Unpretentious flowers for the country house. Perennials: beautiful and unpretentious

One summer flowers, blooming all summer (the name and photo will be presented below), will delight you with their multicolor all season, from the beginning of spring until the onset of the first cold weather. Real gardeners will not be stopped by the annual hassle of growing and planting annual seedlings. Even if this beauty is for one season, a flowerbed with annuals blooming all season will be one of the most beautiful. Flowers in a well-groomed flowerbed always delight the eye and give positive emotions.

desire to do summer cottage plot Each of us has a little paradise. This is all available, moreover, you can decorate your garden in such a way that it looks new every year. The quality of annual flowers, valuable for a creative summer resident, allows you to compose new flower arrangements every year.

Flower garden with annual flowers

Annuals have many advantages: you don’t have to worry about how they will winter, you can choose a place for them on the site in advance. If you choose the right shades, flowering time individual species, you can get a great result - flower beds that play with all the colors and aromas of summer throughout the entire season. Most annual flowers are preferred sunny places, but there are those for whom the shade is quite suitable.

Annuals for flower beds

For these plants, the entire growing season takes place in one season, they develop quickly and bloom profusely. The most unpretentious flowers for a flower bed, blooming all summer, are petunia, marigolds, sage, calendula, nasturtium. In most cases, flower beds have a given shape: diamond-shaped, round, rectangular.

Most often, flowers in a flower bed are located in one plane, but there are multi-tiered, vertical options. In such places, low-growing annual flowers look very advantageous; they are planted singly or together with tall flowers. Most often they act as ground covers, filling empty spaces between, for example, roses or other shrubs.

Marigolds Karina

Marigolds are distinguished by long-lasting flowering and have a bright yellow-orange coloration with brown shades, they are unpretentious, grow well in sunny areas and in the shade.


Everyone's favorite petunia displays a rainbow of hues and prefers sunny locations. She loves warmth, blooms all season, grows until the first cold weather.

Blue salvia

Salvia – unpretentious flower, looks good with other plants. The flowers are shaped like candles; the range of shades is varied, but candles in lilac, purple, pink, and red shades look especially beautiful in flower beds.

There are many varieties of salvia, and it can also be perennial.

Photo of lilac salvia:

Salvia in the flowerbed

Calendula with yellow or orange voluminous flowers stands out as a bright spot among its fellows. In addition to its decorative qualities, it has medicinal properties, and its flowers and leaves can be used in cooking.

Calendula - annual flowers, photo:

Calendula vulgare

Nasturtium has many varieties, its double varieties are especially beautiful.

Nasturtiums in different colors

It loves light and sun, but can also grow in the shade, although there it produces more lush foliage than inflorescences. Nasturtium flowers are bright orange, red, yellow.

Annual flowers that bloom all summer - Snapdragon (Antirrinum, "dogs") attracts attention with its unusual shape, a combination of colors (pink and white, yellow, just white or pinkish).


It looks harmonious when planted with other plants.

If you plant zinnia in your home, you will admire its long flowering, up to 35 days.

Zinnia - annual

Even when cut, it lives in a vase for a very long time and does not fade. The more fertile the soil in the flowerbed, the brighter the flowers, which can be either short or very tall. The color of zinnia flowers can be monochromatic or variegated; it loves sunny places and warmth.

Calceolaria is another representative of flowers of unusual shape.


Dimorphotheca buds are simple in appearance, but this is where their charm lies. The flowers are shaped like a chamomile, the stems are about 30 cm high, the colors are varied - purple, orange, white, pink, double-colored petals. Characterized by plentiful long flowering, unpretentious, not particularly afraid of pests and diseases.


Another popular representative among gardeners has a rich color palette. These soft blue, purple, red, white, blue and lilac bushes look great in flower beds, in hanging containers, and along paths. Unpretentious, lovers of light and moisture annual flowers for the garden. The photo and their name are well known to summer residents - lobelia.


Nemophila (American forget-me-not) does not grow very often in our flower beds, requires regular feeding, and is notable for the fact that it can bloom during the rains.


It has a delicate aroma and looks great in flower beds, thanks to its delicate but noticeable color. Depending on the variety, it can be white, white-blue, has purple, black or blue spots, edges along the edges (with a white flower).

Nemophila with spots

There are very dark purple nemophiles, almost black in color.

Coreopsis are garden flowers that are annual in size and smaller in height than perennials.


They are distinguished by abundant long-term flowering, feel good in flower beds, in flowerpots, near borders, anywhere. They take root well and are absolutely unpretentious.

Brachycoma annual, densely growing, boasts all shades of purple and lilac.


It is unpretentious, but feels most comfortable on fertile sandy soil. Loves the sun, but also blooms well in cloudy weather, thermophilic.

Annual dahlia flowers are unpretentious and have interesting feature, the lower, the faster the color is given.

Annual dahlias

The most common variety is Merry Guys. short, dwarf varieties ideal for borders and flower beds. Annual dahlia flowers are bright, different shades.

Just because of the aroma alone, enchanting and unlike anything else, it is worth planting Mattiola (night violet) on the plot.

Mattiola - night violet

The genus Matthiola annuals includes up to 20 different species. different varieties this fragrant plant. The flowers are small, dense, soft lilac, pink or dark purple. There are also white, pale yellow Mattiola (gray matthiola). It is easy to care for, blooms profusely, loves sun, but also grows well in partial shade. The plant has a medium height and blooms throughout the summer.

Garden annual balsam - quite tall plant(50-70 cm) s large flowers, which can be double or semi-double.

Garden annual balsam

The colors of balsam are varied: white, scarlet, pink, crimson flowers.

Datura or Datura

Large-flowered Datura is a real decoration of the garden; it blooms with large white bell-shaped flowers. There are also red, blue, yellow varieties. It grows quickly and has abundant, long-lasting flowering. Datura is tall plant(1 m or more).

Mallow annual

Annual mallow is beautiful and noticeable due to its size (from 30 to 120 cm) and bright double flowers. Easy to care for, drought-resistant if plucked off in time wilted flowers, then you can extend its flowering time.


Cornflower blooms from May to September - unpretentious plant medium height, with dense small flowers of bright blue, pink, crimson, purple, white. Looks harmonious in mixed flower beds.


Annual bellflower is a low-growing plant with light blue flowers. It loves sunny places, but can grow in the shade, although it does not bloom as profusely. Blooms from May to September.

Iberis snow-white

Snow-white iberis (“bitter”) is one of the shortest annuals, up to 30 cm high. It is sun-loving, but does well in shaded areas. Varieties of Iberis umbellata are found in soft pink, lilac, and purple colors.


Shade-loving annuals

For places under trees with lush crown or spreading shrubs, unpretentious annuals that prefer shade are suitable. Such flowers have dense foliage, saturated with all shades of green. Their flowering is not as abundant as that of their sun-loving counterparts, but this factor in no way detracts from their beauty.

Cosmea annual

Multi-colored bright Cosmos - shade-loving annual flowers for flower beds, can create a joyful atmosphere even in shaded areas of the site. Cosmea blooms profusely for a long time, its shape is similar to a chamomile, the color scheme is replete with all shades of pink and crimson. Shaded areas are noticeably “refreshed” by white cosmos.

They love the shade of nasturtiums, forget-me-nots, marigolds, pansies, mallows - their buds have rich colors and feel comfortable in any weather. With brovallia, fuchsia, lobelia, and impatiens, you can create bright and harmonious group plantings in shady areas of the garden.


It should be borne in mind that some shade-loving annual flowers for the garden do not react well to direct sun rays, they are recommended to be planted in the darkest areas of the site.

Climbing annuals

Annual climbing flowers are very popular among gardeners and summer residents. Their beauty is not inferior to perennial representatives, they grow faster and require minimal care. In addition to their visual appeal, they can be used to decorate fences, country houses, and be used as sun protection over a gazebo. Annual climbing flowers for the garden (those species that are not afraid of drafts) can serve as a kind of wind shield for more vulnerable plants. If you have imagination, you can create amazing design compositions.

morning glory

The beautiful morning glory prefers regular watering and sunlight, otherwise it is unpretentious. Reaches three meters in one season.

Curly sweet pea loves moist soil and sun, but not direct sunlight. The colors are very diverse, blooms from July to November, reaches a height of 3 meters.

Nasturtium climbing Climbing nasturtium (annual) and liatris (perennial)

There is a variety of climbing nasturtium (Nasturtium large), which grows up to 3 meters in length. Kobeya with large bell flowers. Thunbergia winged with large orange buds. All of them belong to annual climbing vines.


Ipomoea Quamoclitus pinnate (Ruby stars) looks very beautiful - it braids a large area with complexly dissected leaves, along which they are evenly, not very often distributed bright red flowers shaped like stars.

Quamoclitus pinnate (Ruby stars)

Annual flowers that are not afraid of heat

And this information will be of interest to my fellow countrymen, residents of Kuban. The summer of 2017 was very hot for us. Other regions complained about the cold summer, but for us it was the opposite. And in my flower beds, in the flower beds of my friends, there was no particular splendor. Some flowers refused to bloom, others had sparse flowers, and others simply survived in extreme heat - it was a pity to look at them.

But there were flowers that were not affected by either the abnormally hot sun or the rare but torrential (in the full sense of the word) rains. But before, I even weeded them out. These were annuals, but they sprouted by self-sowing and did not grow where I needed them. That is, that summer showed that these flowers are very resilient. In the conditions of that summer, they were the only ones that bloomed and smelled profusely.

These are mirabilis, aromatic tobacco and purslane. I will write briefly about each.


This flower always grew in the flower garden of my grandmother and mother, and I also love it very much. True, as a child I did not know his real name; we all called him Zorka. And it fully lived up to its name. The flowers opened in the evening, stood open all night and only closed in the morning at dawn. We had varieties with bright crimson flowers, but there are also ones with white, yellow, pink and delicate salmon petals. I even saw it with flowers different colors on one bush. In its homeland it is a perennial; in the conditions of Kuban it may or may not survive the winter, but then in the spring shoots appear in this place, of which only the strongest and healthiest remain. I think that in conditions middle zone This is definitely an annual. By the way, many people grow it at home on the windowsill.

Mirabilis is an unpretentious plant. Apart from evening watering, light loosening, and removing weeds, last year he received nothing from me, but he was almost the main decoration of the garden. Bloomed until the coldest weather. And they arrived almost in December.

Fragrant tobacco

For me, fragrant tobacco is a flower that I “planted and forgot.” It is an annual plant, but every year in the spring new shoots appear in the same place. I just have to stop it from growing all over the garden. But to be honest, I don't try too hard. The flowers of fragrant tobacco are not very noticeable, but in the evenings such an aroma spreads throughout the garden that you don’t want to get rid of the “extra” plants. Same special care does not require. Only seedlings can be “clogged” by weeds, so their removal is necessary at first. Then, when the plant gets stronger, no weeds are afraid of it. Only the fittest and strongest survive the winter. Sometimes in the spring I replant tobacco plants from places where I don’t need it to empty spaces in the flowerbed. As it grows and becomes a fluffy bush, it not only covers a bare spot in the flower garden, but also creates a background for low-growing plants.


Purslane is also a flower from my childhood. Every summer I saw him in both my grandmother’s and mother’s flower gardens. We called it “the carpet” because it covered the ground with a bright carpet along the paths in the front garden. It was the purslane that gave the flower garden a certain completeness. Which beautiful flowers at the purslane! There are simple ones, there are double or semi-double ones in a wide variety of colors. Purslane blooms all summer, from June until frost. In the evenings the flowers close, but in the morning they “burn” like multi-colored lights in a flower bed. You can sow purslane only once and, thanks to its abundant self-sowing, it will delight you every year. Loves sunny places, blooms poorly or not at all in the shade. Grows well in sandy soils. But he also likes my black soil. I don’t know how true my observations are, but it seems it’s better not to fertilize purslane. By growing, purslane can even survive weeds. I have never observed weeds in the place where it grows.

When choosing annual flowers for your garden, you can buy seedlings or seeds at flower shops or supermarket departments. Today, the choice of seeding materials is so wide that finding the desired flower is not difficult.

Tall representatives are great for decorating flower beds or mixed borders; in mixed flower beds they usually create the background. When planning the design of the site for the summer season, take into account the combination of sizes (heights) of plants and their color scheme. Flower requirements for soil moisture, lighting, and fertilizers should also be kept in mind. Sometimes plant species with the same name can be both tall and short, medium-sized. When purchasing seeds, read the attached information. Annual flowers that bloom all summer - the name and photo are always on the packaging. Try to keep crops that grow next to each other close from an agrotechnical point of view.

Flowering plants are a real decoration of the garden, filling it with succulent bright colors, create a unique effect of harmony and comfort. Their diversity is simply amazing: there are about 300 thousand varieties of spectacular annuals and perennials that delight the eye. When choosing the design of a flower bed for the whole summer, you want to create compositions that can be enjoyed for several months. Let's see which varieties are best suited for these purposes.

Despite the fact that annuals are famous for their unique riot of colors throughout the season, many gardeners still prefer long-blooming flowers. The reason for this choice is a number of advantages that perennials have, the main ones being:

  • Possibility of growing in one place without replanting for 2-3 years.
  • Frost resistance. Plants tolerate winter well and do not require special effort care
  • Preservation of decorative qualities throughout the season.

Beautiful tall perennial flowers

Tall bushes can act as a mono-planting in the garden, or as a natural decoration or background when creating.

Among the most interesting tall flowers, which have not only beautiful inflorescences, but also decorative foliage, we can distinguish the stock rose.

Powerful 1.5 meter stems are decorated with semi-double and double flowers resembling peonies in a wide variety of shades, ranging from soft pink to deep burgundy.

The flowers of the tall, handsome Tricyrtis Purpul Beauty are very similar to lilies and even orchids. The plant, which prefers partial shade, decorates the garden with a gorgeous look from the first days of July until the frosts.

The unpretentious spotted sapling is unusually beautiful: on the bright burgundy 1.5-meter stems of the plant, starting in July, pinkish-purple brushes bloom, the shade of which gradually changes

Since vegetation processes in tall varieties of perennial garden plants are quite long-lasting; they reach their peak of development mainly in the second half of summer.

An equally spectacular addition to a flower garden can be a willow sunflower decorated with chic “saucers” with a diameter of 5-7 cm.

Thickets of decorative sunflowers 2.5 meters high with golden-brown flowers are visible far beyond the site.

The lilac-pink clouds of small cornflower flowers look unusually tender

The 1.8 meter high basil bush is covered with pinkish balls in July and August.

In the second half of summer, golden balls of rudbeckia, elongated clusters of blue inflorescences of speedwell, lilac thickets of fragrant lavender, and juicy yellow “suns” of hybrid helenium will help transform the garden.

Medium-sized handsome men

Perennials for the garden with a height of 30 to 80 cm will be a win-win option in any garden.

Due to their incredible beauty and ease of care, daylily and its varieties are very popular in ornamental gardening.

Absolutely picky, profusely flowering yarrow, which has about 30 varieties, can delight from early June until late autumn

Original appearance has Rhodiola rosea: its white and yellow flowers are spectacularly framed by fleshy oval leaves

You can add elegance and romance to any flower bed by adding late-flowering peony varieties.

Incredibly beautiful double flowers a variety of shades against the background of dark green leaves will give the composition delicacy and splendor

Among the medium-sized plants that delight with their appearance throughout the summer, one can also highlight: paniculate phlox, double monarda, astilbe, and cornflower.


Against the backdrop of tall and medium-sized plants, exquisite flowers that reach a height of about 30 cm look gorgeous.

Pansies are an ideal perennial, striking with their original shape and incredible combination of colors: from snow-white to deep black.

A continuous “blanket” of flowers of the most incredible shades can create dwarf forms of phlox

The beautiful gentian, pleasing the eye with amazingly beautiful blue-blue flowers from mid to late summer, amazes with its grace and splendor

The group of low-growing perennials for the whole summer also includes: spherical bushes of soft mantle, large-flowered flax, oak sage, paniculata's gypsophila, grass carnation, cinquefoil, geranium.

The basis of a flower garden in a country house is usually made up of perennials. Perennial flowers for the garden can grow in one place for several years (sometimes up to 10 or more), they are usually unpretentious and go well with each other.

Perennial flowers can be planted either on their own or in combination with annual plants. This planting will allow you to create new compositions every year and update the appearance of the garden. Among the perennials one can distinguish beautifully flowering plants and plants with beautiful foliage. By combining both, you can get a flower garden that decorates your summer cottage both during the flowering periods of different varieties and between them.

Another advantage of perennials is the possibility of their reproduction. Many of them reproduce vegetatively, that is, by tubers or by dividing the bush. This will allow you to plant your favorite perennial in several places in the country and save money on buying seedlings.

Features of growing perennial flowers

Despite the simpler care than annual flowers, perennials have their own characteristics.

In the video you will hear tips on growing perennial flowers for beginner gardeners.

tall plants

Tall perennial flowers in the country can be either part of a flower bed or a single planting. A variety of tall perennial flowers for the garden are shown in the photo.

Lupines love the sun, are undemanding to care and soil, but grow better in acidic soil. They come in yellow, red, orange, pink, lilac, and white colors. These flowers have nodules on their roots that produce nitrogen and improve the composition of the soil.

Bright blue, purple, indigo and pink delphiniums can grow in one place for up to 10 years and require minimal care. Contrasting delphiniums planted nearby look beautiful. This perennial species has 4 varieties: Persian, bare-stemmed, large-flowered and hybrid. Delphinium prefers root watering, with improper watering may get powdery mildew.

Buzulnik (Volzhanka) is not picky in care and can grow even in cold climates. Gardeners value it for its long flowering and beautiful leaves. The perennial harmonizes with hostas, bergenia, lungwort, and rudbeckia.

Capsicum produces beautiful spike-shaped inflorescences, the colors of which can vary from cream to purple. This tall perennial flower loves shaded areas and looks good next to hosta, aquilegia, and rhododendron.

Meadowsweet blooms in pink, cream or white clusters and also has beautiful foliage. It can reach a height of 1.5 meters.

Medium Height Plants

This group includes perennial plants with a height of 30 to 80 cm.

Numerous varieties of daylilies of different colors are easy to care for and very beautiful, which is why they are popular. They can grow in shade and partial shade, but will bloom profusely and fully open only in bright sun. Daylilies love good ones, but not frequent watering. Groups of daylilies of the same color, but different varieties, or the same variety and different colors look beautiful.

Yarrow is not only a beautiful, but also a medicinal perennial plant. It blooms from August to October and reproduces by rhizomes.

Yarrow has basket-shaped inflorescences in white, yellow, pink and orange.

Peonies love sunny places. This perennial blooms large within 2-3 weeks. beautiful flowers. With proper growth, peonies can grow in one place for quite a long time, so do not forget to regularly loosen the soil and feed them.

Rhodiola rosea has unusual look due to the combination of fleshy leaves and white or yellow flowers.

Low growing plants

Pansies, strictly speaking, are not a perennial, but a biennial plant. They love loamy soils and good lighting, as well as regular feeding with superphosphate and ammonium nitrate.

Gentian is a blue or blue mountain perennial flower in the shape of a bell, perfect for alpine slides. Does not like excessive light or complete shadow. Perennials need to be fertilized carefully.

Dwarf perennial phlox can form a continuous carpet of pink, lilac and white flowers.

Creeping tenacious, according to its name, is very unpretentious to light, watering and temperature. This low-growing plant is suitable for alpine hills, rocky slopes, rockeries, decorating the lower part of a hedge, and planting around tree trunks.

Gypsophila looks like low growing bush, its flowers form a kind of light white haze.


Climbing perennial plants are planted next to the support. They decorate gazebos, arches, terraces, and walls of houses.

Wisteria is a heat-loving perennial plant that forms cascades of lilac clusters. During the cold season, you need to move the flower indoors.

Most types of clematis do not tolerate cold, but there are also varieties suitable for growing in Siberia. You can grow it not in the ground, but in special containers, then it will be easy to move clematis indoors for the winter.

climbing roses very beautiful, but prickly. For the winter they need to be removed and covered.

Honeysuckle is cold-resistant and unpretentious; it needs to be pruned every year to maintain its shape.

Actinidia is also unpretentious, in addition, its fruits have medicinal properties. Requires regular watering.

Maiden grape has small white flowers, but grows well and is suitable for arbors and where shade is required.

Perennial flowers for Siberia

Perennial flowers for a garden located in the Urals or Siberia must be adapted to harsh climate. They must withstand cold winters with temperatures below -30 and even -40 and not be damaged by frost. Therefore, not all types and varieties of perennials are suitable for these regions. What perennial flowers for Siberia can be planted at the dacha?


Although spring in these regions begins later than in the European part of Russia, flowers can please you even when the snow has not completely melted. Primroses include lumbago - these are beautiful and unpretentious early perennials, undemanding to the soil. Crocuses can be planted next to them.

Another early perennial flower is Siberian kandyk. These pink-purple flowers can emerge right from under the spring snow. Kandyk loves partial shade; in bright sun its flowering is shorter.

Anemone, or anemone, is a native inhabitant of Siberia, so it grows well and grows quickly in such a climate. This perennial flower does not bloom for long, but it is beautiful and falls just in time when the summer flowers have not yet bloomed.

Primroses are another delicate spring perennial flower for Siberia. They can be planted in any part of the garden. Primroses are propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush after flowering.

Muscari ( mouse hyacinth) can often be found in gardens in the Urals and Siberia. These blue, white or lilac flowers Suitable for planting in flower beds, borders, and alpine hills.

In May, lilies of the valley will delight you with their flowers. They are unpretentious, easily adapt to any climate and grow quickly. Remember that red lily of the valley berries are poisonous.


Some of the favorite perennial flowers among Siberian gardeners are: bearded irises. They bloom in early to mid-summer, and there are also re-blooming varieties. Thanks to this, irises can decorate the dacha until autumn.

Another type of irises is reticulate. They are also very beautiful, with an interesting yellow-blue or purple-white color. These are very tenacious plants; they can grow again from one surviving bud. Reticulated irises tolerate cold well, but do not like wet soil.

Lily lily - pink flowers, also called "royal curls", they can be found in their natural environment in forests.

Daurian lily is also perfectly adapted to the Siberian climate. It blooms with large orange or red flowers from June to August. Loves good watering and easily tolerates cold winters.

There are frost-resistant varieties of roses and hydrangeas, but in the Siberian climate they need to be well covered for the winter. Tree-like and paniculate varieties are suitable for Siberia. For roses, park and floribunda roses are suitable, as well as climbing roses, which need to be well covered and trimmed correctly.

The perennial clematis vine has also become widespread in Siberian dachas. Varieties with small flowers, as well as Tangut clematis, are suitable for cold climates.

Decorative onions are distinguished by round purple inflorescences. Some of its species are edible


Suitable for short Siberian autumn perennial aster. This plant tolerates winter well and blooms right up to the snow. Some small-flowered varieties of chrysanthemums are also suitable, but they require good shelter. Even the most persistent chrysanthemums in Siberia cannot overwinter in open ground.

Plants with decorative foliage

Perennial plants for Siberia with beautiful foliage will create a background for flowering ones and decorate the dacha in the intervals between flowering. Suitable for Siberia

  • hosts,
  • astilbe,
  • bergenia,
  • whine,
  • sedums,
  • buzulnik.

Flowering plants such as phlox, chrysanthemums, rudbeckias, and doronicums also have beautiful leaves.

How to protect perennials from the cold

In the north, it is especially important to properly cover plants in the country so that they survive the winter without damage. This applies to relatively frost-resistant plants such as roses, chrysanthemums, and hydrangeas.

Before sheltering, the plants need to be prepared. Climbing roses and clematis must be removed from their supports and laid on the ground. Roses must be trimmed to a height of 30 cm, chrysanthemums - 10-15 cm, damaged parts and all leaves must be removed. Diseased and dried parts are removed from all flowers.

Before using the covering material, the root collar needs to be hilled up; for this, peat and dry leaves are used. The bush needs to be covered with lutrasil. A wire frame is placed on top, leaving about 25 cm on all sides. Covering material is placed on top of it. The inside of the frame is filled with dry leaves, preferably oak leaves. The frame is covered with spruce branches on top, also covered with dry leaves, and covered with a box or lutrasil.

Summer is not only the hottest and most troublesome time in the life of every gardener, but also a unique season from the point of view of “lush flowering”. Most garden plants bloom in summer, delighting with a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. But not all crops can boast of the duration of their parade: under the hot sun they quickly bloom and just as quickly leave the garden scene. But there are among the main ones characters garden show and special crops, the flowering of which spans almost three months. They not only allow you to create “stable” compositions, but also simplify garden care, being the first competitors of colorful but high-maintenance summer gardens.

A flower garden with perennials that bloom all summer. © tejae floyde

It's not just summer flowers that can bloom all summer long.

When you think of plants that can bloom throughout the summer, the first things that come to mind are petunias, calibrachoas, lobelias and other annuals. Seasonal plants actually bloom from the beginning of June, not only until autumn, but also until the first frost. True, the price for such a show is very high: annuals require care, and tireless care. It is needed both by beauties growing in ampels and pots, and by plants in the ground, since in order to constantly produce hundreds of new buds, they need access to moisture and nutrients.

Growing annuals, no matter how beautiful they are, does not make gardening easier. And even more so in the summer, when numerous gardening chores already take up almost all the time, and the vegetable garden attracts most of the attention, leaving ornamental garden second roles.

But we shouldn’t think that we are doomed to choose one or the other. Combine cultivation abundantly flowering plants with the opportunity to enjoy a colorful show and leave yourself some time to relax, it is quite possible, because there is an alternative to summer holidays, and it is wonderful.

Flower garden continuous flowering. © lenastrid

Garden perennials, those same universal plants that form the basis of all beautifully flowering compositions, allow you to solve a wide variety of problems. From them you can create continuously blooming flower beds and ridges, form ensembles with different color scheme And visual effects, choose compositions to suit the style or specific theme of the design.

The right choice of perennials allows you to create a garden that is attractive from early spring until late autumn. And for the summer, the time of flowering of most crops, perennials have a particularly rich selection of species. And among them you can find crops that will delight you with flowering throughout the hot period until the arrival of autumn.

Among the perennial garden stars there are both plants that bloom for only 1-2 weeks, and crops with a longer “parade”, lasting 30-45 days, and sometimes almost two months. Beautiful daylilies, yarrows, paniculate phloxes, navels, lilies, cornflowers - typical example summer classics. And if you choose the right varieties, their flowering time can be extended from June to the end of August.

flower bed with long-flowering annuals and perennial plants. © Stuart

But there are also perennials whose flowering naturally exceeds 65-70 days and covers literally the entire summer. They are the real stars of flower beds, mixborders and borders, which delight the eye and simplify garden care.

Let's meet 8 the best perennials, capable of blooming all summer, closer.

For a list of perennials that bloom all summer, see the next page.
