avoid the formation of water deposits on the surface, it is necessary to wipe the bathtub dry each time.

The danger for acrylic is exposure to high temperatures. Do not allow boiling water to come into contact with the acrylic surface. Care should be taken to ensure that items such as curling irons, curling irons, etc. do not come into contact with the acrylic.

Prevention and disinfection

High-quality acrylic can last 30 years without losing its original appearance, but only if correct operation. It is not recommended to perform the following actions in such a bathroom:

  • soak and wash linen and outerwear;
  • bathe animals without a special mat;
  • wash the bathtub with alkali, acid, abrasive substances;
  • place basins and other objects in it.
  • water is taken into the container;
  • dilute the product in water in a ratio of 1:10 and pour into a container with water;
  • leave for 10 minutes, stirring the solution periodically;
  • wash off with water using a sponge.

The enemies of acrylic are cleaning products that contain concentrates of acid, alkali and other aggressive substances. They can cause scratches and cracks, paint the surface a different shade, and make it uneven. Products recommended for use for cleaning acrylic:

  1. "Acrilan". This product creates a thick foam that is used to remove rust stains and plaque. The foam is applied to the sponge for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off running water. The product forms an invisible protective film on the acrylic surface, which prevents dirt from settling.
  2. "Sif", Bass. These are the best products for delicately cleaning the surface of plumbing fixtures, including bathtubs. These products do not contain aggressive components that have negative impact onto an acrylic surface. After them, the coating becomes white and shiny if there are no old stains on it.
  3. "Cinderella". When using the aerosol, you should wear a mask to protect your respiratory system from getting chemicals into them. Among other things, the product has an unpleasant odor. It should be washed off with a sponge 10 minutes after application.
  4. "Chister." Contains acrylic polymer. It creates a thin protective film on the surface that prevents the accumulation of dirt, bacteria and fungi. It should be washed off 5 minutes after application.
  5. "Tim-Pro." Delicately removes different types pollution and unpleasant odors, protecting the surface from the accumulation of dirt.
  6. Bon Professional. It is applied to the fabric that is used to process the coating. After application, wait 2-3 minutes and then rinse off. The product creates a protective film on the surface.

Domestos can be used as a cleaning agent for acrylic bathtubs, despite the fact that it contains hydrochloric acid. He copes well with rusty spots and limescale. You must be careful and adhere to the following rules:

  1. The sponge is moistened with the product, and then the bath is wiped with it.
  2. Keep the product for no longer than 1 minute, after which it is washed off with plenty of water.
  3. The coating is wiped with a dry cloth.

Folk remedies for cleaning the bathroom are affordable and safe. To clean your bathtub at home, you can use baking soda, citric acid, etc.


To remove various types contamination from the surface of acrylic products, it is not necessary to use detergents. Cleaning acrylic bathtubs at home is not difficult. To remove yellow plaque, you can use the following means:

  1. Mix hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in equal proportions. Apply the solution to a soft cloth and rub the coating with it.
  2. Mix 1:1 vinegar and lemon juice, apply to a sponge and treat the surface.
  3. Dilute the bleach powder with water to a paste and apply to the stain. Leave the product until completely dry, then rinse and wipe the coating dry.

Citric acid solution

To clean the coating, fill the bathtub with warm water and add 10 g of citric acid. The water should be left for at least 2 hours (maximum 12). After this time, it is necessary to drain the water, wash the coating and wipe it with a napkin.

This is an effective remedy against stains and plaque, but you need to be careful and act quickly with it, because it has high level acidity and low pH. If there are scratches on the surface, then you should avoid using apple cider vinegar.

It is necessary to moisten a soft cloth in the solution and apply it to the problem area, directing a stream of water there. After this, the surface should be washed with warm water.


You can use baking soda to remove corrosion and plaque. The product is soaked to a paste and applied to the coating. After 2-3 minutes, wash off with warm water.


Stains of various origins can be removed with toothpaste applied to a sponge. You should rub the stain with it, slightly pressing the sponge on its surface.

To remove rust from an acrylic bathtub, fill it to the brim with water, the temperature of which should not exceed +30°C. Then add the juice of 1 lemon or table vinegar (50 ml) to the water and leave for 12 hours, making sure that the water remains warm. After this, you can drain the liquid and rinse the bath with cool water to remove the acid, and then wipe the container with a dry cloth.

This procedure should be carried out no more than 2 times a year.

To clean the coating from yellow deposits, you must use the following advice:

  1. Take washing or cleaning powder and dilute it with water until it turns into a paste.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar and 2 tbsp. l. whiteness.
  3. Treat the coating with the resulting substance using a rubber or plastic spatula.
  4. The product is left for 15 minutes, after which the coating is wiped with a soft sponge and the mixture is washed off with cold water.
  5. Wipe with a dry cloth.

Toothpaste helps get rid of limescale and stains.

How to remove scratches?

It is recommended to use special coating restoration kits, which can be purchased at a plumbing store. To cover any type of damage you will need: a spatula, liquid acrylic or epoxy putty for an acrylic surface. The coating around the defect is treated with fine sandpaper, then the grease is removed from the surface. On problem area the ball is applied epoxy putty and smoothed with a spatula. Drying time: 24 hours.

The area must be sanded using small sandpaper and polished with a special compound.

When using liquid acrylic, it is necessary to cover the defect with it, then stick polyethylene on this place and leave it in this form for 2 days.

What should not be done and what should not be used to clean an acrylic bathtub?

Many owners of such bathtubs wonder what not to clean. acrylic coating. The following products are prohibited for use:

  • abrasive powders;
  • aggressive chemical solutions(alcohol, acids, alkalis, etc.);
  • products containing chlorine;
  • organic solvents, including acetone;
  • ammonia, ammonia;
  • formaldehyde.

The surface should be cleaned exclusively with soft materials. Do not use brushes, hard sponges, scrapers, or even microfiber. Most suitable option- cotton fabric.

Bathtubs made of acrylic and with acrylic coating are popular among buyers. They are light, practical, varied in shape and functionality. However, caring for such plumbing has its own characteristics, so the question of how to properly clean an acrylic bathtub is always relevant.

Acrylic polymer was originally used in dentistry. But thanks to its strength, low thermal conductivity and antibacterial properties, it soon began to be successfully used in the most different areas industry.

Among positive qualities acrylic plumbing fixtures:

  • Lightness and strength. The standard model weighs no more than 30 kg, which is significantly less than the cast iron model. At the same time, they are durable, which is facilitated by the rigid frame used in the design. Maximum weight (load) – 400-500 kg.
  • Variability of models. Sizes, colors, shapes - in terms of the number of proposals for these parameters, acrylic bathtubs deservedly take first place.
  • Low thermal conductivity. The model with acrylic coating retains heat well and is pleasant to the touch.
  • Appearance. If such a bathtub is properly and regularly cared for, it will last for a long time. original color and glossy shine.
  • Useful additional features. For example, you can choose a hydromassage bath.
  • Noise insulation. When faced with an acrylic coating, water does not make much noise, as is the case with a steel and cast iron bathtub.
  • Easy to install. The metal frame is easy to install and adjust.

Cons acrylic bathtubs:

  • Fragility, flexibility. In such a bathroom, you should not drop heavy objects, nor place iron buckets, basins, etc., to avoid chips and scratches. Also incorrect installation frame will lead to curvature of the bathroom over time.
  • Temperature instability. This is typical for budget models that are covered thin layer polymer.
  • At a fairly high cost they have limited period of use.
  • And the main disadvantage : When using conventional plumbing chemicals and cleaning powders, the acrylic coating becomes dull, scratched and clogged with dirt. Therefore, special products are designed for acrylic. household chemicals.

Substances that destroy acrylic

  • Powders and cleaning products that contain abrasive particles. This also applies to dry soda. They provoke the appearance of micro-scratches, which make the surface matte and susceptible to contamination.
  • Chlorine-containing products. They destroy the top protective layer, as a result of which acrylic plumbing becomes dull and loses its characteristic glossy shine. In bathtubs with a hydromassage function, bleach can damage rubber and plastic parts.
  • Acetone and similar solvents. They render the structure of the polymer that acrylic consists of unusable. If the contact is prolonged, the bath becomes deformed.
  • Ammonia, formaldehyde. They give a similar effect as solvents.
  • Concentrated alcohols, alkalis and acids, as well as the products that contain them. Exposure to these caustic chemicals gradually destroys the acrylic, leading to the formation of small cracks.
  • Metal brushes and scrapers, hard sponges and rags- taboo for such plumbing.
  • Boiling water. High temperature can lead to deformation of the bathtub, so use water no higher than 70 degrees.

Folk remedies

  • Dishwashing liquid, shower gel, liquid soap Although they do not act on old deposits and plaque, they are suitable for daily preventive care.
  • Toothpaste with whitening effect. It is convenient to use this method on local contamination. The paste is applied to the stain and rubbed, then washed off with water.
  • You cannot clean an acrylic bathtub with dry soda. However, it is allowed to use a paste made from baking soda, soap and water. Add baking soda powder to soapy water and make a paste.
  • Citric acid. It will remove limescale and whiten the surface. Procedure: take hot water, add lemon – 1 pack. Wait 2 hours, drain the solution and rinse with water. This method can be used no more than once every 6 months.
  • Suitable for heavy soiling vinegar. Procedure: Fill the bathroom with warm water and pour in a bottle of 9% acetic acid. After 12 hours, flush the solution down the drain and rinse the bath.

Professional products

If traditional methods did not help, you can use special cleaning products. Among the popular ones:

  • Cif. This cleaning cream can be used not only for acrylic bathtubs, but also for other plumbing fixtures. Effectively and delicately removes different types of dirt.
  • "Acrilan". Available in the form of foam, which is applied to the dirt for 10 minutes. Then it must be washed off and the surface wiped dry. Foam should not be mixed with other products and should not be allowed to dry on acrylic.
  • Bass. Presented in the form of a spray that is convenient to spray. After use, it must be washed off.
  • "Cinderella". A fast-acting product with a strong odor. It should be applied with rubber gloves. The cleaning result will be noticeable within a few minutes. According to the instructions, it is recommended to wait 7 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water and wipe dry.
  • Another special detergent Ravak. Available as a spray or paste by the acrylic bathtub manufacturer.
  • "Chister", "Tim-Profi" — these special tools are used in the same way. They are applied to the surface, wait the time specified in the instructions, then wash off and wipe dry.

Carefully! “Pemolux”, “Sanox”, “Domestos” can clean the bathtub white. But they contain aggressive hydrochloric acid, which destroys protective coating. Immediately after cleaning, the bathtub will become snow-white, but then dirt will stick to it much faster. Therefore, such means cannot be used.

How to get rid of different types of dirt

Cleaning methods acrylic bathtub depend on the type of contamination that appeared on it. Typical – water stone, limescale, rust.

Water stone and limescale

Water stone or limescale forms on the bowl if tap water contains many metals in its composition. If the water is like this, then it is better not to allow the stone to build up. To do this, you should rinse the bathtub with warm water after each use. If the bathtub still turns yellow, then you can deal with the stains like this:

  • Fill the bathtub with water at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. The water level is such that the sediments are completely underneath it.
  • Pour in half a bottle of vinegar and add 1 pack of citric acid.
  • Stir and leave overnight, if possible, for 12 hours.
  • Drain the water and rinse off the remaining solution, wipe dry.
  • If this procedure does not help, then you should clean the acrylic bathtub from yellowness with special products recommended by the manufacturer.


It is possible to clean an acrylic bathtub from rust, but you need to do it correctly. Rust holds tightly to inexpensive acrylic bathtubs that are only coated with polymer. The appearance of yellow rust spots is a result of using unfiltered tap water and faulty plumbing.

Advice! After each use of the bath, rinse it with water and wipe dry. If rusty streaks do appear, you should deal with them.

Citric acid. Dissolve 1 package of citric acid with 200 ml of water, stir until the acid crystals dissolve. Apply with a sponge or soft cloth to contaminated areas. Rinse off with warm water.

Ammonia and peroxide. For rust stains, you can very carefully use a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. These components need to be mixed in equal parts, wet the sponge and rub the stain. The result will be noticeable immediately.


Many models of acrylic bathtubs have an antibacterial coating, so they do not suffer from mold and mildew. But prevention will not be superfluous, especially if there are small children.

Important! For disinfection, you can only use special substances for acrylic that are safe for coating.

Regardless of the product, the disinfection process is as follows:

  • Pour warm water into the bath.
  • Add the required amount of disinfectant.
  • Leave for 15 minutes, then drain.
  • Wash off any remaining product.
  • Wipe dry.

The frequency of such treatment depends on the type of product chosen, but it is recommended to carry it out at least 1-2 times a year.

Features of cleaning whirlpool baths

The hydromassage bath is equipped with special sprayers that are connected to a circulation pump. It is this that creates the pressure of water, which under strong pressure comes out through the nozzles in a given direction. Moisture should not accumulate in the nozzles, as this leads to mold growth and the proliferation of microorganisms.
The cleaning process for such a bathtub is as follows:

  1. The cup is filling hot water, the level is 5-7 cm higher than the nozzles.
  2. Water circulation is turned on.
  3. 50 ml of liquid is poured into the bath, which is used for cleaning dishwashers.
  4. The hydromassage mode is switched on for 15 minutes.
  5. All that remains is to drain the water and start the hydromassage mode with clean water. This will help flush the injectors.

Removing scratches from an acrylic bathtub

Caring for an acrylic bathtub includes timely removal of scratches. This must be done as soon as you notice a defect, since even a small damage can lead to the destruction of the entire product.

Liquid acrylic

Restoration kits acrylic surfaces can be purchased at a plumbing store. Some manufacturers sell acrylic bathtubs along with such sets. The kit includes:

  1. Epoxy putty.
  2. Liquid acrylic.
  3. Spatula.

Such restoration can get rid of even very deep scratches. The components of the kit are toxic, so you need to work with them very carefully.

Recovery steps:

  1. Sand the scratch with sandpaper.
  2. Degrease and apply putty.
  3. Dry. This will take about 24 hours depending on the type of putty.
  4. Liquid acrylic should be applied with a brush and covered with polyethylene. After 2 days, remove the film.
  5. Finish with fine sandpaper.
  6. Polishing.

All actions are carried out extremely carefully so as not to damage the entire acrylic surface of the bowl.

Camouflage pencil

A special camouflage pencil will help hide damage on acrylic. It contains no toxic components, but it perfectly fills scratches and restores the original appearance of the surface. This method can be called emergency, because it gives maximum efficiency, if applied immediately after a scratch has formed.

Enamel paint

Another option for masking scratches is to use enamel paint. The process looks like this:

  1. Sand the scratch with sandpaper. Then remove dust and wipe with alcohol to degrease the surface.
  2. Using a brush, apply paint to the scratch.
  3. Dry. This will take about 24 hours.

This method works well on shallow scratches. If the damage is deep, then you cannot do without pastes and putties.

In order for an acrylic bathtub to last longer, you should follow the rules of caring for it. Among the main ones:
1. Rinse with warm water after each use, dry with a towel.
2. Use special delicate sponges for washing.
3. Do not drop heavy objects into the bathroom, and place metal containers on a rubber mat.
4. Do not wash pets in such a bathtub.
5. Carry out regular disinfection - at least once every 6 months.
6. For restoration, use restoration kits.
7. Do not collect water with a temperature above 70 degrees.

Acrylic bathtubs have won the love of housewives all over the world with their smooth surface, glossy shine and impeccable whiteness. Lighter plastic models of various shapes and sizes have successfully replaced clumsy cast iron washing containers.

Happy owners of acrylic plumbing fixtures often wonder how to clean the font in order to maintain its original condition. appearance products for a long time. In fact, you should be careful in this matter, since not every cleaning product is suitable for mechanically fragile plastic. In this article we will tell you how to care for an acrylic bathtub so as not to spoil it.

Advantages of acrylic

Many homeowners are concerned about the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub, since they have heard a lot about the capriciousness of plumbing equipment made from this material. In fact, acrylic products are much easier to care for than steel or cast iron wash containers.

Ease of cleaning explained the following properties polymer:

  • Low porosity. There are practically no pores on the acrylic surface, so it does not absorb dirt, but repels it, so daily cleaning of an acrylic bathtub can be done simply with warm water and a soft cloth.
  • High smoothness. The smooth surface of acrylic does not allow dirt and harmful microorganisms to become clogged into the structure of the material, so it is easy to clean the bowl even without the use of abrasive detergents.

Pay attention! Manufacturers often talk about the “self-cleaning effect” that they have quality products made of acrylic. This term means that their nasty surface repels dirt, so you have to clean the bathtub less often. In most cases, you can wash an acrylic bathtub with warm water or soapy water.

Typical contaminants

Since polymer plumbing fixtures have replaced cast iron and steel fixtures relatively recently, the question of how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home is relevant for many responsible housewives. Acrylic products repel dirt, however, intensive use of the device leaves its mark, deteriorating the appearance and hygiene of the washing container. Most often, the following contaminants occur during the use of a bath:

Important! Properly caring for your plumbing fixtures so that old stains do not appear on them is much easier than washing an acrylic bathtub. Therefore, it is important to rinse regularly inner surface bowls with warm running water and then wipe dry with a soft cloth after each use.

Many housewives do not know how to clean an acrylic bathtub, so they use completely inappropriate products that corrode, scratch or otherwise damage the product. Improper care– the most common cause of premature wear of acrylic plumbing products. Manufacturers recommend not using powders to clean such bathtubs; instead, it is better to use a delicate, gentle washing gel or cream. To care for acrylic plumbing, 4 categories of cleaning products are used:

Please note that if you are not sure what product to use to wash your acrylic bathtub, it is better not to take unnecessary risks. It is better to try what effect the composition will have on a small area of ​​the surface, and only then continue cleaning the product.

"Forbidden" techniques

High quality acrylic plumbing fixtures are a godsend for modern housewives who save time on everything they can. With proper use, it retains its whiteness and shine even without the use of special products. However, washing an acrylic bathtub with the wrong household chemicals can ruin the product. Manufacturers recommend not to use for care:


An important measure to combat contamination on the surface of acrylic bathtubs is proper care in compliance with the manufacturers' recommendations. Using the product correctly is much easier than washing an acrylic bathtub at home. Compliance with these 4 simple rules significantly extends the service life of plumbing fixtures:

Remember that by using a low-quality or unsuitable product to clean an acrylic bathtub, you are not getting rid of dirt, but of expensive plumbing fixtures!

Video instructions

How to wash an acrylic bathtub so that it does not change its appearance, serves for a long time and pleases the eye with its unsurpassed appearance. In view of the fact that acrylic bathtubs appeared on our market quite recently, many people ask themselves the question - what products should be used to wash such bathtubs and how to handle them correctly. There are no big difficulties in the procedure of washing an acrylic bathtub. The main thing here is to follow the cleaning rules.

We are all accustomed to bulky and heavy cast iron bathtubs, and acrylic bathtubs, which are elegant in shape and quite light, at first glance seem fragile and impractical. That is why many people are wary of plumbing fixtures made of acrylic.

Features of washing and caring for an acrylic bathtub

Unfortunately, many people still do not know the basic rules for caring for acrylic. It is worth noting that the surface of an acrylic bathtub requires more careful care and therefore you should familiarize yourself with a number of rules for caring for this material. By following basic care rules, you will be able to prolong the impeccable appearance of your bathtub.

Acrylic is a wear-resistant material. Its surface has a dirt-repellent effect, so microorganisms do not develop on it. In addition, an acrylic bathtub is not afraid of impacts, but it is easily scratched.

Features of washing an acrylic bathtub. The main thing is to be careful and careful when washing an acrylic bathtub. It is not recommended to use powdered and abrasive products, as well as pastes containing chlorine, acid, alkali, and ammonia as a cleaning product. Such substances contribute to the appearance of scratches on the surface and also lead to loss of natural color. Before you start cleaning your acrylic bathtub, always carefully read the composition of the cleaning product you are using. Do not use metal or hard brushes - such brushes will damage the integrity of the acrylic coating.

It is also not recommended to bathe your pets in an acrylic bathtub, or to place metal basins and buckets in them. Never place various objects in the bathroom - stools, metal basins and objects, as well as any other household utensils.

What means can you use to wash an acrylic bathtub?

To properly care for an acrylic bathtub, you must use a liquid with a cleansing effect as a cleaning agent. Dishwashing composition, liquid soap, shower gel, etc. are perfect for this purpose.

If you find streaks of lime on the surface of the bathroom, it is not necessary to wash the entire container completely. It is enough to take a soft cloth, moisten it in lemon juice or table vinegar and wipe the surface.

If you notice that some areas of the surface of the bathroom are starting to darken, then just rinse the container with running water and wipe with a dry and soft cloth.

If minor scratches occur in the acrylic bathtub, its surface can be treated with a polishing material, in particular it can be ordinary mastic. Furniture polish or car polish is often used for this purpose.

Special products for cleaning acrylic bathtubs

The current level of development of the chemical industry has made it possible to develop special means thanks to which an acrylic bathtub can retain its original appearance for a long time. Moreover, with such products, any acrylic container is washed quickly and safely. I would especially like to highlight such products as Akrilan, Cillit, Sarma, Acryl-Net, Star-Acrylat.

These cream-gels are specially designed for washing acrylic surfaces. The product is applied to a napkin and only then on the surface of the bath. Wipe the entire surface of the container with a napkin and leave for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, the product should be rinsed well with warm water and wiped dry with a cloth.

You can also use universal products to clean acrylic bathtubs. The most popular universal cleaner for acrylic surfaces is the product from Ravak. It is developed according to special technology and is intended for washing acrylic surfaces.

To effectively get rid of rust, it is recommended to use products that are designed to combat rust specifically from acrylic surfaces.

In any case, when choosing a cleaning product for an acrylic bathtub, always give preference to special products. Such products will not only carefully clean the surface, but will also give it shine and protection in the form of a thin waterproof film. Now you already know how to wash an acrylic surface and you can provide it with proper care and increase its service life.

How to wash an acrylic bathtub - tips for washing with improvised and special means Video

How to wash an acrylic bathtub so that it remains snow-white for as long as possible and does not change its appearance. ABOUT various councils and the intricacies of caring for an acrylic bathtub will be discussed in this article.

Caring for an acrylic bathtub: how to clean it, what is not recommended to use, how to remove scratches?

Despite all their advantages, acrylic bathtubs have a significant drawback.

The low hardness of acrylic means that products made from it are very easy to scratch.

But still, if you take care of such a bathroom correctly and on time, it will retain its snow-white gloss for a long time.

We will tell you how to care for an acrylic bathtub, how to do it at home.

How to clean?

If you ask a salesperson in a store for advice on this matter, you will probably hear about a special “unique and only possible” magic product for cleaning acrylic bathtubs at an exorbitant price. We won’t scold him, that’s his job. Let's just say that everything is much simpler.

To wash acrylic bathtubs, you can use any household detergents, with some exceptions.

Deadly enemies of acrylic bathtubs:

How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home and how to do it correctly?

Acrylic bath care products. How and what is the best way to clean an acrylic bathtub. Proper care behind the bathroom at home. Getting rid of scratches.

Acrylic bathtub: how and how to clean it at home

An acrylic bathtub is a new alternative to traditional steel and cast iron plumbing products. Acrylic itself is a hard plastic that is used in dentistry and now in plumbing. More recently, such baths were quite expensive, but now, thanks to improvements in production, they delight with their variety and affordability.

Buying a bath: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of acrylic plumbing:

  • The main disadvantage is the fragility of the material;
  • it scratches easily. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing cleaning products, as they can damage top layer baths. We’ll look at how to properly wash and how to clean acrylic bathtubs below;
  • acrylic loses its “marketable appearance” if boiling water is poured into the bathtub or for a long time laundry is soaked in it.

Problems encountered and solutions

Any plumbing fixtures that come into contact with water may lose their new and beautiful appearance. The reasons for this may be the presence of limescale, yellowing areas or the formation of rust.

There are many options to fix these problems at home. However, adhering to modern methods and using an acrylic bathtub cleaner from trusted manufacturers, you can achieve quick and high-quality results. How do you clean acrylic bathtubs?

Excellent for cleaning acrylic surfaces. It is used only in liquid form. First, the substance is applied to a soft cloth. Then, uniformly, with light movements, wipe the entire area of ​​the bowl. After waiting a few minutes, the solution is removed with a soft sponge and rinsed with warm, running water. Wipe the bath dry with a napkin and, to create shine, treat it with a special polish.

Bass is also well suited for cleaning acrylic shower stalls.

Its advantage is versatility. Detergent cream and spray can clean not only acrylic, but also any other surface: ceramics, stone, enamel, plastic. It does not harm even delicate surfaces, since it does not contain abrasive materials. However, it has a high level of efficiency that it can easily and literally in a couple of minutes wash off rust, yellowness, limescale and grease deposits.

This version of the product is very practical because, in addition to being effective in action, it is inexpensive.

This is a foaming cleanser. Well suited for both bowls and booths. Regular use of acrylan will allow you to forget about rust, limescale and mile stains for a long time.

Suitable for delicate cleaning of acrylic areas. It effectively and sparingly removes rust, plaque, and stains. The composition is environmentally friendly and harmless. Eliminates foreign odors by forming a kind of shell on the surface, which eliminates the formation of new contaminants.

If you have an acrylic bathtub with hydromassage, Tim-Profi is the most the best remedy for cleaning. It will carefully clean all the dirt and ensure the proper operation of the mechanism for a long time.

This option is polymer-based and has antibacterial, cleansing and antifungal effects.

Important points when cleaning

When cleaning acrylic bathtubs:

In principle, if you select good cleaning products that do not contain aggressive components, the acrylic surface can be cleaned quite easily and quickly. Many have become a habit, after each use of the bath, warm water rinse it and wipe it dry.

Folk remedies

To remove lime deposits from acrylic surfaces, you can use citric acid. To do this, you need to fill the bowl with hot water and throw a packet of ordinary citric acid into it, stir and leave for about 2 hours. After draining the water, rinse the entire area well with running water and wipe, leaving no streaks. If such cleaning is carried out once a year, then chemical and industrial products may not be needed.

Small stains on acrylic can be removed with regular toothpaste and a brush. Good cleaning guarantees soda with soap. First, we apply these components to the dirt, and after 20 minutes, wash it off.

Limescale and rust stains can be overcome ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, mixed in equal proportions. Dip the hard side of a sponge into this mixture and wipe dirty, problem areas with it.

Fresh rust can be easily scrubbed off with baking soda. You can make a paste and apply it for 20 minutes, and then wash it off. Old rust is removed with table salt. It is applied to the stains and wiped with the hard area of ​​the sponge.

A very dirty acrylic bowl can be cleaned using universal remedy- vinegar. A liter bottle of vinegar is poured into a bathtub filled with warm or hot water and left overnight.

Once a year bath needs to be disinfected. To do this, you need to fill the bath with water at a temperature of 20 degrees. Then add a disinfectant, for example, Rawak. Mix the product thoroughly in water and leave the solution for about 10 minutes. Next, the bath should be rinsed well and thoroughly with running water, removing any remaining substance. Such work is done carefully and with gloves. After the procedure, the bathroom room must be ventilated or ventilated.

Recent decades have brought acrylic bathtubs to the forefront in the world of plumbing. She has many positive keys, thanks to which she became a leader. And the main ones important points There is regularity and knowledge in her care. If you stick to how and what to clean, your acrylic bathtub will last for many years. Manufacturers assure that up to 35 years, an acrylic bathtub will be able to work continuously and please its owner.

Cleaning an acrylic bathtub at home: how and what to clean with, the best product

Features of acrylic baths - benefits and disadvantages. Description of the most popular and effective cleaning products. Disinfection of acrylic sanitary ware.

Caring for an acrylic bathtub: how to clean and wash it at home

Acrylic bathtubs are very comfortable and practical. But, like any other household item, they need daily care. Any housewife who owns this simple piece of sanitary equipment has at least once wondered “how to clean it?” inner part acrylic bathtub and how often to wash it at home? We will try to help and answer this seemingly simple, but very important question.

Daily care of an acrylic bathtub

Acrylic came to the plumbing industry from dentistry. There it was widely used for cladding metal frames dentures and production of full-fledged crowns. Being a durable and wear-resistant material, acrylic easily competed with steel and cast iron in the manufacture of sanitary equipment (shower trays and bathtubs).

Acrylic is a fairly demanding material. Although it is shock-resistant, small scratches easily appear on it, which subsequently darken and greatly spoil the appearance of the bathtub. In order to avoid the appearance of microcracks and scratches, it is necessary to observe some precautions during the daily use of an acrylic bathtub:

  1. Do not bathe pets. Animal claws are dense and can easily leave scratches that are invisible at first glance.
  2. Do not place metal buckets, basins or pots in the bathtub. Metal is the main enemy of acrylic. When acrylic comes into contact with metal utensils, it gets deep scratches.

Advice! To keep your bathtub sparkling white, you need to provide it with daily care. Don't allow heavy pollution. Complex limescale masses are much more difficult to get rid of.

For those who daily wonder how to clean an acrylic bathtub at home, we will tell you that the best remedy for the formation of stains and deposits is prevention. It is enough to rinse the bathtub with a stream of clean running water after each use, better effect can be achieved using a soft soapy sponge. And after washing, wipe dry to avoid drying drops of hard water on the surface of the acrylic.

Heavy soiling: radical cleaning methods

Even with the most careful care it is impossible to avoid serious contamination. This can happen either due to the owner’s negligence or under the influence of hardness salts contained in water masses. Also a dangerous enemy for acrylic is rust formed on damaged parts of the faucet, pipes or other metal elements. Acrylic absorbs the substance and it is not possible to remove it with a regular brush.

For stains from rust or other contaminants, you can use special acrylic cleaners. But their effect will only be effective on a fresh stain. In addition, chemicals should be used very carefully and diluted with plenty of water. Otherwise, concentrated chemicals can cause even more harm. As for limescale, cleaning acrylic from it is also done using special chemicals.

Old stains from rust or limescale cannot be removed by any means. chemical agent. More radical cleaning methods are used here. To do this, you need to stock up on soft sandpaper and carefully clean the stain with it. After this, the stripping area is treated with acrylic polish. This method is best left to a warranty service technician or licensed technician.

Cleaning the hydromassage jets of an acrylic bathtub

The range of acrylic bathtubs is not limited to traditional products. There is a wide range of more expensive and considered elite in their category - hot tubs. The difference lies in equipping a conventional product with nozzles, into which, using circulation pump a directed flow of water is supplied.

If the hydromassage function is not used regularly, the following may form on the nozzles:

To clean such a bathtub, a number of measures must be taken.

  1. Fill the bathtub with hot water 5-7 cm above the location of the nozzles.
  2. Turn off the air massage function (if available).
  3. Pour a special cleaner into the water for cleaning parts of this type. Suitable for dishwasher cleaning. If the dosage is not indicated in the instructions for the drug, use no more than 50 ml per bath volume.
  4. Table vinegar can be used as a disinfectant, but not more than 1 glass.

At the final stage, clean water will flush all pipes from detergent and the bath is ready for use.

Important! Do not use bleach or other chlorine-containing products as a disinfectant. This is especially true for hot tubs. They not only damage acrylic, but also instantly destroy silicone and rubber seals.

Substances incompatible with acrylic

Acrylic bathtubs are absolutely not protected from aggressive substances, so there is a large list of cleaning products, the use of which is strictly prohibited. Some of them remove the glossy shine from the acrylic surface, while others completely destroy it.

Such substances include:

  • products containing fine abrasives;
  • chlorine;
  • acetone;
  • ammonia;
  • formaldehyde.

Everything is clear with abrasives - they damage the surface of acrylic, forming small scratches on it. Fighting with which will cost some physical strength and financial investment. Small cracks and scratches are rubbed with special polishes, and deeper ones are sanded using soft sandpaper or a sander, in special cases filled with liquid acrylic made specifically for repair work.

The decision to disinfect with chlorine can lead not only to dulling of the material and loss of shine, but also to the formation of small roughness on the acrylic (destruction process). Acetone and other solvents, like ammonia, can also cause the bathtub to lose its gloss. But this is not the worst thing. Prolonged exposure of acrylic to solvent will inevitably lead to corrosion of the material and the formation of dilapidated areas.

It should always be remembered that the use chemicals for an acrylic bathtub it is allowed no more than 1-2 times a month when completely disinfecting the bathroom. On other days, it is best to resort to routine cleaning and use the least aggressive preparations: soap, soft cloth or sponge.

Cleaning products made from scrap materials

Not everyone trusts chemical cleaning products. In some cases, they can lead to detrimental consequences for acrylic. Sometimes the cost of products is beyond the buyer's means. Or the user is allergic to chemicals. In such cases, the cleaning agent can be prepared according to folk recipes, using available products, most of which are in the kitchen of any housewife.

  1. Citric acid. This recipe is designed to combat limescale. The acid packet dissolves in hot water, after which the liquid is added to the bath filled to the overflow hole. After 2 hours, the water is drained and the bath is washed with a large amount of clean water. Remaining moisture is removed with a soft cloth.

There are many more ways to clean acrylic from stains, but the best of them is prevention. Avoid plaque deposits. Rinse your bathtub every time after use and your bathtub will remain sparkling clean for years to come.

How to clean an acrylic bathtub at home: how to wash and care

How to clean the inside of an acrylic bathtub and how often should you wash it at home? We will try to help and answer this seemingly simple, but very important question.

For a long time now, heavy cast iron bathtubs have not been seen in bathrooms. Their place has been firmly taken by modern snow-white acrylic bathtubs. They come with hydromassage and lighting, with transparent inserts and soft headrests. But over time, limescale and soap deposits spoil flawless surface. But there is simple remedies, which will allow you to clean acrylic at home.

Methods for cleaning acrylic bathtubs at home

Lightweight acrylic bathtubs are very durable, they do not rust and do not contribute to the growth of mold and mildew. But the disadvantage of the material can be considered instability to abrasion and scratches.

Acrylic bathtubs fit perfectly into any interior; the variety of shapes will allow you to choose the option that suits each project.

Household chemicals

The inner surface of the bathtub is very smooth: this way dirt eats into the material less. Not all products are suitable for cleaning.

To clean an acrylic bathtub, use microfiber cleaning cloths: they gently clean the surface and quickly absorb moisture

Here is a list of substances and devices that damage and corrode acrylic:

  • steel wool and brushes, sponges with hard coating;
  • cleaning powders and abrasives that create scratches and microcracks;
  • chlorine-containing compounds, which lead to yellowing of the bathtub walls;
  • water too hot;
  • acids, acetone and gasoline, ammonia, which cause darkening of the bowl.

In the store you can buy cleaning compositions suitable for acrylic surfaces. They will carefully and effectively clean the bathtub of salt and limescale. These products come in the form of a thick gel or spray that dissolves dirt.

Some of the popular cleaning products:

  • Acrilan. Cleaning foam gently disinfects the surface of the bathtub and creates a protective film, which prevents the settling and accumulation of limescale. Do not wait for the product to dry completely: the time it acts on the walls of the bath should not exceed 10 minutes. Rinse off the foam with running water. Acrylan should not be mixed with other cleaning compounds.

    Acrylan can also be used for cleaning showers, sinks, and swimming pools

  • Cif cream does not contain abrasives, which means it does not scratch the surface of the bathtub. The product easily dissolves dirt, is suitable for frequent cleaning, but has little effect on difficult stains.

    Cif cream with whitening effect is perfect for cleaning bathroom fixtures and white surfaces

  • Mr. Chister. It acts gently and quickly, kills harmful bacteria and gives plumbing shine thanks to the acrylic polymer in its composition.

    The composition of Mister Chister is safe for the human body, the fragrance does not irritate the nasal mucosa

  • Team Pro. Defeats old and difficult stains, eliminates yellowness and unpleasant odors in the bathroom.

    Tim-Profi, like Akrilan, creates a protective shell on the surface of plumbing fixtures

  • Mister Muscle for the bathroom. It comes in the form of a spray and, when sprayed, dissolves particles of dirt and plaque. After application, wait 2-3 minutes and rinse with warm running water.

    Mister Muscle is suitable for cleaning all bathroom fixtures

It is acceptable to use dishwashing gels and washing powders diluted in a small amount of water. Domestos acrylic will not spoil if you spread it on the surface for no more than a minute and then rinse with a large stream of water.

A more budget alternative to Domestos is Sanox. It is available in the form of gel, foam and spray.

If the bathtub has not been cleaned for a long time and water stone and hard deposits have formed on it, then to remove them you can use a kitchen powder, for example, Pemolux:

  1. Dilute it with water to a paste consistency.
  2. Add a spoonful of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of bleach.
  3. Apply to the surface and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Wipe the plumbing fixtures with a rag and rinse off any remaining product with running water.

Folk remedies

Thrifty housewives often use folk remedies, which cost pennies and are on the shelf in kitchen cabinet in every home.

Baking soda

Regular baking soda perfectly removes all stains on acrylic. It's easy to use for cleaning:

  1. Dilute with water to a paste consistency.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stained areas.
  3. After 15 minutes, wipe the surface with a microfiber cloth and rinse off any remaining product with running water.

Often in cleaning baking soda mixed with coarse salt, but when cleaning acrylic bathtubs this is strictly prohibited to avoid scratches on the surface

Citric acid

Citric acid is often used to remove plaque:

  1. Fill two-thirds of the bath with warm water.
  2. Add one packet of citric acid.
  3. After two hours, drain the water and rinse the bathtub with warm water.
  4. Wipe the surface with a soft, dry sponge.

50 grams of citric acid will replace expensive cleaning products for plumbing

Acid can be replaced with lemon:

  1. Cut the citrus in half.
  2. Rub the walls of the plumbing fixtures with juice and pulp.
  3. After half an hour, rinse with warm water.


Non-abrasive toothpaste successfully fights stains and yellowness on the surface of acrylic:

  1. Apply the product to a soft sponge or cloth.
  2. Rub the dirty areas of the bathtub.
  3. Rinse off any remaining toothpaste with warm water.

The most suitable option for cleaning plumbing is a white bleaching paste without particles.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

Ammonia in combination with hydrogen peroxide works great against yellow stains on plumbing:

  1. Mix the products in equal proportions, add a little water.
  2. Moisten a napkin or sponge with the resulting liquid.
  3. Wipe dirty areas.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.
  5. Blot off any remaining product with a dry cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide can be used not only for treating wounds, along with ammonia they give excellent results when cleaning acrylic sanitary ware


Finally, apple cider vinegar is suitable for cleaning acrylic bathtubs:

  1. Fill a full bath of warm water.
  2. Pour the bottle of 6% vinegar.
  3. Wait 12 hours, then drain the water.
  4. Rinse the surface with warm water and wipe with a napkin.

When working with vinegar or ammonia, do not forget to take precautions. Wear rubber gloves and thick long sleeves. If you have sensitive nasal mucosa, supplement your “protective suit” with a mask or respirator.

Can I use a steam cleaner?

A steam cleaner can remove even the most stubborn stains and yellow spots. Hot air disinfects the surface and gives it shine.

You can remove old stains with a steam cleaner

How to avoid plaque and stains

The quality and composition of water in many regions leave much to be desired. But there are still a few preventive measures, which will help extend the service life of plumbing fixtures and protect them from stains and unsightly deposits:

  • put on water pipe additional filter to reduce the content of impurities;
  • treating the bathtub with furniture polish, which forms a protective shell on the walls and prevents darkening;
  • Cleaning the surface after each use and thoroughly cleaning once every two weeks.

Acrylic is a durable, but rather capricious material that needs careful care

If you follow simple care instructions and carefully use household chemicals, acrylic plumbing fixtures will not cause any trouble and will look impeccable. To keep your bathtub in excellent condition, you only need to dedicate just an hour a week to cleaning.
