Standard red brick size. Brick sizes Brick standards

To build a house, it is impossible to do without bricks. It began to be used decades ago. During this time, many types of this material appeared, the dimensions of which were standardized. The selection of standard sizes of facing bricks takes into account construction experience and material production technology.

The sizes of imported bricks differ from Russian ones. Our country has a special GOST that sets certain parameters.

Varieties and brands

For different areas construction applies various bricks. It is divided into several groups, which differ in their technological characteristics, as well as the material of manufacture.


The basis of a ceramic backfill product is ordinary clay. The material is processed by semi-dry pressing. This type of brick received a second name - ordinary. It is characterized by high strength and low cost.

Ceramic backfill products have several positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • fire safety;
  • frost resistance;
  • long period of operation.

These products differ in their shape:

  • full-bodied;
  • hollow.

In a solid ordinary brick there are no voids; only 13% of the total volume is lowered. The material has increased thermal conductivity.

When constructing a residential building from such bricks, special masonry mortars, additional insulation is being laid.


It is distinguished by its appearance, on which various defects have formed:

  • rough surface;
  • chips;
  • oblique edges.

Thanks to the relief pattern, the “loaf” adheres perfectly to concrete.

The main advantages of this type of brick are:

  • high density;
  • not afraid of mechanical influences;
  • meets modern environmental requirements;
  • does not lose its properties during temperature changes.


Among the many advantages of such bricks, the following stand out:

  • the thermal conductivity value is much less than a similar solid block;
  • creates excellent sound insulation;
  • low density;
  • small weight;
  • efficiency.


The current GOST does not recommend using burnt bricks during construction, since its heat treatment was done incorrectly. In principle, burnt material can be called defective. This brick is distinguished by its melted appearance, dark shade, violation of geometry. The product has a high density and conducts heat well.

Since the technology was violated during its manufacture, the material is fragile and has a short service life. It is afraid of moisture and is unstable at sub-zero temperatures.


One square centimeter of this material can easily withstand a pressure of 100 kg. The density of the brick is directly dependent on the material of manufacture.

Brick has several subgroups:

  • ceramic;
  • one and a half;
  • hyper-pressed;
  • single;
  • full-bodied;
  • hollow.


The block can withstand pressure of 150 kg. The material is used for the construction of any buildings.

Basically, residential and utility rooms are built from it.


A refractory brick that was developed for the construction of structures where there is a constant high temperature (for example, a furnace).

For individual construction, they mainly use direct SB. The casing of furnaces in which temperatures can exceed 1400 degrees is laid out of it.

Specifications products comply with the requirements of GOST 390 – 96.


We are talking about a single brick having a standard format. The material is available in different strengths. Popular brands of this variety include M100 and M200.


The material differs from analogues in its height. It is 13 mm larger. The difference in dimensions does not affect its use.

This brick has no fundamental differences from others, therefore it is used for various construction purposes, especially in the construction of facade walls.


Such bricks are used to decorate the façade of walls made of any material. If necessary, they are covered with an additional insulating layer.

To the advantages of facing finishing bricks can be attributed:

  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • different texture.


This product was used hundreds of years ago. However, even today, an artificially made clay block has not lost its relevance. Various shapes and a variety of different shades make it possible to create architectural masterpieces. This one is environmentally friendly pure material remains the most popular and in demand among the population.

High strength made it possible to lay outer walls from clay blocks, which are plastered and then covered. To create beautiful design a geometric pattern is made on the surface, which strengthens the coupling.

The disadvantage of clay products is considered to be low frost resistance, as well as the inability to work in high humidity.


It differs from analogues in its yellow tint. The brick contains:

  • limestone;
  • cement;
  • iron oxide.

The mixture of these elements gives the brick a yellow tint. The product belongs to the silicate group. These blocks are mainly used for the construction of large yellow buildings. To produce clinker products, clay is used, which never melts. It turns out building material bright yellow color. This fireproof material is widely used in construction country houses, as it is highly frost-resistant. Fireclay bricks have a rough surface, yellow and varied shape.


Russian legislation has established a special standard for technological characteristics And overall dimensions blocks of different types.

Single brick

Must have dimensions:

  • length – 250 mm;
  • width – 120 mm;
  • height – 65 mm.

The dimensions of a double ordinary silicate block are slightly different:

  • length – 250 mm;
  • width – 120 mm;
  • height – 138 mm.

One and a half thickened brick of different colors

Must have the dimensions specified in the standard:

  • length – 250 mm;
  • width – 120 mm;
  • height – 88 mm.

Special modular block

Overall dimensions differ from the standard (usual):

  • length – 280 mm;
  • width – 130 mm;
  • height – 80 mm.


Today this has become very popular and in demand. original brick with dimensions:

  • length – 250 mm;
  • width – 85 mm;
  • height – 65 mm.

Calculation of building materials

Today there are many special online calculators that can very accurately calculate the amount of material required to build a house.

A simple calculation is based on standard parameters ordinary ceramic block(250x120x65 mm). One cubic meter contains 512.82 pieces. If we take into account masonry seams measuring about 10 mm, the number will decrease by 118 bricks.

To determine the number of bricks that fit in 1 square. meter, builders use special tables.

Consumption rate

When constructing any building, it is very important to adhere to the developed standards regarding consumption. standard brick with dimensions 250x120x65 mm. Special tables help to accurately calculate the rate of material consumption. Here, intermediate seams are taken into account per one cubic meter, type of masonry, as well as the installation diagram of brick blocks:

  • 2.5 products.

For a more accurate calculation, the thickness of the masonry of 1-2 bricks is also taken into account.

A huge variety of brick products allows you to choose the right type blocks for individual and industrial construction. Different colors of bricks enable designers to realize their fantasies. Makes calculations easier required quantity material standardized sizes.

You will find all brick sizes in the following video.

Every developing country in the world is constantly building various houses and designs. Today, many building materials are known. This and reinforced concrete slabs, concrete, blocks. Brick is of particular importance. This is a unique building material, without which it is difficult to imagine everyday life. It has been used for decades. Of particular importance is the size of the red solid brick. The construction market has huge assortment this product. There are 2 types of bricks: solid and hollow. Both forms have found application in one field or another.

Due to its characteristics, red solid brick is successfully used in the construction of high-quality and comfortable low-rise buildings.

Built using red bricks load-bearing walls, columns, pillars. And this is not the entire list of areas of its use. Due to its physical and chemical properties, this building material is the basis for the construction of pipes, stoves or fireplaces. This stone is varied in size and external characteristics. Let's take a closer look at what length, width and height a standard red brick should have.

External characteristics

Any person involved in construction should know the overall dimensions of this stone. Currently, there are standard sizes and non-standard ones. In the first case, the length of the red brick is 250 mm, the width is 120 mm, and the height (thickness) is 65 mm. Of all the possible sizes, this one is the most convenient. The thing is that during the construction of buildings it is necessary to place red bricks perpendicular to each other. In this case, alternation of the longitudinal and transverse sides of the stone occurs. If you look closely at the sizes, it is easy to notice that they are almost double multiples of each other. This provides optimal location material during construction and reduces the need for sawing.

The interesting fact is that they may be different. A one-and-a-half stone is often used. It is very thick. With the same length and width, the thickness of the stone is 88 mm. In addition, in practice you can find a double stone. Its thickness is 138 mm. The sizes may be different, but the 3 varieties listed above are quite common. Custom sizes Suitable mainly for decorating houses, roofs, building facades. They are more often used for decorative purposes.

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Dimensions of solid bricks

The dimensions of hollow and solid stone do not differ. In the latter case, the dimensions are 250x120x65 mm. Hollow stones, despite their smaller volume, have excellent thermal insulation properties. As for solid red brick, it is more reliable, as a result of which it is used for the construction of more important buildings and structures. These dimensions allow without special effort lay the red brick, pick it up with one hand.

The length, width and height of the material are the main parameters that are taken into account when choosing a product. Red brick filled completely inside can be smooth or corrugated. It is advisable to use corrugated stone during use decorative plaster. In this situation, it will serve for optimal adhesion of the plaster to the working surface.

During construction work you need to remember that not only dimensions (length, width and height) are important, but also other quality criteria.

Standard sizes and modifications of hollow bricks.

For hollow bricks, the following characteristics must be taken into account: resistance to low temperatures and sufficient strength.

If we compare ordinary red brick with hollow brick, it conducts heat better. This indicates that the structure will need to be insulated. It is important that in some cases solid material manufactured according to European standards may be required. Its length is 250 mm, its width is only 60 mm, and its thickness is 65 mm. Its main purpose is wall cladding with outside. Non-standard dimensions of solid stones may vary. If you need to purchase a restoration stone, it is made to order, and the dimensions do not have specific standards.

Red brick means the safety and durability of a building, the ability to erect a building in any architectural concept, the convenience and economy of the construction process. This material is especially in demand in private housing construction during the construction of houses, fences, garages and other auxiliary buildings. The developer, knowing the size of the red brick, only needs to correctly calculate its quantity required for the construction of the facility.

Red brick dimensions: length - 250, width - 120 and height 65 mm.

Brick formats and sizes

During the development of brick production, a standard size of red brick was formed in Russia - 250x120x65 mm, where 250 mm is the length of the product, 120 mm is its width and 65 mm is its height. These sizes are supplemented with the letters NF (normal format). The accepted aspect ratio of the product not only turned out to be the most acceptable when constructing a wall, when it is necessary to alternate the longitudinal and transverse arrangement of the bars, but also to use bricks from different manufacturers on the same site. Subsequently, the size of the red ordinary brick became a derivative for the creation of new product formats, which differ from each other only in height.

The size of a red ordinary brick depends on its type

A brick of 1.4 NF format, with dimensions of 250X120X88 mm, is called “one-and-a-half” or thickened, and a brick of 2.1 NF format, with dimensions of 250X120X138 mm is called “double”. Please note that although thickened bricks are called one-and-a-half and double, red brick does not increase the height dimensions of one-and-a-half and double formats by 1.5 or 2 times. This is important to take into account when calculating the amount of bricks required to complete construction tasks on a specific site or site. There are also less common formats of red brick - 0.7 NF (250x85x65 mm) and 1.3 NF (288x138x65 mm). They are models of the so-called “Euro format”, and are used for original design buildings, for example, when renovating old mansions or creating a unique ornament on the facade of a building.

Brick modification

Red single brick, height size 65 mm, in practice it is also called “construction brick”. Samples model range differ from each other in strength (M 75 - M 300), frost resistance (F15 - F 50) and moisture resistance. Laying stones, regardless of the size of the red brick, is done with a hard mortar (cement-sand or lime). Moreover, the mortar is spread: either with the seams completely filled, or with an indentation of 10 - 15 mm from the front surface of the wall for subsequent jointing.

Red brick ordinary size: single – 250x120x65 mm, one-and-a-half – 250x120x88 mm, double – 250x120x140 mm.

The red solid brick, the size of which allows you to conveniently take it in your hand and lay it when building a wall (column), can be smooth or with a notch. Plaster mortar fits and adheres perfectly to notched brick walls. The size of the red solid brick was taken as the basis for the manufacture of hollow (slotted) bricks - single (h=65 mm) and one-and-a-half (h=88 mm). Lighter than full-bodied samples, they have excellent thermal insulation properties. Hollow brick models are used in the construction of walls and partitions, for which the standards for strength are reduced, but the requirements for thermal insulation and frost resistance are increased.

Size of red solid brick: length - 250, width - 120 and height 65 mm

Facing and stove red brick

According to production technology and purpose, masonry material is divided into: red ordinary brick, the size of which corresponds to the NFI facing format. Repair of facades that were decorated with red facing bricks is very rarely required. This speaks of high quality product and its excellent compatibility with other building materials. This compatibility is also facilitated by the fact that the red facing brick has dimensions identical to ordinary masonry bars - 250x120x65 mm. A attractive appearance red samples is already their undeniable advantage. Therefore, designers, taking into account the size of facing red brick, often use it when decorating interior interiors cottages, office and shopping and entertainment centers.

The brick is produced with different shades red. The color of facing bricks depends not only on the type of clay, but also on the pigments added to the blank mass. Subtype of baked clay bars - kiln brick, used in the construction of stoves, fireplaces, chimneys. The dimensions of the red stove brick correspond to the standard format: 250x120x65 mm. This is a fireproof material that does not collapse under very high temperatures and holds heat perfectly. True, it costs a little more than ordinary building bricks. In cases where the structure of the stove or fireplace partially fills the body of the wall, and the dimensions of the single red brick coincide with the dimensions of the stove samples, the order of the masonry and the wall and the stove (chimney, fireplace) are in the same horizontal plane.

The choice of red brick model depends on the purpose of the structure or object for the construction of which it is purchased. A competent, economically sound choice of the size, shape and structure of the brick will help the developer optimize construction costs and purchase material without overpaying for excess.

As a building material, brick has firmly occupied its niche since ancient times. This is explained by high strength properties, stability when exposed to temperature, moisture, and frost.

There are many variations of bricks on the market, some of which are universal in functionality, and some of which are used for special purposes. The operational differences of decorative, sand-lime or red brick can be successfully used to implement a variety of construction projects.

When choosing a material according to its intended purpose, they take into account such indicators as size. The most commonly used stone is a single stone, also called standard, normal or working.

Appearance, characteristics and purpose of the material

By technical requirements V modern construction bricks are used, the dimensions of which correspond to the following parameters(in mm):

  • single – length 250 (with a tolerance of +/-5 mm), width 120 (with a tolerance of +/-4 mm), height 65 (with a tolerance of +/-3 mm);
  • one and a half – length 250, width 120, height 88;
  • double – length 250, width 120, height 138.

Dimensions of red brick or sand-lime brick are standard, in other words, the material from which they are made does not determine its parameters, therefore normal stones have standard height 65 mm.

The dimensions are determined not so much by the convenience for the worker (it is easy to hold a stone weighing approximately 3.4 kg in your hand), but by the features of the masonry.

For example, the use of working bricks is effective when alternating transverse and longitudinal stones: for every meter of masonry length there are 13 rows of bricks. The geometric dimensions allow for efficient laying, taking into account the need for bandaging.

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Dimensions of facing bricks

Sizes of standard single facing bricks the same as for privates, but options are possible. Thus, clinker stones with a length of 250 mm and a height of 65 mm can have a width of 120, 90, and 60. Hyper-pressed stones are characterized by the same dimensions as clinker stones. decorative blocks. But the dimensions of the ceramic slabs are non-standard: length – 188, width – 88, and height – 63 mm.

The given parameters are a European standard that allows the designer to create the original appearance of buildings, which is more than relevant in the conditions of Soviet and post-Soviet typification.

According to the American standard, the width of the material is slightly smaller than that of the domestic one. Instead of the usual 120, it is customary to produce blocks with a width of 78 mm. These parameters allow significant savings in the process of transporting the material and when laying it. In construction, when using American material, it is possible to achieve less load on the foundation, and during restoration, less wall thickness.

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Established standards

In accordance with the standards, a number of requirements are imposed on single bricks.

Instances that do not comply with the standard are unsuitable for construction work.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the maximum volume of voids of hollow ordinary stone does not exceed 13%. At the same time, the norm of volumetric weight fluctuates between 1700-1900 kg/m, the norm of the thermal conductivity coefficient does not exceed 0.7 kcal/m, and the norm of water absorption starts at 8%.

The weight of a red solid single brick is on average 3.5 kg, hollow - 2.4 kg, facing - 1.45 kg.

It is clear that the mass depends on the density of the material, while the weight of sand-lime brick is the highest by standards. Some manufacturers deviate from the standard and, guided by specifications, produce blocks whose weight is 5 kg.

Reliable adhesion and reduced thermal conductivity are ensured due to the porous structure, which excludes components such as stones and lime. According to standards, cracks are not allowed in the structure.

With standard sizes, the working stone has the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped with straight and even edges, edges, and corners. In hollow single blocks, according to standards, different types holes - oval, round. The most durable bricks are those that have square holes.

To establish deviations from the norm, material from one batch is measured, which makes it possible to identify discrepancies in size, the presence of curvatures, damage to corners or ribs.

The use of stone whose dimensions do not meet the standards leads to masonry defects, which later affects the operational characteristics buildings as a whole.

Red brick is a building material with excellent characteristics. It is characterized by such properties as strength and long service life. It began to be used in the field of construction 4000 years ago. During the development of standard brick production, the appearance of the product, its shape, and size will constantly change.

Thanks to such a long history, today red brick is presented in a wide range on the construction market, which includes about 15,000 types. Each of them differs in its texture and color. All varieties of red brick are classified into certain conventional categories, which determine the composition, structure, color and purpose.

Description of standard red brick

To make the usual presented product, clay mixed with water is used, which is then fired. As a result, the sample is exposed to high temperatures, which contribute to the formation of irreversible chemical processes.

The photo shows the dimensions of the red brick

At the time of purchase of this product it is necessary to pay attention not only to the quality characteristics, but also to the type and dimensions of the red brick. Thanks to all these indicators, it acquires various properties that influence its performance.

You can find out how much a brick for a plinth costs from this

In addition to its attractiveness, the presented product has long term use and durability. As a result, it is possible to achieve the safety of the erected buildings. In addition, repairs to facades in the construction of which red brick was used are very rare.

You can find out which brick is best suited for a stove from this

The video shows the size of a standard red brick:

You can find out the properties of ceramic bricks from this

Size of ordinary building brick

Since red brick has different classifications, each type has its own dimensions. For ordinary standard red brick, the length remains unchanged - 250 mm, width - 120 mm, but as for the thickness, it depends on the type of product: single– 65 mm, double– 130 mm and modular– 88 mm. : 250*120*88.

You can find out about the sizes of white sand-lime brick here from this

Types and standard according to GOST


The classic dimensions of this product are actively used in the construction of load-bearing and reinforced buildings, the construction of foundations, stoves and fireplaces. Such a product is characterized by the following markings: M-075, M-100, M-125, M-175. Frost resistance level can reach F50. What size? The dimensions of a single red block will be 250x120x65 mm. Depending on the size, and varies. The cost of these products will be 9.4-16 rubles per piece.
