Typical roof components and features of their design. How to connect a roof to a parapet - arrangement of nodes in practice Connection of a roof to a parapet

Parapet apron- one of the most important roofing elements, capable of high-quality and long-term protection of protrudingparts of the building subject to the destructive effects of precipitation. Standard parapet aprons are products made of galvanized steel sheet, having a U-shape in cross-section. They are installed on roof parapets, fences, and other protruding areas made of brick, concrete, foam block.

For the production of parapet aprons, sheets and rolls of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.45 - 1.2 mm are used. The determination of a particular metal thickness is made by the manufacturer’s engineer based on calculations. To make the calculation, it is necessary to determine the parameters (dimensions) of the apron, the type of substructure, etc.

The apron is attached to a pre-installed subsystem, consisting of crossbars installed at intervals of no more than 600 mm.


There are a wide variety of options for making aprons and they are generally selected for each object individually, based on the size, direction of drainage, and other parameters. The most common apron options are listed below.

"FP-1" "FP-2"
"FP-3" "FP-4"


The first important step in installing aprons is taking measurements. For many, this procedure may seem complicated, but it is not so and we will try to consider in detail the specifics of this procedure.

1) Determining the width of the covered area

Roof parapets have a certain width, generally equal to the thickness of the building walls. If the facades of the building are made using ventilated facade technology, then to determine the width of the covered part, you need to sum up the width of the concrete part of the parapet and the width of the protruding facade system with cladding.

If the facades are made using the technology " wet facade“then it is necessary to add the thickness of the façade pie to the width of the concrete parapet (insulation, plaster, finishing coating). For open walls (without insulation or cladding), the width of the covered area is the net width of the parapet.

2) Determining the dimensions of the side shelves (drains)

After determining the width of the covered area, it is necessary to determine the dimensions of the apron drains (side shelves). The size of the side shelves of the apron is determined individually, based on the wishes of the Customer and the selected subsystem option.

An important aspect of determining the lateral dimensions is taking into account the height of the future subsystem and the required slope. Mostly side shelves made from 70 -120mm.

3) Determination of product length

The length of the product is determined based on the geometric parameters of the covered area (number of straight sections, corner sections). The best option The length of one apron is 2500mm.

4) Number of products

For correct calculation required quantity aprons, it is necessary to measure the total perimeter of the covered area. The resulting size must take into account the overlap of the products; the optimal overlap of one apron to another is considered to be 25-40mm.

So, to calculate the final width of the product, you need to take the width of the covered area and add 50 - 70 mm. (reserve width for the frame) and add 10 mm to the slope (difference). The slope should generally go towards the roof; an acceptable difference is 30-40mm.


There are several options for installing covering elements on parapets.

  • Direct fastening to concrete (brick base)
  • Fastening to a load-bearing substructure

The choice of installation option is made by engineers based on the customer’s needs and site parameters.

Let us consider in more detail the option of installing aprons on a subsystem (frame):

The frame can be various designs and types, mainly supporting brackets and angles made of galvanized steel are used to assemble the subsystem. The frame allows you to perfectly level the covered area and give the necessary slope to the structure.

In the above installation unit for parapet aprons, the subsystem design consists of several components:

  • Load-bearing bracket 50 mm (facade)
  • L-shaped guide 40x40mm made of galvanized steel.
  • Bracket anchor
  • Blind rivets
  • Roofing screws

The installation period for brackets and guides should be 400-600mm. This allows the parapet apron to be firmly secured.


Galvanized parapet aprons have special coatings that provide an additional protective layer and also add color to the products. There are several main protective and decorative coatings:

  • PURAL (PU)

Factory-produced galvanized steel sheets come in several standard colors, listed below.

Products that need to be given a different shade from the factory color are painted powder paint By


Shelf width, mm units change Standard RAL colors Other RAL colors (powder painting)
100 linear meters 110 rub. 150 rub.
150 linear meters 135 rub. 184 rub.
200 linear meters 160 rub. 218 rub.
250 linear meters 185 rub. 252 rub.
300 linear meters 210 rub. 286 rub.
350 linear meters 235 rub. 320 rub.
400 linear meters 260 rub. 354 rub.
450 linear meters 285 rub. 388 rub.
500 linear meters 310 rub. 422 rub.
550 linear meters 335 rub. 456 rub.
600 linear meters 360 rub. 490 rub.
650 linear meters 385 rub. 524 rub.
750 linear meters 435 rub. 592 rub.
800 linear meters 460 rub. 626 rub.
850 linear meters 485 rub. 660 rub.
900 linear meters 510 rub. 694 rub.
950 linear meters 535 rub. 728 rub.
1000 linear meters 560 rub. 762 rub.
1050 linear meters 585 rub. 796 rub.
1100 linear meters 610 rub. 830 rub.

Prices shown include VAT 18%

Contents of the article

The parapet is installed mainly on flat roofs, and on inverted roofs it is mandatory requirement. However, parapets can also be installed on pitched roofs. The purpose of this structure is to protect the life and health of people on the roof.

A parapet on the roof is, in fact, a continuation of the wall above the roof level, serving as an enclosing structure. In past times, parapets, in addition to engineering and technical solutions, served as an architectural decoration of the building. And now you can see parapets decorated with various statues on ancient buildings.

Requirements for parapets

Based on the requirements of SNiP31-06-2009, clause 3.24, parapets are required for buildings whose height to the eaves is more than 10 meters, and whose roof slope reaches 12%. If the roof slope is more than 12%, and the height to the eaves is more than 7 meters, GOST 25772 regulates the construction of fencing. This is especially true for flat roofs in use where people are expected to be present. Fences must be manufactured and installed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 25772-83.

The parapet on the roof can be erected:

  • from concrete blocks;
  • monolithic reinforced concrete;
  • bricks;
  • metal

The minimum height of the parapet is 45 cm, the maximum can reach up to 1.2 m, depending on the functionality of the roof. The minimum height of the parapet is determined by the need to install an additional waterproofing carpet, which should extend to vertical surface parapet to a height of 25 cm or more. Parapets from above must be protected by metal aprons from the destructive effects of rain, snow and wind. Used as an apron:

  • galvanized steel;
  • metal profile;
  • copper;
  • concrete slabs.

Upper part of the parapet flat roof may have a horizontal or sloped shape. It is possible to manufacture a non-standard parapet according to individual order. In the case of a steel apron, the latter must be firmly secured with crutches and treated with sealant at the joints. If the parapet is covered with concrete slabs, the joints are also sealed.

Brick parapets

Brick parapets are erected mainly during the process of laying walls after the floor slabs have been laid. At the same time, when laying parapets, if the height of the parapet on the roof is more than 0.5 m, inner surface Grooves are left for subsequent insertion of the roofing carpet into them and laying clamping bar. On low parapets, the rolled carpet can be placed directly on the upper plane of the parapet, which is covered with a metal apron or parapet slabs with mandatory sealing of the seams.

Laying a parapet is done in exactly the same way as laying walls - with tensioning the mooring and selecting bricks. If necessary, metal or wooden embedded parts are laid into the brickwork of the parapets. When installing low parapets on exploited roofs, an additional fence must be made, which must be continuous. And its height, together with the height of the parapet, should be 1.2 m. C outside the seams are unstitched.

Connecting the roof to the parapet

The roofing carpet can either go onto the parapet itself or be inserted with its edge into the groove left on the parapet wall. In any case, at the junction soft roof It is necessary to provide reinforced waterproofing to the parapet. To do this, first of all, a side is installed between the parapet and the roof at an angle of 45 degrees from cement-sand mortar, for better and more convenient gluing of waterproofing roll materials. When using ordinary roofing felt as waterproofing, it is glued to the base of the roof and the parapet wall with hot bitumen mastic.

After cooling, the second layer of waterproofing is glued. In this case, the upper edge of the material is inserted, in one case, into a groove in brickwork and is secured with a metal clamping bar, to which the metal upper apron is also attached. The clamping strip is nailed to brick wall dowels and treated with sealant, after which it is painted with weather-resistant paint.

In another case, with a low parapet, the roofing material is placed directly on the upper part of the brick parapet, glued with hot bitumen and then covered with a metal apron or parapet slabs.

Modern technologies suggest using mastics to perform enhanced waterproofing at the junction of the roof and the parapet , which do not require the use of rolled materials. Mastic itself is a roofing material. As a result of its use, a smooth, seamless coating is formed that is not afraid of any rain or snow.

Metal parapets

Currently, metal parapets are more often used, which are intended more for fencing the roof.

The height of the parapet on a flat roof may be minimal, but no one has canceled the requirements for fencing.

Therefore, metal parapets are used for this, which can be used on roofs that are not in use.

Metal parapets are made from various types raw materials:

  • galvanized steel;
  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • profiled metal and others.

Galvanized steel is extremely unstable to corrosion, so it is recommended to paint it with special paints that will maximally protect galvanized surfaces from negative impact environment. Galvanizing paints contain polymer components, which protect the metal from corrosion, thereby prolonging its life. Modern paint manufacturers offer a wide selection of colors, and every home owner can choose a paint that matches the color of the roof or its individual elements.

Aluminum and copper in their pure form are too expensive and are rarely used.

Metal parapets on tall buildings are installed, as a rule, by specialists who have all the necessary equipment, experience and knowledge.

Most often, parapets are made of 3 mm thick metal, which is coated with zinc, aluminum or polymers. The height of the roof parapet fence must comply with the requirements of SP 54.13330.2011, and be equal to 1.2 m from the top of the fence to the bottom of the parapet.

One of the most important conditions for a person’s decent life is a guarantee of security in work area, outdoors and indoors.

Employees construction companies, the repair workers located there cannot feel completely safe there.

Parapets play a huge role; they are actively used in various construction processes, thereby protecting buildings and territories, ensuring their maximum safety and integrity.

Then, in order to protect the roof of a separate building along the perimeter, a parapet is installed.

A parapet is a kind of side that is placed along the edge roofing pie. This structure, as a rule, is constructed after the construction of walls, installation of the ceiling, as well as after thermal insulation and waterproofing work for the roof.

Actually this structure represents a kind of continuation of the existing wall. It is for this reason that the parapet on the roof is in most cases made of brick. Occasionally, the barrier can be made of metal, stone, concrete panels or solid reinforced concrete structures.

On some buildings built in a unique manner, the enclosing railings are made of stainless steel, glass, or a combination of two or three materials.

Parapets are installed not only on high-rise administrative and industrial buildings, as well as on buildings that have several floors.

Functions performed by this design:

  • The main purpose of the parapet is guarantee of people's security.
  • Railings are capable of delaying the simultaneous descent of large amounts of precipitation and snow cover from the roof.
  • Decorates the building.
  • Masks unattractive communication systems located on the roof.
  • Provides active resistance to strong gusts of wind. Strong winds can break the seal of the roofing pie.
  • The presence of a parapet allows you to create a cafe or observation deck on the roof.
  • Guardrails protect the sides of the roof, and this in turn improves.

Initially, parapets began to be used in the construction of buildings in France in the second half of the 15th century AD. A little later, builders in Greece, Spain and Italy took advantage of this idea.

Since 1950, in the Soviet Union, architects have obligatorily provided for this component belays on flat or pitched roofs ah buildings and structures with a high number of storeys.

These canons established in construction are still followed.

Railings are also considered a subtype of parapets; as usual, they are used on balconies and bridges.

What types of parapets are divided into?

Types of parapet

When is it necessary to install an appropriate parapet?

  • Where the slope angle is up to 12% and buildings that are higher than 10 meters.
  • If the height of the object is more than seven meters, and the roof angle is more than 12%, then the roof need to install a parapet or fence, which will delay the melting of snow in large quantities at a time.

If the building is built in gross violation of relevant standards, then it cannot be put into operation. Therefore, existing construction standards must be observed.

Minimum parapet height on a flat roof SNiP:

  • Not less than 45 cm for roofs that have not been put into operation.
  • If people will be located on the roof, the height of the enclosing structure is 120 cm.

The parapet is considered a continuation of the wall, and its width corresponds to the width of the wall. This figure is no less than 50 cm.


In order to minimize harmful effects snow, other external forces, the structure must be protected from above with a metal apron.

Parapet height

Device and design features

The regulations for the construction of the enclosing structure prescribed in SNiP II-26-76 say that this includes:

  1. Barrage. This is a scaffold along the entire roof of the building. This elevation performs barrier and also protective functions.
  2. Waterproofing apron. Made from moisture-resistant material. Its purpose is protection against moisture penetrating into the structure. Usually they use roofing felt or other soft material.
  3. Roofing wedge(gusset). This is a special device will protect the parapet from damage at the attachment points. As a rule, cement or a block of wood with a triangular cross-section is used. Using a wedge, it is possible to cut off a ninety-degree angle that is formed between the roof and the parapet. Rubbish gets clogged into this corner and water accumulates in it.
  4. Protective visor. It is made of strong, very resistant steel.

Parapet device

The fit of the roof to the fence

The weakest point is considered to be the area where the roof connects to the parapet.

In this section, damage to the pie most often occurs as a result and leaks occur., which lead to rotting of the flat roof.

IN in this case you can’t do without a parapet, and possibly without dismantling it.

To avoid unforeseen situations, It is necessary to strictly follow the technology when installing the junction unit.

Connecting the roof to a brick parapet

As mentioned above, a structure must be constructed from brick after installing the floors and further covering all layers of the roof.

Here you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • If the height of the enclosing structure is less than 50 cm, the waterproofing layer must be installed completely lateral surface parapet and fix it with bitumen mastic.
  • If the height of the fence is higher than 50 cm, it is best to make the groove at a height of 25 cm from the existing roof level. In this case, the waterproofing should reach the height of the groove, and the edges insulating material you need to insert it into this recess and press it with a metal bar. Places where there are joints must be coated with bitumen.

If the junction of the roof to the parapet is made in compliance with all the rules, then the roof can be used without repair for a long period of time.

It is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the sealing seams and, if necessary, update them.

The fit of the roof to the fence

How to properly arrange a connection point on a soft roof

It is much more difficult to accurately carry out the work of connecting this parapet to. This design has a “weak” point - the angle between the barrier and the roof.

Roll-type roofing materials are distinguished by a certain flexibility. But the situation can be easily corrected. We are talking about reducing the contact angle. To achieve this, you need to pour the concrete casting at an angle of 45 degrees.

The ebb should be covered with a strip of insulation, the sides of which should be placed on the parapet.

Your next steps:

  • It is necessary to fuse a thermal insulation sheet onto the roof;
  • A roofing carpet is laid on the side of the blind area (the corner must be covered).

Using this design, you will be able to obtain a reliable connection between the soft roof and the parapet. The joints in this case will have high-quality waterproofing.

Construction of a parapet in stages:


The parapet is considered an important and, in most cases, a mandatory component of flat and pitched roofs. When installing the structure, it is very important to comply with the standards prescribed in SNiP. Particular attention should be paid to the junction of the roof and the fence.

This issue cannot be left without due participation. There is also another one important point when carrying out work on arranging a galvanized steel parapet - this phased implementation all your actions.

Useful video

In this video you will learn how to install the connection between the parapet and the roof:

By its design, a parapet is an enclosing element of a roof, which is made of brick, metal, reinforced concrete, and concrete blocks. All requirements for this design are described in SNiP31-06-2009, as well as in GOST 25772-83. According to these documents, the height of the fence varies from 45 cm to 1.2 m.

Important: the installation of a parapet is mandatory on all buildings whose height exceeds 10 meters, as well as if the slope angle is less than 12 degrees.

The top of the parapet must be covered with a metal apron. This prevents its destruction under the influence atmospheric precipitation, gusts of wind. The protective apron is made of galvanized steel, metal profiles, and copper. The top of the barrier may be flat or have more complex design. Regardless of this, it must be equipped with a special drip to drain water.

Brick parapet

When building a house, you should initially consider installing railings on the roof. Their installation begins immediately after laying the floor slabs. Depending on the height of the enclosing structure, the roofing covering can be laid on the top strip of the parapet or in a special groove in the masonry. Regardless of this top layer must be protected by an apron.

Important: to prevent precipitation from entering the roof space, the protective apron must be one piece. And the seams must be additionally treated with sealants.

Laying bricks during the construction of an enclosing structure is carried out in the same way as the walls of a house, maintaining the level. If necessary, additional grooves are made, as well as laying metal or wooden parts.

Important: the height of the fence on exploited roofs must be 120 cm. And it consists of a brick parapet and metal railings.

Connecting the roof to the parapet

Most often as roofing material on flat roofs they use rolled built-up and self-leveling mastics, as well as ondulin, bitumen or ceramic tiles. When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the purpose of the roof, as well as climatic conditions of this region.

Important: if the height of the brick parapet is more than 50 cm, it is necessary to equip special grooves into which the roofing covering is laid. On top of which a clamping bar is fixed, which ensures reliable connection protective apron and waterproofing.

It is necessary to install a special side at the junction between the parapet and the roof so that there is an angle of 45 degrees between the wall and the fence. This design made of concrete or wood, on top of which waterproofing material is laid in several layers. Then a protective apron is installed. Ruberoid, special mastics and other rolled materials are used as waterproofing.

Important: the installation of a special support helps prevent possible damage to the roofing carpet.

The height of the parapet affects the method of fastening waterproofing material. It is either inserted into a special ditch or covers the upper surface of the fence. If the waterproofing is inserted into a special groove, it is secured using a clamping strip, which is inserted into a protective apron. If the parapet is low, the waterproofing is applied to the top layer, after which a metal protective apron is laid. The waterproofing is glued to the wall using hot bitumen. Among modern building materials The most widely used are special waterproofing mastics, which form a single sheet when hardened. Such mastics do not change their properties under the influence of precipitation.
Since the junction areas are high-risk areas, garbage most often accumulates here and water collects. Then at this point you should pay attention special attention not only waterproofing, but also strengthening the roof rafter system.

Important: installation work must be carried out by professionals, since not only the quality, but also the safety of people on the roof depends on this.

Features of repair work

When conducting repair work The flashing method is most often used. At the same time, modern mastic materials are used in the work. To improve their strength, geotextiles are used as a reinforcing layer. In areas where junctions are installed, before carrying out repair work, it is necessary to remove all debris and moisture that may have accumulated there. Then remove the old roofing material. Check the integrity of the thermal insulation and rafter system, if necessary, replace. The surface must be smooth, without cracks or chips. In this case, the mastic is applied in several layers. The time interval between application of layers can range from several hours to a day.

The parapet is an integral structural element flat roof. The main function of this element is to ensure the protection and safety of people on the roof plane. The installation of parapets is carried out using different techniques, each of which is selected individually for the type of roof. In this article we will analyze the design of roof parapets.

The installation of a parapet on a flat roof allows the structure to effectively resist gusts and wind pressure. The absence of a parapet can cause roofing materials to move away from the structure and create holes in the material. This structural element is erected from concrete, brick, metal or reinforced concrete. Experts note several types of parapet:

  • figured in the form of a railing;
  • with two slopes or simple;
  • complex, with a curved drip under the visor;
  • simple, where the edges of the drip are directed in different directions;
  • the presence of a skate with a lower fastening, which is covered with a visor.

For information! IN multi-storey buildings use galvanized sheet, metal profile or concrete slab which act as an apron and protect from snow.

As a rule, a brick parapet is installed after the floors have been completed; their height is 0.5 m along its inner surface, where special grooves are left into which the roofing carpet is inserted.

Design features

The parapet design is a simple shelf with straight or shaped bends, which are located at an angle of 90 degrees. The main requirements of a parapet structure include the following:

  • the height of the entire device should not be less than 1.2 meters for the roofs used;
  • metal parapets are installed on a flat roof that is not in use, and the height of the structure is less than 10 meters;
  • all junctions of the parapet and roof are covered with a waterproofing carpet, which is fixed with the help of special crutches;

For information! If the height of the building is 10 meters or higher, the presence of a parapet is a mandatory structural element.

  • when using roofing PVC or TPO membranes, the drip line is attached by welding directly to the waterproofing carpet;
  • if the roof height is 45 cm or more, a protective apron is erected, which is fixed with self-tapping screws behind the pressure strip.

Important! All joints on the roof plane must be carefully sealed. The sealant avoids destruction of the roofing material and eliminates leaks.

Parapet device

The parapet is an integral element of any structure, the requirements for which are regulated by building codes. The element consists of four key parts:

  • Presence of fencing- a fence is an elevation, height and width, which is regulated by building codes. Most often, fences are built of brick over the entire area of ​​the house. The main task of the fence is to protect people on the roof plane;
  • The presence of a waterproofing apron, which is made from external or lining roofing material and is fixed with a metal strip on top of the parapet. Its main function is to prevent moisture from entering the roofing pie;
  • The presence of a roofing wedge, the main task of which is to protect the junction points on the waterproofing apron. It is made from timber and cement mortar. The wedge is mounted at the junction of the parapet roof surface, taking into account the 90 degree angle between them;
  • Availability of a protective visor allows you to protect the building from corrosion processes of steel elements. The canopy is made from roofing steel; installation occurs with an overlap using a seam.

For information! Seam seam - best protection roof structure from leaks.

Fencing and its dimensions

The dimensions, width and height of the fences are strictly carried out in accordance with building codes. The parapet ensures safety for human life and health, so its absence excludes the possibility of operating the building. Each type of roof has its own values ​​and requirements for the size of the fences. Parapet size requirements:

  • the flat roof is unusable and does not require the mandatory installation of fencing, so the presence of a parapet is installed at the request of the developer;
  • unused roof in a building whose height is 10 meters or more, the presence of a fence with a height of 45-50 cm is required.

The photo shows a parapet of a flat roof, which can be used as a terrace, summer area for relaxation

  • a flat roof in an operating building requires the mandatory installation of a parapet with a height of at least 1.2 meters; This height, according to building codes, presupposes the safe stay of people on the roof plane.

It is worth noting that a height of 1.2 meters can spoil the exterior of a building, so experts recommend making fencing in the form of a monolithic border, on top of which special metal strips with horizontal lines are attached.

Roof connection

When the floors have already been erected and the roofing pie has been laid, it is necessary to take care of the reliability of the junction points. There are two basic rules that allow you to make a quality connection:

  • with a fence height of 50 cm, the groove is made 25 cm in size, the insulating material is fixed at the level of the groove height and fixed with a metal strip;
  • if the height of the fence is less than 50 cm, a waterproofing carpet is laid over the entire area of ​​the side surface, and the top is treated with mastic.

More details about the construction of high-quality flat roof connections can be found in the video clip

Important! Timely care and treatment of seams and junctions with bitumen or sealant will help to avoid cracking, material separation and moisture entering the roofing layer.

If the roof is of a soft type, then the connection is quite difficult to complete; the weak point of such a structure is the presence right angle between the fence and the roof. For a high-quality connection device, experts recommend reducing the angle of inclination to 45 degrees. This action will help avoid deformation, cracking and freezing of the entire roof structure. Pouring a concrete casting at 45 degrees is done using wooden plank, which is pre-treated with antiseptics. At the final stage of the work, the plank and flashing are covered with insulating material, which is laid overlapping.

Parapets perform a protective, fencing and aesthetic function. The presence of this structural element of operated buildings allows not only to protect the life and health of people, but also to minimize the risks of destruction of the insulating material and load-bearing elements buildings. With high-quality connections, the roof plane will provide reliable protection from possible leaks and cracking of roofing material.
