How to waterproof a vegetable pit. Protection against groundwater - waterproofing an inspection hole: how to do it yourself and how to fill it up

If during floods water penetrates into the vegetable pit, then it is time to waterproof the vegetable storage. Professionals recommend using materials from the Penetron penetrating waterproofing system.

Penetrating waterproofing Penetron has a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. Penetrating waterproofing is not subject to mechanical wear, since the concrete itself has waterproofing properties. Mechanical damage, grooves, etc. do not violate the waterproofing of concrete.
  2. There is no need to completely dry the concrete, since Penetron must be applied to wet concrete.
  3. Penetrating waterproofing Penetron has unique properties self-healing of through cracks, pores and other defects that inevitably appear on any concrete structures during operation, with an opening of no more than 0.5 mm.
  4. Penetron gives a gradual increase in the water resistance of concrete to W20 (2 MPa) and higher; when testing the water resistance of concrete samples with the waterproofing additive Penetron with the effect of self-healing of cracks, the water resistance grade increases from W4 to W10 after the next 28 days and from W14 to W20 within 90 days.
  5. Penetron does not affect basic physical parameters concrete mixture: mobility, strength, setting time, etc., with the exception of water resistance. Concrete treated with Penetron retains vapor permeability.

Problem: flooded vegetable storehouse. Upon inspection, it was revealed that water was entering the room through cracks in the wall, technological seams and cracks in the concrete bottom. There are areas with local destruction of concrete.

Stage 1: surface preparation

  1. Pump out the water.
  2. Remove loose concrete using a jackhammer.
  3. Clean the concrete surface using a brush with metal bristles from dust, dirt, oil products, cement laitance, efflorescence, plaster layer, tiles, paint and other materials that prevent the penetration of active agents. chemical components into concrete. The concrete base must be structurally sound and clean.
  4. Along the entire length of cracks, seams, and junctions, make fines in a “U”-shaped configuration with a cross-section of 25x25 mm.
  5. Clean the fines with a brush with metal bristles.

Stage 2: eliminating pressure leaks if present

  1. Prepare required quantity solution of “Waterplug” or “Peneplug” material. Mix for no more than 1 minute. Fill the leak cavity in the form " swallowtail» ½ solution of Waterplug or Peneplug material, press and hold until the material has set.
  2. Prepare the required amount of Penetron material solution. Treat the internal leak cavity with it.
  3. Prepare the required amount of Penecrit material solution. Fill the remaining cavity with it (material consumption 2.0 kg/dm 3).

Stage 3: waterproofing seams, joints, cracks

  1. Moisten the fines thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a solution of the Penetron material.
  3. Apply a solution of the Penetron material in one layer with a brush made of synthetic fiber(“maklovitsa”).
  4. Prepare a solution of the Penecrit material. Fill the grooves tightly with it (material consumption is 1.5 kg/m.p. with a groove cross-section of 25x25 mm).

Stage 4: restoration of damaged concrete

  1. If reinforcement is exposed, remove sufficient concrete behind the reinforcing bars until they are completely clear. Remove rust mechanically or chemically(to pure metal) and apply an anti-corrosion coating (cement, epoxy or zinc) before using the M500 Repair Brace material.
  2. Moisten thoroughly surface layer with water until it is completely saturated.
  3. Preparation of a solution of the Penetron material.
  4. Apply a solution of the Penetron material to a moistened concrete surface in one layer with a synthetic fiber brush (“maklovitsa”).
  5. Preparation of a solution of the material "Skrepa M500".
  6. Applying a solution of the material "Skrepa M500".

Stage 5: waterproofing the concrete surface

  1. Thoroughly moisten the concrete surface.
  2. Prepare a solution of the Penetron material, apply it in two layers with a synthetic fiber brush (“maklovitsa”).
  3. Apply the first layer of Penetron material to wet concrete (material consumption 600 g/m2). Apply the second layer on a fresh, but already set first layer (material consumption 400 g/m2).
  4. Before applying the second layer, the surface should be moistened.

Stage 6: care of the treated surface

  1. Treated surfaces should be protected from mechanical influences And negative temperatures within 3 days.
  2. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the surfaces treated with Penetron system materials remain wet for 3 days; cracking and peeling of the coating should not be observed.
  3. The following methods are usually used to moisten treated surfaces: water spray, covering the concrete surface with plastic film.

Preparation of solutions:

  1. "Penetron" 1 kg/400 ml water
  2. "Penecrete" 1 kg / 180 ml water
  3. "Skrepa M500" 1 kg / 190 ml water

Equipment and tools:

  1. Jackhammer
  2. Hammer
  3. Angle grinder with diamond disc
  4. Synthetic bristle brush
  5. Metal bristle brush
  6. Basin (bucket) made of soft plastic
  7. Trowel
  8. Measuring container

Safety precautions:

Work should be carried out wearing alkali-resistant rubber gloves, a respirator, and safety glasses.

Vegetable pit, more often called a cellar, is the most convenient place for year-round storage of crops. Often such cellars are located in garages. To safely store vegetables, it is necessary to take care of waterproofing the pit, which is most often made of concrete.

Concrete is a material that has the property of allowing water to pass through. In spring, moisture can penetrate the walls, causing leaks to form from seams and joints. Structures built from special concrete do not require waterproofing measures. But its use increases the cost of construction. Let's look at ways to waterproof a vegetable pit.

Preliminary measures before the construction of an underground vegetable storage

Before we start construction work The following information must be collected:

  • Do underground utility lines pass through the territory planned for the construction of a vegetable pit - power cables, gas, water supply or sewer pipes, wires and communication cables.
  • With the help of geological work they find out what level they are at groundwater, and determine the composition of the soil.

Based on previously collected information, an approximate or exact project is drawn up. And only after this can you begin to develop the soil.

Why are rolled materials not suitable for waterproofing pits?

Device internal waterproofing from the inside using roll materials impossible, because in this case they will work to separate and resist water pressure rather weakly.

External roll waterproofing is a more effective method, but its implementation also leads to a number of problems:

  • If even a small hole appears in the insulating material, the path for water into the vegetable pit will be completely open.

External roll waterproofing difficult to repair due to the difficulty of determining the location of damage to the material. Water can find its way out in a place remote from the defect in the waterproofing layer at a distance of several meters.

  • It is almost impossible to make roll or plaster waterproofing of a flooded cellar, since these materials are mainly laid on a dry base.
  • Plaster and roll materials cannot be used for external waterproofing in rain or winter.

The best option is to use compounds for waterproofing vegetable pits deep penetration.

The principle of operation of penetrating waterproofing compounds

Penetrating waterproofing is a special building mixtures, which after dilution with water and application do not create protective coating on the surface, but penetrate deep into the concrete and become part of its structure.

Penetrating waterproofing is not destroyed in principle; its validity period is equal to the operational period of the structure itself

Such waterproofing is applied both externally and externally. internal sides concrete structure. The components of the prepared mixture can penetrate deep into the concrete element to a depth of 0.9 m. In this case, all cracks and capillaries are blocked by insoluble crystals, which become part of the material being processed.

One of important advantages penetrating waterproofing is the absence of the need to pre-dry the treated base. In addition, the most effective penetration of compounds deep into the concrete element occurs precisely due to surface moistening. During processing, a surface layer is formed on the surface, the benefit of which is temporary - at the initial stage it retains the active components on the surface. You can delete it later if you wish.

Applying deep penetration formulations is very simple. This is done using a roller or brush.

The surface treated with deep penetration compounds can withstand water pressure up to 20 atmospheres

Advantages of using deep penetration compounds for waterproofing vegetable pits:

  • Waterproofing a vegetable pit using deep penetration compounds is an inexpensive and effective measure.
  • Waterproof in a similar way It is possible not only to construct objects, but also to already operate objects with partial destruction of the surface.
  • You can perform all operations yourself, without involving outside help. The time investment is small.
  • Long service life.

Rules for treating the surface of an exploited vegetable pit

Let's consider a happy complex case. The purpose of the waterproofing measures being carried out is to protect an already flooded vegetable pit from the effects of water. The inspection showed that water enters the room through cracks in the walls and bottom, and technological seams. Partial destruction of the concrete surface was also discovered.

Waterproofing in this case is carried out in several stages.

Preparing the surface for processing

  • Pump out the water accumulated inside the vegetable storage.
  • Use a jackhammer to remove loose concrete.
  • Using a brush with metal bristles, clean the surface from dirt, dust, oil stains, paint, and plaster residues.

Target preparatory work- obtaining a solid, clean concrete base.

  • All cracks are widened to obtain a U-shaped groove measuring 25x25 mm.
  • The resulting grooves are cleaned with a metal brush.

Repairing leaks

In the presence of pressure leaks, the compositions “Peneplug” or “Waterplug”, “Penetron”, “Penecrite” are recommended for use.

  • The leak cavity should be formed in the form of a “dovetail”.
  • Prepare the required amount of Peneplag or Waterplug. Mixing the mixture with water should last no more than a minute.
  • This cavity is filled to half with the prepared composition, pressed until it sets.
  • The leak cavity is treated with prepared Penetron.
  • The remaining volume of the cavity is filled with Penecrit.

Waterproofing cracks, joints, seams:

  • The prepared grooves are moistened and their surface is treated with Penetron. The composition is applied in one layer with a brush.
  • The groove cavities are tightly filled with Peneplag.

Features of restoring a destroyed concrete base:

  • If exposed reinforcement is found, sufficient concrete must be removed behind it.
  • The fittings are cleaned mechanically or chemically to bare metal and treated with an anti-corrosion coating.
  • “Penetron” is used to treat the concrete surface.
  • The cavity is filled with the prepared composition “Skrepa M500”.

Waterproofing measures to protect the concrete surface:

  • The prepared surface is treated in two layers with prepared Penetron. The mixture is applied with a brush or roller.
  • The first layer is applied to the wet concrete surface.
  • The second layer is applied to the set first layer, which is moistened before re-processing.

Care measures for freshly treated concrete surfaces:

  • After waterproofing treatment, the concrete surface must be protected from subzero temperatures and mechanical impact.
  • After treating the surface with Penetron in within three should be kept moist for days.
  • Surface moisture is maintained by covering it plastic film or by water spray method.

Cracking and peeling of the surface are evidence of poor-quality materials or violations of application technology.

If you have any comments or additions on this topic, we will be happy to continue discussing it.

Features of waterproofing vegetable pits, 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 rating

Many owners of private houses set up a vegetable pit on their property. You can also place it under the garage. It is perfect for long-term storage of pickles, fruits and vegetables. This does not require special devices - if this room is properly equipped and the necessary air flow is provided, the products will be stored for a long time, remaining just as fresh and healthy.

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    Preparatory work

    Making a vegetable pit in a garage or on a plot is not so difficult, but you still have to take into account a few basic points so as not to create emergency situation. So, if the selected location is located within the city, it is important to make sure that there are no utilities - pipes or electrical cables. Of course, outside the city the probability of stumbling upon them is not so great, so this question arises first of all for those who want to equip a cellar under the garage. However, it is still worth using special search devices or reviewing area plans to eliminate the possibility of unpleasant surprises.

    Studying the soil in the place of the future underground - another one important stage. It is necessary to find out at what level the groundwater lies and whether it passes through the space where it is planned to dig a hole. If they flow above the bottom of the cellar, the likelihood of flooding at any time is very high. For the reliability of the structure, the water must be at least half a meter below the bottom of the pit.

    If they get too close, there is no need to abandon the arrangement - you can equip the cellar with reliable waterproofing. But this still comes with a certain risk, since water can find a miniature crack and penetrate inside. Therefore, it is better to consult with specialists on all issues - they will tell you whether it is worth starting construction on this site.

    DIY vegetable pit

    In addition to waterproofing, which is not always necessary, there are also works included in mandatory list. So, it will be necessary to install ventilation - at least natural -. This is necessary to maintain a stable indoor climate, remove gases that can form during fermentation of products, and supply the cellar with fresh air necessary for long-term storage of vegetables and fruits.

    In the cellar, you need to ensure a humidity of at least 85 percent, and preferably 95. In addition, it is important to know in a vegetable pit: the optimal value is from two to five degrees Celsius. These conditions are similar to those maintained in a refrigerator. They are considered the most suitable for preservation useful substances in products and prevent their spoilage. To monitor these values, you can install special devices in the cellar. To prevent vegetables and fruits from sprouting during storage, you need to keep the room dark.


    Before starting work, you need to carefully examine the place where you plan to build a vegetable pit. Of course, if it is planned under an already established garage or house, the choice is small, but in some cases it may turn out that the selected site is unsafe. In this case, you will have to abandon this idea or change the place.

    Based on the collected data, a work plan can be drawn up. It should include:

    • expected depth and width of the hole;
    • ventilation routes and location of supply and exhaust air ducts;
    • drainage system and waterproofing;
    • thermal insulation and materials for flooring.

    Vegetable pit is ready

    For clarity, it is best to build a diagram with calculations. Often design errors are identified at this stage, so do not neglect it, otherwise they may need to be corrected in practice, and not on paper.

    When calculating the desired dimensions, it is worth considering that the pit should not be too wide. Optimal sizes - up to two meters wide, maximum - two and a half. Standard depth such storage is 1.7 m.

    It is best to leave a space of about half a meter near each wall for waterproofing. In addition, in most cases it will be necessary to insulate the room. All this will require a place that needs to be provided in advance. Thus, the foundation pit must exceed the planned dimensions by half a meter on each side.

    How to decorate the room inside - leave it minimalist or come up with a special design - everyone will decide for themselves. However, it is advisable to make the descent into the cellar traditional, in the form of a leading down wooden stairs with strong, wide steps. Above it there will be a hatch covering the entrance to the pit. This design is quite simple and at the same time easy to use.

    DIY cellar

    Pit construction

    After careful planning, you can begin building your own vegetable pit. The first step is to dig a pit for the future cellar. Then you need to dig a trench in it in which the foundation will be installed. Crushed stone is poured onto the bottom (the thickness of its layer should be at least ten centimeters), and on top of it - construction sand a layer of fifteen centimeters. Both levels need to be properly compacted and leveled.

    Then you can fill the base with heated bitumen or another similar composition. If you want to make the storage very reliable, you can put it directly on the sand waterproofing material- for example, roofing felt - and cover it with reinforced concrete on top. However, such work will be more labor-intensive and cost much more. Not all cases require such powerful waterproofing. Sometimes wooden planks are placed on the floor on top of the concrete.

    After the floor in the vegetable pit of a garage or private house is filled, you can move on to the walls. They are most often built from concrete or brick. The following requirements are established for them:

    • for strength, concrete must be tied with steel reinforcement rods;
    • the brickwork should be at least half a brick thick, but better - a whole brick or even one and a half.

    After the walls are built, they are coated with hot bitumen. At the same stage, they can be insulated, and then reinforced with a mounting wall and covered with plaster.

    The strength of the ceiling is especially important if there is any building above the cellar. Having made a vegetable pit in the garage, it is worth remembering that a car will be standing above it. In the case of a private house, everything is even more serious. If the area at the top is empty, then the requirements for the structure are somewhat reduced - the main thing is that it is reliable and does not collapse down.

    The ceiling can be laid out either from bricks laid on boards, or from concrete - in this case you will need a frame made of reinforcement. At this stage, it is necessary to provide all the required openings: the entrance where the ladder and hatch will be installed, and the ventilation passage points. The most convenient place for a crawl space is the center of the underground. In this case, all the walls will remain free, along which it will be possible to install many shelving units. The final stage is insulating the ceiling. To do this, it is coated with bitumen and thermally insulated with foam plastic or expanded clay.

    Do-it-yourself dry basement, cellar and pit in the garage

    Metal structure

    In some cases, when groundwater is too close and there are fears that no amount of waterproofing will help, it is possible to install a vegetable pit with metal walls. It is best to purchase a ready-made container for these purposes. required sizes- for example, part of a tank or a piece gas pipe, the diameter of which is almost two meters. It will already have waterproofing installed, and all that is needed is to weld the ends.

    Excavation of a pit of the required size should be placed metal structure install inside and on the sides drainage system. It should consist of PVC pipes with a diameter of at least 0.2 meters. It is best to fill all free space with a mixture of sand and gravel. This will help prevent the vegetable pit from moving under the influence groundwater.

    When water appears in drainage pipes it can be pumped out with a pump. Exhaust and supply ventilation are especially important in such buildings. If it is not installed, condensation will constantly accumulate on the floor, and the room will be high humidity, which can lead to rotting of vegetables and damage to valuables. In addition, to remove excess moisture from the air, you can place a container of salt in the cellar. The ceiling needs to be insulated.

    Insulation and waterproofing of the room

    Although both concrete and bricks seem quite durable, they still have microcracks through which water can penetrate. It also doesn’t hurt to insulate a pit made of any material, since in cold weather it can easily freeze. There are several basic materials used in this:

    Even if it is known that groundwater lies deep and the hole is not in danger, minimal waterproofing will not hurt. It is worth thinking about insulation if vegetables or fruits that are sensitive to temperature changes are stored in the cellar, as well as in regions with severe frosts. winter time.

    Ventilation installation

    The easiest way to ventilate a vegetable pit is natural. In this case, no additional devices are used, a minimum of structures and the usual laws of physics are used. To do this, two air ducts of the same cross-section are mounted in opposite corners. Supply ventilation should have an outlet 0.2 meters from the floor, pass through the ceiling of the room and go outside, rising at least 0.2 meters above the ground. The exhaust pipe should be located under the ceiling, in the ceiling. It needs to be brought out as high as possible.

    Due to the difference in pressure inside and outside the room, air will naturally penetrate inside. In case it is too cold outside, you can provide special dampers on the pipes. In addition, it is possible to install nets that protect against dirt and insects.

    This method is the simplest, but it has many disadvantages, the main one of which is its dependence on weather conditions. During warm times, air may not move in or out at all, because everywhere will be the same temperature and pressure.

    If the cellar is large, it is best to install forced ventilation in it, which includes mechanical elements- fans. Of course, electricity consumption will be a noticeable disadvantage, but the efficiency of such a system will be much higher, and it can function in any weather.

    Installation of the system must begin with the same pipes for exhaust and supply ventilation. In this case, they do not have to be placed straight - you can also place them at an angle, since a special device will drive air through them. When selecting ventilation power, you need to proceed from the volume of the room. A device that is too strong can freeze the cellar; a device that is too weak will be useless and will not bring a noticeable effect.

    A design that combines both natural and forced ventilation will function best. To do this, insert into the ventilation duct to remove air exhaust fan. He deletes air currents from the room and provides a flow of fresh air from another ventilation pipe.

    If you follow all the rules, correctly draw up a work plan and strictly follow it, anyone can install and equip a vegetable pit. If at any stage problems arise, you can seek help from specialists.

Preface. Self-waterproofing inspection hole in the garage is a whole complex of works that are aimed at protecting the structure from moisture from the soil. But what materials to choose, how to waterproof the inspection pit and carry out the installation correctly? This article, which contains only information verified by our own experience, will tell you about all this and show it on video.

Every car owner wants his iron horse to serve for a long time, and for this it is necessary to provide the car with timely repairs and maintenance. Many car enthusiasts, based on their experience, prefer to do it themselves minor repairs in the garage. And this requires a garage equipped with tools and accessories.

Why do you need an inspection hole in the garage?

Pit in the garage with lighting and waterproofing

The presence of an inspection hole allows the car owner to be aware of the condition of the car and carry out preventive inspections on time. But when equipping an inspection hole, we must not forget that the structure will be below ground level with the ensuing consequences negative consequences. We are talking about the proximity of the base of the inspection hole in the garage to groundwater.

One of the necessary devices in the garage, without which it is quite difficult to perform a high-quality inspection and repair of a car, is an inspection pit. But when constructing a viewing or vegetable pit in a box, there will be colder and more humid air in the recess, which will rise upward.

Thus, the question of how to waterproof a hole in a garage becomes an important task for a car owner. And in order to be as comfortable as possible in the inspection pit, it is necessary to insulate and waterproof it. On the market today they offer large assortment building materials, which allow you to effectively cope with any insulation tasks.

Problems with waterproofing inspection pits

The insulation of this design seems simple only at first glance. But the pit in the garage should initially be arranged in accordance with construction requirements and norms. This will protect the garage owner from many problems that may arise when waterproofing the pit. To repair a car, there are at least two ways to solve the problem.

The first method is to install high-quality waterproofing, while insulating the pit in the garage will eliminate the appearance of condensation on the walls and protect your feet from the cold while working. The second method is to remove the inspection pit from the garage, however, in bad weather or during cold periods, repairing a car outside an insulated room will be uncomfortable, with a high risk of catching a cold and getting sick.

How to waterproof a viewing hole

Protecting the inspection hole in the garage with roofing felt

You can effectively protect a pit from moisture in your garage the following compositions: bitumen mastics, polymer insulation, penetrating waterproofing and liquid rubber. The use of any material has its own characteristics, which you need to know well even before purchasing and starting work on waterproofing a vegetable pit in the garage.

Bitumen roll waterproofing

Bituminous materials are the most common due to their low cost and ability to preserve protective properties within 15-20 years. This material is also attractive for its ease of application, as it is produced in the form of rolls. Most often, roofing felt, euroroofing felt or rubemast are used in garages. The difference between these roll insulators is only in their cost, which does not fundamentally affect the characteristics.

Polymer liquid waterproofing

Polymers differ from rolled materials in their increased service life, resistance to mechanical damage, elasticity, chemical neutrality and method of application. Manufacturer guaranteed service life polymer waterproofing practically unlimited. There are single-layer coatings up to 1.5-2 mm and multi-layer coatings up to 3 mm.

Penetrating waterproofing

Modern and one of the most effective ways protection against moisture is penetrating waterproofing Penetron. But this composition only works when processed concrete walls and designs. Installation involves applying the composition with a brush to a pre-moistened concrete surface. The composition penetrates deeply into the pores of concrete, blocking the penetration of moisture into the structure.

Liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is a multicomponent composition of polymers, latex and stabilizers. Waterproofing an inspection pit in a garage with a film of liquid rubber is characterized by elasticity, a wide operating temperature range and high moisture protection. Liquid rubber can be used for inspection pits, waterproofing foundations and basements of houses.

How to waterproof a hole in a garage with your own hands

Waterproofing a vegetable pit in a garage begins with concreting the floor and installing or repairing the walls of the cellar. Installation methods insulating materials depend on the properties of waterproofing. Let’s take a closer look at the specifics of the work, which will help you carry out the work yourself and significantly save money by refusing the expensive services of professionals.

Bituminous materials are most often sold in the form of rolls. They can easily close the most hard to reach places. The sheets are first lubricated with solvents and laid over the entire area of ​​the pit so that the sheets overlap each other by 12-15 cm. The joints are glued together with molten bitumen, bitumen solvent or by melting with a kerosene burner.

Polymer and liquid waterproofing applied to the surface with a brush. If necessary, the composition can be diluted with solvent or white spirit to a more liquid state. Surfaces should be carefully treated to avoid gaps in the waterproofing layer.

To apply penetrating waterproofing, a mixture is purchased and mixed with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. The resulting composition is applied with a brush to a pre-moistened concrete surface. The protective layer is formed within a week through the crystallization of penetrating waterproofing components inside the walls, which clog the pores that allow moisture to pass through the concrete.

Pit waterproofing liquid rubber similar in technology to the application of polymer compositions. Insulation is applied to moistened surfaces, and all work should be carried out at above-zero temperatures. After application, it is necessary to soak the composition for at least 4 hours so that the surface acquires the required qualities. See further detailed video instructions for waterproofing a pit in a garage.

Video. Waterproofing a pit in the garage with your own hands

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The vegetable pit is a practical storage facility in which food can be stored for a long time. It’s easy to set up such a “refrigerator” with your own hands in any garage.

The structure we are interested in, which is essentially a small cellar (basement) located in a motorhome, can be considered an ideal storage for fruits, various pickles, and vegetables. The freshness of the products stored in it is ensured naturally. You don't need to spend money on electricity to maintain the required temperature in your cellar. This fact is considered the main advantage of vegetable storage in the garage.

Before you build a vegetable pit, you need:

  1. Make sure there are no engineering communications– gas and pipelines, electrical cables and so on.
  2. Explore the soil. It is necessary to clarify the level at which groundwater lies. They should flow below the bottom of the cellar. Otherwise, your garage food storage pit could be flooded at any time.
  3. Create a vegetable storage project. Draw up a drawing of the cellar, decide on its geometric dimensions and location in the garage. A do-it-yourself project will significantly simplify the process of building a basement and eliminate the likelihood of various shortcomings.

Vegetable storage project in the garage

Experts advise not to make the vegetable pit too wide in width (try to keep it within 2–2.5 m). The storage depth is usually taken to be about 1.7 m. It is advisable to place the cellar at some distance from the wall (about 0.5–0.6 m), so that later you can easily carry out high-quality and reliable waterproofing pits. In most cases, it is recommended to insulate the vegetable storage. The arrangement procedure is considered a mandatory operation. ventilation system in the cellar, as well as carrying out work to protect it from moisture.

You can come up with the internal arrangement of the storage facility yourself - it all depends on your individual requirements. But the descent into such a small structure is best done in the form of an ordinary wooden ladder with several strong rungs. You will cover the stairs with a hatch, which will serve as a convenient entrance to the cellar.

The first step is to dig a hole (pit) according to the dimensions you designed. Everything is simple here. Then you need to add crushed stone to the bottom of the pit (layer thickness - 10 cm), compact it, and pour it on top (15 cm) and also tamp it thoroughly.

The next stage is filling the bottom of the pit with bitumen or a similar composition. If you want to get a permanent vegetable storage, place a waterproofing material (for example, roofing felt) on the sand and fill the slab using reinforced concrete. But remember that arranging such a foundation will require additional financial and labor costs. The walls of a vegetable pit are usually built of brick. Anyone can make such masonry with their own hands.

The thickness of the walls is one and a half bricks. This is quite enough. When laying bricks, they must be coated with bitumen mortar to ensure the reliability of the walls. It is recommended to lay out the ceiling in the form of a vault. In this case, the bricks are laid on templates made from wooden boards. You can also do concrete floor. The main thing is that the ceiling has the required strength. After all, don’t forget, your car will be parked on it.

Brick basement walls

On ceiling surface it is necessary to provide a place to enter the vegetable pit. It is optimal if you place the hole in the middle of the cellar ceiling.

Then your storage can easily accommodate racks and shelves for jars of jam, fruit and other products. At the place where the hole will be located, you need to mount a stop for the lid. It is advisable to insulate the ceiling of the vegetable pit. This is done using expanded clay or polystyrene foam. You will need to coat the ceiling surface with hot bitumen and then install the selected material.

Insulating the top of a cellar in a garage with your own hands usually does not cause problems for home craftsmen. Such activities are easy to implement. The main thing is to ensure that the heat-insulating layer is at least 20 cm thick. In rural areas, insulation of the ceilings of garage vegetable stores is often done the old fashioned way - using a mixture of ordinary sawdust and cement. You can also use glass wool. It is permissible not to insulate the ceiling in a vegetable pit if you live in an area with a fairly mild climate.

Attractive appearance ceiling surface is most often given such popular facing materials, like lining and slate. These products are attached to the ceiling using the technology recommended by the cladding manufacturer. The walls of an underground building are most often thermally insulated with PSB-S-25 - modern polystyrene foam. We would like to add that professionals recommend insulating a storage facility on a pre-plastered surface.

A pit for storing crops in a garage, as we said, must be waterproofed. You may even have to make a circular drainage system in the cellar. Such measures are carried out in cases where groundwater is close to the bottom of the vegetable storage facility.

Waterproofing pits for harvest storage

The easiest way to protect the floor surface of a vegetable pit from moisture is as follows:

  • treat the floor with bitumen solution (twice to be safe);
  • lay sheets of roofing felt on the bitumen;
  • reapply the solution;
  • make a filling on the roofing material using coarse sand.

The walls of the storage facility can also be coated with bitumen or more expensive penetrating waterproofing can be used.

The final touch is installation. The easiest way is to make it natural supply and exhaust system. To do this, you will need to place two pipes (for exhaust and fresh air) at a certain height from the floor. Installation will require more costs forced ventilation. You will need to buy a special electric fan and place it in a pipe with two doors. Your cellar for storing vegetables is ready!
