Industrial cultivation of mint. Features of growing mint in business

Lyudmila Barannik, commercial director of the Spassky Nursery nursery, told the site about the peculiarities of growing and marketing mint, care and differences in varieties.

Why is it profitable to grow mint?

Growing mint is profitable, the commercial director convinces, because it perennial, and investments in plantings occur only in the first year. In subsequent years, with normal care and irrigation, investments are no longer needed.

Selling mint in a pot, she says, is also profitable. Especially if grown in large quantities. You can earn at least 10-15 UAH on one plant, for example, by taking it for 15 UAH, the market price of which is 25-30 UAH.

“About 10 thousand of our mint plants are sold at retail per year. That is, you can earn about 100 thousand hryvnia by selling mint in pots if you have an area for growing this plant of slightly less than 1 hectare and well-functioning logistics,”

- said the commercial director of the Spassky Nursery Lyudmila Barannik.

Growing mint is an interesting direction that is just developing in Ukraine. Working on the market for 10 years, Spassky Nursery LLC started a spice garden just 4 years ago. Compared to the European market, today the Ukrainian market has not realized its potential by even 10%, notes the commercial director, so this is a very promising direction.

In particular, the demand for drinks is growing, especially in summer, and accordingly the demand for Moroccan mint, which is actively used to prepare the mojito drink. And in landscape design The creation of spice gardens has become a fashionable trend. Also, mint (especially in pots) can decorate the terrace. A miniature herb garden can be arranged right on the windowsill, in the kitchen or on the balcony.

And mint is not only tasty, but also beautiful, because it can have different textures and colors. For example, many buyers are interested in apple mint, which, forming many branches, acts as both a spicy and an ornamental plant.

“If the manufacturer understands what exactly, in what quantity and to whom he is going to sell, then this is a very easy and quick start, and then it is profitable to grow and sell mint,” says L. Barannik.

Most popular types

Since Spassky Nursery sells a ready-made product (a plant in a pot) and does not practice growing mint for raw materials, for example, for drying, they choose only varieties of Italian, Dutch, and Israeli selection, which are distinguished by their taste. For example, among citrus varieties This is grapefruit, orange, lemon mint; Exotic fruits include pineapple and banana mint. They also grow strawberry, ginger, Moroccan, apple, chocolate, Tibetan, curly. In total, in the Spassky Nursery there are 15 types of mint alone, and many more varieties. About 1 hectare is occupied by spicy plants in the nursery, of which about 70% of the area is allocated to mint.

“We sell the finished product, which is mint in pots. If it were open ground, then it would be a completely different quantity and area. We also sell mint shoots for vegetative propagation and further growth in a 1.2 liter pot, which they start ordering from us in November, to obtain a plant in the spring, starting in March,” says the commercial director.

Features of mint care

If a mint plant grows in the soil and you need more green mass, then it is important to cut off its color and also arrange regular watering, because otherwise it loses a lot of vegetative mass.

Mint has one significant drawback: its rhizomes grow no worse than those of wheatgrass, so it is very important to restrain excessive growth. It is necessary to take into account that after a few years a lot of roots will accumulate, so in open ground mint must be periodically replanted to a new place. Vegetative propagation mint can be grown by stem cuttings, root trimmings, dividing rhizomes and layering.

It is better not to treat mint even with any natural means, especially if it is grown for consumption. “We add so-called smart fertilizers, the price of which is quite high, but you only need to add a small spoonful of them to the pot. But these are long-acting fertilizers that last for the whole season. To grow mint in a pot, we add the Dutch Osmocote Bloom fertilizer, designed on green plants. Other fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate, can be harmful,” says the commercial director.

If this is growing mint in open ground, then the plants take all the nutrients from it, and in this case, adding fertilizers is not required. When grown in a greenhouse, whitefly may be a problem. No pests were observed in open ground.

Row spacing depends on how the crop will be processed. If you do it manually, which is observed in most cases in our country, then it depends on the size of the bush. That is, if a mint bush has a diameter of 40 cm, then minimum distance There should be 50 cm between bushes.

Spicy garden and more

Nursery "Spassky nursery", which is located in the village. Spasskoe near the city of Dnieper, has an area of ​​about 25 hectares and is one of the largest in Ukraine. His specialization is quite broad, and growing mint is just separate direction nursery production. Here, in addition to mint, thyme, sage, lavender and many other fragrant and useful plants. The crops are selected in such a way that they feel good both on the windowsill and in the open ground. Spassky Nursery also grows ornamental grasses, heucheras, annual and perennial flowers.

In addition, the nursery is engaged in the cultivation of conifers and deciduous plants By full cycle- from live bait to an adult plant. Here, in addition to mint, up to 40 species of junipers, 20 types of thujas, ordinary and grafted pines and fir trees, and many types of deciduous trees and shrubs - standard and grafted - are grown.

The nursery has mastered the formation of plants according to European standards using special equipment. The owners were able to achieve success in the market due to the fact that they can form a large (from 1000 pieces) batch of identical plants of the same variety. Large-scale container production and growing plants in soil have been established.

A separate line of activity is the production of mini weed mats and container bags for large plants. Spassky Nursery is also engaged in wholesale trade in related agricultural products, such as peat, substrates, fertilizers, agrofibre, bark, plant protection products, growth stimulants, seeds. Trade takes place in the nursery, their garden centers and through the online store.

Several times a year, Spassky Nursery conducts seminars on the following topics: spice gardens in cooking and decoration, spring pruning and plant formation, seasonal care and protection ornamental plants. There is also a day open doors, designed for landscape industry professionals and garden centers.

The article was prepared based on the materials of the speech commercial director LLC "Spassky Nursery" at the exhibition and conference "Herbal Business 2018", which was held in Nikolaev on October 11 and 12. The exhibition was organized by the information company "Infoindustry" together with the Ukrainian project for business development of horticulture.

    • 1. Seedlings
    • 2. Vegetables
    • 3. Flowers
    • 4. Strawberry
    • 5. Greens
  • How much can you earn
  • Tax system
  • Permissions to open
        • Similar business ideas:

What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse? This question is asked by many beginning farmers and owners of private farms who want to succeed in the difficult greenhouse business. However, before talking about the profitability of a particular greenhouse plant, it is worth talking about the other side of the issue - costs. Depending on climatic conditions, the profitability of cultivation individual crops, but in general the greenhouse business can differ dramatically. On some forums you can meet people who are eager to start a greenhouse business in the conditions of Siberia and the northern regions of the Russian Federation. Some enthusiasts even plan to carry out year-round production. Due to their inexperience, they still have no idea how much resources can be spent on maintaining a greenhouse.

The main disadvantage of the greenhouse business

The very first thing that can bring any greenhouse project into the red is heating the greenhouse. Heat brick house and a polycarbonate greenhouse are not the same thing. For example, heating a house of 50 square meters. m. costs winter time at 2500 rubles/month, then a thin greenhouse of the same area will cost 5 - 10 times more. Even in southern regions farmers don't keep greenhouses all year round, and the season opens only in February - March. A similar arrangement goes with greenhouse lighting. Glimmer as in an apartment it definitely won’t work. Plants in cold weather need the same amount of daylight as they receive in the warm season. The light must be bright, and this means very high energy costs. What can I say, even for growing tomatoes Additional light is needed on the windowsill. Someone may object: “Well, we will sell the product at a high price, look how much a tomato costs in February.” Prices that can be observed in grocery chains should not be a guide. Vegetables and herbs are sold in bulk at almost half the price shown on the shop window. This happens because retail has its own costs associated with logistics, markdowns, taxes, salesperson salaries, and so on. Do you want to trade without intermediaries, and in a wide variety of goods? This is not a problem at all if you place your ad on Avito. Find out how to get a stable income from ads, what is better to sell on the Internet and what is the best way to make money.

How much money do you need to start a successful business growing vegetables and plants in a greenhouse?

And most importantly. If a farmer does not have any experience in growing a particular crop, that is, he cannot obtain the required volume of products, the losses will be colossal.

Of course, this does not mean that year-round cultivation in greenhouses in temperate climates is impossible. It is quite possible and there are many similar farms. But all such projects are very expensive big money and a small farmer, naturally, cannot afford it. Before starting any business, it is advisable to learn how to manage money. Think about your future today. Pass money management course and learn about the secrets of rich people and what techniques they use to achieve their goals.

When is the best time to start a greenhouse business?

What can be concluded is that profitable greenhouse cultivation should be started with small volumes and before the opening of the season. The main task of the greenhouse is to obtain a harvest several weeks days earlier than a similar product appears on the market with summer cottages. Prices will still be very attractive, and demand will be high, so you can sell the product without any problems. A small greenhouse, firstly, will not bankrupt the farmer if he fails. And secondly, it will allow you to evaluate the market and make it clear whether this business is worth pursuing or not.

Plant growing technology

So, let's move on directly to revealing the main question of our topic - which plants are most profitable to grow in a greenhouse? And here is our TOP 5 best greenhouse ideas.

1. Seedlings

Oddly enough, growing seedlings is one of the most profitable ideas for a greenhouse. In spring, the demand for seedlings is everywhere - they are bought by both owners of summer cottages and adjacent areas, as well as other farms specializing in crop production. There can be a lot of options here. Take, for example, strawberry seedlings. Even in the fall, you can make preparations of frigo seedlings (for more details about frigo seedlings, read the article “ Strawberry business - 4 ways to grow strawberries profitably"), and in the spring, plant these seedlings in a greenhouse and sell them over several months. Up to several hundred roots can be safely placed on one square meter. The retail price of one bush, depending on the variety, ranges from 50 to 100 rubles. We sold 10,000 roots and earned over 500 thousand rubles. To be convinced of the real demand for strawberry seedlings, just look at the statistics of Yandex search queries. Thus, according to Wordstat data, the phrase “buy strawberry seedlings” is searched about 18,000 times in April alone. Of these, Moscow accounts for just over 4,000 requests. This suggests that seedlings can be sold not only through markets and nurseries, but also via the Internet.

The same can be said about seedlings of flowers (petunias), tomatoes, cabbage. The demand is colossal.

2. Vegetables

Cucumbers and tomatoes are the most proven greenhouse crops. Vegetables are bought always and everywhere, regardless of the crisis. The big advantage of cucumbers is that they can be stored for quite a long time. Harvest can be stored for weeks, although fresh cucumber sells out very quickly. Especially if it is grown in the same region where it is sold. The yield of greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes, with proper technology, is 30 - 45 kg per square meter. m. Greenhouse for 300 sq. m. can bring up to 12 tons of vegetables per season. In 2016, in the month of May, cucumbers in our stores (Ulyanovsk) cost an average of 80 rubles/kg. If for some reason it is not possible to come to an agreement with vegetable kiosks and grocery stores, then you can sell the goods on your own without any problems. If the farm has a spacious car, then you can simply stand by the road with good car traffic, hang up a sign “vegetables from private household plots”, indicate a price tag slightly lower than store prices and there will be no end to customers. You can distribute business cards to each buyer and soon you will be selling products directly from your greenhouse plot.

3. Flowers

A slightly more complex and rather southern version of the greenhouse business is the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing cut flowers. The primary task in this case is to get the main harvest by the March and then May holidays. How much can you earn here? Thus, modern technologies for growing roses make it possible to obtain up to 250 cuts per year from one bush. Up to 4 bushes can grow freely on one square meter. That is, from 1 sq. m. 1000 sections are collected per year. Greenhouse for 100 sq. m. will allow you to grow up to 100 thousand slices! The average wholesale price for one rose cut is 40 rubles. By simple calculation, we get annual revenue of 4 million rubles. This is a lot of money, and even taking into account the high costs of maintaining a greenhouse, the profit remains high. There are, however, several serious pitfalls that hinder the widespread development of this business. Firstly, flowers, and especially roses, are very capricious and require special care. Small deviations from the norm - the flowers turn out to be frail and not marketable. Secondly, the costs of creating greenhouse conditions for growing flowers are slightly higher than in the case of vegetables. Finally, thirdly - sales! Flowers today are grown by more and more farmers, and the lion's share of the goods comes from abroad. The competition is extremely high and not everyone can survive in it.

4. Strawberry

In more southern regions ( Krasnodar region, Kuban) growing strawberries in a greenhouse is quite common. Today there are several effective technologies growing strawberries in greenhouses: Dutch and Israeli technology, vertical beds (trukars), growing frigo seedlings, hydroponics. For some of them, it is possible to achieve a yield of 30 tons per hectare. In the south, fresh strawberries can be seen on the shelves as early as May. But in the central and Volga regions, you can find early strawberries local production is not an easy task. This happens due to the fact that the berry has an extremely short shelf life (only 2 days) - it simply does not reach solvent buyers in the northern regions. And the one that arrives, as a rule, is prohibitively expensive and doesn’t really look like a berry. On May 25, I decided to “monitor” the prices for strawberries in our city (Volga region) and somehow found a berry on sale, which, surprisingly, was delivered from Uzbekistan. Price - 350 rubles/kg! And surprisingly, people took it. What can we conclude - at such prices, growing strawberries in a greenhouse even in a temperate climate looks quite good promising idea. You can start small - with a greenhouse of 50-100 square meters. m. Even using primitive technology using drip irrigation and agrofibre, you can get a good harvest 10 - 12 days earlier than the summer berries. And this will be enough to sell strawberries at a high price. Even 200 rub. per kilogram will allow you to gain profit. When will people see imported berries for 350 rubles? and local for 200 rub. their choice will be obvious.

5. Greens

It may be a profitable business growing greens in the greenhouse. First of all, these are: onions, lettuce, parsley, dill, cilantro, basil and sage. The big advantage of greens is that, unlike other greenhouse crops, the period from sowing to harvest is the shortest here. So, onions, spinach and parsley can be obtained within 30 - 35 days after sowing. The yield with hydroponics technology can be up to 6 kg per 1 sq. m. And the price per kilogram, as you know, reaches 200 rubles in the spring. per kg. In just three to four months, you can harvest up to three harvests. Another advantage of growing greens is the cost of planting material. They are essentially “penny”, unlike strawberries or flowers. The only difficulty that will certainly await any entrepreneur is the sale of products. You won’t be able to get into retail chains, the volumes are wrong, and the entry price may not be profitable. Many farmers find a way out by selling greens to enterprises catering: cafes, restaurants and canteens. Such organizations are always happy to cooperate, since in their activities they are constantly faced with the problem of supplying ingredients.

How much can you earn

In this type of business, it is difficult to calculate income, since some individual entrepreneurs already have greenhouses, while others will make investments in their construction, and income also depends on the size of the greenhouse. A sample business plan would look like this. To grow seedlings you need:

  1. Greenhouse (film or made of polycarbonate), area 18 sq.m. If you grow seedlings in two tiered boxes, then usable area increases 2 times and is 36 sq.m. This area yields 7,500 cups of seedlings. The cost of one cup of seedlings ranges from 8 to 15 rubles, depending on the region. Thus, 7,500 glasses of at least 8 rubles will bring an income of 60,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of varietal seeds and bulbs with a germination rate of up to 80%. The cost of one seed is approximately 12 kopecks per piece. For growing 7,500 pcs. 9,000 seedlings need to be purchased. seeds, 1,080 rubles will be spent on this.
  3. Purchase of soil for cups, approximately 10 cubic meters. will be 8,000 rubles.
  4. The cost of 1 cup is 1.8 rubles, in total you will need 13,500 rubles.
  5. Heating a greenhouse during the period of seedling growth will cost 2,000 rubles.

Total expenses will be: 1,080+8,000+13,500+2,000= 24,580 rubles. Net profit will be 35,420 rubles. (For more details, see the article “ Greenhouse business plan") Which OKVED should I indicate for the purpose of registering OKVED 2 Section A: rural, forestry, fishing and fish farming. OKVED 2 01 Plant and animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas. OKVED 2 01.3 Growing seedlings OKVED 2 01.30 Growing seedlings

What documents are needed to open

This business will require a package of documents related to agricultural production activities and retail trade. It is necessary to register a business entity: this can be individual entrepreneur, or collective farming. The prepared documents must be submitted to government authorities or to multifunctional public service centers (MFCs).

Tax system

This business relates to the production of agricultural products, therefore a taxation system for agricultural producers, the so-called single agricultural tax, is applied. (ESKHN). The main condition of this tax is that the revenue from the sale of these products is at least 70% of the total revenue, and also that the enterprise must be engaged in the production of agricultural products, and not in their sale. The Unified Agricultural Tax is calculated as follows: StxB, where St is the tax rate, B is the tax base. The tax rate is 6%, and the tax base is calculated from income received in the reporting period, minus expenses.

Greenhouses are coming into fashion. Small shelters are installed on most household plots, and some farms erect large structures intended for industrial cultivation. How to start? It's worth starting with comparatively small shelter of 50 sq. m.

Over time farming can be expanded, erecting several more greenhouses ranging in size from 100 square meters. m. If you start a business in greenhouses, what is more profitable to grow?

In the summer, competition for greenhouse farms comes from private farmsteads and farmers growing plants. To reduce costs it is recommended to combine heated year-round designs with seasonal unheated ones, ideal for the warm season.

Greenhouses: what are they?

Greenhouses can be divided into many categories based on the type of heating, shape, size used for manufacturing. First of all shelters worth sharing to:

  • heated year-round structures;
  • seasonal greenhouses without heating.

Seasonal shelters most often made from thick plastic film stretched over plastic or metal. Such a greenhouse can be collapsible, it can be easily dismantled and moved to another place. It is better to dismantle shelters for the winter, to plastic film not damaged by snow.

Capital winter greenhouses are being done more thoroughly. They are erected on a solid surface; in cold regions, recessing is recommended to help better retain heat.

Winter greenhouses can be pitched or arched, the design depends on the frame. For industrial cultivation, pitched options are recommended; if you use a greenhouse at home as a business, then convenient ones are suitable.

As a frame for capital winter greenhouses most often durable metal is used With anti-corrosion coating. A rarer option is those treated with special impregnation.

Double coating is used as a coating plastic film or tempered. Double-glazed windows are not suitable for greenhouses, they are too fragile and short-lived.

The most modern and convenient material for year-round greenhouses is. The sheets can be given any shape, they are easily bent and cut, and are not damaged during many years of use. Polycarbonate transmits light well, at the same time protecting plants from sunburn.

For the normal development of plants, a greenhouse is needed. Best results gives a combined system that combines several heat sources. It is possible to use electric boilers, potbelly stoves, air heaters, fires, as well as cheap biofuels. The greenhouse will be equipped with a system, vents for ventilation and curtains for shading in the summer heat. The costs of a greenhouse for a small business, in this case, will increase.

Crops for year-round cultivation

Specialists for greenhouse business there are a number of crops, especially suitable for growing in shelters. The characteristics of the plants are taken into account, as well as the profit from the greenhouse that their sale brings. What is profitable to grow in a greenhouse? What is more profitable to grow in a greenhouse for business? Various varieties come first, greens come second, and vegetables are an honorable third.

The leaders in the flower group are those are particularly productive, and demand for cut flowers is high throughout the year.

It is recommended to start the season by sowing seeds for seedlings, as well as planting early crops: herbs, lettuce. In April-early May, seedlings move into the greenhouse tomatoes, .

By this time, the soil should warm up well, but retain moisture. Early varieties can be harvested already in mid-summer, making room for new crops. Radish and others seasonal vegetables are sown several times, until September inclusive.

Rules for planting and growing

Pledge proper development of plants and high yield - fertile soil. The topsoil is replaced annually. In large industrial greenhouses, it is recommended to update the soil after each harvest, that is, after 3-4 months.

The best substrate for greenhouses – a mixture of old garden or turf soil with humus, peat, river sand. This soil is suitable for most greenhouse crops. For greater nutritional value, it can be supplemented with wood (preferably birch) ash, as well as complex mineral fertilizer. It is not advisable to add complexes containing a lot of nitrogen, they develop abundant green mass to the detriment of fruiting.

Plants are planted without thickening; there should be at least 30 cm between bushes. Compact forms are chosen for greenhouses, not forming spreading branches or long lashes. IN tall greenhouses It is convenient to plant indeterminate plants that require trellis mounting.

All crops must be self-pollinating, since access of insects to the shelter will be limited. It is important to organize, mineral or organic fertilizers are applied to the soil every 2 weeks.

Are greenhouses profitable? Right organized greenhouse- the key to a good harvest. Her organization and operation is not cheap, however, when correct operation the design will pay for itself within a year. Greenhouse built from quality materials, does not require annual repairs and lasts several seasons without problems.

Useful information in the video about business ideas greenhouse cultivation different cultures:

Healthy greens are often grown in a greenhouse. One of these crops is lemon balm, which is familiar to many by its other name – lemon balm. In the photo you can see what this culture looks like. A description of lemon balm will let you know how useful it is and where it can be used. If you decide to grow such a fresh spice with a charming smell, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles of caring for it in advance. As practice shows, growing lemon balm turns out to be simple matter even for young gardeners.

Lemon balm planting technology

The technology for planting perennial herbs is quite simple. However, it is worth remembering that its germination rate is extremely low. At the end of May or in the first days of summer, you will need to prepare cups or special boxes for planting material.

Attention! Growing lemon balm in a greenhouse allows you to plant it directly into the ground.

When sprouts appear, they can be thinned out. This approach will ensure active growth and normal development of the herb. Optimal distance There is an interval of at least 5 cm between sprouts.

Another key rule for caring for lemon balm plantings is to provide the crop with good lighting. It is recommended to install the box with seedlings as close to the light source as possible. Spicy greens respond well to the use of artificial lighting. The use of a lamp for lemon balm seedlings on cloudy days will be especially useful.

In order for the seedlings to develop well, they can be planted in peat pots. For optimal growth seedlings can be treated with nitrogen fertilizers. However, it is much more important to thin out the lemon balm in a timely manner. This will need to be done as soon as the first leaves are formed. It is important to consider that it is not customary to pick this culture. After about 40 days, lemon balm is planted on permanent place in the greenhouse, if this was not done immediately.

Preparing the soil for grass and using cuttings

Planting herbs has a number of features. First of all, it is recommended to plant it in well-prepared soil. The soil is recommended:

  • dig up;
  • free from weeds, if any;
  • fertilize with organic and mineral compounds.

It is very important that the substrate in the greenhouse does not turn sour. If this possibility exists, it is recommended to ensure the area has good drainage. To do this, you can use small crushed stone or crushed brick. If this problem is not eliminated, you may experience rotting of the root system and death of the lemon balm.

Well-drained soil is the first step to successful cultivation culture. However, we should not forget about the characteristics of the soil. An excellent substrate for lemon balm is sandy loamy neutral or slightly acidic soil. Acidic soil is not suitable for growing lemon balm in a greenhouse.

Advice. If the soil in the greenhouse is acidic, you will need to add dolomite flour to the soil.

Since growing herbs from seeds is a very time-consuming and labor-intensive process, many gardeners prefer to use cuttings. It is recommended to remove them lower leaves. The planting material itself should be at least 15-20 cm high. In just a few days, lemon balm produces roots if you place the stems in water to which a few drops of a growth stimulator have been added. As a rule, within a week the plant’s own root system is formed. This lemon balm can already be planted in closed ground.

Basic principles of crop care

As for caring for lemon balm, first of all it needs:

  1. Systematic spraying (especially at elevated air temperatures and excessive dryness)/
  2. Moderate watering.
  3. Sufficient amount of light.
  4. Availability of backlight.

It is optimal to plant lemon balm in the spring. To get a lemon balm harvest in the greenhouse in winter, it is worth planting in the last days of summer or in early September. It is recommended to provide the herb with a sufficient amount of natural sunlight and additional lighting.

It is necessary to water the crop about 3 times every 8-10 days. In summer, watering should be plentiful; with the onset of cold weather, it should be reduced. The most important thing is to prevent moisture from stagnating in the soil. Despite the fact that herbs love water, too much water can cause the crop to become sick or rot.

Equally important for a lemon plant is sufficient air humidity. On summer days, it is recommended to spray the grass with cool water. To do this you should use a spray bottle. This procedure will provide lemon balm with strength. Its leaves will acquire an attractive color, become juicier and larger.

When the stems reach 20 cm in height, their tops are usually shortened. This prevents the lemon balm from weakening and causing color to form on it. By pinching, side shoots will begin to appear, resulting in a large amount of foliage.

Lemon mint needs to be watered every 2-3 days.

The optimal temperature for lemon balm growth is 18-20 degrees Celsius. It is important to remember: sudden changes in temperature levels negatively affect the condition of the leaves of the crop. Heat is also detrimental to them.

As you can see, growing lemon herb in a greenhouse is a fairly simple and feasible task for most gardeners. The main thing is to provide the crop with a sufficient level of illumination and timely optimal moisture.

Melissa or lemon balm - video

Growing lemon balm - photo

Mint - perennial herbaceous plant family Lamiaceae. Stems are annual, tetrahedral, branched, densely leafy. Branching and leaf arrangement are opposite. The leaves are petiolate, oblong or ovate, with sharply serrated edges. They have glands in which essential oil accumulates. The rhizome is branched, with nodes from the buds of which shoots and roots are formed. The flowers are small, collected in a complex spike-shaped inflorescence. The fruit is a nut. Weight of 1000 nuts is 0.065 g. Mint is demanding of sunlight and moisture. Rhizome buds have virtually no dormant period. They begin to germinate at a temperature of 2..3°C. This feature is one of the reasons for the death of rhizomes in winters with frequent and prolonged thaws. Young seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5...-8oC. Mint is very demanding on the granulometric composition, structure and fertility of the soil. The best are lowland, floodplain, fertile black soils.

Simferopolskaya -200

Ukrainian pepper


Mint, as a perennial crop, should be placed on irrigated non-crop rotation plots after winter grains, legumes and other early harvested crops. In the southern regions best time plantation bookmarks is autumn. At this planting period, after harvesting the predecessor, the stubble is peeled, after 2-3 weeks plowing is carried out, under which organic and mineral fertilizers. Before planting, the soil is kept as steam. Immediately before planting, loosening is carried out to 14-16 cm. In case of severe weed infestation, the herbicides treflan, sinbar, penitran, maloran, and trophy are applied under preplant cultivation. After planting, mint rhizomes are applied 10-15 days before germination for harrowing with Gesagard, Ronstar, Dactal, Depra, Goltix, Treflan, Stomp, etc. After this, if planting is done manually, furrows are cut 12-15 cm deep, the distance between which is 60- 70cm. Mechanical planting of rhizomes is carried out using an MKM-2.4 or a converted cultivator - plant feeder KRN-4.2B with a PP-6 device. At the same time, hillers, rollers, platforms for rhizomes and places for planters are installed. After planting, rolling is carried out using ring-spur rollers. You can plant mint early in the spring, and at a later time - seedlings. Seedlings should have 6-8 pairs of leaves and a length of 10cm. SKN-6A seedlings are planted, equipped with a device for planting mint PRM-6. The distance between plants in a row is 15cm. The rate of planting rhizomes is 1.5-2 t/ha, seedlings - 100-110 thousand plants/ha.

Spring on the plantation autumn term plantings are harrowed with light harrows across the rows. Harrowing is carried out when weeds appear. When the rows of mint are well defined, carry out the first cultivation at 6-8 cm. To maintain optimal soil moisture (80-85%), watering is carried out. They are stopped 15-20 days before harvesting.

In the area allocated for the third year's harvest, mineral fertilizers are applied in the fall (approximately 120 kg of NPK) and plowing is carried out with plows without skimmers to a depth of 20-22 cm in a unit with ring-spur rollers. Subsoilers or crevices are installed on the plow. In early spring, before the third year of mint grows, if it is heavily infested with weeds, the field is sprayed with herbicides. In subsequent years of cultivation, organic matter and mineral fertilizers (30 kg NPK each) are added for plowing. On a perennial plantation, special attention is paid to protecting plants from rust.

Cleaning mint

Mint of the second and third years is harvested in the phase of mass budding - the beginning of flowering. Mowing is carried out with headers such as ZhVN-6, ZhRB-4.2, E-303. Plants dried in windrows after 24-48 hours, when the humidity drops to 55-60%, pick up windrows E-281, KPI-2.4, KSS-2.6 with simultaneous crushing and loading into a KTT-18 cube container and sent to processing.

How to Grow Mint

Mint has long been recognized as a miraculous plant throughout the world. The unusually pleasant, refreshing aroma and piquant taste have made mint popular in many regions of Europe, America and Asia. Its peculiarity is its versatility of use in cooking, cosmetology, medicine, alcoholic beverages, tobacco industry and other areas. Beneficial properties of essential oils, biologically active compounds and others nutrients, contained in mint, are unique and cannot but surprise.

This perennial herb has spread to most temperate countries of the world. Enough unpretentious plant, mint is easy to propagate and grow at home. This does not require any special skills; any amateur gardener can master the process. But the result obtained in a garden bed or in a flower pot will bring a lot of pleasure. Tea with mint, tonic drinks, meat and fish dishes, cosmetic lotions and rinses, medicinal lotions and decoctions, homemade mint soap - this is a small list of uses for fragrant green mint leaves at home.

How to grow and harvest mint? What care should be provided for her optimal growth and development? Where can mint be used? All these and many other questions will be answered in the article below.

Mint, plant description

Mint is a representative of the genus of perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. The distribution area is quite wide throughout the world. Known since ancient times, the herb is named after the goddess of Mount Mente, whom Persephone, out of jealousy for her husband, turned into a fragrant plant - mint.

This is a perennial plant, quite winter-hardy, moisture- and light-loving with a powerful root system. The height of the bushes varies from 30 cm to 1 meter, depending on the type of mint and growing conditions.

The plant has a tetrahedral, hollow, branched and densely leafed stem.

The leaves are oblong, ovoid, sharply serrated along the edges, and are capable of accumulating essential oil in special glands.

The rhizome of the plant is highly branched, with nodes from which additional shoots and roots are formed. The rhizome buds have a short dormant period and begin to germinate already at zero temperatures. This feature is one of the reasons for the death of roots in winters with prolonged thaws followed by persistent frosts.

The flowers are small, light lilac in color, collected in inflorescence spikes. Mint blooms from late June to September. The fruit consists of four nuts, but is formed extremely rarely.

Mint contains essential oil containing menthol, phellandrene, pinene, pulegone and other valuable organic compounds. Mint leaves are rich in ascorbic acid (up to 25 mg/100g), carotene (12 mg/100g) and rutin (13.8 mg/100g), contain trace elements, tannins, flavonoids and other biologically active substances.

The mint genus has about 25 species and more than 10 natural hybrids. All species have a strong pleasant aroma, and most contain an organic substance - menthol with a characteristic refreshing and cooling effect. Different types of mint differ in aroma and taste, which is due to the difference in their chemical composition.

Types of mint

The most popular and widespread types of mint:

It is considered the most famous and recognized type of mint. This cultivated plant was obtained by hybridizing two wild mint species: water mint and garden mint. The perennial, from the Latin name Mentha piperita, contains large amounts of essential oils and menthol. Thanks to its specific, slightly hot and cooling taste, mint received the name “pepper mint”. It is also called “English” because it was developed in England in the 16th century.

Peppermint leaves are bright green in color, the roots lie in the soil at a depth of about 15 cm. The plant blooms almost all summer with small purple flowers. Propagated vegetatively: by sections of rhizome or cuttings with several internodes.

The plant is widely used in the pharmaceutical, chemical, perfume and food industries. It is considered a valuable honey plant and phytoncide.

Peppermint comes in interesting varieties: lemon mint - with a lemon aroma, Thuringian mint - with a strong menthol smell.

Mentha arvensis - field mint - is a wild species widely distributed in forests and wooded areas throughout Europe. The variety has been known since the times of Kievan Rus, where it was used as a spice and medicine. In common parlance it was often called: “dog mint”, “deaf mint”, “horse mint”. moisture-loving plant, prefers growing places near reservoirs, rivers or lakes. The perennial reaches an average height of 50 cm, although there are specimens grown in favorable conditions up to 1 meter. The stem is straight, branched, pubescent. Fresh leaves contain ascorbic acid, carotene, flavonoids, tannins, and organic acids. The variety is quite frost-resistant and can be cultivated in the garden.

Field mint has found its use in the food industry as a seasoning for preparing a variety of dishes. Fresh and dried mint leaves are brewed as tea or other tonic drinks.

Thanks to medicinal properties, mint is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Essential oil is used in perfumery to prepare an extract for the production of toothpastes, powders, essences, elixirs, and eau de toilette.

One of the varieties of field mint, Japanese mint, is widely cultivated in Japan, India, China, and Latin American countries. It is valued due to the high content (up to 90%) of menthol in essential oil.

A moisture-loving plant, which in nature is mainly found near bodies of water and therefore received the appropriate name. Mentha aquatica, water mint, has stems creeping at the base, then turning into erect and branched shoots. The variety is considered a valuable cultivated plant.

Possessing a rich, pleasant aroma, it is widely used in the perfume industry.

Like any type of mint, it is used as a flavoring in the preparation of a variety of dishes and drinks.

One of the varieties is bergamot mint, which has a pleasant lemon or orange scent. In addition, valuable bergamot oil is obtained from it.

This type of mint is widely used by breeders to develop new varieties.

The name of mint, Mentha longifolia, is characterized by the presence of long (up to 20 cm) oblong-ovate leaves. A tall perennial with an erect and branched stem, completely covered with soft grayish hairs.

The species is winter-hardy, unpretentious and drought-resistant. Prefers open sunny areas and can reproduce by seeds.

Mint is collected in the period preceding mass flowering, cutting off the stem at a height of 10 cm from the soil level. After harvesting, this type of mint grows back beautifully and produces a second harvest.

Longleaf mint is widespread in the wild throughout Europe and Asia.

Possessing a pleasant, delicate aroma, mint has found its use in the food, alcoholic beverage and perfume industries. It is also used in the making of soap and toothpastes.

IN folk medicine mint is used as a sedative, antiseptic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, diaphoretic and expectorant, as well as to improve the digestion process. For diathesis and rickets, children are prescribed baths with mint decoction.

Being a good honey plant, it provides honey collection up to 300 kg/ha.

A perennial herb with oval leaves ending in a wavy, curly edge, Mentha crispa, also called curly mint, garden mint, or German mint. This is a collective cultivated species of hybrid origin. It differs from other species by its pungent odor. Contents of a large quantity essential oil, provides spearmint with a leading position in the food, alcoholic beverage, perfume and tobacco (tobacco flavoring) industries.

It got its unusual name (Mentha pulegium) from its use as a flea repellent. The species is widespread throughout Europe, Asia and America, and has been known since ancient times. A low-growing, creeping plant with branched and recumbent stems does not tolerate frost and needs additional shelter for the winter. Mint is propagated by seeds sown annually.

Flea mint essential oil contains 75 to 90% pulegone, an organic compound that is a common component of essential oil, as well as menthol, limonene, and dipentene. This type of mint with a rich aroma and taste is popular in cooking and in the preparation of many dishes, especially meat.

It has a delicate, pleasant and unobtrusive mint taste with an apple or pineapple tint. Mentha rotundifolia is a perennial hybrid, reaching a height of about 50 cm. The species is quite resistant to cold, although it is inferior in this regard to peppermint. Thanks to its taste and delicate aroma, mint is very popular among chefs all over the world. It is not bitter and does not give a cooling effect, which makes it completely different from other types of mint.

A hybrid species, Mentha spicata, is very similar to spearmint. It reaches an average height of 60-100 cm, covered with curly, wavy purple tint, leaves. Pink flowers collected in false whorls, forming spikelets on the tops of the shoots. Unlike peppermint, it reproduces well by seeds.

One of the oldest spicy plants, the species is popular in Europe to this day. In Rus', this mint has long been added to kvass, and in America its leaves are indispensable in the preparation of chewing gum. Thanks to the beautiful aesthetically pleasing, mint sprigs are often used to decorate dishes.

Perennial plant (Mentha suaveolens,) capable of active and rapid growth. A distinctive feature of the species is the presence of small and wrinkled leaves with a white edging along the edge of the leaf blade. The aroma of fragrant mint resembles the unusual and exotic smell of pineapple, which is why it is often called “Pineapple mint”. Moreover, than younger plant, the stronger the pineapple aroma, and the older you get, the typical mint smell becomes more pronounced. The plant is short (up to 30 cm), can reproduce by seeds, and is winter-hardy.

There are also quite a large number of types of mint with different shades of pleasant, subtle aromas and unusual tastes: chocolate, ginger, banana, apple, orange, pineapple, currant and mixed compounds. For their successful cultivation, it is important to know the features of reproduction and care.

Mint propagation

Mint propagates in two ways: seeds and vegetatively.

Seed method of propagating mint

How to grow mint from seeds? The seed method of growing mint is quite popular and simple among experienced gardeners, however, it is not applicable to all types of mint.

  • They buy seeds in a specialized store, often choosing varieties such as Peppermint or Lemonmint. These species have a pronounced taste and aroma, and do not require any special care.
  • You can sow seeds both in open ground and in pots. Mint seeds are quite small, which causes some inconvenience when sowing them. It is recommended to press them lightly into the soil, sprinkling them lightly with compost or soil.
  • Seeds are sown to a depth of about 0.5 cm in the soil. It is important to provide good lighting and the optimal temperature for germination of mint seeds - 20-25 °C. To do this, additionally, you can cover the container with the seeds with cling film and periodically expose it to the sun. Also, several times a day, you need to open the film slightly for ventilation to prevent the seeds from rotting.
  • It is better to water the planted seeds with a sprayer so as not to disturb the location of the seeds and prevent stagnation of moisture.
  • If all conditions are met, the first shoots begin to appear after 2-3 weeks.
  • When the seedlings grow up, they are transplanted into large pots (with a diameter of at least 8 cm) and placed in cooler conditions to gradually acclimatize the plant to external conditions. After 7 - 10 days, you can start planting mint outdoors.

A plant grown from seeds grows and develops more slowly than with vegetative propagation. On the other hand, the stems and leaves of seed-grown mint for a long time(while the mint is growing) remain tender, thin and not roughened.

At seed propagation There are also risks of cross-pollination, where the mature plant will look different from the originally chosen mint variety, especially if it is a hybrid.

Vegetative method of propagating mint

  • Propagation of mint is practiced using root cuttings, which have at least 1 bud and at least 3-5 emerging leaves. This method ensures complete transfer of the hereditary properties of the variety. The separated root cuttings are simply dropped into the hole (rows) in a new place, providing moderate watering, sufficient light and an air temperature of about +5-10°C and above.
  • To propagate mint, plant stem cuttings are also used. In the spring, cut a branch of about 7-10 cm with an internode and place it in water or in a damp cotton-gauze pad in a warm, bright place. It is also practiced to drop cuttings into moistened sand. When white roots appear, continue to keep the cuttings in water for several more days until the roots increase in size to 8-10 mm. Then they are planted in the prepared place.
  • Propagation of mint is also possible by simply dividing the bush, when the dug up plant is divided into several full-fledged individual parts, after which they are planted in the soil. It is important to track the presence of full buds or several shoots with roots in each part. When planting a daughter bush, it is better to cut off its above-ground part about five centimeters from the ground so that it takes root better. Within two weeks, tender green young leaves will appear on the planted plants. This means that the plant has taken root and can be additionally fed (1 - 2 grams of urea per 1 liter of water).

The vegetative propagation method promotes rapid and active growth of the plant, although the stems will no longer be as tender as young shoots from seeds.

Planting mint: agricultural technology and necessary conditions

Preparing the landing site

  • Before planting mint, you need to decide on the planting location: be it a flower pot or open ground.
  • Mint is a plant that requires good lighting, moderate humidity and high-quality soil composition. It is also better to avoid drafts and choose a place protected from winds.
  • The plant prefers fertile and loose soil. The most optimal are fertile black soil in the floodplain of a reservoir. But it's heavy clay soil, with constant stagnation of moisture, will not be suitable for growing mint. Calcareous soils also negatively affect the intensity of the mint aroma.
  • Plant mint on open areas possible in spring, summer and autumn. In areas with cold winters, mint is planted in the spring (April-May) so that its buds, which germinate already at 2-3 °C, are not damaged by frost. In the southern zone, on the contrary, autumn planting is recommended.
  • When choosing a place for planting, it is important to take into account the degree of growth of mint, which may well displace other cultivated plants.
  • So, having chosen an open sunny area for planting mint, you need to clear it of weeds, loosen it and add, if necessary, organic (3 kg of humus per 1 m²) and mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride 15 g per 1 m² ). To prevent or destroy pests, the ground is first watered with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The best predecessors of mint are vegetable crops, legumes, perennial grasses, fertilized, in due time, with organic matter (manure, compost).

Technology for planting mint in pots

  • A ready-germinated seedling is planted in a pot or grown directly from seeds. It is easier to plant mint seedlings prepared in advance. Planting is carried out in spring or autumn.
  • To the bottom flower pot a drainage layer is laid out to prevent the roots from excess moisture. As with any other flowering plant, there are holes at the bottom of the pot through which excess moisture will drain into the tray.
  • It should be noted that clay pots help the soil dry out faster. And in winter, in a heated room, dry air will further dry out the soil in the pot. Therefore, most often, plastic pots or containers are used for planting mint. The diameter of the pot must be at least 30 cm, taking into account the subsequent growth of the plant.
  • When growing mint at home, you need to monitor the temperature in the room. A bright, warm place will have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of perennials. If it is too cold near the window, you need to find a more suitable and comfortable place for mint.
  • In dry air conditions, mint will “rejoice” at a damp “shower” from a spray bottle. But with a lack of light, the content of essential oils in mint leaves decreases, the aroma weakens and the stems, stretching out, may even die.
  • The soil for the pot must be fertile; it is possible to combine soil with fertile compost. Peat-based mixtures are also perfect. Having filled a third of the pot with the prepared mixture, place the seedling in the pot and add the remaining soil mixture. To support the planted shoot, you can use special flower supports.
  • With the seed method, after dense sprouts appear, some of them can be moved to another container. However, when removing plants you should be extremely careful, since young mint’s root system is still very delicate.

When growing mint using the pot method, they often use seeds. Thus, young and fresh shoots of fragrant mint will appear on the windowsill and will delight you all year round.

Mint takes root very well and can be grown at home throughout the year. In summer, it is better to place the pots on the balcony, avoiding direct burning sun rays. In winter, pots look spectacular on a well-lit windowsill.

For culinary purposes, spearmint is often chosen due to the lack of a cold menthol taste, as in peppermint.

Apple mint, having a delicate taste and aroma, does not give a bitter taste when heated, so it is added to compotes, jam and jelly.

Field mint is an excellent aroma addition to tonic drinks.

Technology for planting mint in open ground

  • The technology for planting mint in a personal plot is in many ways no different from growing it on a windowsill. Having prepared the soil appropriately, as indicated above, you can proceed directly to planting.
  • Mint is planted in furrows up to 10 cm deep, maintaining a distance between rows of at least 40 cm, and between plants in a row of about 30-40 cm. After sprinkling the shoots with soil, the beds need to be watered.
  • To make the plant bush better, at a height of about 20-25 cm, pinch the upper parts of the shoots. By continually removing mint flowers, you can ensure maximum leaf growth for later harvesting.

Mint is grown in one place for 3 to 5 years, then, in order to improve the health and rejuvenation of the plant, it is better to change the bed.

When planning to grow mint in your garden, you need to remember about its ability to actively grow. Creeping rhizomes quite quickly and aggressively occupy new spaces around. To avoid such growth, you can initially fence it off root system, burying restrictive strips of iron, plastic or slate to the depth of the rhizomes.

Mint is a relatively unpretentious plant that grows and reproduces independently in the garden bed.

  • When planting and caring for mint, you need to take into account that this perennial is a moisture-loving and light-loving plant. Watering is needed in moderation, avoiding waterlogging and drought.
  • When caring for a plant, it is enough to weed the bed to remove weeds, loosen the soil and water as needed. The soil should be light and crumbly.
  • To obtain more green mass, in the spring, as the shoots grow, it is recommended to carry out severe pruning - the mint will bush better.
  • Spring feeding with complex fertilizers (humus, nitrogen-phosphorus mineral supplements, potassium salt) will only improve the growth and development of the plant.
  • Mint can grow optimally on sandy and loamy soil with sufficient humus and moisture. The plant does not tolerate waterlogging.
  • In conditions of frosty and little snowy winters, you can cover the mint with dry leaves, sawdust or spruce branches with a layer of 15-20 cm. Such measures will prevent the plant from freezing.

Caring for indoor mint differs depending on the time of year.

  • In summer, pots of mint are placed on the balcony, providing plenty of sunlight (avoiding direct sunlight) and systematic moisture. Water better water room temperature, periodically spray the leaves with a spray bottle. During this period, you can feed the mint with urea once (1 g/1 l of water).
  • In winter, it is important to avoid overwatering the plant, excessive cooling and drafts. During this period, plant growth slows down and the smell weakens. Therefore, it is better to move the pots to southern windows.
  • After 2-3 years, you need to replant the mint bush, as the roots grow strongly and they become crowded in the flower pot.

Disease and pest control is an integral part of caring for mint if it becomes infected.

  • Spider mite, root weevils, aphids, whiteflies and slugs - this is a small list of pests that can spoil or destroy a mint plant.
  • To prevent diseases, ensure air circulation and soil drainage.
  • If harmful insects are found on the plant, if possible, they should be removed and treated with plant protection products. When processing mint, pay attention to the timing (indicated on the medicine) at which it will be possible to harvest an environmentally friendly mint harvest after spraying it with an insecticide.
  • When mint is damaged powdery mildew (white coating on foliage), the plantation is thinned out and sprayed with a 1.5% solution of colloidal sulfur with the addition of 40 g of liquid (potassium) or green soap to 10 liters of solution.
  • Plants infected with rust (red spots on the underside of the leaf) must be removed.

Collection and storage of mint

Leaves for drying are collected in the first year of plant growth. They need to be collected before the mint flowering period, when they accumulate maximum quantity useful substances and essential oil. Dry the leaves in the shade to better preserve the aroma and taste. They should be stored in a dry, dark and cool place (for example, in a closed jar or paper bag). The leaves are kept whole or ground into powder; you can also dry mint with whole sprigs.

Fresh, green shoots can be stored for some time in the refrigerator on damp gauze or cloth.

Application of mint:

Dietary supplement

Mint is added as an aromatic seasoning to meat, fish, sweet dishes, salads and drinks (tea, lemonade). They produce pleasant-tasting, minty chewing gum, sweets and other confectionery products. Mint is also used as a flavoring in liqueurs, homemade tinctures, and vodka.


A tonic, sedative that can stimulate brain function and relieve nervous tension. Eliminates bad breath, restores healthy sleep. Longleaf mint is used for stomach diseases, jaundice, dropsy, colds, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, heart disease. Externally, an infusion of this type of mint is used for ulcers in the mouth and stomatitis, ear pain, abscesses, and for gargling with sore throats. The analgesic and antiseptic properties of the plant are known; mint essential oil relieves vascular spasms, headaches and successfully fights colds. Eye compresses with mint decoction will be useful for people who spend a lot of time in front of the computer. Peppermint oil is an anthelmintic. Widely used in the pharmaceutical industry.


Peppermint essential oil is added in the manufacture of perfumes, in the process of soap making and in the preparation of toothpastes, shampoos, creams and powders. Moreover, in the production of, for example, toothpastes, not only the refreshing properties of mint are used, but also its disinfecting qualities. Mint (menthol) is also used to flavor tobacco.


Menthol oil, widely used in cosmetology, is obtained from mint. Aromatic baths, creams and cosmetic ointments are widely popular.

Mint is valued as an excellent honey plant that attracts bees. Mint honey is healing and has a special aroma, color and taste.

Almost all types of mint are used by humans. Variety of all shades of smell and taste different varieties mint allows you to experiment and apply it in various areas of human activity.

The world of mint is amazing and attractive. This perennial is a must have on your garden or windowsill. How to easily grow mint at home was described in detail in the article. Caring for mint is not complicated and not burdensome, but you will always have at hand not only fresh and tasty greens, rich in vitamins, improving sleep, memory, increasing the body's defenses, but also just a beautiful-looking bushy plant. And the taste of the dishes will be enriched with spicy and unique notes. In addition, fresh leaves contain much more useful substances than dried ones. And, in general, green mint bushes in the house have a positive effect on a person’s mood and well-being.

Video: How to grow mint on a windowsill

Growing mint as a business - Growing mint - 22 answers

In the Garden-Vegetable Garden section to the question Growing mint asked by the author Yatyanka Kurchieva, the best answer is I implore you - just not in the greenhouse!! Mint is basically a weed. If you have someone to take a piece of rhizome or a lump of earth with them, stick it anywhere and it will fill everything around. I have already made all my neighbors happy)) I grow 3 types of mint. I'm tired of limiting her. I prepare it for myself, for friends, relatives, parents, I take it to work for everyone... And one bush grows on the corner of the greenhouse. The rhizomes sensed that it was better inside and rushed there. For 2 years in a row we have been digging this bush out of the greenhouse along with its roots, but it still grows)) And so in different places I leave it in the beds, in the cucumbers.Unknown(983)

Yes, in the same year - as soon as it blooms, it is cut off.

Reply from 22 replies[guru] Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Growing mintAnswer from Neurologist[guru]It is unpretentious, and you need to fence off the space, it grows strongly with its roots...Answer from philosophize[guru]Mint is a perennial plant. Plant in open. soil and collect mint every year. Answer from Secondary [guru] It grows near my house, I don’t grow it in square meters, it’s enough for seagulls, you don’t need a lot of it, it will grow quickly. Answer from Lyudmila Petrenko [guru] We They planted their own plants, took them from friends. It grows well. Answer from Nadezhda [guru] it doesn’t need to be in the greenhouse! Plant it in the OG at the edge of the garden - it tolerates partial shade normally. It is better to take a cutting than to struggle with seeds (perennials do not germinate very well). It grows VERY quickly Answer from Lyudmila Klochkova [guru] but plant lemon balm. It's called lemon balm. The plant is not whimsical and people love it very much. There is no need for a greenhouse for it and it grows well. a perennial plant. Answer from Elena Zubkova [guru] for sale? Answer from Aleks aleks [newbie] Yes, there is no salvation from this mint. I have strawberries growing at the entrance to my yard in front of me - I’m tired of cutting them and digging them up. Just like a weed...Answer from Elena Ivanova [guru] There are many types of mint. You will want to collect and plant different ones. There is no need to go to the greenhouse, it unpretentious perennial. Limit space; it multiplies very quickly. If you want to cut early greens, you can cover them with film. And so, in May we are already tearing with all our might. Answer from Yo S [guru] THIS IS A WEED! What the hell is she doing in the greenhouse!!! It grows by self-sowing, and then you’ll be tortured by tearing it out all over the garden!

One seed. By the end of summer there will be a field.

Answer from Nell Alpatova (Yatkevich) [guru] What an unpretentious perennial! This is a terrible weed. It will give wheatgrass a hundred points head start. It's crawling, you can't stop it. My mint started growing on its own, maybe it was blown by the wind. One plantation grows next to strawberries, the other in a flower garden. Without pity I tear it up all summer long, along with the roots. Still growing. I beg you, don't plant her in the greenhouse. It will be easier to rearrange the greenhouse later than to remove the mint!

Growing mint

Growing mint

Mint is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family. Stems are annual, tetrahedral, branched, densely leafy. Branching and leaf arrangement are opposite. The leaves are petiolate, oblong or ovate, with sharply serrated edges. They have glands in which essential oil accumulates.

The rhizome is branched, with nodes from the buds of which shoots and roots are formed. The flowers are small, collected in a complex spike-shaped inflorescence. The fruit is a nut. The weight of 1000 nuts is 0.065 g, mint is demanding of sunlight and moisture. Rhizome buds have virtually no dormant period. They begin to germinate at a temperature of 2..3°C. This feature is one of the reasons for the death of rhizomes in winters with frequent and prolonged thaws.

Young seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5...-8oC. Mint is very demanding on the granulometric composition, structure and fertility of the soil. The best are lowland, floodplain, fertile black soils.

Mint varieties suitable for long-term cultivation:

Mint variety Zagrava

High-yielding, winter-hardy, rust-resistant mint variety. The yield of whole dried plants at 55% humidity is 131 c/ha, the collection of essential oil is 79.6 kg/ha; menthol content in essential oil is 78%.

Mint variety Simferopol -200

High-yielding, winter-hardy, rust-resistant mint variety. The yield of whole dried plants at 55% humidity is 132 c/ha, the collection of essential oil is 80-126 kg/ha; menthol content in essential oil is 64.3%.

Mint variety Ukrainian peppermint

High-yielding, drought-resistant, rust-resistant variety. The yield of whole dried plants at 55% humidity is 114 c/ha, the collection of essential oil is 61.5%; menthol content in essential oil is 52.5%.

Mint variety Udaychanka

High-yielding, winter-hardy, lodging-resistant mint variety. The yield of whole dried plants at 55% humidity is 135 c/ha, the collection of essential oil is 65-86 kg/ha; menthol content in essential oil is 47-52%.

Mint, as a perennial crop, should be placed on irrigated non-crop rotation plots after winter grains, legumes and other early harvested crops. In the southern regions, the best time to plant plantations is autumn.

At this planting period, after harvesting the predecessor, the stubble is peeled, after 2-3 weeks plowing is carried out, under which organic and mineral fertilizers are applied. Before planting, the soil is kept as steam. Immediately before planting, loosening is carried out to 14-16 cm.

In case of severe weed infestation, the herbicides treflan, sinbar, penitran, maloran, and trophy are applied under preplant cultivation. After planting, mint rhizomes are applied 10-15 days before germination for harrowing with Gesagard, Ronstar, Dactal, Depra, Goltix, Treflan, Stomp, etc. After this, if planting is done manually, furrows are cut 12-15 cm deep, the distance between which is 60 -70cm. Mechanical planting of rhizomes is carried out by MKM-2.4 or a converted cultivator - plant feeder KRN-4.2B with a PP-6 device, while hillers, rollers, platforms for rhizomes and places for planters are installed. After planting, rolling is carried out using ring-spur rollers.

You can plant mint early in the spring, and at a later time - seedlings. The seedlings should have 6-8 pairs of leaves and a length of 10 cm. SKN-6A seedlings equipped with a device for planting mint PRM-6 are planted. The distance between plants in a row is 15cm. The rate of planting rhizomes is 1.5-2 t/ha, seedlings - thousand plants/ha.

In the spring, on plantations with a fall planting period, harrowing is carried out with light harrows across the rows. Harrowing is carried out when weeds appear. When the rows of mint are well defined, the first cultivation is carried out at 6-8 cm, and watering is carried out to maintain optimal soil moisture (80-85%). They are stopped 15-20 days before harvesting.

Mint is often left in one place for 2 years or longer. The duration of operation of mint plantings depends on the location of the site, the level of agricultural technology, the state of the plantings in the spring after overwintering, the degree of weediness, and other reasons. If it is planned to use the plantation for the second year, then in the fall or early spring apply mineral fertilizers. In the spring, harrowing is carried out in two tracks. This technique is repeated after the emergence of mint shoots, when the plants reach a height of 3-5 cm.

In the area allocated for the third year's harvest, mineral fertilizers are applied in the fall (approximately 120 kg of NPK) and plowing is carried out with plows without skimmers to a depth of 20-22 cm in a unit with ring-spur rollers. Subsoilers or crevices are installed on the plow. In early spring, before the third year of mint grows, when there is heavy weed infestation, the field is sprayed with herbicides. In subsequent years of cultivation, organic matter and mineral fertilizers (30 kg NPK each) are added for plowing. On a perennial plantation, special attention is paid to protecting plants from rust.

Cleaning mint

Mint of the first year is harvested in the technical ripeness phase at 50% flowering on warm sunny days, since rainy, cool weather sharply reduces the collection of essential oil per hectare (by 35-40%).

Mint of the second and third years is harvested in the phase of mass budding - the beginning of flowering. Mowing is carried out with headers such as ZhVN-6, ZhRB-4.2, E-303. Plants dried in windrows after 24-48 hours, when the humidity drops to 55-60%, are picked up by windrows E-281, KPI-2.4, KSS-2.6 with simultaneous crushing and loading into a cube container KTT-18, and sent for processing.
