Soak the onions in salt water before planting. What is the best way to soak onion sets in before planting in spring How to treat onion sets before planting

The success of the harvest depends on many conditions. Including from competent preparation planting material. Proper processing Onion sets before planting are a guarantee that the vegetable grower’s efforts will bring a worthy result.

How to process heads

The first thing to do is treat the onion sets with an antiseptic in the fall to avoid rotting. And the main workdays to prepare for planting will begin in the spring. Of course, you have carefully dried them, sorted them and sorted them by size, selecting strong, healthy onions with a diameter of 1-3 cm. And two days before planting, the sets need to be warmed up. This is done very simply: spread paper, newspaper or cloth near heating radiator or oven and place the heads in a single layer.

Some are dried in the oven at low temperature. The main thing here is to watch carefully and not overdo it.

There is also an extreme way to prepare onion sets for planting: immerse them in hot water (not boiling water) for two minutes, and then in cold water. By the way, this is a good prevention of untimely formation of “arrows”.

The next stage is a nourishing bath with complex fertilizer(any is suitable):

  • fold planting material into the net;
  • immerse in nutrient solution;
  • leave for 10 hours.

There is no need to rinse the heads after this procedure. They will have to take another “bath” in copper sulfate (1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). A ten-minute immersion will help avoid fungal diseases. And after that, rinsing in clean water.

Another popular and accessible remedy processing – saline solution. It is prepared simply: 3 cups of salt per bucket of water. The holding time in the solution is one day.

And finally - disinfection with potassium permanganate, so that you know for sure that all possible measures against diseases have been taken. Soaking for two hours in a saturated solution should destroy all germs.

Video “Processing before planting”

From the video you will learn how to process onions before planting.

Protection from diseases

Do you think that you need to start protecting onions from diseases and pests when they grow in your garden? No, it's already too late. Prevention measures begin at much earlier stages, around the time you choose a variety to plant.

Very important:

In the fall, when preparing the site, add rotted manure or compost (5-7 kg per 1 sq. m). Fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, as well as liming, will strengthen the plants. In the spring, on the eve of sowing, water the soil with a hot solution of copper sulfate and cover with film. 2-3 days after this, planting can be done in the treated soil.

Drying the sets serves as a reliable prevention of neck rot. Another common disease is periosporosis (false powdery mildew). Its symptoms are pale green spots on the leaves, which soon turn into plaque violet shade. As a result, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Protection – treatment with copper oxychloride solution.

Of course, you need to protect the onions from pests. Most often you have to save him from:

The most common pest is the onion fly. This insect spends the winter in the soil. And during the cherry blossom period, it flies out and lays eggs on the feathers of a young onion. The larvae, as soon as they are born, burrow into the bulbs and the fruits die. Simply pulling out what has gone bad is not enough. The onion fly will begin a new life cycle: leaving the soil - eggs - larvae. As a result, the next attack on the beds will occur in mid-summer.

The most radical remedy against onion fly is agrotechnical soil treatment. For processing, a mixture of tobacco dust and lime is used. About 2 kg of mixture (or just tobacco dust) will be needed to sprinkle 19 square meters. m.

This procedure must be performed twice during the period when the onion fly enters the stage of laying eggs.

As for other pests, you can, of course, exterminate them chemicals. But you yourself know that this is not environmentally friendly. Therefore please note:

  • infusion of potato tops is effective against ticks;
  • an infusion of onion peels will help destroy aphids;
  • the onion fly is afraid of tobacco infusion;
  • infusion of tomato tops is good to use in the fight against root mites.

How else can planting onion sets be preserved? Salt. More precisely, a solution of 1 cup of salt in 10 liters of water. You need to carefully water the garden bed with it, under no circumstances getting it on the leaves. The procedure can be performed three times at intervals of 20 days.

Defeat pests with folk remedies- the work is labor-intensive, but the game is in this case worth the candle.

Features of care and cultivation

For a good harvest, it is important to adhere to the golden mean in feeding. There will be a bad harvest if you are greedy with fertilizers. Too much good fertilizer will also affect the harvest and it is unlikely to please you.

To obtain a good onion harvest, many gardeners use sets grown from seeds as planting material. Simple preparation and processing before planting will help to obtain vigorous shoots and protect the crop from pests or diseases. The measures taken will also affect the growing season and the formation of the head.

Before planting and sowing in open ground, seeds onions need to be prepared in a special way - disinfected or pickled, trimmed at the top, treated with phytosporin against fungus or to reduce bolting.

Experienced gardeners remember the times when there was no talk of preparing onions for planting. It was believed that onions were a plant sufficiently unpretentious, not demanding special attention . They only made do with a bulkhead to remove damaged bulbs.

Given the current ecology and vagaries of climate in different regions There is no point in dreaming that a crop will grow on its own.

Moreover, each stage preparatory process gives planting material the following advantages:

  • stimulating growth;
  • destruction of harmful bacteria through disinfection;
  • strengthening immunity (resistance to a number of diseases and pests);
  • prevention of turnip rotting;
  • increasing resistance to weather disasters.

Removal bountiful harvest Onions depend not only on proper care. The lion's share of success depends on the quality of preparation of the seedlings for planting.

How to do pre-sowing treatment of seedlings in spring

You can strengthen the immunity of sowing plants to resist pests and diseases by soaking. There are quite a lot of recipes for solutions for the pre-sowing procedure; you can easily make them and choose a convenient option.

Among the popular components:

  • table salt;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • copper sulfate;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonia;
  • birch tar.

The main enemy of onions is onion fly. Treating the seedlings with a saline solution will help prevent its invasion of the beds. The same method will protect culture against thrips and ticks.

And it has proven itself well in the fight against fungal spores. potassium permanganate. Soaking in a weak solution will help destroy microorganisms on the planting material; the main thing is to drain the solution in time.

To receive fast shoots Various growth stimulants are used. Preplanting treatment accelerates shoot germination by 3-6 days. Among effective meanssolutions of zircon and humate, "Energen".

Proper processing

Planting material begins to prepare for the planting season in the fall.

During storage, you should follow temperature regime and prevent an increase in air humidity in the room. Good ventilation or regular ventilation will prevent spoilage of the sets. In the spring, immediately before planting, onions undergo complex processing.

From pests and diseases

You can buy or use your own sets for planting, grown from nigella seeds. It is impossible to visually determine the presence or absence of fungal spores and other harmful bacteria in it, so it is recommended to disinfection procedure.

There are many drugs and various means that can cope with this task. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which should be taken into account before use.

Many gardeners use the old proven method of processing planting material - soaking it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20-25 minutes. Another method involves the use of saltpeter (2-3 grams), which is diluted in a bucket of warm water.

Regular meals will help boost your immunity and get rid of harmful bacteria. table salt. 5-6 tablespoons of salt are diluted in a bucket of water, after which the set is immersed for 4-5 hours. A little less concentrated salt water is used to water the soil under the beds for the purpose of disinfection.

Do not abuse the amount of salt or frequent use. This will help protect plants from diseases, but will spoil the soil. for a long time. It is recommended to carry out one-time procedures.

Treatment with the drug will protect onions from fungal infections Fitosporin. 35 grams are diluted in a bucket of water. Fitosporin and immerse the prepared heads in the liquid for 20-30 minutes.

To stimulate growth

So that the seedlings grow quickly and give good harvest Before planting, it is recommended to treat it with growth stimulants. The most accessible and popular way is to use wood ash, rich in potassium and natural antiseptics.

The procedure in addition to accelerating growth prevents rotting material in the ground. You will need to dilute 250 g in 5 liters of water. ash, then immerse the bulbs in the solution for 10 minutes. Next, you need to dry them for 2-3 hours.

The drug effectively copes with the task Epin-Extra. Add 1 capsule to heated water up to 50 degrees. The soaking time for the heads is 10-15 minutes. You can also use other means: Biostim, Silk. The solution is prepared in the proportions specified in the instructions.

Epin Extra - to stimulate growth

When planting onions before winter, the material is not treated with growth stimulants.

To reduce bolting

Warming up necessary to prevent early formation of arrows. Some gardeners carry out the procedure under the sun's rays (at a temperature of at least 20 degrees).

Others send sets (to cardboard box) to the battery, where under the influence of heat no more than 40 degrees, the planting material is kept for about 10 hours. It is important not to overcook the onion or overheat it.

If there is no time to warm up, and the time for planting has already come, you can fill the senchik bulbs hot water(approximately 50 degrees) for 15 minutes, after which be sure to pour cold. Such express treatment will not completely eliminate the release of arrows, but will significantly delay the time of their formation.

When soaking, it is recommended to immerse the onion in the solution in the grid. You need to put a small weighting material on top of it so that the seed does not float up. You cannot use objects that are too heavy, as they will damage the integrity of the heads, which will ruin the planting material.

Preparation before processing

The preparatory process consists of the following stages:

  • sorting planting material;
  • drying;
  • warming up;
  • soaking and disinfection;
  • drying.

When performing sorting, it is important not only to remove damaged bulbs, but also to sort material suitable for planting by size.

Large turnips are planted first in the beds, after them the medium ones go into the soil, and the smallest ones germinate the fastest, so their turn is last.

By planting seedlings of approximately the same diameter on the beds, it is ensured uniform development of seedlings and feather forcing. In turn, the root crops will be formed of approximately the same size, which is convenient for subsequent storage.

After soaking procedures, it is important to rinse the sets in clean water, changing it 2-3 times. Few people mention this fact, and inexperienced gardeners miss this stage.

Do I need to trim the top of onion sets before planting?

If planting is planned in a small area, then it is rational to supplement the process by pruning the bulbs.

For large plantations, this pruning is difficult due to the large volumes. Removing the top of the head accelerates shoot germination and creates favorable conditions for a good growing season.

Besides correct pruning makes the soaking procedure more effective; it is much easier for the solution to penetrate between the scales of the head. Careful preparation virtually eliminates unpleasant surprises when growing bulbous crops.

When pruning, do not remove too large a fragment of the top. This will cause the planting material to rot or prevent the onion from releasing greens.

Methods for pre-planting pruning of onions

When growing onions from large heads 1/3 of the top is cut off. This makes it easy to remove the greens when they reach the desired height. If the goal of agricultural technology is to obtain a root crop, then only the tail should be cut off without damaging the white skin.

Some varieties (for example, Msergey) are cut on both sides: both the top and the bottom. This is done to accelerate growth and rapid formation of the root system. This manipulation gives results literally the next day, when the process of shoot growth begins. On a dry bottom, roots form much later.

According to reviews experienced gardeners in any case, there is a reason to remove the woven part of the top. It is quite difficult for feathers to break through a dense barrier, and this is a factor inhibiting the growing season.

Having weighed all the pros and cons of preparing seedlings for planting, we can confidently state the fact that these procedures are necessary. The costs of time and money will be minimal, and the quality of the bulbs and the entire harvest will increase significantly.

Every housewife knows that there should always be onions in the house. This product is added to almost any dish; it can bring great benefits to our body. The one who has summer cottage plot, definitely plants it at home. But not every novice gardener knows how to ensure that the harvest ends up being abundant.

Preparing the bed

The most important thing for a good harvest is for planting onions. For sowing, sunny and open place. Loamy soils, which are pre-filled with mineral and organic fertilizers, are very suitable for onions. Most often it is planted on land where beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peas or cabbage previously grew. The beds are not made very high, up to 15 cm, and the width is maintained no more than 100 cm. They dig up the substrate for each square. m add 4 kg of manure humus or compost and 3 kg of peat. Then everything is loosened again to a shallow depth, all components are mixed well with the layer of earth. Carefully level the soil and compact it lightly, then water it with a solution and cover it with film for several days before planting.

Preparing the sets

Preparing onions for planting is, although not particularly difficult, painstaking work. To do this you need:

Carefully sort through the heads and remove all soft, dried out and spoiled ones.
- Seeds that have not yet developed green sprouts need to be cut off. To do this, use scissors to remove the top dry part, thanks to this you can speed up germination.
- Dry a little and place the heads in a warm and dry place.
- They must be thoroughly heated at a temperature of +20-25 degrees.
- Immediately before planting, the onions are soaked for 3 hours in a special composition, which is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. salt per 1 liter of water.
- In order to prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is necessary to carry out disinfection. The most reliable remedy is a saturated one. Two hours of soaking will be enough to kill all germs.
- The seeds are dried a little, and the preparation of the onion sets for planting is completely completed.

Spring planting

Sowing begins around the beginning of May, when the soil is already well warmed up. The smallest seeds are immersed in the ground first. They should be less than 1 cm and will not form arrows. Two weeks later, when the preparation of the soil for planting onions in the spring is completed, the main sowing begins. If you send very large seeds into the ground, they will shoot out arrows very quickly, which will significantly reduce the final harvest. Before starting work, it is necessary to treat the heads with a growth stimulator - strictly according to the instructions.

Autumn planting

In the fall, they plant the smallest sets, the diameter of which is less than 1 cm. First of all, this is done because such bulbs very rarely survive until spring. The work is carried out 2 weeks before the start of the first frost. These seeds will be well preserved in the ground, will not sprout, and in the spring they will yield a good harvest, as they will go through a long growing season. Preparing onions before planting follows the same scheme as in spring time.

Proper care

The main requirements for caring for seedlings are watering, timely control of pests, weeds and diseases. From May to June, plants need to be watered once a week, and for hot weather, the number of approaches should be doubled. There are 5-10 liters of water per 1 m2. In July, the supply must be reduced as the bulbs begin to ripen.

Watering at this time should be careful so as not to damage the fruits. Even if the soil preparation for planting onions in the spring is done correctly, in a short period of time the soil can become compacted, then it must be loosened in wide rows, literally a few centimeters. Before this procedure, it is recommended to water the soil abundantly.

Which variety is better

The choice primarily depends on the purpose that the fruit should bear. For example, if you grow onions for greens, then take the advice of trusted plant growers and buy chives and shallots, or batun and slug, which are preferred by most gardeners. A the best option When deciding what type to buy for a head, it will be to buy the “Timiryazevsky”, “Oporto” or “Stuttgarter Riesen” varieties. If the preparation of onion sets for planting was done correctly, then all of the listed heads will have excellent taste and attractive appearance. appearance With good size. As practice shows, if everything is done correctly, then from one hundred square meters you can get a harvest that reaches 400 kg. Moreover, 9 out of 10 bulbs will have an excellent presentation and maximum shelf life.


If the preparation of onion sets before planting was carried out according to all the rules, the plant took root well and began to grow, then during the growing season it needs to be watered 5-7 times. First, you need to actively add liquid, and after the root crop is formed, all actions are reduced. You should not add too much water, as the bulb may become wet and the harvest will be lost. After the arrows appear, they must be broken off so that all the juices go directly to the bulb, and it has time to form before harvesting. At this time, watering should be reduced. If the bulb does not have time to come out before the end of the growing season, then it will need to be dug up a little and carefully watered, this will improve ripening.


Even if onions are very well prepared for planting, they still require fertilizer. All organic minerals must be added to the soil in the fall at the rate of 5 kg of rotted manure or compost and 1 kg of ash per 1 m2.

You can also use and which are applied at the rate of 100 grams per 1 m 2. In spring, it is necessary to replenish it with additives suitable for this season in the same calculation. It is not recommended to add all mineral composts deep into the soil, otherwise there is a risk of burning young roots, and almost all useful components will go into the lower layers.

Cleaning and storage

The preparation of the turnips for planting was done correctly, it grew wonderful harvest, it's collection time. The main signs of ripening are yellowing and lodging of the leaves. It is customary to dig up the crop from July 10 to August 10, depending on the speed of development of the vegetable. Even if not all the leaves have turned yellow, at this time the onion must be pulled out of the soil and unfolded thin layer for 12-15 days for drying and ripening. Both preparing onions for planting and storing them require certain skills and knowledge. The crop is dried in the sun and then removed from it. dried leaves and the heads are further dried for several days at a temperature of +30-35 degrees. This can be done near heating devices or a Russian stove. Such a high-quality procedure will help protect the heads from diseases of neck rot and downy mildew.

After all operations performed, the seedlings must be sorted. It is better to set aside small bulbs up to 1.5 cm in size and plant them before winter, in early October. A large harvest is collected in 10-15 kg and filled into boxes or canvas bags. They are then placed in plastic bags, tie well and store in a dark place at a temperature of +17-18 degrees.

Once a month it is necessary to monitor the harvest in order to promptly throw out rotten and withered heads. If you store the seed at a temperature above or below the specified temperature, then when planting it will go into the arrow.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Preparing onion sets before planting cannot always protect them from various diseases. He is susceptible to a huge number of ailments. The most common of them are mosaic, onion smut, gray neck rot, bottom rot, and also false rot. You need to know that if a vegetable has been affected by a disease, then it is not at all suitable for storage.

There are certain measures that prevent the occurrence of diseases. In particular, this is an annual fruit change and compliance with crop rotation. Preparing onions for planting on the head should begin with the thorough destruction of all remnants of other vegetables in the soil, disinfection of seeds and maintaining spatial isolation between sowing vegetables of the first and second year. It is possible to plant a vegetable in its previous location only after three to four years. It is very important to keep food and planting material clean. It is imperative to disinfect the storage and carry out preventive spraying.

It is not advisable to sow near large floodplains, swamps and reservoirs. In order to reduce the risk of various diseases of onions, it is necessary to carry out deep autumn plowing with a plow, as well as fertilizing optimal quantity fertilizers In this case, it is better to avoid large amounts of nitrogen.

Phosphorus-potassium supplements significantly increase disease resistance. They also perfectly help prevent the occurrence of periporosis and neck rot. In addition, with the help of such components you can speed up ripening and protect the vegetable from dangerous pests.

Preparing onions for planting on the head involves inspecting all seeds for damage; only healthy ones are suitable for the ground. Before starting work, it must warm up. Such measures can protect and protect the heads from rot. As a result, the amount of waste during storage can be reduced. This method can help to notice damaged and infected bulbs in time and remove them. Warming up can also protect against the appearance of downy mildew.

How to Grow Shallots

It is very easy to grow such a beautiful plant on your site if you have well-fertilized soil. It is planted in order to obtain juicy and healthy greens, this is the so-called Preparation for planting should begin in the fall, although it is not very harmful, it does require some measures. To do this, mineral and organic fertilizers are introduced into the ground during digging. This requirement is considered basic in order to ultimately obtain a wonderful harvest. The bulbs to be harvested are carefully sorted and any damaged or rotten material is discarded.

Onions must be prepared for planting early spring, then when it is planted in the ground, as the threat of frost goes away. Before starting work, the material is soaked for a couple of hours in warm water or in a light solution of potassium permanganate. The heads are laid in the ground in rows according to a 15x25 cm pattern. The depth of lowering of the bulbs is 4-5 cm. Legumes are considered the best predecessor crops. The plant prefers moderate irrigation and is not particularly demanding of moisture. The basis of care is to remove weeds, weeding and rare watering.

In order for onions to grow quickly, develop and produce a good harvest, they need to be properly prepared in the spring. If you purchased a set, you must first dry it. And if you grew the sets yourself and stored them at a temperature of about +18 °C, then the onions will have to be warmed up. The next steps are the same for both purchased and self-grown onions; they need to be seasoned:

  • 2 weeks at +20 °C,
  • 10 hours at + 40 °C.

If you overcook the onion, it will dry out. After this, treat the seedlings with any growth stimulant suitable for this crop (Zircon, Tsitovit, Biostim). If suddenly you cannot carry out step-by-step preparation sevka, then do the following:

  1. Soak the sets in water at a temperature of about +45 °C for 15 minutes;
  2. Immerse the seed in ice water for 10 minutes;
  3. Place the seedlings for 4–6 hours in a solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

Growth stimulator "Zircon"

A very important procedure that you need to carry out before planting seed is disinfection. You can treat the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Soaking onions before planting in such an antiseptic solution will help protect the seed from many diseases. Dilute about 30 g in 10 liters of water until the mixture turns light purple. After this, dip the seed in the solution for a couple of minutes, then remove and rinse it. After a week you can start planting.

To avoid rotting of the crop, you will need a solution of wood ash - dilute about 500 g of ash in 10 liters of water. After this, transfer the onion into a mesh and place it in the prepared solution. Then dry the seed material in the sun for a couple of hours and you can start planting.

There is another, “grandmother’s” method:

  1. Dry the planting material for a week at a temperature of about +25 °C;
  2. Before planting, you need to soak the bulbs for 3 hours in a saline solution (prepare it by mixing 2 liters of water with 2 tablespoons of salt);
  3. Wash the seed and dry it;
  4. You can start planting.

If you don’t have potassium permanganate or wood ash on hand, you can use other soaking methods. For example, saltpeter is suitable. To prepare the solution you need to take about 70 liters of warm water (about +40 °C). Place just a spoonful of saltpeter in the water and soak the seed in the solution for about 20–30 minutes. This treatment will disinfect root system plants. However, this method is only suitable if you are going.

Soaking onions in saltpeter before planting

You can treat onions using the Epin-Extra preparation: dissolve the capsule in warm water, immerse the onion in water for just 10–15 minutes. This will not only accelerate the growth of the root system and strengthen it, but also help the development of green onion feathers. To prevent early bolting, place the seed in a metal container, fill with water and heat to approximately +60 °C. Then treat the material with a suitable growth stimulant (for example, Silcom or Biostim).

Most economical option processing - soak the onion in plain water. Just keep the bulbs for 10 minutes in plain water (temperature about +50 °C), without adding any drugs or fertilizers. After this, you can safely plant the seed in the soil. And remember that the seeds should not be treated with several compounds, as this will negatively affect the quality of the seed.

Preparing onions for planting by soaking should be carried out in parallel with soil preparation. It is important to remember that this plant is light-loving, so the place where you will plant the sets should be well lit. Onions also love loose and nutritious soil, so you need:

  • first dig the bed to a depth of 20 cm;
  • add fertilizer (or peat manure compost) to the soil.

An important point is that it is necessary to fertilize the soil at the stage of soil preparation, and in order to avoid rapid growth green mass of the crop, you should not use any organic fertilizers during this period. It is best to feed the soil using mineral supplements with low content nitrogen in the composition. Remember that this plant does not like soil that is too acidic. If you are “lucky enough” to become the owner of a plot with acidic soil, one of the following components must be added to the beds before planting seed material:

  • lime;
  • wood ash;
  • dolomite flour.

And remember that you cannot add manure and lime to the soil at the same time, as this will lead to a decrease in the level of nitrogen in fertilizers. But this rule does not apply to other means of reducing acidity, so when fertilizing the beds with manure, you can use chalk, ash or dolomite flour.

Treating onions before planting will not only get rid of onion flies and other pests, but will also allow you to grow strong, juicy onions, the yield of which will surprise you. Most gardeners never soak seed, considering the activity a waste of time, because the onion will grow beautifully on its own. The extensive experience of summer residents proves the opposite, believe it or not...

Methods for preparing onions

In order for the vegetable to begin to grow and develop quickly after planting in the garden, it is necessary to properly process the onion. Purchased seedlings must be dried, obtained from own seeds- stored at a temperature of +17 °…+18 °C and also warmed up before planting.

Many gardeners make the mistake of storing large and medium-sized fractions of onion sets at low positive temperatures, which is strictly forbidden to do, since after being placed in the beds, the plants go very straight. Small wild oatmeal (less than 1 cm in diameter) usually does not form shoots, so it can be stored at lower temperatures above zero.

In cases where storage conditions are not known, you need to warm up the onion sets before planting at a temperature of +30°...+35°C: large onions for 12-15 days, small ones 8-10. The main purpose of warming up the seedlings is to reduce bolting plants. If you warm up the wild oats at +40 °C for about 7-8 hours before planting, you can not only reduce the bolting rate several times, but also prevent the disease of onions from downy mildew.

When there is no possibility of stage-by-stage processing, use another technique immediately before planting the seed in open ground. Soak the sevok in hot water (+45°...+50°C) for 10-13 minutes, then immediately put it in cold water for the same time. Then immerse for 3-4 hours in a solution with complex mineral fertilizer.

Onion sets must be disinfected to prevent diseases and good growth. Treating onions with potassium permanganate before planting is the most common; you will need to dilute 1 gram in a liter of water to obtain the desired solution. Lower the oatmeal for 20-25 minutes. Or use copper sulfate (3 g/1 l) for the same purposes.

onion sets before planting....

In addition, it is recommended to treat onions with various growth stimulants (Biostin, Zircon, Tsitovit), which will make the crop more resistant to various unfavorable conditions and will help to germinate faster after planting in place.
Onions can be treated with wood ash before planting, which will help to grow good bulbs, will save planting material from various types rot, will make wild oatmeal stronger, since natural fertilizer contains a large amount of useful chemical elements. Dissolve 250 grams of ash in 5 liters of water, soak the onion for 5-7 minutes, remove. Dry on sun rays 2-3 hours, then plant.

The proven “Grandmother’s method” for processing onion sets is very popular, because reviews from gardeners who use this method in practice, you can only read the positive ones. What is the secret of success? For 7 days, the onion is dried at a temperature of +24 ° ... + 25 ° C. Afterwards, it is kept for 3 hours in a salt solution (1 tbsp per liter), washed, dried and produced correct landing onion sets in spring. The bulbs grow strong, do not get sick, and practically do not go into arrows.

We add fertilizer to the soil for a rich harvest

Besides everyone known methods There are others that allow you to prepare onions for planting in the spring just as well. If you don’t have potassium permanganate and wood ash on hand, take ammonium nitrate (2-3 g), dilute it in a bucket of water, and soak the oatmeal for 15-20 minutes. The water should be warm, preferably +40 °C. This processing technique allows you to disinfect the bulbs.

Treatment with Epin Extra provides its advantages, as it accelerates the growth of the onion root system, strengthens it, and also helps to increase green mass plants. One capsule is dissolved in required quantity water (according to instructions) and immerse the seeds for 10-15 minutes. To avoid shooting onions, place the wild oatmeal in a saucepan or bucket, add water and heat over low heat to a temperature of +55°...+60°C. take it out, treat the onion with growth-stimulating drugs (Silcom, Biostin).

processing onion sets before planting in potassium permanganate - pictured

The simplest and most convenient way to prepare onions for planting is to soak them in plain water. The sets are kept in hot water(+50 °C) for 10-15 minutes, without using any drugs or fertilizers.
It is very important that during preparation you cannot simultaneously use several preparations, fertilizers, etc., as this will not only not make the onion sets strong, but may even cause harm, so you will have to wait a long time for the shoots to emerge. Choose one convenient way from many options and process the planting material.

The quality of grown onions depends not only on pre-sowing treatment - it is a whole complex of agrotechnical measures aimed at achieving a high-quality harvest. Grow large onion It’s not always possible, so preparing the soil in the garden bed is an integral part of the work. When choosing a place to plant onions, pay attention to the light-loving plants; do not plant the vegetable under trees or in thickets of berry fields.
