Pros and cons of building with aerated concrete blocks. Aerated concrete blocks: reviews from experts and amateurs about the pros and cons of the material Walls made of aerated concrete blocks, pros and cons

Aerated concrete (gas silicate) blocks are a material, a subtype of foam concrete, widely used in the construction of residential, country and country houses, houses, business and office centers, and industrial buildings. Like any special-purpose material, aerated concrete has its pros, cons, features, technical specifications.

Laying aerated concrete blocks

Table. The main pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks.

Attractive qualities of aerated concrete as a building material

Building a house from aerated concrete blocks has positive aspects:

  1. Ease of transporting blocks to the construction site, to the floor of an unfinished building medium height house or one-story; ease of installation. Lightness is achieved thanks to the porous structure of this building material. Cells (spherical closed voids) inside the block are formed during the gas-forming process that occurs during the interaction of fine paste-like aluminum with cement mortar.
  2. Economical. The quality of aerated concrete, partly resulting from the previous ones: ease of transportation will allow you to save on labor costs for delivering the material to the construction site and spend less money. There is no need to take care of additional measures to strengthen the foundation (pressure of aerated concrete supporting structures less). Aerated concrete blocks are inexpensive: porous concrete-containing foam building materials will help save on items in the construction estimate.
  3. Soundproofing. The quality of aerated concrete is highly demanded for private houses and industrial buildings. An aerated concrete block acquires its soundproofing, economical properties and lightness thanks to the previously mentioned air bubbles located inside the blocks: they prevent the passage of sound waves and vibrations both inside and outside the building.

The superiority of aerated concrete over brick. The main advantage of aerated concrete blocks is affordable price products

Comfort with aerated concrete blocks

The use of aerated concrete blocks makes it possible to obtain buildings characterized by the following positive qualities:

  1. Strength of the structure. In a good aerated concrete block with proper drying under the influence high pressure and elevated temperatures, strong molecular bonds are formed between the components that make up the block; crystals of calcium hydrosilicate are formed (this further strengthens the aerated concrete from the inside).
  2. High level thermal insulation. Due to the presence of closed spaces filled with air, aerated concrete blocks do not conduct high or low temperature. Result: a house built from gas foam block has a comfortable microclimate at any time of the year.
  3. Versatility. You can do anything with aerated concrete building materials: saw, cut, drill, give any desired shape.
  4. The porosity of aerated concrete blocks allows them to “breathe”; automatic regulation of humidity occurs in a room built from the material in question.

Due to the many advantages of using aerated concrete blocks, this building material is used for the construction of walls, ceilings, fireplaces, columns, fences, fences, for the construction of staircase steps, etc.

Project ground floor aerated concrete house

Ease of construction with aerated concrete blocks

Blocks obtained by launching the gas-forming process in a specially prepared and proportionally composed concrete mixture, have regular, clear dimensions, are distinguished by smooth edges, and are regular parallelepipeds. For this reason, such “bricks” can be laid with the smallest tolerance: the distance between two adjacent blocks when laying on special solution(adhesive for aerated concrete) - maximum three millimeters.

Porosity and thin construction joints make it possible to classify aerated concrete building materials as particularly frost-resistant materials - suitable property for cold regions, windy areas. If you live in a rainy region, don’t worry: rain and snow will not be able to penetrate inside due to a serious barrier - the pores of the aerated concrete material.

Another nuance that will pleasantly surprise you when choosing aerated concrete is complete safety for the health of others: the blocks are made from environmentally friendly pure materials: sand, water, lime.

Advantages of installation

Builders-layers, when installing smooth, light, strong aerated concrete blocks, in addition to the ease of installation, will appreciate how easy it is to attach rectangular concrete bricks to the surfaces of building materials when making decorative details.

The temperature range at which installation can be carried out is quite wide: from plus five to plus twenty-five degrees Celsius, which allows construction to be carried out not only in summer and spring, but also in autumn, early or warm winter.

Laying aerated concrete

If you want to further insulate a house made of aerated concrete, you can line the existing walls with brick on both sides. The plus is additional thermal insulation. Laying a second, brick wall next to a perfectly flat aerated concrete wall is extremely simple.

Fact: installation becomes easier and less expensive with aerated concrete blocks.

Range of aerated concrete block building materials

Considering the pros and cons of using aerated concrete for construction, it is worth noting the quality positive side a wide variety of building materials intended for different purposes. Aerated concrete blocks of various densities are produced. Why buy a denser and more expensive block, if for the given construction or repair purpose you can use a less dense material with a density of up to 1 megapascal, intended for insulation.

Aerated concrete blocks with a density one and a half times greater (about 1 - 1.5 MPa) are stronger and can be used not only as passive insulation, but also for the construction of walls that do not bear a large load - piers, wall openings. At the same time, blocks of 2-3 MPa are taken for load-bearing walls, and up to 4.5 MPa for ventilated facades.

Disadvantages of building a house from aerated concrete

The negative aspects (cons) of the aerated concrete material are as follows:

  1. When installing the floors of a building, you need to carefully monitor the installation of slabs with reinforced or other heavy materials, control their distance from aerated concrete blocks, otherwise the hollow material will not withstand and will crack.
  2. Cannot be used cement-sand mortar To strengthen and install the blocks, only special glue, otherwise so-called cold bridges will form, along which the cold will enter the house and heat will escape.
  3. You need to use an additional construction device - a wall chaser. At aerated concrete construction it is indispensable: it is necessary to cut grooves for proper installation of reinforcement.
  4. Additional reinforcement in the window area is recommended, extending ninety centimeters into the area of ​​the lintels of the first and every fourth row. In this case, the reinforcement must be placed in reinforced belts.

Not all types of foundations are suitable for building an aerated concrete house: it is worth making a monolithic foundation for the building under construction, since the aerated concrete block is not bending strong.

The first row of blocks is laid on the edge of the foundation

Disadvantages of aerated concrete as a building material

One of the most important advantages of aerated concrete - low thermal conductivity - is also a disadvantage. This is low bearing capacity material, due to its low density and high rarefaction.

As for the masonry itself made of aerated concrete blocks, without reinforcement with brick or external and internal finishing materials foam concrete house can practically be blown out if the masonry is not airtight. Of course, the wind does not pass through the building material itself, but through the seams.

To ensure the tightness of the installation of the blocks, only experienced, highly qualified specialists - builders - should be invited to the construction. If this condition cannot be met or you doubt the qualifications of the team of working builders, you will need to incur additional costs, then after installing the bricks you should cover the top of the wall with plaster (you can only do it on one side, but better - inside and outside at the same time).

A special glue has been created for high-quality masonry

Several negative aspects of aerated concrete blocks

Metal reinforcing elements must be installed together with aerated concrete bricks, get very cold in frosts and cold seasons. Because of this, additional heat loss occurs.

One cannot help but notice another negative quality of an aerated concrete house - it has too low thermal inertia. This means that when heated quickly, it cools even faster. For this reason, when building a house in a cold, windy area, on hills, it is recommended to supply the building efficient heating. For example, a warm floor can perfectly warm up floors and prevent them from cooling down, although it is not cheap, considering that such heating needs to be installed throughout the entire house, on each floor.

A non-hazardous, but unpleasant aspect when using aerated concrete blocks is the appearance of cracks on them as a result of shrinkage several years after installation (construction of the building). The mentioned phenomenon indicates the disappointing fact that the purchased gas blocks turned out to be counterfeit or made in violation of production technology. It is important to buy building materials from trusted brands.

Aerated concrete has been known to European builders since the beginning of the last century. Over the past 80 years, a significant number of new buildings have been built from it. For the last 30 years, this material has been actively used in the domestic market. Despite this, the question of the feasibility of building a house from aerated concrete is still relevant. Owners living in the area can give an objective assessment. aerated concrete houses. Lots of reviews, both positive and negative. We will conduct a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of aerated concrete houses

He suggests studying the main ones for comparison and only then drawing your own conclusion. It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with the technical and pros and cons of aerated concrete as a wall material.

Advantages of a house made of aerated concrete

  • will cost less than building a house from other wall materials;
  • a house made of aerated concrete is almost ideal from the point of view of environmental friendliness of living in it. The material itself has an almost minimal radiation background, due to its natural components, so being in the house does not pose a threat to residents;
  • an aerated concrete house does not need insulation. It is known that the best existing insulation is air. In aerated concrete it is enclosed in small, equal-sized pores. What makes a gas block an excellent heat insulator?
  • saving on home heating. An advantage arising from the previous paragraph. Such a house is warm and therefore provides significant savings on heating costs;
  • aerated concrete is a lightweight material that is cut into large blocks. This imparts several positive qualities to a house made of aerated blocks: the cost of pouring the foundation is reduced, the need to use lifting equipment is eliminated, and the speed of installation increases. A house made of aerated concrete can be built in just a few weeks;
  • the use of aerated concrete blocks allows you to build a house of any configuration. The gas block is easy to process, which eliminates difficulties in forming complex breaks or in designing arched openings.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete houses

  • even construction one-story house from aerated concrete must be accompanied by a significant number of calculations. The higher the number of floors of the building, the more reasonable these calculations should be. When building a 2-3-story house, it is unacceptable to use aerated concrete as the main load-bearing material. As an option, the masonry of load-bearing walls is made from aerated block of a grade higher than D 600. However, the higher the grade (density of aerated concrete), the less thermal insulation properties. Which leads to the need to insulate the structure. The solution may be to lay the wall in two rows with dressing. External part the walls are made of load-bearing dense gas blocks, inner part– from thermal insulation (porous and more fragile);
  • A house made of aerated concrete is characterized by low thermal inertia. Inertia is the ability of the material used for construction to accumulate heat. Aerated concrete structures quickly warm up and just as quickly release heat to the environment. The thermal inertia of an aerated concrete block depends on the structure of the aerated concrete. The more pores, the lower the inertia.
  • minimal deformation caused by shrinkage of the material, errors when pouring the foundation or soil movement will inevitably lead to the appearance of cracks in the aerated concrete wall. They will not cause significant damage to the structure, but will affect the visual perception of the house. As practice confirms, even if the laying technology is followed, about 20% of all blocks crack;
  • A house made of aerated concrete needs finishing. Even if work is forced to be interrupted, it is recommended to preserve unfinished buildings for the winter. A newly built house needs immediate finishing due to the ability of aerated concrete to absorb moisture from environment(moreover, the source of dampness is not only rain and snow, but also fog). Aerated concrete can withstand no more than 25 cycles (some manufacturers claim no more than 35 cycles) of freezing and thawing. This does not mean that the house will only last 25 years.
  • When finishing a house made of aerated concrete, it is important to follow the order in which work begins. First carried out interior work. This is due to the fact that the gas block releases moisture in both directions: inward and outward. Thus, by starting plastering work from the inside, it becomes possible to reduce the humidity in the room. Afterwards the external walls can be finished.
  • as finishing materials For a gas-block house, you can use any type of finishing. That's true. But the arrangement of ventilated facades is associated with a number of difficulties, the main of which is the difficulty of fixing them into aerated concrete. The facade may simply fall off over time. Based on this, the best option is. Moreover, you can only use special gypsum-based mixtures;
  • The smoothness of the walls also plays against the craftsmen when it comes to finishing. The mixtures do not stick well to the wall. It requires double priming of the walls, sanding them with sandpaper or reinforcing them with mesh (preferably polymer);
  • lime contained in aerated concrete (2.5-5%) and in some adhesive mixtures for aerated blocks (0.5-1 part of lime in the masonry mixture) leads to the fact that the metal components of the masonry become unusable after a certain time. The same fate awaits metal communication pipes;
  • fasteners in aerated concrete walls do not hold well. To hang anything that has significant weight (shelf, water heater, wall kitchen cabinets), you need to use special fasteners.


Thus, a house built from aerated concrete has both pros and cons. As a conclusion, it can be noted that some of the shortcomings of the house can be leveled out at the construction stage, thanks to compliance with the technology of laying aerated concrete blocks. Thus, the characteristics of a house made of aerated concrete are determined by the skill of the master to apply the material in practice.

House made of aerated concrete - reviews from owners

In the field of individual housing construction, debate among consumers continues: what is the best material to build a house from? Particularly lively discussions are taking place around cellular concrete, in particular foam concrete and aerated concrete. Like any other material, aerated block has its supporters and opponents. And each of them gives their own arguments for and against in an attempt to defend their designated positions.

This article contains several reviews from real owners of aerated concrete houses. Practical reasoning, opinions and statements will allow you to get a more complete picture of what the pros and cons of an aerated concrete house are really relevant.

Vladimir (Moscow region)

Based on my own experience, I can recommend aerated concrete as a building material for the walls of a house. True, we don’t have a house, but a dacha. But we use it almost all year round. The building is small, 4.5x7, and warms up quickly, which is very convenient, since it is usually not heated.

Among the shortcomings, I will note the most common one - a web of cracks both along the seam and along the block. But, over finishing We're still thinking. Last winter the dacha stood unprotected. And I’m sure it will last this year. And then we’ll save some money and start finishing it.

Dmitry (Orenburg region)

They write a lot about cracks. A house built from aerated concrete is subject to mandatory shrinkage. But their number can be significantly reduced.

Firstly, there are three types of shrinkage.

The first of them is structural, occurs within a month, it can be avoided by starting construction after the block has been lying on the site for this period.

The other two do not have such a strong effect on the characteristics of the building. If a quarter of the area of ​​the house is covered with cracks, this is considered a normal indicator. Of course, you need to take into account the depth of the crack and its location.

Secondly, you need to properly finish a house made of aerated concrete. Small cracks that run directly along the gas block are eliminated by high-quality finishing. Proper plastering of aerated concrete involves the use of mixtures intended for this purpose and the use of reinforcing fabric.

There are nuances in reinforcement. I suggest using fiberglass canvas rather than reinforcing mesh. This is a canvas (popularly called “gossamer”), made by pressing from natural materials. In addition to the fact that fiberglass perfectly reinforces the surface and masks cracks, it also allows steam to escape freely. The mesh is also supported by the fact that it is not afraid of water, chemicals, impacts and prevents the development of mold and fungi. To be honest, fiberglass will not protect against cracks, but they will not be visible on the plaster from the outside.

Mikhail (Chelyabinsk region)

Due to the sudden onset of autumn, construction work had to be interrupted. It’s not just that we didn’t cover the roof, we didn’t even completely remove the walls. Although, the dimensions of the gas block are such that the work progressed quickly. We've read a lot about how to mothball a construction site. Everything was done as recommended. They covered it with a universal primer and even wrapped it in film. In winter, however, we did not visit the site. But early spring They discovered that the house was soaked through like a sponge (this can even be seen from the color of the wall, it became dark gray).

Now we wait for it to dry. The builders say that if the situation (weather) is good, we will have to wait about a month and a half until we can continue the work.

The moral is this: if you don't have time to build a roof, you don't need to start building walls. Since you have wrapped the building in film, please check its integrity periodically. The winds in Russia are crazy, the film was quickly torn to shreds.

And finally, rather than using a universal primer, it is better not to prime with anything. There’s no point anyway. Need to use or primer deep penetration, or a special composition - a water repellent. Yes, it’s expensive, but it’s better than watching the laid aerated concrete become covered with cracks both at the seams and along the block.

Experienced builder (St. Petersburg)

I am engaged in construction. We had to lay walls from different materials: brick, foam block, gas block, cinder block, gas silicate, etc. I can give a lot of reasons in favor of aerated concrete. But I think the best confirmation of the quality of the material is that my own house built from aerated concrete blocks. And those who complain most likely either built it themselves or entrusted the work to specialists from neighboring countries. Contact the professionals right away. Save time, money and nerves. And instead of complaining about the material, you will live peacefully in the house.

Vladimir Ivanovich (Vitebsk)

I settled on aerated concrete for two-story house. This decision is based on:

  1. Low cost

  2. Lightness, both in masonry, and in processing, and in lifting the material. The weight of the block allows you to move it to the desired height without any problems.

  3. Good thermal insulation properties. Monolithic, buried almost a meter deep under the house strip foundation(costs about 2 years). There shouldn't be any cracks. At the top there will be a roof made of asphalt shingles (theoretically not heavy).

I plan to build it myself, I think I can finish it in a month, and before the cold weather sets in I can handle the finishing.


In your description you forgot such a trifle as the number of floors of the house. For a two-story house you need structural (load-bearing) aerated concrete. And it is just a bad heat insulator. Therefore, think about insulation before it’s too late. It is enough to place the insulating gas block on inner side load-bearing wall and perform the dressing.

Sergey (Nizhny Novgorod)

Ordered turnkey work from construction company New technologies. All work, from the project to communications and interior decoration, was carried out by professionals from this company.

The house is made of aerated concrete, the seams are adhesive mixture for aerated concrete. High-quality insulation of the foundation was carried out, each 4th row was reinforced with rods with a diameter of 8 mm, reinforcement was installed under and above the openings, rafter system also installed on the reinforcement (additionally laid around the perimeter).

I watched the progress of the work. The house was commissioned in the fall, the family spent the winter without any complaints. Yes, I forgot to say, I live in Novopokrovsky, near Nizhny Novgorod. It’s not cold here in winter, it’s not hot in summer, there are practically no strong temperature changes, the house is constantly heated.

Foam blocks, now widespread in construction, are gradually beginning to lose part of the market to a relatively new building material- aerated concrete. This is due to its best performance qualities, which allow the use of this type cellular concrete during the construction of a wide variety of objects, among which one of the first places is occupied. With a relatively small number of disadvantages, aerated concrete blocks have significant advantages.

Advantages of aerated concrete

The advantages of this material make it possible to construct a building, positive performance characteristics which will be preserved for a long time (up to 100 years). One of the main advantages is lightness; the density of the blocks is in the range of 400-1200 kg/cub.m. This allows you to dramatically reduce the load on the foundation, which significantly reduces its cost, because there is no need to construct a solid, monolithic foundation for the building. In addition, lightweight material is easier to use in construction, and the relatively large dimensions of the block allow you to quickly build walls.

Two other important advantages are moisture and frost resistance. In the first case, high resistance to moisture penetration is provided by the porous structure; even with an ambient humidity of 90%, aerated concrete absorbs only 8%. In the second case, tests show that gas silicate products do not react in any way to temperature changes; sudden thawing and freezing does not lead to destruction of the material. In addition to these qualities, aerated concrete has other advantages:

Fire resistance: products do not contain substances that support combustion, and when exposed to high temperature no toxic substances are released into the atmosphere;
- biological resistance: inside aerated concrete there is no environment that would be conducive to the development of mold and mildew;
- low thermal conductivity and high level noise insulation: these qualities are provided by the cellular structure;
- environmental safety.

Disadvantages of gas silicate

First of all, it is hygroscopic. The material does not allow moisture to pass into the building, but accumulates it inside the pores, which over time can lead to a decrease in the strength of the material. This drawback can be corrected if, during construction, enhanced waterproofing is carried out using, for example, waterproofing tape.

Another disadvantage is the possibility of cracks. Most often, their education is associated with incorrect calculations, which should be carried out by professionals. And the last drawback - high price, when compared with the same foam blocks. However, aerated concrete is comparatively new material, so there is every reason that it will improve over time, and negative qualities will be reduced to a minimum.

There are two diametrically opposed points of view on aerated concrete. The first is to loudly extol its virtues. The second point of view is based on denying the possibility of using such material for the construction of residential buildings. This article discusses the main pros and cons of aerated concrete blocks. The information presented here will allow everyone to form their own opinion about this masonry material and use it most effectively. This knowledge will help you choose the right material and optimize construction work.

Features of aerated concrete blocks

To understand the technical characteristics of aerated concrete blocks, you need to know what material it is made from and what technologies are used.

Useful information:

There are 2 ways to produce aerated concrete:

  • autoclave;
  • hydration.

First stage production process is the same for both methods.

  1. A set of measures to prepare molds for pouring. Main works this stage associated with cleaning. It is carried out both with collapsible forms and with capped ones. Collapsible ones consist of several elements: sides, pallet, lintels. Jumpers allow you to vary the size of the blocks. The caps cannot be disassembled; they are intended for the production of large batches.
  2. Preparing the mixture. Depending on the components used to prepare the mixture, the final product acquires certain properties. The standard kit for preparing the mixture includes cement (M 400, M 500), aluminum powder (0.04% of the total components), fine sand, lime, water. The volume of water can reach up to 0.8%. The largest part is cement, it is taken from 50% to 80%.
  3. Pouring process. First, the molds are heated, then the mixture is poured into them and leveled. The temperature of the molds at the time of casting should be about 400°C.

Next comes drying. The technology for carrying out this stage varies. If the autoclave method is used, the molds are placed in an autoclave, where a pressure of 12 bar is applied and the temperature is raised to 2000°C. At the same time, an appropriate level of humidity is maintained. The result is products whose level of strength and reliability allows us to recommend them for the construction of walls, including load-bearing ones.

The hydration method consists of using drying boxes, where the temperature also rises and the desired level of humidity is created. The resulting aerated concrete blocks are used for insulation.

If the material is used without special equipment, it is not endowed with either strength or durability, so it is not advisable to use handmade blocks. Low quality is due to the lack of special conditions for drying products in molds. They go through this stage in premises unsuitable for this production.

Types of aerated concrete sides

There are several brands of aerated concrete blocks. The material is divided into grades depending on its strength.

Besides standard products, produce heat-resistant varieties and or blocks with high sound insulation properties. To obtain the above types of products, special chemicals are added to the mixture. The resulting masonry material used for the construction of special purpose structures.

There are various classifications of these products. Based on the type of binding component, the following are distinguished:

  • lime-gypsum;
  • cement.

Classification by filler type gives the following blocks:

  • ash;
  • sandy;
  • slag;
  • from recycled materials;
  • from ferroalloy production waste.

The use of fillers complies with GOST requirements. However, the type of filler has little effect on the properties of the product.

Block sizes

Basically, aerated concrete blocks are parallelepipeds with a system of grooves and ridges. Specific gravity material is low, so these blocks have dimensions that exceed the parameters of ordinary bricks. The length is standard - 625 mm, the height also does not change - 250 mm. But the width can be from 100 mm to 400 mm. For the manufacture of reinforced lintels and for use as insulation, blocks with a different size range are produced.

Advantages of aerated concrete blocks

The widely discussed advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks can be summarized in the list below.

  1. Good thermal insulation. This is the main advantage of aerated concrete. The ability to retain heat is an undeniable advantage of this material. It corresponds to the thermal insulation indicators of ordinary brick, but a wall made of aerated concrete is much cheaper.

  2. A combination of geometric precision and large size. Since blocks have correct form, it is easy to work with them, the laying is carried out quickly and without failures. Therefore, the walls being erected have no deviations in level. The presence of a system of grooves and ridges eliminates the penetration of cold.

  3. Possibility to carry out masonry without cement mortar. In order to reduce heat loss, adhesives are used to connect blocks. The volume of glue required is much less than that of cement mortar (almost 5 times).

  4. Good vapor permeability. High breathability. Blocks allow air to pass almost as well as wood. Therefore, the microclimate of rooms built from these blocks is comfortable.

  5. Fire resistance. The material copes well with exposure to fire and withstands contact with aggressive environments.

  6. Light weight. The use of such lightweight material significantly reduces foundation costs.

  7. Ease of processing. Aerated concrete can be cut, sawed, drilled.

  8. Environmental safety. Of course, this is not wood. However, it does not provide any negative impact per person.

  9. Resistance to biological factors. Aerated concrete blocks are not subject to destruction by rodents, bacteria, and easily tolerate other biologically aggressive influences. But with constant contact with water, the blocks can become covered with a green coating.

  10. Frost resistance. The material can withstand 50 freeze/thaw cycles. These are very high figures.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete has its disadvantages. The following are especially actively discussed.

Many people would like to build a house with their own hands, and sometimes the dream remains a dream due to the lack of opportunity to realize it. These may be material difficulties, psychological prohibitions, and there are people who simply do not have information on how to do this. But in given time there are many options for how you can optimal costs build a house with your own hands. And this construction will not only save money, but the creative process will take place here.

The house will be much warmer and more beautiful simply because the owner’s soul is involved in the construction process. Everything will be done with high quality, since he and his family will have to live in it. All that remains is to make some effort when choosing building materials in accordance with price and quality. Only the owner himself can combine his desires with the opportunity to get a quality result. Therefore, it is precisely these people who are invited to study this material. A real opportunity to make your dreams come true - one-story house from aerated concrete. The pros and cons of such construction will be discussed below.

It is necessary to first determine what they are made of. They are made from environmentally friendly materials (cement, filler, aluminum powder, lime, water).

House made of aerated concrete: pros and cons when choosing building materials

“What to build a house from?” is the main question that arises after deciding to create your own home. On modern market Brick, foam blocks, gas blocks, slabs, wood are offered. The advantage of aerated concrete blocks compared to the first material:

  • aerated blocks are an environmentally friendly product;
  • a wall made of such material is 5 times lighter than a brick one, accordingly, the foundation is made simpler, and a strip foundation can be used;
  • the price of one block is higher, but overall in terms of cubic capacity, compared to brick, construction will be cheaper.

There is a drawback: aerated concrete is not moisture resistant, but if arranged correctly drainage system, window drains and necessarily good drainage under the foundation, then the advantages compensate for this disadvantage.

House made of aerated concrete: pros and cons when designing a heating system and energy saving

The advantage is as follows. Aerated concrete is considered a heat-insulating material; it has a high heat capacity. If you put your hand on it, you feel warm compared to brick. It holds it longer, so it will cost more to heat a house than for a brick or stone one.

It is hardly possible to say anything about the disadvantages, since in terms of all thermal insulation parameters such a structure is very advantageous.

House made of aerated concrete: pros and cons in design construction

  • Here, too, positive decisions can be noted. It does not have to be lined with another material. Such a house looks very aesthetically pleasing from the point of view of modern construction.
  • Aerated concrete also does not crumble, is durable, it can be sawed, planed, drilled to give it any shape, which is suitable for any design solutions.

Based on the listed advantages and disadvantages of aerated concrete in building a house, the approach to price cost is changing. If the blocks themselves are more expensive than bricks, then the savings come from the costs of laying the foundation, the construction time is reduced, and heat is retained in such a home much better than in those made from other materials. A house made of aerated concrete has very tangible advantages: the cost of construction and operation is lower than the same building built of brick.
