Proper body drying for girls: menu and training program for fat burning. Effective body drying and fat burning for girls

So the time has come useful information not only for men, but also for girls! Today we will discuss how dry your body for girls at home if you can’t go to the gym.

I would like to note right away that drying the body and losing weight are slightly different things. Drying the body means that you burn only subcutaneous fat and at the same time try to preserve muscle. At the same time, the goal of simple weight loss, which you can so often hear about at every step, is only to reduce the numbers on the scales. And how this will be done - just with fat loss or with burning your muscles and removing water from the body (dehydration - which most often happens) - does not matter. Therefore, drying the body is a more complex and responsible process, in contrast to simple weight loss. But if you have motivation and desire, then you will succeed!

What do we need to dry the body at home?

Let's assume that most girls reading this text have never encountered the concept of body drying, and are not particularly familiar with sports. Therefore, we will start from the very basics.

For drying the body at home we will need:

  • A well-designed nutrition plan, because... proper nutrition– this is 75% success.
  • Training program.
  • Equipment for training. However, if it is not there, then it is not scary, and you can also do without it. For example, dumbbells can be replaced with bags of something heavy (such as sugar, fruit, or water bottles).

Now we will analyze in detail each point of drying the body for girls at home.

1. Proper nutrition.

Basic nutrition rules while drying the body the following:

  • You need to expend more energy (calories) than you get from food.
  • Your meals should be frequent (8-12 times a day) – i.e. every 2 hours. This is necessary so that your metabolism (metabolism) is always fast and does not slow down.
  • You need to eat the same foods (which will be composed according to specific schedule throughout the day) to control the number of calories consumed. To do this, it is advisable (and even necessary!) to get electronic scales to weigh food exactly in grams.
  • Do not eat anything sweet: sweets, pastries, cookies, etc. This is necessary so that there are no spikes in your blood of insulin - a transport hormone, which, in large quantities - spikes when you eat something sweet or other food with a high glycemic index - begins to store energy in body fat. The glycemic index is a measure of how much the blood glucose level increases after eating a food. After every sweet you eat, your fat burning process will stop. Therefore, you need to give up all sweets, flour and other spices, but all this can be replaced with fruits (though also in small quantities). I think this point will be one of the most difficult, which is why it is so necessary. It will be a nice addition.
  • Consume large quantities clean water– from 2.5 to 4 liters per day. It is also better to give up coffee (if someone drinks it often), because... it removes water from the body, and replace it with green tea.
  • Once a week you can do a fasting day, i.e. eat what you want, but not in large quantities! This is necessary for your psychological relief, this will make it much easier to maintain the regime. If you have the will and patience to maintain a constant diet, then you are great!

So, this was the main theory of nutrition for drying the body. You can also read the article - Although it is called “lose weight”, it also contains a lot of useful information. Perhaps this will also be useful for you and will be a good addition to this article.

Now let's move on to the menu itself. Sample menu for a day:

  1. (7:30): Glass of water 200 ml.
  2. (8:00): Oatmeal 40g + 1 whole egg + 1 orange (or a glass of juice).
  3. (9:30): Buckwheat 30g. + 50g chicken breast + 1 whole egg + Vegetables.
  4. (11:00): Buckwheat 30g. + 50g Chicken breast + Vegetables + 1 tsp Olive oil.
  5. (13:00): Buckwheat 20g. + 50g chicken breast + 1 banana (or a glass of juice).
  6. (15:00): Cottage cheese (low-fat) 100g. + 1 tsp Flaxseed oil.
  7. (16:00 - 17:00): Training. During training, you can drink amino acids, or, if you cannot buy amino acids, drink half a glass (100 ml) in the middle of training.
  8. (17:00): Immediately after training also either amino acids or 100 ml
  9. (17:30): Rice 30g. + 50g. Chicken breast + vegetables + 1 tsp. Olive oil.
  10. (19:00): Buckwheat 20g. + 4 boiled egg whites + vegetables + 1 tsp Flaxseed oil.
  11. (20:30): 50g Chicken breast + vegetables.
  12. (22:00): Cottage cheese (low-fat) 100g.

Drink as much water as your body requires. When drying, as we noted above, it is advisable to drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day.

Nutrient summary:

Proteins: 120-130g.
Fats: 25-30g.
Carbohydrates: 110-120g.
Calories: 1600-1700kcal.

The compiled menu is designed for a girl aged 25-35 years and weighing 62-65 kg. If your age is not within this range, in particular if you are over 35 years old, then you need to slightly reduce carbohydrates, because... Metabolism slows down slightly with age. If you are under 25 years old, then you can even add a little carbohydrates. Also with weight, if your weight is less than 62 kg, then slightly reduce the carbohydrates of the compiled menu, but if it is more than 65 kg, increase it.

Main rule the following: once a week (let’s say on Sundays) you step on the scale and see how your weight has changed.

  • If you have lost 0.4-0.8 kg, everything is going according to plan, and do not change anything in your menu.
  • If you have lost more than 1 kg, then add a little carbohydrates. IN in this case this, for example, could be 10-20 grams of buckwheat.
  • If your weight has not changed or fluctuates with an error of 100-200g, then reduce carbohydrates, for example, by the same 10-20g of buckwheat.

We have sorted out the basic rules of nutrition and menu, now we move on to training.

2. Training.

To conduct training at home, we will need the following equipment:

The main task during training is to keep your heart rate (HR) within 120-130 beats per minute. It is under such conditions that fat burning processes are best launched, and it also strengthens the heart muscle. Our training duration will be 45 minutes.

The training plan is as follows:

  • Monday, Thursday, Saturday – crossfit style workouts(circuit training).
  • Tuesday, Friday – slow running(or brisk walking). The pace must again be selected so that the heart rate is 120-130 beats per minute.
  • Wednesday, Sunday – rest.

Program crossfit style workouts(circuit training) on ​​Monday, Thursday, Saturday:

  • Medium grip push-ups – 15 reps.
  • Squats with dumbbells (or other weights) – 20 reps.
  • Lifting legs while hanging on a horizontal bar or (if there is no horizontal bar) lying on the press – 15 repetitions.
  • Jump rope – 60 seconds.
  • Rest – 40-50 seconds and repeat the split again in a circle. This circle needs to be repeated 8-9 times per workout, and that will give you about 45 minutes of active training.

It is advisable to do exercises in the split itself without rest. But again, your main guideline is your heart rate. If your heart rate rises to 140 beats per minute or higher, take a short break and wait until your heart rate drops to 120 beats, and then you can continue to exercise.

A good helper for you would be to purchase a wrist heart rate monitor - fortunately, they are inexpensive, and the benefits from this will be enormous.

Slow running(or brisk walking) at TU and PT:

  • You also need to run for 45 minutes.
  • The pace, namely what it will be for you - fast walking or slow running - needs to be selected according to heart rate indicators, i.e. in the range of 120-130 beats per minute.
  • You can run in place, for example, in front of the TV. Because the main point is not in running as such, but in maintaining a certain heart rate rhythm.

During all workouts, you can turn on music - this will create a certain mood for the workout. Just make a playlist of songs for the entire workout in advance so you don’t get distracted during the workout. :-)

Recovery and rest in SR and SV:

  • On these days you recuperate, so we do not train on these days.

3. Conclusion.

That's it for the article body drying for girls at home has come to an end. Drying the body is a rather difficult process, but in practice, when all the stages are clear, it becomes not such a difficult task. The main thing is to have desire and motivation. Imagine that you are like a robot - every day you complete a certain list of tasks, and you will not stop until you complete everything completely, and upon achieving the goal you will receive a prize - a reward for your efforts. And then any task will seem not only difficult, but even pleasant!

If you have questions, ask them in the comments.

We wish you success!

Sincerely, Vlad Fomenko and Dima Marchenko

Your personal trainer online

Important! If you are determined to achieve results and want to as soon as possible to achieve your goal (lose weight/reduce weight or dry out your body by properly creating a diet/meal plan, training program and daily routine), then use the services of a personal fitness trainer online ==>

4 274124 2 years ago

As summer approaches, every girl begins to increasingly wonder: is it possible to get her body in order faster, and, preferably, without leaving home? The question is very relevant today, given that visiting fitness clubs and working out with a trainer entails certain financial costs. and also require a lot of time.

For those who are not ready to spend their savings on a personal instructor or are simply very busy, there is a good way out of the situation - body drying for girls at home. In this article we will tell you how to “dry out” at home correctly and without harm to your health.

The drying process involves reducing the percentage of body fat to obtain body contour. In order for the result to be positive, you should adhere to a whole range of measures, starting with a nutrition plan and ending with a training program and daily routine in general. A properly formulated diet accounts for 90% of the success of all cutting, so let's start with nutrition.

Calculation of daily calorie intake

In order for the drying process at home to go smoothly, first of all, the diet must be properly balanced and correctly formulated. The main criterion for selection optimal quantity calories is a person's weight, age and physical activity during the day. If with physical activity big problem, you can buy proteins, which will allow you to stimulate muscles at any age.

BM = (9.99 * weight (kg)) + (6.25 * height (cm)) - (4.92 * age (in years)) -161

Having calculated the approximate level of basal metabolism, the result should be multiplied by the coefficient physical activity. At this stage, the main thing is to objectively assess the level of your physical activity and choose the right ratio:

The importance of the obtained value directly affects further results in drying the body. We subtract approximately 20% from the daily value. The resulting figure is the key to starting weight loss.

Determination of BJU ratio

The next step in drying the body for girls is drawing up a diet and determining the correct ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. On at this stage There are also some peculiarities in determining these quantities. You should take into account a person’s natural predisposition and determine his body type. There are three types of human physique:

  1. Mesomorph – characteristically narrow shoulders, tall stature, thin bones.
  2. Ectomorph – naturally muscular build, low amount of subcutaneous fat.
  3. Endomorph – full build, average height, tendency to be overweight.

The most common BJU regimen is considered to be 40-50% protein, 30-40% fat and 10-30% carbohydrates.

For a mesomorph, the optimal ratio will be: proteins and fats up to 40%, but carbohydrates should be reduced to 20-25%. At the drying stage, an ectomorph needs from 30 to 40% proteins, 20-25% carbohydrates, the rest comes from fats. Endomorphs should have 20 to 50% protein, 15-30% fat and 10-20% carbohydrates.
Having chosen the optimal ratio of BZHU, we begin to compile a menu and diet.


Protein-rich foods:

  1. Meat: chicken fillet, lean beef, rabbit
  2. Meat by-products: liver, tongue, heart
  3. Fish: salmon, tuna, pink salmon, mackerel, hake, cod
  4. Seafood: squid, shrimp
  5. Eggs: chicken and quail
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese
  7. Vegetables: Brussels sprouts
  8. Cereals: quinoa, soybeans, lentils

An important criterion in choosing a protein is its biological value and amino acid composition. The more complete the amino acid composition, the better.


When approaching the choice of the main source of carbohydrates, you should know that carbohydrates can be simple and complex.

Simple carbohydrates include products such as bakery and confectionery products, pastries, candies, carbonated drinks, and fruits. These products have a high glycemic index and contain large amounts of sugar. They should be discarded and almost completely excluded from the diet during drying.

Complex carbohydrates include foods with a low glycemic index. These are mainly cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, brown rice. Complex carbohydrates are the basis of a healthy and correct menu.


Most girls underestimate the importance of fats during cutting, and sometimes, mistakenly believing they are harmful, completely exclude them from their diet. True, some people are predisposed to obesity, for this it is possible to buy fat burners that will help solve this problem. Healthy fats– these are polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9). It should be noted that the choice of fat source plays a huge role. The main sources of healthy fats are:

  • fish oil (halibut, mackerel, salmon, sturgeon);
  • oil (linseed and hemp oil);
  • nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nut);
  • seeds (soybean, sunflower, flax and chia seeds);
  • fruit (avacado).

Having understood the basics of the diet, we will create a menu for the week.
So, small example. An endomorph girl with an average level of physical activity consumes 1267 calories, which is her daily norm to maintain her existing body weight, and begins to cut. Subtracting 20% ​​from the total calorie content, we get a value of 1013 Kk. We take the approximate ratio of BJU: proteins - 40%, fats - 40%, carbohydrates - 20% of the total calorie content. 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates contains 4 kilocalories, 1 gram of fat contains 9 kilocalories. That is daily norm protein consumption will be 100 grams, fats – 45 grams, carbohydrates – 50 grams.

It should be noted that to increase your metabolic rate, you should eat frequently and “split” your meals, making snacks between main meals every two to three hours. Also, do not forget about drinking fluids. Minimum quantity The amount of water you drink should be at least 2 liters.

Drying menu for the week

One of the weekly menu options for girls during the drying period:

1 option Breakfast 40 g oatmeal with water, two-egg omelette
Snack glass of low-fat kefir
Dinner lean chicken broth 150-200 g, 40 g rice, 150 g chicken fillet
Afternoon snack 2-3 walnuts
Dinner vegetable salad, 150 g boiled fish
Snack 2 hours before bedtime
Option 2 Breakfast 30 g diet bread, drinking low-fat yoghurt
Snack fruits (apple, grapefruit)
Dinner pea soup 150-200 g, 40 g buckwheat, 150 g boiled fish
Afternoon snack boiled corn or two-egg omelette
Dinner vegetable salad, 200 g seafood
Snack 2 hours before bedtime 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Option 3 Breakfast two-egg omelette, a slice of wholemeal bread with butter, vegetable salad
Snack fruits (peach, strawberry, orange)
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 grams, 40 g buckwheat, 150 g chicken fillet, stewed vegetables on the water
Afternoon snack glass of low-fat kefir
Dinner vegetable salad, 150 g boiled fish, a glass of skim milk
Snack 2 hours before bedtime 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Option 4 Breakfast two boiled eggs, diet bread
Snack nuts or seeds
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 g, 45 g pea porridge, 150 g boiled beef, vegetable salad
Afternoon snack low-fat drinking yogurt
Dinner vegetable salad, 200 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 hours before bedtime 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Option 5 Breakfast 40 g corn flakes, skim milk, grapefruit
Snack two egg omelette with vegetables
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g pearl barley, 200 g boiled fish, baked vegetables
Afternoon snack low-fat kefir
Dinner vegetable salad, 200 g grilled salmon
Snack 2 hours before bedtime 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil
Option 6 Breakfast drinking low-fat yogurt, oatmeal, fruits
Snack 100 g cottage cheese, nuts
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g rice, 200 g boiled beef, vegetable salad
Afternoon snack two egg omelette
Dinner stewed vegetables, 150 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 hours before bedtime
Option 7 Breakfast 100 g cottage cheese, fruit
Snack low-fat drinking yogurt, nuts
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g lentils, 150 g chicken fillet, two-egg omelette
Afternoon snack a glass of kefir, vegetable salad
Dinner stewed vegetables, 200 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 hours before bedtime 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil

You should eat one and a half to two hours before training. During exercise, you must drink enough fluid. Twenty minutes after finishing your workout, you should definitely plan your meal.

Workout while drying

High-quality body drying for girls at home, in addition to proper nutrition, also involves a certain training process, which is significantly different from the usual.

In this case, the fat burning process begins under certain conditions, one of which is an increased heart rate. To achieve this, you should increase the intensity of the training process and exercises. Thus, the number of repetitions in one approach will immediately increase to 15-20 times. Rest between trips is also reduced to a minimum. The optimal heart rate is 130-140 beats per minute.

Cardio exercise is one of the most effective methods of cutting and burning fat. Interval cardio involves performing exercise in the form of running, or using special exercise equipment, performing exercises at a certain time interval, for example, half an hour of cardio, then resting for 20-30 minutes, half an hour of cardio. It has been proven that this system of performing cardio exercises has the greatest effect on lipolysis and the breakdown of fat cells.

In addition, to consolidate the effect after a workout, new generation shapewear helps perfectly!

Drying training program

To perform basic exercises you will need a fitness mat, a jump rope, and a pair of dumbbells up to 2 kilograms.
You should train 3-4 times a week. Rest between training days is usually 1-2 days, depending on the recovery of the body and general well-being. Before starting classes, you should thoroughly warm up and warm up your muscles to prevent injury.

1 day

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes
  • Push-ups 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Squats 4 sets of 50 times
  • Incline with dumbbells 4 sets of 15-20 times
  • Bent-over leg lifts 4 sets of 20-25 reps
  • Lying crunches 4 sets of 15-25 times
  • Plank exercise 1 minute
  • Jump rope 300 times

Day 2

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes
  • Squats with wide legs 4 sets of 40-50 reps
  • Lunges with dumbbells 4 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Leg abduction while standing 4 sets of 30-40 reps
  • Jumping up with clapping 4 sets of 20-30 times
  • Lying lateral raises 4 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Exercise "Plank"
  • Interval Cardio

Day 3

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Lifting dumbbells while sitting up 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Dumbbell bench press 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Swing dumbbells while standing from side to side 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Deadlift with dumbbells 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Plank exercise 1 minute
  • Jumping rope 300 times

To obtain the final result, you must strictly adhere to the regime. Sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. Stress and nervous experiences should be avoided. If you follow all the above recommendations, the result will not be long in coming.

  1. The first thing girls should pay attention to is a clear understanding of the desired result. It should be remembered that for the normal functioning of hormonal balance, the percentage of subcutaneous fatty tissue should not fall below 11-13%. For comparison, for athletic girls with defined muscles, this percentage is already 14-20%. A level above 32% is considered an indication of obesity.
  2. Second important thing One thing you definitely need to keep an eye on is your rate of weight loss. It is very important not to go too far. A loss of 0.2 kg of adipose tissue per day is considered safe for health.
  3. And the third important point- these are contraindications. Drying the body is strictly contraindicated for women during pregnancy, lactation and in the presence of diabetes, kidney disease, pancreas or gastrointestinal tract.

Principles of nutrition when drying the body

The disadvantages of drying the body for girls are more stringent restrictions regarding nutrition compared to usual. This undoubtedly affects emotional state women, and sometimes on physical well-being. Irritability appears, and there is often an unreasonable bad mood. Please note that when drying the body, the menu for girls should include a smaller amount of carbohydrates than for men.

BJU ratio

But at the same time, fast carbohydrates should not be excluded in order to prevent intoxication of the body. The norm of carbohydrates per day is easy to calculate, based on the fact that they should not make up more than 20-30% of the diet. And if in the first stages it is 2 g per 1 kg of weight, then gradually the volume of consumption decreases to 1 g per 1 kg of weight. It is very important not to lower the bar below this line. You will find an approximate menu for a week when drying the body at the end of the article.

The most popular balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates during cutting is considered to be 40-50%, 30-40% fat and the rest carbohydrates.

Of course, the correct calculation should be based on yours - as you know, there are 3 of them.

  • For mesomorph it is recommended: B - 40%, F - 40%, U - 20%
  • Recommended for ectomorph: B - 30-40%, F - 35-40%, U - 20-35%
  • For endomorph: B - 20-50%, F - 15-30%, U - 10-20%

Exit from drying

Another important point that we would like to draw your attention to before moving on to specific menu recommendations is the exit from drying. Planning it is no less important than carefully developing a nutrition program. The body has been deprived of a number of substances for a long time, therefore, as soon as you return to a more loyal diet, it will not miss the opportunity not only to replenish reserves, but also to accumulate them for the future, increasing subcutaneous fat with interest.

Product List

Although a drying diet should include proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, it is still worth remembering that a drying diet for girls should still largely consist of proteins. Carbohydrates are welcome only slow and in limited quantities.

Below are recommended products for drying your body, especially if you spend a lot of time at home. Thanks to them, the fat burning process will be as efficient as possible. For convenience, all products are divided into groups.

Foods you can eat safely

  1. Meat: turkey, chicken breast, veal, lamb, rabbit, nutria.
  2. All fish, including river and sea fish.
  3. Any vegetables except potatoes and legumes.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese, milk, yogurt and kefir.
  5. Tofu cheese.
  6. Seafood.
  7. Green.
  8. Egg white.

Limited consumption products

  1. Boiled or baked potatoes in their skins.
  2. Pasta made from durum wheat.
  3. Cereals.
  4. Nuts.
  5. Fruits.
  6. Berries.
  7. Low-fat cheese.
  8. Egg yolk.
  9. Legumes.
  10. Whole wheat bread.

  1. White bread.
  2. Flour products.
  3. Sweets.
  4. Pasta made from soft wheat varieties.
  5. Mayonnaise.
  6. Canned food.
  7. Smoked meats.
  8. Sausages.
  9. Processed cheese.

Monthly meal plan

The program is designed for an average weight of about 80 kg. If you weigh more, then simply increase your diet at the rate of 10% for every 10 kg of body weight. In case of lower weight, reduce the amount of kcal according to the same principle.

white baked fish – 150 g

boiled brown rice - 100 g

vegetables - 100 g

boiled red fish, with lemon juice - 100 g1% yoghurt - 100 g

1 grapefruit

8 boiled eggs without yolks

baked fish – 150 g

vegetable salad with olive oil

fruit salad 4 day green tea without sugar

1 orange

omelette of 3 whites and one yolk

one apple

one percent cottage cheese - 100%

boiled turkey meat - 150 g

2 raw or soft-boiled eggs

brown rice - 100 g

fish – 150 g1% cottage cheese – 100 g2 walnuts

20 g pumpkin seeds

5-6 day 100 g with milk

glass of freshly squeezed juice

boiled chicken breast - 100 g

buckwheat porridge without oil - 100 g

200 g low-fat cottage cheesebaked poultry - 100 g

vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice

boiled veal - 100 g20 g pumpkin seeds 7-30 day Repeat from day one to day sixRepeat from day one to day sixRepeat from day one to day sixRepeat from day one to day sixRepeat from day one to day six

You can download and, if necessary, print the plan at.

Menu for a week when drying

This weekly menu for drying the body for girls, scheduled by day, is designed for an athlete weighing 50-65 kg. If you weigh more, then increase your total diet by about 5-7% for every ten kg of weight. The duration of the diet is approximately 4-8 weeks. If necessary, it can be increased to 12 weeks. This is an approximate diagram and products are subject to change. For example, chicken breast can be replaced with veal, and tomatoes with sweet peppers.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1st appointment 50 g oatmealglass of skim milk

50 g oatmeal

2 slices whole grain bread2 glasses of milk

100 g corn flakes

4 squirrels

2 slices whole grain bread

2 slices of bread with peanut butter2 glasses of milk

50 g oatmeal

2nd appointment 3 squirrels

50 g green peas

150 g turkey meat

3 squirrelshandful of nuts100 g low-fat cottage cheese150 g seafood salad

1 orange

100 g chicken breast

slice of whole grain bread

3rd appointment 50 g boiled buckwheat

150 g chicken fillet

2 slices whole grain bread

cup of coffee

150 g chicken breast

vegetable salad

50 g brown rice

150 g veal

vegetable salad

50 g durum flour spaghetti

150 g baked potatoes

100 g broccoli

50 g buckwheat porridge

100 g veal

stewed carrots

100 g baked potatoes

100 g red fish

4th appointment casein protein

dried fruits

no trainingcasein proteinno trainingcasein protein

dried fruits

no trainingno training
5th appointment 150 g red fish

vegetable salad

vegetable salad

100 g shrimp

150 g chicken fillet with stewed vegetables300 ml yogurt

piece of baked pumpkin

100 g stewed seafood

150 g boiled turkey

vegetable salad

handful of nuts

handful of dried fruits

300 g yogurt
6th appointment 100 g low-fat cottage cheese3 squirrels100 g low-fat cottage cheese

handful of blueberries

100 g low-fat cottage cheese

handful of raspberries

2 cups low-fat kefir

2 tablespoons bran

2 cups low-fat milk

handful of blueberries

vegetable salad

100 shrimp

You can download the menu for the week.

As you can see, drying the body for girls every day provides a separate balanced diet. This is the secret to the success of this type of weight loss.

Is it possible to “dry out” in a week?

Excessively fast drying is far from the most useful and healthy way to bring your body into condition. the required form. Such rapid weight loss will cause stress in the body and provoke it to “accumulate” reserves. So the effect will be obvious, but short-lived. However, in cases where it is necessary to urgently obtain results, a special buckwheat diet for drying the body for girls.

Its essence is extremely laconic. For five days you can only eat buckwheat porridge, boiled in water without oil or salt. You can't eat anything else. The main advantage of this method is that despite there being no limit on the amount of buckwheat, you can’t eat a lot of it even if you want to. And, given its properties, no problems with the stomach or gastrointestinal tract during this period you will not have any problems.

Popular questions about drying

There are many myths, unreliable and downright dangerous information around drying and its methods. In this block we tried to refute the most common of them.

Questions Answers
Why do you need body drying for girls?As a rule, women who are professionally involved in fitness, bodybuilding and other sports in which it is important to demonstrate the beauty of their muscles resort to drying. They do this on the eve of the competition to further emphasize the relief of the body. But also, recently, drying has begun to be used instead of a regular diet. simple girls who want to get rid of excess fat deposits. Experts strongly advise against doing this, so as not to harm the body.
Can I combine several meals into one if I missed one?No. Calorie content should average 200-300 kcal, but in any case not more than 500 kcal. Because the body cannot absorb more at a time. Therefore, everything above this threshold will be “converted” into fat deposits.
In order for drying to be as effective as possible, you need to completely eliminate carbohydrates. Is this true?This is a misconception. In the absence of carbohydrates, metabolic processes will slow down, moreover, destruction may begin muscle tissue. In addition, this is fraught with the development of ketoacidosis.
Is drying harmful to health?Correct, gradual drying is absolutely harmless to healthy person. It is contraindicated only for people with disorders of the pancreas, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
What is the best drying method for a girl?The best is a comprehensive approach that includes training, sports nutrition and a special diet.
How many kilograms can a girl lose in a week of drying?This depends on the initial amount of fat fiber, the intensity of training and diet. Usually it is from 0.5 to 1.5 kg. If the weight comes off faster, then this is a signal to increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Because this kind of weight loss is not healthy.
Is it possible to dry it in 5 days?It is possible, but such an effect will be short-term, moreover, it can be harmful to health.
How long can you stay dry without harming your health?The period of healthy drying for girls due to the peculiarities of metabolism is up to 12 weeks, while for men 8 weeks is enough. In the following months after drying, you need to constantly consolidate and maintain the result obtained, otherwise muscle mass can quickly change to a fatty layer.

Do not forget that the success of drying depends 90% on properly selected nutrition. And healthy drying cannot be quick. This is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. But in the end, you can safely show off not only your perfectly dried and sculpted body, but also your willpower.

The best way to define the curves of the silhouette and model the female form is to perform the techniques from the body drying program for 1.5 months. Just first you need to understand the difference between the concepts “” and “weight loss”. A set of exercises for cutting is aimed at reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat to 8-12% and forming a chiseled relief. Weight loss is caused by a general loss of mass, including muscle mass.

It is only possible to achieve optimal drying results when systematic approach. A well-designed training program for girls implies:

  • selection of strength and aerobic practices for the fitness room and home;
  • multiple approaches and repetitions;
  • accentuated loads for working out local zones;
  • correction of the nutritional system - inclusion of 1.8 times more protein in the diet for the formation of protein structures and muscle tissue growth.

Drying exercises for girls in the gym

Leg press technique in the simulator

  1. Sit in a special exercise machine.
  2. Place your feet at the edge of the platform, shoulder-width apart.
  3. Remove the restraints and begin pressing, bending your knees at the bottom to 45°.

Lower block thrust

  1. Place your feet under the lever raised to the desired height.
  2. Place your feet on the edge of the platform so that your heels hang down.
  3. Pull the lever towards you and automatically lift your heels.

Crunches on a block

The drying complex necessarily includes exercises for the press.

  1. Sit on a support, facing away from the machine.
  2. Grab the rope, bend at the waist and pull your elbows towards your hips.
  3. Once you reach climax, loosen your grip and straighten your body.

How to train while drying your thighs and buttocks

Bodybuilding classic - . Multi-joint practice strengthens the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, adductors, calves, abs, and lower back. For girls, a 20 kg bar is enough for drying.

  1. Take a comfortable squatting position with your toes pointed in different directions.
  2. Straighten your back, tighten your abdominal muscles, place the bar on your trapezius, squeeze your shoulder blades together and lift your head.
  3. Place the center of gravity on your heels.
  4. Lower your pelvis without moving your knees out of the vertical plane.
  5. Rise up slowly.

Drying exercises for girls at home

You can train at home using a minimum of equipment.

A simple and effective technique is squats.

  1. From a standing position, lower your hips to a right angle.
  2. Stretch your arms out in front of you for balance.
  3. Watch the position of your legs. When lowering your body, your knees should not peek out from behind your toes.
  4. Don't forget to keep your heels firmly in place.

After a warm-up set.


Training programs for girls include techniques for correcting problem areas. Typical women's problem associated with loss of muscle tone internal surfaces hips, solve wide squats. By changing their depth, you will at the same time pump up your buttocks and quadriceps.

  1. Take a lightly weighted dumbbell and clasp it with both hands at the base.
  2. Spread your legs wide, point your toes out. The larger the angle, the more actively the muscles of the internal zones work.
  3. Straighten your back, lift your chin, lower yourself to the maximum, holding the apparatus in straight hands between your legs. After 2 sets, try standing on your toes and repeating the movements.

Drying the body or training for the buttocks, quadriceps, legs and abs

Coordination complex technology- lunges, requires mental concentration and the ability to maneuver the body.

  1. Take a basic position, holding dumbbells in straight arms.
  2. Move forward with your right leg, bend your knee, and shift the weight of your body to your heel. Keep your left foot on your toes.
  3. Push off with the heel of the left limb and return to the starting line.

Perform similar lunges in the opposite direction, stepping back. Remember that with a wide step, the buttocks are included in the work, with a narrow step, the quadriceps straight.

Exercises for drying the belly

  1. Lying on your shoulder blades, raise your legs high.
  2. Having reached a critical point, pull your lower back up.

Your taskdo 100 repetitions in several approaches, giving yourself time to rest. Start with 50 repetitions, gradually increasing the takes and shortening the pauses between repetitions.

When communicating with professional athletes and bodybuilders, you can often hear the term drying the body. This is the most popular and effective method, which helps to get your body in order. Athletes often resort to it before competitions, as it is considered a proven method that demonstrates the desired result every time. Currently this technology improvement of one's body is spreading quite rapidly in everyday life and is used among girls who dream of becoming the owners of beautiful forms. Therefore, today we will tell you in more detail how to dry the body at home for girls: where to start, how to dry correctly and how much, and also how to maintain the result.

If you decide to try body drying at home, be sure to read the recommendations of professional athletes to get and maintain exactly the result you are looking for.

When considering the topic of drying, it’s probably worth starting with the basic terminology. The term “drying” refers to an artificially created lack of carbohydrates in the body. This process is called carbohydrate starvation, since it is precisely with an insufficient amount of fast carbohydrates in the body that the fat layer begins to actively decrease. It is worth noting that this technique is more difficult than losing weight using classic diets and simple training programs. But despite this, body drying for girls at home is very popular. TO in a similar way Ladies who want to make their shapes more prominent and attractive resort to get rid of the fat layer.

The basic rule to follow when losing fat at home is to create an optimal environment in the body for fat loss while preventing fluid loss and the transformation of subcutaneous fat cells into muscle. Having correctly drawn up a drying plan for your home, you will not have to waste time and money on visiting the gym.

  • At home, you can “dry” your body by first including three main points:
  • A meticulously thought out menu for every day.
  • A carefully designed training plan.
  • Preparing the necessary equipment and equipment for classes.

In addition to these nuances, it is necessary to observe the terms of permissible carbohydrate fasting. Ideally, body drying at home can be done within 5 weeks. This is due to the fact that three weeks (as noted by athletes) is not enough to get the desired results, and 6-8 weeks for such a fast is too long, as health problems may arise.

Having decided to work out this method of improving your figure on your own, start preparing by drawing up a training plan. The most successful period will be the interval between holidays and other events that can cause emotional shock (wedding, important meetings, session, interview, etc.).

Also, those planning to experience the full effectiveness of body drying should first take preventive measures to prevent and prevent complications in the liver. To do this, you need to use hepatoprotectors, after consulting with a doctor or personal trainer in advance. It is especially important to heed this advice for those who suffer from liver disease.

Girls who have not practiced sports before and want to use this technique for the first time must first prepare their body for the upcoming loads. Preparatory stage includes a transition to proper nutrition and periodic exercise.

In addition, those new to cutting should limit themselves to 5 (maximum 6) weeks of carbohydrate fasting and 19% fat. Exceeding these indicators, you will not be able to ensure the full functioning of everyone. internal systems body, which can have a negative impact on your health.


To achieve desired results It is very important to eat right. The success of the event depends 80% on the chosen diet. Therefore, when drawing up a drying plan and menu for the future period, the following should be considered:

  • The percentage of energy consumption must exceed.
  • Meals should be frequent, small portions.
  • Food consumption should be carried out in accordance with a schedule drawn up in advance.
  • Sweets should be excluded from the diet. You can replace sweets with fruits, but only in small quantities.
  • Like sweets, coffee should also be excluded from the diet. It can be replaced with weak green tea.
  • It is recommended to drink 2 to 3.5 liters of plain water (not carbonated) daily.

As you can see, the drying program in terms of nutrition is quite strict. However, in order to better tolerate this diet for those who find it very difficult, they are allowed to pamper themselves once a week. You can eat just a little of what you want most during the week. Experts, and even “experienced” athletes, admit that this makes it much easier to endure the diet and maintain a diet in the future.

No carbohydrate diet

As for nutrition, proper drying is always used in combination with a carbohydrate-free diet. It is quite tough, and therefore it is recommended to start it smoothly. Especially for beginners.

Low carbohydrate diet initial stage involves avoiding sweets and junk food. The diet should be varied with cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, low-fat dairy products, lean meat and eggs. At first, you can even eat pasta, but at the end of the second week of the diet you will also have to give it up. With the beginning of the third week, it will be possible to eat slow carbohydrates only until day 12, reducing their amount to 2-3 grams per 1 kg of weight. In subsequent weeks, carbohydrates can be consumed only in the amount of 1 gram per 1 kilogram of body weight, gradually reducing it to 0.

Sample menu during drying for women for a week.

breakfast 2nd breakfast dinner afternoon tea dinner before bed
Mon 50 g oatmeal
1 var. egg
+3 squirrels
200-220 ml tea
3 squirrels
50 g peas
50 g corn
50 g buckwheat
150 g breast
1 dose of whey protein
light vegetable
150 g salmon
150 g low-fat
cottage cheese
50 g blueberries
W 50 g oatmeal
3 boiled squirrels
220 ml milk
100 g turkey breast
2 slices rye bread
Vegetable stew
150 g turkey breast
Tofu cheese
2 slices
200 ml green tea
100 g boiled shrimp
Vegetable salad
Three whites of boiled eggs
Wed 100 g red fish
2 slices of bread
3 squirrels
2 bananas
50 g brown
150 g breast
vegetable salad
1 dose of whey protein
1 apple
1 banana
150 g breast
vegetable stew
150 g low-fat
cottage cheese
50 g blueberries
Thu 100 g corn flakes
0.5 l milk
40 g nuts
Bananas (2 pcs)
50 g durum pasta
150 g beef
220 ml natural
100 g stewed
100 g pumpkin
130 g lean
curd product
Fri 1 boiled egg
+ 3 squirrels
2 slices of bread
Half an avocado
100 g low-fat
cottage cheese
1 orange
1 banana
150 g potatoes
100 g salmon
1 dose of whey protein
some dried fruits
150 g chicken breast
Vegetable salad
400 ml kefir
low fat
40 g bran
Sat 3 squirrels
2 bread slices
nut butter
150 g seafood salad
1 orange
50 g buckwheat
150 g beef
1 carrot
40 g nuts
Some dried fruits
150 g chicken breast
Vegetable salad
400 ml low-fat
50 g blueberries
Sun 50 g oatmeal
400 ml low-fat
100 g turkey breast
1 bread slices
1 apple
1 orange
100 g potatoes
100 g red fish
1 tomato
300 g natural
2 bananas
100 g boiled
Vegetable salad
130 g lean
cottage cheese

Physical activity

Quick body drying for girls is only possible by combining a low-carbohydrate diet and physical exercise. For home training, you can create an individual training program that would comply with the rules:

  • You should train without rest breaks. The maximum allowable break is 1 minute between exercises.
  • You can quickly achieve the desired results with a small weight, but with a large number of repetitions.
  • Aerobics (running, walking, swimming, etc.) must also be included.
  • You need to exercise regularly, 5 times a week for 40-45 minutes. For muscle recovery, two days a week are enough, but the “weekend” days should not follow each other.
  • Before training, you should definitely warm up to prepare your body and muscles for the upcoming loads.
  • It is recommended to practice in good mood, and for this you should create an individual playlist with your favorite music for training.
  • You should not eat food 2 hours before a planned workout and for 2 hours after it.

For body drying for girls at home to be effective, you need to work out all muscle groups in problem areas separately. So, for example:

  • drying the legs and buttocks can be done three times a week during cardio exercises and when performing squats (classical and plie), lunges;
  • drying of the abdomen, arms and other muscle groups can occur during strength exercises(squats with weights, push-ups, dumbbell lifts, pull-ups), for which two days a week is enough.

Example exercises

It is allowed to alternate cardio exercises with power loads to obtain a higher efficiency. A drying program for a girl may include the most simple exercises, for which you do not need to go to the gym. These could be:

  • . Very effective exercises for feet while drying the body. To perform a squat, you need to place your feet shoulder-width apart and press your feet firmly to the floor. With your back straight, you need to perform deep squats until you feel muscle tension. For strength training and pumping up your arms, weights in the form of dumbbells (bottles with sand or water) are suitable, which you will need to lift while squatting.
  • Plie squats. Performed with legs wide apart and feet turned outward. When performing this exercise, you need to lower yourself to the point where your thighs become parallel to the floor. The plie squat is also suitable for strength training if you perform it with weights while holding the dumbbells with your arms extended forward. Such exercises are useful not only for the muscles of the arms, but also for the abdomen, because when performing them, it is necessary to constantly keep the abdominal muscles in tension.
  • Lunges. It's also very useful exercise, without which no drying of leg muscles is complete. To increase the load on days strength training, it is recommended to perform it with a special platform under the foot.
  • Cardio exercises. The most common ones are: walking, cycling, roller skating, etc. The most popular form of cardio is jumping rope. In one hour of exercise you can burn up to 1000 kcal. And given that the body will draw energy for this from subcutaneous fat reserves, with the help of this exercise you will be able to lose weight very quickly without losing muscle mass.

As you can see, body drying for girls at home is a completely doable task. Careful preparation and adherence to all drying rules will help you, after 5 weeks, in the prescribed training and nutrition regimen, enjoy the appearance of a sculpted, slender and attractive body.