Stamp in the work book upon dismissal. Stamps in work books: special cases

In order to avoid problematic situations, we suggest that you understand all the nuances of this issue through a thorough analysis of the relevant legal norms.

Termination of the employment relationship for one reason or another is first formalized by a dismissal order. This is followed by the registration procedure. labor document, recording the date of dismissal, order number, reason for dismissal.

We will not dwell in detail on the wording of this entry., because modern version“Instructions for filling out work books” is available and includes all the wording for the most common reasons for an employee’s dismissal.

Let's start from the moment when the entry has already been made. The next stage will be its official certification. How exactly this aspect is implemented is suggested by a special regulatory document called “Rules for maintaining, storing work books, producing forms for them, as well as providing them to employers” (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

In particular, clause 10 of this set of Rules stipulates that during the cancellation employment contract with an employee, all entries that were made during the labor process in his work book (hereinafter used in the text as Labor Code) must be endorsed by the personal signature of the employer or the person responsible for working with Labor Code, the signature of the dismissed employee, as well as the seal of the institution .

Below we will consider in more detail each point of the entire procedure and who signs it. But before we start, I'd like to make sure you know what , . Otherwise, you simply won’t understand what we’re talking about.

Employer's signature or...

Point No. 45 The above Rules oblige the employer to bear full responsibility for working with employees’ employment documents. The employer can act as individual entrepreneur, and a legal entity.

With an entrepreneur, the situation is simple - he is required to independently make entries in labor documents. However, what to do if the employer is legal entity? In such a situation, responsibility for everything is provided for by the head of the organization, i.e., the sole executive body.

Such a leader can be called anything (director, general director, president, etc.). In other words, the essence of the position will not change, and the main conclusion will be that the manager has the right to make appropriate entries in the Labor Code.

The reality is different. Today, it is rare to find a manager who personally deals with the issues of work records of his subordinates. The only exceptions are representatives of small businesses.

To get out of this situation, a common option is to appoint a person responsible for all work with the TC by issuing an appropriate order, certified by the manager.

Note that the employer has the right to appoint any of its employees responsible for this issue, but most often such powers fall on the shoulders of a personnel officer, accountant or secretary.

We will separately consider the option when the employee responsible for working with the technical complex went on sick leave or is on vacation. How then to quit?

The ideal option would be to make the entry personally by the manager. But another solution is quite acceptable - appointment. And. O. responsible for the work books of another employee.

Note that in such a development of events it is mandatory to issue an order, containing the following information:

  • Full name of the employee who is entrusted with the temporary fulfillment of these obligations;
  • time interval for performing duties;
  • the amount of the salary increase for the specified period.

Requirements for the signature of the responsible person

Since we are talking about the concept of “signature,” let us turn for clarification of terminology to GOST 6.30 entitled “Unified system of organizational and administrative documents” (edition 2003). This document states that The requisites called “signature” must include:

  • the title of the position of the person who signed the document;
  • personal signature of the above person;
  • Full name as a transcript of the painting.

Further in the text, for convenience, we will use the symbol “φ” as a signature. So, personal signature in work book upon dismissal of the person responsible for the Labor Code (let it be an accountant), it will receive the following form:

Accountant φ Lokteva K.V.

In the case of an individual entrepreneur, who was obliged by Article No. 66 of the Labor Code to personally make entries in the document being described, the signature will look like this:

Individual entrepreneur φ Kotov Yu.B.

A lot of controversy arises over the question of the possibility or impossibility of reducing the words “individual entrepreneur” to two letters “IP”.

The answer to troubling doubts lies in the Rules, which very clearly state the impossibility of any verbal abbreviations in the process of making an entry in a labor document (the only exception is initials).

The only variations allowed are as follows:

Employer φ Prigozhin A.A.

Of course, the last example does not fully meet the requirements of clause No. 3.22 of the above-mentioned standard (there is no job title), but in fairness it is worth saying that the Labor Code Rules do not indicate strict compliance with GOST requirements.

In addition, the work book itself, with a big stretch, can be classified as documentation of an organizational and administrative nature. In other words, this GOST in our case is more of a recommendation than a rule.

The employee's signature in the work book upon dismissal. Record type “acquainted”

After the employer's signature or responsible person must be signed by the employee himself. Unfortunately, due to the lack of coverage of this issue in the Rules, the imagination of personnel officers has given rise to a large number of variations of this very painting. The most popular option was the following signature:

The records were reviewed by φ Sidorov

First significant drawback A similar entry is the absence of initials, because often the “squiggle” of the signature may not be too reminiscent of the employee’s last name. The second mistake is the wording that came almost out of nowhere: “I have become familiar with the records” or simply “I have become familiar.”

Why out of nowhere? Because in reality there is none normative document, which would decide to formalize the signature of the dismissed employee in exactly this way.

Another common misconception is to place the employee’s record (assuming it is indicated by the symbol “μ”) next to the personnel officer’s record:

Inspector OK φ Lokteva E.V. μ

There is still a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. Defenders of the optional deciphering of an employee’s signature argue that since the surname, initials and signature are on title page labor, then in case of dismissal you just need to sign.

But what to do, for example, if the employee is a woman whose last name has changed during her work in this organization (for example, she got married)? It will not be possible to compare signatures in this situation, because it is common knowledge that when a person’s surname changes, the person’s signature also changes.

So where does the signature go? The ideal arrangement for both signatures would be:

Inspector OK φ Lokteva E.V.
Engineer I category μ Zaitsev M.V.

Disputes also arise about whether it is worth indicating the full name of the employee’s position, because sometimes it can turn out to be quite cumbersome and simply cannot fit on the line.

IN in this case The following solution is acceptable:

Inspector OK φ Lokteva E.V.
Employee μ Sobolev V.A.

For more information about how an employee’s signature is placed in the work book upon dismissal, read.

Stamp in the work book upon dismissal and basic requirements

The last element of certification of the dismissal record, as noted earlier, is the seal. The first aspect of this point that is worth dwelling on is what kind of seal should such a record be certified with? Previously, you could choose from two options:

  • seal of the operating organization (enterprise);
  • seal of the HR department (service).

But Since 2008 the Rules have been slightly transformed. A number of amendments made included an order from Rostrud to replace part of the phrase in paragraph 35 “... with the seal of the organization (personnel service) …” with “... with the seal of the employer.”

The changes were caused by the need to bring the Rules into maximum compliance with the current Labor Code, which uses a single term “employer”.

In other words, after these amendments come into force, certification of a dismissal record using the seal of the HR department is considered a gross violation of the procedure. Regarding the location of its imprint, there are a number of corresponding requirements:

  • the seal cannot cover personal signatures or make it difficult to read other important details (for example, order number);
  • the imprint should slightly “include” the job title of the person being dismissed, ideally occupying most of the empty lines at the bottom;
  • The printing on the document must be clear and readable.

Procedure for familiarizing an employee with a record

The procedure for familiarizing an employee with the corresponding notice of dismissal in his employment document is carried out in accordance with clause 12 of the above-mentioned Rules.

And it involves the employee’s signature on his personal card.

The latter is played by special document called Form No. T-2.

In pursuance of this particular paragraph, it is prohibited to maintain such cards in computer version, i.e. they should only have a handwritten form.

Assurance: concise and simple

Based on the above analysis, we can draw conclusions. In accordance with all requirements and standards in the field labor law the act of ending the employment relationship is recorded the employee’s signature on the following documents:

  • an order indicating dismissal;
  • work book;
  • personal card made according to Form T-2;
  • book on recording the movement of work books.

By following the simple tips outlined in this article, you will be able to competently and skillfully approach the procedure for certifying the dismissal record in your employment document.

Now you know who must sign the Labor Code, and whether the signature of the employee and the employer is required. What to do if they do not issue a work permit on the day of dismissal - read.

By general rule if the organization that made the incorrect or inaccurate entry is liquidated, the correction is made by the employer at the new place of work on the basis of relevant documents (for example, a copy of the dismissal order).

When dismissing an employee, all entries made in his work book during his time working for this employer must be certified by the signature of the person responsible for maintaining work books, the seal of the employer and the signature of the employee himself. But it may also happen that the entries in the employee’s work book, made by the last employer are not certified by a seal. And by the time the employee goes to work for another employer, this employer has already been liquidated and excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Can a new employer correct the absence of the previous employer's seal in the work book? The deputy head of Rostrud, Ivan Ivanovich Shklovets, answered this question: “If an employee has documents confirming his hiring and dismissal, the new employer has the right to make corrections to the work book. However, the absence of a seal that certifies the records of the previous employer cannot be corrected. One of possible options in this situation - to issue a new work book upon the written application of the person applying for work, indicating the reason for the need to issue a work book.Keep in mind that a new employer has the right to hire such a person for the main job only if he has documents confirming his dismissal from previous job(for example, a copy of the dismissal order). Otherwise, he can only hire him part-time.In addition, if the work book does not have the seal of the previous employer, it is considered to be improperly executed, therefore, when calculating the length of service to pay for sick leave, the employer will have to use other documents (the same copy of the dismissal order).In the future, the employee may have problems with the employment service (which may not count these periods during the period of paid work for calculating unemployment benefits), as well as with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation when assigning a labor pension.” Let's summarize: if the employee has a copy of the dismissal order in his hands, then making an entry about hiring in his work book if there is no seal of the previous employer in it is not fraught with anything serious for either you or the employee. Just remember to attach a copy of the dismissal order to the employee’s personal file. You will need it: to confirm the correctness of calculation of the employee’s insurance experience for the calculation of social insurance benefits; for the employee - to confirm the length of service for benefits and subsequently to assign a pension. If the new employee does not have any documents confirming his dismissal from his previous place of work, and you hire him for the main job, then it is better to get him a new work book at his request. After all, during an inspection, the labor inspectorate may consider that you illegally hired an employee for your main job and fine you for violating labor laws.

The labor report is a strictly reporting document, so its completion must be treated with special attention. Even a minor mistake or incorrect stamping can invalidate the entry made on it. Therefore, when registering a book, you must follow the rules established by law.

For the first time, notes are made in the labor record during the initial registration of an employee at the company. The seal of the enterprise or HR department is placed on the title page of the book after the personal data of this employee is entered into it:

  • Full date of birth;
  • Data on the education received;
  • A note on the qualifications and profession of the employee.

All data entered into the book by HR specialists must be based on supporting documents: passport, diploma, driver’s license, etc.

Any entries that will be made in this document must be confirmed by the signature of the responsible person confirming the correctness of what is written. Who can sign a work book upon dismissal and other actions? These powers are vested in the head of the enterprise and employees of the HR department.

If for some reason it is necessary to transfer the right to draw up and maintain work books to another person, then the management of the enterprise must issue an appropriate order. Such a person will act on its basis during the period for which it was issued.

In practice, many HR department employees are faced with the need to make changes to the work book. Such situations arise whenever personal data changes. In this case, outdated data is crossed out with one solid line, and a new entry is made. Next to it you should indicate the document on the basis of which the changes were made. The stamp is placed on the back of the cover of the book, along with the signature of an authorized person.

Another situation to consider is insert dispensing. It is completed when all the pages in the book are completely filled out. A corresponding entry about this is made in the labor record, indicating the number of the issued document. The insert is only valid together with the book itself.

Is a stamp required in the work book upon dismissal? Termination labor relations must be formalized in an appropriate manner. In this situation, attention should be paid special attention registration of the record, since if the rules for drawing up the record of dismissal are violated, it may be declared invalid in court. Then the company will bear responsibility and additional losses, and the employee may “lose” part of his seniority.

The question also often arises: “Should an employee sign the work book upon dismissal?” According to the norms of the current legislation, in addition to the signature of the person responsible for maintaining the books, when making payments to the labor account, the worker must also sign. Only after this is it stamped.

The procedure for registering is clearly outlined in the current labor legislation. Part 5 of Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that it must be done with reference to the norm according to which the employment relationship is terminated.

The work book, along with all other documents, must be issued to the employee on the day of dismissal. At the same time, the final payment must be made. According to Part 2 of Art. 84.1 of the Labor Code, the day of termination of employment relations is considered the last day on which the employee performs his labor functions. The only exceptions are situations when he was not at work. Most often this happens if the employee is on sick leave or on vacation.

What seal is used when making entries in the work book?

According to the rules for registering a labor document, only the seal of the enterprise or the seal of the personnel department, if the company has one, can be placed on it. Here it should be borne in mind that the seal of the personnel service can only be placed on a signature made by an employee of this department. If the document contains the signature of the head of the enterprise, then it can only be certified by the company’s seal. The use of a frame mark in this case is unacceptable. At the same time, the opposite situation – when the HR officer’s signature is endorsed by the organization’s seal – is quite acceptable.

In practice, HR department employees prefer to work with this particular seal, as this allows them to avoid errors when preparing documents. It should also be noted that from a legal point of view it has greater force. Therefore, it is also used when sighting:

  • Copies of documents;
  • Certificates issued by the personnel service;
  • Statements;
  • Inserts, etc.

When filling labor seal is used only when preparing the title page of a document with the employee’s personal data, as well as in the cases described above. In all other situations, when an entry is made in the employment record (about hiring, transfer, etc.), the mark is not placed, since this is a direct violation of current legislation.

Separately, it is necessary to consider how to correctly stamp the work book upon dismissal in order to avoid problems in the future. According to the rules for the preparation and maintenance of these documents, it is first necessary to make a record of the termination of the employment relationship, with references to an article of labor legislation, as well as an order of dismissal. After this, the personnel officer and the dismissed employee must sign the book. After this, the stamp is placed.

It should be noted that if it is necessary to enter additional information into the labor report after the dismissal of a worker, this can be done. However, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  1. First, indicate the full details of your company.
  2. After this, the necessary recording is made.
  3. At the end the signature and seal of the organization is affixed.

In this form, the record will have the necessary legal force.

Rules for affixing a seal in a labor document

It should be understood that the rules for placing a mark directly depend on where it is placed. For example, when designing the title page of a book, the seal should be made at the bottom of the page in the right corner. It must be dated and signed.

A number of additional requirements are also put forward to it:

  • It should not be pale or incomplete;
  • There should be no dirt left behind;
  • The seal used can only be oval or rectangular in shape.

Where to put a stamp in the work book upon dismissal? A different marking is used to endorse the entry on the form. It is necessary to put a mark so that one half of it captures the labor data, and the other goes to the link to the corresponding order. It is this statement that is considered correct. To understand where the stamp is placed in the work book upon dismissal, a sample can be found on the Internet.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that it is advisable to place the seal in such a way that it captures the job title of the dismissed employee. This rule applies to all documents, if such a location of the mark in them is possible. This will avoid questions about the validity of the document.

What to do if the seal is placed incorrectly?

In practice, there are often situations when errors are made when certifying entries in a book. The stamp may be wrong or in the wrong place.

If they forgot to affix the stamp at all, then the citizen simply needs to contact the enterprise where he previously worked to have it affixed. And this cannot be delayed, since the company may be liquidated and then it will be necessary to go to court. If the company has undergone reorganization or other structural changes, then you will need to obtain an additional certificate from them confirming this fact.

If, when registering a work record, the company details were indicated incorrectly or an error was made in them, there are several options for solving the problem. If an incorrect seal was used, it is acceptable to place the correct mark next to it. If errors are made in the text, corrections are made and a stamp is placed next to them.

However, in practice this is not enough, since such corrections may raise doubts among employees pension fund. To avoid problems, when making changes to a document, the enterprise issues a certificate stating that the specified employee has worked in this organization for a certain period of time.

If the seal was affixed in the wrong place, a second seal is also acceptable. However, questions may arise here too. The best option is duplication of the recording made with the correct stamp placed in the right place. This option is considered the most correct. However, this is not always possible, since the error may not be discovered immediately, but only after new entries have been made in the work record.

Please note that if the dismissal record is filled out incorrectly, it may be invalidated. This can cause problems not only for the employee, but also for the company. Therefore, personnel service employees need to be careful when filling out the employment form and make notes carefully so that they are clearly visible and readable.

It is important to remember that the seal is proof that the citizen worked at this enterprise. Violation of the registration rules can lead to serious problems, especially when registering a pension. And although new ones are used today modern methods accounting for pension contributions, this problem remains relevant.

As a rule, the signature is placed in the lower right corner on the right side of the double-page spread. The signature is placed on top of the signature so that the signature is in the center as much as possible. If we are talking about a form, then you need to put a stamp under the entry, preferably on the right side. The seal must be clear and not overlap the entry in the work book, thereby making reading the information problematic. The employer's signature must be placed next to the seal. Thus, placing a seal is of decisive importance, because if you put it in the wrong place, it will either make it difficult to read the information from the work document and on the seal, or the distance between the seal and the record will be so large that it will be difficult to understand whether the seal refers to what is written in the work document or No. That is why the personnel department pays so much attention to the place where the stamp is placed.

If it is not eliminated, such absence may subsequently negatively affect communication with the authorities that provide pension payments to citizens. Indeed, in this case, the information entered on the title page is formally unconfirmed by the first employer at the time of employment, and the other (successive) employer does not have the right to confirm such information. At the same time, one should take into account the existence judicial practice refute this conclusion.
Therefore, a citizen faced with a similar situation should contact the relevant employer to correct the error. If such an appeal is impossible (for example, in the event of liquidation of the organization), then there is a possibility that the employee will have to defend his rights, confirmed by such a work book, in court.

If there is practically no impression left at the place where the stamp was placed, then simply put ink on the stamp and print it again. No one will notice that the production was secondary. If, nevertheless, the information from the first seal is visible and it is not possible to put the second one in the labor document without dirt, do not worry. Soak the seal in paint and place the seal next to the unreadable one.

Making an imprint with an unreadable seal is not considered an error, so rewriting the record is not necessary. Conclusion Now you know all the rules for stamping your work record book and you, being an employee, an employer, and an employee of the HR department, can easily check whether your work record book is filled out correctly. Be careful in maintaining your work record - after all, this is the most important document that secures your work experience, which will later become your pension.

We put a stamp in the work book

In order for the record to have a legal appearance, the stamp is affixed last after:

  • all fields are filled in;
  • information about the placeholder has been entered;
  • the required signatures have been supplied.

You need to place it carefully so that the print does not smear and is readable. An example of where to put a stamp in the work book upon dismissal: What to do if the personnel officer put the wrong stamp? It is necessary to clearly instruct persons who are authorized to work with books and inserts. Any mistake will entail a number of legal consequences for both the document owner and the employer.
It should be taken into account that administrative sanctions may be imposed for violation of the preparation of personnel documentation. Such a mistake is considered to be replacing the organization’s round seal with any other one. Here we must proceed from the circumstances.

Correct stamping in the work book

If the stamp was not affixed at the previous place of work. If an employee decides to change his place of work for any reason, he must definitely pick up his work book from the HR department (or directly from the boss). After this, the owner of the work passes it into the hands of the new management. If it turns out that the seal is missing, the work book may be considered invalid at the new place of work.

In this case, the employee has two options:

  • start new book(if there are no concerns about loss of experience))
  • restore the seal to the previous workplace.

The first option is often unacceptable for the employee, since in this case data on insurance and work experience is lost, which in the future will negatively affect the amount of the pension. The second option is most preferable - if you can easily contact your previous place of work.

Stamps in work books are canceled

The seal takes place in the record of rewarding an employee or encouraging him. If the employee has improved his qualifications, a seal is also used to make an entry in the work book on a general basis. And also in case of sewing in the liner. Sample seal in a work book: What should it be like? An organization can have from one to five stamps, which are used depending on their intended purpose.

But the most common types of seals are the general seal of the organization and the seal for documents. The latter, as a rule, is located by the personnel department employees. They are the ones who put this stamp on all incoming and outgoing documentation.
The general seal of the organization is usually kept by the employer. Only he puts it on all kinds of documents and forms that have official significance or are local regulations.

Where to put a stamp in the work book upon dismissal and what to do if it is not there?

Recording data When entering employee data, the employer must put a stamp on the title page, but before printing, the employee’s personal data must be indicated:

  • date of birth)
  • indication of education)
  • name of the employee's profession or specialty.

After the data is entered, the employee signs on the title page, confirming the accuracy of the information. Only after this is the seal placed. It is worth noting that all this data is filled out only on the basis of certain documents - passport, diploma, etc. Without any document confirming information about the employee, the personnel officer does not have the right to enter it into the work book.

Therefore, for those who do not know whether a stamp is placed in the work book when applying for a job, it must be said that it is stamped if the work record is issued for the first time. Its location is the title page.

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If the employer is, in principle, interested in such simplification of document flow. So, briefly, what is the essence of the Ministry's explanations?

  • if the organization does not have its own seal, then the presence of imprints on the first page of the work book is not required;
  • the same rule applies to the certification of a record of dismissal (termination of an employment contract): there is a seal - it is affixed, the company does not have a seal - a stamp is not needed;
  • Since April 7, 2015, the signatures of the parties are considered an adequate replacement for the seal: the employer (or his authorized representative) and the employee, certifying the records made during work in this organization.

Refusal from printing: how to do it correctly? As we found out, a seal is not affixed to this document if the LLC or JSC does not have one. Such data: the presence of a seal must be recorded in the organization’s Charter.

Stamp in the work book

A work book is a document that confirms the fact labor activity employee and his length of service.

Once again about printing

The information provided in this document may affect the employee’s subsequent employment (since

the work book is included in the list of documents presented by a candidate for a vacancy to a new employer) and the calculation of a pension.

Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Is a stamp placed on the work book when applying for a job?

Changing data Where is the stamp placed when changing employee data? The need to change data usually arises when an employee changes his last name, first name, country or other data. In this case, the previous entry is carefully crossed out with one solid line, after which new data is entered based on the documents provided by the employee. At the same time, the authorized employee puts his stamp and signature on the back of the cover.

When issuing the insert, there are situations when the required pages of the work book are already filled out. In this case, the employee is given an insert. In this case, a stamp is placed on the title page indicating that the insert has been issued. Without a work book, this insert is invalid. Dismissal During dismissal at will or for other reasons, the manager (or the person performing his duties) signs and seals the work book.

Is there a stamp on the work book?

All other information presented in this article is nothing more than the many years of experience gained by the personnel department employees, which has become a kind of rule for filling out work books. HR staff have special instructions. Recently, they have added a sample work book, where you can see the place for correct setting print. But there is no direct guidance on how to apply a stamp. We hope that in the near future the legislator will correct this misunderstanding, making life significantly easier for the citizens of our country and young employees of human resources departments in organizations. Why is a stamp placed on the TC? The seal is of great importance, and any record certified by the stamp of the organization acquires legal force. Since the seal is with the employer, it means that the acts certified by it were examined directly by the employer and were approved by it.

We put the stamp in the work book correctly: when, where and why?

Thus, the most important document that formalizes all relations and aspects relating to them, namely the labor code, does not contain a separate article devoted to the arrangement. The Labor Code contains several references to the fact that any entry in the labor record must be made properly, and what constitutes a proper image is the concern of other legislative acts.

Invalid seal of the organization in the work book

When making an entry in the Work Book about the dismissal of an employee, I put the seal of the organization, but it was poorly sealed.

I put another one on it, it was completely smeared.

This is invalid, what should I do in this case?

You did everything correctly, when making an entry in the work book about dismissal, it must be certified by the organization, p.

2.2 Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 N 69.

Unfortunately, labor legislation and related regulations do not contain provisions the use of which we could recommend to resolve the current situation.

After this, carefully certify the entries made with the organization’s seal.

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Is there a stamp on the work book?

The Code of the Russian Federation includes only clauses that contain the need to stamp books. The issue of registration is regulated to a greater extent by: Rules for recording and storing labor books, approved by Resolution No. 225.

Once again about printing

Instructions for filling them out, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor No. 69 of October 2003.

The work book was poorly stamped

The corrective entry must fully correspond to the entry in the document (order, disposition) on the basis of which the entry was made in the work book.

In accordance with Rules No. 225, the registration of a work book for an employee hired for the first time is carried out by the employer in the presence of the employee no later than a week from the date of hiring. That is, the date of filling out the title page may differ from the date of hiring by no more than 7 calendar days.

Is it possible to put a stamp on the work book again if the seal was not printed the first time?

Is it possible to put a stamp on the book again if the first time the seal was not printed?

Yes, you can. If, when certifying the dismissal record in the work book, the imprint of the organization turned out to be blurry and has difficult-to-read details, it is necessary to put it next to it again so that all the details are clearly readable.

Moreover, the seal with difficult to read details should not be crossed out.

The rationale for this position is given below in the materials of the Glavbukh System

The employee provided a work record book, in which the stamp is difficult to see. Is it possible to accept such a book or do I need to fix this somehow?

HR inspector (Nizhny Tagil)

* This is how part of the material is highlighted that will help you make the right decision

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I put it in the work book, but it was printed very poorly: the name of the organization and its administrative legal form. Can I put another seal next to it?

Thanks in advance for your answer!

But I know of cases where, when applying for a pension, the Pension Fund requires copies of orders for admission and dismissal due to a poorly affixed seal.

For example, one of my employees cannot confirm several years of experience - she is poorly identified, and the company has disappeared (before, during perestroika, there were many such “fly-by-night companies”).

And besides, the seal impression is not just a formality, but a requisite that certifies the authenticity of the signature official, and if this print is unreadable, then its authenticity can be doubted, as well as the authenticity of the official’s signature and entry in the Labor Code.

Printing appeared long before such a thing as ours. modern world began to exist.

Back in ancient Egypt On papyrus, the pharaohs secured their will with a special seal. Today, times have changed, and printing can be purchased almost anywhere and is not a luxury item.

Not-so-scrupulous workers also know about this and seek to forge the seal of some organization, thereby falsifying their experience as well. But not many offenders know that there are special rules for stamping.

They are known only to experienced personnel department employees and employers who are not the first to leave entries in the work book of their employees. We will talk about these rules and nuances today in our article.

Stamp in the work book

Is printing required?

Stamping in the work book is not specified Labor Code, however, this is mentioned in the instructions for filling out work books for personnel officers.

Therefore, following the points of this document, we can conclude that the presence of a seal in a document is not only important, but also mandatory at the same time.

After all, only a seal can give a document all the necessary formality and legality.

But in what exact cases a seal is placed on a document, we will talk in the next paragraph.

When is it placed?

The stamp is placed in the work book and this is a fact, as we found out in the previous paragraph. But a novice personnel officer, who has not yet fully familiarized himself with the instructions for filling out work books, probably does not fully understand what situations require a seal. Let's start by discussing them.

The title page of the work book contains very important information about the employee. For example, it contains information about his name, surname, patronymic, date of birth, education and specialty. In order to confirm this data and thereby prove that the employee does not attribute to himself the merits of others, the first official employer who creates a work book for the employee puts an appropriate stamp on the title page.

Thus, a stamp must be affixed when hiring a citizen.

Also, affixing a seal is mandatory if the employee has been awarded or encouraged and this was mentioned in the work book.

If the employee has been transferred or relocated, we also leave a stamp.

If the employee was fired, we also certify the entry in the work book with a seal.

The last case, which is also certified by the labor seal, is the case when the name of the organization is changed.

Then a mention of this is made in the labor document and a corresponding stamp is placed with the new amended data.

Where is it installed?

Depending on what kind of case the HR employee is faced with, we decide where to place the stamp. For example, if we are talking about putting a stamp on the title page, then we put the stamp in the lower right corner. We sign and date this seal.

If we are talking about putting a seal on the form, then, as a rule, one half of it should go to information about the work, and the other to mention the order.

This seal is considered correct.

Also the seal on which the mark is placed in the work book must meet a number of features. So she should not leave dirt behind. In addition, the seal must be clear enough so that the main signs and symbols on it are readable. Also, the seal should be oval or rectangular in shape.

What kind of stamp should I put?

Is it possible to stamp documents in a work book?

A seal is placed in the work book, which is official throughout the organization. Therefore, if the organization has any other seal, in addition to the seal for documents, then it is necessary to put it in the labor seal. If the seal for documents is the only one available in the organization, then it is the stamp that is placed on the labor document.

What to do if the seal on the labor document is hard to see?

Unfortunately, it happens that the HR department employee did not check the seal in advance and, when adding it directly to the work book, found out that it was not clearly visible. like this labor worker cannot be handed out.

An employee of the HR department must either go and change the seal for a working one of the same type and type, or ask the employee to delay receiving the work seal and make a new seal.

It is impossible to place another seal on top of an already applied seal, which does not coincide with the one set in form and content.

What if the wrong stamp is placed?

It often happens that HR department employees have several seals at their disposal. Sometimes, after thinking, employees put a completely wrong stamp on a document and don’t know what to do about it. The worst option is to give it to an employee.

The correct option is to write a line below in the work report that this entry is not correct and, under the next serial number, duplicate the previously made entry, but with the correct stamp.

An example of the correct stamp in a work book


On at this stage filling out the worksheet ends. The seal is the finishing touch and carries a deep meaning. The seal proves the fact that the employee works in this organization.

HR department employees must know how to prepare work books, and most importantly, how to put stamps on them, after all, only according to general appearance By leaving a note, the employee’s next employer will appreciate the professionalism of his predecessor’s work. Take the stamping seriously and then perhaps neither you, nor your employee, nor the HR employee will face the consequences of incorrectly performed actions.
