All about metal drills. Which metal drills are better - selection criteria, types, brands and tips for storage and operation

Home craftsmen are often faced with the need to drill holes in metal products, and most of them are somehow familiar with this operation. The process of making holes is simple at first glance, but to obtain a high-quality result, the master should adhere to some rules. This article will provide information about what types of metal drills there are, how to choose the right drilling tool before starting work, the types of drills, and other useful facts that will help the master understand everything about drills.

Design features

Depending on design features and its functional affiliation, the entire drilling tool is divided into several characteristic species. So, according to their purpose, the following types of drills are distinguished:

  • for drilling organic glass;
  • concrete products;
  • ceramic parts;
  • wood;
  • plastic components;
  • gimlets for drilling in metal.

The design of the drill is the main distinguishing feature of the corresponding type of drill from its other “brothers”. The following main parts of the drill may differ:

  • cutting part of the gimlet;
  • shank;
  • a working surface that also performs the function of removing chips from the drilled passage.

Classification of drills by type of design

When working with metal parts, two main groups of drilling devices can be distinguished:

  1. Flat (or feather) drills - such a tool has replaceable plates for the feather drill, is undemanding to the accuracy of the angle of application of force during drilling work, is structurally simple and has a low cost, but at the same time easily loses diameter work surface when sharpening and structurally does not have a groove for removing chips.
  2. Twist drills are cylindrical drills that have one or two grooves on the surface of their body to remove chips.

When working with metal, it is important to select a drilling device that matches the material. In order for the work to be done efficiently, the master must be able to distinguish metal drills from similar ones. The drill configuration for both materials has similar elements; in both cases, the tools can have a diameter of up to 80 mm and a length of up to 600 mm, the drilling technology is identical and, moreover, the drills have the same markings. But despite all the similarities, wood tools are not always suitable for metal drilling, and vice versa.

First hallmark is the hardness of the gimlet: for drilling holes in metal, a tool with a higher hardness is selected. You need to understand that the hardness of metal drills is not a constant parameter and, in turn, also depends on the strength characteristics of the material on which drilling work will be carried out.

The second difference is the type of sharpening of the cutting elements. The device for drilling wood has a sharp nose at the tip in the form of a pin or corner, which prevents the gimlet from sliding relative to its specified position. Such fixation is not required when working with metal. The angle between the cutting edges is also different and directly depends on the material for which the drill is intended.

When carrying out drilling work on wooden parts and the master’s decision to use a tool designed to perform metal work, you need to understand that distinctive characteristics, listed above, can play a key role in obtaining a quality hole with smooth edges and without scorching.

An important role in obtaining a high-quality hole is played by the factor of whether the drill manufacturing technology was followed correctly. If something was broken during the production of metal drilling tools, then no correct form The gimlet or its corresponding color will not be able to ensure a high-quality result of the work and the service life of the drilling product will be significantly reduced. Information on the dependence of the color of the drill on what metal drills are made of can be found in the chapters below.

Types of metal drills

Understanding the types of drills will help the master decide and make a choice in favor the best model drilling product.

Titanium drills have best performance its drilling characteristics. Subject to the rules of operation of such drills, titanium products will delight their owner excellent results work for a very long time.

Determining the type of drill by the color of its surface

The color of a drilling tool is an important feature that allows us to draw appropriate conclusions about its quality and durability. Different types of gimlet colors have different strength characteristics, the choice of which should be based on the frequency of use of the tool, its accuracy and the requirements for the quality of the finished hole.

Drills gray short-lived and least reliable due to the complete absence of any protective coating, which makes them susceptible to changes in mechanical properties for the worse under the influence of high temperature or power loads. Such drills have a low cost, but their use will be one-time.

Black metal drills, compared to gray ones, have more good quality. The manufacturing technology of black gimlets involves treatment with high-temperature steam, which increases their strength and resistance to wear. Drilling products with a black surface also have a low cost, which attracts the attention of many craftsmen.

Drills with a light yellow coating have a very good safety margin. Internal stresses in such products are eliminated by thermal tempering even at the stage of their manufacture, due to which high strength of the tool is created. For their manufacture, they resort to the use of high-quality high-speed tool steel. Despite all their advantages, pale gold drills are inferior in their characteristics to brighter specimens.

The bright yellow drill bits are made of high-strength steel coated with titanium nitride. Products with a similar color when making holes experience minimal frictional force, which has a positive effect on their service life. The cost of such gimlets is quite high, but they fully pay for themselves due to their long service life.

Explanation of drill markings

When choosing a suitable drilling device, the master will be guided by the appropriate markings of metal drills. The marking of drills contains information about its working diameter, steel grade and information about the manufacturer.

Thus, on drilling products with a diameter of up to 2 mm, markings are not applied due to the miniature nature of such products.

For drills with a diameter of 2 to 3 mm, information about the steel grade and working diameter will be located on the body of the gimlet.

Drills with a diameter of more than 3 mm will inform the craftsman about the data of their diameter, the letter designation of the grade of steel from which the drill is made, and the logo of the manufacturer.

The alphanumeric designation of the steel grade contains the following information:

  • alloy category;
  • the presence of additional impurities;
  • chemical composition.

Peculiarities drill markings for domestically produced metal, using a letter designation, the following is reported:

  • letter “P” - the tool is made of high-speed steel. The number after it indicates the percentage of tungsten in the steel;
  • letter “M” - the alloy is alloyed with molybdenum, the percentage of which is also indicated by the corresponding number after the letter “M”;
  • letter “K” - the alloy contains cobalt in the amount indicated by the number following the letter.

As an example, you should familiarize yourself with the following designations used for marking domestically produced drilling products:

  • R6M5K5 - a gimlet made of high-speed steel containing 6% tungsten, 5% molybdenum and 5% cobalt;
  • Drill SCP R6M5 is a spiral drill with a cylindrical shank, the alloy of which contains 6% tungsten and 5% molybdenum.

Foreign products have a distinctive HSS marking, which also contains information about the alloying element using additional symbols.

  • HSS-E – the drill alloy is alloyed with cobalt, which will have a positive effect when making holes in metals with high viscosity;
  • HSS-R is a carbide gimlet, which has increased strength and is used for drilling cast products, parts made of brass, cast iron, bronze, cupronickel and alloys, with a strength of up to 900 N/mm2;
  • HSS-TiN (-TiАN) – the drill body is subjected to titanium coating, which increases the hardness of the working surface and reduces the change in mechanical properties under impact high temperatures, up to +600 ºС, which allows you to work with materials with strength up to 1100 N/mm2;
  • HSS-E VAP – gimlet suitable for stainless steel;
  • HSS-4241 is a drilling device for working with aluminum alloy.

Based on the characteristics offered by the main classification of drills, you can find best drills on metal. When choosing, the master must take into account the technological tasks that will be solved with the help of a drilling product, as well as the material on which the work will be carried out. The right choice should be based on special attention to the following characteristics of gimlets:

  1. Drill color.
  2. The quality of sharpening elements and the symmetry of parts of the gimlet design.
  3. Working diameter of the drill.
  4. Functionality and intended purpose of the product.
  5. The material from which the drill is made.
  6. Match the type of drill to the equipment on which it will be used (for example, for drilling a hole large diameter you will need a low-speed drill with a high power rating).
  7. Manufacturing company.

The choice of a high-quality drill directly depends on the integrity of the manufacturer, because no self-respecting company will allow it to go on sale low-quality products. Drill manufacturers who have been offering their tools for a long time are the real guarantee of purchasing a high-quality gimlet. Professional drillers give their preference to the strongest drill bits and choose the following drilling tools:

  • drills produced at enterprises of the former USSR;
  • drills from German manufacturers Ruko, Bosch and Haisser;
  • Russian drills from the Zubr company.

These are the most common companies offering high-quality tools for a long time, but the choice is always up to the master, because the market is replete with drilling tools for every taste and budget.

Choosing a drill for household use

To carry out frequent drilling work in a home workshop, the driller should consider purchasing a ready-made set with products of different diameters. A similar set, depending on the quality characteristics, is presented on the supply market in different price range, so every master will find necessary tool according to your financial capabilities. If drills of a certain type will be used more often, then it is additionally worth buying a set of spare drills with a certain diameter. The master’s knowledge of what types of drills there are, what types of tools are better and which ones are the most durable will help the driller make right choice metal drills in favor of the best tool.

It is worth remembering that any choice of drill will be justified if the master handles it skillfully and sharpens it in a timely manner. Careful use of the gimlet for its intended purpose will allow for significant savings in money without the need to constantly replace failed drilling products.

Metal drills - types and classification

Perhaps every real man was involved in drilling metal surfaces and workpieces. At first glance, it may seem that drilling is a very simple process that does not require any unique knowledge or anything else special. However, this is only at first glance. After all, in each individual case you need a suitable type of drill, you need to know how to use it correctly and what needs to be done in order to complete your task. Therefore, for this, everyone who needs it needs to know how to choose the right metal drill in a store, what to look for when buying, and how to actually use it.

First of all, let's look at the types of metal drills - what can they be, and why are there so many varieties? Of course, drill bits are classified based on the tasks they are used for, so let's take a look.

Cylindrical Twist Drills

The classic type of drill that each of us immediately imagines after hearing the word “drill”. This type has a familiar spiral shape, and such drills are most often used for domestic needs. A cylindrical type of drill is made, as a rule, from high-speed steel, grade HSS or P6M5. Less commonly, drills made from steel grade P18 have begun to be found - this is a very high-quality steel.

This is due to the fact that this grade of steel was used back in Soviet times, so drills of this type are very difficult to find. From the new assortment, drills of this quality are produced only in Belarus, so if at the time of purchase there is no information about the material of the drill (this is unlikely to happen, of course), pay attention to the country of origin.

Conical drills

These drills are most often used on special, narrow-profile drilling machines. In such a drill, its tail part is made in the shape of a cone (such a cone is also known as Morse cone 1-5). Using this cone, the drill is installed in the machine. Of course, this type of drill can also be used in an electric drill, but if it, in turn, has a special mount, has a two-handed design, and supports working with these types of drills. In other words, such a drill is clamped into a drill without a chuck.

Electric drills with a conical drill are distinguished by their low speed and ease of use due to two handles. Actually, the purpose of these types of drills is simple - they are necessary for making large holes, including even sizes such as 23-25 ​​mm, and so on. As we have already said, not all types of drills are suitable for working with this type of drill, therefore, among the most famous, high-quality and suitable drills, it is worth highlighting two brands - drills from R ebir, and drills from Bosh. Again, when purchasing a drill, it is worth asking whether the device is suitable for your contents.

Core drills

Necessary for making fairly large diameters, although in fact, in appearance they are no different from the previous type of conical drill. The only difference in which these drills generally differ from each other is the diameter of the holes made. If using a conical type, you can make a hole only up to 30 mm, then using core drills, you can make holes over 30 mm. In addition to the fact that this drill is used for drilling metal, it can also be used to make holes in concrete, but only on the condition that the drill is not made from HSS class high-speed steel, but from carbide tips.

Among the features when working with this type of drill, you need to remember that it is only suitable for making holes in thin sheets of metal, up to 10 mm. For thicker workpieces, core drills are also used, but made from carbide tips.

Step drills

Recently, the spread has begun to gain quite interesting guy step drill. The main task of this type of drill is to make fairly large holes. But, unlike other types of drilling attachments, in this case the step drill is universal - it can also be used to make small holes of the diameter you need.

Actually, this drill got its name because it has a stepped design. So, it has several steps, with certain diameters. For example, if you need to make a hole with a diameter of 14 mm, you insert the drill into the drill, start working with it, first of all, making a hole of 8 mm, then 10, 12 mm, and only then make a hole, required diameter at 14 mm.

The only significant drawback of this drill is making a hole in sheet metal with a maximum thickness of 2 mm. All this is because the thickness of each step of such a drill is so thick, so it will no longer be possible to make a hole, for example, 6 mm. But, at the same time, this design is an advantage of this type of drill, because to work with thin sheet metal, you only need one such attachment - you don’t need to carry a whole set of drills with you, plus you don’t need to remove and put on a new drill every time. This unique and specific drill exists today.

Carbide drills

It is not difficult to guess that drills made of carbide alloys are necessary for working with strong metals and large thicknesses. A well-known component of this drill is the substance “win” - or, its official name, VK8 alloy. In addition to the fact that such drills are made from high-quality hard alloys, they also have a special design, namely the sharpening angle. Thus, it has a one-sided and sharp surface, unlike other types of drills. This allows the drill to “bite” into the surface of the metal more thoroughly and drill through more easily. The reason this shape is not used in other types of drills is because low quality alloys will burst, overheat, and break the drill.

Left handed and cobalt drills

Briefly speaking about the left-handed type of drill. Actually, it is practically no different from a regular drill, except for one thing. Imagine a situation in which the head of a bolt or screw has broken off, and you need to unscrew it from some surface. Using regular drill, you will notice that the bolt will rotate and you will not be able to drill it out. Therefore, in such cases, left-handed drills are used.

Speaking about cobalt drills, it is worth noting that they are somewhat stronger than conventional drills, and they can only be distinguished by their markings. Thus, the marking P6MK5 indicates that the drill alloy also contains cobalt. Such drills differ not only in quality, but also in price.

Extended drills

And, of course, we can’t help but mention the elongated drills. Perhaps you already guess that such drills are needed when you need to make a hole in a thicker metal or sheet. You shouldn’t think that such drills are very long, no. In fact, they are slightly longer than conventional drills, and in addition they have slightly increased strength, since working with a longer attachment requires significant overloads that the drill must withstand (heating, resistance, etc.).

Actually, you can find out about the standards of metal drills from this table. The ANSI standard is an international, European standard, an analogue of GOST (located below).

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The Hand Tools company offers to buy metal drills from RESOLUX. Products manufactured under this brand are designed for comfortable work and making the most accurate holes in metal.

Depending on the standard, materials, characteristics, cost and production method, they are distinguished various types tool.

According to GOST 10902-77, in terms of quality and price, medium series drills with a cylindrical shank RESOLUX are divided into three groups:

1. Rolled drills R6M5 with the following characteristics:

  • working part - polished;
  • accuracy class B1;
  • 1 - 20 mm;

Drills are mounted in three-jaw chucks of machine tools or hand drills. Manufactured in sizes starting from 13 mm. In this case, the shank is ground down to 13 mm, due to which a drill with a diameter of 16 mm can be fixed in a 13 mm chuck.

2. Drills for stainless steel P9 with the following characteristics:

  • working part - polished;
  • accuracy class B1;
  • 1 - 13 mm.

Tools allow you to maximum efficiency process stainless steel, structural and other difficult-to-process steel grades. They are located in the middle price segment.

3. Drills R6M5 with accuracy class A1

This professional tools, widely in demand for production needs, at enterprises where increased demands are placed on the properties and characteristics of products, as well as on the precision of drilling.
In the production of tools in this series, high-quality steel grade R6M5 and the grinding method are used.
Suggested sizes: 1 - 13 mm.

Rolled drills are the most attractive in price, as they are made in the simplest and most accessible method. The low cost of the rolling method is explained by the high speed and automation of production:

  • at the first stage, special blanks are made from rods;

  • then they are heated and pulled through, due to which a working part similar to a spiral is formed;

  • the workpieces are carefully ground and sharpened.

Grinding a working spiral from a solid workpiece is the most expensive production method. The reasons for this: low production speeds, the most careful processing and, as a consequence, highest quality products.

Drills with a conical shank are produced by milling. Since complete automation of the process is impossible due to the large size of the workpieces, it requires a lot of time.

You can buy long and elongated drills with a conical or cylindrical shank from the company " Hand tools"in Moscow. For more information about prices for metal drills, please call.

Metalworking does not cause difficulties only for those who know how and what to work with. Beginners in this business have to start with the basics, for example, finding out which metal drills are better or what shape of tip is needed for round holes.

There are not many special tools that can be used to work without the help of a machine. Therefore, it is important to understand what drills are, how they are classified and what they are intended for.

Metal drills: design differences and markings

The modern market offers large selection cutting tools for metal processing. You can purchase a ready-made universal kit or a set of metal drills.

For a one-time use, you should not pay for everything at once, but choose something specific for performing any operation that meets certain characteristics.

Tip: When looking at a tool, pay attention to the markings, where many parameters are coded. These are letters and numbers that all types of metal drills have.

According to the short inscription experienced master immediately understands all parameters:

  • metal fabrication;
  • what material to work on;
  • drill working diameter;
  • accuracy class;
  • country of origin (logo).

Spiral gimlets of minimum diameter are not marked. But the rest of the designations cannot be understood by a beginner. home handyman. For example, the marking P6M5K5 indicates a composition with a certain percentage of tungsten, molybdenum and cobalt - this is the highest quality drill.

But even with 15% cobalt it is also a high-quality tool; the designation P9K15 shows that this is a high-speed steel drill.

Imported alloy steel products are marked with HSS:

  • HSS-E VAP (for working with stainless steel);
  • HSS-E with the addition of cobalt (for working on metals with high viscosity);
  • HSS-Tin with titanium (for increased cutter hardness);
  • HSS-4241 drills aluminum products;
  • HSS-R tool for maximum durability.

Attention: Look for the markings on the shank of the metal drill, as shown in the photo.

Which brand of drill is better?

To this day, home craftsmen have preserved tools and equipment from Soviet times. This is not to say that these were bad drills, especially Pobedit ones, but how to sharpen a drill for metal without equipment?

It's easier to buy a new one cutting tool from foreign and domestic manufacturers:

  • Bosch – any product of exceptional quality.
  • Ruko – Look for the best Phillips carbide drill bits for reliability.
  • Haisser - their drills with titanium-nitride coating can withstand extreme loads (processing steel, copper, bronze, cermets, etc.).
  • “Zubr is a well-established domestic brand, the optimal price-quality ratio, and offers reliable cutters for metal, in particular with cobalt.

Important: Any drill will take a hole in a thin product made of a malleable alloy. For “specialists” working in metal, it is not profitable to buy cheap gimlets of dubious quality and waste time sharpening them.

As a rule, drills are specialized for metal and wood, but they can also work with other materials, including concrete, ceramics and polymers.

Drills, their types and characteristics

Drills that structurally have much in common are used for metalworking:

  • cutter;
  • working surface (provides advancement while removing chips);
  • shank (fixed in the chuck).

Main classification:

  • step or cone (conical) drills;
  • feather (flat);
  • crowned;
  • spiral.

You can find other types of metal drills in catalogs, but these are only discrepancies in the names. For example, annular cutters are the same core drills. On the end part you can see diamond-coated teeth. Standard core drills select the contour of the hole.

Step or conical drills – for holes required diameter in thin metal plates. The advantage is that there are several diameters in one tip, but they are practically not used in everyday life.

Classification by material

Cutting tools are most often made of steel, but when metalworking with hard alloys, the temperature rises. If the temperature threshold is violated, the drill becomes dull - you need cutters with plates of sufficient hardness, for example, alloyed with cobalt.

Titanium drills – good alternative cobalt for hardness and reliability. Technological use provides a guarantee long work with factory sharpening.

Carbide carbide tool demonstrates increased wear resistance. Although these drills do not require regrinding, this tool is used by professionals when working with thick metal. For these purposes, powerful drills operating at low speeds are used - drills are included.

The tool loses its properties due to intensive use, but this does not apply to drills with a bright golden hue.

By the way, by the color of the drill you can judge its performance characteristics:

  • Black surfaces - from hot steam to increase wear resistance to extend the life of use.
  • Gray – drills for household use, after working with hard metal they become unusable.
  • Golden - high-speed drills that have undergone a special hardening procedure; they inspire confidence even in experienced craftsmen.
  • Bright gold surfaces are the best titanium metalworking tools, but they are quite expensive.

The dimensions of metal drills do not affect quality, but a wide range of drills makes it possible to choose the right tool for any metal work. The size scale is regulated by GOST standards. Working length incisors range from 20 mm to 131 mm, their diameters range from 0.3 mm to 20 mm.

Photo of metal drills

Metal drilling is process, aimed at producing holes of various diameters in metal sheets and workpieces using a special rotating tool called a drill.

For the manufacture of drills, hard, non-destructible materials are used. mechanical impact materials, most often high-speed alloy alloys. Depending on the type and thickness of the material, the diameter of the hole and the technological requirements for the processing method, metal drills can be:

  • spiral;
  • feathers.

Each type of tool has its own advantages and disadvantages, which significantly affect the ability to perform certain jobs; learn more about all these types.

Key indicators for selection

When choosing a tool for drilling metals, you must consider:

  • the composition of the alloy from which they were made;
  • way additional processing and the presence of surface coating;
  • manufacturer's trademark;
  • diameter and design shape;
  • design and sharpening angles of cutting edges.

Important! The cutting part of traditional twist drills has a front and back angle of inclination of the plane of the cutting part. The geometric parameters of the rear sharpening angle determine the magnitude of the friction force during operation and the wear rate of the tool. Increasing this indicator allows you to process more durable metals, but leads to reduced heat dissipation and faster wear.

What can color say?

An important external parameter when choosing a drill can be the color of the surface, which indicates the composition of the alloy, the processing method and the surface reinforcing coating. High-quality tools are made from high-speed alloys with the addition of titanium, molybdenum or tungsten. The international designation for such metals is HSS (High Speed ​​Steel).

However, even if the drill marking contains a similar inscription, but its surface is gray steel in color, you should not buy such a product. It was not subject to additional types processing and does not have sufficient strength and wear resistance. The price in this case will be low, but it will also last a short time, with the need for frequent sharpening.

Drills can be:

  1. Black, after heat treatment superheated steam and additional hardening. The cost of a black drill is slightly higher than that of untreated products, but it is quite affordable for use for domestic purposes. But increased strength significantly increases service life.
  2. After heating the finished drills in a furnace and gradually tempering the metal to relieve internal stresses, the surface acquires light yellow tint. As a result, the wear resistance of the drill increases significantly, and its sharpening is required much less frequently.
  3. Bright golden color talk about using an alloy with the addition of titanium, which has maximum strength. These are the most expensive drills, but their use is fully justified long term operation.
  4. Gray indicates low quality of the instrument. Used for one-time work, after which it is thrown away. Accordingly, this drill is the cheapest on the market.

When determining which drill will be best for your conditions, approach the issue from a practical point of view. For constant drilling work, it is better to buy an expensive, but more wear-resistant tool. But for periodic use and solving everyday problems, black or pale yellow drills are quite suitable. This will allow you to get the desired result at the minimum acceptable cost.

How drills are made and why they are different colors, video from the RUKO plant (Germany)

Marking of drills for metal, what you need to consider when choosing

The alphanumeric designations printed on the drill contain information about:

  • diameter and length of the tool;
  • the brand of metal from which it is made;
  • method of additional processing and the presence of surface coating;
  • manufacturing accuracy class.

At the same time, diameters up to 3.0 mm are not marked, and all necessary information shown on the packaging.

The area of ​​application can be indicated by the following symbols:

  • HSS-G for drilling mild steel, cast iron and non-ferrous metals;
  • HSS-E for high alloy and stainless alloys;
  • HSS-TiAIN universal tool for all types of materials.

The presence of such markings indicates the possibility of professional use of the tool.

How to choose the right drill for metal and other materials


Steel (H/mm 2)<900 ** ** ** **
Steel (H/mm 2)<1100 ** *
Steel (H/mm 2)<1300 * *

Stainless steel** *
Cast iron** * * **
Aluminum** * **

Brass** ** ** *
Bronze* * * *
Plastic** ** ** **
Wood** ** ** **

Classification by length and diameter

According to the ratio of length and diameter, the tool differs in:

  1. Short drills, 20-131 mm long, their diameter is in the range of 0.3-20 mm.
  2. Elongated, length is 19-205 mm, diameter - 0.3-20 mm.
  3. Long with a length of 56-254 mm. and diameter 1-20 mm.

TOP 10 most famous manufacturers

The manufacturer's brand is also a very important factor influencing the right choice. Well-known manufacturers of drilling tools guarantee the strength of the alloy, the quality of sharpening, high wear resistance and corrosion resistance. Therefore, if you are looking for a high-quality metal drill, you won’t be able to save money. The cost of well-known brands is quite high.

An exception to this rule may be rare drills made in the USSR. Having seen such a tool, you can have no doubt about its quality. Experts unequivocally speak about the excellent performance of Soviet tools in terms of alloy strength, long service life and stability of cutting edges. This is also due to the requirements of GOSTs of that time for such a tool.

Among the ten best manufacturers of drilling tools, experts name:

  1. European concern Bosch, producing drills made of high-strength high-speed steel with a surface coating of titanium nitride with a tensile strength of up to 900 N/mm 2. Can be used for drilling any metals except aluminum and its alloys. The cost of a drill depends on its diameter and length. A set of 12 pieces costs an average of 3,000 rubles.
  2. Trade brand " Attack", distinguished not only by high quality products, but also by affordable prices. They are made from high-quality steel alloys that can provide long service life even under conditions of high-speed metal processing. The average cost of one drill is less than 100 rubles. 5500 – 7000 Cost of a set for professional use.
  3. Wurth Zebra Spiralbohrersatz HSS is one of the best twist drills for metal working. Capable of providing the ability to drill at high drive speeds, while guaranteeing high edge quality and dimensional accuracy. Used for drilling structural steel and all types of cast iron. Can be installed on stationary drilling machines and hand-held electric drills. The average cost of diameters up to 12 mm does not exceed 120 rubles per piece.
  4. Sets of the Russian brand " Anchor" The set consists of 19 items with a diameter of 1-10 mm and costs an average of 1000 rubles, therefore it belongs to the group of inexpensive high-quality tools. The durability and reliability of the drill is ensured by the presence of a tip made of high-strength high-speed alloy.
  5. German brand Metabo Bestler produces a spiral-shaped tool with the cutting edge sharpened at an angle of 135 degrees. This condition makes it possible to achieve high drilling accuracy even at any rotation speed. The average price for a diameter of up to 12 mm is 100-120 rubles.
  6. AEG HSS are considered the best metal drills in an affordable price category. Special sharpening of the tool does not require preliminary punching on the metal surface, which greatly simplifies the work process. Designed for drilling alloy steels with a tensile strength of more than 1000 N/mm 2.
  7. Russian brand drills " BISON» (ZUBR) are used for processing all types of steels and ferrous alloys. Special cross-shaped sharpening ensures self-centering of the tool and high drilling accuracy. A set of 20 items costs 1000 rubles.
  8. Sets DeWALT can be used in production and at home. The special design of the drill completely eliminates the possibility of damage and defects along the edges of the hole. A tool set of 28 items with a diameter of 1-13 mm costs up to 5,000 rubles.
  9. Surface of Hawera drills from a European company Bohler coated with titanium nitride, which increases their strength and wear resistance. In addition, all products are subjected to special grinding, which guarantees drilling quality at any drive rotation speed. However, a set of 20 items can cost up to 6,000 rubles.
  10. Irwin TurboMax belongs to the category of universal tools, designed not only for processing metals, but also plastics, wood, gypsum and other materials. When drilling alloy and stainless steels, a mandatory supply of coolant is required. The cost of a set of 15 drills is about 3,000 rubles.

As can be seen from the above list, the drills offered for sale differ in their characteristics, purpose and price. The manufacturer's rating also determines the quality of the products, which is usually confirmed by a large number of positive reviews.
