We create an original landscape design for a summer cottage: photo. Do-it-yourself summer cottage design from scrap materials Designer summer cottages

Especially during the hectic workdays of the city bustle, you want to “take refuge” somewhere away from everyone, relax and enjoy the silence and fresh air. And at such moments, even if you have a small plot of land, this is already a luxury, where even physical labor in the beds or garden seems like just an unforgettable vacation, especially when the time comes to taste the fruits of your labors! And many people, dacha owners, transform their plots with their own ideas for the plot in such an original way that it literally turns into Eden. After all, in fact, there are many landscape design ideas summer cottage with your own hands, that even a tiny plot can be turned into a real masterpiece of art!

And the most interesting thing is that for some reason many summer residents think, but are very mistaken, what to create country landscape New design is something impossible and not everyone can handle it. Moreover, they also install gazebos on their properties, improve the landscaping of the area, including various flower beds, where you can often find even exotic species plants, install various reservoirs and alpine coaster. But this is all design garden plot, which is created with your own hands!

In addition, today almost every person has access to the Internet, where you can watch landscape design, photo ideas and even video instructions! And yet, you can dream up a lot, put in a little effort, add a little love and recreate a cozy “paradise” with an absolute understanding of aesthetic views, tastes and beauty!

Of course, much in this matter can be taken from photos of landscape design ideas for the site, and in combination with your dacha ideas, you will get the most unique design!

The main thing is to start

Surely every person just the thought of country landscape design evokes a feeling of greenery all around. Of course, there can be any grass, even weeds. But a landscaped lawn, beautiful flower beds, and maybe alpine slides will look much more aesthetically pleasing. Especially summer residents who are new to the issue of improving the design of a garden plot, begin to create a landscape by arranging a lawn, since grass is unpretentious and requires minimal care. And, besides, how pleasant it is to create a soft green cover on the ground, like laying a carpet on which you really want to walk barefoot or lie down with pleasure!

To some extent, the presence of a lawn is a feeling of calm, orderliness and comfort, hiding imperfections and shading the entire dacha landscape. Photo ideas for landscape design will tell you about many various designs registration!

Of course, a lawn is just wonderful, but there must be flowers in a summer cottage, otherwise the idea for the plot may be boring and faded. All you have to do is arrange beautiful flower beds original compositions, even the most simple shapes! And your landscape will look completely different! Flowerbeds can be of completely different shapes: round or oval, square or multifaceted, made by hand or using custom-made services, where, in addition, they also offer original ideas landscape design. You definitely need to look at the photos of landscape design ideas for the site!

Before landscaping flower beds, it is important to decide not only on the shape and plantings, but also on its territorial location. To do this, it is very important to study the plants that you are going to plant in the flower beds. Among other things, you can arrange flowers in hanging baskets or tall flowerpots, which will also look like a very successful and interesting landscape design idea.

Many summer residents love and prefer to install alpine slides on their plots. For such a design, plants should not be whimsical. The most interesting landscape design ideas, for example, creeping thyme or alpine edelweiss, which can be planted for more than one year. On the middle tier you can plant alpine aster or seaside armeria.

Summer cottage or country house are a cherished dream for most citizens. The modern rhythm of the metropolis exhausts people, and they strive at any cost to free time get into the bosom of nature.

First steps

If you are lucky enough to acquire your own plot of land, then sooner or later you will want to arrange it to your own taste. Not only a professional can create the landscape of a summer cottage. Even the most ordinary gardener can do this kind of work - you just need to know some of the laws and rules of this art.

The design and landscape of a summer cottage will be in harmony if all plantings are selected in the same style, in combination with the exterior of the buildings. The main task of design in a garden plot is harmony and beauty in a separate area.

Country landscape rules

First, you should create a plan of your site and indicate on it all existing and proposed objects - a house, a bathhouse, shrubs and trees. This way you will clearly see how best to organize your free space.

Designing the landscape of a summer cottage is an extremely exciting activity. It is better to group the plants that you have selected for your “hacienda” than to plant them individually. But here it is necessary to ensure that they do not interfere with each other’s growth. In addition, you should not plant trees in a straight line - strict symmetry usually deprives the area of ​​naturalness.

Landscape of a summer cottage: creating masterpieces with our own hands

All owners of summer cottages strive to fence off their territory from prying eyes. To do this, it is not at all necessary to erect a three-meter brick fence. Looks much more attractive hedge. It will not only protect the area from prying eyes, but will also decorate it. Think about what you want it to be - climbing or evergreen, tall or short. A flowering hedge looks very impressive, for the creation of which almonds, lilacs, mock orange, and bird cherry are perfect.

If you select conifers, then it is better to add annual climbing specimens to them. It could be morning glory sweet pea, ivy, etc.

For a large summer cottage plot it is not difficult to create decorative and plant areas. It is much more difficult for owners of modest-sized dachas. How to create a landscape for a summer cottage with your own hands, if the latter is no more than six acres? Small cottages are always charming with their unique comfort. Here every bush, every design element is in plain sight. Therefore, all details must be thought through especially carefully. For example, in the absence of a large amount of free space, you can create multi-level garden compositions.

In a small garden, the land should not be empty, but this does not mean that the area should be oversaturated. You can visually expand the space with the help of artificial hills, fenced with low stone walls.

Landscape of a summer cottage with a slope

For some, such a dacha seems like a punishment, while others perceive it as a great success. Such a site opens up great opportunities in creating landscape design. Don't rush to level the slope. It should be strengthened and played beautifully.

Style selection

Landscape of a summer cottage unconventional shape requires a special approach. Plants for landscaping are selected depending on the natural characteristics of the slope - drying out of the soil, openness to winds, composition and depth of the soil layer. On a site that has a slope, you can do:

Flower garden with level differences;

Alpine slide;

Heather Garden;

Waterfall or rocky stream;


Plot of 10 acres

This is not the smallest cottage. To make the landscape of a 10-acre dacha plot organic, make a list of everything that, in your opinion, should be in the dacha. Choose the style you will stick to - the final result largely depends on this. If you feel that you cannot cope with this work, contact a specialist. A designer landscape for a summer cottage, of course, is not cheap, but the costs will be worth it.

If you nevertheless decide to do this work yourself, then after drawing up the project, proceed to choosing plants. They must match the climate in which the dacha is located. Do not overload the area. All buildings, paths, swimming pool or natural body of water require special attention and patience. Create the landscape gradually, it is impossible to do everything at once. Plan the work and complete it in stages.

Japanese garden

It's very original and very unusual design. It conceals comfort and tranquility. The Japanese garden combines three elements - stone (strength and durability), water (movement and growth of plants) and living elements - conifers, and is also beautiful flowering trees. Mandatory elements of such a garden should be a bridge over a pond and a gazebo. A plot of 10 acres will allow you to create a Japanese garden where you can retire or spend time with friends.

"Wildlife" in the garden

If your site is located on the border with a forest, then your decision to create a “wild” nature reserve on it will be completely natural. Wild trees will go well with the cultivated ones you diversify them with. Plant under trees shade-loving plants, for example, fern.

Country style

This garden is filled with details from village life. It may seem that it looks a little neglected and a little rustic. Nevertheless, it requires no less attention. Flower arrangements in such a garden they are created in boxes. A wattle fence with pottery and buildings with whitewashed facades are relevant here. A cart will fit perfectly into such a landscape. It can become a luxurious base for a flower bed. Suitable Moorish lawn- a flower meadow that delights its owner with bright colors.

High-tech style

It is used not only in the interiors of apartments, but also in the design of a summer cottage. The peculiarity of such a landscape is its laconicism and severity of forms, color scheme. It is characterized by clear and straight lines in furniture and path layouts, the use modern materials during production Such a garden is distinguished by open spaces, plants are most often of a strict shape, trimmed.

Mediterranean style

It should remind you of a vacation in warm countries on the Mediterranean coast. IN recent years it became very popular among summer residents. Such a garden must have a patio, shady corners paved with natural stone light colors paths, herbs and flowers in ceramic pots, forged or wicker furniture.

Landscape of a small cottage

The center could be a round flowerbed, perhaps with a small fountain. You can do it yourself. If a fountain is not included in your plans, then install a small statue instead. It is better to fill the path deep into the garden with crushed stone or gravel, and paving slabs and refuse altogether. It is better to use ornamental grass among plants, bright phlox, lavender or geranium.

Even the smallest pond, which can be made, for example, from a bathtub, will revive the area. Plant daffodils, mint, primroses and irises along the “banks”.

We design the center of the site

Start from the center to create a harmonious landscape. At a summer cottage, it is often decorated in the form of a tree with a shaped crown, a fountain surrounded by a sculptural group, and flowers in vases of different heights.

Children's playground and lawn

If you have children, then you will need to create a special landscape for your summer cottage. You can make an excellent playground with your own hands. It is more advisable to create it under the windows of the room where parents or other adult family members spend most of their time. It is better to make a lawn when exiting the terrace or veranda. You can arrange a recreation area on it. At the edge you can build a platform with a barbecue shelter.


Perhaps, not a single landscape of a summer cottage can do without this detail. Make the most with your own hands a simple bench Probably every man can. Only a master can make some kind of original, exclusive model. First, decide what kind of benches you want to see on your site. Today there are a great variety of them - metal, stone, wooden benches, rocking chairs and other models - it all depends on your financial capabilities and imagination.


Finally, let's talk about the role of lighting when creating the landscape of a summer cottage. It performs the following functions:

Accent lighting;

General light.

Accent lighting does not illuminate objects in the area, but only indicates their contours. Its purpose is to set boundaries and indicate the direction of a person’s movement in dark time days.

The general one illuminates paths, recreational facilities, and other key objects. Lighting a summer cottage does not necessarily have to be dull and simple, as in years past. You can do it yourself, but it is better to entrust this work to professionals. They will be able to correctly place landscape lights in flower beds and provide high-quality lighting for the garden, fountain, and gazebo.

Original lamps

The main problem with landscape lamps is their high cost. There is a way out. You can make lamps yourself from scrap materials - from wood chips and skewers, from clothespins. This way you can do street lamp with LEDs, plastic lighting and garlands.

Without a literate landscape design, it is difficult to achieve harmony in a summer cottage. But this does not mean that only an expensive design agency can handle this; you can create a landscaped landscape yourself, adhering to the style and practical advice. To transform acres of land beyond recognition and subjugate nature to art, you need to appreciate the possibilities natural resources. Just as dresses are made according to individual measurements, the idea of ​​landscape design for a summer cottage needs to be tailored individually.

Where to start landscape design of a site with your own hands

It all starts with an idea, planning and competent design. In country landscape design to change existing ones or create new ones natural complexes use components of living and inanimate nature. Unlike agriculture The landscape design of a dacha is aimed at creating harmony and beauty on the site, and not at providing people with food.

By inventing his own garden, selecting flowers and plants, and caring for them, the owner of a dacha with his own hands creates a different world around himself. And here, at home, he is no longer a performer, but a real creator!

To create a landscape design for a summer cottage, and not a tacky, chaotic flowerbed, you must initially strive for meaningful simplicity. Don’t go to extremes just to outshine your dacha neighbors. And build an individual space where you can be with your loved ones and alone with yourself, and escape from everyday worries.

Not all standard projects can be adapted to decorate your dacha. Why? Due to the peculiarities of the soil, natural relief, location of the site relative to the cardinal points... The main mistake may be that you create a project that will be inconvenient for you.

Where to start designing? Of course, from the choice of the style of landscape design of the dacha, which determines the choice of plants and planting geometry. In many ways style country garden defines the architecture of the house.

Landscape design styles for a summer cottage

Landscape design in traditional (regular) style

The main leitmotif of the regular style is order and symmetry. The simplest way to achieve a traditional landscape at the dacha - plant trees and shrubs with compact crowns that lend themselves well to pruning, make the layout of the paths rectilinear, and give the parterres and flower beds a geometric shape.

The photo shows the project summer cottage plot in a regular style with curly haircut bushes

Landscape design of a site in a country (forest) style

Intrusion into the design of a garden plot located in the forest should be minimal. It is enough to place accents with wild flowers, streams, and ponds to link the forest landscape with the house. Most of the site should be covered with living forest grass. As decoration, the garden is complemented with stone paths and wooden benches for relaxation.

The photo shows a project of a forest landscape at the dacha, complemented by mini-sized coniferous shrubs, creeping and ground cover plants

An English garden at the dacha consists of hills with a lush green trimmed lawn, a natural lake shape and winding paths that get lost between topiary shrubs and flower beds of daisies, freesias, asters, nasturtiums and dahlias.

In the most secluded place of the garden, surrounded deciduous plants: host, heuchera, irezine, put benches.

The resting place of the English garden at the dacha is decorated with an elegant concrete flowerpot with petunias

Moorish gardens are characterized by the presence of a fountain or pond, the desire for maximum lush flowering flowers and an endless variety of green shades. The center of the site is always decorated with a pond or fountain, around which they grow freely moisture-loving plants. Unplanted areas and bottom water body The garden is laid out with multi-colored tiles or stones painted with oriental patterns.

Photo of a colorful garden in the Moorish style at the moment of lush flowering

To recreate nature in miniature in a dacha of 10 acres, it is necessary to use ten main elements of a Japanese garden: stone, water streams, deciduous and flowering trees, flowers, moss, pebbles, sand, typical japanese jewelry landscape and trimmed coniferous plants.

Landscape design dachas in Japanese style always a little “mossy” from excess moisture.

In search of beautiful and tranquil scenery for your dacha, pay attention to Chinese-style gardens. They are always beautiful and serene.

How to properly design a Chinese garden and how does it differ from a Japanese one?

In traditional Chinese landscape architecture, there is a constant change of landscapes. A separate picture opens from each new vantage point. IN Chinese garden there is no place for “ironed” lawns and symmetrically planted flower beds. But here you can see tall dark bamboo growing along round flat stones, traditional pagodas and dragons made in carvings, calligraphy or sculpture.

The photo shows a Chinese-style summer cottage with recreated corners wildlife.

Increased interest in ecological style, landscape architects explain the increasing dominance of the technogenic environment. Customers want to see natural forms in their gardens, beautiful combination flowers and a riot of colors.
In an eco-garden, everything works in contrast to the industrial landscape. At the same time, eco-style is more manifested in the ideological, internal principles of site design.

For example, in the construction of reservoirs and streams in the countryside, special systems, biofilters are used, which allow water to be used sparingly.

In the landscape design of a dacha, the expressive and light Provence style can be recognized by the large number small decor. Garden sculptures, flower beds, paths made of artificial wood chips, streams succinctly complement each other, forming a thematic environment. Aromatic herbs: thyme, lavender, rosemary, often become the main characters of the Provence style garden.

Left garden design dachas in style French Provence in which purple and pink shades predominate.

Right: characteristic feature style - garden furniture that bears the “stamp of time”

The main elements of lush and informal rustic (rural) design are dense plantings of flowers, beautifully blooming fruit trees, beds with vegetables and herbs. The charming landscape of the country-style dacha is complemented by gazebos hidden among lush foliage, decorative elements made of wrought iron or wood, which cannot always be noticed behind the abundance of beautiful annual flowers.

In the photo of a landscape project for a summer cottage, the traditional color scheme Country style

The formal atmosphere of a colonial garden is softened with pastel colors.

If the house does not have a veranda, then a cozy patio with a pergola and a hanging sofa swing must be installed on the site.

When arranging a summer cottage, be sure to use climbing plants: ivy, rose, wild grapes.

Landscape architects propose to gradually recreate the Mediterranean landscapes of Italy, France, Spain at the dacha through multi-level fountains, sculptural columns, cypress trees, lavender and garden furniture warm terracotta color. The only thing you will miss after redoing your garden is the sparkling blue ocean behind your garden fence.

Garden in Mediterranean style, decorated with Moorish tiles

Gardens in the Art Nouveau style are minimalist, characterized by a large number of asymmetrical patterns and labyrinths in the structure of the landscape.

Modernism in the country is distinguished from other styles by intelligent planning and inclusion in landscape design natural stone, concrete and metal.
At the same time, plants are allowed to use the most different colors, but in the majority modern projects preference is given to green.

Bright delphinums, lilies, rhododendrons, irises, and peonies are planted on the site to create contrast.

At night, the Art Nouveau style dacha area is illuminated by LED lights.

The African garden provides unlimited scope for style maneuvers. But with one caveat. In ethnic style it is allowed to use only natural, environmentally friendly clean materials. And the most valuable and desirable of them is natural wood. The color scheme of the African landscape is warm, even hot. Wooden garden paths, laid in a “deck” to make it pleasant to walk around the site with bare feet.

Statues of idols, stone vases and rattan wicker furniture look organic in the design.

Aged gardens in dacha landscape design

Among fashionable landscape trends, artificially aged gardens are gaining popularity: abandoned ones with wild herbs and flowers.

How to create a vintage garden in a small country house yourself?

To enhance the feeling that the garden on the site is vintage and no longer young, you can:

  • A pergola arch made of rough unpainted boards, entwined with wild rose or ivy.
  • Flower beds made from old bricks that have been sprayed with a cocktail of moss.

Advice: create a mixture not with the most pleasant aroma, you can put a large fist-sized piece of moss and one and a half glasses of buttermilk (natural low-fat cream) in a blender. The finished greenish milkshake is used to cover walls, stones, water tubs - those desired areas/objects of the dacha that should look aged in the landscape design. Mosses thrive in cool, shady, and damp areas.

  • Flower beds in which, along with delicate flowers such as roses and delphiniums, cereals and unpretentious wildflowers grow.
  • with perennials.
  • Garden furniture self made made from textured aged wood.

Where to get plant material for decorating a summer cottage?

Landscapes in the landscape style must remain beautiful throughout all seasons - this is a standard requirement. Therefore, evergreen juniper, pine and spruce - “three friends of the Russian winter” - are especially revered among architects.

In order not to start frantically buying seedlings and seeds at spontaneous markets in the spring, you need to find out contact information in advance good nurseries and gardening stores. Natural material for landscape design of a dacha you need to buy zoned (suitable for a specific region) for planting in a specific climatic zone countries.

For landscape design of a dacha plot of 10 acres, which is located in a region with a temperate continental climate, it is well suited english style. The basis for an English garden is dwarf weeping willows, mountain pine, thuja, brilliant cotoneaster, ivy, petunia, roses, crocuses, etc.

The success of landscaping a small plot of 6 acres lies in simplicity. Climbing plants on the fence walls can change the perception of a cramped dacha space. To decorate a fence or gazebo with a vine with decorative shoots, northerners should not buy seedlings of southern beauties. Considering the regional characteristics of the plant, they are unlikely to please luxurious flowering. But the frost-resistant honeysuckle honeysuckle, girl's grapes and actinidia will overwinter directly on the supports, without shelter.

Trends and landscape design styles are changing, and the main components of the dacha landscape that successfully complement each individual project and form a unity, remain.

Flowers and plants for landscape design of a summer cottage

In landscaping small and large plot They use special techniques in which the compatibility of plants, their shapes, types, colors, and flowering periods with each other is especially important. Construction of lawns and flower beds continuous flowering and tree planting is the starting point for independent registration cottage design.

Green lawns are important for modeling space. Lawns are good as “soft terraces” for family entertainment and as children’s playgrounds. But at the dacha, the lawns should be minimum quantity, since they usually cause a lot of trouble for the owners (the lawn is trampled and constantly requires care).

If you really don’t want to give up traditional beds with carrots, parsley and red beets, arrange them on the plot in the form flower beds. Vegetable bosquet beds look beautiful, in which groups of low-growing crops are divided into sectors, and act as a green fence low growing shrubs, easy to mold.

The photo shows a landscape design of a summer cottage with French bosquet beds

It's not enough to build nice house: functional inside and beautiful outside. It is important to improve the surrounding area - to create an attractive landscape design on the site. This is where the basics of landscape design will come in handy.

Before we talk about the basics of gardening art and the nuances of design, let’s understand the concepts.

What is landscape design

Panoramic design means an area whose management tools are aimed at creating a landscaped area on a site with a small area. This is the main difference between science and design, which by its nature is a more labor-intensive and costly process. It is much easier to implement a project with the relief of a personal plot.

The fundamentals seamlessly combine art and science. Thanks to this composition, the master is able to bring the sketch into reality, influencing its functionality and introducing an aesthetic component to the project.

Landscaping is not easy. Here it is important to create natural harmony between the surrounding nature and modern modern buildings. To achieve the desired effect, the designer must be able to work with the main tools of art and understand the basics of landscape design.

Landscape design: basic elements of art

Widely used tools include:

  • scaling;
  • color correction;
  • texturing;
  • formation.

Everyone sees the design of their site in their own way, everyone sets their own requirements for design, everyone does everything possible to realize the visual picture in their head within their budget. In the hands of the customer, the designer is a tool capable of creating, and the result of the work depends on how accurately they understand each other.

It is important not only to beautifully arrange the territory, but also to make the garden design as useful and functional as possible.

The concept of “interior design” is familiar to many; some have even tried to arrange their home according to latest trends and they succeeded, but the basics of landscape design become a real discovery for some people, but remain a mystery for most. In addition, not everyone has the talent to visualize their ideas, so imagine what it would look like personal plot, and also having a lack of knowledge in the field of panoramic developments, not everyone can.

Of course, you can simulate what you see thanks to special programs (some of them are even easy to use), and if such developments seriously interest you, enrolling in landscape design courses will not be difficult. This is a popular service in any city.

What is important in the design of a site?

What could be better nice looking from the window when you are lying on a sun lounger by the terrace or drinking tea in a rocking chair? The relief of the area adjacent to the house created by you. When designing a site, the main thing is to make sure that each design element is combined with others, thereby creating a single, harmonious-looking picture.

Landscape styling

Each of the styles presented in panoramic art has its own characteristics.

Today, from a wide range of styles, landscape designers distinguish 6 main ones:

  • English;
  • country;
  • Oriental;
  • natural;
  • Japanese;
  • combined.

The owner decides in which direction to work, giving the designer food for thought, but, despite the owner’s wishes, the choice of design style also depends on general characteristics plot. It doesn’t matter whether it’s country or English style in landscape design, each of them is interesting to work with.

Laws and rules of gardening art

Landscape designs on land plots are created for a reason - this is not a play of imagination or a flight of fancy of a person modulating the panorama, the whole secret is in the existing laws and rules.

Each designer, working with a client, relies on the basics of landscape design. Arranging a garden is a design rule that is obeyed. In total, there are 5 basic laws, according to the rules of which designers work.


Law of dominance is about submission. Elements of landscape design are divided into primary and secondary, which allows you to make a bright point of emphasis on one element and supplement it with auxiliary ones.


Law of Simplicity dictates the decoration of the site without using a large number of elements. This approach is ideal for small areas where one style is used and a large number of plants is unnecessary.

Clarity of forms

Triangle Law. Legal use different forms, colors or sizes are prohibited. For example, a three-color flower bed cannot be divided into equal parts. One of the colors should prevail over the other. Those who have attended landscape design courses know that design according to this law is carried out according to the rule of the golden ratio, the proportions of which are calculated according to a special scheme.

Law of the Circle will help the designer to combine colors without mistakes and boldly mix them. The coordinate grid acts as a canvas, and the primary colors act as the material. Having applied them to the canvas, you will see that they are all conditionally divided into segments, and the shades within the segment are called related colors, the use of which is appropriate in the same flower bed. You can plant material with an abundance of flowers within one quarter, so the “landscape” will look brighter.

Square law based on the four cardinal directions. This is a direct hint for the designer - each plant has its own place and conditions. Some flowers or bushes like more light, others like moisture. The square rule helps to create not only a beautiful view for the owner, but also comfortable conditions for the plants.

It is compliance with the rules and accuracy in calculations that help workers create unusual and original projects from scratch. When studying landscape design, it is necessary to know the basics and principles, otherwise you will not be able to prove yourself as a designer and create a worthwhile project.

Fundamentals of composition in landscape art

By following landscape design, you can create a unique project according to a well-organized scheme.

The main thing is to divide the space, but do this without compromising the integrity of the site. Zoning should be appropriate and harmonious, with smoothly flowing elements of the site's relief. Achieving this result is easier than you might think. Just place it in different corners garden similar elements or use similar colors in each zone.

Simplicity in design also plays an important role. Don't complicate what can be done simpler. This approach will help avoid having unnecessary details and save part of your budget. Make accents, but decorate the area in moderation.

An important step towards creating a natural and exclusive garden is choosing a balance. Stick to symmetry in your design or create fancy asymmetrical shapes. This effect can be easily achieved by planting trees and flowers of different heights, colors and shapes.

Learn to play with light and color scheme- this is perhaps the main principle of gardening art.

Remember that nature is a plastic material in your hands. Do not forget about the smoothness of transitions not only in color palette, but also between the shapes and sizes of plants. Playing with just a closed one, you will be able to visually enlarge the garden by planting trees evenly in a descending order: from high to low.

Don't forget about the last principle that dictates the basics of composition - proportions.


Every garden plot deserves the attention of its owner. By how well-groomed the territory is, one can judge the owner’s thriftiness. Unique, practical and cozy backyard You can even create one at home with your own hands. To do this you don't need to go to special courses or take lessons from the masters. Take a basic course in the fundamentals of landscape gardening and start creating.

You can create a living corner in the garden by making an artificial pond or a small fountain. In such a place it is easy to relax and concentrate on your thoughts.

You can drop me off exotic trees and decorate the yard in oriental style, decorate the lawn with gravel paths with fancy ornaments or zone the rest area using tiles and decorative stones.

A gazebo lined with low bushes will add sophistication to the garden, you can admire beautiful view and relax in cozy place without going far from home. Organizing a recreation area on the site of a private house is an invaluable opportunity, a bliss that a resident of a city high-rise building will never be able to afford. In your yard, in comfortable conditions By the pond, gazebo or fire, the family can get together to discuss plans or have dinner together.

Proper organization of landscape design does not end with landscaping and planting flowers. The design is complete when the park furniture is in place and the yard inspires a sense of peace and home.

On your personal plot you can place small architectural sculptures that complement the composition. Moreover, standard pink flamingos and gnomes have long gone out of fashion. Today the trend is hand-laid, fancy and sometimes shapeless products from various types materials combined together.

Homestead landscape design is the opportunity to create a unique personal territory where a person would feel comfortable and peaceful.

If you have a summer cottage, that’s great! Even if it’s very small, that’s okay too! After all, the landscape design of a small area can be arranged in a very original way. It is in this article that you will learn how to arrange a photo of 10 acres with your own hands, and also view the photo design of a summer cottage photo.

Basic rules for designing a small plot of land

Before you start creating your own landscape design for a small area, you should learn some rules and features of this issue, which are quite simple. Namely:

Say no to bulky and massive structures. Of course, if there is no building on a summer cottage, it is not entirely convenient, so there should be one. But it doesn't have to be too bulky. Small buildings one floor high are appropriate here. It is better if they are distributed throughout the entire territory of your summer cottage. For example, so that the bathhouse and household. the buildings were located at some distance from each other and from the house. Read all about the layout of the bath here. But the gazebo can be completely “hidden” in a nook, enlivening it with vegetation. Be sure to look at the landscape design of the summer cottage photo.

Do not build blind fences. In fact, if the fences are blank and bulky at all small area, this is completely incompatible! After all, enclosing yourself with such a fence can only create the feeling that you are in a cage. And this can have a very negative impact on your health and your mood. That's why best option fences - a miniature, small fence, a light gate, along the perimeter of which landscaping will gracefully curl, visually increasing the size of the site and giving it aesthetics. Landscape design of a summer cottage photo will show you how to do it correctly.

You should not clutter up the space with too tall trees on the site, especially those that are too branchy and will be located on a site less than 8 acres in size. After all, over time, such trees will grow not only in height, but also in breadth. At the same time, they will take over the already small space of your dacha. Therefore, choose those trees that belong to low-growing varieties. They can also be used quite effectively, while saving space. Look at the landscape design of a dacha plot with your own hands, a photo of 10 acres, and you will see that these are not miracles! In addition, you should not “arrange” trees throughout dacha area, it’s better if they are placed compactly, thus saving space.

Photo design of a summer cottage photo

Draw up your own design projects, look at landscape design photos in catalogs - all this will help make your dacha a piece of paradise.

Surely you have questions about how and how to decorate a small plot at your dacha? What is the best way to place buildings so that they don’t get too crowded? A hint for you - country house projects photos for 6 acres. And also the information below.

It is more correct to organize a small flowerbed on the sides of the entrance to the house, or it can be opposite it. Thanks to this definition, you can enjoy the beauty of planted flowers immediately when you step onto the porch. There are 2 options:

  • Prepare old unnecessary vases. Also suitable car tires. On one side they expand slightly and fill with earth. Plant flowers - perennials - in flowerpots. A larger and larger one is planted in the central part. tall flower, closer to the edges - smaller.
  • Choose a place for a flower bed, mark on it the shape of an oval, the width of which is 1 m, length 1.5 m. Plant a large flower in the center, with smaller ones around it.

Place to rest

Such a corner is actually easy to set up, especially if you use curly ornamental plants or roses that weave. To fence an area of ​​up to 6 sq.m. you will need:

  • Measure out suitable size area from the selected corner for the resting place. Mark its edges. For example. The size is 6 sq. m.
  • Measure 3 meters along one of the walls of the fence, from the corner, and 2 meters along the other wall. Accordingly, you will have two parts (side and back).
  • Set aside a segment measuring 2 m from the point indicating 3 meters. This segment should be such that it runs parallel to the wall at a distance of 2 meters. And arrange a post whose height corresponds to the height of the fence.
  • Stretch the wire between the back of the wall (3 m) and the installed post.

Thus, you have the basis for a comfortable stay. Country houses Look at our photo projects for 6 acres!

You can put a bench in a rest area that you have arranged yourself, and plant here climbing roses or grapes, as well as other plants that will delight you for more than one season. Also see landscape design photos.
