The size of the air conditioner is the indoor unit of a wall-mounted split system. External air conditioner unit: size, installation, care Installation tool

Termomir technical consultants will tell you the dimensions of the indoor unit of the air conditioner and help you choose the right model.

Air conditioning is the most effective method ensure a pleasant indoor climate in summer and even in winter. The most popular and widespread types of air conditioners are split systems. They are the quietest air conditioners and consist of an external unit and a wall-mounted indoor unit installed in the room. Installation of the outdoor unit is allowed both on the facade of the building and on the loggia/balcony or on the roof.

There is a wide selection of air conditioners on sale best brands and brands from manufacturing companies from Japan, Korea, China and Europe wholesale and retail at low prices from a warehouse in Moscow. The most affordable air conditioners are Chinese split systems, while Japanese and Korean ones are reliable and of high quality. Sales of air conditioners at a discounted promotion are carried out from official dealers with a guarantee. We offer delivery and professional installation of air conditioners, incl. free.

Good and inexpensive split systems are presented on this page and in the menu of the official Termomir website. Prepare power calculations, suggest prices and TOP ratings best air conditioners in terms of reliability and quality, our technical specialists will help you choose and order an air conditioner.

The power consumption of split systems is determined by two factors: cooling/heating time and compressor speed. In the case of an inverter, the compressor operates at one speed, the speed of the compressor remains unchanged throughout the entire operation until the device is turned off. Power consumption is determined by the operating time of the device in hours, multiplied by its power.

The power consumption of inverter split systems can be monitored in real time by matching the temperature of the thermostat and the reduction in compressor speed, thereby reducing energy consumption immediately.

Residential air conditioners are equipped with an EER rating. EER stands for Energy Efficiency RATIO. EER is the ratio of cooling capacity to power consumption. So a 24,000 BTU split with EER 10 consumes 2,400 watts (24,000/2,400). Air conditioners with EER 10 and higher are very common on the market, so Kuban Comfort does not recommend purchasing units with EER less than 10.

Due to the exceptionally high power consumption of air conditioners, they tend to be made with an EER rating above 11. Such models are easy to find.

Impact of block size on consumption. Air conditioning and power.

In some cases, very large blocks have a slightly lower EER (meaning they use more energy) than other blocks on average. Nevertheless, small air conditioners may end up costing you more. Small split systems or air conditioners for cooling a room work longer, and sometimes without stopping. To avoid running small units constantly, people often buy larger units (9000 BTU for 20 square meters rooms, for example). It is worth taking into account the shady and sunny sides of the building; if the room is on the sunny side, then it is worth taking a more powerful split, if the shady side is suitable (7000 BTU for a 20 square meter room, for example).

Air conditioner power consumption and unit size (ERR calculated relative to BTU, not kW).

Split systems and air conditioners 5000 BTU (5)

5000 BTU (Five) air conditioners are not the smallest on the market, but they are rare and Kuban Comfort does not recommend them. 5000 BTU air conditioners or splits are recommended for rooms less than 20 square meters (ideally less than 15 square meters). Most often, “fives” do not have a heating function, but only cooling, keep this in mind.
For a room up to 24 square meters, a 7000-8000 BTU split (Seven, Eight) is suitable.
The power consumption of a 5000 BTU air conditioner is on average from 446 to 580 W (statistics are higher for windows, since splits of such power are rare).

Split systems and air conditioners 7000 BTU (7)

7000 BTU split systems (Seven), the most popular in Russia, are most often designed for rooms of 20-25 square meters, if taken over a larger area, more is expected high consumption electricity and approximately 15-25% reduced service life (for example, for 25-35 square meters).
The power consumption of 7000 BTU air conditioners (splits) ranges from 600-800 watts. Also read below about the difference between a cheap and more expensive air conditioner.

Split systems and air conditioners 9000 BTU (9)

The power consumption of 9000 BTU air conditioners ranges from 800-900 watts (if a 9000 BTU unit draws more than 900 watts, it is inefficient and you are better off finding another model). Nine splits are recommended for rooms with an area of ​​26-35 square meters (this average value also applies to the window and split system).
If you are interested in purchasing a 9000 BTU unit for 35-40 square feet, you may want to look at 12000 BTU splits as they will cool your room faster and better. They will use less energy than smaller units because they will not run constantly than smaller ones (in in this case, Kuban Comfort means inverter).
You can find the highest EER air conditioner, call us and we will tell you which is the most efficient.

Split systems and air conditioners 12000 BTU (12)

12,000 BTU split systems consume between 1061 (EER: 11.3) and 1333 watts (EER: 9, which is a bit low by today's standards). EER 11.3 is average for modern 12,000 BTU splits, translating to a wattage of 1,061 watts. Don't buy anything less than 11.3 (in other words, don't buy anything over 1061 watts). Splits with EER 11.3 are so frequent that you won't have any problems finding them. Your wallet will thank you later.
12,000 BTU is recommended for rooms ranging from 35 to 50 square meters.

Split systems and air conditioners 18000 BTU (18)

Split systems and air conditioners 24000 BTU (24)

24,000 BTU splits are slightly less efficient than their smaller counterparts, with an EER range of 8.5 to 9.6 for modern units. They typically consume between 2500 and 2823 watts. Despite their comparatively low efficiency, these units are among the most widely used because they cool rooms very quickly. For this reason, they are still a good option.

In Russia, the power consumption of a 24,000 BTU residential air conditioner averages 228 kWh per month, and these units are recommended for rooms ranging from 72 to 120 square meters, but this is not mandatory requirement. These devices can be used in small spaces.

Reduction of electricity during air conditioning. Use, cooling on a budget.

After viewing the power consumption data above, you may be concerned high usage energy from air conditioners, but don’t worry, Kuban Comfort will tell you how to save.


Air conditioners must move air through many tiny honeycombs in order to operate efficiently. Make sure the filters are clean, as are the condenser and evaporator honeycombs. If any of the listed attributes are dirty, the cooling will be poor.

A clogged condenser with insufficient airflow can cause overheating, reducing its ability to dissipate heat to the outside (lower efficiency) and also damage the compressor. A dirty evaporator can freeze, significantly reducing efficiency and rendering. The same applies to filters. It hasn't been cleaned for a long time, call a professional to clean it.

Use white curtains

White curtains can reflect a significant amount of hot sunlight back out. Sunlight turns into heat after it enters your room.

The difference between cheap and more expensive split systems

What is the difference and is it worth paying extra? Cheap splits are cheaper due to the use of thinner metal in pipes and radiators, due to cheaper electronics, plastic and due to a cheaper compressor. Now, in order: the electronics in this case have the smallest discrepancy with expensive models and amount to approximately 2-3 years of difference in the operation of this unit; for expensive splits, the electronics work longer. Next we have a compressor, today even cheap compressors are made with high quality and the difference in terms is the same as with electronics. Cheap plastic turns yellow, expensive plastic does not. But the use of thin metal will lead to more frequent leaks and require more frequent maintenance. Kuban Comfort recommends buying more expensive and well-known brands that you will enjoy.

The introduction of new technological solutions in household equipment often runs counter to practical expediency. The example of climate control technology is most illustrative in this sense. So, recently the market has been actively filling up with products intended for indoor use. The features of such systems include the complete elimination of dirty installation operations, which attracts a considerable audience of consumers. But despite all the ease of installation and further maintenance, such models are not able to approach the performance characteristics provided by the external air conditioner unit as part of a split system. Another thing is that owners of outdoor installations also have to deal with troublesome tasks, but of a different kind.

What is an external unit?

The outer segment, which is part of the split system complex, includes a condenser, valve decoupling, pipes, filter driers and a fan. Depending on the modification and structural design The internal “filling” may change, but a traditional air conditioner kit with a remote unit has exactly this set of elements. By the way, the most noticeable differences are observed in the so-called winter systems, which provide for the presence of special controllers for controlling the fan. Modern air conditioners also use multifunctional power switching relays. Such devices are designed for non-standard work compressor under conditions of high or low temperatures. Unlike the internal segment, outdoor unit does not have electronic modules - its operation is completely subordinated to the mechanical function.

Block Dimensions

The outdoor unit is available in the market in different configurations and shapes. And although manufacturers strive to unify model lines in order to simplify segmentation, the choice of standard sizes is still quite wide. If we talk about average parameters, it is 770 mm wide, 450 mm high and 245 mm thick. In this case, the radius of the fan varies on average from 200 to 250 mm. Of course, there are also units whose dimensions deviate from these indicators. Thus, the Mitsubishi line features an almost square-shaped external air conditioner unit, which is 880 mm wide and 840 mm high. As for the parameters of the internal segment, they are not so impressive. Usually these are long narrow modules of medium size - 700 x 200 x 200 mm.

Selecting a location for installing the unit

Usually, when choosing the optimal point for installing air conditioners outside, users are faced with the problem of combining ease of use and protection of the module. For example, the location of the block at height is the best option from the point of view of its safety, but in this case, access to the air conditioner for maintenance purposes becomes more difficult. A good solution would be to place the module on the wall near a window opening or loggia. In this case, other nuances must be taken into account, including the absence of direct rays of the sun and permission for installation from neighbors, since a noisy unit can cause inconvenience to people living on the same level of the building.

In addition, it produces condensation, which will flow down in drops. Accordingly, you will have to negotiate with neighbors on the lower floors. If the installation location of the unit is successfully agreed upon with other residents, you can begin direct installation operations. By the way, another condition for installing an outdoor unit is the possibility of laying communications in the wall.

Installation of the external air conditioner unit

When installing air conditioners, special installation kits are used, which include pipes with flex, brackets with sets of fixing hardware, drainage communications, etc. The physical installation of the segment is carried out using load-bearing components, which are embedded in the walls using anchor elements. At the same stage, brackets are used, the power potential of which is oriented towards the mass of a particular module. Also, the installation of an external air conditioner unit provides for its communication connection with the internal segment. To do this, a hole is made in the wall required diameter, which will allow you to organize, in addition to the main wiring, also the laying vacuum pump and manifold. At the final stage, communications are directly connected between the two blocks.

Features of installing the indoor unit

When installing the evaporative unit, that is, the internal module of the air conditioning system, it is especially important to maintain the correct position of the unit. Typically this unit is mounted directly under ceiling surface with a slight indentation. Mechanical fixation is also carried out using suitable brackets. True, in this case the mass of the equipment is not so great, which simplifies the work process. After marking, the master installs anchor elements and, if necessary, attaches supporting profiles. Next, the indoor unit of the air conditioner is installed with strict adherence to the horizontal position. Also, according to the instructions, some models of such segments should have a slight slope towards the passage of drainage.

Maintenance and care

In standard operating mode, every six months the air conditioner should be subjected to service. Most of the work is done with the external unit, which is most susceptible to contamination. Specialists usually check the condition of filters, refrigerant levels, operating pressure module routes, etc. The most difficult operation is replacing the working fluid. The refrigerant is a chemically unsafe substance, so it is better to trust its refilling experienced craftsmen. But caring for the remaining components is quite accessible to ordinary users. For example, the answer to the question of how to clean the external unit of an air conditioner is quite simple. First of all, it should be disassembled, after which, using a rag or vacuum cleaner, remove internal surfaces module from dust and dirt deposits. In the process of such maintenance, external filters and heat exchange radiators are cleaned, which extends the service life of the air conditioner.

External unit in multi-systems

The concept of the technical implementation of a split system provides for the possibility of using several indoor modules in one complex, which are serviced by one outdoor unit. Unlike standard configurations, the external module of such a system has engineering differences. For integration into a multi-system, it is equipped with an additional thermostat, which allows you to more effectively control the fan and compressor settings. In turn, the indoor unit of the air conditioner acts as a source of information signals that determine the control of the outdoor module. That is, the user, using the remote control, accesses the panel of the indoor unit, and he, in turn, digital channel regulates the bypass communications system on the freon line.

Question of price

IN modern modifications Split system type air conditioners are not cheap, which is largely due to the complexity of the design. Even in the entry-level segment, the cost of an air conditioner with a remote unit is rarely less than 20 thousand rubles. Of course, you can also find options for 15 thousand rubles. from little-known brands, but their quality raises doubts both among specialists and among users themselves, who often complain about problems.

Decent quality models are offered by Fujitsu, Daikin, Mitsubishi, etc. average cost air conditioner from the range of these companies varies in the range of 30-40 thousand rubles. At the same time, the most technologically advanced and productive kits can be valued at 70-80 thousand rubles.


The use of air conditioners with a design that requires the installation of a remote unit causes many problems during installation and further maintenance. And this does not take into account the difficulties in transporting equipment. These factors allow us to speak of such units as obsolete. Especially against the backdrop of the proliferation of mobile devices of modest size. However, the external air conditioner unit remains relevant in the market. This is explained by its high performance, functionality and safety during operation, since the main operating units are located outside the living space. And if for household use you can find a low-power replacement for a split system in the form of a monoblock, then in the context of maintenance office premises, public buildings and institutions, multifunctional complexes still have no equal.

For air conditioning residential premises and administrative buildings install split systems various types and types. A split system is a device consisting of two blocks: external and internal. The first is taken outside, the second is installed in the room. Both modules are connected to each other copper pipeline, through which the working gas (freon) circulates, and electrical communications.

Types of split systems and types of indoor units

Species is a more general concept that applies to technical devices climate control regarding their purpose for certain buildings. The type has a narrow semantic focus, which means some feature of the structure or design.

Split systems are divided into both types and types. There are two types of two-component installations: domestic and commercial or semi-industrial. The former are installed in apartments or small offices, the latter in shops, hairdressers and other similar establishments.

All split systems are divided into types regarding the design and design of the indoor unit:

  • wall;
  • cassette;
  • columned;
  • channel;
  • floor-ceiling.

Each manufacturer produces split systems with different types of indoor units, completing them with certain functions and a standard set of operating modes, which include cooling and ventilation of the air available in the room. It is the parameters of this part of the system that justify the choice of buyers.

Regardless of the dimensions and external design, any room module consists of:

  • heat exchanger (evaporator);
  • fan;
  • air distribution grille;
  • input filter;
  • blind guides;
  • front panel;
  • LEDs;
  • temperature sensors.

Fine filters, winter kit and others additional elements available as an option at the request of the customer. The composition may include a mounting plate if the unit is wall-mounted. Operating parameters are set from the remote control. Some models of expensive equipment have the ability to control functionality via the Internet, from a phone or from a central controller.

Operating principle of the indoor air conditioner unit

In general, cooling looks like this: to absorb heat from a room and release coolness, the indoor unit fan draws heated air from the room, after which the process of absorbing heat by the refrigerant begins as it passes through the cold coil.

The refrigerant is a liquid gas (freon), which cools the air. Essentially, it is a heat transfer agent. In the process of transferring cold to the air and taking heat from it, it changes its state, that is, it evaporates. This happens in the heat exchanger of the indoor unit. Here, freon passes from a liquid state into a gaseous state. He took away the heat, the air cooled and flows through the fan back into the room. The process of heat removal is already happening through the outdoor unit.

To put it simply, the role of the internal module is to fence warm air, cooling it and releasing it back into the room. When the device operates for heating, it, on the contrary, becomes a heat conductor, exchanging functions with the outdoor module. All types of indoor units operate on this principle.

Wall-type indoor units and their sizes

wall-mounted indoor unit

Household air conditioners include wall-mounted models - the most popular among buyers. They resemble a rectangle or square in shape, like LG wall-mounted appliances from the ART COOL GALLERY series. They are hung on the wall in a place convenient for the user so that the treated air does not escape into the person’s permanent residence.

Select the required size of the indoor air conditioner unit relative to the room’s capacity. Each manufacturer has a line of large, standard, and even smaller climate control devices.

The concept of the size of the indoor unit of the air conditioner includes the following values:

  • height;
  • width;
  • depth.

The minimum height can be about 24-25 cm, width - 70-74 cm, and depth - 18-19 cm. For example, the company produces a series of wall splits with an internal block depth of only 18 cm, which significantly expands the possibilities of installing such a device in various points of the room.

The maximum height of a wall-mounted room module can reach up to 30-32 cm, width - 110-120 cm, and depth - about 30 cm. For example, the MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC company produces a series of inverter splits with exactly these parameters.

If the indoor unit of the air conditioner has a non-standard design, for example, it is supposed to be located vertically in the room, then these parameters can vary greatly.

As a rule, air conditioners, and not only wall-mounted ones, have a direct relationship between the size of the indoor unit and its internal structure, or rather, on the size of the heat exchanger and the space for air blowing it. The smaller they are, the smaller the device, and the worse the performance.

Some manufacturers maintain normal performance while reducing the size by increasing the fan speed, but a new disadvantage appears - increased noise. This is of paramount importance when choosing an air conditioner for an apartment. This trouble can also be avoided by reducing air flow. Although, in any case, a very powerful split cannot have a small internal module.

Today, some manufacturers have turned their attention to the production of non-standard room modules for splits wall type. For example, in the ARTCOOL series LG offers square devices with the ability to change the picture on the case, and surprised everyone with the release of a vertical indoor air conditioner unit with non-standard air distribution in two directions, which is more typical for floor-ceiling models. The GREE company has been offering corner appliances for several years now, but they are difficult to find in Russia.

As a rule, buyers prefer both a vertical indoor air conditioner unit, a corner one, and a square one, either because of space saving or purely out of design preferences.

Semi-industrial air conditioners and their sizes

The remaining types of indoor air conditioner units are classified as semi-industrial equipment, but low-power models of such devices can also be installed in ordinary apartments.

The cassette module has square shapes and fits easily into a cell suspended ceiling. Its dimensions can be 600x600 mm or 800x800 mm, although some manufacturers produce a series of super compact cassettes with dimensions of 500x500 mm.

Along with cassette internal modules, duct devices, which are a hybrid, are sewn into the false ceiling (or wall) air handling unit and air conditioning. They not only cool the room, but can also freely update room air by mixing the street with the help additional equipment– air handling unit. For both types of these climate control units, only the distribution grilles are visible from the outside.

The only drawback is that they require at least 30 cm of space between the ceilings for installation.

Column air conditioners look like an elongated cabinet. They are placed in large rooms on the floor where large cooling capacity is required. Their dimensions significantly exceed the dimensions of any wall-mounted model, but this is a necessity, since it is impossible to achieve such power in any other way.

Floor-ceiling splits are quite compact and at the same time quite productive for rooms up to 100-120 m². Their internal block is shaped like modern radiator. They are easy to care for and use. The main advantage is that there are two ways to mount such an indoor unit: to the wall and to the ceiling. If the module is hung on the wall just above the floor, then the airflow goes in two directions, covering even the most complex and hard-to-reach areas of the room. That is why floor-ceiling models like to be installed in rooms with complex configurations.

Air conditioner specifications

Not only the design, but also specifications the internal unit of the air conditioner determine the purchase of one or another system. After all, depending on how correctly they were selected, the device will either work properly or quickly use up its potential.

What main technical characteristics are important when selecting an indoor air conditioner unit for a room? Let's look at the example of the LG air conditioner series ART COOL GALLERY.

For each manufacturer, this data may be supplemented by other parameters, so the technical characteristics of the indoor unit of the air conditioner are usually found either on the nameplate or in the user manual.

Conclusion: any indoor unit is endowed with cooling and heating power (kW), electricity consumption power (kW), air flow (m³/hour), as well as certain dimensions and weight.

With power consumption, the question is a little complicated by the fact that it may not be indicated specifically for the indoor unit. More often in the characteristics they write consumption parameters in general for a split system, while it consumes much less than an external device - on average 100-200 W.

Features of installing an air conditioner

The installation of a wall-mounted room module can be very diverse. Most often, the block is fixed to the right or left of the window and as close to the outside as possible so that the length of the route does not exceed the recommended length of 5 meters. If, if necessary, these values ​​are increased, then the main line is sewn into a groove in the wall or carefully placed in a decorative plastic box along with other connecting communications.

Other types of indoor units are installed in designated areas:

  • duct- V suspended structure ceiling of the room or, to avoid noise, in non-residential premises– in the closet, corridor, restroom;
  • cassette– in a suspended ceiling structure so that the airflow from the grille does not go to where people are, but to an unused area;
  • floor-ceiling– on the wall 15-20 cm from the floor or on the ceiling in a place from where the air will disperse over the entire surface;
  • columnar– on a flat, solid floor.

The indoor unit should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun, and any exposure to heat sources should also be avoided.

Indoor air conditioner unit on the loggia

Sometimes a customer may require installation of an indoor air conditioner unit on a loggia, explaining this by fear of catching a cold, limited space in the room, reluctance to trench a wall or have a long route packed in a box. Another reason for such a request may be the inability to find an area in the room that the residents would not use. This happens when there is a lot of crowding of people in one room.

Is it possible to install an indoor air conditioner unit on a loggia? If so, what requirements must be taken into account?

  • Prevents warm air from entering through the window and the cracks underneath it. The glass is covered thick curtains, and the walls are provided with tightness;
  • It is necessary to remove the door and window openings between the living area and the loggia so that the treated air can circulate freely throughout the entire area;
  • They give preference to inverter models so that under heavy load (and it will certainly be with this arrangement of the device), the compressor does not work in a constant start-stop mode;
  • The cold power is taken with a good margin, since to achieve 22°C in the room, the loggia will have to be set to 18°C.

Even when the required conditions are met, problems arise regularly. Firstly, the temperature difference will still be felt. Simply put, the loggia will be at the north pole, while the room will only become slightly cooler. Secondly, the potential of even an inverter will still be used up much faster.

Competent specialists will never advise installing an indoor unit from an air conditioner on a loggia, based on all the points listed.

Methods for attaching an air conditioner to a wall or ceiling

Depending on the type of indoor unit, there are two types of mounting it to the wall or ceiling. Household split systems hang on mounting plates. This happens according to the following scheme:

  • holes are drilled in the wall;
  • dowels are inserted into them;
  • the mounting plate is screwed on;
  • An air conditioner is hung on it.

In this way, the indoor unit is attached to the wall only at wall models. Commercial modules are secured with special pins according to a different scheme:

  • mark the places of fastenings on the ceiling;
  • drill holes;
  • insert collet fasteners;
  • studs are screwed into them;
  • a block is hung on studs;
  • tighten the nuts.

It is worth remembering that installation channel systems with air ducts is carried out at the stage of construction and repair work. Other splits can be installed at any time.

Schematic diagrams of an air conditioner

For correct installation of the internal module, use the fundamental ones, which indicate all the interconnections and their connection points. It is impossible to carry out installation without them, since there is no single scheme, and for different types The modules are completely different. The same goes for on/off and inverter splits.

Each manufacturer's diagram of an indoor unit of the same type can vary greatly, so they use only the one included in the manufacturer's manual.

Air conditioner maintenance and troubleshooting

Each split system requires regular maintenance, which involves cleaning the units from external and internal contaminants, as well as diagnosing faults and refilling with freon as necessary.

Is there any way I can clean the indoor unit of my air conditioner at home? Yes, this is real, but it is undesirable, since an inexperienced user can damage any part of the device. If, after all, it is not possible to call a technician, then the person must know how to wash the filters, fan and heat exchanger.

First they shoot decorative panel, to do this, press the latches on the sides, and the housing cover comes off easily. Then carefully remove the filters, fan, condensate collection tray and rinse them under running water running water. The heat exchanger is wiped with a damp cloth, since it is a stationary part. After cleaning, all elements are wiped dry and installed back.

At the end of the article, you can watch a video on how to disassemble the indoor unit of an air conditioner and how to clean it without the help of specialists.

To carry out these actions, you will need a soft microfiber cloth and special foam for cleaning split systems.

Even if there are no problems with how to clean and disassemble the internal unit of the air conditioner, the user himself will not be able to perform refueling and diagnostics, so he will have to call specialists with professional equipment and materials.

In what cases may you still need the help of a specialist? The user should be wary of the following points:

  • poor cooling;
  • unusual noises and vibrations;
  • block freezing;
  • inability to turn on the air conditioner;
  • The device goes into fault code mode.

Many users are interested in why the indoor unit of an air conditioner freezes and how serious it is. This sign indicates that:

  • there is not enough freon in the split system;
  • happened heavy pollution some working units and filters;
  • the device is used at an unacceptable temperature.

By measuring the operating pressure, the technician will immediately determine if there is actually not enough freon in the system. Contaminated internal elements You can see it yourself by removing the housing cover. Also, the cause of freezing of the indoor unit of the air conditioner can be a route that is too long, which the installers simply did not refill during installation.

If any deviations are noticed in the operation of any type of split system, you must immediately invite a specialist.
