Which flower is best for the home. The most useful indoor plants that bring health

10 plants of happiness that should be in every home

Our ancestors also believed that each plant is endowed with great power that can influence the course of events in a person’s life. Perhaps you yourself have noticed how, with the purchase of an indoor flower, your usual days began to be filled with something new. Today we will talk about 10 plants of happiness that can decorate your life with bright and pleasant moments.

This flower is popularly known as “women’s happiness.” Spathiphyllum is a fairly unpretentious plant to care for. Spray it daily with water and replant it in fresh soil every spring. Do these simple steps, and then spathiphyllum will thank you beautiful flowering.

It is known that a flower can fulfill the most cherished desires of every woman:

  • Unmarried girls will soon meet their love or legitimize their relationship with their soulmate through marriage.
  • Married women will strengthen their relationship with their beloved husband.
  • Anyone who wants to give birth to a child will become pregnant.

Uzambara violet is a rather whimsical plant. Saintpaulia (another name for the flower) supports family relationships in peace and harmony, and it is also considered a symbol of eternal love.

An unusual flower came to us from Asian countries. Hoya is small in size and consists of beautiful spherical inflorescences. Thanks to her sweetish aroma, she is considered the patroness of tenderness and fidelity.

Because of the heart-shaped leaves, many people call the plant the “tree of love” or “tree of happiness.” Aichrizon is also a little whimsical. He is very sensitive, so different period Over time, he needs a certain care package. For example, in summer the flower should be at a temperature of 20-25 ° C (frequent watering), and in winter - at a temperature of 10-12 ° C (watering once a week).

At first glance, this is a strict plant that came to us from South America. Local tribes used the durable leaves of the calathea plant to weave baskets. Perhaps this is why she is considered the guardian of a strong marriage and the patroness of a happy family life.

8. Myrtle

In addition to beauty, the flower has beneficial properties. Translated from Greek, “myrtle” means “balm.” It is believed that it brings happiness, strengthens marital ties, and also brings harmony to the family. In some European countries, it is customary to give it to newlyweds.

Popularly known by the nickname “family tree”. The plant has very pleasant aroma, brings peace and tranquility to the owner's house. It also perfectly purifies the air and helps fight depression.

Variegated greenery of decorative foliage and bright buds flowering plants for the home, they perfectly decorate the interior, add greenery, enliven the space, creating a warm cozy atmosphere. But for indoor flowers to really become a decoration, you need to try. After all, all plants for the home have their own character. Some crops do not require complex and painstaking care and grow well even for novice gardeners. Others are capricious, whimsical, and sensitive to the slightest changes in environmental conditions. And if even experienced flower growers fail to do many things the first time, then what should beginners do? What flowers should you start with when creating a flower garden in your apartment?

This article will help beginner florists navigate and choose the right course, and will be useful for experienced florists. Here you will find information about where it is better to place indoor flowers and what conditions to provide them with. Learn about the features of care depending on the time of year and find out which flowers are considered the most unpretentious. Possessing the necessary knowledge, everyone will find a common language with indoor plants.

To grow beautiful, healthy and vital indoor plants, you need to create them suitable conditions maintenance and provide proper care.

Some flowers love shade, others prefer to grow in a well-lit place, while many cannot stand direct sunlight. There are friendly cultures that easily tolerate being next to each other, but there are also loners who need a lot of free space. These are mainly large shrub or tree-like forms that are best placed on the floor or low stand, in a niche or corner of the room.

Other maintenance conditions are no less important - watering, temperature, air humidity, soil properties, availability nutrients. There are flowers that need to be trimmed frequently to form a beautiful crown. In general, there are many subtleties, which is why a competent choice of indoor plants is so important, especially for a beginner.

TOP 5 unpretentious indoor flowers

For those who have never grown flowers at home, it is better to start with sustainable species that are not demanding in terms of maintenance conditions and are easy to care for. The best unpretentious indoor plants for beginners are cacti, succulents, some members of the aroid family, ivy, and spurge. These Spartans can adapt to the most unfavorable conditions maintenance and unstable care regime. They will not die due to dry air, will not get sick after missing watering, and will adapt to any (within reason) temperature conditions.

Most of the low-maintenance plants belong to the group of decorative deciduous plants, and only a few of them bloom.

  1. Zamiocalcus. An unpretentious representative of the aroid family with beautiful compact leaves of rich green color. Glossy, shiny leaf plates located on thick petioles give the flower a very strict, yet elegant look. In indoor culture, Zamiocalcus grows up to 80 cm, not higher. It loves warmth and tolerates drought, partial shade, and bright sun. With poor care, it sheds its leaves, but as soon as the regime resumes, it produces new shoots and quickly recovers.
  2. Sansevieria. The type of succulents is represented by various green-leaved varieties and hybrids with variegated leaf blades. Large elongated leaves, resembling swords, are very tough and do not fade even in severe drought.
  3. Spathiphyllum. Flower with beautiful leaves on long cuttings collected in basal rosettes. This is one of the few persistent plants that can bloom. During the flowering period, spathiphyllum is decorated with yellowish-greenish inflorescences-cobs, surrounded by a delicate white blanket - bracts. Spathiphyllum can adapt to different conditions illumination, tolerates shade well, blooms for a long time. But to ensure continuous flowering, it is important not to allow the soil in the pot to dry out completely.
  4. Chlorophytum. A flower with variegated elongated leaves and long shoots looks very attractive and requires a minimum of attention. Chlorophytum is equally comfortable in the shade and in bright sun. The plant will not die if you skip watering or forget to fertilize. Daughter rosettes formed on shoots quickly take root in water, which makes it easy to replace old crops with young specimens.
  5. Ivy. Fast growing, hardy climbing plant looks great on supports and can be grown as a hanging crop. Flexible shoots take root easily when in contact with the soil. There are classic varieties with green foliage and hybrids whose leaf blades are covered with patterns or borders. Ivy grows well in the shade, but easily adapts to bright light. It loves moisture, but can easily tolerate missing several waterings and recovers quickly.

Once you know which flowers are easier to grow, you can begin to create your plant home. And having gained a little experience and skills, you can start growing more demanding crops, such as:

  • azalea;
  • orchid;
  • gardenia;
  • streptocarpus;
  • fittonia and many others.

Lighting requirements

The division of flowers into light-loving and shade-loving is quite arbitrary, since even for the same plant the light requirements may differ depending on the phase of development (rest, growth, flowering).

Many people believe that all flowers prefer sunlight and do not grow in the shade. But this is wrong: there is shade-loving plants who don't like the sun. Many low-growing crops that came to us from the jungle love shade - after all, in nature they are surrounded by the darkness of tropical thickets.

And if watering, humidity and air temperature can be controlled, then the level of lighting is largely determined by the location of the room and the number of windows, their orientation. Not all crops can grow in a shaded room with windows facing north, and not all flowers are suitable for southern window sills.

Depending on the lighting requirements, indoor flowers are divided into three groups:

  1. photophilous;
  2. shade-tolerant;
  3. shade-loving.

Well-known and popular light-loving indoor plants among gardeners:

  • cacti;
  • succulents (agave, spurge, aloe, stapelia, haworthia, gasteria);
  • crops of the arecaceae and bromeliaceae families;
  • laurel;
  • passionflower;
  • bougainvelia;
  • Cyperus.

It is important to understand that for growing light-loving crops, a room with good diffused lighting is suitable, while many of them cannot tolerate direct sun, the bright rays of which can burn the leaves.

Shade-tolerant plants that normally tolerate partial shade:

  • asparagus;
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • begonia;
  • Aralia;
  • ivy;
  • certain types of begonia;
  • species belonging to the amaranth family;
  • ferns (especially asplenium);
  • monstera.

Shade-loving crops that grow best in shade or partial shade:

  • clivia;
  • tradescantia;
  • fatsia;
  • coniferous species.

For those who do not know all the intricacies and are just starting to engage in floriculture, it is better to display the plants east window or window sills facing west. And light-loving indoor plants for southern windows should not be forgotten to be shaded during lunch hours.

East and west windows are the most versatile places for placing house plants.

Other care features

Fabulous flower garden In an apartment, with beautiful, brightly blooming, healthy and viable plants, you can grow only by providing them with suitable conditions - watering, spraying and removing dust, applying fertilizers.


There are two ways to water your house plants:

  1. through the soil (the method is applicable for most crops);
  2. through a tray (carried out for those plants that are prone to rotting).

Cacti growing in nature in drought conditions do not like frequent and abundant watering. And moisture-loving plants, such as asplenium, should be watered frequently, preventing the soil in the pot from completely drying out. For most varieties of begonias, cyclamen and Uzambara violets, watering is carried out through a tray. It is filled with water, and after an hour the remaining water is drained. Such measures are necessary to prevent root rotting.

Watering is carried out as the top layer of soil dries with soft, settled water. room temperature, or a little warmer.

Spraying and dust removal

Remove dust from shoots and leaves with a regular damp sponge. To prevent damage to the leaves, they must be supported from below. To clean cacti from dust, use a brush with soft hair. Dust is also removed from plants if their leaf blades are covered with small hairs, for example from Saintpaulias (they cannot be sprayed).

Arrowroot, ferns, calathea and other moisture-loving crops need to be sprayed frequently, especially in winter period when heating appliances are running (they dry out the air a lot). Otherwise, the tips of the leaves of the plants will begin to dry out and they will lose decorative look, they will get sick. For spraying, take settled water at room temperature. The leaf plates are moistened on both sides.

The more water remains on the surface of the plant after spraying, the longer high air humidity will remain around the flower.

When spraying blooming crops It is important to ensure that water does not get on the buds, otherwise the inflorescences will fall off ahead of time.


Almost all flowers for the home require regular fertilization. With a lack of nutrients, plants develop worse, do not bloom profusely, or flowering does not occur at all.

Fertilizers for indoor plants are:

  • dry (in the form of granules, sticks);
  • liquid (divided into foliar and root).

Before fertilizing, be sure to water the plant so that the fertilizer does not burn the roots. When applying root fertilizers, it is important to ensure that the liquid solution does not get on the shoots or foliage.

Periods of plant development

In the development of each plant, periods of growth and dormancy are distinguished. This must be taken into account when organizing care and living conditions.


To avoid negative influence wind and rain, plants that were on the veranda, terrace or balcony in summer are brought into a room with a moderate temperature. After adaptation, they can be rearranged to permanent places for wintering. Plants that shed leaves are best placed in the shade (a basement or a room without windows is suitable).

Watering the plants is carried out in the morning every other day. The frequency of watering is gradually reduced, and the application of fertilizers is completely stopped.


In winter, plants enter a dormant period. At this time it is better not to place them near heating devices or fireplaces. For additional humidification of the air near flower pots Place containers with water. On frosty days, crops are rearranged from the windowsill so that they do not freeze.

Water the flowers in the morning with water at a temperature of about 24–25 ° C. Spraying can be done, but if the room is cool, the leaves must be removed excess moisture(shake and blot the leaves).

Rooms for wintering flowers need to be ventilated from time to time. But while airing, it is better to take the plants out of the room, or at least keep them away from the window.

In winter, artificial lighting lamps will help compensate for the lack of light.


In the spring, when the plants awaken and enter the active growth phase, they need to be inspected. Remove withered leaves, clean the leaf blades from dust, check the soil.

Plants that are diseased or attacked by pests should not be placed next to healthy crops.

In March, you can replant and resume feeding. From April, watering is transferred to the evening. Increase the frequency of spraying and the time of ventilation of the room to provide the plants with access to fresh air.


Summer is the most favorable period for indoor flowers: a lot of light, warmth, fresh air. At this time, they are actively developing, growing, and blooming.

Flowers in summer need to be sprayed daily and moistened in a timely manner. If flower pots They stand outdoors, they need to be shaded from the hot afternoon sun, protected from the wind, and watered twice a day. To ensure abundant and long flowering, we must not forget about timely application of fertilizers.

Plants standing on open balcony or the terrace needs to be fertilized only in dry, warm weather.

The basis for choosing a flower for the home is an objective assessment of the conditions that we can provide for it. Some may love light and moisture, others prefer drought and partial shade. Therefore, before purchasing a particular flower, it is better to carefully study the requirements for its content. Find out what lighting is suitable for the plant, at what temperature and humidity to grow it, what soil to plant it in, what and how often to feed it.

By correctly applying knowledge in practice, you can create around yourself real home plants, surprising with bizarre forms, enlivening everything around with green foliage and dazzling bright colors flowers.

Flowers and plants have long become an integral part of home interiors. Scientists and researchers note that healing properties Home “green corners” have a beneficial effect on us.

But in order to get the maximum benefits from this, you need to understand what flowers you can keep at home.

We will tell you about some useful indoor plants for humans, tell you which flowers are not advisable to keep at home, and also show photos and names of the most beautiful house flowers.

Flowers for the home: photos and names (hibiscus)

Healing properties of aloe

If you are seriously looking for an answer to the question of what flowers should be in the house, then the first plant you should pay attention to is tree aloe or agave. Many people have heard that this plant is added to medicinal and cosmetic products. But even in original form aloe flower has only a positive effect on residents of houses and apartments.

Firstly, when aloe grows substances are released that absorb harmful microelements contained in linoleums. Secondly, aloe allows you to remove electricity from the room. This flower will have a positive effect on your biofield, and will also actively release oxygen at night.

That's why experts advise growing aloe to anyone who is interested in knowing what flowers can be kept in the bedroom.

Flowers in the apartment, photo

Aloe flowers are believed to bring good luck to the home. Therefore, for those who believe in long-standing beliefs and traditions, aloe will also serve additional protection from the evil eye and evil forces . But it will be better if you place this flower in an impenetrable and quiet place.

These useful flowers for the home are also an excellent helper against many diseases. Aloe juice is used for the treatment of runny nose, headache relief, correction of digestive processes, regeneration of skin cells, and if aloe leaves are cut and applied to burns and wounds, the skin will heal faster. In addition, aloe has disinfectant properties.

Geranium flowers in the house

What plants are best to keep at home? Definitely, they should be not only useful, but also beautiful. That's why geranium or pelargonium are an excellent choice for home and apartment. Moreover, these are one of the best flowers for the home in terms of ease of maintenance.

The positive properties of geranium include:

  • treatment of otitis media and runny nose;
  • reduction in muscle pain and migraines;
  • treatment of body ulcers;
  • Reducing blood pressure and calming nerves;
  • restoration of metabolic processes in the body;
  • preventing insomnia.
Advice: geranium is suitable for the bedroom, but it is better not to place it near the bed. Strong odors can be disturbing good sleep and even cause headaches.

Geranium has red, white and pink shades and during flowering periods it exudes pleasant smells of lemon, mint, lilac, and almond. These healthy flowers for the home will always maintain a pleasant aroma in the room and will allow prevent dampness and the spread of germs, and in summer time will contribute repelling flies.

Exotic cactus

Continuing the topic of what flowers you can keep in your apartment, it’s worth remembering the cactus. Even in ancient times, the cactus was used as food, and today this plant is beginning to be actively used in medicine. These are unpretentious flowers for the home, which will definitely decorate your interior (you will find different sizes and forms of such plants).

With timely care, cactus will support positive energy.

Attention! According to Feng Shui, the cactus is a symbol of accumulation. For those who want to increase their capital, it can be considered the best indoor plant for the home.

By the way, despite the beneficial properties, We do not recommend placing a cactus in the bedroom. There is an opinion that cactus spines provoke discord among married couples. But, if you are looking for which flowers are good for the home and decide to settle on a cactus, you can choose a place for it in the kitchen, living room or office.

Violet for home rooms

Saintpaulia, or Uzambara violet, is another option for those who do not know what flowers to keep in the house. The very appearance of this plant evokes associations with spring, and the heart-shaped leaves help maintain a sensual and romantic atmosphere.

Violet is easy to care for and blooms almost all year round, while maintaining a cozy and harmonious energy, relieves emotional stress and activates deep sleep.

But since violet flowers different shades differ in properties, let's figure out which indoor plants are useful for the home among the possible options.

White flowers are suitable for any corner of your home: their main beneficial properties can be considered to relieve fatigue and nervous tension, as well as maintain freshness in the room.

Homemade pink and red violets are more suitable for kitchen interior. The main role of such plants is protection against diseases, calming, balancing appetite.

Blue flowers are suitable for those who love creativity, as they not only relieve depression, but also provide an additional charge of inspiration.

Purple Saintpaulias are no less useful flowers for the home, bringing health, improving family relationships and strengthening character. But such flowers will not be the most good choice for children's bedrooms and work rooms.

Benefits of ficus

Rubber-bearing ficus is one of the most useful indoor plants. It has fleshy leaves with a glossy sheen, so it decorates home interiors. Ficus Removes toxins from the air, maintains a fresh environment, due to which order is maintained in our thoughts.

Another advantage of ficus is ensuring favorable sleep. Such a plant will be no less useful in relationships.

Ficus in the bedroom calms down and relieves nerves, in the living room - will provide harmony and comfort, in the office - will become a source of inspiration and set you up for fruitful work.

Place such a flower in any convenient place - and a positive environment will be ensured for a long time.

Azalea and its properties

For those who are looking for what indoor flowers to keep in the bedroom, we advise you to pay attention to azalea. The delicate buds of this flower will create the appropriate atmosphere in the room.

Looking at such a plant, you will calm down and feel a noticeable reduction of fatigue, recharge yourself with positivity and clear your thoughts.

By the way, azalea is not only one of the most beautiful indoor flowers: it is also extremely useful from a medical point of view.

Here are the properties this plant has:

  • relieving skin inflammation;
  • treatment of insomnia;
  • relief from eye fatigue;
  • partial improvement of vision;
  • treatment of barley, etc.
Advice: to cure stye, attach to inside wrist azalea petals at approximately 5 o'clock.

The positive effect of azalea will be noticeable in your creative successes: you will become more confident, be inspired, and feel a surge of strength. By the way, even a small azalea flower will have one more important property: it protects your home from harmful insects.


What flowers are useful to keep in the apartment, besides those listed? We advise you to choose chlorophytum: this plant not only grows quickly, but also has virtually no maintenance requirements. It freshens up the room perfectly, eliminates dangerous bacteria and removes toxins from the air.

Most often it is placed in the kitchen, where the most pollution accumulates daily.

This flower is of subtropical origin - and grows not only on the ground, but also in grass and trees, so it is often used as a decorative element for stands for other plants and flowers, as well as walls, shelves and other areas of rooms. This is one of the most good ideas, which flowers are best to keep in the apartment, especially since chlorophytum quickly grows in volume.

Spathiphyllum, or "Women's Happiness"

This flower did not get its name by chance: there is an opinion that it helps improve the personal life of unmarried girls. If spathiphyllum is placed at home by married couples, you can expect improving relationships and finding harmony. The flowers of this plant resemble a sail in appearance - and your life will be just as easy.

What flowers are best to keep at home? Definitely, this flower is included in this list. It has many other positive properties:

  • Spathiphyllum flowers secrete substances that relieve nervous tension;
  • it allows you to maintain a normal microclimate in the room;
  • the air is ozonized, replenished with moisture and purified;
  • these are bedroom-friendly flowers that fight harmful microorganisms and toxins (ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene - just a small list).

Increasingly, spathiphyllum flowers appear in apartments immediately from the moment new residents move in. And for good reason: cleanliness, harmony and comfort in such an environment will be ensured.

Advantages of Sansevieria flowers

If you are wondering what flowers you should keep at home, you don’t have to choose only flashy options. Even seemingly inconspicuous plants can have a huge amount useful characteristics. For example, indoor plants for the home with the unusual name Sansevieria.

Sansevieria are flowers that should be in every home. They will replenish your apartment with oxygen, remove toxins that appear due to the use of unnatural coatings, maintain the balance of moisture and temperature, and improve the body's resistance to diseases.

The energetic properties of such a flower are also positive: it relaxes, calms, improves memory and creativity.

Myrtle trees

Beautiful and beneficial indoor plants - myrtle - will also surprise you with their properties. People believe that this the flower symbolizes happiness and harmony in the family. Myrtle was especially popular in Ancient Greece, where such flowers were used as decorations for brides and warriors, and were also used dried as food additives.

When the myrtle blooms, you can admire small flowers, resembling stars. These flowers, despite their size, will allow get rid of more than 40% of harmful microorganisms in the apartment, reduce the risk of colds, and their smell will relax and calm you down.

Attention! Today, the flowers of myrtle trees are also used in perfumery. So your apartment will always be fresh and fragrant.

Judging by medicinal properties, then these are exactly the kind of flowers that can be grown at home to treat common diseases. At a minimum, such auspicious flowers for the home cure a cold different types allergies, will help with fatigue and eye diseases, intestinal infections, diseases associated with blood circulation, problems of the genitourinary system, tumors and skin inflammations.

What not to keep at home

Many people are concerned about which plants can be kept at home, taking into account folk traditions and Feng Shui techniques. But a whole series Plants are prohibited from being placed in domestic environments for scientific reasons: they can be toxic and harmful to health.

Experts will advise you on this issue, and for additional information you can look at photos of which flowers should not be kept at home.

Here is just a small list of dangerous plants:

  • oleander;
  • nightshade;
  • adenium;
  • dieffenbachia;
  • certain types of euphorbia and other plants.

These flowers cause negative reactions in the body both by smell and by secreted juices. The aromas of some of them can make you dizzy, and their juices cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes, blindness if they come into contact with the eyes, and serious food poisoning if consumed.

What flowers should not be kept at home, photo

We told you which plants you can and definitely should keep at home in your apartment, and which ones you should be wary of if you don’t want to deal with the consequences.

Choose flowers and plants for your home green area wisely - and then they will bring you health, harmony and comfort.


We invite you to watch a video about which flowers are useful to keep at home - an expert’s opinion:

Indoor flowers that bring family happiness

Plants in the house can have a positive impact on the relationships of all household members. However, in addition to the beneficial effects, they can bring disharmony into family relationships. Look at your windowsill, it is likely that this is where the cause of misunderstandings and increased conflicts in the family is located.

Ficus has very powerful positive energy that spreads throughout the apartment. A large ficus will look good in the kitchen. This houseplant helps smooth out conflict situations and brings harmony to family relationships.

The cactus absorbs harmful radiation emanating from household appliances, and also protects the home from evil forces. However, this plant is not recommended to be placed in the bedroom, because it can cause disharmony in sexual relations between spouses. The needles of this indoor plant can cool passion.

Monstera radiates strong positive energy. Monstera also helps get rid of headaches. If you feel causeless melancholy, then this indoor plant will help overcome apathy and depression. For family people, this flower helps to achieve understanding; quarrels between spouses occur much less frequently.

Dracaena is a symbol of prosperity, success and fulfillment of desires. Get this truly magical indoor plant in your apartment to make it easier to overcome everyday problems.

Indoor flowers bringing

Single people who dream of finding family happiness can be given Spathiphyllum. This unusual indoor plant will become a reliable assistant for young unmarried girl, who has already despaired of finding family happiness. However, Spathiphyllum should under no circumstances be given to anyone or taken out of the house. Along with the plant, happiness can also leave the house.

The violet is a symbol of devotion. This beautiful indoor plant will help you get rid of loneliness and find a suitable life partner.

Hibiscus is a symbol of prosperity and longevity. This indoor flower also helps get rid of loneliness

Zamioculcas is a houseplant that is revered among various peoples peace since ancient times. This exotic flower attracts good luck and helps you find a life partner.

Indoor flowers that bring financial well-being

Crassula is a houseplant that is specially grown in order to attract money to the house. To enhance the energy of this plant, plant it in a bright red pot and place a few coins at the bottom.

Geranium also brings prosperity to the house. This indoor plant is a symbol of financial well-being and stability.

Bamboo has many shoots that shoot upward like arrows. Bamboo brings good luck to its owner in all areas of his life.

Video on the topic


  • Indoor plants of happiness

Everything that surrounds us has its own unique energy and, appearing in our lives, affects us in one way or another. Living beings and plants have the most powerful energy, so when choosing an indoor flower, listen to yourself, how comfortable your neighborhood will be.

Flowers with positive energy have a beneficial effect on the health of residents and on family relationships. Such plants include geranium, myrtle, crassula, violet, poinsettia and chrysanthemum. Each of them, giving their energy, nourishes your home with peace and tranquility.

Geranium will calm your nerves and clear the air, myrtle will help improve relationships with your spouse, and poinsettia will make you look at this world in a new way and reveal secret talents.

Flowers with heavy energy will protect your home from negativity and bad thoughts. Monstera neutralizes bad energy and brings good luck to the house, the cactus will help pacify rage, and echmea will give you self-confidence.

Dried flowers and artificial plants gained popularity thanks to their original look and minimal care, but, unfortunately, these plants have very negative energy and are unlikely to bring benefit and comfort to your home. Leave these compositions for offices and non-residential premises.

Listen to your flowers, watch them, make friends, then they will reciprocate your feelings and will direct all their efforts to improve the energy in your home. If you subconsciously don’t like a certain flower, it’s better to give it to your friends, since you haven’t found a common language with it, perhaps your friend’s house needs just such a plant to create harmony.

Video on the topic


  • First according to Feng Shui

Tip 3: Geranium - beautiful, unpretentious and useful plant for home

Geranium (pelargonium) very popular house plant and all because she is beautiful and easy to care for. And that's not all...

Even if you don't have special knowledge To grow plants at home, by purchasing geranium in a pot, you will enjoy its healthy appearance and beautiful flowering for many years, since this plant does not require particularly complex care. In order for geranium to feel good, it will be enough good watering and lighting.

Geranium also good choice for decorating a balcony in summer, planting it in a flowerbed at the dacha. You can find geranium different colors- from white to dark burgundy, moreover, new ones are constantly appearing.

Geraniums can easily be propagated by cuttings (just ask the owner of a beautiful geranium to “tear off a piece” for propagation) and also grown from seeds.

To form lush bush, it is recommended to trim and pinch geraniums. Geraniums are pruned in the fall, and in the spring you can correct shortcomings that have formed over the winter. If you want the geranium bush to be large and lush, as the geranium grows, you should transplant it into a more spacious pot.

Benefits of geranium

Geranium essential oil is recommended for aromatherapy for low mood, depression, and it also improves blood circulation. Its analgesic and antiseptic effect on the human body has been noted. Many people still put a leaf of medicinal geranium in the ear for otitis or apply it to a sore tooth. Geranium also purifies the air in the room; some types of insects cannot stand its smell. It is also believed that it prevents people from quarreling and normalizes the atmosphere in the family.

Plants and everything green mass the globe, appeared long before the first man. This is nature, nature, purity and freshness. It is not surprising that people strive to be closer to nature and the surrounding greenery. The parks of big cities are not empty on weekends, gathering cheerful children and their parents. Many families create entire gardens and mini-greenhouses in their apartments in order to see greenery and enjoy it.

Plants are needed in the house. Just like that. For the soul. For joy. For health. You can list many points and explain each of them, but any “home gardener” has long noted the necessary ones for himself.

Indoor flowers, firstly, create comfort. That same, family-friendly and warm corner of paradise in a huge metropolis. Many people, growing up and leaving home for personal housing, strive for the same idyll from childhood. Plants calm you down after work and a hard day. They fill us with energy, making us enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Plants in the house save a person from diseases. From polluted air in the city, from the noise of the civilized world, from harmful radiation. It’s not for nothing that city authorities are trying to green the city. In the old days, there were no synthetic drugs; many diseases were treated with herbs. Yes, this is still practiced. Even doctors advise landscaping at least those rooms in the house where you spend the most time.

All flowers, whether large or small, blooming or evergreen, have their own bioenergy field. They are, of course, influenced by human mood. Flowers grow and develop well in a house where there is peace or fun, where there is no constant swearing and fights, where cheerfulness is the credo of the family. Plants absorb the state of their hosts, and then again give off energy, whatever it may be.

Flowers can be grateful to their owners. Good care, timely watering, fertilizing - and they will give you flowering or lush green mass.

People need plants. Just for the mood.

It is worth choosing home flowers not only for their beauty, but also for their usefulness. City apartments need plants that clean the air of dust, microbes and toxic substances, enrich it with oxygen, and saturate it with beneficial aromas and phytoncides. And you should know that there are plants that will be more useful in the kitchen, where, as a rule, high humidity, stuffiness and smoke.

There are those who help improve the atmosphere in the office - they remove negative impact electromagnetic radiation from a computer, scanner, TV. And there are indoor flowers that are very useful to grow in the bedroom.

1. Chlorophytum
Chlorophytum is a plant with drooping stems. Its long linear leaves are collected in basal bunches. Chlorophytum flowers are small, collected in a loose panicle. After flowering, the arcuate stems form bunches of leaves with aerial roots. Strong specimens have numerous hanging stems with rosettes of leaves.

Chlorophytum is a champion among flowers for improving the health of rooms and is one of the most effective air purifiers in the room. It absorbs formaldehyde and carbon monoxide and releases oxygen. What if you put it in flower pots? activated carbon, the cleansing properties of chlorophytum increase several times.

This "sanitary" also kills harmful bacteria. By the way, it is no coincidence that chlorophytums are never affected by pests.

If you place chlorophytum in the kitchen, it will act more efficiently than expensive air purifiers - it will clean the room from harmful gas oxides and odors in a few hours.

Chlorophytum is one of the most common unpretentious indoor plants. It grows quickly, and in spring and summer, first small white flowers and then tiny rosettes of leaves appear on thin stems. They can be separated from the plant and rooted.

Temperature: moderate. In winter, not lower than 18 °C. Chlorophytum will not die at unfavorable temperatures, but this will certainly affect its appearance. Cold drafts or keeping them near an uninsulated window harm the plant.

Lighting: chlorophytum is a light-loving plant. Prefers bright, diffused light. Grows well near an east or west window. It can also grow on a north window, but in too dark a place the plant loses its decorative appeal. The south window needs shading.

Watering: requires abundant watering from spring to autumn and moderate in winter. The soil should be kept moist all the time.

Fertilizer: fertilizing watering is carried out once every 2 weeks from March to August complex fertilizer for decorative foliage plants.

Air humidity: in summer, from time to time, it is useful to spray the leaves and arrange warm shower. Spraying is necessary if the plant is kept next to heating system.

Transplantation: annually in February - March. Large or old plants are replanted after two years, but fed annually. Soil - 2 parts turf, 1 part humus, 1 part leaf soil and 1 part sand. Chlorophytum has large, thick roots; if they grow, the pots crack near the bottom. Therefore, chlorophytum is given spacious dishes.

Reproduction: rooting of daughter rosettes, as well as division during transplantation.

2. Ficus
It has phytoncidal properties and cleanses the air of toxins, so the best place for it is the kitchen or rooms whose windows overlook, for example, a busy highway or industrial area. Glossy ficus leaves are ideal for the kitchen: they trap a large amount of dust, but are convenient to wash and wipe. Ficus will also help to humidify the air and saturate it with oxygen. It’s just important to know that ficus plants produce oxygen during the day in sunlight, but absorb it at night. Therefore, they should not be placed in the bedroom, much less in the nursery.

The plant prefers bright places, but not direct sunlight. Watering is moderate. In autumn and winter, it often drops healthy leaves due to excessive waterlogging. Therefore, experienced gardeners advise not to water the plant in winter, but only spray the leaves.

Temperature: in spring and summer 23-25°C, in winter most species need a temperature of 12-15°C, but they tolerate wintering well in the warmth of a living room. All ficus trees tolerate cold drafts very poorly.

Watering: Ficus plants are watered evenly throughout the year, increasing watering only in summer. In tree-like species, the soil should be allowed to dry between waterings; hanging forms require more frequent watering. Lack of moisture leads to yellowing and falling of leaves, which threatens the complete death of small-leaved species. Excessive watering also causes leaves to fall and root collars to rot. Use soft, standing (at least 12 hours) water.

Air humidity: in winter and summer, ficus leaves should be regularly washed and sprayed with water. Use water at room temperature.

Feeding: half dose liquid fertilizer for indoor plants in spring and summer every 15 days. For large ficus plants, granular fertilizers are suitable.

Transfer: young plant replanted annually, better early spring, into a fairly dense earthen mixture consisting of two parts deciduous and one part each turf and greenhouse soils with the addition of sand and rotted manure. When the pot becomes heavy or bulky, change only the substrate to a depth of 4 cm, being careful not to damage the roots. When planting ficuses in dishes, you should give good drainage so that there is no stagnation of water, leading to rotting of the roots.

Propagation: There are several ways to propagate ficus plants. Propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering.

Seeds are sown in spring in bowls and covered with soil to their thickness. The soil mixture is made up of deciduous soil and a little river sand. The bowls are covered with glass on top, and the crops are kept in a humid environment. The glass is removed for 30 minutes twice a day to ventilate the crops. Seedlings with the first leaf dive into the ground of the same composition. Grown plants are planted in pots
diameter 7 cm.

Reproduction apical cuttings occurs in spring and summer in a mini-greenhouse with bottom heating, using phytohormones.

Air layering Ficuses propagate from May to September. Below the leaf, a 5 mm cut is made on the trunk from bottom to top. Dip a wet match into dry hormonal powder for cuttings and stick it into the cut so that it does not close. They wrap this place with damp moss and tie it with raffia, covering it with film on top. After a few months, roots emerge through the moss. Then they cut off the petiole below the roots and plant a new plant in a 10-12 cm pot.

Pests: affected by thrips, scale insects.

3. Geranium
It is recommended to keep geranium in the bedroom. The beneficial compounds produced by pelargonium (geranium) have a calming effect, which is very important for stress and insomnia. It serves as a “fire extinguisher” for negative energies, aggressive attacks, emotions of anger and irritation. The vibrations of anger are one of the most dangerous and destructive of a favorable atmosphere; The longer an aggressive emotion persists in space, the more actively it affects people. Geranium softens the energy of anger; its protective ability extends mostly to the owners of the house.

The plant is unpretentious and easily propagated. Light-loving - best kept on a windowsill, on the sunny side. In the warm season, it requires abundant watering. To form a bush, pruning or pinching should be done, although geranium does not like frequent and strong pruning.

Propagation: all geraniums are easily propagated by cuttings throughout the year, most favorable time for cuttings - February-March and July-August. It is better to renew geraniums by cutting off the apical shoot for rooting. When cutting, the cut cutting is first slightly withered and planted in a substrate, kept dry (watered rarely and not sprayed).

Transplantation: Young geraniums must be replanted annually. This is done in the spring before growth begins. The container for the roots should be small, otherwise leafy shoots will develop strongly, but the plant will not bloom. A mixture of turf, leaf, humus soil and sand (2:2:2:1) is suitable for cultivating geraniums.

4. Laurel.
The aroma of laurel will not only purify the air, but also help get rid of moths, cockroaches and flies.

In medicine, leaves, fruits, extracts and infusions from all parts of the plant are used. The leaves, which are a well-known spice, have a stimulating effect. They are used for amenorrhea, colic and hysteria. They stimulate the release of fluid from the body. IN folk medicine used for flatulence. Fruits have the same property.
In folk medicine, extracts from all parts of the plant are recommended as an anticancer agent for localized tumors. It is believed that these extracts can be used to care for facial skin.
A location with bright light suits the laurel. The plant can tolerate direct sunlight. In summer, it is recommended to keep the laurel in the fresh air. Keep in mind that after prolonged cloudy weather (for example, after winter), or a purchased plant should be sun rays accustom gradually to avoid sunburn.
In winter, laurel should be kept in a bright and cool room.

In summer time optimal temperature for laurel it is in the range of 20-26°C, in autumn the temperature is gradually lowered, in winter it is recommended to keep the laurel at a temperature no higher than 12-15°C, in this case wintering is less painful for the plant.

In summer, plants are watered abundantly with soft, settled water as the top layer of the substrate dries. In hot weather, you can water twice a day. By autumn, the amount of watering is reduced. In winter, watering is limited, not allowing the earthen clod to dry out completely. Watering is carried out two to three days after top layer the substrate will dry out.

Laurel prefers high air humidity. The plant should be regularly sprayed with soft, settled water. You can place the container with the laurel on a tray with damp expanded clay, pebbles or moss. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

Feed the laurel once a month during the growing season. mineral fertilizer.

Laurels tolerate shearing and pruning well; they can be given any decorative shape (round, pyramidal, etc.). Pruning is done around mid-August, when growth ends. The remaining eyes on the plants will develop well before winter, ripen, and in the spring, with the beginning of growth, they will produce strong shoots. At spring pruning the strongest apical ocelli are removed, the increase from the remaining insufficiently developed ocelli is small.

Laurel grows slowly. Young plants are replanted as needed (when the roots fill the pot), about once every 2 years, adults - after about three to four years. The substrate for planting can consist of leaf (2 parts), turf (1 part), humus soil (2 parts), peat and sand (1 part each). The plant prefers a slightly alkaline or neutral reaction soil mixture. Laurel grows better in small containers, so when replanting, the containers are taken according to the amount of soil and the development of the root system (it is advisable to increase the size of the pot by 2 cm, no more). This is also taken into account when replanting plants in tubs (increase the size of the tub by 5 cm). The bottom of the pot or tub provides good drainage.

Plants are propagated by seeds, cuttings and division.

5. Aloe
Aloe releases oxygen at night and absorbs carbon dioxide, so it belongs in the bedroom. It also removes electricity in the apartment. It is believed that aloe protects the house from uninvited guests and accidents, as well as from negative energy. In Hawaii, this plant is believed to bring good luck.

The beneficial properties of aloe vera were known several thousand years BC. In the Philippine Islands, aloe juice with milk was used to treat kidney infections, in Japan it was added to drinks to improve overall health, and in some regions of India, aloe became an ingredient national dishes. First of all, this plant is known for its healing effect on the skin: cut aloe leaves were applied to cuts, burns, and wounds. Aloe vera is very useful for sunburn: thanks to its antibacterial properties and soothing, moisturizing effect on the skin, freshly cut aloe vera leaves relieve redness and itching caused by sunburn, accelerate the natural healing process of the skin. Aloe also helps with more serious skin disorders - for example, such common skin diseases as eczema and psoriasis. Aloe has found wide application in the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and disorders: ulcers, diabetes, arthritis, colds, constipation, headaches.
