Mastic for waterproofing garage floors. Waterproofing a garage floor: tools and methods

Each owner, when purchasing a garage, plans to use it for a long time and not experience any difficulties with storing cars and tools. In order for the building to cope with the functions assigned to it, it is necessary to take care of waterproofing in advance if this point was missed during the construction process.

Waterproofing of the garage is especially necessary if it has inspection hole or basement. Dampness and coolness in this case are unacceptable, since no one wants to eventually discover tools and spare parts covered with rust, especially a car. Garage waterproofing process basement consists of several stages:

    arrangement drainage system;

    external waterproofing that protects the concrete base, walls and floor from penetration groundwater;

    waterproofing the concrete floor in the garage, as well as internal walls.

Cost of waterproofing a concrete garage floor

As a rule, each building has its own dimensions, therefore, for each case when it is necessary to waterproof a concrete floor in a garage, the price is determined individually, taking into account the entire range of work (dismantling, foundation preparation, repairs, cost of waterproofing materials used, scope of work, complexity of the process).

To know average cost How much it will cost you to waterproof a garage can be found in the table below, these are the basic prices for services; a specialist will give a more accurate amount after analyzing the premises.

Why do you need to waterproof your garage floor?

The concrete floor of the garage needs additional protection from moisture, because this building material has micropores through which soil and melt water, gradually destroying the foundations, causing increased humidity inside the building, the formation of fungus and mold on the walls. If you do not react in a timely manner, you may lose the building - after all, moisture will negatively affect the walls of the garage, as a result of which they will begin to deform and metal structures will corrode.

Waterproofing a concrete floor in a garage will avoid groundwater leaks and moisture accumulation, thereby increasing the service life of the building and preserving the owner’s property. Moreover, today there are a large number of technologies on how to reliably protect a building.

Waterproofing a concrete floor in a garage on the ground

Protecting the garage floor on the ground is carried out at the stage of constructing the base under the floor, before pouring the screed, otherwise there will be no use from such work. The meaning of this type of waterproofing is to fence concrete base garage from the ground.

PVC films up to 1 mm thick, laid overlapping on the walls, can be used as a waterproofing material.

Waterproofing a concrete floor over the ceiling

Waterproofing a concrete floor in a garage above the basement (along the floor) is done in the case when the floor simultaneously serves as a floor between floors, and groundwater is located close. In this case you can also use plastic film or use bitumen mastic in combination with roofing felt.

If waterproofing of the floor was not carried out at the design stage of the structure and an inspection hole is planned in the garage, then the only way out will be to isolate the entrance to the basement.

Popular waterproofing methods

Waterproofing a garage can be done in one of the following ways, depending on the characteristics of the structure, the groundwater level and the financial capabilities of the owner:

    roll - using fused or self-adhesive materials;

    painting - using waterproof compounds;

    penetrating – protecting the concrete base from the inside;

    filling - for rooms with intensive mechanical impact on the floor


Waterproofing a concrete floor in a garage using roll materials, for example, roofing felt (the price for this type of waterproofing is most attractive compared to other materials). Other products, floating or self-adhesive, can also be used as waterproofing.

Before laying roll materials, the surface is cleaned, sagging is removed and the concrete base is primed. After the floor has completely dried, bitumen mastic is applied to it, after which roofing felt or other material with similar properties is unrolled with gradual heating.

Among the advantages of this type of waterproofing are low cost, the ability to carry out work locally in case of repairs, long-term protection from moisture and excellent adhesion to concrete.

The disadvantage of rolled materials is the need to use a gas or gasoline burner for installation, as well as the release of toxic substances when heated.

Painting room

In this case, the following are used as a waterproofing material:

    bitumen-rubber mastics;

    bitumen-polymer mixtures;

    one-component polyurethane bases;

    cement-polymer mastics.

Thanks to its liquid structure, the composition penetrates into all cracks, fills cavities and seals them from moisture. Among the advantages, it is also worth noting the presence in the mixtures of components that fight mold, elasticity, and excellent adhesive qualities.

Mastics are applied to the concrete surface only after it has been thoroughly cleaned and all dirt and irregularities have been removed. Experts recommend first partially removing the layer of old screed, treating the floor with mastic and then pouring a finishing screed. The cost of waterproofing a garage in this way will be justified by the long-term protection from moisture.


Penetrating mixtures for waterproofing garage floors are made based on cement, quartz sand and a number of synthetic components. They are divided into 3 groups:

    concreting – increase the strength characteristics of the concrete floor, increasing its density;

    polymer cemented – environmentally friendly safe compounds new generation;

    cement inorganic water repellents - used in the process of pouring a concrete floor.

Application of impregnations is carried out only when the base is completely cleaned of contamination; after the composition has dried, it is recommended to apply a finishing coating.

Loose insulation

Backfill waterproofing, as a rule, is applicable when a significant mechanical load is planned on the floor in the garage and there is a close location of groundwater.

In this case, ash, perlite, mineral wool, and bentonite are used as backfill material, placed in the formwork. Plus this method waterproofing is long term operation and reliable protection from moisture.

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A garage is a structure intended for parking and repairs. vehicles. Depending on the design and materials used, it can be light or solid, detached or built-in-attached, with or without additional finishing options. In the case of a capital structure, one of the types of work performed at the construction stage or during operation is insulating the floor in the garage.

Floor insulation work increases financial expenses for the construction or repair of an operating facility, but nevertheless, these costs are justified, because Floor insulation allows you to achieve the following results:

  • The ability to maintain indoor temperature within the specified parameters with minimal heat loss through the floor surface;
  • Creating comfortable conditions during repairs various types equipment and other work;
  • Maintaining an indoor microclimate that will be optimal for storing equipment, spare parts and other materials.

Many users think about how to make a warm floor in a garage, and depending on the design of the floor, there may be several options for such arrangement.

Insulated floor design options

Insulation of the floor in the garage, depending on the materials used in its construction, can be done:

  • For concrete floors using expanded clay, penoplex and other modern thermal insulation materials.
  • For wooden floors using expanded clay or mineral wool.

Insulation of a concrete floor in a garage with expanded clay

Expanded clay is a fairly common and inexpensive material for floor insulation.

If expanded clay is used as a material providing insulation, then the sequence of work is as follows:

  • In accordance with the perimeter of the garage, a pit is dug, 0.4 - 0.5 meters deep;
  • The bottom of the pit is compacted and laid drainage layer, coarse sand is used for this.
  • Waterproofing (roofing felt or other similar material) is laid on the drainage layer.

It is important to remember that in order to ensure waterproofing of the floor, it is necessary to glue the strips of roofing material together and the places where it adjoins the elements of the foundation or walls!

  • To create the plane of the installed floor, according to its required level, beacons are set, in accordance with which the insulation is backfilled.
  • Expanded clay is leveled, its top layer is spilled with a liquid solution of sand and cement.
  • A metal mesh is laid and secured.
  • Concrete is poured in accordance with the required marks of the installed floor.

Advice from an expert: after pouring concrete, it is necessary to periodically wet it until it hardens completely, this will prevent the formation of cracks on the floor surface!

Insulation of a concrete floor with penoplex

Penoplex is a building material that has a gas-filled structure and is made from polystyrene.

Penoplex is a highly effective floor insulator

When using this material, insulation of a concrete floor in a garage is carried out as follows:

  • The base is prepared, for this purpose the top layer of soil is removed to a depth of 5.0 - 10.0 cm, after which the prepared area is compacted.
  • The beacons are set to the required floor level height.
  • On the prepared base cement mortar is poured rough screed up to 5.0 - 7.0 cm thick and time is given for it to harden.
  • After the screed has hardened, waterproofing is laid over its surface. Roofing felt is used as this waterproofing layer. The joints of the sheets and the junctions with the garage foundation (walls) are glued.
  • Penoplex is laid over a layer of roofing material. The sheets are glued together with special glue or foam.
  • Another layer of waterproofing is laid. In this case, polyethylene is used, glued with tape.
  • Lay on top of the second layer of waterproofing reinforced mesh, which is attached to load-bearing building structures.
  • A concrete floor is poured along previously installed beacons.

Insulation of a wooden floor with expanded clay

Due to the fact that expanded clay has a number of advantages and is a relatively inexpensive building material, it is often used for insulating garages when the floors are made of wood. In this case, the work is carried out similarly to the option with a concrete floor, but there are a number of differences that affect the process of work.

Expanded clay is poured into the space between wooden joists

Floor insulation is performed in the following sequence:

  • A pit is dug, and its depth must correspond to the sum of the thickness of the rough screed, the joists on which the floor boards are laid and the thickness of these boards.
  • The base of the pit is compacted and preparation (rough screed) is poured over its area.
  • A layer of waterproofing is laid. For this, roofing felt is used, the joints of the sheets and the junctions with the walls and foundation are glued.
  • Logs are laid over the waterproofing layer.
  • Insulation is poured between the joists and aligned with the top mark of the joists.
  • A wooden floor is laid.

Insulation of a wooden floor with mineral wool

Another material that can be used to insulate a wooden floor is - mineral wool.

Mineral wool is less popular for floor insulation, but effective

This building material has the ability to absorb moisture, which can adversely affect the condition of the flooring.

It is very important to pay attention to the tightness of the waterproofing layers, ensuring that moisture cannot penetrate into the thermal insulation layer!

In this case, the work is performed as follows:

  • The base is prepared, the soil is leveled and compacted.
  • The floor level is marked in relation to the building structures.
  • The concrete is prepared (rough screed).
  • Waterproofing made of roofing felt or similar material is laid over the rough screed layer.
  • The joints of roofing felt sheets and the junction points are sealed.
  • The logs are being laid. The pitch of laying the logs must correspond to the width of the sheet or roll of mineral wool.
  • Mineral wool is placed between the laid logs, and the joints between the sheets are sealed with tape or adhesive tape.
  • A second layer of waterproofing is laid; for this, polyethylene is used, the parts of which are also connected to each other using tape or adhesive tape.
  • A wooden floor is laid along the previously installed joists.

Advantages and disadvantages of various materials used for floor insulation

Various materials that can be used to insulate a garage floor have their own inherent advantages and disadvantages, which determine the possibility and economic feasibility of their use.

Advantages and disadvantages building materials let's put it in a table

dignity flaws
Expanded clay
  • Relatively low cost.
  • Ability to perform work independently.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Not damaged by rodents and insects.
  • Not affected by temperature changes.
  • Has high frost resistance.
  • It is an environmentally friendly building material.
  • Fragility of granules.
  • Ability to absorb moisture.
  • The need to lay a thick layer to achieve the required heat-saving characteristics.
  • Variety of technical characteristics for various options insulation (material density).
  • Low thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.
  • Durable and no moisture absorption.
  • It is a non-toxic material, resistant to the spread of combustion.
  • Low specific gravity.
  • Easy to install.
  • Long service life.
  • When exposed to chemically active substances and high temperature- is destroyed.
  • When exposed to fire, it contributes to smoke in the room.
  • High cost.
Mineral wool
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Strength at various types mechanical influences.
  • Resistance to temperature changes and temperature influences.
  • Resistant to chemicals and living organisms.
  • Ease of installation work.
  • When interacting with the respiratory organs, eyes and skin of a person, they may be damaged to varying degrees of severity.
  • Shorter service life than analogues.

How to insulate a garage floor if you have a cellar

Often in the garage, in addition to the fact that the vehicle is parked there, there is also a cellar in which vegetables and various preparations for the winter are stored. In this case, floor insulation work has some differences from those previously discussed.

The process of floor insulation itself, depending on the materials used, will be similar to the work options discussed above. The difference is that in order to achieve the required microclimate inside the garage, you will need to insulate and waterproof the walls and floor of the cellar itself.

Important: when constructing a cellar in the form of a caisson, additional work not required!

Work on insulating the cellar is carried out during its construction. The materials used to perform this work may be the same as those used to insulate the garage floor. Special attention paid to waterproofing the walls of such premises and the junctions of various building elements.

The ceiling of the cellar is the floor of the garage, so the strength of this structure determines the service life and technical specifications the entire room. The most complex element of this design is the entrance to the cellar, which must also be thermally insulated and no cold bridges should form on its elements.

Video: thermal insulation of a garage concrete floor with extruded polystyrene foam

A warm floor in the garage is the key to the safety of the vehicle and comfort when performing repair work. How to insulate a concrete floor in a garage or a floor made using lumber is decided by each user individually, depending on his preferences, available materials, skills in performing certain works, as well as financial capabilities.

There is nothing worse for a car than metal corrosion, which occurs as a result of exposure to an aggressive environment. Let us note that, oddly enough, the greatest harm is caused not by precipitation, but by a closed room with high humidity. This is why many vehicle owners are concerned proper waterproofing garage.

Miscalculations in the construction of a basement, walls and other structures can lead to both rapid damage to any items inside and a rapid deterioration in the condition of the building’s structure. This applies to both brick and modular metal boxes.

It should be understood that waterproofing boxes is done to prevent moisture from penetrating inside, preventing the formation of harmful microflora and general protection construction during the entire period of its use. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of the basement and foundation.

Waterproofing options

Today, there are two known ways to protect a garage from moisture, which is quite possible to do with your own hands:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

In the first case, finishing of structural elements is carried out in the vertical direction. Serious protection is necessary for the cellar, basement and walls. It is carried out using special insulating materials. The foundation part is subject to finishing and vertical surfaces With outside over the entire area.

Garage basement waterproofing scheme

Together with vertical protection garage box Horizontal waterproofing is also recommended. The main finishing is carried out on the flat part of the roof and the entire foundation around the perimeter. The main condition is that the materials reach a height of at least 200 mm above the ground level. The insulating material is usually roofing felt, glued to the surface using heated bitumen.

Review of materials for waterproofing garage floors

Currently, there is a huge number of modern, high-tech and high-quality components designed to protect structures from moisture and other aggressive environments. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • hydrophobic compounds;
  • rolled materials, including vapor barriers, tape seals, hydraulic barriers and ordinary roofing felt;
  • composite paint and varnish products made on the basis of polymer elements;
  • gel-like mixtures such as sealant, mastic and others.

Each of these components is suitable for protecting garage exteriors, walls, roofs, basements and foundations. In some cases, they are also used for internal processing building structures. The maximum result can be achieved by combining these materials.

Garage floor waterproofing

A special feature of roll insulators is the presence of installation joints, which additionally require sealing along their entire length. The disadvantage of gel-like composite compositions is their difficulty in applying to large surface areas, as well as the uniformity of application. All kinds of mixtures are excellent as additional protection from the inside of the garage or basement. The use of a bituminous composition or resin implies the need to melt them to a temperature in the range of 150...170 degrees, and this will require a special container for heating. Composites, in fact, are complex chemical compounds, which requires the use of special clothing and personal protective equipment.

Technological process of garage processing

The material, as well as the method of its installation on the surface, is selected based on the presence of a basement, appearance structures, soil conditions, climatic features, groundwater level and the presence of flood waters. Waterproofing the inspection pit in the garage, as well as the entire structure, must be carried out according to a certain sequence and rules, which will subsequently achieve the necessary moisture-resistant effect.

The first thing to do is to protect the foundation, which is important before the walls are built. It is recommended to first determine the depth of underground sources, the condition of the soil and the proximity of reservoirs. Based on the data obtained, appropriate materials are selected.

If the garage does not have a basement, then waterproofing comes down to fixing the roofing material to the top of the cut, which protrudes above the zero level of the base, above the ground. All walls from the outside and inside treated with moisture-resistant plaster and mastic.

Video No. 1. Waterproofing a cellar in a garage

In the case where there is a cellar and burial groundwater occurs quite deep, or there are none at all, then along with horizontal insulation, additional treatment with a hydroresistant mass is carried out. The final screed is laid on a compacted and prepared base, treated with overlapping roofing material.

Garage on foundation blocks requires the provision of crushed stone bedding, with a height of at least 100 mm, with additional reinforcement with molten resin or bitumen suspension. On the outside and inside, concrete elements must be protected with mastic, applied in several layers with an interval of 4-5 hours, which guarantees the best adhesion.

If there is a basement in the garage and nearby groundwater, complex waterproofing will be required, which is an integral shell, which can be done without special knowledge, tools and devices with your own hands is very difficult. Water protection begins with the construction of the foundation pit of the structure. Settling in concrete blind area and is executed cement screed over the entire working plane.

Materials installation technology

Roll materials are applied to the floor only after the cement has completely dried. It is better to perform insulation in two or more layers. It is recommended to pre-prepare the places where the strips will be fixed and clean them of dust and debris. The overlap of the material must be at least 100mm, with additional processing resin or bitumen. The inner strips of roofing felt are bonded to the insulation exposed as a result of the finishing of the lower blocks. As a result, a continuous coating is formed, which protrudes onto the walls by 250-500mm.

Next, the garage is insulated from the outside by pasting protective components on the outside of the blocks. The materials necessarily overlap elements that were previously laid horizontally, which leads to the formation of a monolithic continuous surface. The result is a two-layer barrier, externally cup-shaped. In order to prevent the destruction of the moisture-proof coating, experts advise making a mandatory screed.

Insulation with hot resin and bitumen is carried out after high-quality plastering of the surface of each wall and treatment of interblock joints with mastic. It is noteworthy that to protect the basement, garage owners prefer to use bioresistant composites based on bitumen, which leads to a guaranteed reduction in the likelihood of the formation of pathogenic bacteria, rot, in the room and in vegetables. It won’t be difficult to do this with your own hands.

Gel-like insulating compounds are applied only after complete preparation of the surfaces to be treated. Basically, all walls, floors and ceilings must be cleared of debris, properly leveled and primed. In garages where a basement is not provided, but only an inspection pit is planned, the arrangement of the corresponding room is carried out in a similar way.

Waterproofing of load-bearing elements

The walls of the boxes are often treated with penetrating waterproofing, which you can actually do yourself. To accomplish this task, you will need to prepare a consistent solution consisting of water and a dry hydrophobic composition. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to all insulated surfaces, which, to increase adhesion, are recommended to be pre-moistened.

Video No. 2. Garage waterproofing

The advantage of this method is the relative simplicity of its implementation, as well as the ideal penetration of the material into the porous structure of the plastered structural elements. It is most likely impossible to make a more reliable hydrobarrier with your own hands. The surface can be leveled from the inside construction mixtures any composition.

Garage Roof Insulation

Roof waterproofing is selected based on its design and the method of its application, whether you will do it yourself, or professionals will do it for you. Of course, the easiest way is to cover a flat base, which requires roofing felt, resin with a heating container, or a special adhesive component. Particular attention is paid to processing areas where material overlaps. In the final stage, the roof is filled with a thin layer of resin.

Boxes located in a garage cooperative may have a problem with water leakage at the junction with the adjacent roof. IN in this case the only correct solution will be joint implementation roofing works, with the formation of a continuous waterproofing.

Video No. 3. Waterproofing flat roof garage

For uneven, sloping roofs, the insulation must be secured to rafter system, on top of which the logs are laid, the roof is fixed. Proper installation of a waterproofing and vapor barrier underlay will help prevent ceiling drips.


The worst thing for a car is rust, which occurs from exposure to an aggressive environment. Moreover, the greatest harm is caused not by precipitation, but by the dampness of the enclosed space of the room.

Negligent attitude towards arranging the correct waterproofing of the garage leads not only to damage to the stored property, but also to the gradual destruction of the structure as a whole.

Garage waterproofing is used to prevent the ingress of moisture, the formation of harmful microflora and the general protection of the structure during operation. The focus is on protecting the foundation and, if present, the garage basement.

The final arrangement of your garage depends on design features structures, selected materials and method of their installation.

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High humidity in the garage threatens the appearance of mold and mildew on its walls, rotting wooden elements structures, corrosion and rusting of the car body and other metal parts, and it also has a destructive effect on the foundation. Usually the cause of moisture is poor waterproofing of the garage floor, which should protect the room from moisture penetration and prevent cracks. In this article we will look at how to correctly complete this stage of construction.

When starting the construction of a garage, you should remember that it is much cheaper to immediately carry out waterproofing correctly in compliance with all the rules and recommendations than to deal with high humidity during the operation of the room and at the same time eliminate all the unpleasant consequences caused by it. Improper waterproofing of the floor can lead to flooding of the garage with ground or flood waters, and if the structure has an inspection hole, then moisture will constantly accumulate in it, the evaporation of which will lead to damage to machine parts.

If we talk specifically about floors, they are much less likely to undergo reconstruction than all other elements, since this procedure is considered quite expensive both in terms of finances and labor costs, so you should not save at the construction stage; it is better to purchase it immediately quality materials, capable of serving for a long time.

The “right” materials for construction

To prevent water from appearing in the garage, you need to be very responsible when choosing materials. In no case should you choose expanded clay, foam and gas blocks for construction, as well as sand-lime brick. In principle, it is not advisable to purchase any brick, since it is not a waterproof material. If the brick layer can still contain a little moisture, then with constant groundwater backing up it quickly becomes saturated with moisture and collapses. This is why concrete is most often used in garage construction.

On modern market presented huge assortment insulation materials that differ in installation technology, price, and duration of use. Bituminous materials common in our region correct operation serve up to 10-15 years, and new ones polymer waterproofing practically do not wear out, which allows them to be laid for the entire service life of the structure. A large number of different membranes are also offered, but when purchasing them, despite all the sellers’ assurances about reliability and efficiency, you need to take into account that the thickness of such material cannot be less than 1.5-2 mm. All super thin membranes are not suitable for waterproofing garage floors. In addition, such insulation requires a lot of experience and specialized equipment, so you shouldn’t even try to install it yourself.

Waterproofing membranes for garage floors should not be thinner than 1.5 or 2 mm

Main types of waterproofing

Let's look at the main types of waterproofing:

  1. Plastering, or as it is also called coating, is a thin layer special solutions preventing the penetration of moisture.
  2. Pasting – roll or sheet materials, glued to hot mastics, for example bitumen.
  3. Penetrating, the youngest type of waterproofing. In this case, the surface to be treated is impregnated with liquid water-repellent solutions.
  4. Powder waterproofing is a cross between the first and third types.

General technology of floor waterproofing

After the site for the construction of the garage has been marked, all soil in this area is carefully compacted. This helps prevent it from settling during operation. Now a layer is applied to this area coarse sand about a meter thick, which also needs to be compacted. Next, a “layered” structure consisting of three layers of geotextile is laid on the sand, while between the bottom and middle it is necessary to lay waterproofing material, and between the middle and top there is a layer of thermal insulation. Now you can start laying the floors.

It is best to have a concrete floor in garages. To increase resistance to damage, it can be reinforced, and the iron frame must be welded so that its structure is unbreakable. The thickness of the concrete layer should not be less than 15 cm.

It is advisable to waterproof the foundation and floor in garages during the construction period, since these elements are least likely to undergo reconstruction

Additional waterproofing in garages

First, let's look at a garage without a basement. In this case, it is enough to prevent moisture from penetrating into the lower part of the walls along the entire perimeter of the building. To do this, horizontal waterproofing is performed from two layers of roofing felt, glued to the wall and to each other with hot bitumen mastic. This layer must be laid above ground level at the junction of the walls and the foundation.

Before waterproofing a garage with a basement, it is imperative to take measures to prevent groundwater and capillary moisture from entering it. To do this, to the above method, you should add vertical waterproofing that extends under the outer walls. As a rule, it is located at the level of the lower part of the foundation and covers the outer edges of the external basement walls. One of the most effective methods is considered to be applied to outside foundation layer of cement and processing it hot mastic in two layers.

Applying bitumen mastic to the outer part of the basement of the garage to prevent penetration atmospheric moisture and capillary suction

When placing the basement floor below the groundwater level, there is a risk of flooding. In this case, the process of waterproofing the basement and garage floors becomes somewhat more complicated. After all the above measures for waterproofing the lower part of the foundation have been taken, the basement floor must be concreted and its surface leveled using a screed method. Now you need to glue two layers of roll or sheet waterproofing onto the bitumen, and be sure to connect with hot mastic the places where they come into contact with the layers previously laid under the garage foundation insulating material. Similarly, we connect the vertical waterproofing applied to the outer surface of the external walls with that located under the foundation. After this, you can begin waterproofing the garage floor.

Video: using liquid rubber

Waterproofing the floor in the garage should be taken seriously and it is better if it is carried out by real professionals, since only they are able to take into account all the features of the area, reliably prevent flooding of the structure and eliminate high humidity in it.

Warm, clean and dry garage - best conditions for car storage. Moisture that gets into the caravan contributes to the formation of fungi, mold, and the emergence of corrosion foci. Flooding due to rising groundwater is a common occurrence that harms not only the structure, but also the iron horse. That is why proper waterproofing of a garage floor is important stage construction work, which needs to be thought about in advance.

Nuances of technology

Garage waterproofing is an event that helps protect the foundation and walls from weather surprises. Laying of waterproofing (regardless of the type of foundation) is carried out at a height of at least 25 cm from the ground. This distance is quite enough to protect the base of the structure from moisture.

In the area planned for construction, the soil should be compacted, which will prevent the subgrade from shrinking under the weight of the concrete slab.

This is important!
When carrying out work, it is necessary to take into account not only the level of groundwater and flood waters, but also the geographical location of the garage.

Then quarry sand is poured onto the ground, which is covered with geotextiles. Stacked on top waterproofing membrane. If desired, you can cover the resulting “pie” with a heat insulator.

Types of waterproofing

If you are seriously thinking about how to waterproof a garage with your own hands, then you should know that there are two options - horizontal and vertical waterproofing.

Horizontal is performed in a garage that does not have a basement. It most often consists of a double layer of roofing material applied to hot bitumen. Next, the floor is covered with concrete. To prevent the concrete from cracking, a frame of reinforcement is assembled around the perimeter of the garage. It must be solid, monolithic. The thickness of the concrete layer is 150 mm.

If the garage has a basement, then without additional funds moisture protection is indispensable - in addition to horizontal waterproofing, vertical waterproofing is carried out.

This is important!
Please note that vertical waterproofing is carried out not only under the internal, but also under the external edges of the walls.

The foundation surface is leveled with bitumen or cement. Is the basement located below groundwater? This means that the waterproofing takes the form of a continuous closed shell. Vertical waterproofing is a coating of polymer bitumen (double) applied to a flat cemented surface.

Laying a water-repellent layer on the floor is advisable after treating the walls. The floor layers communicate with roofing felt laid under the base base - the foundation. Hot bitumen is used for binding. Remember, cement for waterproofing must be of a low grade, while any bitumen is suitable.

Can be done in two ways:

  • membrane (surface) for which polymer-based solutions are suitable. The composition applied to the surface forms a water-repellent layer. The advantages of this method are speed and ease of execution;
  • penetrating (penetrating). In this case, the operating principle is different - the solution enters into a chemical interaction with concrete, displacing water from it. This leads to a change in the properties of concrete, an increase in density and protective characteristics.

But the classification does not end there. Garage basement waterproofing is divided into the following types:

  • non-pressure. Aimed at protection from sedimentary and flood waters. Performed by applying polymer-bitumen mastics. The surface must be prepared: cleaned, primed and dried;
  • anti-pressure, protecting from groundwater. For the arrangement you will need slurry mixtures and polymer bitumen mastics. Waterproofing is applied in several layers to a cleaned and primed surface;
  • capillary, protecting against moisture entering through concrete capillaries. Similar to anti-pressure waterproofing + injection protection of seams, cracks and capillaries is carried out.

However, we should not forget about other ways moisture appears. For example, condensation from water supply and heating pipes passing through the basement causes fungus to appear. It is necessary to examine communications for leaks and, if one is found, eliminate and insulate the pipeline.

Be aware of the quality of ventilation. Many people completely forget about this, but in vain. Even if the humidity in the garage is high, but the ventilation is properly arranged, there is no need to worry - the room will remain dry.

Consumption of waterproofing materials

Every car owner who wants to protect the garage from liquid ingress is primarily concerned with two questions: what products can be used and what will be the consumption? Not everyone knows that when preparing protective mixtures one should adhere to generally accepted standards. So, according to GOST, the consumption will be as follows:

In addition to the above, it is allowed to use waterproof impregnations:

  • drying oil + wax (10: 1.5);
  • drying oil + paraffin + turpentine (10: 1: 2).

The mixture is heated and applied to a dry floor.

Now you know how to waterproof your garage floor and create better conditions for storing your car. Properly equipped waterproofing will help extend the life of your car and reduce repair costs by 2 times.
