How to maintain a gas boiler. Maintenance of gas boilers: necessity, work carried out

Almost every individual building has gas-powered equipment. Blue fuel is one of the cheapest. That is why, when installing autonomous heating systems, owners of private houses in the vast majority of cases prefer to install gas boilers. But this requires periodic maintenance of gas equipment in a private home.

Is a contract necessary or not?

Today we will look at issues related to this procedure. But before we dwell on the technical side of the matter, let’s clarify whether mandatory maintenance of gas equipment in a private home is necessary? Are “private traders” always required to enter into contracts for it?

There are directly opposite views on this matter. Some consider this mandatory, others are of the opinion that the main thing here is the desire of the owner. Let's try to clarify. Russian Government Decree No. 549, issued in 2008, states that the resource supply organization (that is, gas workers) has the right to stop gas supply in the absence of such a document.

This is where the origins of the confusion lie. IN in this case means a valid contract, that is, drawn up before the date indicated above and not expired according to the deadline. Subject to availability current agreement the owner is not required to sign a new one. But if there is none, it must be concluded.

This must be done at least for security reasons. Gas technology refers to equipment of an increased level of complexity. It is subject to proper maintenance or self-repair only by a person who is a professional in this field. Ordinary citizens are not able to carry out high-quality technical work in private homes without knowing all its techniques and nuances.

What is checked during maintenance

This procedure includes a whole series complex technological operations. What exactly will need to be checked when servicing gas equipment in a private home?

With the help of gas analyzers, specialists monitor the tightness of the pipeline, without relying on their own sense of smell. The test is to check the operability of the equipment, that is, its technical condition in all modes that are provided. They are interested in the degree of wear of all components and their suitability for subsequent use. To do this, the equipment is subjected to complete or partial disassembly and inspected in order to identify signs of resource depletion.

The readiness of protection systems can be checked by making them operate under conditions simulating various emergency situations.

Be on the lookout

The entire variety of gas boilers available differs not only in brand, appearance and a set of parameters, but also according to its design solutions. And therefore, for the maintenance of a specific model, the list may differ from another similar one.

That is why there is no point in providing an exact list of operations. But it is necessary to know their approximate composition in order to monitor the conscientiousness of the specialist’s actions. The list of necessary operations is given in the documentation supplied with the unit.

With whom is the contract for servicing the gas equipment of a private home concluded?

This question is one of the most important. The best option it will be concluded with the organization that supplies gas. In this case, all claims identified during the inspection of the system will be presented by its employees to their colleagues. Suppliers usually have their own service departments.

Sometimes it is more convenient to conclude an agreement with the structure that works closely with the boiler supplier. This option is preferable for places where calling gas workers sometimes becomes a problem.

There are also companies whose specialization is the provision of such services. In both this and the previous case, a number of important points should be clarified: does such a structure have certification not for the maintenance of gas equipment in general, but for specific brands of products. You should also inquire about the contractor’s material resources.

What else is important

Having good specialists who can assemble and disassemble a unit and identify faults is not enough. Sometimes you cannot do without complex and expensive equipment - some of the work on servicing gas equipment in a private house cannot be performed “on site”.

For example, we can talk about cleaning the internal cavities of heat exchangers. If your device is under warranty, inquire about the right to organize maintenance during this period. You should also be interested in the time frame in which requests are completed and warranty periods after repairs.

It would also be useful to collect feedback from people who have experience working with this organization. And also important factors are the price of servicing gas equipment in a private home and a list of those services that are free. Before making a choice, it will be useful to compare the conditions with those accepted in other organizations.

Price issue

Unfortunately, within the framework of a separate article we cannot provide the reader detailed information, relating to specific prices of a particular supplier organization. As already mentioned, due to competition in the era of a market economy, the number of providers of such services is not one or two. And each of them has a price list consisting of a long list of items.

You can navigate this issue by comparing the prices of private suppliers with those that can be found on the website of the familiar and most in-demand JSC Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye according to a unified price list for the population. We repeat, we do not have the opportunity to provide the entire list of tariffs (23 sheets) - the reader can easily find the relevant information by visiting the supplier’s office or the corresponding Internet resource.

But for general orientation, we present standard prices for maintenance of in-house or in-apartment gas equipment. The exact amount contained in the contract will depend on the composition of the household equipment that is used in each particular case ( gas stove, gas instantaneous water heaters, gas metering device, gas drain valve, etc.). The cost of maintenance services is:

  • For hob- 334.74 rubles;
  • for the oven - 203.56 rubles;
  • for a stove with two burners - 334.74 rubles, with three - 389.02 rubles, four - 443.31 rubles;
  • for a water heater - 890.06 rubles;
  • for a boiler with a power of up to 30 kW - 913.37 rubles, from 31 to 60 kW - 1079.87 rubles, from 61 to 140 kW - 1079.87 rubles.

Remember that, as in any area of ​​service delivery, there is a phenomenon called unhealthy competition. It is customary for organizations to win over clients, taking advantage of the public’s lack of awareness of technical issues and sometimes even resorting to intimidation. If you have an existing document that is not expired, it makes sense to call those with whom you currently have a contract for servicing gas equipment in a private home (the gas technicians’ telephone number should always be at hand). You will inform them about the visit of competitors and new offers.

Sometimes representatives of the service department put forward more than persistent proposals to renew the contract due to the increased cost of servicing gas equipment in a private home. Often this phenomenon can be found in rural areas, where the population is much less informed. You shouldn't fall for such actions. As long as the document has not expired, any prices remain the same (they should not be confused with gas supply tariffs).

Sometimes you can hear about the substitution of the concepts of maintenance and repair. According to the contract, the owner’s obligation is to pay only for maintenance (we are talking about a visit from a technician and minor work related to diagnostics, cleaning, flushing, etc.). If the issue of troubleshooting is raised, especially with the replacement of spare parts, then the procedure is subject to separate payment.

You bought a gas boiler - what next?

When purchasing a gas boiler, we remember its advantages - hot water supply and reliable heating throughout the year. At the same time, gas boilers belong to complex household appliances, related to two energy carriers at once - electricity and gas. And the latter, if the gas pipeline or the boiler itself malfunctions, can become a source of danger to human life and household property.

That is why the frequency of maintenance of gas equipment in a private home and diagnostics is extremely important. By regularly checking it for serviceability, you can identify emerging problems and not bring the condition of the equipment to a dangerous level.

Gas boiler maintenance - what does it mean?

What is included in the concept of maintenance in order to ensure the serviceability of the unit and the safety of its operation? The answer depends on the degree of complexity of the device and the set of functions performed. The boiler can only serve for heating or hot water supply, or both at the same time. It is also important to have certain additional functions and protection systems provided for by its design.

WITH full list The necessary checks and the frequency of their implementation can be found in the instructions for each specific boiler model. This document is your guide to the procedure for concluding a service agreement with a contractor. You should be prepared for the fact that not the entire list of operations required by the instructions is included in the free mandatory procedures of the organization you have chosen. Some checks are considered an additional service and are provided only on the basis of additional payment. You should try to insist that they be included in the main contract list.

What is an approximate list of work on servicing gas equipment in a private home?

In the most general case, the maintenance procedure for a wall gas boiler consists of:

  1. Burner cleaning. Particular attention is paid to those details that determine the composition, direction and intensity of the flame. These include:

    A retaining washer that regulates the position of the burner torch and the extent of its contact with the heat exchanger;
    - the pipe through which gas is supplied to the burner (during inspection, it is removed, disassembled and purged, then all its parts are cleaned); if necessary, failed filters are replaced and then reinstalled;
    - and electrodes;
    - igniter device;
    - an air sensor, whose task is to regulate the parameters of preparing the gas-air mixture.

  2. Cleaning the combustion chamber and freeing from dirt all parts of the device that are exposed to open flames during operation.
  3. Checking the integrity of the entire structure and its correct operation. If necessary, the built-in hot water boiler is adjusted.
  4. Cleaning the internal channels through which gas is supplied and discharged.
  5. Checking the degree of contamination of the chimney. This is usually done for a separate price.
  6. Checks of built-in electronics.
  7. Adjustments of all units of units that need to be adjusted.

In addition, the composition of the gas in the combustion chamber is clarified for the composition, completeness and amount of carbon monoxide released. They also monitor the serviceability of the shutdown automation by modeling emergency situation. The most important of the safety devices is which must be completely sealed. The gas supply pipeline throughout the entire section of the apartment or house (estate) must maintain its integrity, special attention when inspecting it, it is given to the joints of the outer sections of pipes.

No amateur performances!

At first glance, the above list does not contain anything particularly complicated. This may seem like a job that any homeowner can do. But this impression is very misleading. An inexperienced person may miss the smallest signs that the boiler, water supply and gas pipeline do not meet strict requirements.

In the event of an unforeseen situation, not everyone is able to quickly respond in order to prevent irreparable consequences. At the same time, the specialist not only has the necessary qualifications and experience to carry out such work, but also bears personal responsibility for the quality of the inspection. This is confirmed by his signature in the documents for the boiler, which you must require from him upon completion of the maintenance.

Our climate is unpredictable, and cold weather can come suddenly. How to check a gas boiler and prepare for the heating season in advance? Find out the basic methods and rules for checking boilers.

If you have a traditional gas boiler in your home, then diagnosing the operation will not take much time and effort. If your house has a dual-circuit model, then in addition to the draft, it is worth checking the pipeline supplying hot water.

Checking the traction

First of all, you need to check the draft in the boiler. This can be done in two main ways:

  • Use an anemometer. This device determines the speed of air movement with high accuracy. However, an anemometer is not a cheap piece of equipment, so it makes sense to call a specialist to check it.
  • Don't want to spend money? Use normal visual methods. Take a piece of lightweight paper and hold it near the chimney. The more the sheet is deflected by the wind, the better the traction. You can use a lit match or cigarette in the same way: you will be able to see how intense the smoke is.

Thus, it is worth checking the draft in the system in all rooms. If there is reverse draft or its absence, the chimney is strictly prohibited from being used.

Checking the integrity of the system

It is necessary to inspect the chimney and boiler room. If you see cracks, chips or damage, they should be repaired. Sometimes it is necessary to repair certain sections of the chimney channels. If you are afraid of missing damaged areas, call gas specialists and specialists will carry out a thorough inspection.

Preparing the coolant

As a rule, either water or antifreeze is used as a coolant in the heating system, the brand of which is indicated in the documentation for the device. If you neglect the operating rules, you may lose warranty service. Antifreeze is not recommended for use in dual-circuit systems because it can get into the hot water supply.

We insulate pipes

If you are using the boiler in winter time, and some part of the pipeline is not involved in heating, the coolant liquid must be drained and shut off. In addition, pipes in rooms without heating must be insulated using polyurethane foam or other materials.

We monitor blockages

How to check a gas boiler for plugs and blockages? To do this, you need to open the radiator valve and let out all the air. Then identify the coldest areas, for example, windows and doors. It is very important to carry out such a check, because disturbances in the circulation of the coolant can lead to poor heating of the room, not to mention the breakdown of the boiler.

One of the most important reasons poor traction and slow removal of smoke - these are blockages in the pipes. You can also check for blockages by visual inspection, if the chimney design allows this. There is another way:

  • Take a metal ball and tie a rope to it.
  • Lower the ball from the top level of the chimney to the bottom.
  • If the ball was lowered to the end without any problems, the pipes are clean. If it gets stuck, there is a blockage inside that needs to be found and removed.

If the chimney is clean, but the smoke is poorly removed, then this means that there are other problems, then it is better to contact a specialist.

The video demonstrates checking the draft of a gas boiler

Modern gas boilers have economical fuel consumption, high performance characteristics and reliability. Therefore everything larger number consumers choose gas boilers for heating private homes and non-residential premises. Owners of a heating system often forget that without proper maintenance, the efficiency, safety and economics of the boiler are reduced significantly.

Gas boiler maintenance allows you to:

  • eliminate the risk of breakdown during the heating season;
  • significantly extend the service life of the unit;
  • avoid financial costs for repairs or replacement;
  • ensure its proper and continuous operation.

Since a gas boiler is equipment that uses both gas and electricity to operate, it is very important to identify damage to elements or wear of parts of the heating system in a timely manner in order to eliminate the risk of gas leakage, fire or fire. Compliance with the rules for using gas equipment and regular maintenance will help you avoid costly major repairs or replacement of the boiler in the future. In addition, maintenance eliminates the risk of operating a faulty heating system, helping to provide your home with high-quality heating for the entire life of the boiler.

Let's look at an example of how, without maintenance, a boiler begins to consume more gas and over the years heats the room worse and worse. It is known that the heat exchanger of a gas heat generator is susceptible to corrosion and scale formation. If the pipes are not washed and cleaned in a timely manner, then scale and dirt become an obstacle to the required heat exchange.

The boiler power decreases, and along with it the coolant temperature increases. Thus, gas consumption increases, and the boiler unit ceases to be efficient and economical. Obviously, regular maintenance will help eliminate such problems with the boiler. Checking the functionality of the boiler is also necessary for the reason that over time, components and parts of the heating system wear out and require replacement. A typical inspection by a licensed service center includes a visual inspection of parts and components of the system for damage and wear, and if necessary, specialists perform adjustments or repairs.

Gas boiler failure occurs for the following reasons:

  • a defect that was not discovered at production during testing;
  • improper operation and lack of proper care;
  • lack of required maintenance.

If you ignore signs of reduced boiler efficiency and do not check, then users risk being left without heating during the heating season due to its breakdown. On the contrary, timely maintenance and repair of a gas device is a condition for the safe operation of the equipment, as well as an opportunity to reduce heat loss, bring the boiler efficiency back to normal, increase the efficiency of the unit and solve other problems.

Maintenance and inspection of heating installations is carried out by operator-setters from branded service organizations. In order to maintain the warranty on boiler equipment from the manufacturer and reduce operating costs during the operation of the gas boiler, you cannot trust the installation, repair and replacement of the boiler and its elements to a third-party, non-specialized company. You should not choose dubious companies without a license and permission to carry out installation and operational activities, even if they promise to inspect the boiler cheaply.

Maintenance work is divided into 3 types:

  1. Regular work. According to the regulations, every season is carried out before the boiler starts operating and after it, in preparation for summer inactivity, in order to eliminate the risk of corrosion and save the life of units and components. The work includes: inspection and cleaning of the main elements of the unit.
  2. Major maintenance. In-depth inspection, which is carried out on schedule, every 3-5 years. The work includes: washing the heat exchanger, replacing valves, seals, checking fans and other elements.
  3. Routine repairs in case of unexpected breakdown. Boiler working for a long time at maximum power, it may fail for various reasons. In order not to be left without heating and to fix the problem, you should leave a request with the service department with which a service agreement has been concluded.

Only a specialized service organization can provide a guarantee for the work performed and order new parts for warranty replacement, since it has all the necessary resources to keep the boiler in excellent condition. As a rule, the staff and adjusters are qualified and experienced, and most importantly, they undergo training from the manufacturer of gas devices and have the necessary repair and diagnostic equipment for the customer’s gas boiler model. So, according to the user’s request or according to the inspection plan, service specialists come, check the condition of the boiler, perform service and update the unit settings if necessary.

Major maintenance of a gas unit includes work on cleaning the combustion chamber, burner and other elements. Connections are checked to eliminate the risk of gas leakage, pressure in heating tanks, and burner operating parameters. The mud traps and filters are cleaned, air sensors are purged, and faulty parts are replaced. The master adjuster assesses the condition of the smoke and ventilation ducts, as well as the tightness of the components.

Thus, a typical overhaul of gas equipment includes performance testing, replacement and repair of such elements as:

  • burner. Work on purging the air and flame presence sensor, cleaning the igniter electrodes and washers, removing carbon deposits from the chimney, washing and replacing filters.
  • automation system. Checking the components responsible for fuel consumption, operating mode and safety of the unit. Proper adjustment of the automatic mode helps reduce gas consumption by up to 25%.
  • gas channels. Work on cleaning pipes through which energy carriers move. Examination solenoid valve blocking the gas supply for tightness.
  • checking the quality of all gas supply connections. Elements should be assessed for corrosion and leaks.
  • combustion chamber. Cleaning parts in contact with the burner flame.

Obviously, warranty service for gas equipment helps prevent serious breakdowns. The timing of inspections and major services is set by the manufacturer. As a rule, after the boiler’s warranty period has expired, 6 months must pass before the first inspection by a specialist.

Despite the fact that gas equipment manufacturers produce boilers with increased durability and wear resistance, technical inspections cannot be neglected. Maintenance requirements and frequency of inspections of heating installations are indicated in the technical documentation for the boiler. Thus, the timing of checks and inspections is indicated by manufacturers in the operating manual and in the agreement between the user and the service representative. Each model range of gas equipment has its own deadlines.

Inspections as part of service must be carried out every season. To prepare for the heating season, before starting the boiler, the boiler is brought into proper working order, the main elements are cleaned and the sensors that are responsible for safe operation are checked. It should be noted that the service company can change the timing of the checks taking into account the characteristics and actual features of the gas or coolant used in the boiler. Obviously, boiler maintenance is a mandatory prevention of equipment failure.

Gas boiler maintenance

Gas thermal equipment attracts homeowners with its efficiency and ease of use. It is important to remember that if the unit malfunctions, the consequences can be extremely dangerous. To prevent this from happening, regular inspections and maintenance of the gas boiler by specialized organizations are necessary. The frequency of such work is specified in the contract. If a problem in the gas supply of the house arises during the period between scheduled inspections, a representative of the company will carry out necessary repairs.

Types and tasks of service

Maintenance of a gas boiler is carried out according to the manufacturer’s regulations at a certain frequency - usually annually. In addition, the service organization, at the request of the homeowner, carries out unscheduled repairs in the event of breakdowns, as well as major repairs every few years.

During routine maintenance of gas heating installation The task of the master is:

List of operations for boiler maintenance

As mentioned above, preventive and service work is carried out by licensed companies specializing in gas heating equipment. As a rule, in accordance with the dates fixed in the contract, a representative of the organization calls the homeowner and agrees on a specific date for the next inspection. But you should not completely rely on the performers; the owner should independently control the regularity of work within the prescribed time frame. It would also be useful to have an idea of ​​the procedure for carrying out maintenance and the list of mandatory operations.

Gas boiler maintenance consists of the following steps:

    First, the technician inspects the boiler and checks the condition of the burner;

    Blows air sensors;

    Cleans or changes filters;

    Cleans the gas burner and all parts of the boiler that interact with the fire;

    Adjusts system settings, bringing them in accordance with the reference parameters declared by the manufacturer;

    Evaluates the tightness of valves and connections;

    Inspects equipment components to detect corrosion

    Checks the operation of the safety unit, simulating an accident condition;

    Repairs or replaces faulty parts with new ones;

    At major renovation The heat exchanger is also washed.

Regular maintenance of a gas boiler helps ensure efficient gas supply to homes and the safety of the people living in them.

Maintenance and prevention of a gas boiler. We extend the life of your equipment

Gas boiler maintenance must be done regularly. During the annual inspection, malfunctions in the operation of automation are identified, safety insulating materials, tightness of components and pipes. This ensures the safety of the equipment and achieves savings by fine-tuning the gas flow. In this material we will talk about the actions that need to be performed for proper prevention of a gas boiler. Let's look at an example wall model. Most often, it is wall-mounted boilers that require detailed maintenance. The following maintenance steps can be defined:

  • shutdown of gas, water and electricity
  • coolant drain
  • turbine maintenance
  • cleaning the heat exchanger
  • cleaning gas burners and electrodes
  • boiler cleaning
  • checking the expansion tank
  • checking flow sensors and filters
  • gas pressure adjustment
  • connection and testing

Visual inspection

Before starting boiler maintenance, it is worth making a visual inspection of the shut-off valves for water supply and drainage. Perform a voltage test. Check the condition of the gas inlet and its shut-off valves.

Initial disassembly of a gas boiler

If there is no damage, you can start shutting down, partially disassembling the boiler, draining the water and starting maintenance. After removing the front panel, you need to check the thermal insulation of the connecting pipes and expansion tank. Pipes supplying still cold coolant must not be allowed to freeze.

Turbine maintenance

Gas boiler turbine

The exhaust fan ensures proper exhaust carbon dioxide, soot and smoke after combustion of the gas mixture. After dismantling the fan, it is worth checking the chimney pipe leading to the street for clogging. The fan must be cleaned of dust and the shafts lubricated. The condensate collector leading to the turbine must be sealed.

Cleaning the gas burner chamber and heat exchanger

gas boiler burner

After removing the cover, clean the outer fins of the heat exchanger from combustion products with a coarse brush. A well-cleaned heat exchanger ensures uniform heating of water or other coolant and prevents local overheating.

Using a soft copper brush, you need to remove any remaining soot from the ignition electrodes and ionization sensor, which are located in the chamber, and wipe them with isopropyl alcohol. Finally, you need to check the gap from the electrode to the burner, which should be about 4 mm.

Chemical descaling

gas boiler heat exchanger

There are operating conditions (they are indicated at the end of the article) under which it may be necessary to service a gas boiler in the form of cleaning the heat exchanger from scale. In this case, the supply pipes are unscrewed and the entire heat exchanger is dismantled. For chemical cleaning, it must be filled with a solution of hydrochloric acid, which dissolves blockages. After 10-15 minutes, drain and rinse with running water. If during washing there are still difficulties with the passage of water, the cleaning process should be repeated.

Cleaning the inside of the boiler

Using a vacuum cleaner, we finish cleaning the combustion chamber and clean the rest of the internal volume of the gas boiler. Next, wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth. This prevents dust accumulation and possible fire if the boiler has not been used for a long time.

Adjusting the pressure of the expansion tank

During the production of a gas boiler, nitrogen is pumped into the expansion tank, but during operation, manufacturers are allowed to pump it with ordinary air. An expansion tank is necessary to compensate for excess pressure that occurs as a result of heating and cooling of the coolant. In addition, it has the function of protecting against water hammer in the heating system.

To completely prevent a gas boiler, use a pressure gauge to measure the pressure in expansion tank. For most wall-mounted boilers, the pressure required for operation is 1 bar. The exact numbers need to be clarified in the documentation for the boiler. In the event that the pressure is insufficient, it is necessary to pump nitrogen or atmospheric air into it using a compressor. In case of excess pressure, it is necessary to bleed off the excess through the valve.

Cleaning filters

Incoming filtering is necessary. If water is used as a coolant, the flow often contains fine sand, silt, scale, rust or metal shavings. Dirt entering the system can disrupt the operation of the input flow sensor, clog the heat exchanger, etc.

The filter and flow sensor are cleaned using normal running water and brushes with hard bristles. Next before reverse installation, to soften the O-rings to prevent leakage, they need to be treated silicone grease to achieve a tight connection.

Filling the system and checking

After installing the filter, you need to fill the system with coolant; to do this, open shut-off valves. After filling the boiler, we carefully check the entire system for possible leaks and run the boiler idle, without gas. We check the normal operation of the automation and the absence of error signals.

Gas pressure adjustment

Measuring and adjusting the minimum and maximum gas pressure will not only allow you to achieve proper operation boiler, but also savings. The exact pressure range is indicated in the instructions. For wall-mounted boilers it is at least 2 mbar. The maximum pressure is 13 minibar.

If there are no errors, start the gas boiler and open gas valve. Using a differential pressure gauge we measure minimum pressure gas in the system. For maximum measurement possible pressure turn the boiler on to the “chimney sweep” mode and check the pressure in this mode. If necessary, adjust the pressure to the specified values.

Check and launch

After completing the gas boiler maintenance, we thoroughly check everything with a gas analyzer. possible places leaks. We close the protective casing and test the operation of the equipment in all possible modes. In addition, it is worth conducting additional training on safety and technical specifications operation of a gas boiler.

The importance of correct gas pressure setting

When the pressure drops below acceptable values, the boiler automation is not able to accurately regulate the heating temperature and operates at maximum values. The electronics opens the maximum pressure and heats the boiler to the required temperature, but due to insufficient pressure, it is impossible to maintain the desired temperature. The automation shuts off the gas and, after reaching the minimum allowed temperature, again heats the boiler to the maximum in the maximum possible mode.

If the gas pressure exceeds the rated values, the flame height is too high. This can lead to premature burnout of the heat exchanger, which is not designed to operate in this mode.

Compare this with normal operating mode, in which the temperature is gradually brought to the required values, and then maintained at a minimum gas flow. In this case, gas consumption decreases due to the smooth dynamics of heating and cooling.

Is it necessary to chemically clean the inside of the heat exchanger?

At normal conditions operation - no. The service life of the heat exchanger is about 6-7 years and after this time it is easier to make a preventive replacement. Annual dismantling and reinstallation will only increase the risks associated with possible destruction of connections and the risk of subsequent fluid leakage.

However, there are reasons why it is worth performing an annual chemical cleaning. This is very hard water that contains too many mineral impurities. A layer of scale builds up too quickly in the heat exchanger. Because of this, difficulties arise associated with insufficient heating of water. During prolonged operation under such conditions, the heat exchanger generally stops passing enough liquid, overheats, burns out, and the boiler fails.

How often does the boiler need to be serviced? Regularity of prevention

An inspection of the gas boiler must be carried out at least once a year, before heating season. Why is regularity necessary when servicing gas boilers? The answer is simple, it is necessary for reliable and uninterrupted provision of hot water. Let's try to figure out what can happen if you don't carry out an annual inspection of your gas boiler.

  • Over time, the connections become more and more fragile, the insulating materials exhaust their service life and cannot provide a sufficient degree of sealing. This applies to both coolant and gas.
  • Excess dust and fumes on the turbine impeller lead to wear and premature failure.
  • Insufficient or excessive pressure in the expansion tank leads to sudden pressure surges, which leads to the destruction of connections, seals and hydraulic units.
  • A dirty filter may cause the water supply to stop. Also, poor filtration leads to clogging of thin tubes in the heat exchanger. If dirt gets into the water flow sensor, the boiler will not turn on when the hot water tap is opened.
  • Incorrect gas adjustment leads to burnout of the heat exchanger, failure of the Venturi nozzle or excessive gas consumption. Over time, the pressure in gas pipe changes and only annual pressure adjustment can ensure that the pressure corresponds to the passport values.

Pay attention to your gas boiler, do its maintenance and preventive maintenance, and then it will serve you for a long time

Boiler maintenance: what you need to know

Read in this publication: Boiler maintenance: why it needs to be done Gas boiler maintenance: inspection and testing Mandatory measures when servicing boilers

As a rule, any equipment created by man has a very limited service life - it is iron, which tends to break. When one part fails, it can drag other parts of the equipment with it - a seemingly trivial breakdown can lead to serious and expensive repairs. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend annual maintenance. Heating boilers are no exception in this regard, the technical inspection of which will be discussed in this article. Together with the website we will talk about how the boiler is serviced. Perhaps you won’t be able to produce it yourself, but it’s the best way to supervise the craftsmen and make sure for yourself that all the work is done conscientiously.

Heating boiler maintenance photo

Boiler maintenance: why it needs to be done

There are several reasons why it is necessary to carry out annual maintenance of a gas boiler. They are very important, and people who try to turn a blind eye, as a rule, pay for it financially or morally, experiencing discomfort from the lack of heat in the house. Often you have to pay for both at the same time. What are these reasons?

Naturally, one should not lose sight of the economic benefits of a timely technical inspection of boiler equipment. Let's just say - if today you are greedy and do not want to pay a couple of tens of dollars for preventative maintenance and minor equipment repairs, then tomorrow you will have to pay two, or even three or even more times for eliminating critical accidents. Moreover, during the renovation you will have to put up with the cold in the house and experience serious discomfort, which can even last more than one day.

Gas boiler maintenance: inspection and testing

The first thing to understand is that the annual inspection (boiler inspection) is not carried out for the purpose of examining the mechanisms to determine whether minor repairs are necessary or not. Diagnostics, at least visual, are necessary in order to be sure that the heating season will go without failure. If you don't find any visible damage, that's good. If you find it, you will have to eliminate it. First of all, during such a visual examination you need to pay attention to the following things.

The presence of all of the above risk factors is noticeable visually - moreover, they are very easily eliminated. This is not electronics that should only be tinkered with by specialists - this work can be done with minimal knowledge in the field of heating boiler design. In most cases, servicing wall-mounted gas boilers comes down to eliminating all these problems. However, masters also look at other points, which we will talk about later, studying those points that a master must make during the maintenance process heating equipment.

Mandatory measures when servicing boilers

Among the responsibilities of the technician who takes care of your heating boiler, it should be noted following points, which he must carry out at the time of preventive inspection and inspection of the boiler.

As a matter of course, annually or at least once every couple of years, it is necessary to flush the heating system in order to remove dirt from it that appears in the water due to its contact with the surfaces of the radiators. Basically, in tap water It already contains a lot of dirt, which does not decrease with regular replenishment of the heating system with water. In addition, experienced specialists from service centers conduct electronics testing, for which they use special devices - it will not be possible to do this work independently without having a certain amount of knowledge. That is why at least once every few years you need to use the services of professional services - they need to be entrusted with the full maintenance of wall-mounted boilers. So to speak, major maintenance with the replacement of problematic boiler equipment.

And in conclusion of the topic of how the boiler is serviced, I will say a few words about the justification of the costs of calling service specialists. The situation here is twofold - when you pay money for warranty service of the boiler, you pay it only for the fact that the technician will arrive at your request. Yes, they say that for this money they will also repair the boiler free of charge in case of a breakdown, but such a statement is very conditional. The work itself is inexpensive, and almost all craftsmen compensate for the lack of payment for it by increasing the cost of the replacement components.

A gas boiler of even the simplest design works perfectly only if the components act harmoniously. When the equipment is configured and debugged, the result is always perfect, the house is warm, and the equipment does not require constant attention from the residents. However, over time, any device wastes its durability and reliability, which is why gas boilers require servicing with a full check of the functionality of the unit components, cleaning, adjustment, etc.

You cannot trust the maintenance of gas equipment to a non-specialist. The first and most main reason– this is maintaining the warranty on boiler equipment. The manufacturer agrees to comply with the warranty obligations only if the installation and maintenance of boiler equipment is carried out by one of the service centers with the appropriate license and permission to carry out installation and operational activities.

The main advantage of a service contract at a licensed service center is a guarantee of the quality of the work performed and a reduction in operating costs during the period of operation of the boiler. Service workers undergo training from manufacturers and are supplied with all the necessary diagnostic and repair equipment. This means that service visits will not be delayed, and the boiler will always be in excellent condition.

Breakdowns in a gas boiler can be due to defects that were not detected during the standard testing procedure in production or due to improper operation, lack of proper care, when accumulated problems lead to breakdowns. Warranty and post-warranty service protects against both problems, and the house is provided with high-quality heating for many years.

List of works

To understand what exactly should be cleaned, checked and adjusted in the boiler, and with what frequency, just look at the instructions and technical documentation, which must be included with the boiler when purchasing it. These documents indicate full list components and elements involved in the equipment, maintenance requirements and frequency with which the condition should be checked, service performed and settings updated if necessary.

You absolutely cannot rely on this information to clean a gas boiler yourself. This information gives a clear idea of ​​what to expect from the service company with which you are about to enter into a contract for servicing gas equipment.

The works are divided into three groups:

  1. Regular work carried out before and after the start of the heating season, preparing the boiler for summer inactivity.
  2. Major maintenance. Work carried out every few years and aimed at servicing elements with an initially intended long service life (flushing the heat exchanger, replacing seals and valves, maintenance of fans, etc.).
  3. Repair in case of breakdown. Procedure and compulsory work in the event of an emergency, breakdown or consequences of external factors.

Seasonal service regulations

Before the start of the heating season, the boiler should be brought into proper working order and the operation of the sensors responsible for safety should be checked. Only after this the boiler is turned on for operation.

If the manufacturer allows routine maintenance to be carried out only once a year before start-up, then in addition to commissioning work, the main elements of the boiler are cleaned, with the exception of flushing the heat exchanger and a complete overhaul of the control units. If maintenance (maintenance) is carried out after the season, then cleaning is reserved for this stage.

Required list of works:

  • General inspection, removal of dirt from internal and external surfaces.
  • Cleaning filters (air, gas, coarse water filters).
  • Cleaning and checking the burner.
  • Cleaning the fire section of the combustion chamber.
  • Checking the tightness of internal gas channels.
  • Checking the ignition electrodes (piezoelectric element and burner).
  • Test and diagnostics of the electronic control unit.
  • Test and diagnostics of sensors and automation responsible for safety.
  • Adjustment of boiler parameters, combustion settings. The process is accompanied by analysis of exhaust gases. Based on the composition and concentration, the master judges the accuracy of the boiler settings.
  • Checking the condition of the shut-off valve.
  • Checking the supply gas pipeline in the area from the main line to the gas equipment.
  • Checking and adjusting the pressure in the expansion tank.

Major renovation

In addition to routine maintenance carried out every season, during major repairs of a gas boiler, elements with a limited warranty period are replaced, cleaning inner surface heat exchanger, seals and valves. Main task replace elements that are not subject to maintenance during routine maintenance, but still have a service life.

In case of breakdown

IN emergency When a breakdown occurs during operation, it is very important to respond to the problem as soon as possible and return the boiler to working condition. If breakdowns occur, they occur only during the heating season, for example, if the boiler operates for a long time at maximum power during the coldest period of the year. At this time, it is extremely difficult to find a specialist for quick repairs, but with a service agreement, all you need to do is leave a request so that the repair team can arrive in a short time to fix the problem. Since the service center keeps records of boilers, a specialist arrives at the customer with a set of necessary tools and spare parts for a specific model of gas boiler.

How often

It is mandatory that routine maintenance be carried out before the heating season in order to check the functionality of the boiler and its elements and, if necessary, clean and adjust them. The manual for many imported boilers also specifies the procedure for preserving equipment during the off-season in order to eliminate the risk of corrosion of materials and save the life of key components.

The timing of major service maintenance is set by the manufacturer, and separately for each model range. Often, flushing the heat exchanger is prescribed every fourth or fifth year of operation. However, the service center where the service contract was signed may change the terms, for example, based on the actual characteristics of the coolant or gas used.

Selecting a service organization

It is expensive for a boiler manufacturer to open a branded service center in every region of the country. Instead, existing maintenance firms are licensed to carry out necessary work with equipment installed in the area of ​​responsibility of the service center. Licensing presupposes a certificate for performing a certain range of work, full access to technical documentation for the manufacturer’s products, and the ability to obtain new boiler components for warranty replacement.

The information itself determines the choice of service center where it is worth concluding a contract for servicing a gas boiler:

  • It should be located in the same region or city where the house with the installed boiler is located in order to reduce the response time of service employees.
  • The center must be certified by the boiler manufacturer.
  • Availability of an agreement that clearly states the obligations and rights of the parties, indicating all the necessary work performed by the service center in relation to a specific boiler model.

A list of certified service centers is available on the manufacturer’s website, and any visitor can view it. This best option Check with your local service center for appropriate approvals and certifications.

Heat exchanger BEFORE and AFTER washing and maintenance

Average cost

Service centers usually provide the following cooperation options:

  • One-time visit to inspect and repair the boiler, diagnostics.
  • One-time maintenance of equipment during the first start-up or before the start of the heating season.
  • Annual service, including preparation for the heating season, optionally scheduled visits for inspection and diagnostics, as well as a prepaid visit in case of breakdown.

The cost of each type of work includes payment to the employee, payment to the service center, as well as overhead costs. If the first two aspects are approximately the same across regions and depend on the boiler model, its power and manufacturers, then overhead costs often vary significantly. This depends on the distance between the service center and the client, working conditions, the number of specialists in the center and many other factors, which introduces a wide range between the price tags of different service companies.

The table shows average prices for various types of work depending on the power of the gas heating boiler.

Basically, the table takes into account the servicing of imported gas heating boilers by service centers with the appropriate certificate from the manufacturers. Domestic boilers, both to purchase and to maintain, are cheaper; spare parts are easier to find and replace. However, their main feature is simplicity and unpretentiousness, so you can’t expect comfortable heating or extensive functionality from them, or, in fact, trouble-free service.

That is why routine inspections of boiler rooms should be carried out. Maintenance is carried out by special certified organizations. In this case, the inspection includes a visual assessment of parts and, if necessary, their repair.

Goals of servicing gas boiler houses by a service company

Everyone wants their gas boiler to last for many years. But its performance depends on many factors. Poor performance provokes rapid wear of parts or their breakdown.

The problem can be prevented by regular checks, which are possible under warranty and post-warranty service.

Having a service agreement in hand, the owner can only call the organization. Having received the request, the repair team will arrive on site and fix the problem.

Since in service centers Boilers are always kept in check; specialists from the visiting team arrive on site with the necessary set of tools and spare parts that correspond to the specific model of the gas boiler installed in the house.

But there are situations when during the peak heating season repair teams"to break". And the masters may not satisfy the request as quickly as we would like. In this case, some owners resort to the services of “private owners”.

But it’s worth considering that calling the first “gas worker” you come across is not the best option. And it’s not even a tidy sum that the owner will have to pay. After all, no one guarantees that the master will be able to perform repairs at a high professional level in an emergency situation.

Therefore, in order to avoid such situations and save unnecessary costs, you should not neglect the opportunity to conduct a routine technical inspection before the onset of cold weather.

Video: sequence of actions during maintenance of a gas boiler:

Video guide for cleaning the burner:

Regular maintenance of a gas boiler allows you to identify emerging problems at an early stage and not bring the situation to the point where the operation of the equipment begins to pose a threat to the health and life of household members.

When choosing any equipment, every homeowner gives preference to quality. Household gas equipment is no exception. Moreover, he is subject to special requirements, because, for example, a gas boiler is designed for round-the-clock operation. And such work invariably leads to increased wear, which can to some extent prevent the servicing of gas boilers. But here there is another dilemma: how to understand what is included in the list of mandatory manipulations, and what will simply be a pumping of money by an employee of a service organization? In our opinion, every homeowner should understand what procedures for maintaining a gas boiler qualified master must be completed and in what order. In this article, we propose to understand what manipulations, which are largely useless, can increase the cost of maintenance? In other words: how to avoid “hackwork” when carrying out servicing of gas heating equipment?

Before entering into a service contract

It is impossible to provide gas boiler service on your own - this is a fact. To do this you need to have special education, permission to perform such work, professional tools and devices. Naturally, a representative of the service company will meet all these requirements. But before you sign a service agreement with such an organization for a specific boiler model, it is worth finding out what is included in the list of services. Then this list with a list of those works that are recommended by the heating equipment manufacturer.

  • Checking the functionality of automation systems responsible for safety. This is a very important moment of maintenance, which involves simulating an emergency situation and assessing the operation of the corresponding devices under such conditions.
  • Determining the correct operation, as well as the tightness of the shut-off valve, is another procedure that is interpreted as maintenance of gas boilers.
  • A thorough inspection of the gas supply pipeline, which is the responsibility of the home owner. Here, during inspection, special attention is paid to identifying pipe corrosion and checking the tightness of existing connections (flange, threaded, welded). If necessary, the gas pipeline is painted.

What does capital service mean?

After approximately several years of full operation of the equipment, major maintenance of the gas boiler is carried out. More specific deadlines are also indicated by the manufacturer. Here, priority efforts should be directed toward flushing the heat exchanger. It is impossible to perform this procedure without special equipment and reagents.

Operation of a gas boiler and “force majeure”

Here, a description of a situation that, unfortunately, often occurs in life, will be relevant. So, there is severe frost outside and all gas heating devices are being operated to the limit. As a result, working parts and components wear out quickly. By the way, low-quality fuel, which is also often supplied to gas system. In a word, the boiler malfunctioned at the most inopportune moment, and during this period, the repair crews, as usual, are at risk and no one can say when the consumer’s request will be satisfied.

Equipment malfunction is easier to prevent than to repair later

In order to somehow take control of the situation, you will have to call the first “gas worker” who comes across, who, understanding the complexity of the situation, will charge a tidy sum for the services.

But whether he can carry out repairs at a high professional level in an emergency situation is a big question. How to avoid such troubles? Of course, have a service agreement with a trusted company, whose specialists will complete all the work before the onset of the cold season, with high quality and at an adequate price.
