How to properly transplant a monstera with aerial roots. Monstera transplant

You can find this in many homes, offices and government institutions. unusual plant. A young monstera looks like a bush; it has thin stems decorated with carved wide leaves. An adult plant looks more like a palm tree. It reaches very impressive sizes. In total, experts know about fifty varieties of monstera. This plant is a type of vine, so it loves to twine around a support, be it a trellis or a pole. The monstera grabs onto them with its tenacious aerial roots, which grow directly from the stem and branches, reaching a fairly large length in the process of growth.

General information

This plant is considered very tenacious and unpretentious, so even an amateur can grow it at home. You just need to know how to care for it, when and how much to water, fertilize, how to replant the monstera, etc. Gradually, as it grows older, holes begin to appear on the leaves, which then turn into fancy cuts. It is precisely because of its unusual beauty and unpretentiousness that this plant is so popular. About how to care for it, water it and how to replant a monstera at home so as not to damage it root system, and we will tell you in this article. After all, in order for this large pet to please its owner with its beautiful, healthy appearance, it needs to be provided with certain conditions.

Monstera care

This representative of the aroids belongs to large vines, so it is recommended to keep it in sufficient large rooms. And while it’s easy to care for a small bush, the same cannot be said about large perennial “monsters,” as they are popularly called. Everyone who works knows how to transplant a monstera after the first year of life. indoor floriculture. But what to do with a huge plant that has grown to the ceiling? That is why many are interested in how to transplant an adult monstera.

In order for this representative of the aroid family to grow properly and be healthy, it needs to be provided with the following conditions: optimal temperature regime, suitable place for lighting, regular watering, spraying. But there is another process that this plant requires regularly: we are talking about replanting.

Optimal conditions for growth

Monstera is a heat-loving crop. And this is not surprising, because we are talking about a tropical plant. The temperature in the room should not be allowed to drop below seventeen degrees. True, in winter the plant seems to go into hibernation, so it can exist normally even at ten degrees.

As for lighting, Monstera does not like direct hits. sun rays, therefore it develops well in partial shade. But if growth slows down, and holes and cuts begin to appear unevenly, then this is a clear sign insufficient light.

Another proof that we are talking about a tropical crop is humidity, the level of which should be slightly higher than normal. Therefore, experienced gardeners periodically spray monstera leaves with warm water. In general, you need to know that temperature and humidity for this plant are in direct proportion, i.e. the colder, the correspondingly less water it demands. Do not place a monstera pot next to a radiator or other heating device, otherwise its leaves may turn black and dry out.

Space is also of great importance for this representative of the araceae family. Monstera tends to grow quickly and strongly, so you need to allocate a place for it in the house where it will not be crowded.

And finally, the last condition regarding how to properly transplant a monstera requires certain knowledge and skills from the grower. Indeed, on adult plants, in addition to leaves and a rather thin and fragile stem, there are also those with which it clings to the support. Therefore, before transplanting monsteras, you should carefully consider how to do so as not to damage them. In general, experts recommend changing pots every two years in early spring.

How to replant a monstera after purchase

You bought a small plant with two or three small leaves in the store. It bears little resemblance to those giants that have leaves about fifty centimeters wide or more. But don't despair. Very soon, large glossy leaves with elaborate slots will decorate a room or office. In the meantime, you need to transplant the monstera from the shipping plastic store into a beautiful pot. To do this, you need to prepare the soil in advance. Many fans prefer to buy ready-made soil mixture.

All work should be carried out with gloves, since monstera juice is irritating. Young plant transplanted in the usual way, since it does not have aerial roots that can be damaged.

What kind of soil does monstera prefer?

Judging by the reviews, the Palma soil mixture is excellent for planting this plant. However, if it is not possible to purchase it, you can prepare the soil yourself from four different components. To do this, you need to mix one part of coniferous, leaf and peat soil, as well as half of sand. A good drainage layer is required. It is in this soil mixture that the monstera will feel comfortable and enjoy intensive growth, of course, with proper care.

Choosing a pot

Small stem cutting, bought in a store, can be placed in a pot with a capacity of three to four liters. But in the future, before transplanting a large monstera, you should take care of large dishes, since adult individuals grow up to three meters in height. In the meantime, you can get by with a small clay pot. Another necessary condition is the presence of a pallet.

Time frame for transplantation

While the plant is still young, transshipment should be carried out regularly once every two years. Once it reaches six years of age, it can be replanted less frequently: after three years. But in between it is recommended to update top layer soil in a pot.

Mature vines have an amazing character: the larger the volume of their pot, the larger they grow. For a large monstera, you have to take a large pot, “for growth,” which should be eight to ten centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one. Before transplanting the monstera, you should take care in advance about the support, which will need to be installed immediately. It will not be possible to move a tall plant to another pot alone, so you need to take someone as an assistant.

Before replanting, the monstera needs to be watered thoroughly so that the soil is completely wet and the roots become elastic. Then you need to prepare and disinfect the soil mixture. Place at the bottom of the pot drainage layer and install a support in it. Then you will need to remove the monstera along with the earthen lump from the old container. For this better with a knife or use a spatula to run along its inner part, separating the grown-in roots, and trim those that have grown into the drainage. It is optimal to stand on a chair and hold the monstera while an assistant takes it out of the pot. Then the plant should be transferred to a new pot, set it in the center and gradually fill the space between the stem and the walls with soil. Then you need to water the soil around the circumference, wait until it settles, and add the rest of the soil.

Monstera is a fairly common plant. It belongs to the Araceae family. The homeland of monstera is the hot and humid tropics, so at home the gardener will have to try to create a suitable microclimate for the flower and provide care. The plant develops quite quickly, so it needs to be replanted periodically. In order for a flower to take root in a new place, a number of mandatory conditions must be met.

After the monstera is already four years old, the replanting process should be carried out once a year. The old flower pot is replaced with a new one once every three years.

The leaves, roots and the entire plant undergo quite active growth, which leads to the need for replanting.

In such a matter, you need to be extremely careful and responsible. The soil must be of peat type, and fertilizers must be added to it. In this case, humus will help best. The time after purchase is quite important, because the flower needs to acclimatize and get used to new conditions. As for replanting monstera at home, before the soil is laid, it is necessary to place sand or another type of drainage at the bottom of the pot, it can be expanded clay or small pebbles.

As long as the flower is not too large in size, replanting it is simple:

  1. 1 Need to take big pot so that there is enough space for the root to grow directly.
  2. 2 You need to put the required amount of drainage in this pot.
  3. 3 Next comes the soil and the plant itself is placed.
  4. 4 This process also requires water. After 15 minutes have passed after watering, you need to walk along the edges of the pot with a not very sharp object. This is necessary so that the root moves slightly away from the container. With this process, there is a risk of damaging the plant itself and its root system with one movement or another, so you need to be as careful as possible.

It is very important to correctly remove the young plant from the old container. To do this, you need to hold the flower itself at its base, lift it along with the pot and tap on the bottom with a spatula. This will help the roots peel off and make the extraction process easier. After the plant is removed from the pot, you should place the monstera on previously prepared paper, newspaper or an old unnecessary towel. As carefully as possible, without sudden movements, you need to clean the root from the previous soil.

Application of fertilizer

After transplanting the plant to a new location, it is imperative to complete this process by adding fertilizers. These supplements include minerals. It is with their help that the root will be able to adapt to the new environment as quickly as possible.

Based on the fact that replanting for any plant is a great stress for it, the flower must be monitored as closely as possible. Yellowed leaves or fungus may appear on the soil surface. If the transplanted plant develops normally over the course of a half-month and does not suffer from anything, then the process was successful. The florist can be proud to have transplanted such an interesting tropical crop.

The long branches of this plant can send out additional small shoots. Experts advise not to leave them, because they can dry out and cause harm to the plant as a whole. Therefore, these shoots need to be cut off, placed in a container with water, and after they take root, transplanted into the ground.


It should be remembered: before transplanting the monstera, it is necessary to create auxiliary support for it by installing it near the stem.

It is necessary to wrap the base with sphagnum and then with wire so that the moss creates a sufficient amount of necessary moisture for the aerial roots of the monstera.

Transplanting a large monstera

Transplanting a large monstera is not an easy task, it is difficult for one person to cope with, it is preferable to find an assistant. A new pot is chosen in such a way that the soil ball is 6-8 cm away from the walls. The base is first prepared, humus and fertilizer are added to it. It's better to buy ready soil for flowers, you will need at least 20 liters.

Before transplanting at home, the plant must be watered abundantly. The earth ball must be moistened entirely; for this reason, moistening is done in several stages. A total of 3–4 liters of water should be poured out. The soil should be well saturated, then you can easily remove the flower from the pot.

Using a metal ruler or knife, carefully draw along internal walls pot, so that the roots that have grown to them are not damaged when the plant is removed. Raise the monstera pot or place it on the floor in order to inspect the lower part. It happens that the roots come out of the drainage hole of the pot; they need to be trimmed with a sharp knife. If the pot is plastic, you can put a little pressure on it, then the soil ball will become easier to remove.

If the flower is too large, then it is preferable to stand on a chair and remove the vine from the pot, holding it by the stem rather than by the support. Move the soil ball into a new pot, place it clearly in the middle and fill the pot with soil. The poured soil must be wetted again; if it settles, add soil and water again.

Monstera needs to be planted in fairly large containers. For young plants, buckets are often used instead of pots, and for older plants, pots or large wooden tubs are used. When replanting, you should not remove the aerial roots that appear on the monstera stems. After all, with their help, the flower receives auxiliary moisture from the air. These roots must be tied so that they are directed towards the ground - then, over time, rooting occurs in the soil and new shoots appear.

It should be remembered that the monstera tolerates shadows, but it should have enough lighting. For this reason, in the evening it is necessary to turn on the light in the room where it stands.

The higher the air temperature in the room, the faster the transplanted plant will grow. After transplanting, you can cut the top of the old plant so that the side shoots can grow more actively. But young plants do not need this kind of pruning.

Growing monstera at home

Monstera is a fairly large plant. Its main feature is its dissected leaves. Moreover, they can be said to be arranged alternately on a dense stem. Monstera refers to tropical plants, and therefore it is very common in tropical forests, especially in America. Monstera is often found in Brazil and even in Asia. Monstera takes root well at home. To grow this flower, you need to know a few subtleties when growing it at home.

Growing monstera at home

Main feature This flower is that it is capable of very rapid growth. Just imagine that a monstera can grow to the size of half a room in a very short period. This will take no more than 4 months. In a word, this is a bulky plant, and due to its dimensions it is in great demand for certain rooms. Monstera is often placed in office premises. This plant is great for halls large sizes, as well as for rooms with a very large area. Monstera at home takes root within short term.

Caring for Monstera at home

It will perfectly perform the function of landscaping. If you want to grow a monstera at home, then you should definitely purchase a support for it. A tube with moss is perfect for these purposes. Since Monstera is a liana, it is not surprising that it has aerial roots, and, as you know, such roots need careful care.

Once you tie them to a support, you can direct them into the ground. The only thing we do not recommend doing is cutting the roots. Monstera does not like drafts at home. We do not recommend that you place the said plant near the entrance. This is an unfavorable place for such a plant. It will be very bad if the monstera leaves are constantly touched. This will not allow it to develop normally and may even lead to the death of the plant. If you decide to get a monstera, then get ready to carefully care for it.

Flowering monstera at home

This flower has many features. So, if you place a monstera in a damp room, then after a while you will notice that water is dripping from its leaves. It is believed that this plant can even predict precipitation. If it rains, sticky sap will appear on the monstera leaves. Monstera usually has very long leaves. Their length can reach 35 cm, but sometimes the leaves of the flower are quite compact.

Simplified plant care

Monstera care at home will take you a lot of time. You can grow this flower only if you really love flowers and caring for them is a pleasure for you. The main thing you must consider is the temperature. As mentioned above, monstera grows in the tropics. That is why it is so important to provide this flower necessary conditions existence. The temperature of the room in which the monstera will be located should be within 18 degrees plus. This is a heat-loving plant.

Correct location- the key to success

Please note that the higher the temperature, the faster the monstera will grow, and the size of its leaves will directly depend on the temperature. The higher it is, the larger the leaves will be. Monstera care at home also requires adequate lighting. It should be remembered that Monstera does not tolerate direct sunlight. Remember that in the tropics there is diffuse sunlight. You are required to imitate as accurately as possible this feature tropical climate.

Monstera care - beautiful plant

Monstera will also respond favorably to partial shade. It is also worth noting that Monstera requires a special watering regime. Especially in the cold season, it is very important to maintain adequate soil moisture. But don’t overfill the monstera. This flower does not tolerate excesses, both in lighting and watering. Only in hot weather should watering be active. For Monstera to grow actively, use warm water. Moreover, the water must be septic. It is very important to know how monstera reproduces.

Plant propagation at home

This plant should be propagated in March or June. Reproduction of monstera involves several stages. To do this you will need its lateral processes. They usually appear at the bottom of the plant stems. You can also use stem or apical cuttings. In other words, you will need a piece of monstera stem and 2 of its leaves. It is necessary to take care of the cuts. They should be sprinkled with coal. Charcoal is perfect for these purposes; it needs to be thoroughly crushed.

Monstera propagation using the root part

The stems need to be planted in specially prepared pots. Moreover, their volume should be small. Place standard drainage on the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay drainage is perfect. Then place the shoot and cover it with a glass cover. The room temperature should be about 25 degrees. After this, after some time, the flower should be transplanted into a tub and only after 3 years - into a pot.

When you purchase a plant, it is worth learning more about how to replant it correctly. To do this, we have prepared for you some notes that relate specifically to monstera. The first thing you must remember is that this flower needs to be replanted every year. This is very important and therefore this transfer regime should be observed. This is especially important for young Mosters. For older monsteras, you can replant them at least every 3 years. This will not deteriorate the quality of their growth.

Proper transplantation of monstera

Replanting monstera involves replacing the top layer of soil, which should be done annually. To replant correctly, you need to buy a special soil composition. You can also create it yourself. To do this you will need humus, peat land and sand. This mixture must be supplemented with turf.

If you have a fairly young plant, then you can leave it in a bucket for a year, but if the monstera is more than 3 years old, you need to transplant it into a pot. The ideal option for this is a wooden tub. The container cannot be too narrow or shallow. Since the plant will experience discomfort and grow poorly. Monstera requires mandatory support. We advise you to dig the trunk into the pot. It should have a height of approximately 1 m.

Transplanting monstera into another pot

Growing Monstera may attract some pests. It could be thrips. To protect yourself and the plant from this insect, you need to spray it with insecticides. You should also clean the leaves of pests with a soapy sponge. Caring for this plant is a lot of work, but in return you will receive a gorgeous flower that will make the air in your apartment clean and can decorate your home in an original way.


In almost every office interior, government agencies, large halls you can see a lot evergreen, called monstera. Since the plant is quite bulky, to maintain it in a house or apartment it requires space, a long, strong support and some care. Sometimes monstera can reach quite large sizes, which significantly complicates the process of replanting it. How to replant a plant and how to care for it after replanting, let's figure it out.

Description of the plant

Monstera is an evergreen tropical crop of the genus Liana of the Araceae family, whose homeland is considered southern regions America. It has large, massive leaves in the shape of a heart with slits, the color of which is rich green, and may have spots, stripes of a lighter or yellow shade. Young leaves are devoid of slits: only with a certain age do they develop holes, which later transform into long slits.
The plant has a long stem from which roots can hang down. IN natural conditions the height of an adult plant can reach 6 m, in domestic plants - 4 m. It blooms in the form of a cob beige color. After flowering is completed, it forms a fruit - a berry that is suitable for food. There are about thirty species of monstera in the world. In most cases, only a few are grown at home: monstera charma, lopsided or perforated.

Did you know? Many people mistakenly believe that the word “monstera” is translated as “monster, monster.” However, in fact, with Latin language"monstrum" means "amazing, bizarre."

Basic growing rules

Despite its exotic origin, monstera is quite easy to grow and unpretentious to care for. However, for healthy growth it requires compliance with certain conditions:

  1. Lighting. A tropical guest needs to provide bright, but not direct lighting. She is equally negative about shadows and direct UV rays. In the first variant, its leaves stop developing and do not form slits; in the second, they dry out and become covered yellow spots. In winter to ensure required quantity It is recommended to install artificial light sources.
  2. Temperature conditions. Since the plant comes from the tropics, it prefers to grow in a warm microclimate with a temperature range of +22–25 °C in summer time and +17–22 °C - in winter. It is strictly forbidden to keep the vine in drafts.
  3. Watering. The flower needs frequent and abundant watering, especially in spring and summer, when the phase of intensive development begins. It is also recommended to spray the leaves with water or wipe with a damp cloth weekly.
  4. Soil. The soil mixture for the ornamental crop in question should consist of the following components: peat and turf soil, humus and river sand. A drainage layer is required.
  5. Feeding. Like anyone decorative flower, Monstera needs systematic feeding, which is perfectly served by mineral fertilizers and organic compounds intended for lianas. It is imperative to feed the tropical vine between March and August, when active growth is observed.
  6. Trimming. It is not a mandatory procedure when growing a tropical beauty. To form beautiful lush forms, it is enough to cut off the top of a young plant at the initial stage of its growth, which, in order to avoid infection, should be treated with charcoal.

When can a plant be replanted?

A young monstera, up to 3–4 years old, requires an annual transplant. Next, you should replant the plant by age:

  • 3–4 years - once every 2 years;
  • over 5 years - every 3–4 years, subject to annual replacement the top of the soil.
Regular replanting of the plant allows you to maintain its health and stimulate growth.

For tropical flower you should select a pot whose depth corresponds to the size of the rhizome, and the width allows the lateral roots growing from the stem to subsequently take root freely in the soil. The material from which the container for the flowerpot is made is of great importance does not have.

Soil composition requirements

At comfortable conditions Monsteras grow quite quickly. For planting, a light fertile soil mixture is used, the composition of which varies slightly depending on the age of the plant. For young vines, the following soils are used in equal quantities: turf and peat soils, humus and river sand. In this case, the recommended acidity (pH) should be 5.5–6.0.

Important! One of the main conditions when choosing a pot for a monstera is its stability. It is better to choose durable, fairly weighty containers that will not tip over from the weight of the leaves and stem.

To transplant adult monsteras, the following soil composition should be used:

  • turf soil - 3 units;
  • peat soil - 1 unit;
  • deciduous soil - 1 unit;
  • river sand - 1 unit;
  • humus - 1 unit.
The acidity of the soil mixture should be 6.5–7.0.

How to properly transplant a monstera at home

As mentioned above, in the comfortable conditions of the house, the monstera intensively develops, grows, and after a few months requires replanting. This activity is recommended to be carried out in the first weeks of spring, before the active growth phase has started.

Did you know? People in Asian countries believe that Monstera has medicinal qualities. So, for example, in Thailand, this plant is necessarily placed near the beds of seriously ill patients so that it absorbs negative energy and contributed to a speedy recovery.

Before transplanting the vine into another pot, you should prepare a new container, the size of which should differ from the previous one by 7–10 cm. A drainage layer must be laid on the bottom using expanded clay or ordinary pebbles. It is recommended to follow the following algorithm:

  • Use a knife to carefully “cut” the soil around the entire perimeter of the pot so as not to touch the roots;
  • pull out the support and set it aside;
  • carefully shake out the soil from the rhizome, clean the roots with your hands, remove some of the old soil;
  • place the support, along with the leaves and stems of the plant, firmly in the pot, and at the same time place the roots in the container;
  • cover with soil, water thoroughly;
  • After the soil settles under the influence of moisture, add a little more soil to the pots.

Video: how to properly transplant a monstera at home

The transplanted plant must be moved to a spacious and well-lit room. During the replanting process, there is no need to remove aerial roots - it is recommended to tie them up so that they look down, then they can take root in the ground. The replanting process, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties, but is sometimes complicated by the presence of a large number of aerial roots.

To transplant a young plant with them, you will need:

  • cut off a leaf with a stem or a whole branch with shoots;
  • place them in a container with clean water;
  • monitor when the shoot sprouts additional roots;
  • prepare the necessary pot, add drainage and soil;
  • plant the flower in a flower pot and water it generously.

Care after transplant

Special care the transplanted plant does not require, but in order for its “transportation” to be the least painful, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules.

Important! In cramped conditions, the monstera can wither and even die.

Watering and fertilizing

When the plant is already in a new pot, it needs to be provided with high-quality feeding, which will allow it to quickly adapt and fully nourish the root system. Since transplantation is a kind of stress for a tropical flower, experts recommend closely monitoring its condition during the first week. It is necessary to water the plant quite often, as the soil dries out, but do not allow it to form a swamp on the surface of the soil.

Pruning and shaping monstera

After replanting, a young plant does not need pruning or crown formation. But in an adult, it is recommended to cut off the top - this will speed up the growth of lateral stems and make the plant more voluminous.

Possible difficulties of cultivation

Monstera, fortunately, has good resistance to various pests and gets sick in rare cases. Basically all her diseases are associated with unfavorable conditions habitat, in particular, disturbed microclimate, lack of nutrition or excessive watering.

Did you know? The tropical beauty can act as a barometer. Before a thunderstorm or rain begins, its leaves begin to “cry”, forming small droplets of water on the surface.

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