Filling out p14001 when changing okved. New form P14001 download

The change of director must be documented, including in the state register of legal entities. Registration of this fact is carried out on the basis of form P14001. A sample of filling out this document when changing the director is given in this article.

Form P14001

This form was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service dated January 25, 2012 N ММВ-7-6/25@ and is used to register changes not related to changes constituent documents. Depending on the type of changes, the corresponding sheet of the form is filled out.

Examples of such changes:

  • transfer of a share in the authorized capital in the order of purchase and sale, donation, inheritance, etc.;
  • relocation of the company (change of legal address);
  • changing the passport details of a participant or director of a company;
  • correcting errors in the registry;
  • adding or deleting OKVED codes;
  • change of director.

Through one application, you can declare several changes (for example, a change of director and legal address), but if it is necessary to correct an error in the register, two must be filled out to make changes and corrections different shapes P14001.

Filling out form P14001 when changing the director

The re-election of the general director is formalized by a decision general meeting members of the company or the board of directors, depending on who elects the general director in this company, or by the sole decision of the sole founder.

The law obliges the company to submit documents to the tax authority within three days to register changes, namely:

  • statement P14001 certified by a notary;
  • decision to change the director (optional). Often, a decision is not presented in order to avoid fines for missing the deadline for applying for registration (5 thousand rubles under Article 14.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The form in question is quite voluminous, however, if there was only a change of director in the organization, there is no need to fill out the entire form, it is enough to fill out the title page and sheets K “Information about an individual who has the right to act on behalf of legal entity" and P "Information about the applicant." Only completed pages are numbered; empty sheets do not need to be submitted to the tax office.

The following must be filled out on the title page:

  • information about the organization (TIN, OGRN, full name);
  • purpose of submitting an application: 1 - making changes, 2 - making corrections (indicating the number of the entry in the register containing erroneous information).

Sheet K indicates:

  • reason for making changes: assignment of powers to the director, termination of his powers or changes in his personal data;
  • information available in the register (full name of the authorized person, TIN);
  • information that must be entered into the register (full name of the new director, TIN, date and place of birth, position, passport details (other identification document), place of residence, telephone).

The following sections are filled in on sheet P:

  • who the applicant is - the appropriate number is selected from the list provided;
  • information about the organization represented by the applicant (TIN, OGRN, full name, information about the managing organization);
  • applicant’s details (full name, TIN, date and place of birth, passport details (other identification document), place of residence, telephone, email);
  • the text of the application, according to which the applicant confirms the accuracy of the stated information and consent to the processing of the specified personal data;
  • method of issuing the registration document: to the applicant, to another person by proxy or by mail;
  • applicant's signature;
  • information about the notary (other authorized person) who certified the application - indicate the figure corresponding to the status of the person from the list and TIN.

The requirement for notarization of the applicant's signature is established in the form itself.

Download form P14001 when changing director

Submission of form P14001 to the tax authority

As mentioned above, a completed and certified application must be submitted to the tax authority no later than three days from the date of the changes - the assignment of powers to the new director.

There is no state fee for filing the P14001 application.

The tax authority has 5 working days for registration. After this period, if the procedure for making changes has been followed, the applicant is issued a document confirming the entry of information into the register. Immediately after this, it is necessary to notify the bank and counterparties of the change of director.

Modern tax practice is such that all information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are stored in special registers - Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

In some cases, taxpayers need to make changes to them, for which there are special forms. P14001 is one of the forms that helps to complete a registry correction for organizations.

In what cases is this form required?

Form 14001 allows you to formalize changes in several directions at once. They have only one thing in common: they should not be related to changes in constituent documents. It is used in the following situations:

  • upon withdrawal of a participant (founder) from the LLC and disposal of his shares;
  • when buying or selling a share;
  • donation of a share;
  • its transfer by inheritance;
  • when there is a change of director;
  • when there is a change of founder;
  • when changing OKVED;
  • fixing errors in the registry.

Until recently, this list included changes in the passport details of the leader and participants. However, this is no longer necessary.

It is possible to combine several types of changes in one form. The exception is the correction of errors in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. For this action you will have to submit a correction separately.

Who draws it up and signs it?

When making changes, applicants may be the following persons:

  • head of the organization;
  • another person who has the right to act on behalf of this organization without a power of attorney;
  • another person who has powers confirmed by law, as well as by a state or municipal body.

If the changes concern the transfer of part or all of the share, then relaxations are allowed and applicants can become:

  • founder or simply participant of the organization;
  • legal successor of the reorganized legal entity - a member of the company;
  • notary or executor of a will.

If a separate organization appears as the participant mentioned above, then the applicants may be:

  • the head of such an organization;
  • another person who has the right to act without a power of attorney;
  • an individual who has a power of attorney from this organization.

Where should it be submitted?

The completed form is submitted to tax office, in which the legal entity is registered, or to a multifunctional center, which then transfers the documents again to the inspectorate.

Form P14001 should be submitted to the registration authority in person or through a representative who has a notarized power of attorney from the organization.

When sent electronically, documents are scanned and certified by an electronic signature or by a notary.

If everything is done correctly, no later than 5 working days the applicant will receive a sheet Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which will reflect all registered changes. You can receive it in person, through a representative with a notarized power of attorney, or by email transport container with a list of contents.

How to fill out the form

The form must be filled out in printed capital letters only. Some abbreviations are very different from the generally accepted ones; dots are not placed after them. Tax service gives a complete form, but does not include page numbers, since some sheets may not be required.

The structure of the document is as follows:

  • Page 001:
    • Section 1 contains data about the legal entity that is in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
    • Section 2 – contains the reason for submitting the application. Here the value “1” is set if a correction is needed, and the value “2” if errors in the registry are corrected. In the latter case, in the fields provided for this, you must enter the OGRN or GRN, which were entered on the basis of an erroneous application.
  • Sheet A filled out if changes are required to the name of the legal entity. Contains both the full (section 1) and abbreviated (section 2) name.
  • Sheet B contains information about changes in the address at which the executive body of the legal entity, or a person acting without a power of attorney on its behalf, will be located.
    Abbreviations are allowed, but they are strictly defined by order of the Federal Tax Service. The village, for example, is designated as “D”, and the avenue as “PR-KT”. In the case of unique abbreviations for words such as “premises” or “room,” it is better to clarify them with the inspector. Otherwise you may get rejected.
  • Sheet B has pages 1 to 4, but all of them are devoted exclusively to information about the Russian legal entity that is a member of the organization.
    • Value “1” – fill out sections 3 and 4, value “2” – section 2, value “3” – section 2, 3 (when correcting information about a participant) and 4 (when changing the size of a participant’s share).
    • Section 2 contains only current data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Section 3 – the information that should be entered into this register. Section 4 – information about the ruble value of the share. The nominal value and the expression of the share as a fraction or percentage are indicated.
    • Section 5 contains information about the presence of a pledge of a share or part thereof, the holders of this pledge, as well as information about the notary in relation to the pledge agreement.
  • Sheet G contains information about a foreign legal entity that is a member of the organization. The filling rules are the same.
    Nuances: the name is indicated in Russian transcription, the code of the country of origin must be present.
  • Sheet D contains information about an individual who is a participant in a legal entity. All this information must correspond to what is already contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  • Sheet E reflects the participation of the municipal body, and Sheet J– mutual investment fund in the organization. Filled out in specific cases.
  • Sheet Z serves to reflect the share in the authorized capital that belongs to the company itself. To be completed if the company decides to buy or sell its share.
  • Sheet I is intended for a JSC that changes and enters new data about the registry holder.
  • Sheet K contains changes in information about an individual who is the sole executive body, as well as if his powers arise (terminate).
    In section 1 you must specify the following values:
    • obtaining new powers - “1” and the 3rd section is filled out;
    • termination of previous powers - “2” and the 2nd section is filled in;
    • change of information - “3” and the 2nd and 3rd sections are filled out.

    A nuance: in addition to personal data, in the 3rd section you must indicate your position and contact phone number.

  • Sheet L is intended to reflect the correction of data about the management organization.
  • Sheet M serves to reflect information about the manager.
  • Sheet N intended for information about OKVED codes. The main code is mentioned on only one sheet.
    Section 1 contains those types that must be indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Section 2 – those excluded from the register. In this case, field 2.1 is filled in if the main type of activity is excluded.
  • Sheet O serves to reflect information about existing branches or representative offices and contains two pages. You can fill out multiple sheets.
  • On Sheet P information about the value is entered authorized capital, if there is a need to correct an error. The exact data is indicated in the “size” column.
    If this sheet is filled out, then on the very first page of the form you must enter the value “2” and indicate the OGRN at which the error was made.
  • Sheet P contains information about the individual who is assigned to act as an applicant. In this case:
    • Section 1 contains values ​​corresponding to the status of this individual.
    • Section 2 – about the legal entity that commissioned to act as an applicant. It is filled out in all cases, except when the applicant is a notary or an ordinary individual.
    • In section 5 of Sheet P, the applicant confirms the accuracy of the information and determines the method of obtaining the final documents.
    • Section 6, which caps the form, is filled out by the notary.

    All data is taken from the identity card, TIN is required. The location in other sections is indicated according to the rules already mentioned.

An application in form P14001 is used to make changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which are in no way related to changes in the constituent documents. This is an opportunity to simply and quickly change information about an LLC, including information about the founders, the direction of activity and the person of the director of the legal entity.

Form P14001 is used in the work of every LLC that has been operating for any significant period of time. And so now we will analyze in detail all the options for using this statement that exist today.

  • If you want to change the constituent documents, use form P13001;
  • If a new founder enters the LLC by increasing the authorized capital, form P13001 is also applied;
  • When changing the last name, registration address or changes in the passport of the director of an LLC or its founder, it is not necessary to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service. The FMS will independently send all the information to the tax office and they will make adjustments in their documents;
  • For more efficient document flow and convenience, you can use one application on form P14001 in order to make several changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities at once;
  • But at the same time, you cannot correct errors in the registry and make some changes with one statement;
  • The applicant must sign the P14001 form and have it notarized + the notary must stamp the document;
  • You cannot print documents for the Federal Tax Service using both sides of the sheet;
  • As with other documents, to complete Form P14001, you must use a pen with black ink or black printer ink in combination with Courier New font, 18 point high.
  • For making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with the help of R14001 state. no duty will be charged.

If you want to make sure that the changes have been made correctly, you can independently order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The tax office will only give you a sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (these are the new rules).

If one of the founders wants to donate his share in the LLC (no matter to another founder, a third party, a charitable foundation or the LLC itself), he uses form P14001 (acting as an applicant) and registers the transaction with a notary, who then sends the application himself for registration of changes with the Federal Tax Service.

Of course, before giving someone his share, the founder must inform the other members of the Company about this. There are two ways to do this.

First: submit an application to the general director (which he must sign) about the intention to donate a share in the LLC to someone;
Second: send a notification of your desire to donate your share in the LLC to the legal address.

By law, the founders have 30 days to respond. The absence of any reaction is considered tacit approval. And if you send a letter, then this should be registered letter with an inventory so that you can confirm the fact of dispatch and delivery.

If one of the founders speaks out against the gift transaction, then it is declared invalid (void). In this case, the founder loses the right to donate his share in this particular case.

When inheriting a share in an LLC, this form is also used. In this case, the heir becomes the applicant. In addition to the completed form P14001, he needs to provide:

A notarized copy of the inheritance certificate;
- minutes of the meeting of founders, which confirms the transfer of the LLC share to him (if there are other founders).

According to current legislation, shares in an LLC must be alienated in favor of the heirs within 6 months. After this period expires, the shares are transferred to the LLC itself.

An important point: the Charter may indicate that inheritance of LLC shares is possible only with the approval of all founders. That is, an heir who has not received approval at the meeting of founders does not have the right to take possession of a share in the Company. But in this case he has the right to monetary compensation, which is calculated after analysis financial statements community and a fair assessment of the share in the LLC, which was expected to be inherited.

If one of the founders wants to leave the LLC, then form P14001 must be sent to the Federal Tax Service (the applicant in which is general manager- head of the LLC), with the signatures of the founders and information about how the share of the person who left is distributed between them (in in this case- in direct proportion to their shares in the charter of the Company with limited liability).

Note: there are different cases application of this norm. If the founder leaves the LLC against the will of all its other owners, then it is important that this possibility is spelled out in the Charter. Otherwise, he will have to secure the consent of all his partners. Otherwise, he simply will not be able to withdraw from the authorized capital.

Naturally, in addition to simply withdrawing from the LLC charter, one of the founders may simply want to sell their share. In this case, the P14001 form is also used, which must be notarized.

The transaction scheme is simple - the seller, acting as an applicant, prepares an application and applies to a notary, together with the buyer. After which the notary, having checked all the terms of the transaction, certifies it and independently sends the data for registration to the Federal Tax Service.

Note: When selling, it is important to check the LLC Articles of Incorporation. It may indicate that when selling a share, information about the sale must be provided to all founders, and not just to one buyer. Or that the Company itself has the priority right to repurchase the share. One way or another, all terms of the transaction must comply with the LLC Charter and current legislation.

And when selling a share to a person who is not part of the founders, the seller must send a written notice to his partners that he intends to sell his share. Then, by law, they have the opportunity to purchase the share being sold at the same price as is offered to the third party.

In this case, this form is also used. With this transaction format, a share that belongs to the LLC itself is sold. The buyer can be either the founder or a person who is not a member of the LLC. The role of the applicant in this case is the head (director) of the Company.

Note: the right of first refusal to buy out shares by other founders does not apply here.

In case only the legal address changes and this does not affect statutory documents, this form applies. Along with form P14001, some documents must be provided to the tax office that would confirm that the LLC has rights to an office at the new legal address. The application itself must be certified by a notary.

When an LLC undergoes a process of changing directors (managers), form P14001 is also filled out. The role of the applicant is played by the new director. And along with a completed and notarized application in form P14001, the Federal Tax Service must provide the minutes of the meeting of founders, at which it was decided to remove the old head of the LLC and appoint a new one.

If the director (manager)’s passport information changes and this is not the information that the Federal Migration Service provides automatically to the tax office, then you also need to fill out an application on form P14001. The application is certified by a notary (as usual). And on the plus side, the minutes of the meeting of founders on amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to changes in the passport data of the director of the company are submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Exactly the same scheme as in the case of changing the director’s data. Only in this case the founders go through the entire procedure. It is important to remember that the bulk of the data (we wrote about this at the beginning of the article) is transferred by the FMS to the tax office automatically. And you don’t need to submit an application for them.

The application on this form also applies in the case when it is necessary to adjust the OKVED codes for an LLC. The applicant in this case must be the director (manager) of the Company.

Three operations can be performed:

  1. Add additional OKVED codes;
  2. Exclude some OKVED codes;
  3. Change the main activity code of the LLC.

Important: along with form P14001, which must be certified by a notary, you are required to submit the minutes of the meeting of founders, at which the decision was made to change the OKVED codes.

If there is some error in the information about the LLC in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, but everything is indicated correctly in the company’s constituent documents, you can use form P14001 to correct this. The applicant must be the director (manager) of the LLC. In addition to the application itself in form P14001, you must provide the minutes of the meeting of founders on amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Carrying out your economic activity, business entities sometimes have to change some of their data. It is legally established that information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities must correspond to reality, so if any changes occur, adjustments must be made to them. This obligation of the subject requires submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service in the prescribed form.

Changes in the data of a business entity may or may not affect the content of the constituent documents. When a company changes data that is not reflected in the company's charter, it must notify the Federal Tax Service about their change by filling out form p14001.

Examples of such events may include the following:

  • Election of another person to the position of head of the company.
  • Changing the ID data of company owners.
  • Changes to the company's OKVED code.
  • (when its change does not need to be carried out in the company’s charter).
  • Change of information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities upon the exit of the founder.
  • Making adjustments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities when the share of a company participant is sold.
  • When the information reflected in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities contains errors.
  • When registration data changes when inheriting a share.

What application form is used in 2018

New form application R14001 was approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service MMV-7-14/333@ dated May 25, 2016, which amended the previously adopted Order Federal Tax Service MMV-7-6/25@ dated January 25, 2012.

Currently, this version of the application for amendments, form p14001, is in effect. It cannot be filled out online on the tax office website, but you can download a computer program for this purpose.

The main difference between the new form and the current previous form is the use of the OKVED 2 classifier when filling it out. From June 2016, in an application to amend information on a legal entity, new codes from OKVED 2 must be used.

Procedure for making changes

Current regulations establish the obligation of a business entity to notify the tax authority of changes that have occurred in information about a legal entity within three days from the moment when this data was changed.

The owners of the company, its manager or a notary can submit form p14001. The basis for filling out the application is the minutes of the meeting of the company’s founders, the purchase and sale agreement, etc.

When submitting an application using this form, you do not need to pay a state fee. It is paid only when the content of the charter is adjusted.

Attention! The completed application must be notarized before submitting it to the Federal Tax Service. The notary must make the appropriate marks on sheet P.

Form p14001 new free download 2018 in excel

Sample of filling out an application form P14001

Let's take a closer look at how to fill out an application on form P14001.

The application form contains a title page, as well as sheets from A to P. In this case, each of the letter sheets can consist of several pages. However, you don’t need to fill out everything completely - they contain fields for all cases, and only those sheets that are needed in specific situation.

Front page

A number is placed at the top - it will always be “001”.

Below you need to write down the TIN and OGRN codes of the company, as well as its full name.

The field in section “2” indicates the reason for this application:

  • “1” if there is a change in the available information;
  • “2” if errors contained in a previously sent application are corrected.

Sheet A

This sheet must be completed if the company name changes. In special fields you need to enter new full and abbreviated names in Russian.

Sheet B

This sheet must be filled out if the legal address of the company is changed. In the fields located at no, the components of the address are entered, starting from the postal code and ending with the office number.

Sheet B

This sheet is issued when information about a participant in a company or another company changes. If there are several such changes, then for each case a separate sheet B is filled out. It consists of several pages.

On page 1, it is first indicated why the data is being entered:

Pages 2-4 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Sheet G

This sheet is drawn up when information about a member of the company who is foreign company. If there are several such changes, then for each case a separate sheet D is filled out. It consists of several pages.

On pages 1-2, it is first indicated why the data is being entered:

  1. “1” if a new participant enters;
  2. “2” if an existing participant leaves;
  3. “3” if there is a change in information.

Sections 2 and 3 contain columns indicating the data located in the Register and entered there. You also need to enter the share size below.

Sheet D

This sheet is issued when information about a company participant who is an individual changes. If there are several such changes, then a separate sheet D is filled out for each case. It consists of several pages.

Pages 3-5 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Pages 6-7 are filled in if a share is inherited.

Pages 8-9 are completed if an individual has transferred part of his share to trust management.

Sheet E

This sheet is drawn up when the information about the participant of the company, who acts directly, changes. Russian Federation, its subject or municipality. If there are several such changes, then a separate sheet D is filled out for each case. It consists of several pages.

On page 1, it is first indicated for what reason the data is being entered - “1” if a new participant enters, “2” if an existing participant leaves and “3” if there is a change in information. Section 2 contains columns indicating the data located in the Register and entered there. You also need to enter the share size below.

On pages 2-4 it is indicated who acts on behalf of the owner of the share - an individual or a legal entity.

Pages 5-7 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Sheet J

This sheet is issued when information about a participant in the company, which is a mutual fund, changes. If there are several such changes, then for each case a separate sheet B is filled out. It consists of several pages.

On pages 1-2, it is first indicated for what reason the data is being entered - “1” if a new participant enters, “2” if an existing participant leaves and “3” if there is a change in information. Sections 2 and 3 contain columns indicating the data located in the Register and entered there. You also need to enter the share size below.

Pages 3-5 are filled out if the share is pledged - information about this event is entered there: the size of the share, information about the recipient of the pledge, etc.

Sheet Z

To be completed if any share in the authorized capital becomes owned directly by the company itself. For example, if a participant leaves the company, and his share is not distributed among the remaining owners.

On the sheet you need to indicate the share that belongs to the company, as well as what is supposed to be done with it.

Sheet I

This sheet must be filled out if the location of the register of shareholders of the JSC changes. This can be the society itself (code “1”), or the regulator (code “2”).

Sheet K

This sheet is filled out if the information about a person who can act without a power of attorney (director) changes.

Next, the information that is in the register and what needs to be entered there is recorded. The latter include information about the person, place of birth, residential address, details of an identity document, etc.

Sheet L

This sheet is filled out if the company is managed by a third party management company.

First, the reason for registering the changes is indicated: the beginning of authority (“1”), its termination (“2”) or a change in information (“3”).

Sheet M

This sheet is filled out if the company is managed by a third-party individual - a manager.

First, the reason for registering the changes is indicated: the beginning of authority (“1”), its termination (“2”) or a change in information (“3”).

Sheet N

This sheet is filled out if the OKVED activity codes are changed. Page 1 contains codes that need to be recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, and page 2 contains which ones to remove from there.

Sheet O

This sheet is filled out in a situation where it is necessary to enter information about a representative office or branch into the register. First, it is indicated what is being considered - “1” branch, “2” representative office.

Next, the reason for issuing the sheet is indicated: “1” you need to enter all the data into the register, “2” you need to enter the name into the register, “3” you need to enter the address and “4” you need to inform about the closure of the branch or representative office.

Sheet P

This sheet is filled out if the authorized capital is changed. In the fields you must enter the type of capital and its amount.

Sheet P

This sheet is filled out in any situation in which an application is drawn up and contains information about the person sending the document.

The applicant type must be selected from a list of 16 values: legal entity, individual, management company, etc.

Page 4 must be completed and signed in the presence of a notary. The latter makes a mark on it as confirmation of the information.

Features of filling out the form

When changing the director of an LLC

If there is a change of director, then in addition to sheets 001 and P, you need to fill out sheet K, and it is filled out twice:

  • The first time for the old director, information is entered in section 2;
  • The second time for a new director, information is entered in section 3.

The applicant signs a new director on sheet P.

Download .

When changing the passport details of company members

When the passport data of the founder-individual has changed, then to change them, in addition to sheets 001 and P, you need to fill out sheet D.

In practice, there is no need to do this, since the FMS informs the tax office about all changes.

When correcting errors in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

First, fill out the title page, where you need to enter the code “2” and the OGRN number assigned on the basis of an application with errors.

  • If the name is incorrect - sheet “A”;
  • If the address is incorrect - sheet “B”;
  • In case of errors in the data about the founders - Sheets “B-E”;
  • In case of errors in information about the director - sheet “K”;
  • If there is an error in the data on the authorized capital - sheet “P”.

(address correction).

To change OKVED

In addition to sheets 001 and P, sheet “N” is filled out, and:

  • If the code needs to be added, page “1” is filled in;
  • If the code needs to be removed - page “2”,
  • If you need to change your main activity, write down on page “1” new look, on page “2” – old.

Sample: , .

To change your legal address

The application is filled out if this data does not change in the company’s charter.

In this case, the application should fill out sheet 001, B and R.

Sheet B must contain information about the new location of the company's management body. The address must be filled out using the KLADR directory, in which generally accepted abbreviations are used.

To buy and sell shares in a company

In this case, you need to enter data in sheet 001 and sheet P, as well as in one of sheets B, D, D, E

Depending on the situation, sheet B (D, D, E) reflects data on the retiring founder. In section 1, code 2 is entered, and information is recorded in the second section.

For the new founder, fill out section 1, code 1, in sheet B (D, D, E), and also enter information in sections 3 and 4.

Important! It is legally stipulated that the sale of a participation interest in an enterprise must currently be registered with a notary. Therefore, the notary is required, in addition to certifying the contract, to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service in Form 14001.

For the exit of society participants

Withdrawal from the membership can be formalized in two ways, depending on whether its share is distributed or not:

  • When the share of the retired founder is distributed among other owners within 1 month, sheet 001 is filled out, depending on the circumstances, one of sheets B, D, E, as well as sheets Z, R. For the retired owner, data is entered only in sheet 001, for all others current information is updated. Sheet 3 reflects information about the transfer of a share to the enterprise and its distribution among other participants.
  • If the distribution of the share has not been carried out, the application must be submitted twice. For the first time, sheets 001 are also filled out, depending on the circumstances, one of sheets B, D, D, E, and leaf Z, which notes the fact of transfer of the share to the organization. After this, another application for distribution is prepared.

When inheriting a share

If a share in a company is inherited, then sheet 001, D and R should be filled out in the application.

In this case, submit an application to the heir. In Sheet D you need to reflect information about the testator and heir, so there should be 2 of them.

When filling out the form for the testator, select code 2 in section 1, after which you need to enter the relevant information in section 2.

When reflecting data on the heir, code 1 is selected in section 1. Next, you should write down the information in sections 3 and 4.

Attention! The basis for making changes in inheritance is a certificate of the right of inheritance, which is drawn up in a notary's office. The rules of law establish that you can enter into an inheritance within 6 months from the date of its opening.

Responsibility if changes are not made

The legislation establishes the liability of a business entity for violating the deadlines for informing the registration authority about changes that have occurred in information about a legal entity.

Officials companies can be held accountable in the form of a warning or a fine of 5,000 rubles.

There is also a penalty for failure to provide or submission of inaccurate data to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. In this case, the fine may be set at 5,000-10,000 rubles.

Requires completion when any changes occur in your organization. Changes should concern the organization itself, but not change its Charter. If changes are required that should directly be reflected in the Charter of your organization, then filling out a completely different form P13001 is required. Both one and the other form are fixed by the order of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2012 and are relevant until today. In 2017, the P14001 form did not undergo major changes.

In what cases should form P14001 be filled out?

If your organization has undergone changes such as a change of director, a change in the name of the Limited Liability Company, a change in the share of one of the members of the Company, a change in legal address, a change in OKVED, or the correction of previously made errors when registering an organization and the complete correction of these errors. It should be noted that correction of errors should not in any way affect the Charter of the Company. If you need to change the previously entered data in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and mark a new participant in the Company, then one form P14001 will not be suitable in this case. It would be correct to submit two forms P14001, where one will contain corrections of previously entered information, and the other will contain new information for inclusion in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities extract. If the changes are of the same nature, for example, a change of director and legal address of the organization, then in this case one form P14001 is suitable.

How to fill out form P14001?

The form itself is quite lengthy and has 51 pages. When filling out, only those sheets that correspond to the registered changes are used. Accordingly, the sheets are also registered end-to-end, that is, only the sheets you fill out are numbered. The form itself has a title page and sheets in the appendix from “A” to “P”.

How to fill out form P14001 when changing the director? (filling sample)

When changing the director, the procedure for filling out the form includes the Cover Page and sheets in Appendix K and R. On the Cover Page, do not forget to note what information you are submitting. There are two numbers for this, number 1 is making changes, and number 2 is correcting errors. The name of the legal entity (your organization where the changes are taking place), TIN (taxpayer identification number consisting of 10 digits) and OGRN (main state registration number) are also indicated here. Next comes filling out the applications. Sheet K is filled out for two directors at once, for the one who left his post and for the one who will head the management of the company. Code 2 will need to be indicated for the former director - this is termination of authority. Thus, it turns out that you need to fill out two identical sheets K page 1. From personal data, the full name and TIN of the individual will be sufficient, since all necessary information passports and residence permits were already indicated earlier during registration. But for a new director, number 1 is required - assignment of powers. And here, you will need to fill in all the new information for the director. This is your full name, tax identification number, passport details, registration address and personal number mobile phone. This is indicated on sheet K, page 2. This is followed by filling out sheets P, where data on the applicant is indicated. In this case, the applicant will be the new director, so his data can be duplicated.

How to fill out form P14001 when a participant leaves an LLC? (filling sample)

When there is an alienation (transfer) of a participant’s share in favor of the Company, and then distributed among the remaining participants, and the retired participant is paid compensation equal to the size of his share. In this case, the Title Page and sheets P are filled in, where the applicant is indicated. If the share is distributed, then this must also be recorded in form P14001. If between Russian organization then fill out sheet B, if between a foreign organization, then sheet D, if between individuals- sheet D, between subjects of the Russian Federation - sheet E. For a former participant it will be enough to fill out the first page of the corresponding sheet, but for newly joined participants it will be necessary to reflect all the information. Do not forget about sheet 3, where it will be necessary to record the fact of alienation of the share, that is, its transfer to the Company. The applicant section is the data of the current director.

How to fill out form P14001 when buying and selling a participant’s share? (filling sample)

When selling your share, you must also submit Form P14001. But in this case, this fact must be recorded by a notary. Filling out sheets P are similar to the withdrawal of a participant from the Company. The applicant in this case is the seller of the share.

How to fill out form P14001 when changing your legal address? (filling sample)

It is worth noting that if this action does not entail a change in the Company’s Charter, then form P14001 will need to be filled out. In this case, only the subject of Russia must be indicated in the Charter, which means the address can be changed within this subject without registering a new Charter. In this case, by Title page, you will need to fill out sheets B and R. The applicant is the director of this organization.

How to fill out form P14001 when adding OKVED codes? (filling sample)

It is worth noting, as when changing the legal address. If the new OKVED does not make changes to the Company’s Charter, then form P14001 must be submitted. In addition to the main sheets - Title and R, it is necessary to reflect new information on sheet N. On page 1 of sheet N, new OKVED codes must be entered, and on page 2 - those that need to be excluded. OKVED codes must be written line by line from left to right and only 4 digits. Writing codes in a column is prohibited. The applicant in this case is the head of the organization.

When the passport data of a director or founder changes, the Federal Tax Service enters new data automatically.

How to fill out form P14001 when correcting erroneous information in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities? (filling sample)

Errors in data registration may occur either due to the fault of a legal entity or due to the fault of the tax authority. Therefore, you can correct erroneous actions by also submitting form P14001. Incorrectly entered actions may serve as a refusal when concluding transactions with counterparties, providing notary services or opening a bank account. Therefore, information about your organization after registration must be carefully checked. But if inconsistencies occur, the data can be corrected.

  • if there are errors in the name of the legal entity, fill out sheet A;
  • if there is an error in the legal address, then sheet B;
  • if there is an error in the data about the participants - then sheets C, D, E, F;
  • if there is an error in the information about the director - sheet K;
  • Procedure for submitting an application in form P14001

    Depending on the changes made, in addition to form P14001, it will be necessary to submit the corresponding package of documents. When changing the director - the decision of the sole founder or minutes of meetings. When a participant leaves the Company - the minutes of the meeting of participants, the participant's statement about leaving the Society. When buying and selling a share - an agreement on the sale of the share and a document confirming payment for this share. When changing the legal address - documents confirming the new location (ownership of the premises, rent).

    The fact of changes must be confirmed by a notary. This is evidenced by sheet 4 of section P, where the notary’s mark will appear. Submission of documents according to form P14001 in tax authority within three working days. There is no state duty charged.
