Reviews of houses made from sandwich panels say that they are prefabricated and decent buildings. Let's figure it out, is this so? Country houses made of sandwich panels: fast and cheap Private houses made of sandwich panels

Houses are built from a wide variety of materials - it can be concrete or brick, timber, blocks, etc. Each material has its own advantages. Great importance has the price of the material, as well as its reliability and practicality. Sandwich panels for building a house are a convenient building material that allows you to quickly, easily and inexpensively build a house of any kind.

Private housing construction

Sandwich panels are a fairly broad concept. In any case, it means two outer layers, between which the insulation is fixed. External sheets can be wood, metal or composite materials. Insulation - mineral wool, polyurethane foam, fiberglass or. For residential construction, they are usually made from polystyrene foam as insulation.

A private house from SIP panels
SIP panels are very durable and can withstand loads of more than 2.5 tons

Sandwich wall panels are quite lightweight; ordinary or. A metal or wooden frame, to which the panels are attached. A frame is not needed for assembly, since the panels themselves and the beam connecting them cope well with this role. The panels are suitable for installation not only load-bearing walls, but also internal partitions. withstand large longitudinal loads, so they can be considered wall. For the roof and floors, if sandwich panels are used, it is with an additional frame of beams.


  • construction speed;
  • no foundation requirements;
  • thermal protection is many times better than that of traditional buildings;
  • ease of installation - you can build a house from sandwich panels yourself;
  • mobility - sandwich panels can be replaced at any time, the house can be expanded;
  • fire safety;
  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low cost.

A house made of sandwich panels does not shrink; immediately after the walls are erected and placed under the roof, it can be connected to communications, occupied and moved in. This is how sandwich houses differ from brick or wooden houses.

Prefabricated houses

Today we offer the most various projects houses for which enterprises produce ready set panels. A prefabricated house is built quickly, lasts a long time, and during operation is in no way inferior to houses made from other materials. Such houses include - they are easily assembled like a designer - two or three people can handle such work without the involvement of heavy equipment.

So prefabricated canadian house erected in just 3 weeks

Prices for SIP panels made of OSB-3 KALEVALA

Panel view Dimensions, mm OSB thickness, mm Price per panel Price per m2

Today, when the rhythm of our lives is steadily growing, when time is becoming less and less, it - our time - is acquiring more and more value. We need the result immediately, this very minute; and this principle works even in the construction industry: we value speed of execution, low cost and lowest operating costs. Therefore, wanting to acquire a private house, it is increasingly being built from -panels. They are good because these houses can be built in the most short time, and at any time of the year. In addition, among their advantages: they are very easy and quick to warm up, and the heat in houses made of sandwich panels is retained for a very long time, which can significantly reduce costs. These houses are very high level, but, of course, their main advantage is that it is very cheap houses.

In this article we will try to understand what houses made of sandwich panels are, whether it makes sense to build such a house with your own hands and how this is actually done.

And so, lately you can notice that an endless stream of advertisements for such houses is pouring in on us from everywhere. Everywhere you go, people are talking about its many benefits. panel construction, they say you won’t find a more reliable building - everything will collapse, but the panel house will remain, etc.

In short, there is nothing in this world better than houses from sandwich panels. But this is not the most absurd thing; it is much more interesting to see ads like: « Let's build a house from sandwich panels. Eco-housing fast, high quality, cheap».
In fact, such houses are not at all environmentally friendly and harmless to health.

The only reason why such a house, with some stretch, could still be called environmentally friendly is because, thanks to sandwich panels, you can save on, i.e. save Natural resources. All!

Now we will try to understand the main pros and cons of houses made of sandwich panels.

Let's start with the advantages:

Let's look at the disadvantages:

  • Sandwich panels last less than the same wood, and accordingly, a house made of such material will last less. Typically, such houses last from 25 to 30 years.
  • The relative strength of such a house. Yes, he is able to withstand a hurricane, but a man with an ax will not be detained for long.
  • Sandwich panels are sheathed with oriented strand boards, which contain a lot of resins and other non-ecological additives. Internal filling, tobish are made from completely synthetic products such as polystyrene foam.
  • Such houses are 100% airtight and in order to ensure the supply and constant renewal of air in the house (so as not to simply suffocate), it is necessary to carry out additional supply and exhaust on a forced operating principle. Which practically destroys all the declared low cost of tiled construction.
  • No matter what anyone says, SIP panels (sandwich panels) burn just fine. But this would be only half the problem if, during combustion, it did not pass into a liquid state of aggregation and would not pour down “like rain of fire.” In addition, when burned, the materials that make up SIPs release harmful substances.
  • As a rule, in panel houses better install air system. As you might guess, this stems from the complete sealing of our houses.
  • Sometimes, for example, due to improper use, fungus may appear in the panels.
  • If you decide to sell such a house, it will cost much less.

Based on the pros and cons described above, everyone will be able to decide for themselves whether they need to build a house from sandwich panels or not.

Perfect for building a house from sandwich panels . Slab, strip-column and pile-grillage structures are also suitable.

As soon as the type of foundation you have chosen is ready, you can begin laying the crown strapping.

We will need a beam with a cross section of 250 by 150 millimeters. The beams are connected using the “wood floor” or “paw” methods, and the connections themselves are secured with wooden non-gels. Why are holes made in the beams approximately 20 mm in diameter and 100-150 mm in depth. The nongel is driven in a size slightly smaller than the hole. We attach it to the beam with 350 mm anchors of 10-12 mm in diameter. The bolt heads must be recessed into the trim beam.

Floors and ceilings in a house made of sandwich panels

Can be arranged in two ways: technology and domestic. According to the Finns, the entire house, including the house, can be built from just sandwich panels. However, domestic construction companies would advise building the floor using the usual plank-and-lag method. And lay it between the joists. Such a floor will last longer and will be easier to disassemble and repair.

Now you need to lay the guide board, it is usually called a “laying board”. We select its dimensions based on the thickness of the sandwich panels. For example, a panel is 224 mm, therefore we need a board 50 by 200 mm. The board is laid on top of the strapping or floor. Then, using a level, we level it strictly horizontally and screw it in with self-tapping screws 5 by 70 mm, every 350-400 mm. We begin the installation of walls from the corner, having first thoroughly studied the layout of the partitions.

Before installation, foam the bottom groove of the sandwich panel and install it on the “flat”. Align the horizontal and vertical. The panels are screwed to the bed with 3.2 by 35 mm self-tapping screws, in increments of 150 millimeters.

Next, we insert a square board between the panels and fasten them together. The grooves are foamed, pressed tightly against each other and fastened with self-tapping screws 12 by 220 every 500 mm. We also install the remaining panels.

As soon as the walls are ready, the upper grooves of the panels are also foamed, and then the upper trim board is immersed in them - timber 150 by 200 mm. Doors and windows can be cut as already installed walls, and having prepared ahead of time.

We attach the floor beams to the top frame in the usual way: corners, brackets or notches.

But you can also mount the roof from the same panels. If this method is chosen, then the roof is assembled from one edge, gradually building up along the ridge. First, we fasten one rafter with self-tapping screws, and attach sandwich panels to them in exactly the same way as the walls. Next, another rafter is attached, and the operation is performed again.

To better understand the technology, you can watch the video “how to build a house from sandwich panels”.

It is a material widely used in the construction of houses. Its design involves the presence of two sheets of metal at the edges, as well as a layer of insulation between them. For the manufacture of panels of this type, galvanized steel is most often used. stainless steel, as well as polyurethane foam, basalt fiber and a number of other materials with good performance thermal conductivity.

“Layers” of metal and insulation are connected to each other using a special adhesive or self-tapping bolts (the specifics of fastening depend mainly on the characteristics and properties of the materials used for their manufacture).

Application area

Sandwich panels are most often used in cases where construction company is faced with the need for the fastest and highest quality construction of houses and some other residential structures. They are ideal for retail premises, warehouses, car washes, hangars and some other buildings based on metal structures.


Depending on the type of insulation used, there are three types of sandwich panels:

  • Sandwich panels using mineral wool are the safest because the material used for their production is highly fire resistant. This minimizes the risk of fires. However, the high ability of wool to absorb moisture often leads to the structure sagging, deforming and eventually losing its original shape. Subsequently, this can lead to delamination of the metal. The use of sandwich panels with mineral wool in construction also leads to an increase in the load on the frame of the house, as well as its foundation. Installation of such sandwich panels is quite complex and requires the use of a large amount of physical resources.
  • Expanded polystyrene used in construction is moisture resistant and environmentally friendly. Due to its light weight, it is safe for both the foundation and the building frame. Sandwich panels of this type are quite easy to install; they are quickly produced and different at an affordable price. However, when comparing it with mineral wool, it is necessary to note lower fire resistance.
  • The third type of sandwich panels is made using polyurethane foam. Due to its low thermal conductivity, this material is ideal for freezing equipment. However, it is not environmentally friendly, and also has the lowest fire resistance of the materials presented.

Advantages and disadvantages

Sandwich panel houses have the following advantages:

  • The lightweight design of sandwich panels significantly reduces the load on bearing structures building.
  • The high speed of building construction is achieved through fairly simple technology.
  • The low cost of sandwich panels allows you to significantly save on construction.
  • Good fire resistance indicators allow houses made of sandwich panels to have higher fire safety.
  • The materials used for the production of sandwich panels guarantee high environmental friendliness of the house.
  • High flexibility gives the home owner ample modernization options.
  • Good heat and sound insulation significantly increases the comfort of living in a house made of sandwich panels.
  • Installation work related to sandwich panels can be carried out at any time of the year convenient for you.

However, at the same time, houses made of sandwich panels have the following disadvantages:

  • Despite the strength of sandwich panels, long-term and heavy loads are strictly contraindicated for them.
  • If installation work were carried out in the cold season, the joints of the panels may freeze over.
  • The service life of sandwich panels most often does not exceed 50 days.
  • If the insulation for sandwich panels was produced with the addition of basalt, this may negatively affect its thermal insulation and strength characteristics.
  • For guard load-bearing frame It is necessary to use materials that protect against corrosion (metal) and against rot and fungus (wood).
  • The presence of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam in sandwich panels significantly increases the fire hazard.


The construction of houses from sandwich panels is multi-stage, and each of them has its own rules and regulations.


  • At the first stage of construction, the foundation is installed. The depth, as well as its type, depend on the geographical features of the area, location groundwater, relief. The cost of foundation for a house made from sandwich panels is about a fifth of the cost of building a house as a whole.
  • The installation of the house itself occurs almost simultaneously with the construction of the foundation. At the beginning of construction, beams pre-treated with an antiseptic are attached to the foundation. They are most often used for fastening. The sandwich panels themselves are connected to each other using wooden planks, the thickness of which is, as a rule, about 4 cm. Subsequently, it is this structure that will play the role of the frame of the entire building. To strengthen the structure, as well as to treat the joints, special polyurethane foam is applied to the joints of the sandwich panels. Special attention You should also pay attention to “cold bridges,” namely, places where condensation can form due to increased heat loss. Every two panels require about one cylinder polyurethane foam. To improve the waterproofing of the panels, it is also possible to coat their undersides. Installation of other floors of the house is carried out at a similar level.
  • Roofing using sandwich panels is installed traditional methods taking into account the load on it constituent elements. After construction works will be completed, be sure to consider covering the roof with waterproofing material.
  • Installation engineering systems can be carried out at almost any stage of construction, however, it is best to carry out such work after the entire frame of the house has been assembled. It is desirable that all communication systems be as accessible as possible and the external surfaces in contact with the pipes must be covered with insulating material.
  • Since sandwich panels do not give rise to precipitation, the installation of doors and windows is already permissible. Other Finishing work can be carried out independently from each other.


  • It is best to start installing panels from the corner of the house; and the maximum deviation can be from 1 to 1.5 mm.
  • The second panel is attached to the first strictly at right angles using self-tapping screws.
  • Corner panels are installed with the participation of a maximum of two installers.
  • Installation of wall panels with doorways, as well as solid wall panels, is carried out using the same technology.
  • The thickness of the sandwich panels used for internal partitions in residential premises is approximately 120 mm.

Typical projects

The design of buildings made of sandwich panels is carried out depending on the characteristics of the material used for the construction of the frame, the distribution of loads on the load-bearing elements of the building, as well as environmental conditions.

Construction cost

The cost of building a house of this type depends mainly on the volume of work performed, the area of ​​the room, and the cost of sandwich panels. However, it is worth noting that the construction of houses from sandwich panels is significantly lower than similar houses made from bricks or any other materials.

The scale of modern country house construction in recent decades has increased several times. Some people prefer wooden dachas, while some people like powerful brick buildings. In addition, sandwich panels are widely used today.

Advantages of frame construction

Prefabricated dachas and country houses made of sandwich panels have undeniable advantages, namely:

  • acceptable price;
  • quick installation of a summer house with minimal costs;
  • there is no need to build expensive, powerful foundations;
  • the material has high heat and sound insulation properties;
  • environmental friendliness and hygiene;
  • positive reviews consumers.

Organization of construction of frame buildings

To build country houses, you need to lay a foundation. There are several options here. You can install the foundation on screw piles or pour out a monolithic base. Before starting work, it is necessary to lay all utility networks.

So, the foundation for the future country house has been laid. The next step is building a house. Sandwich panels are installed on a metal frame. The construction of walls begins with the organization of corner panels. Initially, the outer stand is installed using self-tapping screws, after which they are mounted Wall panels future dacha.

Installation of upper levels

After completing the wall installation stage, proceed to interfloor ceilings and roof. The roof of the house is assembled in full accordance with the drawings. To avoid distortions, you need to evenly distribute the load on the floors. The photo shows the simplest designs country houses. Besides budget options, if you wish, you can order good-quality houses in which you can live all year round.

Sandwich panel technologies

About how popular frame houses, can be judged by the reviews of the owners. The uniqueness of the dacha is that its construction is very simple: it is attached to the erected frame sheet material. In addition, such a house is easy to dismantle, repair and move. It is enough to remove the top sandwich panels, lay an additional row and reinstall the sheet material.

Disadvantages of frame technologies

As in any construction, in addition to the advantages, there are some unfavorable aspects associated with sandwich panels:

  1. At very high temperatures the inner insulating layer of the material may crumble.
  2. The service life of the panels is no more than 50 years.
  3. Another significant disadvantage is that frame cottages cannot be built higher than 2.5 floors.
  4. The exterior decoration of such a building cannot be postponed until later. It should be done in the same season.

Despite the simplicity of building a summer house from prefabricated materials, careful monitoring of the progress of work and the quality of materials is required. When carrying out construction yourself, it is advisable to watch videos and photos, and also carefully study the reviews of cottage owners.

When transporting sandwich panels, the panels must be securely strengthened to prevent them from moving. The blocks themselves must be cut using special saws. You cannot use an angle grinder.

When choosing materials for a summer house, you need to take into account the natural and climatic parameters and conditions in which the structure will be used. Special requirements are presented to the topography and depth of groundwater.

When equipping frame cottages, thermal insulation does not need to be carried out, since the slabs themselves have good insulating properties. Those who decide to build their own country housing and extensions have something to look at in the photo.

Easy and clean construction

Cottages made from sandwich panels are a striking example of energy-saving, low-budget and easily erected technologies. Maximum term during which the building will be erected is one to two months. There are many customers who prefer modern design And original solutions. Becoming the owners of comfortable and comfortable dachas, many owners choose a country lifestyle. This is confirmed by positive reviews from users. If you wish, you can look at the photos of finished or still under construction objects. This will allow you to build on the project you like and, with a little modification, create your own.

Housing made from sandwich panels is easy to maintain. Heating costs are minimal. Thanks to its compactness and small dimensions, there is no need to build an expensive massive foundation. During operation there is no subsidence of the dacha. Very important point: construction price and timing. The owner will not have to build long and expensively, and in winter pay twice as much for heating rooms made of cinder blocks.

NIAL-SK LLC offers services for the construction of houses from sandwich panels on Russian market low-rise construction and industrial facilities.

The term “Canadian technology” is the construction of buildings and houses from sandwich panels. In Russia, North American technology appeared relatively recently, but has already conquered a certain market segment. Today, we can confidently evaluate all the positive aspects of this development. For construction according to Canadian technology materials are used that meet the following characteristics: strength, reliability, durability, unique thermal insulation and many others.

All technical specifications These buildings are ideal for Russian conditions - low temperatures air do not require high costs for heating the room due to the low thermal conductivity and high thermal insulation of SIP panels. And mobility and ease of installation guarantee a short construction period.

Only modern materials

We apply modern technologies construction from sandwich panels, adhering to all current standards and regulations. By choosing us as a contractor, you will save time, money and buy a comfortable and warm home.

Our organization always fulfills its obligations to customers on time based on the concluded contract and approved estimate, taking into account a flexible system of discounts and optimal solutions for each object.

Construction using sandwich panels - not only at home

Our company invites you to make a choice and build a turnkey house from sandwich panels, as well as garages, change houses or other outbuildings. The technical production capacity allows for the construction of cottage villages. The construction of objects is carried out as if ready standard projects, and according to individual sketches or customer wishes.
