Graduation competitions: game program for primary school. Last call games and competitions

Every year, when we go to school on September 1, we think that it will soon be graduation and graduation. And now it has come true - your graduation has arrived! Have you prepared for it? Cool competitions on graduation party in 11th grade will help you spend your time usefully and fun. See all the competitions for your prom below and choose the ones you liked the most.

Competition 1 – guess the object.
Graduates need to guess from the description what is being said. For example:
- from this thing you can easily understand who will become who after graduating from school. In this item you will find all the information about each student and you will be able to make a dossier or incriminating evidence on him. (Answer - magazine)
- if he is not there, then the school will be a mess. If you don’t know him, you won’t get to them. If it is changed, then someone is happy, and someone is worried. (Answer - lesson schedule)
- only two teachers at school have this. And not because these teachers can afford it, it’s just easier to teach and remember. (Answer - wall maps in the history classroom and geography classroom)
- If there is trouble, then we immediately go there. If you need to get out of class with a real excuse, then we also go there. (Answer: school nurse, nurse's office)
- You can't fight at school. But he is often beaten, both with hands and feet. Who is this “lucky guy”? (Answer - a ball in physical education class)

Competition 2 – find out what it is!
In this competition, graduates are invited to find out or guess what it is about. For example:
- at home we walk on it, and at school we go out to it (answer - blackboard)
- what will happen if geographical map roll into a ball? (answer - globe)
- you are not waiting for him at home from the director, but you are waiting for him at school during lessons (answer is a call)
- when this is appointed at school, then all parents immediately have urgent matters (the answer is a parent-teacher meeting)
- only the teacher decides what it will be like. You can give it to the teacher later (answer – assessment)

Will you write wishes in the graduation album to your classmates? Then see our article -. In it you will find exactly the words that you need to write as a memory.

Competition 3 – remember everything.
In this competition, we invite graduates to remember not only school subjects, but also fairy tales. So let's get started.
1. How to measure the area of ​​a kolobok? (the same as the area of ​​a circle, because the bun is round)
2. Why did the bear break the tower? (because a body placed in a liquid displaces as much liquid as the body itself. So the bear displaced as much air as he himself)
3. What do Adam, Newton and Eve have in common? (Answer: apple)
4. In the old days it was a vessel for wine. And now the reward for the winner (Answer - cup)
5. These words are read the same in any direction. And this is a turbine at the station (the answer is a rotor)

Competition 4 – in alphabetical order.
Often teachers called students to the board in alphabetical order. In this competition we will also try to arrange ourselves in alphabetical order, but first we will play a little.
All graduates take the stage. They are encouraged to take a young graduate course. And to do this, they must first build in height. Time is recorded. If you do it within 20 seconds, then you have passed the first test. Afterwards they need to line up separately: boys separately, girls separately. Boys are lined up by tie length from longest to shortest. And girls according to the length of their nails from largest to smallest. They have 30 seconds to do everything about everything. Did you manage? Well done. And now we need to put everything in alphabetical order, like in a magazine. Afterwards, the class teacher checks everyone using the log to see if everything is in place!

After the formal part, graduates usually have a festive banquet. And so that this part of the prom, the ball remains in the memory of the graduates and is interesting for them, it is necessary to arrange fun games, competitions and entertainment.

Ideas and competitions for graduation.


Over the many years of studying at school, you have learned a lot about your teachers. Surely you know some special phrases or manner of behavior that are unique only to this person. They will be useful to you for this competition.

This will be a competition for teachers.

The presenters announce the name of the competition and explain its rules: only teachers participate in the competition; after the actors (or presenters) read the reprise, teachers must guess which of them this reprise applied to.

The recapitulation may consist simply of a sentence containing a teacher's characteristic expression or manner of speaking, or of dialogue with students (in this case, names and any phrases that would give away the subject that teacher teaches should be avoided). You can also demonstrate some movements or gestures that are characteristic of this teacher.

The prizes in this competition will also be unusual - they will be awarded not to the one who answered correctly, but to the one who was guessed in the reprise! The prizes in the competition will be friendly caricatures of the hidden teachers.

You can make caricatures yourself or seek help from professional artists (for this you will need photographs of teachers). Don't forget to write captions for the cartoons.

Every teacher will be happy to keep such a gift as a lasting memory of your class!


Draw a heart on a large Whatman paper. Sign it “Heart of a Graduate.” Inside the heart, use a blade to make longitudinal cuts of 2 centimeters. It is better to place the cuts not in even lines, but randomly. Cut out small multi-colored hearts from cardboard (the number of cuts and hearts should be equal to or slightly exceed the number of graduates).

Attach the poster securely to the wall. Place a table with hearts and pens nearby.

You can make an explanation on the poster: On the heart, each graduate will write the name of their favorite teacher and insert the heart into one common “Graduate Heart”.

By the end of the evening, the heart will look very beautiful (voluminous), and then the teachers will be able to take away the hearts that are addressed to them.


A roll of wallpaper is suitable for the Western Wall. If you can find it light wallpaper with imitation bricks - it will be just perfect, but simple gray wallpaper those with imitation relief are also suitable. Securely attach a piece of wallpaper to the wall (the piece should be long enough). Then attach it to the wallpaper and to the wall in different places handkerchiefs (attach by one corner so that the handkerchief hangs).

Hang markers on long strings or strings to the wall.

Hang a sign above the wall that says “Wailing Wall for Alumni, Teachers and Parents.”

Save this roll after graduation - ten years from now you will be very interested and pleased to read it!


Graduates can be entertained with comic fortune telling. To do this, you will need a large hat and traditionally rolled up leaves with fortunes.

If there are not very many graduates, you can invite them to read the received prediction out loud into the microphone. If there are a lot of graduates, it is better not to do this, as the competition will drag on and can become tedious.

Examples of predictions:

- You will see that physics can also be useful in everyday life!

- You will prove from your own experience that money decides not everything, but almost everything.

- Real happiness awaits you.

— Your entrepreneurial talent will produce impressive results (even if you don’t suspect it yet).

- You will receive the HIGHEST education.

- You will become the director of the school you are graduating from today.

“You will greatly surprise those who stand here next to you today.”

- At the Oscars you will wear pink...

— Participation in a space flight as a tourist will not cost you that much.

— Pleasant surprises await you in all the capitals of the world.

“Who you will be is unknown, but fans will shower you with flowers and letters.”

— Your dizzying career will begin with a photo on the cover of a magazine.

- In your memoirs you will write that pure luck began with reading this prediction!

— You will be shown on TV more often than the president.

- You will have the rarest profession.

- We will see your face on the cover of Forbes (Forbes).

- You will become the owner of the world's largest private library.

— Your knowledge will help save the lives of many people.

- You will give the world new look art.

— You will make sensational discoveries in the field of child and adolescent psychology.

“You’ll make our gym teacher proud for opening you up to big sport!

- You will understand true human values ​​​​before others.

— Your children will come to study at this school.

“You don’t need predictions, you already know everything.”


You don't want to forget your classmates after breaking up? Create a small memorial album (it's easy to make even in Word editor and print on a color printer).

The album can be designed in the form of a profile (ask your classmates in advance for all the information in the form of a questionnaire):

Photo (your real photo that you like)

Who hasn't looked forward to graduation so much in their life? Probably everyone wanted this day to come quickly. How we were looking forward to it, like a ticket to new life. But when the time finally came to graduate, tears welled up in our eyes and didn’t want to stop coming. But, it should be noted that on such a good day, in no case should you be upset or grieve. You need to try to celebrate with your classmates, whom you won’t see again soon, and have a good time. And for this you need to spend a lot interesting competitions and games that will help you relax and unwind a little.

Competition "Princess of the evening"

In fact, many girls like this competition, because with the help of it they can become the best. This competition is about choosing a beautiful and spectacular girl at the prom. Judges must pay attention to the dress, hairstyle and the overall picture. You can also choose the princess of the evening by voting. Each person will need to be given cards and pens. And everyone will have to write there the name of the girl whom they consider the best at this evening. The winner will receive a prize. And so that other girls don’t feel offended because they didn’t win, you can simply give them some goodies.

Competition "Guess the song"

To cheer up everyone gathered a little, you need to amuse them a little and make them have fun. To do this, you will need to prepare the cutting in advance. famous songs. But no words should be heard in this cut. That is, there should only be music. And the participants will take turns guessing the famous melodies. In fact, if all guests and former students receive active participation, it will be fun and interesting. There are no losers or winners in this competition. Just everyone can try their hand.

Game “Put on a scene”

To do well in this game, all participants will have to think carefully about their roles and prepare carefully. Everyone who wants to participate will have to split into several not very large teams. And then you will need to pull out pieces of paper on which the scene that you will have to show will be indicated. All participants will be given time to thoroughly prepare. And then each team will have to go on stage and show the audience what they have prepared. Every person who will be present in the hall will be interested in watching the actions on stage. And at the very end, when all the actions on stage are completed, the audience will have to choose the team that coped with its task best. And the winners will need to be awarded prizes. After all, they will receive their prizes deservedly. At this competition everyone will receive a great boost of energy and positive emotions.

Relay Games

When the feast is already in full swing, you will need to warm up a little. After all, it’s not all the time to sit and eat non-stop. To warm up at least a little, you will need to hold interesting relay races. They can be completely different, both physical and mental. Everyone who will participate in competitions will have to receive special tokens. At the end of the entire relay, when everyone has collected a sufficient number of tokens, the main leader will need to count them and say who has collected the most tokens. The winner will receive interesting and useful small gifts. And those who did not win, but participated, will receive sweet prizes for participation.

Competition "Minute of Glory"

This competition is not suitable for everyone, but only for those who really know how to do something interesting and can brag about it to others. In order to participate in this competition, each contestant will need to think about what talent they can boast of. And then, when the concert begins, everyone will be able to show what they are capable of. You won't necessarily need to show something brilliant. You just have to show everyone what you have. This could be dancing, singing, or reading poetry. You can also play on musical instrument, show the scene. The main task for you will be to open up well and without embarrassment to the audience. At the very end of this little concert, the judges will need to choose the best participant. And whoever wins will have to receive a gift. And remember that embarrassment is not at all appropriate here. The more you can open up, the more likely you are to win.

Competition "The most charming and attractive"

This competition is designed for boys, but girls will also help them. First, we need all the girls to put lipstick on their lips. different colors and shades. And at this time, all the boys will need to be given white sheets of paper. Their task will be to collect kisses. When the presenter says start, they will have to approach the girls with a piece of blank paper and ask them to place a kiss. The guys will be given up to ten minutes to do this. The one who collects the most kisses from girls will win this competition, and receive the title of the most attractive and charming guy in the former class.

Competition "The Most Capable"

If you now think that the competition is about guessing various riddles, then you are mistaken. After all, in fact, the competition is about making the audience and people laugh. Both girls and boys can participate in this competition. The first participant puts several lollipops into his mouth. Holding them in his mouth, he will have to say: “I am a graduate.” If he succeeds, then he takes another candy and says these words again. And so on until he manages to say these words. The one who can put the most candy in his mouth will be considered the winner. And in the end he will have to be given good gift. This competition will be very fun and funny. Because it’s impossible to watch young people trying to say words with a mouthful of candy without laughing.

Competition "Cinderella"

But this game will be more aimed at girls. And since the competition promises to be funny, you won’t be bored at all. To begin with, all one guy will have to be blindfolded. To choose it, you will need to cast lots. Therefore, it will be necessary to sit all the girls on chairs and bare one leg. A blindfolded guy will have to find out which girl is in front of him by her leg. And it will be even funnier if one guy sits next to the girls, but so that the host doesn’t know about it. After all, it will be very interesting for you to see the reaction of a blindfolded guy when, instead of a smooth leg, he feels a hairy man’s leg. And if he doesn’t guess, it will be very funny. If the guy leading can guess most of the girls, then he has won and he will have to get a prize. This competition will need to be filmed. Because one hundred percent you will want to re-watch these funny and slightly awkward moments more than once. But everyone watching this video will find it very interesting and funny.

Fashionista competition

This competition is prepared specifically for women's society. Their task will be to find certain accessories, which will have to begin with the letter that the presenter will say. Each participant will get their own letter. In five minutes, each girl will need to find at least three objects that begin with this letter. And then, when their search is over, the girls will have to put on a good show and show everything they are capable of. After all, every item they choose will have to be provided at a favorable and good light. The girl who best copes with her task will receive a prize.

If you carefully prepare for such a significant holiday as graduation day, then everything should go well for you. The main thing is to remember that your task is to be a very cheerful and positive person throughout the holiday. And if you succeed, then all the people in the room will be charged with positive energy from you. Remember that it doesn't take much to see someone smile. You just need to smile at all people, and then they will smile back at you. Take part in every holiday, and then you will have great holiday memories.

An apple from an apple tree.

(game for parents and children)

(to graduates) Congratulatory telegrams were sent to our graduates. Try to guess who they are from.

Let your talent be in demand!

Congratulations on graduation...Dima Bilan.

(The graduate who answered correctly comes out to the song of D. Bilan)

May there be many wonderful days!

Congratulations to you... Sergey Lazarev.

(graduate exits similarly)

Always try, graduate, don’t be lazy

The group wishes success to everyone..... "BIS"

Laugh with happiness and live without blemish,

Make more jokes! Greetings from ..... Galustyan.

Be in love, big kids!

The group wishes you love... "Ranetki".

Now I'll give you a few seconds to bring one parent at a time.

Let's welcome couples!

You know, if you look closely at children and parents, you can see a lot in common. Parents want their child to take the best from them, but children do not always strive to be like their relatives, they want to be even better. However, we cannot escape the old wisdom - “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” To do this, as soon as the music starts, our couples will choose the same hats and put them on.

(choose hats)

We could stop there, but we are interested in seeing the similarities not only in tastes. Perhaps parents and children also have external similarities, for example in their gait. Before our eyes there is a fashion show of two generations.

(couples walk across the site)

In my opinion, the most similar couple was the family......You are declared the winning couple. Your prize is digital camera.

(hands over a photo frame)

Look at the photo and recognize yourself in each other. We escort this pair of winners to their seats and begin the next round.

Parents feel like they know their children well. But this is not true. Let's check how things are going for you. We choose the most knowledgeable couple. I ask all parents to stand on my right side, and children on my left. Parents receive a pen and paper and answer my questions in writing. And then your children will answer the questions.

(children leave)

Child's annual assessment in mathematics.

Child's hobby.

Darling school subject child.

Age of the child.

Then the children answer the same questions.

The couple with the most matches is declared the most knowledgeable. We give her smartphones as a gift. (notebooks)

Write down your phone numbers in them. Now you can always call each other and find out how you are doing. We see off the couple to applause.

Now, of the three remaining couples, I want to determine the most friendly one. And for this we will give you a newspaper. Try making a briefcase with four hands in weight.

(they fold the briefcase to the music)

Here is the friendliest family to whom we give a video camera so they can capture their smiling faces.

(hand over a mirror)

We have two pairs left, and we will see how close they are in intelligence. We choose the smartest couple. I have two options for questions, I will ask you to choose option 1 or 2.

(pairs draw cards with numbers 1 or 2)

So you got odd questions, and you got even ones.

Odd question.

How many kids were there in the fairy tale “Seven Little Goats”?

Fair question. Why, despite the closeness of the lancelet to lower fish, is it classified as a special group of skullless fish?

Odd question. What did the grandfather pull in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

Fair question. How will the properties of the hydrogen atoms of hydroxyl groups change under the action of alkali metals?

Odd question. Who laid the egg in the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”?

Fair question. Why are Galileo's transformations and the classical law of addition of velocities incorrect at a speed of motion commensurate with the speed of light?

(to the couple who answered the odd-numbered questions) You answered all the questions, you are our smartest couple. Therefore, get a prize from us - a computer, or rather a mouse from it, go to the team and amaze with your intelligence.

Don't despair. You only lost in the game, but you will win in something else. You made it to the finals, which means your couple is a star. And those who are showered with stars are the happiest. That's why you announce yourself happy couple! There is no need for greater happiness than finding a common language between adults and children and being similar in at least some way. And since they say, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” then you get an apple as a gift. I would like to wish everyone that you never quarrel, help and support each other, and then the stars of happiness will rain down right on you!

Everyone has long known the game “Crocodile”, which you can play. You, dear parents, listen carefully to the recording and try to guess whose child said this.

Write down:

Mommy, please let me go to the disco. I learned my homework, washed the dishes, and threw out the trash.

You are called to the director. The boys were smoking, and I just went out to get some air. I honestly didn't smoke.

Mommy, I didn’t tear out the pages from the diary and didn’t sleep through the first two lessons - the teacher is just nagging.

Dad, I didn't play cards in class. I studied the World Atlas under my desk to decide where to go on a trip.

Dad, renovations at the school begin tomorrow, so we don’t study, really.


Pairs are created from those present.

They answer questions about the school. Buttons - one person in a pair and he makes some sound when the second in a pair presses it.

What color is the school?

How many floors are there in the school?

The year the school opened.

How old is the school?

Day and month of Knowledge Day.

Date and month of birthday class teacher.

How many graduations did the school have?

The exact time of the bell for class.

Who is last in physical education?

How many girls are there in the class?

How many boys are there in the class?

"We draw new uniform»

In the slot on whatman paper one graduate has a head, the other in a pair draws his form.

"The Tale of Koshchei the Immortal"

(prepare costumes)

“Dance while sitting” to different tunes

(first all parts of the body dance,

Only hands

Only legs

Facial expressions.) - “Sponges in a bow”

"Squirrels and Christmas trees"

(boys stand in a circle - they are Christmas trees, girls dance around them - they are squirrels, as soon as the music stops - the squirrels jump onto the Christmas tree, whoever didn’t get a Christmas tree comes out, taking one Christmas tree.)

"Put on quickly"

(teams of 5 people one by one run up to the chairs, put on panties, a shirt, a cap, climb onto the chair, make a grimace, get off, undress and run back).

It seems to me that many of the listed qualities are simply necessary for translators. Therefore, I suggest you try the literary version of “Children’s Haiku Poems from the Land of the Rising Sun” in Russian.

    Lived with an old woman

Two puffer fish

One is white, the other is gray - two cheerful fish.

    The son of a gray goat lived with an old woman.

He went into the bamboo grove to graze.

Everything in this world is changeable, only the horns and legs are eternal.

    Came out of the fog

Moon with the face of a samurai.

He drew his sword from his kimono pocket.

    Brothers Enike and Benike

Enjoyed sushi

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t drink sake.

    Elderly woman

Sowing peas on the slope of Fuji

    The cat died

The fur on the tail is no longer the same.

Keep quiet or taste it.

    A greedy person is like beef.

To the drum of distant Turkey

Salted cucumber fruit.

    Rice cake baked by a samurai

Who should I treat?

Samurai, Samurai, choose whoever you want.

    Tanya lost face - chan -

Crying about the ball rolling into the pond.

Take me in your arms, daughter of the Samurai.

    The bull's son moves with an uneven gait.

Breathe full breasts– end in tots.

Falling is inevitable.

    Commoners have gathered - who should lead?

Steps forward with a loud speech

Shishel - myshel - san.

    Chichichi is an agile tree monkey.

Helps the brick seller, pulls the rope.

Makes wonderful sounds.

    A girl and a boy walk together in a rock garden.

Tili – Tili is a rice soup.

Future husband and wife.

    Satisfied rice traders are dancing on one leg -

Fooled a stupid man

Four fists.

    Strict Samurai etiquette:

Who calls you a dirty word?

That's what he's called himself.

    Zen wisdom teaches equanimity:

The hurtful words you say about me -

You are transferring it to yourself.

    Take a close look at the grass

Here sat a green grasshopper, similar to a cucumber fruit.

Oh yes frog.

    Tell us about your travels, Chizhik-Pizhik-san

Have you seen distant rivers?

Did you drink hot sake?

    It, ni, san, si, then - a carefree walking hare

Got hit by hunting nunchucks.

Slap-slap, oh-oh-oh.

    Playful summer fly

Sat down on sakura jam.

That's the end of the haiku.

Fairy tale "Teremok"

Teremok - (Creak - creak!)

Norushka mouse - (Wow, you!)

Frog - croak - (Quantically interesting!)

Bunny - runaway - (Wow!)

Chanterelle - sister - (tra-la-la)

Spinning top - gray barrel - (tyts-tyts-tyts)

Clubfoot bear - (wow)

Text is attached.

Lottery forecast.


Parting words parents to children.

(23 qualitative adjectives)

Text is attached.

Glove relay.

“The ball is a conductor”

(2 columns of players -1- inflates the ball, releases it where it flew, from there the next one inflates it again.)

“Bring me a glass!”

The presenter invites 10-12 people to participate in the game. They all line up in one line facing the table, at a distance of 5-6 meters from it. The presenter says the phrase: “Bring me a napkin!” Participants need to have time to take a napkin from the table and return to their place while the music is playing. The last one is eliminated from the game. Then the names of the items change - telephone, tie, sock, shirt, shoe, and so on in ascending order. Condition: you cannot bring your own things! The winner of this competition, which takes place literally at the table, is the participant who reaches the final.This game is very funny and exciting, and guests participate in it with pleasure.

Fun steam room

Three to four couples from among the guests are invited. Each couple is given a basin, two brooms, two washcloths, as well as sheets and hats. To the accompaniment of catchy music, couples begin to “wash and soar” each other. The participants’ task is to quickly wrap each other in a sheet, put on a hat, and sit in one basin in the most impressive position with washcloths and brooms in their hands at the moment the music ends. The winners are determined by the audience and the presenter.

A volunteer is selected. One presenter takes him away and explains that he will have to depict a kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but without making a sound, and everyone else must guess what he is depicting. And at this time, the second presenter tells the audience that now the victim will show a kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal is being shown to them. It is necessary to name any other animals except kangaroos. It should be something like: “Oh, so it’s jumping! So. It’s probably a rabbit. No?! Strange... Well, then it’s a monkey.” After five minutes, the imitator will truly resemble a maddened kangaroo.

* * *
You will need two tin cans, 20 coins. Two couples are called - a gentleman and a lady. The gentlemen have a jar attached to their belt. Ladies are given 10 coins. Ladies move 2 meters away from gentlemen. At the presenter’s signal, the lady must throw all the coins into the gentleman’s jar. The gentleman helps her by rotating his waist (if he has one). The pair with the most coins in the jar wins.

* * *
Simple but very fun game, known since childhood. One of the guests quickly and vaguely whispers a word to the neighbor on the right. He, in turn, whispers what he heard to his neighbor in the same manner - and so on in a circle. The last participant stands up and loudly says the word given to him, and the one who started the game says his own. Sometimes the result exceeds expectations. The game option is “Associations”, i.e. the neighbor does not repeat the word, but conveys the association with it, for example: winter - snow.

* * *
To play you will need a large box or bag (opaque) in which various items of clothing are placed: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, etc. funny things. The presenter invites those present to update their wardrobe by taking something out of the box, with the condition that they do not take it off for the next half hour. At the host’s signal, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music stops, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. The view is amazing!

* * *
Props: a bag of sucking candies (like “Barberries”). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy they call their opponent “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase will win. It must be said that the game takes place to the cheerful shouts and whoops of the spectators, and the sounds made by the participants in the game bring the audience into complete delight!

* * *
The participants of the game stand in a circle. The first player, having applied the usual playing card to the mouth, inhales air and, holding the card in this position, passes it to the next participant. He, in turn, accepting the card while inhaling, thus passes the card on - and so on in a circle. Option: you can split into two Teams and conduct a relay race.

* * *
To play you need a large basin of water. Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.

* * *
The apple is tied by the stem and suspended. Participants approach the apple one at a time and try to bite it, holding their hands behind their backs. And this is difficult to do. You can organize a competition: hang several apples, the one who eats them faster will win.

* * *
Witnesses of the bride and groom, as well as willing couples, participate in this competition. Let there be not very many of them: two or three. The rest carefully watch what is happening and evaluate the winners.
So, all participants are blindfolded and placed opposite each other. The presenter attaches clothespins to their clothes, 5-6 pieces per person is enough. These must be very different places.
At the leader’s command, the music is turned on and the players begin their work. Blindfolded, they must find the clothespins on their partner and remove them. The music should last no more than 2-3 minutes. As soon as the music stops, the competition is over. Whoever has the most removed clothespins is the winner.
If suddenly some couple manages to remove all the clothespins before the music ends, then the winner can be announced immediately.
The losers are fined: they are given a glass of vodka to drink.

* * *
A man and a woman are blindfolded with a scarf at the rate of 1 scarf for 2 eyes. Participants are taken to different ends of the hall. A woman, who is also a Good Samaritan, receives a glass of vodka in her hands, which she must carry, without spilling, to the man and pour him where it should be. If there is still an appetizer left, in the good Samaritan’s second hand there is a sandwich with an appetizer, for example, with eggplant caviar (it is easier to smear it off the face in case of failure).
The game is fun. In emancipated companies, where women drink and men are coded or “filed,” a perverted version of the game called “tamp down your beloved” is used with a reversal of roles.

* * *
Any number of people can participate in this, perhaps the most frivolous game, but if there are too many of them, and even if they are not on their feet, then the holiday risks turning into mass wallowing on the floor. Therefore, two “gladiators” more or less firmly standing on the ground will be enough.
Participants in the game are tied with a thread around their waists and left behind with a “tail” reaching to the floor, at the end of which an empty matchbox is tied. The task of each of them is to step on the opponent’s box and tear it off the string without using hands.
The winner plays with the next player. You can play this way until you lose orientation in time and space.

* * *
In the center playground 6 chairs are placed in a circle with their backs facing inward. 6 brave men - “pilots” - sit on them, on whose laps lies a large balloon. Six insidious “air bombers” scatter on command and land on their partner’s ball with all their might in a jumping manner. Whose balloon bursts immediately, but whose partner, the “pilot,” remains safe and sound, will receive a new balloon as a prize.
It is important that the “pilots” are able to sit firmly on a chair and hold the ball on their knees, and the “bombers” can not only stand firmly on their feet, but also move them at the speed of a normal person running while drunk.

* * *

Poetry of love.
"...Love and poetry are inseparable. This has been the case at all times and remains to this day.... Now each of our couples short time have to become poets."
Rules: Each pair is given a card with the beginning lines of a quatrain that needs to be completed. After one minute, the pairs present their version of the poem to the audience. Poems are assessed with applause.
Couples are given a card with the words:
"On Valentine's Day I see a strange picture..."

The presenter calls 5-7 guys. Each participant is tied to the back with a string balloon. The goal of the competition is to pop your opponents' balloons without using your hands. The player whose balloon remains undamaged wins.

My student years have successfully ended, and I want to remember them as best as possible. The graduation scenario at the university will help you organize a gala graduation party, “wash your diploma,” and just have fun with your university friends. After 5 years of studying together, it can be difficult to part with classmates. Therefore, our festive scenario for graduation at the university will brighten up these moments and give you the opportunity to have a blast.

Competitions, games, and entertainment are provided for university graduates. The words are written for two presenters, although, with some adjustments, they can be voiced by one toastmaster.

University graduation script

Hello, dear graduates!

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! We are glad to welcome you today.

Allow me to begin today's celebration, a formal graduation ceremony dedicated to students' farewell to the university! Now your paths may diverge, but these 5 years that you spent together will forever remain in your memory.

Someone will later remember them with joy, someone with longing, someone, perhaps, with pain. But one way or another, you will never be able to forget the fun moments of student life.

Here's your year of study behind you.
And there were ups and downs.
And this evening we all want
So that you remember every moment.

So the moral is: today we need
Celebrate our graduation evening
Fun, playful, friendly!
Do you agree?!

All :

At a noisy, cheerful feast, at a rich, beautiful table,
Let's fill our glasses with sparkling and delicious wine!
Here's to your graduation, dear graduates!
The floor is given to the head of the course.

The headman makes a toast and congratulates everyone.

Dear graduates, please start your meal, but while you have a drink and a snack, we would like to announce the forecast for today's celebration.

The soundtrack “Weather Forecast” plays.

Today the starry sky is expected to be slightly cloudy and a festive hurricane with champagne will be celebrated. The temperature above the table is 40 degrees, the air is filled with fun and increased joy. There will be fog in the head at night, a slight storm is possible, clearing is expected the next morning.

Now let's greet each other:
Everyone raised their hands together,
They waved their right hand.
Well left hand goes down for now
On your knee. Not your own, but your neighbor's.

Right hand is hot
We are the neighbor's shoulder
We hug indecently.
Did you like it? Great!

We swung left and right.
You're rocking great! Bravo!
Now let's stroke our belly.
Let's smile from ear to ear.

Let's push the neighbor on the right.
Let's wink at the neighbor on the left.
They leaned slightly towards the table,
Reached for a glass
We take a glass in our hand
Together we get up from our places.

We continue the fun -
Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the right!
So that the glass does not fog up -
Let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the left!

And with the opposite neighbor,
Support the team!
Let's shout loudly: "Congratulations!"
And we drink everything to the bottom!

There is a popular belief that a burning candle cleanses a person, and while it burns, he has hope. So let hope and happiness walk next to you, dear graduates! Let the fire of these small candles be a symbol big fire your soul!

The lights in the hall go out and only small lamps remain on.

Let the unquenchable candle of your love for your chosen profession always illuminate and warm your path, help you move upward, and let everything negative in your life burn out in its flame! Good luck to you!

Performing for you... (name of guest artist or singer, name of group).

A song is playing.

Dear friends, in order to feel the height of the holiday, each of you in this room must take an oath.

Do you vow to use all your strength, skills and ingenuity, to use all your reserves of fun, to make this evening extraordinary?

All :
We swear!

We swear that we won’t go astray? Shall we get together for a round dance today?

All :
We swear!

We swear that we'll be home by morning?

All :
We swear!

So we'll definitely get drunk? And let us get drunk, but not fight?

All :
We swear!

Are we going to have a blast today?

All :
Yes! We swear!

Dear graduates! Fill your glasses with wine
Let joy reign at our table!

Dress up competition

Well, now I propose to hold a dress-up competition. First, let's choose the most brilliant outfit! Whoever claims this title, please take the stage!

Based on the applause of the audience, the presenter determines the most brilliant outfit, and the winner is given a souvenir.

Now let's choose the longest dress! Girls, please go on stage!

Based on the applause of the audience, the presenter determines the longest dress and gives the girl a souvenir.

Based on the audience's applause, the presenter determines the best-dressed man and gives the winner a souvenir.

We all gathered here for a reason,
And I won’t tell you any secrets,
How long has everyone been waiting for this holiday?
And they wrote spurs and passed state assessment tests,
The long-awaited moment has finally arrived,
AND important given document for you.

Shakespeare said, “the whole world is a stage,” but I can say that our whole life is one big study. Today you are a university graduate, but essentially you are just moving on to the next class of life. So let us sincerely wish that you graduate from these “universities” with straight A’s and achieve success in your field of activity. Here's to your success!

Dance game

And now a little dance warm-up.

Everyone stands in a circle behind each other. At the leader’s command, everyone takes the person in front by the waist, and everyone moves their hips left, right, back and forth together. The game is played to music.
Further the task becomes more complicated. The leader asks to grab the waist of the person in front through one person. Then the movements of the hips are repeated left-right-back-forward.
After this, the task becomes more complicated again, now it is proposed to grab the waist of the person standing two people in front! Naturally, movements of the hips... The game is played until “there are enough hands”. In the end, everyone falls happily onto the floor.

When students are having fun
They're supposed to drink
There is a snack,
Of course, of course.

It won't hurt us
Will not spoil the appearance
And will significantly increase your appetite.
I propose a toast to my friends!

Your studies at the university have ended, all tests have been passed, sessions have been completed and diplomas have been defended! There is very little left, all that remains is to wish you all a successful voyage beyond the shores of your university’s home harbor! And don’t let the luggage you received there be ballast.

Competition "Funny abbreviations"

Each of you, dear graduates, must write on a piece of paper a funny abbreviation for the neighbor on the left. For example, if your friend was remembered by you for being constantly late for classes, you can call him the “Constantly Late Guy” (POP). Don't forget to sign the first and last name of the person for whom you came up with the abbreviation.
Whoever comes up with the longest, most interesting and most original acronym will win a prize.

The competition lasts 10 minutes, then each graduate reads what he wrote and the best abbreviation is chosen. The winner is awarded a prize.

You studied for so many years
And we tried, we weren’t lazy,
We can summarize:
Everyone did their best.

Congratulations to you today
And we wish everyone success.
The time has come for us,
Shout a loud “Hurray!”

All :

We cordially congratulate everyone,
We wish everyone good luck,
And let it be all year round
You are lucky in everything you do!

Competition "Bank Account"

And now, dear graduates, let’s determine which of you has learned to count money best of all. The competition requires two volunteers.

IN glass jar there are paper and metal money. Without opening the jars, you need to count the amount. Each participant has his own bank. Whoever does it faster and more correctly wins. The winner is given a souvenir.

Well, here it is, the treasured diploma in your pocket...
My student years have passed.
And you part, but know at the same time
About the cycle of nature.

Here's to new meetings, to being at the table again
The student fraternity gathered...
And so that this long-awaited diploma
Brought you success and wealth!..

As in bright holiday, -
Honor upon honor, -
No wonder the house is full of guests:
We gathered together today
Wash your brand new diploma.
Let's take a closer look again,
What we strived for day after day -
There are only crusts in it,
The ones we drink to!

Dear friends, as they say, our whole life is a game. But I want to add: what matters is not whether it is long, but whether it is well acted.

Yes, student years are not that long. But I want to wish all of you that these years will be remembered for the rest of our lives. So that they become the most vivid and memorable act in your plays called life.

Between the hosts' remarks, graduates can make toasts and dance. Ready script graduation ceremony at the university can be changed a little if necessary. For example, add other competitions or performances by guest artists and musicians.
