Conducting classroom hours. Report on the topic "forms of organizing extracurricular activities in elementary school"

Russian Federation

Republic of Khakassia

Municipal budgetary educational institution

municipality Sayanogorsk secondary school No. 5.


about holding cool hours at school

  1. General provisions

The regulation on conducting classroom hours at school (hereinafter - the Regulation) in the municipal budgetary educational institution of the municipal formation of Sayanogorsk, secondary school No. 5 (hereinafter - OU) was developed in accordance with clause 6, article 28 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation", the Charter of the educational institution, taking into account the opinions of students and their parents (legal representatives).

The regulations determine the goals, objectives, forms, organizational and functional structure, content and tools for assessing the internal and external effectiveness of classroom hours in MBOU Secondary School No. 5.

The regulations are considered at a meeting of the governing council and approved by order of the director of the educational institution. The provision is mandatory for compliance by all participants in educational relations. One copy of the Regulations is kept in the office of the head of the educational institution. The text of the Regulations is posted on the Internet on the official website of the Educational Institution.

Class hour is a form of educational work in the classroom, which contributes to the formation of a system of relationships among students to the world around them.

Class hour is a flexible form of educational interaction in its composition and structure; it's a form of communication class teacher and his pupils, a priority role in the organization played by the teacher.

Class hour is included in the school schedule and is held every week on a certain day.

Class hour takes place in each class weekly.

Two classes per month are thematic, held in the first and fourth weeks of the month; Information class hour "What did I see? What did I hear?" are held once in the second week of the month; cool hours aimed at implementation school programs are held once a month in the third week.

Form of conduct class hour selects the class team under the leadership of the class teacher.

When preparing and conducting a class hour, the class teacher is its main coordinator and is responsible for realizing the educational potential of the class hour.

Goals and objectives of the class hour

Formation of knowledge on issues of political, economic and social life, about himself, about loved ones, about real, “live” life outside the school window.

Formation of civic position, moral and aesthetic qualities of the individual.

Teach to understand your comrades, awaken a desire to help them solve problems, communicate, cooperate, interact with them.

Creating conditions for the formation and manifestation of subjectivity and individuality of the student, his creativity.

Formation of the emotionally sensitive sphere and value relations of the child’s personality.

Children's acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in cognitive and practical-creative activities.

Formation of a classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Forms of conducting classroom hours

When choosing the form of conducting a specific class hour, the class teacher must take into account:

age and intellectual characteristics of schoolchildren;

their interests and requests;

correspondence of the form to the topic and purpose of the class hour;

own experience of educational work;

school conditions.

Form of conduct

Discussion forms

debate, discussion, conference, round table, question and answer evening, meeting with invited people, lecture hall, auction.

Forms of an adversarial nature

competition, quiz, trip, KVN, useful relay race, review, parade, presentation, tournament, Olympiad.

Creative forms

festival, exhibition, oral journal, living newspaper, creative work, performance (of projects), humor, performance, concert, fair, evenings, discos (united class hours).

Game forms

role-playing games, story games, intellectual games, disaster games.

Forms of psychological education

training, research.

Movable forms

fun starts, small Olympiad, school Olympiad, day...... (athletics, health, etc.).

Forms of work outside of school

excursion, hike, outing (concert, circus, theatrical performance).

Conversational forms

disputes, discussions, conversations, lectures, conferences, oral journal.

Classroom functions

Class hour performs three main educational functions: educational, orienting and guiding. Most often, the classroom performs all functions simultaneously. Most often, the classroom performs all functions simultaneously.

Educational - expands the range of knowledge of students that is not reflected in the curriculum.

Orienting - forms certain relationships to the objects of the surrounding reality; development of a certain hierarchy of material and spiritual values.

Directing - the transition of conversation about life into the area of ​​​​real practice of students, directing their activities.

Formative - implementation of the above functions; developing the habit of thinking and evaluating your life and yourself; developing skills to conduct group dialogue, arguing your opinion.

The school methodological association of class teachers of grades 1-11 determines traditional class hours for the school year in accordance with the analysis of the educational work of the past academic year with goals and objectives for the coming school year and taking into account traditional school-wide activities, is conducted as a single class hour by the first lesson in all classes at the same time.

The topics of class hours are varied. It is determined in advance and reflected in the plans of educational work of class teachers. The topic of one class hour is determined by the class team at a class meeting (the class teacher together with students and their parents) at the end of each school year for the next school year.

Class hours can be devoted to:

moral and ethical problems (they form a certain attitude of schoolchildren towards the Motherland, work, team, nature, parents, themselves, etc.);

problems of science and knowledge (the purpose of such classroom hours is to develop in schoolchildren the correct attitude to study, science, literature as a source of spiritual development of the individual);

aesthetic problems (here students get acquainted with the basic principles of aesthetics; talk about the beauty in nature, human clothing, in everyday life, work, behavior; develop their creative potential);

issues of state and law (these classroom hours develop students’ interest in political events taking place in the world; form a sense of responsibility and pride for the Motherland, its successes in the international arena; teach them to see the essence of public policy; classroom hours on political topics should be conducted in direct dependence on the year is full of various political events);

issues of physiology and hygiene, healthy lifestyle, which should be perceived by students as elements of human culture and beauty;

psychological problems (the goal is to stimulate the process of self-knowledge, self-education and the organization of basic psychological education);

environmental problems (the goal is to instill a responsible attitude towards nature);

general school problems (significant events, anniversaries, holidays, traditions, etc.).

Classroom content requirements:

Stability, for each hour the day and time are determined. It is not recommended to conduct class hours on Saturday, it is better in the first half of the week.

Class hours should be structured so that their content goes from simple to complex, from information to assessments, from assessments to judgments.

The class teacher must have a plan for conducting the class hour: the topic of the class hour, the date, the educational purpose, the sequence of implementation, visibility, the teacher’s final word, conclusions about the class hour, whether the educational goals were achieved.

During the class hour, the class teacher should not impose his opinion and his judgments, but his ability is to carry out corrections and provide assistance in finding the right decision.

It is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of students when constructing the content of a class hour. The content of the class hour should include the dynamics of activities, questions, and information.

Class hour, regardless of its varieties, must carry a positive emotional charge, it must develop the feelings of students, positive emotions.

Classroom organization

When planning open class hours, you should distribute them evenly throughout the school year. Each teacher can conduct 4 “open” classroom hours during the school year. It is not advisable to plan for the first and last week of the term (before and after the holidays).

A month before the open class hour, the teacher or head of the methodological association notifies the deputy director for VR about the open class hour.

The organization of a class hour begins with the psychological preparation of students for a serious conversation. An important part of the overall organizational work is preparing the premises for this event. Classroom should be cleanly cleaned, ventilated, and, if necessary, decorated with flowers, aphorisms, etc. The topic of the class can be written on the board/poster and the issues to be discussed should also be stated.

During class time, students sit as they wish.

The duration of a class hour is 45 minutes, but for younger schoolchildren it can be reduced to 20-30 minutes; for older schoolchildren it can be more than one astronomical hour (if the problem is of interest to all students and the discussion has not been completed). However, in any case, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for the student’s daily routine.

Before conducting a class hour, the class teacher must solve a number of problems:

determine the topic of the class hour;

select the form/methods/technologies for its implementation;


draw up a lesson plan;

involve as many participants as possible in the preparation and implementation process;

distribute tasks between creative groups and individual students.

By involving students in class hours and engaging them in conversations about life, the class teacher teaches them to analyze life phenomena.

Any team is based on traditions, and the class hour should be traditional. This means that it must be created together, by the whole team: the teacher and the children, then during the class hour joint creativity, mutual exchange of opinions, creative work on building the team of your class will become possible.

Class hour structure

Structurally, the class hour consists of three parts: introductory, main and final.

The purpose of the introductory part: to activate the attention of students, to ensure a sufficiently serious and respectful attitude to the topic of conversation, to determine the place and significance of the issue under discussion in human life, production, the development of science and society.

The goals of the main part are determined by the educational objectives of the class hour. During the final part it is important:

stimulate the need of schoolchildren for self-education:

support the desire to change better life those around you;

direct the energy of students to perform practical deeds for the benefit of other people.

Assessing the quality of a class hour.

The quality of the classroom is assessed according to the criteria of external and internal effectiveness.

The tools for assessing the internal effectiveness of a class hour are analysis of the class hour (Appendix No. 1), reviews, and essays students write at the end of the class hour.

External effectiveness is assessed by the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

Appendix No. 1

to the Regulations on conducting

class hours at school


Homeroom teacher
(F.I.O., qualification)

1. General information about class hour

Date ____________________ class____________________
Class topic: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Form of conduct ___________________________________________________________________________________
Introduced technology (technology elements):
- collective creative education, education based on systematic approach, individualized (personal) education, education in the learning process (underline as appropriate)
- other technology_________________________________________________________________

Optimal volume of proposed educational material


Relevance and educational orientation of the class hour _________________________________ _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

The degree of novelty, problematic and attractiveness of cognitive information for students ___________________________________________________________________________________

The place of the classroom in the educational system


Characteristics of the purpose of the class hour and its correspondence to the content of the class hour ______________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Characteristics of the equipment used:
- visual aids ______________________________________________________________
- TSO ______________________________________________________________________________
- handouts ______________________________________________________________

Compliance of the design of the classroom with the subject matter ___________________________________________________________________________________

Level of activity of students during the preparatory work ___________________________________________________________________________________

Organization of educational activities:

Availability and quality of the organizing event:
. preparing students for the start of class, emotional mood ___________________________________________________________________________________
. organizational beginning of the class hour (methods and activities) ___________________________________________________________________________________
. external readiness________________________________________________________________
. psychological readiness students__________________________________________________________
. classroom design________________________________________________________________

Using a variety of different forms activities in organizing the event (collective, group, individual, pair, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________________

Justification for choosing the form of conducting a class hour (musical and poetic composition, game, excursion, competition, debate, conversation, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. Student activities:

Activity level:
- high, medium, low, normal, dynamic;
- reproductive activity, productive activity, creative activity (underline as appropriate).

Interest in the topic ___________________________________________________________________________________

Independence of judgment ___________________________________________________________________________________

Students’ speech, literacy ___________________________________________________________________________________

Culture of behavior, discipline ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. Effectiveness of the class hour:

Creating an atmosphere of creativity, depth of understanding of the problem, etc._________________
Emotionality of the class hour_______________________________________________________________
Managing the process of attention throughout the event_________________________________

Forms and methods of organizing student activities:
- forms: individual, group (pair), frontal, collective; method of problem-based learning, partially search, explanatory and illustrative; verbal, visual, practical.
- other ______________________________________________________________________________

Moral and psychological atmosphere of the classroom:
- ease of communication, mutual respect, exactingness, humor, unbiased attitude, objectivity of assessment, balanced reaction, pickiness, nervousness, irritation;
- other ______________________________________________________________________________

The analysis amounted to _____________________________________________
(full name)

" ____"_________________20____

In the classroom. This form is distinguished by its flexibility. With its help, you can actively influence children and try to develop their positive qualities.

Goals of the class hour

The peculiarities of choosing the form of conducting classroom hours are determined by the goals that every teacher should set for himself when communicating with children. First of all, it is necessary to form a team in which every student will feel comfortable. It is very important to create an environment in which students will have every opportunity to express their individuality and realize any creative abilities.

In addition, the classroom is necessary to create a child’s value system, the formation of an emotionally sensitive sphere of his life. This great opportunity gain applied knowledge, learn more about nature and society.

Features of classroom hours in elementary school

When choosing the form of conducting class hours in elementary school It is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of children, the fact that they are still poorly able to concentrate. Therefore, it is important to frequently change types of activities and switch their interest. Also, during educational work, you need to actively use clarity, intrigue children, and introduce an element of surprise. Parents can be involved in preparing class events.

Basic forms of conducting classroom hours in elementary school

The easiest way to organize communication with the class is in the form of a quiz. This will contribute to the development of children's cognitive abilities. During the quiz you can use puzzles, small tasks, interesting questions, crosswords, reproductions of paintings. All this will expand the horizons of children. The most active participants in the event must be rewarded with at least small prizes (you can make them homemade).

Also, forms of conducting classroom hours at school include conversation. This does not have to be communication between the teacher and the children. High school students can be involved in the communication process. Adult schoolchildren can tell kids about correct mode day, behavior patterns at school. Good idea- invite veterans, firefighters, and simply worthy citizens as guests who will be role models.

In anticipation of any interesting dates You can organize entire holidays. In this case, all students in the class should be involved in the work. Everyone can contribute in some way to ensure that the event ends up being a good one. The teacher should not shoulder all the preparatory work. His task is to be a mentor and organizer. He needs to help children show their talents. As a result, schoolchildren will remember this holiday for a long time.

Cool hours in 5th grade

5th grade are already more mature and conscientious children, but they have not yet lost their curiosity. High-quality classroom hours during this period contribute to the formation of the team and help facilitate the adaptation of students who leave their comfort zone and begin to work with different teachers.

Modern forms of conducting are creative in nature. These could be theatrical performances, festivals, holidays. In addition, it is possible game forms work. Children at this age are very receptive to play. They are ready to show enthusiasm. Schoolchildren strive to be the best in everything, and this opportunity can be realized through games. Entertainment can be of different types. For example, in 5th grade you can arrange a brain ring or a “Field of Miracles”.

Discussion forms of class hours

In high school, it is possible to use any form of classroom teaching, including discussion. For example, this could be a dispute. This form of educational activity involves an open, vibrant debate on some serious topic that can be looked at from different angles. The use of dispute is necessary for the development of dialectical thinking in children. Also in high school, you can resort to a discussion in which each student will defend his opinion. This can be done by presenting convincing arguments.

Forms of conducting classroom hours such as conferences require more serious preparation. Essentially, this is a meeting to discuss an issue. All conference participants must be prepared, so you need to distribute assignments to students in advance and monitor their completion by class time. The same applies to the round table. It also refers to discussion forms, only participants can speak out only in a certain order.

Information hour - you can organize an exchange of news. The teacher in advance instructs all students to prepare interesting news on a specific topic: scientific achievements, space, nature conservation, health, art, etc.

The living room is an opportunity to meet interesting people. Get acquainted with the local elite or simply representatives of various professions. This is important for the development of children’s horizons and quality career guidance.

Competitive forms of conducting classroom hours

This category includes any event that involves competition. These could be competitions, quizzes, shows, presentations. Another form that students love is KVN! Such an event allows you to defuse the atmosphere in the classroom, give the children the opportunity to joke and show their humorous talents.

Creative cool clock

These are far from new forms of conducting a class hour, but they do not lose their relevance. Children love them because they can fully realize their talents.

The festival is where you can demonstrate your achievements in the field of amateur performances. This form of interaction will help each child to show his or her individuality and will awaken schoolchildren to the arts. By the way, festivals can be not only music, but also theater.

Exhibitions make it possible to demonstrate the results of activities that usually remain outside the field of view of teachers. These can be embroidered or knitted items, various crafts, items collected as a result of tourist and local history trips.

Concerts involve the performance of musical works in front of an audience, the recitation of poetry and much more. They can be thematic or reporting.

Variety of cool watches

The article lists only the main forms of conducting classroom hours. In fact, there are many more of them. Moreover, each teacher has the opportunity to combine elements of different forms or create new ones. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children, their creative potential, and team cohesion. It is very important not to turn the classroom into a boring event, after which the children will not have any positive emotions. Students should not feel pressure from the teacher. To do this, class hours should be bright and interesting.

Schoolchildren may forget their lessons over time, but the great time spent with their class teacher and classmates should remain in their memory forever. A good mentor must be able to diversify the lives of his wards with the help of unusual events. You just need to spare no effort and have enough love for schoolchildren. A properly organized classroom will allow children to reveal their talents, and will give the teacher the opportunity to realize themselves.

The concept of types extracurricular activities . Classroom lessons, as already noted, are usually conducted with a constant composition of students, according to a predetermined schedule and are mandatory. But, along with compulsory training sessions, outside the school day in schools and other educational institutions various forms are used academic work, which are voluntary for students and are designed to satisfy their various cognitive and creative needs. These forms of voluntary learning activities are called extracurricular or extracurricular activities. The concept of extracurricular indicates that these classes do not require the full composition of the class, that they at will Students of different classes can participate, and they are held outside the schedule of compulsory classes. In this sense, forms of extracurricular educational work include: subject clubs, scientific societies, olympiads, competitions, etc.

Creative activity. The leading forms of creative activity are clubs, creative associations, studios, electives, practical exercises in creative workshops, physical education sections. Related forms of creative activity include reading, viewing, and listening conferences, defense of independent reports, mass literary, musical, theatrical festivals, exhibitions of children's works. Local history, folklore expeditions and excursions, school club associations, competitions, competitions, and olympiads are used as auxiliary forms. The main system-forming component of activity in these educational forms is children's creativity, directed and developed by the teacher.

Among the leading forms that contribute to the development of children’s individual interests and abilities are extracurricular activities. They differ from compulsory lessons in their novelty, greater depth of content, and the creation of a psychological mindset in students exclusively for creative, productive learning.

Organizational structure clubs, creative associations, studios is very diverse, although it is possible to identify fundamental structural elements common to all these forms. These include the division of all work into theoretical, critical-analytical and creative-practical activities. Classes can be conducted as complex ones or devoted to only one type of activity. In a theoretical lesson, the material is presented by the teacher or the children themselves as a result of their preliminary self-study. Students get acquainted with literature, reference books, physical material, receive advice in libraries, in production, and from specialists. As a result, the theoretical lesson enriches schoolchildren with new facts, conclusions, and generalizations. This is facilitated by the free communication of circle members, accompanied by related questions, short discussions, and the expression of individual opinions.

The critical-analytical structural element becomes dominant in classes devoted to the analysis of works of art, historical documents, facts, research works, as well as a critical assessment of the creative and practical activities of the students themselves. For example, in the elective of modern poetry there is a special lesson on critical analysis of poems. Students write independent reviews on the poet’s work and subject them to critical and analytical discussion in class. In film and theater electives, a critical and analytical analysis of a newly perceived work of art is the main goal and means of forming a culture of perception and cultivating genuine artistic taste.

The most important element of the optional form is creative and practical activities. They serve as a means of developing creative potential, labor and professional skills. In the structure of these classes, which include elements of theory and analysis, the main place is given to children's creative activities: problem solving, discussions, practical work, drawing, writing, reviews, improvisation.

Subject clubs and scientific societies. The content of the study groups includes: a more in-depth study of individual issues curriculum that arouse student interest; familiarization with the life and creative work of outstanding scientists, writers and other figures of science and culture, with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding evenings dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; organizing technical modeling and experimental work in biology, organizing meetings with researchers, etc.

Recently, the creation of scientific societies for schoolchildren has become widespread, which unite and coordinate the work of clubs, hold public events dedicated to science and technology, and organize competitions and olympiads in various fields of knowledge. Unfortunately, in many schools the long-standing tradition has been lost, when each teacher considered it an honor and duty to conduct club and other extracurricular activities in his subject. Many teachers no longer do this kind of work.

Subject clubs, sections, studios allow you to combine the solution of educational and creative development tasks, bringing together students in the classroom, both filling gaps, deepening their positions, and creatively improving, developing special abilities. Clubs, studios, and sections are of particular importance for children improving in the field of art and physical education. In the curriculum, these subjects are given a very modest place: approximately 5% of the teaching time. Meanwhile, due to their significance, for the comprehensive development of the individual, they deserve long-term systematic development by children throughout all years of education. Therefore, optional club work in art and physical education becomes a mandatory continuation of class activities. The structure of forms for children’s mastery of art and physical education is focused mainly on practical work. The bulk of the time is spent on gymnastic exercises, drawing, singing, mastering oral and in writing, improvement of technical techniques in sports games. Leading forms of extracurricular creative activities contribute to solving the problems of in-depth, differentiated, specialized education of schoolchildren.

Accompanying forms of teaching creativity are a variety of reading, viewing, listening conferences, exhibitions, public holidays, excursions. Conferences on a book, a writer’s work, a film, a theater or television production, or a radio play put a current work of art in the center of students’ attention and activate their independence in assessment, judgment, and opinion. During the preparation process, students carefully become familiar with a work of art and think through performances. In the introductory speech, the teacher outlines the range of main problems that are discussed in reports and speeches. Summing up, the teacher focuses on the most important conclusions and generalizations.

Exhibitions dedicated to results children's creativity in the field of labor, visual arts, local history and tourist trips. Of great educational importance preparatory work, to which all schoolchildren are involved. The children themselves act as guides at such exhibitions: they give explanations, answer questions, and organize an on-site exchange of experiences in creative activities.

Mass holidays as a form of educational work, they are organized in the form of days, weeks, months of increased attention to music, fine arts, cinema, theater or the work of an outstanding writer, poet. Among them are weeks of children's books, theater, music, days of poetry by Pushkin, Lermontov, Mayakovsky, Yesenin. During such holidays, children learn about new works of art, meet writers, artists, composers, and get acquainted with their creative plans.

Excursions - a form of educational organization that allows for observations, as well as the study of various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions.

An excursion in didactic terms can be used at any stage: both for the purpose of introducing the topic, and as a way to obtain new information, and to consolidate and deepen existing knowledge. All teaching methods are used on the excursion.

Excursions can be conducted with students of all grades in almost all subjects. In the lower grades they have great value for explanatory reading and, above all, when studying natural history and getting to know the world around us. In middle and high schools - when studying natural sciences and subjects such as geography and history, they help broaden the horizons and improve the level of morality of students.

In elementary school, this form is the most effective, since elementary school students learn best when they are directly shown things and phenomena. Excursions in any age group arouse interest and a positive attitude of the participants. In educational and developmental terms, they contribute to the accumulation of scientific and life facts by schoolchildren, enrich the content with visual images educational process, teach the ability to notice, see a separate fact, detail, detail, their place in common system interacting phenomena, develop observation, empirical thinking, and memory. Excursions foster curiosity, attentiveness, visual culture, and a moral and aesthetic attitude to reality.

Olympics, competitions, associations of children with similar interests. To stimulate educational and cognitive activity of students and develop their creative competitiveness in the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian language and literature, foreign language, as well as in technical modeling, Olympiads, competitions are held in schools, districts, regions and republics, and exhibitions of children's technical creativity are organized. These forms of extracurricular work are planned in advance, the best schoolchildren are selected to participate in them, which gives a great impetus to the development of their abilities and inclinations in various fields of knowledge. At the same time, they make it possible to judge the creative nature of teachers’ work, their ability to search for and develop talents.

For example, in school No. 825 in Moscow, thematic months-complexes of cognitive creative activities were held for some anniversary (Daniel Defoe, Lomonosov). "Robinsonade-86" 4-7 grades. The class goes on a correspondence expedition to a sparsely populated area of ​​the Earth with the task of “living” there for a month and telling about it at school. To prepare and conduct the expedition, participants study material about the area, collect documents, copies of household items, nature, and keep a diary. Upon the “return” of the expedition, a press conference is held.

A themed evening for Lomonosov's anniversary includes excursions for junior grades; "What? Where? When?" - for middle classes. High school students conducted an expedition “Moscow-Arkhangelsk-Kholmogory-Moscow”, which resulted in exhibitions, reports, and a scientific and educational conference. Within the framework of the month and separately, didactic theater is carried out: the creation and production of a play, the content of which is the students’ knowledge in any field of science.

Competitions children's drawings, crafts, technical designs, olympiads in mathematics, physics, chemistry - an effective form of developing talents, identifying the creative capabilities of children and their talents. The results of such competitions are summed up and the names of the winners are announced publicly in a solemn atmosphere.

Great material for the educational process is provided by special educational expeditions. They are devoted to the collection of folklore, song material, historical information about revolutionary and military events in the region, as well as reconnaissance of the environmental situation, issues of the development of productive forces.

Meeting with traffic police officers. A meeting with representatives of the traffic police can be carried out; at work sites this is the work of a traffic controller, inspection vehicles, paperwork, passing exams and issuing documents.

Extracurricular forms of educational organization provide schoolchildren with the opportunity, through freely chosen spiritual, creative, physical education, sports, and entertainment activities, to deeply and comprehensively experience life and develop their creative powers. With their help, children acquire a wealth of additional information, life skills and abilities, consolidate them with exercises and creative application in practice, and cultivate the ability and desire for creativity, business character traits.

A number of scientifically based requirements are imposed on extracurricular forms of education:

They must be deeply scientifically meaningful, ideologically and morally rich, contributing to the spiritual enrichment, creativity and physical development of the child’s personality;

Their use requires a combination of commitment, initiative and voluntariness, in which fascination is the starting point and a condition for the gradual inclusion of children in activities as a necessity;

Introducing games and romance, regardless of the age of schoolchildren, into literally all creative, physical education, sports, entertainment and educational activities, ensuring a healthy spirit of friendly competition, comparison and mutual assistance;

Implementation of the development of creative abilities and talents, promoting the formation of the child’s creative personality and individuality;

Providing moral education that protects children from overestimating their capabilities, developing painful pride, selfishness, neglect of the team and norms of behavior, envy as a consequence of excessive praise, the successes they have achieved in sports, in technical, dramatic, choreographic, literary, and musical creativity.

Modern methodological techniques for enhancing extracurricular activities

For a modern teacher, the head of a circle or sports section, a teacher additional education must be fluent in pedagogical practice basic methodological techniques or methods of organizing extracurricular activities.

Interactive forms of extracurricular activities are forms of organizing a study session or extracurricular activity that involve intensive mental work, physical, communicative activity or quick decision making. These forms include express quizzes, brainstorming, relay races, mini-competitions, etc.

Conversation- a method of teaching and upbringing that involves dialogue between the teacher and students primarily on teacher issues. Conversation activates the mental work of students, maintains attention and interest, develops speech: every question is a problem that students solve. Types of conversations: preparatory, informative, heuristic, reproducing, generalizing, repeating. Conversations various types can be combined, intersected, interspersed depending on the micro-goal at a certain stage of the educational lesson and extracurricular activities.

Heuristic conversation used when the teacher does not tell the truth, but teaches how to find it. Based on an analysis of facts and phenomena known to students, as well as independent observations, students come to a conclusion on the topic of new (cognitive) material.

Reproducing conversation is used to consolidate the studied material, as well as to repeat and justify the actions performed.

Informative Conversation used by the teacher in cases where new material cannot be obtained heuristically.

Summary conversation It is usually carried out at the end of a lesson (extracurricular activity) and at the end of studying a major topic, section, course.

Dialogue- a type of oral speech (less often written), characterized by a change in the statements of two or more (in this case, the term “polylogue” is sometimes used) speakers. Replies (statements) of speakers are interconnected in meaning and together form a single whole, therefore dialogue is a type of coherent speech or text. In dialogue, situation, gesture, facial expressions, and intonation play an important role. The dialogue is characterized by certain stylistic features: questions, exclamations, elliptical constructions, interjections and particles, addresses, etc.

Demonstration- methodological technique, showing tables, diagrams, models, paintings, slides, videos, television programs, images projected on the screen using modern electronic and video equipment in class (extra-curricular activities) to all students.

Differentiated approach- a form of organizing the work of students based on their association, within the educational team, in small groups according to interests, according to the level of readiness, and in mixed groups - according to national composition, according to the degree of proficiency in Russian (foreign) language. Each group receives tasks of a different nature and varying degrees of difficulty. A differentiated approach allows, within the teenage team, to catch up with those lagging behind, to give each teenage group (each individual) an opportunity for development. The division into groups is not permanent. For different types works can be created by creative groups of different composition.

Dosage educational material . When organizing and conducting an extracurricular lesson (event), the teacher needs to think through the intensity of each stage of the lesson or event. Such work helps prevent trainees from overloading, fatigue, and ensures optimal conditions mastering educational (cognitive) material.

Proof- a methodological technique that develops thinking and speech and consists of substantiating a statement with the help of other thoughts, statements that have already been proven or accepted without evidence (obvious or unprovable). Tasks with the sentence “prove” are widely used both in classrooms and during extracurricular activities.

Consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities- a type of educational activity of students, organized and checked by a teacher, aimed at implementing the principle of solid mastery of educational (cognitive) material. Consolidation of knowledge is carried out by repeating new material in different options and combinations, in a rearranged form, with new examples, as well as through the implementation of practical actions - exercises, practical tasks. Consolidation in a training session is usually carried out after the explanation of new material.

Testingmodern look checking the mastery of educational (theoretical) material, determining psychological type the personality of the teenager, his inclinations and interests. Testing involves two execution methods: computer version and a paper version. Teachers prepare short assignments on the topics studied or a block of educational material, offer various options their decisions (answers), of which only one option is correct. Students are asked to indicate the correct answer option either on sheets of paper or on a computer within a certain (limited) time.

Computer- modern technical means training, development and search for information on the Internet, which is used in the following forms:

Development and use by students computer programs, according to which they work independently on personal computers or in computer classes;

Use of ready-made computer programs, educational games, testing;

Control and self-control (knowledge and skills are tested);

Communicating with friends from other regions and countries via the Internet, transmitting information via e-mail;

Modeling and design; summarizing the theoretical material being studied, as well as summarizing and editing the written text;

Analysis and selection of educational texts, necessary information and their assessment according to certain criteria;

Quantitative study of spoken speech or printed texts, etc.

Repetition of educational (cognitive) material- return during a lesson (extracurricular activity) to what was previously studied in order to consolidate it, connect it with new material, generalize and systematize what has been learned. Repetition ensures the strength of knowledge acquisition. Typically, repetition is carried out using new examples, in a different order, using new methods of activity (trainees prepare generalizing tables, diagrams, reports, etc.).

Individual training (consultation)- a form of organizing training sessions with individual students outside the educational team. Most often used with students assigned to homeschooling. Individual training usually consists of clarification of difficult theoretical issues, joint completion of tasks, taking into account methodological instructions teacher, in independent work under the guidance of a teacher. As a rule, individual consultations given by the teacher when preparing reports, performing long-term creative work(when using the design methodology).

Speech development of students- the process of mastering speech: the means of language (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, speech culture, styles) and the mechanisms of speech - its perception and expression of one’s thoughts. The process of speech development occurs in people of different ages. The term “speech development” is also used in a narrow methodological meaning: special educational activities teacher and students, aimed at mastering speech, as well as the corresponding section of the Russian or foreign language methodology course. It includes the organization of speech situations, speech environment, vocabulary work, syntactic exercises, work on text (connected speech), intonation, correction and improvement of speech.

All work on speech development is based on a course in grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, word formation, stylistics, as well as on the theory of speech and text, which is not included in the program for students, but is used as the basis for the methodology for developing students’ speech.

Role play— a methodical method of teaching and activating extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. The essence of the role-playing game is to create situations in which each participant receives a fictitious name, a social role - a tourist, a guide, a journalist, a nurse, a teacher, etc. The presenter directs the course of the conversation. Role-playing creates motivation that is close to natural, arouses interest, and increases the emotional level of students’ educational work.

Self-controlnecessary stage educational action. It is implemented in the following techniques: checking the correctness of the written text; use of dictionaries and reference books; checking your answer against a pre-drawn plan; self-observation of pronunciation, tempo, expressiveness of speech and correct reading of the text, etc.

Independent work- cognitive, educational activity performed on the instructions of the teacher, under his guidance and control, but without his direct participation. It may occur when studying new educational material, consolidating knowledge, preparing an essay or report, creative work, collecting a collection or herbarium, or designing a project.

Project method is currently the most popular teaching method among experimental teachers. The most effective application of the design method is possible using a computer. There are three main stages, or phases, in the project process. The first stage puts forward a fruitful idea (content core, meaning further actions). In the second (middle) stage, a multifaceted panorama of what is desired emerges from an undifferentiated idea (building a technology for further actions or techniques for a future planned model). The final design phase is the preparation of design and technological documentation.

The project method assumes a fundamentally different approach: “Think, imagine, reflect on the way and by what means this could be accomplished.”

Priority forms of extracurricular work in educational institutions

Most often, the priorities for children and adolescents in general education institutions are gaming, theater, discussion, situational creative, psychological, competitive forms of educational and extracurricular work that allow students to realize themselves.

The most popular forms of extracurricular activities are:

1. Subject weeks in academic subjects of social, humanitarian, mathematical and natural science cycles.

2. Educational and cognitive activities: school-wide subject Olympiads and public reviews of knowledge, honoring prize-winners and winners of school-wide, city (district) and regional (district, regional, republican) subject olympiads and competitions; championships of “experts of the virtual world” (experts in information and communication technologies), festivals of creative and research projects; school-wide competitions " Best student"(based on class parallels), "Best graduate of school (lyceum, gymnasium)", "Best student portfolio".

3. Heroic-patriotic and military sports events: work of school museums, theme evenings and holidays; organization and conduct of excursions and thematic excursion trips, military sports games “Zarnitsa” and “Eaglet”, competitions “Safe Wheel”, teams of youth inspectors traffic) and YDP (Young Friends of Firefighters).

4. Mass holidays (collective and creative activities): themed holidays, festivals of creativity and fantasy; competitions: “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on guys”, “Miss School”, KVN, professions, homemade products; intellectual tournaments of experts; competitions of staged or drill songs, theatrical performances, recitations and author's creativity, drawings and posters.

5.Specialized (thematic) or career guidance promotions: fairs of knowledge and future professions; holidays and festivals of folk art, national customs and traditions; festivals of science and creativity, hobby groups and clubs; children's book or bibliophile week.

6. Socially useful and socially significant events: labor landings and subbotniks; Timurov's activities, Aibolit and purity raids; search and local history work; operations “Gift to Distant Friends”, “Gift to a Veteran”; charity events: “Help disabled children”, “Our gift to an orphanage”, “Help older people”.

7. Sports and tourism activities: organizing and conducting tourist rallies, “Robinsonades” and competitions, one- and multi-day walking, combined, mountain, bicycle and motorcycle hikes and expeditions; evenings of tourists, “Small Olympic Games”, tournaments (championships) in volleyball, basketball, track and field and weightlifting, gymnastics and wrestling, chess and checkers (backgammon, billiards); sports relay races (with students, parents); competitions “Mom, Dad, I - a sports family”, “The most athletic class”.

The most common forms of leisure communication:"lights" round tables, discos, evenings, get-togethers, trips out of town, visits to museums, meetings with interesting people; work of hobby groups and clubs, sports sections; brainstorming sessions, discussions and interactive activities.

New game forms are becoming popular: like the game of the “New Civilization” program, intensive communication (targeted trainings that teach and develop intellectual and psychological games), communicative-linguistic (training-communication, creative game evenings), communicative (discussions, brainstorming, business, role-playing games).

Class hour as a form of organizing educational work.

Class hour– one of the important forms of organizing educational work with students. It is included in the school timetable and is held every week on a certain day. Typically, a class hour takes the form of a lecture, conversation or debate, but may also include elements of a quiz, competition, game, and other forms of educational work.

Class hour - This is a flexible form of frontal educational work in composition and structure, which is a specially organized after school hours communication between the class teacher and class students in order to facilitate the formation of the class team and the development of its members.

In the process of preparing and conducting classroom hours, it is possible to solve the following pedagogical tasks:

1. Enriching the consciousness of students with knowledge about nature, society, technology, and man.

2. Formation of mental and practical skills in children.

3. Development of the emotionally-sensitive sphere and the value-semantic core of the child’s personality.

4. Promoting the formation and manifestation of the student’s subjectivity and individuality, his creative abilities.

5. Formation of the classroom team as a favorable environment for the development and life of schoolchildren.

Class hour does the following educational functions:

- Educational function – expands the range of students’ knowledge in ethics, aesthetics, psychology, physics, mathematics, literary criticism and other sciences. The subject of the class hour can be knowledge from the field of technology, national economy, as well as information about events taking place in a village, city, country, world, i.e. any phenomenon of social life can become the object of consideration.

Sample topics: “How etiquette appeared”, “Our Constitution”, “Problems modern society"etc.

- Orienting function - consists in forming in schoolchildren a certain attitude towards the objects of the surrounding reality, in developing in them a hierarchy of material and spiritual values. If the educational function involves getting to know the world, then the orienting function involves evaluating it. The above functions are inextricably linked. Thus, it is difficult or even impossible to instill in children a love of classical music that they have never heard.

Often, classroom hours help students navigate social values. The topics of such class hours are: “How to become happy?”, “Who to be”, “What to be?”, “About masculinity and femininity”, etc.

- Directing function – provides for the transfer of conversation about life into the area of ​​​​real practice of students, directs their activities. This function acts as a real influence on the practical side of the lives of schoolchildren, their behavior, their choice life path, setting life goals and their implementation. If there is no specific direction in the process of conducting a class hour, then the effectiveness of its impact on students is significantly reduced, and knowledge does not turn into beliefs.

Most often, the classroom simultaneously performs all three of these functions: it and enlightens, orients, and guides students.

Types and forms of classroom clocks.

A class hour is the same educational event as any other, but there are also specifics: a class hour is a form of direct communication between a teacher and his students, but it is not a lesson (you should get away from academicism, officialdom, and edification). This is a heart-to-heart conversation and clarification of values, this is a shared experience of what happened, this useful information, which is necessary for students for future adult life, which cannot be obtained in the classroom, is gathering a team to develop a plan for class participation in a school-wide event, this is psychological training on any communication problems, etc. There can be countless forms, topics, and reasons for a class teacher to gather with their children. In this sense, they cannot be classified. It is also impossible to foresee all the problems of the class and include them in advance in the educational plan.

Taking this into account, class hours can be systematized as follows:

- class hour - organizational, as a way of collective planning of class or school-wide activities;

- class hour as a solution to a possible conflict;

- class hour - planned, to sum up results, for example, progress for the half-year;

- class hour - like a conversation on psychological and pedagogical problems;

- class hours system to implement a certain basic program.

Classroom theme.

It is determined in advance and reflected in the plans of class teachers. Class hours can be devoted to:

1. Moral - ethical problems. They form a certain attitude of schoolchildren towards the Motherland, work, team, nature, parents, themselves, etc.

2. Problems of science and knowledge. In this case, the purpose of classroom hours is to develop in students the correct attitude towards study, science, literature as a source of spiritual development of the individual.

3. Aesthetic problems. During such class hours, students become familiar with the basic principles of aesthetics. We can talk here about the beauty in nature, human clothing, everyday life, work and behavior. It is important that schoolchildren develop an aesthetic attitude towards life, art, work, themselves, and develop creative potential.

4. Issues of state and law. It is necessary to develop students’ interest in political events taking place in the world, a sense of responsibility for the actions of the Motherland, its successes in the international arena, and teach students to see the essence of state policy. Classes on political topics should be held in direct proportion to the saturation of the year with various political events.

5. Issues of physiology and hygiene, healthy lifestyle, which should be perceived by students as elements of culture and beauty.

6. Psychological problems. The purpose of such classroom hours is to stimulate the process of self-education and organize basic psychological education.

7. Environmental problems. It is necessary to instill in schoolchildren a responsible attitude towards nature. As a rule, conversations about the animal and plant world are organized here.

8. General school problems. Significant social events, anniversaries, holidays, etc.

The class teacher's hours are very diverse in content, forms of their preparation and implementation. Nevertheless, attempts are being made to typing. Thus, educational hours are distinguished, which are based on:

1) A story, a conversation, a message from the class teacher himself;

2) Speech by a specialist;

3) Meeting with an interesting person, politician, artist, etc.;

4) Message from the schoolchildren themselves.

An expedient basis for typing watches class teacher is the nature of children’s activities, the degree of their independence and activity, the role of the teacher in preparing and conducting educational hours.

Depending on this, classroom clocks can be divided into 3 types:

The first type includes those preparation for which requires broad knowledge, life and pedagogical experience. During the conversation, children are only involved in discussing certain issues, presenting facts, and examples.

These are, for example, class hours on the topic: “About self-education”, “What is self-education”, “How to develop memory”, “Artistic taste and fashion”, “About individuality and individualism”, “Daily routine and NOTES of a schoolchild”, etc. It is advisable to conduct some classes of this type with the involvement of specialists - a doctor, psychologist, lawyer. The task of the class teacher is to assist in preparing the speech.

Second type of classroom clock characterized by the joint activities of teachers and students. Determining the content of the main ideas, as a rule, belongs to the teacher, and the development of ways and methods for their implementation is carried out by the teacher together with the children.

Under the guidance of the teacher, schoolchildren prepare fragments of the educational hour, the teacher leads the class hour, involving the children in discussing the problem, combining their presentations into a single whole. Sample topics for such class hours: “About culture appearance”, “About internal and external beauty”, “Do good for the sake of good”, “Friendship in human life”, etc.

The third type of classroom clock assumes active independent work the students themselves. Responsibility for their preparation and implementation rests with a group of schoolchildren - the council of affairs. The class teacher, together with the schoolchildren, thinks through ideas, the general composition of the class hour, and helps to draw up creative tasks for micro groups.

This type of class watch possible in the event that:

Schoolchildren have some knowledge of the problem under discussion; it is close and accessible to them for independent comprehension;

A significant part of students have the skills and abilities of collective creative work, are independent and active;

An activist, a business council, is capable of becoming an organizing and coordinating center in the preparation and conduct of a class hour.

The choice of the type of educational class hour depends on topics, material, age of students, level of their knowledge on this issue, experience of collective activity, as well as pedagogical skills, individual characteristics of the class teacher, the nature of his relationship with students.
