Comic performances at the alumni reunion evening. Evening meeting with graduates - an original scenario for those who have not seen each other for a long time


Amidst the turmoil of endless everyday life,
Among important matters and petty troubles
Return to the world of carefree youth
Gives a chance to our school meeting evening.
Come to school - school is waiting! It will open its doors wide to all its graduates on February 4, 2014 at 18:00.

(The song “Evening of School Friends” is played. Graduates and guests are greeted by cheerful buffoons at the entrance to the assembly hall, and Baba Yaga can be entrusted with registering guests, taking autographs and memorable addresses.)

Welcome! Welcome!
Come into the hall, dear guests!
Come, guests, to us,
We will be very glad to see you!
Baba Yaga(calls for registration).
Wait, don't rush,
Take a break here for a bit!
Your address as a keepsake
Please leave it with me!
And if it's not a secret,
Tell me, did you love studying or not?
What did you become when you left school?
Having chosen a new path for yourself?

Wishes to teachers and students

Don't forget to drop a line!

(Registers former graduates - guests of the evening: what year they graduated, where they are currently working or studying, by whom, etc.)

(The school bell rings. This is the signal for the start of the concert. The soundtrack of the song “School Years” plays. The hosts of the evening appear on stage.)

1). I've loved school bells for a long time...

2). Any route goes into the distance from them

And the ships leave the pier.

The floor is given to the school director N.Z. Sokova.

DIRECTOR. Good evening, our dear graduates! We are sincerely glad that those whose ringing voices filled the school with life a year or five years ago have once again gathered within these walls. Whose victories and defeats were the source of joy and sorrow for the teachers. For those who enter the classroom with excitement and love every day, you are still students.

With love and gratitude, we are pleased to welcome you, dear teachers: those who work today, giving their talent, soul and heart to the school, and for whom the school has become a second home.

The walls will smell of distant youth,
The familiar white poplar will snow,
As if the world had never known change:
On the same faces - the same light lies.

Leading. Winters and springs have flown by.
You have already become adults,
But let's remember your school days.
Calls and changes again,
Lessons, first love,
Teachers who were close to you.

Presenter: School... When you leave it, you will dream about it for a long time.

A string of days flew by -
We have nowhere to go
But I will always dream about you -
Country of childhood!

They say you dream about what is missing in life.

Leading: It’s not without reason that they say that you only truly appreciate something when you lose it. Many things have an amazing means - to return to people the memory of the past, to give the joy of lived moments that have not been allowed to repeat for a long time.

Leading: And when we look back at the path we have traveled, when we are looking for support and support, we open our school album.

Leading: Our school album contains episodes school life- amazing events and incidents, joys and failures, moments of meetings with you, our graduates, captured in a flash.

Leading: You want to dedicate at least a few shots to each of you, but where can you find film that could accommodate you all?

Leading: Don’t be offended by us for choosing the group portrait genre for our photo album - after all, in it you will see yourself, your teachers, as you would have been in your school years.

Leading: So, get ready! Please don’t make stern faces, don’t attach importance to film defects and the imperfections of our photographic skills. Smile with us. Attention - we are filming!

(Slideshow “School Album”)


I've loved school bells for a long time...
And yet, it cannot be otherwise,
The living connection of the line begins with them
And the first thoughts on the task.

Any route goes far away from them
And in them joyful discoveries begin,
This is probably how rockets take off
And the ships leave the pier.

Leading. You also left the walls of our school, but the teachers remember all of you. And now we would like to see how well you remember school, the subjects that you studied here. You all graduated from school in different years, but once you were friendly classes, let's remember that time.

2 classes GRADUATES and STUDENTS are being formed. Now we will teach several lessons.

(The bell rings).

Lesson 1.Knowing the world (or a little about everything).
We answer questions. I remind you that you must raise your hand to answer.

In the novel "Destruction" by Fadeev, from the following characters participate:
Snow Maiden
Father Frost
Complete the quote: “I go out alone...”
to work
on the road
on the bear
Substances that consist of two elements, one of which is oxygen, are -
What formula actually exists:
What difference does it make to you
Went to the North Pole...
Kim Il Sung
Karl Marx wrote...
When adding numbers it turns out
a lot of

You completed all the tasks with dignity, which means we didn’t teach you in vain. The first lesson is over (the bell rings). I ask you not to leave for recess.

Lesson 2 - integrated - mathematics and linguistics.

Now we will find out which class knows these two subjects better. And we will start the lesson with mental calculation. Let's count it like this. First grade says the first number in English. Second class - second, but in Bashkir - , First - in Russian, Second - again in English, and so on. The class that gets it wrong is eliminated. (Call)


Lesson 3- music.

Now all classes will show what else they are capable of. You will have to remember and sing to us in chorus in 3 minutes some song about school. (Song Contest)

You all sing wonderfully, well done! (bell rings)

(Concert number. The bell is ringing)

Lesson 4- literature.
Oral essay on the topic: “Declaration of love…” - to whom? You decide for yourself. So, who is ready to answer at the board, i.e. at the microphone? (Graduates speaking)

Leading. So our school day is over. We congratulate you and for your excellent academic achievements and exemplary behavior we present you with our musical gift.

(Concert number. The bell is ringing)

Where are you, school books?
And homework?

Who is sitting at the desk now?
Behind the second one by the window?

Your girls got married
Your boys got married.

And for you, for classmates,
The whole country became a class.

You are already called by your patronymic
Our generation is the youngest.

But everyone values ​​school friendship,
Just like in the old days.

To each other you are still -
The same girls and boys.

For whom, simply,
The whole country became a class.

1st presenter.

Dear graduates, tell us how your life turned out: where you study, where you work. Tell future graduates about your educational institution, perhaps some of them will decide to follow in your footsteps. (Alumni speeches)

Leading: And now we have extracurricular activity. We invite you to take part in the game "Lucky Chance". One team is formed from graduates, and the other from school students. And the match will be judged by our respected jury - teachers. So, the first competition - "Warm-up."

1. Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative? (Are you sleeping?)
2. There are teeth, but no mouth. What is this? (Saw)
3. When it is needed, the sailors throw it away, when not, they raise it... (Anchor)
4. What can you break in peacetime and receive gratitude for it? (Garden)
5. Which branch does not grow from the tree? (Railway)
6. Which regular in kitchens, canteens and restaurants has a mustache longer than his legs? (At the cockroach)
7. What do the rider and the rooster have in common? (Spurs)
8. When can you carry water in a sieve? (Winter)

9. A continent with no rivers. (Antarctica)
10. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)
11. What notes do sailors use to measure distance? (Mi-la-mi)
12. Which great composer performed his works while deaf? (Beethoven)
13. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)
14. Which of the great composers performed in concerts at the age of preschoolers? (Mozart)

Leading. The jury's word. (Jury Score)

Presenter. And our second competition - rectime.

1st task. Imagine that a new specialty store has opened. Come up with at least 5 types of goods that could be sold there, and explain why. The store is called "Everything for Losers".

2nd task. Come up with texts for posters that could hang: in the school locker room; above the director's office; on the doors of the dining room. (Completing tasks)

Presenter. Well done! It is clear that you have developed creative abilities and know how to work in a team. What will our esteemed jury say? (Jury Score)

Leading. Our third competition - “Take more - throw further...”. The teams must respond to my questions very quickly.

Questions for the first team.

1. Birds whose wings are covered with scales. (Penguins)
2. Where can’t you find a dry stone? (In water)
3. What grows upside down? (Icicle)
4. Viut Lee migratory birds nests in the south? (No)
5. They are freezing in the hut, but not outside. (Window)
6. Wishing you a safe voyage... ("Seven Feet Under the Keel")
7. When do women talk the least? (In February. This month has only 28 days)
8. Time for harvesting grain. (Strada)

Presenter. And now questions for the second team.

1. Where is it better for a hare to run - uphill or downhill? (Uphill)
2. Why do yogis sleep on nails? (It's harder to get up from screws)
3. Does the chicken breathe in the egg? (Yes)
4. Which flower has a male and female name? (Ivan da Marya)
5. Which elephant does not have a trunk? (At the chess room)
6. In what case can a boy be called by a female name? (If he's a sleepyhead)
7. Will a snow woman melt if you put a fur coat on her? (No)
8. Which clock shows the correct time only twice a day? (Broken)

Everyone is probably eager to find out the results?! I, too, am burning with curiosity. Jury, show us your cards quickly. (Jury Score)

Leading. Dear participants, remember that you often had to fantasize, explaining to the teacher the reason for unlearned or missed lessons. Have you lost this amazing gift of fantasy yet? Now we will check this in competition of dreamers.

Come up with a new use for an unwanted item:

Empty tin can.

A burnt out light bulb. (Completing tasks)

Your imagination, dear participants, can only be envied. It's time to give Nobel Prize for your inventions. I wonder whose performance made a greater impression on the jury? (Jury Score)

Presenter. Any idea can be expressed briefly and clearly. Our next competition will test your speaking skills. So, public speaking competition. Try saying the following without repeating a single word:

The fly landed on the jam.
A sparrow flew into the window.
The clock strikes twelve times.

Wonderful! I ask the jury to sum up the results last competition and the entire competition. (Jury assessment)

Graduates! Which one of you is ready
Should I perform on stage now?
Don't be shy, come out boldly,
Tell us a little about yourself.
You can sing and dance,
Or poems for all of us to read.
(Graduate speeches)

The evening of the meeting does not end there,
It continues with the disco.

And we say goodbye to all of you:
"See you again, friends! And goodbye!"

Presenter: We wish you, friends, success in your studies and work! Be kind, energetic, strong in spirit. Leading: Remember that your successes, your joy are both our successes and our joy. Don’t forget your home school and come here more often, here they remember you, love you and are waiting for you.

Music from "Star Factory" is playing. The ceremonial beginning of the alumni meeting evening.

Host: Hello, dear graduates of the star factory called Spartakskaya high school! We are pleased to welcome all of you, factory workers, to this gala evening of alumni reunion. And according to tradition, we give the floor to the director first.

Lesha (student playing the role of director): I am glad to welcome you all to this hall, the place where our finished products are demonstrated. And our factory produces high-quality products. There is everyone here: there are no astronauts, there are no Nobel laureates, and there are no ministers --- in general, we have no sponsors.

But I have connections at the expense of my manufacturers: the district hospital has its own children’s doctor and nurse;

Graduates always give up their seats on the bus... to seats for the disabled. I am glad for each of your finally departed issues, because with each departure I become exactly a year younger. True, there was once a case when I immediately became 3 years younger: it was in 1956, when my “favorite” 10 “A, B, C” left. It seems they are not there today...

(Grandmothers come out from behind the scenes)

Tanya: When it seems, you need to be baptized!

Alena: Why did the director announce us as always? I really thought that for the golden anniversary of our graduation there would be something cooler.

Nadya: There is no one here more anniversary than us.

Katya: We are like Cleopatra - antique, antique...

Inna: Well, it is, that is.

Katya: Is it time to eat already?

Tanya: I remember, you used to bring a piece of lard with you, cut it into 3... grades, smell it and wrap it in newspaper again, leave it for tomorrow.

Alena: Yes, school today is not what it used to be: computers, the Internet, CD-ROMs, phones in 1st grade!

Nadya: And in our time there were not enough fingers and toes, they brought counting sticks with them to class - that’s what mathematics was all about.

Katya: What do they wear? Are these skirts just a disgrace? It’s a shame to walk up the stairs to the 2nd floor in this one.

Nadya: And also geography, remember? It used to be that in geography you would point to a “boot” on the map... It’s clear to you that this is Spartak: the toe is Lugovaya (where A.G. lives), the boot is Pionerskaya Street, and the holey heel is the school. What's unclear here? And the teacher said: Italy, they say, this is Italy...

Katya: What geography! You will remember the singing! Well, when did we sing to “plywood”? Let's just live. Yes, everyone wanted to be a soloist. Where is Vitas from us? They gave us special lessons on the sports ground so that the whitewash from the ceiling would not fall off and the windows would not burst.

Tanya: And how many performances we performed, how many accordions they tore, how many we traveled around Europe: we were in Lyakhovo, and in Pionersk, and how we were greeted in Karamaly!

Alena: And they organized their own disco, the guys came to visit on horses. They brought their own balalaikas... And now when they turn on “PRODIGI”, I really want to put a helmet on the DJ.

Presenter: Those who remember themselves best as students are those who graduated from school 40-35 years ago. After all, the older people get, the more precious a carefree childhood is to them. And we dedicate this song to these graduates who are now in the hall.

Grandmothers: Well said; Let's go and listen too.


Nadya: What a song! Cool song! But is this the only thing our students do great? They still dance great!

Katya: Yes, we are always ready to dance. Where are our gentlemen?


Alena: And we studied better. It’s not for nothing that we returned here as teachers; we will even conduct master classes. I still remember some theorems in mathematics. For example, my favorite theorem says that a crocodile is longer than it is wide. Who remembers how to prove it? That's the same thing, but I remember.

The proof is carried out in 2 stages. First you need to prove that the crocodile is longer than green, and then that it is greener than wide.

1. The crocodile is long both above and below, and it is green only on top. Therefore, the crocodile is longer than green.

2. The crocodile is green both lengthwise and crosswise, but wide only crosswise. Therefore, the crocodile is more green than wide.

Q.E.D. Really, Galina Vladimirovna?

Nadya: But here are young people sitting, a quarter of a century younger than us, but you probably don’t remember the theorems?

(Yulia comes out with a bunch of balls and hands them one for each correct answer).

Nadya: Now let’s check:

1. The sum of the squares of the legs is...

2. What is the name of a parallelogram in which all sides are equal?

3. What is the amount? internal corners triangle?

4. How much does the throwing ball weigh?

Tanya: You, I suppose, gave the balloons as a gift last time Did you receive it when you were in 1st grade?

Tanya: Why are the other factory owners bored? Do you think that if they don’t ask you the theorems, then you don’t need to listen? You will write a dictation.

Host: Well, let’s give the floor to the most ancient of those present.

Grandmothers sing ditties

We studied at school for a long time, We brought a mouse to school,

How many years - we lost count, we scared all the guys:

And they came here again, the children threw away their books

See our cool ones. And they don’t want to study.

Let's remember: we once, our physical education teachers are cool,

Even this happened twice, They have golden nerves:

They outlined the chair with chalk, No matter how much we missed,

They got on the carpet with the boss. They always forgave us.

The schedule was stolen, we were sitting at the table

The windows were installed. In the chemistry room.

We weren't in class - How it exploded once!

We swam at Physics. We came out all blue.

We went into the dining room, We have gathered here today.

We thought we'd eat. We ask you very much now

They told us noodles so that we don’t lose each other

On this occasion. And come to us again!

Presenter: Now the factory graduates are true stars, but they were once semi-finished products. We looked into the archive and discovered interesting excerpts from essays written by graduates of 1987. Now I will quote some of them.

Searches in the folder. Grandmothers run out with a leaf.

Katya: No, look at him!

Alena: Oh, I saw it, huh?

Tanya: What falls is lost.

Inna: What? Where to go?

Tanya: Just listen to what they wrote:

P: Dobrynya Nikitich was sitting on a horse and peacefully nibbling the grass.

Katya: Birds must be protected - they are our four-legged friends.

Alena: Taras Bulba was a free Cossack because he did not work anywhere.

Nadya: His shoes were up to their ears in mud.

Inna: The collective farm is a voluntary thing: if you want, join; if you don’t, we’ll shoot you.

Tanya: A sandwich and other school supplies were visible from Vovin’s briefcase.

Katya: Having fallen asleep while sitting on a horse, Sergei merrily sang a song.

Alena: In the illuminated clearing sat a gray hare, whose large eyes and ears stood up straight.

Nadya: His brother worked as a nurse.


Cool suddenly knocked on the door in silence.

Are you really coming to me?! I believe and I don't believe.

My pulse was racing, my legs were shaking...

So many days, so many days where were you?

The lock clicked farewell...

I couldn't escape from my mother.

How many words will mom use?

Until dad finds the belt!

And it was already dawn,

How I learned the lessons.

I know it wasn't in vain

It was not in vain!

And it passed, and it came true, and don’t wait for an answer...

This is how I lived in this world without you!

As I grew up, life beat me up more than once.

If only everything was not in vain.

How I rushed here on wings...

Cool, haven't seen you for a long time!

You still come to visit

And you carry a magazine with you,

To get the kids out of school again

They suddenly stopped netting.

You understand, guys, it’s not in vain

Teachers come to see you.

The presenter comes out and brings out lined sheets of paper and pens.

Host: And now...

The grandmothers look over their shoulders and snatch the folder. The presenter remains standing.

Tanya: No, just look: there are 3 letters in the word, and he managed to make 4 mistakes: not “yet”, but “ischo”!

Alena: We should have left you for the second year!

Nadya: 4 times in a row.

Alena: if he had graduated from school in 2001, it would have been a different matter, because all 3 class teachers were linguists. And that’s why all the producers of this issue write exceptionally competently.

Grandmothers spread leaves

The presenter reads the text. Grandmothers control the writing.

Presenter: The well-known widow of the collegiate assessor, Agrippina Savvichna, treated clerk Apollo Filippovich to ham, vinaigrette and wolverine stew on the plank terrace to the accompaniment of the accordion.

Grandmothers collect leaves and run to the stage

Alena: Oh, we made a lot of mistakes!

Katya: As you get older, sclerosis begins. But only a few years have passed!

Presenter: Since this was a test section in the Russian language, we will send it to your educational establishments.

Nadya: The happiest people in our hall are the graduates who left the school just a year ago...

Host: But the true leader of the entire creative team has not yet spoken, who, by the way, is not responsible for what happened today.

Director speaks___________________________

Tanya: It won’t be long before

Inna: And we are just like you

Nadya: Let's leave this star factory

Sasha: But we will never forget

Katya: That they finished this particular Spartak secondary... factory

Alena: And then, on full grounds, we will sing with you the “Hymn of Graduates”

Again, again we all came to our school,

Here we are gathered again.

On this winter and very cheerful evening

My friends and I came to meet.

Chorus: Through the years, through the distances

On any road, to the side of any

You won't say goodbye to school

School doesn't say goodbye to you.

There were so many different adventures at school,

How much we had to go through at school...

People remember this, without exception,

Is it possible to forget all this?

They wait and remember you and me everywhere, always

Our, our dear people -

It's only you - Teachers!

Some a year, some 2, some 20 years ago,
Having walked his way, he left these walls.
And here the bells are still ringing,
Lessons are going on, changes are rushing.
And you came to meet your youth,
Where they remember, love and know you.
You have made good friends here,
And, leafing through thick textbooks,
You explored the world, learned to live,
Work, relax and have fun...
And we tried to keep it in our hearts
A particle of kindness, warmth and tenderness.

song about school 11th grade

There is a school on the Azov coast

And her enormous merits cannot be counted.

We have known this school since childhood

We live next door to her

We want to say thank you to her.


There are many different schools.

We carry only ours in our hearts.

This is our warm home

We invite all our friends to visit us.

We are sailing the seas. We go to the forest, fields and mountains

But the native land begins with school

There are many different schools,

But we ask friends to visit

This evening at exactly eight. .

QUESTION 1: Let airports and train stations
They take us away from our bright school years.
The memory of the assembly hall is alive in us,
The bright light of the prom is alive.
EDIT 2: The years are passing, we are getting older every year.
But how long will I live?
As soon as I find myself under the bright school arch,
I’ll remember everything at once: childhood, youth and spring.

EDIT 1: Indeed. No matter how many years pass, the brightest, most tender memories of childhood will forever remain in our memory.
EDIT 2: The harder and faster life becomes, the more you want to stop and look back. To see myself as a little girl coming to school for the first time, to this big and friendly family. And even if not all the children live there under one roof, even if fate has scattered them around the world, but on this day, the first Saturday of February, as soon as the light of the school’s welcoming windows comes on and the melody of a familiar song sounds, all the graduates gather under the warm, native wing of the school .
HOST: 1 Today, February 7, the school again gathered its graduates for a reunion evening. We are very glad to see you, it means that you remember school, remember your teachers, remember and love them.

ACT 2: Before we begin our program, the floor is given to the director of _________________ school _______________________________________

(director's speech)

11th grade poems

  1. As has been established for centuries,

Years follow years.

We learn, we grow and now -

The anniversary year is coming.

  1. Traditional school evening!

Thundering under the arch of the radio

Today all friends to meet

The native school gathers.

  1. You've all moved around the world

Quite a few winters have passed since then,

But there is no stronger old friendship

She matured and became stronger.

  1. We were told today

Who is gathered in this room?

There are workers, students,

Even special correspondents

Nurse, guard,

Even my dear dad!

  1. There's a milkmaid and a builder here,

Doctor, driver and our teacher

Turner, mechanic, journalist

And honored artist.

7. Those who build, sow, plow,

Teaches, heals, sews, bakes,

Takes care of our Russia

Everyone we honor.

We figured out the secret:

All: This is a release from different years!

  1. Why is there so much light?

And smiles and people?

There is, of course, no secret here:

All: It's school friends night!

Presenter 1: Time flies quickly, everything changes, everything is reformed. Lyceums appeared. gymnasiums, colleges, but there is also our ordinary secondary school, with people unlike each other, with their attitude to life.

Remember... Of course you all remember! And there is also nostalgia for bygone young years. When the trees were big and life seemed so carefree. But everything flows, everything changes, before you even have time to look back, 45 years have flown by... Is it a lot or a little?..., probably a lot if over the years your First Teachers, some of your classmates, have left forever. Your children have grown up, and time is already passing for you much faster than it seemed then.
Presenter2: Those who live nearby will, of course, come and visit, but the rest... But there is something to remember together! And it probably makes sense to uproot and come, you MUST COME!, so that you have something to REMEMBER later! To have something to TELL about! To laugh and cry, to remember the MUSIC OF YOUR YOUTH, to hug with OLD FRIENDS, and much more TO...

Presenter1: Dear friends, let's salute those who stood at the origins - the most mature anniversary issue, today they 50 years. (stand up) The graduates are already quite old, but they are all full of enthusiasm and vigor.

Poems 11th grade

  1. Hello former children!

How are you living now?

Almost all over the world

Life has scattered you.

The school gave you an inheritance

Your very first lesson,

And pioneer childhood,

And a Komsomol badge.

2. This is where you learned to work,

Learn books and life.

My favorite teacher was here

And the teacher is like a mother.

There were hikes and rest,

Holidays and evenings

The first breaths of lovers -

Everything felt like yesterday.

3. The school lives without aging,

New children are growing up.

Here they will be warmed with a smile,

They will lead you into life by the hand.

Hello former children!

How is your life now?


We have prepared a little surprise for you. You will return again to the wonderful time of childhood and youth. So, May 1959. The school celebrates the last bell. Classes are over, and for you, graduates, this is the last school holiday in your life. Let it happen again today! Probably, many years ago you received diplomas, certificates of commendation, and memorable addresses. If you haven’t received it, you will definitely receive it today. The right to present a memorial address is granted to 11th grade students!

In the summer of 2009, on the 7th day of the month of February, this letter was given in confirmation of the fact that these youths visited lessons in the past, apparently and invisibly, were greeted invariably with an affectionate smile, acquired a lot of friends, and left behind a bright, untarnished memory. Nowadays, they are in great joy on the occasion of meeting yet another, a band of enlightened youths, with their heads filled with necessary and unnecessary knowledge, with health badly spoiled from prolonged study and thinking, but energetic and honestly believing in a bright future.

presentation (+ cake)

Presenter1: Love for schoolmates, love for a small village, and therefore for the big Motherland, brings together graduates of our school who have left its walls for an evening of reunion, for an evening of meeting with youth 40 years back. Class of 1969.

Presenter2: School time... So much joy and disappointment, discoveries and mistakes occur in these best years of childhood. First love... Eh, I wish I could start again... But time cannot be turned back. All that remains is to remember...

Presenter1: The next competition is called “Portrait”. We invite one representative from the release to the stage.(comes out)

Every second student loves to draw caricatures of their teachers. Now our participants have to do this publicly. Your task is to insert your hands into these slots on whatman paper and, using a felt-tip pen, draw a portrait of any school teacher without looking. Time to complete this task: 2 minutes.(draw)

Time is over. Let's take a look at the portraits you've created.

Tell me (the presenter addresses to the first participant), Who did you depict in the portrait?


Graduation evening flew by like a dream,

The orphaned classroom was empty.

Sadness of separation, anticipation of meeting

Ahead of each of you.

The school house is left behind

Everyone had their own destinies.

School, don't be sad: always with you

The boys and girls are yours!

Presenter2: We invite representatives of this issue to the stage.(hand over the cake)

Presenter1: Native classes, windows, walls

And the dear old bell,

Calling you for change

And returning to class.

An unsolvable mystery -

A lesson without edge, without end...

Presenter2: And someone's nose, broken in the fight

Here, at the school porch...

No, you can't hide the time

Even though a year and a month are forgotten,

And yet sometimes sometimes

The past makes my heart ache...

Presenter1 : We invite to the stage 2 representatives from 35-year-old celebrants. (leave) Introduce youreself. How often have you been told that you are talking to your neighbor in class? And you? Today you have a unique opportunity to talk. The name of the competition is “Speakers”. Each of you is offered a topic for conversation. One participant will talk about the weather, the other about vacation. Your task, at the command of the presenter, is to try to cover this topic as fully as possible, without getting confused or pausing. The difficulty is that you will speak at the same time. The one of you who stops or loses the thread of his story is considered a loser. Are the terms clear?

Let's start. .(hand over the cake)


Presenter2: Life does not stand still. Has grown up new shift. ruff, always looking for something, not always obedient, but still good boys and girls. Today this episode turns 30 years.

Presenter1: We offer new competition and we are waiting for two on stage. Introduce youreself. The competition is called “Shifters”. I will tell you phrases in which each word is “inverted” to its opposite meaning. You need to decipher the shifters. For example, the correct answer for the shapeshifter “A girl is like a house” would be “A little boy.” The one of you who names and guesses faster larger number changelings - will win.


  • Kikimora under a watermelon (The Princess and the Pea)
  • dog without sandals (Puss in Boots)
  • clothed beggar (Naked King)
  • copper chicken (golden goose)
  • Rubik's Cube (Kolobok)
  • stupid Vasily (Vasilisa the Wise)
  • green shoe (Little Red Riding Hood)
  • rusty lock (Golden key)

(hand over the cake)

Presenter1: It's so good that there is such a date,
It’s so good that there is also a place where we can all gather,
Where can we all meet together?
And it’s like returning to childhood, to youth.

Presenter2: We are pleased to welcome to our evening the heroes of the anniversary, who turn 25 years!

You won't get any marks today,
They won’t force you to stand at the board, You don’t always get the opportunity
Don't study, just play.

Presenter1: We invite 2 graduates to the stage.

Introduce youreself.

Presenter2: The condition of the competition called “Peeping Eye” is this: each of you will have one sign with the word attached to your back. You need to peek without using your hands to see what is written on the other person’s back, while preventing your sign from being read. The first person to name the word written on the other's back wins. We ask the hall not to give any hints.

The Finnish polka sounds, the participants try to read the words. Awarding the winner.

(hand over the cake)

Presenter1: Today maybe two friends will meet,
Who haven’t seen each other for a long time... Your first teacher will meet someone,
And someone's first love...

Presenter2: And someone won’t know right away
In a respectable strict uncle
His classmate's ring... The teacher will proudly tell you,
That he has matured and that he has grown...

Presenter1: Let there be meetings, surprises,
Let there be jokes, let there be laughter,
And these wonderful moments
They will unite everyone at school today.

Presenter2: Our evening brought together those graduates of our school who are celebrating their birthday today. 20 years! This is a 1989 release.

Presenter1: And now we invite you to take a peek into your childhood and have fun. We invite 2 representatives to the stage.(go out).

The competition is called “What’s in my briefcase?”Two briefcases are brought onto the stage. One of them contains a ribbon, a bell, disposable gloves, lipstick, and an empty jar (it is advisable to give this briefcase to the young man). The second briefcase may contain sunglasses, toy car, playing cards, tape measure, artificial flower (it is advisable to give this briefcase to the girl). Presenter2:The situation is this: in your briefcase there are things not related to educational process and your task is to convince those present of the need for these items during school hours. Taking out one item at a time and showing it to the room, you say “I need this for...” or “I need this for...” The winner will be the author of the most original answers. The winner will be determined by the applause of the audience.(play a game)

(hand over the cake)

Presenter 1: And our middle school is
There are eleven classes in total...
Tom. who looked at them.
Don't add anything.
And our middle school
Outside, but not inside.
And if in doubt,
Come quickly and take a look!

Presenter 1: And just like many years ago,
The teacher looks at the class.
And it seems that a stern look
He asked: “Why are you silent?”
And the heart knows what to say
Yes, all the words are not these.
It’s easy to answer with a hint, It’s not easy to be in the answer.

Presenter2: 15 years after graduates 1994The year is greeted by the class teacher Elena Grigorievna Cherenkova. Let's welcome them!

Presenter 1: We invite four graduates to the stage. ( Coming out)

The game involves 2 pairs of players. According to the terms of the competition, you are inseparable friends or twins who always do everything together. We will connect your two hands (one player has the left one, the other has the right one) and in this position you need to complete the following task: close the rod in the ballpoint pen. The couple that completes the task faster will win.

(hand over the cake)

Presenter2: Clean classrooms are empty and quiet,

wanders sunny bunny on the map.

White verses have not been erased from the boards

And old desks are painted...

Presenter 1: The leaves have fallen from the poplars again,

Time flies by quickly without school -

School childhood becomes dearer over the years,

How I would like to return to him...

Presenter2: Ten years later, _____________________ meets his children! Let's welcome the class of 1999. Today they 10 years !

Presenter 1: We We invite 2 representatives of this issue to the stage.

: I’ll tell you a story in about a dozen phrases. As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately. “Once we caught a pike, gutted it, and inside we saw small fish, not just one, but seven.” When you want to memorize poems, don’t cram them until late at night. Take it and repeat it once at night - another, or better yet 10″. “A seasoned guy dreams of becoming an Olympic champion. Look, don’t be tricky at the start, but wait for the command: one, two, march! “Once I had to wait for a train at the station for 3 hours...” (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it). “Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize when you had the opportunity to take it.”

(hand over the cake)

Presenter 2: School House... Large, bright, spacious. For the little ones, it conceals something unknown, unknown, mysterious.

Presenter1: Years will pass, centuries of thread

They will drown in the blue abyss of stars.

But the warm word is “teacher”

Always moves me to tears.

Will always make you remember something

Dear, close to you...

In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth

The teacher is eternal on earth!

Presenter 2: We are glad to see today in our hall the graduation meeting its first five year old

Anniversary! Dear friends, let's greet them together!

Presenter1: We invite to the stage the 3 most daring representatives of this issue.

Dear participants of the competition! You are invited to “discover” a new planet - inflate it as quickly as possible Balloons, and then “populate” this planet with inhabitants - quickly draw human figures on the ball with felt-tip pens. Whoever has more “inhabitants” on the planet is the winner!

(hand over the cake)

Song to the tune of “I won’t brag, darling”

We are now at an evening meeting

We got together as a big family.

We will not regret kind words

Our dear school.


And all people will say about us:

This is the school - look!

The teachers are all beautiful

And the director is in front.

Nothing is a pity for the school -

We dance and sing.

Our school is very nice,

We live very friendly.

Chorus: same

We study all subjects

And in the dining room, as always,

We don't get bored with a sandwich,

And we have no time to be sad.

Chorus: same

And today, this evening,

We want to tell you all:

Better than our school in the world

You have to search, but you won’t find it!


We sing this song to everyone

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts

And we wish dear school

There's still a whole century to bloom!

1 ved. :

Let the years rush by quickly and boldly

Like the waters of raging rivers -

2 ved. :

But the haven of childhood,

But the haven of the heart

The school will remain forever!

1 ved. : Good luck, dear graduates!

2 ved. : See you again!

(20 years from the date of graduation)

Such an evening is best held separately from the school-wide alumni reunion evening - it is, after all, an anniversary. Therefore, it’s worth getting together somewhere in a cafe or restaurant and having a real holiday dedicated only to the graduation of 199..., 20....

It will also be interesting to declare this evening a conditionally “carnival” - everyone should dress in 90s fashion. Music of that time will be played, not only from domestic performers, but also from foreign ones.

Guest teachers - class teacher

As for clothes - now, of course, it will be problematic to find exactly the same, for example, sweaters that boys and girls wore, and “malvina” jeans no longer exist in nature, but if everyone finds at least one piece of clothing that resembles about the fashion of those years, it will be good. For example: light green and bright pink hair ties can be used for women's hairstyles; Buying multi-colored leggings is also not particularly difficult.

The tables in the hall will need to be placed in rows (like desks), however, there should be a buffet table, already served, to the side, since during the breaks between “lessons” graduates will come to this table for a drink and a snack.

The presenter will sit at the “teacher’s” table, facing the “class”; on this table there will be items that will be needed for holding competitions.

Those who come will need to be allowed into the hall together, “by the bell,” after waiting until everyone has gathered in front of the banquet room. The bell must be a school bell.

In addition, the room must have a slide show screen connected to a computer.


Good evening, 11 "A" (letter graduating class)! We don’t linger at the door, we go into the classroom and sit down at our desks! Let's hope you remember who sat with whom!

Surely, not everyone will be able to come, so the committee preparing for this evening will need to make signs in advance for those who are absent, and place them on desks in those places where the person is absent. But since now there is social media, you can and should find almost everyone, and persuade the person or say hello via Skype to those present (the time for communication is agreed upon in advance), or set Skype to conference mode so that those who did not come can see the holiday.

So, everyone sits at their desks, in accordance with how they sat in the class. On the tables are “diaries” - pre-prepared albums with the graduate’s name on the cover. During the evening, everyone will be able to write wishes and small messages to each other in these diaries, and it is also worth leaving a place in such an album for a photo from this festive evening. This will be a very good memory of the meeting.


Well, everyone sat down and calmed down, but something was noticeably wrong. One thing is missing, but very important person. Let's invite your class teacher here, because you probably miss him no less than he misses you.

The class teacher comes out. How he will greet his former class depends on the relationships that existed in the team 20 years ago, on the personality of the teacher himself, so the speech should be prepared individually. Perhaps the class teacher will want to mention individual students, perhaps he will want to recall some particularly memorable stories.


So, let's begin our lessons! Today we decided to ignore the exact sciences, but pay attention to the humanities and natural sciences. First on the list is literature. Dear (addresses the class teacher, let it be Marya Ivanovna), who do you think we will call to the board for a survey on literature?

Marya Ivanovna tells the presenter who will cope with this task best, based on someone who knew literature very well 20 years ago.


Before the literature quiz begins, the student will tell us about himself - where his fate has led him, in what field the former graduate is now working.

Each person present must write a short story about himself in advance, preferably humorous, which will describe his current life - family, work, hobbies.


Well, now let's have a little literary quiz!

Quiz questions can be as simple as:

1. Who wrote the poem “Mtsyri”;
2. Who is called the “Sun of Russian poetry”;
3. From which author’s work the lines: “I clasped my hands under dark veil…»;
4. Last names of writers: Mikhail Afanasyevich (answer: Bulgakov); Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol); Alexander Sergeevich (Pushkin); Mikhail Yuryevich (Lermontov), ​​etc.;
5. Tell any poem from school curriculum;
6. Transfer summary the story “Mumu”, or even the novel “Anna Karenina”;
7. Finish the famous quatrains: “I loved you, love can still be…”; “I take out a duplicate of a priceless load from my wide trousers”; “If the holy army shouts, throw away Rus', live in paradise...”, etc.
You can come up with even more questions. Tips from the class are welcome!

After the quiz, the host announces a “recess” for 20 minutes. During this period of time, everyone comes to the table, raises their glasses, and makes a toast. These may be impromptu speeches, but someone will probably prepare a toast in advance. After the “break,” the presenter again invites everyone to their desks.


It's time for a history lesson! Marya Ivanovna, over to you: who will go to the blackboard?

Sample History Quiz Questions (you shouldn’t go too crazy with dates, especially for little-known historical events):

1. List the rulers of the Romanov dynasty in order (we remind you that hints are welcome!);
2. Year of abolition of serfdom;
3. Date of the Battle of Kulikovo;
4. Countries that were part of the Entente;
5. Date of the start of the First World War;
6. The reason for the start of the First World War;
7. Who was the nationality of the last Russian empress, and what was her name?



And now it's time for a geography lesson combined with zoology and botany. Tell us the name of the student who will answer the tricky questions of this quiz.

Geography and biology quiz questions:

1. At which pole are polar bears found?
2. List as many animals as possible listed in the Red Book;
3. Name the seas washing the shores of Greece;
4. In what climatic zone Australia is located;
5. Which bull was practically exterminated in the 19th century in North America;
6. What was the name of Thailand before 1939;
7. Name the largest cities in Siberia.



And the last lesson will not be quite ordinary. Now that our students have already thoroughly refreshed themselves and quenched their thirst, we invite everyone to the board, one at a time. After all, everyone, since school, probably has some words left that were not spoken - words of first love, words of apology, words of gratitude. Therefore, in our frankness lesson, 20 years later you will be able to correct this injustice, and from the height of your age, experience and worldly wisdom, tell one of your classmates or teachers what you did not have time to voice at school. Maybe we'll even hear confessions about breaking a window, or cheating in class!

Each former student will have the opportunity to say something to their former classmates or teachers (and since everyone has already had a little drink and relaxed, the number of people willing to be frank will increase).


And finally, the written part of our lesson on frankness. Now everyone will write anonymous notes to specific people, fold them and indicate the addressee so that his name and surname are visible. Then we will throw all these notes into a box, mix them up and distribute them. You can write anything!

After receiving and reading the notes, and the next approach to the buffet table, the presenter announces the end of the lessons:

Now it's time to chat with friends! After all, after finishing lessons, we always ran into the yard in a big group and tried to spend as much time together as possible. Let's take a look at the Odnoklassniki website and read there messages from those who, for some reason, could not come to our holiday today!


It's time for some 90's disco! We will start it with the “Guess the Melody” competition. Now we will listen to song introductions, and you will guess what kind of composition it is.

Competition "Guess the melody". The songs can be both foreign and domestic, the main thing is that the music belongs to the period of the early-mid 90s. Since the domestic rock movement was very developed at that time (“Chizh and Co,” “Nautilus Pompilius,” “ civil defense", "Chaif", etc.), it is worth including popular compositions of these groups in the disco program.

During the disco, the presenter can perform all sorts of activities, especially when everyone is completely relaxed.

In addition, during breaks between dances, graduates can watch a pre-prepared photo and video selection from past years - joint trips, school performances.

You can also hold a “Miss Graduate” and “Mr. Graduate” competition.

Scenario for meeting classmates.

40+2 years later!

1. Design: on the office door “Graduate of 1975”,

2. hat with glitter (New Year’s),

3.Alumni Registration

Poster:"Wait, don't rush,
Take a little break here,
Your address as a keepsake
Please leave it with us!”

Full name Address, email Address, Profession, Telephone

4. The class is decorated (balloons, flowers...).

5. Poster on the chalkboard "Kaleidoscope of Wishes" (light wallpaper), where each graduate can leave a note of wishes for the school. 6. Computer with projector.

7. Ribbons "Graduate"- red to match the color of the country's 1975 flag.

8. Markers of two colors - black and blue for writing wishes, phone numbers, addresses on classmates’ ribbons.

9. Presentation.

Graduates of 1975 enter the school. School music is playing.

(Everyone enters the classroom and takes a seat.)

Progress of the ceremonial part.

(2nd slide).

Time flipped 40 years
With problems, worries, dreams
And then the light dawned among everyday life -
Today we are meeting with friends.
We won't notice any gray temples,
Not those wrinkles that have thickened near the eyes,
Not like small handwriting without glasses
Over the years, we have forgotten how to differentiate.
Our youth brought us together from different places
Got through, got through, got through
Just one call and here we are,
So that the years will flow again again.

Song. " Childhood".

(3rd slide).

We walk to school proudly
This sultry September.
And we seriously declare:
We are following science!
Both girls and boys
Little ones and big guys,
We carry books in our briefcases,
Pens and pencils.

(4th-5th slide).

More than just friends have gathered here today!

Here sits one big family, which was formed 42 years ago.

You grew up in a common house for everyone, whose name is school!

(6th-7th slide).

How carefree we all lived,
How funny we were!
Fooling around during recess
They wrote graffiti on the walls.

(8th slide. (5th-6th grade. Did you play hooky?)).

(9th 10th slide. ( No, we studied!!)).

(11th slide. 7th grade. Have grown up!)).

(12th slide . 8th grade. We fell in love and said goodbye to school!!!)).

Life has scattered you all over the world. But school beckons you.

The song “The bend of the yellow guitar...”.

Dear graduates, today your paths have merged into one, the only one, which took you back to your childhood and youth, led you to the temple of science, to your home school.
Leading. And although you left the walls of your native school, you separated different roads, but all of you are united by one thing - a spark of love for your family: your village, your school, your street, your home, your small homeland of meadows, rivers.

(If Valentina Vasilievna Stukolova is there).

After 40 years, we are with you again
We return to our native school.
And it feels like we've returned home
The smell here is still the same, familiar.
Day of meeting with youth and childhood
What could be more touching?!
Let me come here to this place
We invite the class teacher

The word is presented and given thank you letter, flowers,

souvenir to Stukolova Valentina Vasilievna).

Are any of you ready
Should I speak at this place now?
Don't be shy, come out boldly
Tell us a little about yourself...

Song "40 years later...".

The school principal presents flowers and ribbons"Graduate" dresses.

(13th-20th slide).

Not everyone came to the school meeting
Perhaps they didn’t find the strength in themselves to do it!

(Slide 21). Kolesnikova Lyubov.( And who else won't be. We call F.I..and we convey congratulations from them).

Leading. And, unfortunately, those who set off on a journey from which there is no return, who would have every right to share our celebration, could not come today. They will never come again.


Our pain cannot be measured

And you can’t shed tears,

We make you feel alive

We will love forever..


They left us quiet sadness, irreparable loss, vivid memories in our hearts. Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence.
Minute of silence
Song "School Friend and Teachers".

IN: Today is a special day - we thank everyone who came to our native school and ask you to keep the warmth of this meeting for a long time.

LET'S TAKE A PHOTO AS A MEMORY, write wishes to each other on the “Graduate” ribbon, exchange phone numbers and addresses. Write wishes for school on the “Kaleidoscope of Wishes” poster.

Song "Don't forget your friends!"


A toast is a chant for an evening meeting: “We don’t mind.”

Presenter: And now for a toast. And we will say it together, each time I say the first two lines, the men present the third: “We must drink to this!” and immediately the ladies: “We don’t mind”

Today classmates

We welcome you with joy!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

The years go by quickly
But we don't count them!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind

We haven't seen each other for a long time,
But we remember everyone, we know everyone!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Many heights have been reached,
But don't forget the class!

Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Favorite teachers
We often remember.
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

For our strong friendship
Let's pour it quickly!
Men: You need to drink to this!
Women: And we don't mind!

Lyubov Fedorovna is our first teacher! Lyubov Fedorovna is our first teacher! Lyubov Fedorovna is our first teacher!

February alumni meetings have long become a good tradition for many adults. They are especially pleasant because they are a kind of excursion into childhood - the happiest time in a person’s life. It’s so nice to see again the institution that gave me a start in life, to communicate with classmates - a special cohort of people with whom I share a common childhood and common impressions.

Long Alumni Tradition

This is one of those traditions that is universally accepted. In order for memories to really awaken, and annoying accidents not to overshadow the impression of the holiday, of course, a meeting of classmates must be planned in advance. The basic scenario of this action for classmates (from 5 to 20 years later) will be the subject of this article. We will also pay attention to the features of scenarios for meeting graduates of older age groups (20, 35, 40 years after graduation.)

First stage: planning

How does a meeting of classmates begin? From a preliminary (2-3 months in advance) discussion in a narrow circle of graduates who decided to become an initiative group that will plan a meeting of classmates. The scenario for the future action must be chosen from the possible options:

  • initially a meeting within the walls of the school simply in a close circle;
  • participation in organizing graduate day throughout the school or only for your class (parallel classes);
  • the location of the unofficial part of the celebration;
  • Possibility of using transport and office equipment.

If the initiators come to an agreement on the choice of option, they proceed to the second fundamentally important stage of preparation - calling or otherwise notifying classmates.

Calling. Correction of the initiative group. Presenter selection

Sometimes it’s not an easy task to find and notify them! After all, many live in other cities, and some even abroad. As experience shows, those traveling for permanent residence often have both the desire and the opportunity to fly. However, you need to inform them in advance so that they can plan their vacation.

Callers inform their interlocutors how and where classmates are planning to meet. The script is brought to general outline. In a conversation, it is important to initiate the next stage of notification (maybe your interlocutor knows contact information for some classmate that you do not have).
In the process of calling, the composition of the holiday initiative group is adjusted.

It is advisable to schedule the next meeting of the initiative group a month before graduation day, i.e. immediately after the Christmas holidays.

From the many options for this holiday, the initiative group chooses the optimal one. Most often, the choice is minimalism - an evening in a cafe for classmates usually involves a reunion of graduates.

The scenario in its initial stage assumes:

  • A preliminary meeting with the class teacher and (or) with your favorite teacher. Inviting them to the official part of the holiday.
  • Buying bouquets for teachers.
  • Gathering of school friends directly at the home school 15-20 minutes before the start of the celebration.

Communication planning. The role of the presenter

The most important thing at the second meeting is to outline the structure of future communication, elegantly grouping classmates by work, hobbies, and also thinking about how the word will move from one person to another. For example, a conversation about children-students can be such a “transition” if a meeting of classmates is held 20 years later. The scenario of the unofficial part can be planned as a thematic one, for example, disco of the 80s, 90s, barbecue party, etc.

The celebration itself requires the presence of a host. Who else, if not classmates, should know who exactly to appoint to this role. But if old friends are gathering, then it is logical to choose one of them. It is he who will implement the scenario. However, support and playing along with him from his classmates are guaranteed in advance. In this article we will also prefer to describe an amateur scenario, which is planned and carried out by classmates themselves.

Identification of critical issues

Our recommendation: carry out detailed planning at the second meeting of the initiative group. In particular, a team of like-minded people is planning a meeting of classmates 20 years later. The theme evening scenario, in our opinion, involves some “taboo” of communication with classmates. This refers to “forbidden” topics (the loss of a loved one, a difficult divorce, a serious illness).

Why should they be discussed and identified in advance? It is important to exclude the very possibility that a person who came to celebrate will be accidentally upset by a direct and difficult question.

About drawing up a holiday budget

It is important to correctly calculate the cost of the celebration. In any case, it will include a certain group of expenses. The scenario for an evening meeting of classmates necessarily involves buying flowers for teachers (usually the class teacher, a favorite teacher) and paying for renting a cafe.

However, a more creative approach (involving the presentation of souvenirs for winning competitions, taking photos, decorating the premises) will entail additional costs.

It is advisable to optimize the compiled cost estimate through the volunteer work of fellow volunteer classmates. Naturally, we should proceed with their full consent in mind.

For example, the scenario of a meeting of classmates 30 years later, with its creative planning, involves the appointment of those responsible for:

  • collecting money according to estimates;
  • photographing;
  • a selection of school photographic materials;
  • holding competitions;
  • making humorous gifts, certificates for classmates and your favorite teacher.

Agree, in this case, preparation really requires preliminary labor costs. But the effect is completely different! After all, it’s one thing when a meeting of classmates (scenario 30 years later) is limited, for example, to a statement of a person’s absence for a good reason. And another thing is when right in the cafe (as if by magic) there will be a PC with a mobile WI-Fi router and the Skype program running, with the help of which friends will communicate with it. Naturally, the agreement with this person to get in touch should be made by the initiators in advance.

About choosing a cafe

Important criteria for choosing a cafe are: delicious menu, affordable rates, pleasant atmosphere, positive reviews from colleagues and comrades who have already tasted the cuisine.

For the scenario of meeting classmates in a cafe, it is advisable to select a room appropriate for the occasion in advance. It would be ideal to have good sound insulation, and the low frequencies of the disco heard on the dance floor did not interfere with either the scenario or the communication of old friends. However, the opportunity to visit the dance floor should be provided.

Brief introduction and first toast

The presenter thanks those present for maintaining the team spirit of the graduating class. Briefly informs about absentees (those who could not be notified and who have good reasons to be absent). He greets the teachers present and begins to implement the planned scenario.

A meeting of classmates, of course, involves a feast and toasts. However, almost any plan for such an event includes a first toast to the meeting. Moreover, this confirms almost any scenario of meeting classmates: 20 years old, 30, 40. in this case age is immaterial. It is important to present it solemnly, to find warm, friendly words that touch the soul.

Second toast

The second toast must be dedicated to the teacher (or teachers) present at the holiday. Usually this role is played by the class teacher and (or) favorite teacher. However, you should give the floor and entrust the toast to the teacher artistically.

As an option, the teacher is first solemnly awarded a comic diploma. It verifies that he has passed full course and has the skills:

  • understanding children's views (score - "excellent");
  • to instill in students what is reasonable, kind, and eternal (grade - “excellent”);
  • not to hear when prompted, and not to notice cheat sheets (rating - “good”);
  • sense of humor (rated “excellent”);
  • development of talents (rated “excellent”).

This diploma is awarded along with a memorable gift. A toast is raised "To teachers, to engineers of human souls."

Further, as a professional toastmaster would do, the attention of those present is focused on the community of those present. As an option, the following toast decorates a meeting of classmates with humorous statistics. The funny scenario becomes even more fun not only because of this. In parallel (to enhance the effect), you can run a slide show of school photos on the monitor or screen. Let's give an example of the statistics mentioned above.

Funny school statistics. Option for the third toast “to childhood”

“When we entered first grade, we weighed 1275 kg. During our studies, we ate 48,000 buns, 35,000 shortcakes and 25,000 sour cream in the school cafeteria. At the same time, we gained 1,700 kg and grew 30.2 m. Our behavior at school can be called almost exemplary. However, we still managed to break 3 window panes, 2 fluorescent lamps, 7 plates and 8 glasses in the school cafeteria. We have 37 kilometers of paper and 2800 twos. During our studies, we mastered the initial stage of the art of writing cheat sheets. Thus, this toast is extremely simple: “Here’s to a wonderful childhood!”

Obviously, it’s not just the toasts and the café ambience that decorate the amateur scenario (a meeting of classmates). Summer option Graduate Day (by agreement, some schools celebrate it in June) is celebrated, as a rule, outdoors in the form of a barbecue party.

However, in any case, it makes sense to decorate this holiday with competitions and dance fragments. Contests and other gaming communication techniques are encouraged. Let's look at examples of some of them.

Example of a competition: guessing riddles

However, clarification is required regarding the essence of competitions for various age groups of graduates. After all, this is significant. For example, the scenario of a meeting of classmates who graduated from school 20 years ago involves a meeting of people actively engaged in professional activities and realizing their creative potential. They require a more dynamic entertainment part of the evening.

These can be themed “school” riddles, forfeits, interrupted by dance breaks. Let's imagine sample list such riddles:

  • Who can be called the school president? (Directors.)
  • The plane available in the classroom. (Board.)
  • What do teachers look forward to all year? (Vacations.)
  • School signal. (Ring.)
  • What is a flat globe called? (By map.)
  • Who is the youngest in your class?
  • Who became the first grandmother (grandfather)?
  • Which school "A" is the most valuable for you?
  • What is your favorite lesson?

Impromptu interview

To liven up the atmosphere, the presenter, imitating reporters, conducts an impromptu interview with a group of classmates on the topic of what prank during their time at school, in everyone's opinion, turned out to be the most striking. The main question is hidden under a lot of additional ones:

  • Where do you think childhood goes?
  • How often have you run away from class?
  • Have you falsified grades in your diary?
  • Which subject of study was the most difficult for you?
  • Who could you copy from?
  • Have you ever thought about burning a cool magazine?

Features of the celebration for graduates of older age groups

The scenario of a meeting of classmates 35 years later brings together peers of pre-retirement age. Their children have already grown up, their professional heights are behind them. Life is ordered and follows a well-trodden track...

What would be ideal for a presenter would be his ability to revive and stir up such a contingent. When starting an informal meeting, you should immediately “take the bull by the horns.” As an option, we can offer to make “home preparations” - brief humorous descriptions of those present. They should be voiced, mentioning funny episodes from school life and successes. The main thing is that it sounds short and not boring.

In the meeting program for age groups of graduates, greater emphasis is placed on logical and intellectual competitions. There are few dance breaks, they consist of several slow dances.

Meeting classmates 40 years later

It is no secret that the majority of retirees gather for an anniversary meeting of classmates 40 years later. The scenario for this action differs from those mentioned above. The main emphasis is placed directly on communication.

A good form for the presenter in this case would be to organize a kind of memory lesson. The graduates present, between infrequent toasts, carry on a measured conversation about themselves and their absent classmates. Mention news, phone numbers, addresses, availability and nicknames on social networks.

The result is a large and motley canvas of destinies... At this age, unfortunately, it happens that illnesses affect the health of individual graduates. It will be great if they have the opportunity to communicate with those present at the alumni day via Skype. The implementation of such an opportunity is an additional bonus for the initiative group, which is organizing a meeting of classmates (40 years old). A scenario with remote communication requires a laptop PC, a mobile Wi-Fi router, a preliminary test connection with the recipient, clear synchronization in communication time, and an additional (corrective) communication channel (for example, a telephone).

Exceptionally rare alumni reunions: 50 years later

Continuing the topic raised, we note that the scenario of meeting classmates 50 years later in practice is implemented much less often. After all, the contingent of those meeting are pensioners with experience. Their estimated age is 68-69 years. In connection with the above, it would be worth mentioning that the current average life expectancy in Russia for women is 72 years, and for men - 58 years.

However, since theoretically such a meeting can be scheduled, we will list its characteristic features:

  • relatively small circle of invitees;
  • a hall remote from the dance floor and isolated from sound;
  • menu pre-calibrated according to tastes and contraindications;
  • It’s better if the program is started slowly by an experienced guest presenter;
  • the evening's program itself is like a meeting of classmates 40 years later, its main style is conversation;
  • according to an agreement with the initiative group of graduates, the presenter adjusts the passage of the scenario.

Instead of a conclusion

The holiday of classmates for all ages is valuable for many reasons. He inspires people. After all, in most cases they meet like-minded people. The main attractive feature of such meetings is genuine goodwill and the absence of competitive relations.

Being present at them, you begin to understand the truth of the words that say that the more around happy people, the happier you are. That is why we strongly recommend that everyone reading this article make sure to plan anniversary meetings with their classmates in advance. And even if 50 years have passed, it’s better to strain yourself and gain priceless joyful emotions... It’s worth it.
