How to glue polyethylene foam together. HDPE welding, welding modes, technology

When choosing insulation, a special place is occupied by foamed polyethylene - a material with sound, heat and vapor barrier properties. Depending on the manufacturer, it can be penofol, isolon or polyfoam. The construction market offers different types: with one-sided or double-sided foil, as well as with a self-adhesive surface. The material on which the insulation is attached also varies. Based on all the parameters, you need to be able to choose the appropriate adhesive for polyethylene foam.

Adhesive for penofol (click to enlarge)

Features of penofol fastening

Penofol (isolon) is produced by special foaming of polyethylene. The insulation is covered with aluminum foil, which maximizes heat retention. It is used for internal and external works, in the finishing of production mechanisms, heat preservation in pipelines or air conditioning systems. It comes in rolls and individual plates. It may have additional characteristics – thickness, color. The bonding of foil to the plane of foamed polyethylene can be chemical or physical (cross-linked).

Pros of penofol:

  • small thickness;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • does not require additional funds protection of skin and respiratory tract;
  • there is no need for special tools;
  • ease of fastening.

We attach penofol to glue (click to enlarge)

Glue is used for penofol with foil on one side.

Double-sided insulation is used for thermal insulation of loggias, garages, and pipes. They are attached to the sheathing or purchased polyethylene foam with a self-adhesive surface.

Due to the lightness of the insulation material, bearing capacity glue is not so important.

Glue selection

Line of adhesives for penofol on modern market wide enough. Therefore it is important to consider different characteristics materials.

General rules

Penofol adhesive is selected based on the following:

  • the product has durable adhesive properties;
  • the thermal range coincides with the temperature characteristics of the insulation;
  • in interior decoration residential premises (apartment, office) use a non-toxic certified product;
  • at exterior decoration you need glue that is resistant to temperature changes and weather conditions;
  • saunas and baths require mixtures with water-repellent properties;

Watch the video to understand better:

Glue on water based not suitable for gluing isolon!

A water base will not create the required level of penetration into all the pores of foil polyethylene foam. The grip on the surface will be insufficient.

Types of glue

You can select glue according to the table (click to enlarge)

Choose what to glue with, also evaluating the surface:

  • Weicon Easy-Mix PE-PP 45. Bonds polypropylene and polyethylene. It hardens for a long time;
  • Titanium. Optimal for concrete base;
  • Atlas Stopter K-20 glue. Adheres to mineral substrates;
  • T-Avangard-K is used at high humidity;
  • Contact Acrol or Neoprene-2136 spray is glued to penoplex;
  • Ceresit and Olfix are universal - they are attached to any surface, including concrete;

Atlas Stopter K-20 glue will good choice(click to enlarge)

The seams are treated with Tilite or special tape.

Surface preparation

Level the surface, clean it from dirt and dust. Cracks on concrete walls putty, eliminate any chips and unevenness.

For expanded polystyrene special requirements There is no preparation - remove dust and unevenness.

Metal, wood, and polymers are coated with a primer suitable for the type of mixture chosen.

How to attach penofol

Attach penofol with the foil side facing the inside of the room. A greater thermal insulation effect is created by additional air gap 1-2 cm thick (using a backing - lathing).

By watching the video you will learn more:

Glue different compositions for foamed polyethylene it can be ready-made or requires preparation on site. You must carefully read the instructions for the selected mixture:

  • glue is applied in an even layer, special attention focusing on the edges. Before sticking, you need to wait up to 1 minute so that the composition has time to be slightly absorbed. This ensures better adhesive properties.
    Attach the treated penofol to the insulated surface. The plates are fastened joint to joint, but not overlapping;
  • setting time varies depending on the characteristics of the glue (at least 15 seconds);
  • smooth the surface of the polyethylene foam, removing folds. Tape the seams, you can use foil tape;
  • glued insulation in residential premises requires additional decorative finishing. The last layer of the structure (plasterboard or lining) is installed on the sheathing.

Nothing brings satisfaction more than a job done correctly and skillfully. If you follow all the recommendations, attaching the insulation will not cause much trouble.

Owners often encounter this problem. summer cottages, greenhouses, home craftsmen, and even car owners. After failures, people start looking for information on the topic. Is it even possible to glue polyethylene? In the article you will find the answer to this question.

Polyethylene and its properties

Polyethylene is a very common material with many excellent properties. It is used for insulation, for packaging, for protection against moisture, is an excellent electrical insulator, and absorbs the most dangerous look radiation - neutrons and therefore used in protection against them, it is completely chemically resistant. This latter sometimes turns from an advantage into a disadvantage. How to glue polyethylene? Gluing is a chemical and a little electrical process, oddly enough. The molecules of the substances being glued are attracted to each other due to the difference in their electrical charges.

That is, there must be an adhesive in nature (and on the market) that adheres well to polyethylene, and when hardened, firmly holds the glued parts. So, the problem is that gluing polyethylene is very difficult. Its molecules are electrically very “balanced”, hence the extraordinary chemical resistance of the material. And a reluctance to stick to anything. However, the industry has found something to glue polyethylene with. True, not all of this is suitable for home, but some may come in handy. Here are the suitable methods, selected according to the resulting strength rating:

  • Welding polyethylene
  • Weicon Easy-Mix PE-PP Adhesive
  • Epoxy glue plus oxidizing agent

Welding polyethylene

The strongest seam is obtained when welding polyethylene. If done correctly. The fact is that polyethylene is hot molded, usually under very high pressure, which reaches hundreds of kilograms per square centimeter. And when it is reheated at atmospheric pressure until it melts, it tends to shrink, a little, but this is enough to make welding difficult. Two types of welding can be distinguished: film welding and thick polyethylene welding (canisters, pipes, etc.)

To weld the film, heated objects or a special apparatus for gluing polyethylene, or more precisely, welding, are used. It works like this: both layers of film are pulled along a heated wedge, and then immediately welded with a pair of compressed rollers. At correct selection temperature and pressure of the rollers, an excellent result is obtained - complete sealing of the seam.

But with a little practice, you can learn how to glue polyethylene even with an electric soldering iron or iron through paper, so as not to spoil its sole. The clean edges of the film are placed on top of each other and drawn through the paper with the edge of the sole of a heated iron.

A soldering iron with a clean tip, if turned on through the voltage regulator, welds the seam even better, and no paper is needed. You can also make a clamp on the sting with small nozzle conveniently shaped metal. Then the tip can be used for its intended purpose, and the polyethylene will not be stained with solder or carbon deposits from flux.

Gluing thick polyethylene is more difficult and requires good skill. Most best way heating: portable gas burner (easy to use), or hair dryer with a nozzle for a narrow jet of +250°C.

The procedure could be as follows:

  1. Thoroughly clean and dry surfaces before welding.
  2. Prepare polyethylene filler for the seam. It is best to take a narrow piece of the same material.
  3. Heat the edges of the seam until melting begins and let them “settle” a little. But don't get carried away with this process.
  4. Start introducing the additive (see point 2), fusing it evenly into both sides of the seam to a thickness equal to the material.
  5. Allow the seam to cool completely.

The same method is applicable when deciding what to use for gluing foamed polyethylene. The surface of foamed polyethylene is not very conducive to bonding, and it is better to weld it carefully.

For another method of welding thick polyethylene, see the video:

Gluing with acrylate glue with filler

The best glue is Weicon Easy-Mix PE-PP. It is specially designed for materials with weak adhesion. Most liquids “stick” to polyethylene very poorly and are simply squeezed out from the point of contact between the surfaces.

But this glue contains the addition of tiny glass beads, which prevents the glue from leaving the gluing area, forming a gap of the required thickness. Therefore, the gluing surface is sufficient and the glue, when hardened, holds the surfaces firmly together. It’s hard to find anything better than gluing polyethylene.

Surfaces must be thoroughly degreased and dried before gluing. Glue can only be supplied from a branded packaging mixer. The best temperature for performing work is +21...+23 °C. Liquid glue is good for no more than 2-3 minutes. After applying the layer, you must immediately join the surfaces. Complete seam readiness (maximum mechanical strength) for polyethylene will be achieved in a few hours (4-5 according to the experience of those who worked with glue). The curing of the adhesive joint is carried out at a temperature from +15 to +70 degrees.

Bonding with epoxy glue

This is the most available method, if we talk specifically about gluing and not welding. Before gluing polyethylene, you need to prepare the surfaces.

Epoxy glue is not a glue for gluing polyethylene, but, nevertheless, phenol-formaldehyde resin has very decent adhesion to the surface of polyethylene. In this case, you need to act like this:

  1. Roughen the surfaces with emery cloth, then degrease and dry.
  2. Treat both surfaces with a 15-25% solution of chromic anhydride or 20-30% potassium dichromate. (Caution, caustic substances and dangerous carcinogens!) You can take another strong oxidizing agent: a strong solution of potassium permanganate. It is not much less effective, but is much safer. After treatment, dry the surfaces again.
  3. Prepare epoxy glue according to instructions.
  4. Apply glue to both surfaces thin layer and dock.
  5. Maintain at a temperature of +30...+45°C for several hours, but it is better to keep for a day until ready.


In case of high strength requirements, welding should definitely be preferred. If welding is also accompanied by keeping the seam warm at about seventy degrees for several hours with slow cooling, then the seam will have a slight fragility. Rapid cooling of the seam makes it brittle, especially in cold conditions.

Acrylate adhesive with filler does not require mechanical preparation of the surface, except for unconditional cleaning and degreasing, which must always be done before gluing. You can even try to experiment with other acrylate adhesives by adding an additive in the form of crushed chalk or cement. It is possible that you will be able to get a high-quality and very inexpensive recipe.

Epoxy glue is the most difficult to use, and the strength here is not the highest. But in extreme cases, this may be a way out.

The Russian market does not experience a shortage of adhesives. It contains an abundance of adhesive compositions of domestic and foreign production, capable of gluing almost any surface. For example, the popular line of adhesives is widely represented. This glue is unique as it has a wide range of applications for gluing polyethylene foam, shoe uppers, natural and artificial leather, textiles to leather and rubber soles. Universal household glue 152 I-1 is indispensable in everyday life; this glue will help you fix virtually any household breakdown. Waterproof elastic adhesive is designed for gluing a wide range of materials: rubber and rubber-like materials, leather, fabric, metal, wood and cardboard in any combination. Suitable for gluing chipboard, fibreboard, laminate and plywood. The adhesive can be used for finishing and repair work in construction, for gluing linoleum, carpet, cork, and any other natural and artificial floor coverings to various substrates (cement or concrete, asphalt, wood, chipboard, fiberboard), gluing ceramic facing tiles, polymer facing tiles on concrete, wood base, plaster. But even among such abundance it is not easy to find glue that can solve such a complex problem as gluing thick or thin polyethylene. This problem often arises for owners of summer cottages with greenhouses, home craftsmen, car owners, etc. What is the difficulty of gluing polyethylene and is it even possible to do it?

Foamed polyethylene is widely in demand in different areas material having mass unique properties and advantages. One of them is its chemical inertness, the lack of reaction to most chemical irritants. It’s a paradox, but this is precisely the advantage of polyethylene in in this case turns into a significant disadvantage of popular material, because it is immune to most adhesive compositions and has extremely low adhesion ability. And yet there are ways to connect polyethylene surfaces. Let's consider three of them, providing the most durable and reliable connection:

  • welding of polyethylene;
  • gluing with acrylate glue;
  • gluing with epoxy glue with an oxidizing agent.

Joining polyethylene by welding

The most reliable seam can be obtained by properly welding this material. What complicates the welding process? The next nuance that must be taken into account: polyethylene is molded hot and under high pressure, reaching hundreds of kg per square centimeter. When welding, it is heated again under normal conditions. atmospheric pressure until the moment of melting, and then it shrinks somewhat, complicating the welder’s work. Based on the type of object being welded, a distinction is made between film welding and welding of products made of thick polyethylene - cans, pipes, etc.

Thin plastic film welded with a special apparatus or preheated improvised devices. In the machine, the film is glued like this: its joined layers are pulled along a wedge heated to a certain temperature, and then pressed against each other with a pair of special rollers. Proper selection of the degree of heating and pressure of the rollers ensures a tight and reliable connection.

If you practice, you can get the hang of gluing polyethylene even with a regular electric soldering iron or iron. The latter should work through paper to prevent damage to its sole. This is done like this: the edges of the film are connected to the overlay, covered with paper and quickly passed over it with the edge of the hot sole of the iron. With a soldering iron tip connected through a voltage regulator, polyethylene is welded even better, and without any paper.

Gluing thick polyethylene is a more complex process that requires special skills. The best way heating it – portable gas burner who is comfortable working. You can also use a hair dryer with a nozzle for a narrow stream of air heated to +250°C.

Welding is performed in the following order:

  • the surface area where the work will be carried out is cleaned and dried;
  • a polyethylene seam filler is prepared - it is better if it is a tape of the same material from which the object being welded is made;
  • the edges of the soldered seam are heated to the melting stage - they should “settle” somewhat, but it is important not to overdo it;
  • an additive is gradually introduced - it is fused into both sides of the seam; its thickness should correspond to the thickness of the material of the product being glued;
  • The seam is allowed to cool completely.

Gluing polyethylene with acrylate glue

For gluing films or products made of polyethylene, acrylate adhesives are used, intended for joining materials with weak adhesion. It contains a filler made of glass microbeads, which does not allow the adhesive to slide off from the gluing site, so the connection is quite strong after the glue has completely hardened.

Before gluing, the surfaces to be joined must be thoroughly degreased and dried. The adhesive composition is supplied directly from the packaging. The optimal temperature value for polyethylene compound is +21...+23 °C. The glue released from the package must be used within 2-3 minutes, then it will lose its properties. After applying the composition, the surfaces to be glued are immediately joined and pressed. The maximum mechanical strength of the seam will be achieved within 4-5 hours. The new compound is aged at temperatures ranging from 15 to 70 degrees above zero.

Using epoxy glue when working with polyethylene

Epoxy glue was, of course, not created for gluing polyethylene, but it is often used for this purpose, achieving good results. The fact is that phenol-formaldehyde resin has fairly high adhesion to polyethylene surfaces.

Technology for gluing polyethylene with epoxy adhesive:

  • We carefully prepare the surfaces to be glued, for which we first roughen them with emery cloth, and then degrease them and dry them well. Having done this, we treat all working areas with a 15-25% solution of chromic anhydride or a solution of potassium dichromate at a concentration of 20-30%. The listed chemicals should be handled very carefully as they are caustic and carcinogenic. A strong solution of potassium permanganate can also be used as an oxidizing agent. It is much safer, although it is slightly less effective. After completing the oxidizing treatment, the surfaces are dried again.
  • Epoxy glue is diluted exactly according to the instructions.
  • The adhesive composition is applied in a thin layer to both surfaces to be joined and joined together.
  • The element or product to be glued should be kept for several hours at a temperature of 30-45°C, or even better, increase this period to a day.

Polyethylene has long been popular in household material, unpretentious and inexpensive. Many people are faced with the need to glue polyethylene, for example, when arranging a greenhouse. It is worth noting that this material difficult to bond, but, nevertheless, this can be done using special adhesives.

So, to the question, what kind of glue will firmly glue polyethylene, experts answer - these are BF-2 and BF-4 adhesives, as well as glacial acetic acid, xylene and trichlorethylene. You can purchase these compounds in specialized stores.

What glue to use to glue polyethylene

What glue to use for gluing polyethylene - composition

The easiest way is to purchase structural adhesive in the store, which contains methyl acrylate. Its properties ensure rapid softening of polyethylene and its further gluing. The glue also contains inorganic and organic acids and xylene, chromic anhydride and various additives.

The advantage of using a mixture is that it does not require additional processing material. However, polyethylene glue is quite toxic, so it is recommended to carry out work outdoors. The glue acquires its best properties at a temperature of +35C; it is not afraid of moisture, but is flammable. It is better to buy it in specialized stores so as not to run into a fake.

If there is a need to combine polyethylene with polyethylene, it is more convenient and easier to resort to heat treatment.

This technique allows you to obtain a strong, unbreakable seam. Among the disadvantages of the method, it is worth noting the deformation of the edges of the product.

Mixtures for combining polymers are available for sale, with a consistency similar to a thick paste. An activator is included in the kit. After adding it to polyethylene glue, it acquires the required consistency and can be used for the near future.

Gluing polyethylene - step-by-step instructions

To glue polyethylene, you will not need specialized knowledge and skills. Even beginners can cope with the task at home.

The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Clean the surface and degrease it. Some manufacturers claim that this step is not mandatory, but experts still recommend spending a few minutes and under no circumstances skipping it.
  2. Apply glue to the treated material. It will only take a few minutes for it to harden, so the parts need to be attached to each other without delay.
  3. Leave the glued polyethylene elements for several hours until the glue completely sets.

In general, this algorithm is similar to working with any glue. However, you should take care to use protective gloves, since the glue can cause allergic reactions and is quite toxic.

It is more convenient to apply the adhesive using glue gun, which can be charged with ready-made cartridges. The mixture of them is distributed evenly, so it is easy to achieve the desired dosage. If you are planning a large amount of work, this device is worth investing in.


How to glue foamed polyethylene

Foamed polyethylene has a porous structure, therefore it provides high-quality heat, steam and waterproofing.

Thanks not high price, ease of operation and installation, it is actively used in construction. The most popular brands are Izolon, Vilaterm, Energoflex, Polyfom, Temaflex.

If the need arises glue foam insulation, experts recommend two-component adhesives based on methyl acrylate. Such compositions are characterized by high adhesion and are suitable for working with polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, and polypropylene. An example is the well-known adhesive composition “Easy-Mix PE-PP” from WEICON.

Usually in order to achieve high results in gluing foamed polyethylenes, the following procedures are additionally required:

  • surface treatment by sandblasting or grinding,
  • physical treatment, for example, thermal fire,
  • chemical treatment (usually the fluoridation method is used).

But when using “Easy-Mix PE-PP” you can do without additional preparation and treatment of surfaces due to the “primer” included in the composition, which changes the structure of the materials being glued, after which they easily adhere.

The use of “Easy-Mix PE-PP” adhesive for working with polyethylene foam both on an industrial scale and at home allows you to reliably and quickly fasten materials, while it is ready for use immediately after opening the package, it is easy to dose and mix, and apply.

The glue has a soft paste-like consistency, is not afraid of conditional “aging” and retains its properties for a long time even in open areas.

IN construction work, often using foamed polyethylene material Izolon, the problem arises of how to attach it. One solution is to glue it. Almost everything insulating materials, such as alufom, penofol and others can be glued, if appropriate.

For example, as in the photo, it is foil-coated for insulation and is additionally attached with glue.

Photo 1. Gluing on the balcony

How and with what to glue.

Usually, the balcony is first insulated with polystyrene foam boards, onto which foil polyethylene is glued.

To do this, you can use the following glue:

  • 88-NP
  • Akrol contact
  • spray "Neoprene 2136"

The joints are sealed or overlapped.

You can glue the foam to the foam or to another surface using the following glue:

  • AQUALIT SK-106 P (polymer cement mixture)
  • POLYMIN P-20
  • STOLIT PC and TYTAN STYRO 753 O2 (aerosol polyurethane)

How to glue foamed polyethylene to the wall

For example, to insulate a home, you need to glue the screen behind the radiator.

Cut out right size foil Penofol with polished aluminum foil 3-5 mm is usually used.

The screen can be fixed double-sided tape or stick it on.

Photo 2. An example of gluing Izolon reflective insulation behind a heating radiator

The wall must be cleaned, treated with an antiseptic, dried and leveled if necessary.

  • 88 Luxe
  • Nairit-1 (88-P1)
  • Foam rubber-2 (88-P2)
  • 88-Metal

Photo 3. Universal adhesive 88 for polyethylene foam (polyethylene foam)

Today, it is the most popular adhesive on the market due to its versatility and wide application. Retains its properties in the range from -30C to +90C, and is used both in everyday life and on an industrial scale.

To use it correctly, carefully study the instructions for using the glue; it has a large number of varieties.

For large volumes of work, glue is available in packages starting from 25 kg.

Such as for example:

  • adhesive mixture "Facade"
