Wisteria (Wisteria) - sweet vine: planting, growing and care. Fairy tale in the garden - wisteria flowers Chinese wisteria pink

Perhaps the most charming plant on earth. Anyone who has had the pleasure of contemplating its blossom and feeling its unique aroma at least once in their life will keep this wonderful moment in their memory for the rest of their lives. The incredibly long racemose inflorescences of wisteria can reach up to half a meter; they cover the plant in magical clusters, and at one glance you feel like you are in a fairy tale.

Wisteria: plant description

a luxurious decorative perennial vine with delightful openwork leaves and divine blue, lilac or whitish inflorescences. Exactly luxurious bloom made wisteria incredibly popular in our country.

Wisteria, or wisteria, is a prominent representative of tree-like deciduous climbing subtropical vines belonging to the legume family. Most plants of this species grow exclusively in warm tropical climates.

Domestic gardeners successfully cultivate profusely flowering Wisteria and Chinese Wisteria on their plots.

Did you know? When creating the maximum comfortable conditions Wisteria can reach up to 10 meters in length.

Chinese wisteria is more fragrant, but less frost-resistant, while its profusely flowering relative can withstand short-term temperature drops to -23 degrees.

What to consider when planting vines

Wisteria is very sensitive to air pollution, and therefore the plant can develop well only in areas characterized by a favorable environmental situation. The plant blooms only five years after planting seeds, cuttings or layering. For planting wisteria, fertile, loose and well-drained soil is suitable, in which moisture will not stagnate.

Plants are planted in prepared pits measuring 60/60/50. Caring for the plant will not take much of your time and effort. In order for wisteria to grow well and develop normally, you will need to provide high-quality watering and rare feeding. Planting wisteria in the fall will be more successful if you live in the southern regions, which are characterized by a mild climate and the absence of sharp temperature fluctuations.

Important! In order for the plant to enjoy generous flowering, it is recommended to shorten its shoots. Ideally, the length of wisteria branches should not exceed 30 centimeters.

If the plant is cultivated in the northern regions, then in order for it to overwinter without damage, it is recommended to carefully cover the bushes. Due to the fact that the shoots of wisteria are very heavy, it is necessary to worry about installing supports even before flowering.

Important! Wisteria is different rapid growth, and therefore sometimes pruning bushes needs to be done several times a season.

Lighting requirements

Liana is characterized by a pathological love of light, and therefore reacts poorly to a lack of ultraviolet radiation. Light-loving wisteria wisteria, which is grown at insufficient lighting, is unlikely to please you with generous flowering, bright saturated colors and active rates of development.

Plants that chronically do not receive enough sunlight look weak and sickly, sometimes the lack of light becomes main reason that the culture refuses to bloom.

What should the air humidity and temperature be for successful growth?

The liana is quite thermophilic, and therefore feels great in areas characterized by hot summers. Despite its favorable attitude towards heat, wisteria still does not tolerate temperatures above 35 degrees. In order for the plant to survive the winter well, its shoots need careful wrapping, especially protection from frost around the trunk.

If your pet belongs to indoor crops, then winter time it should be cultivated indoors at a temperature of about +10 degrees. Cultivating wisteria in spartan conditions will prevent its premature flowering.

Important!When grown indoors, the plant normally does not need additional spraying. However, when cultivating wisteria in a room with radiators, as a result of which the air is dry, you can spray the bushes or install containers of water next to the plant to humidify the environment.

How to plant wisteria correctly

When planting wisteria special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the choice of location: it should be well protected from drafts and be sunny. It is preferable to plant wisteria seedlings on the south side, and it is important to think about the location of the supports in advance.

Important!The liana is not very particular about the soil, but the plant will feel more comfortable on nutritious, well-moistened and lime-free soils.

The plant is planted in a prepared hole into which compost has previously been added. After planting the plant, it needs to be provided with the highest quality watering.

Did you know?Don’t be alarmed if the vine stops growing at first. But after the adaptation period has passed, it will surprise you with its active pace of development.

Planting by layering

Propagation of wisteria by layering is also particularly popular among gardeners. Last year's shoots can be used as layering. In early spring, the shoots are carefully laid out on the surface of the site and covered with earth.

Important! Rooted shoots can be separated from the mother plant no sooner than in a year.

How to grow wisteria from seeds

Wisteria seeds are planted in November or early December. Seeds are sown on the surface of a soil substrate consisting of leafy, woody soil and sand in a ratio of 4 x 1 x 1. After sowing, it is recommended to cover the seeds with a layer of sand no more than 1-2 millimeters thick.

Then they spray it with water from a spray bottle and cover the container with glass or a piece of polyethylene to create an optimal microclimate. Place the container in a warm place, the temperature in which can range from 22 to 25 degrees.

Important!Until the seeds germinate, it is necessary to ensure that the soil in the container does not dry out and is constantly in a slightly moist state.

The shoots will appear after 3-4 weeks, and after another 7-10 days the container with the shoots can be moved to a place with more light, but at the same time protected from direct sunlight. sun rays place.

After two leaves appear at the seedlings, they are picked and transplanted together with a lump of earth into a separate container, and then watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Rules for caring for ornamental plants

Even a beginner can handle caring for this beauty. The luxurious wisteria liana, planting and caring for which does not require any special knowledge from you, is distinguished by its non-capricious disposition. The plant will delight you with generous flowering only when cultivated in well-lit places and protected from gusts of wind.

When growing wisteria, it is necessary to constantly tie up its regrown shoots. In order for the plant to enjoy active flowering, its shoots need constant pruning.

Important!When cultivating a vine, it will be necessary to ensure that its roots do not dry out, otherwise it will form a small number of flower buds, which will lead to a decrease in the number of inflorescences.

Features of watering

Wisteria loves moisture, but does not respond well to excessive watering. In order to determine that it is time to water the bush, try squeezing the soil in your fist; if the soil easily takes the given shape and disintegrates when pressed lightly, the time for watering has not yet come. If you cannot form a lump from the soil, then the plant needs watering.

Important!Remember, lack of moisture will cause wisteria to start dropping flowers.

When grown indoors or in areas characterized by warm winters, watering the vines is stopped in December and they begin to prepare it for wintering.

How and when to feed wisteria

- this is a fairly large vine, and so that throughout the entire growing period the plant has rich color, she needs periodic feeding. When feeding wisteria with complex mineral fertilizers they are introduced as follows: per 1 m² of land, 10 liters of water with 20 grams of fertilizer diluted in it are consumed.

The liana will also respond well to the introduction of a tincture of rotted manure prepared at the rate of 1 x 20 or a chalk solution (100 grams of dry chalk powder is dissolved in one bucket of water).

Pruning vines

Many gardeners do not know how to prune wisteria correctly. But it is the correct pruning that determines how generously the vine will bloom. Wisteria is pruned on average twice a year.

After planting, it is necessary to trim the main shoot of the crop to a strong bud. All side shoots are also cut off, which activates the development of the main stem.

In the first year, when gartering bushes in the summer, you need to ensure that its main shoot is positioned vertically, and the other two at an angle of about 45 degrees.

In the second year in winter, the main stem will need to be shortened so that its length does not exceed 80 centimeters. After this, we form two more horizontal shoots and shorten their length by a third.

The following summer, we tie the main stem of the vine to a support, select two more shoots and tie them at an angle of 45 degrees. If additional shoots begin to form at the base of the plant, they must be removed.

At the next stage, we tie up the new stem that has formed and shorten all the second-order branches on it to 20 centimeters.

Important!In the third year, as well as in subsequent years, it will be necessary to perform all of the above actions aimed at the vertical development of the plant.

Wisteria propagation

The easiest way to propagate wisteria is by dividing the bush. This method is only suitable for young plants, aged from 3 to 5 years. Old bushes are simply dug up on one side and a small part of the plant is separated for replanting.

Plant growers claim that planting wisteria in the spring will be more successful, since over the summer the plant will have time to take root and get stronger.

Wisteria is an amazingly beautiful tree-like vine from the Legume family. Prefers a subtropical climate, with favorable conditions blooms profusely and for a long time. In southern countries, the plant is a welcome guest in any garden plot. You can most effectively use it to decorate arches, high brick walls, gazebos... Unfortunately, in middle lane In Russia, the liana does not feel so comfortable and, as knowledgeable gardeners say, it blooms more modestly. However, with good care, wisteria can be grown in both the central and northern regions of the country.

Wisteria: appearance features

The deciduous vine grows slowly, but its life expectancy is several decades. Its stems are tree-like, the bark is light brown, and the young shoots are pale green. The leaves are large, bright green, imparipinnate. The leaf can reach a length of 30 cm and usually consists of 7–13 small leaves. The flowers are small, collected in racemes. The color of the petals depends on the type of plant; most often, you can see lilac or purple wisteria, less often - white. The flowers emit a delicate aroma that spreads throughout the garden.

Before you start planting and caring for wisteria, you need to choose its type and variety. The most popular are 2 types of wisteria:

  • Chinese wisteria- a large vine, reaching a height of 20 meters, flowers of a delicate lilac color with a blue tint;
  • Wisteria profusely flowering (Japanese)- a more compact plant (length 7–10 m), the flowers are small, lilac and blue, there are garden forms with pink, bright purple or white petals.

Choosing a site for growing wisteria

The soil on the site should be light, rich nutrients, neutral or slightly alkaline in composition. A high content of lime in the composition threatens the loss of the decorative color of the leaves; they noticeably turn pale. When growing wisteria, one should not forget about drainage, especially if the soil’s natural composition is quite dense and heavy. Stagnation of water in the roots can be detrimental to the plant.

To achieve beautiful and long flowering You need to select a lighted area for the wisteria. It is good if it is in direct sunlight in the first half of the day, or, conversely, in the second. Thus, the ideal location is arches or gazebos facing east or west.

Daffodils, white tulips, and dark purple hyacinths will look great next to wisteria.

Growing wisteria from seeds

Graceful wisteria - planting and caring for it requires patience. Experts advise beginning gardeners to purchase a seedling, while more experienced ones can try growing seedlings themselves. You can buy a bag of seeds at a large flower shop or order online.

Given the slow growth of the vine, sowing is carried out in the first half of December. The substrate selected is loose and moisture-permeable; it is better to prepare it yourself from the following components:

  • leaf soil - 4 parts,
  • turf soil - 1 part,
  • medium-grained sand – 1 part.

The resulting mixture is filled into a box, at the bottom of which several drainage holes are first made. The substrate is moistened, seeds are sown on the surface in random order, and then sprinkled with a small amount of soil. The top of the box is covered plastic film or ordinary glass. Seed germination should occur at temperatures between +21 °C and +25 °C. When sowing Chinese wisteria, the box with the substrate should be kept in complete darkness, for example, in a closet or pantry. The first shoots will appear after 20–30 days, and they can be gradually accustomed to the sun. As soon as the plants have a second leaf, they should be thinned out; the strongest specimens should be planted in separate containers.

Residents southern regions in early spring they can sow seeds directly into open ground.

Planting a wisteria seedling in a garden plot

Wisteria seedling - planting and care in the future is not much different from growing other garden plants. Seedlings purchased from a nursery or grown independently are planted in the garden in the spring, but only after the soil has warmed up well and the threat of night frosts has passed. Still, do not forget that the plant is a heat-loving species.

The planting hole is dug with dimensions of 60x60x50 cm, where 50 cm is the depth. To increase fertility, compost or humus is added to the soil, acidic compounds are diluted with dolomite flour or a small amount of lime. Drainage made from fragments of ceramics and pieces of brick is laid at the bottom. Experts recommend applying complex mineral fertilizer for digging at the rate of 25 grams per 1 m² of site.

When growing wisteria in the northern regions, gardeners prefer not to take risks and keep it as a potted crop. As the seedling grows, a standard tree is formed; in the spring-summer period, a tub with a plant is placed in the yard or on open terrace, and for the winter they put it in a cool room and water it periodically. In order for the vine to successfully overwinter, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature within +8–10 °C.

Features of caring for wisteria

Having planted wisteria on a site, it should be given special attention. The most important thing is to control the level of soil moisture.

Watering and fertilizing

Experienced gardeners recommend watering the vine more often, but little by little. It is necessary that the soil always remains moderately moist, but in no case soggy. It is especially important to prevent the soil from drying out in early spring, when the buds are forming; due to lack of moisture, they can crumble without ever opening. With the arrival of autumn, watering is gradually reduced. To make caring for wisteria easier after planting, it is recommended to mulch the circle around the trunk with mowed grass or compost. This will not only inhibit the growth of weeds, but will also keep the soil moist for a long time.

Starting in spring, the vines are fed every 10 days. It is advisable to alternate complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter, for example, mullein infusion in a ratio of 1:20. Once a season, it is necessary to water the wisteria with water with chalk dissolved in it (100 g of the substance per 12 liters of clean water).

Pruning and covering vines for the winter

To enjoy the beauty of blooming wisteria every year, you need to prune it twice a year. The first procedure is carried out after the vine has faded. All side branches are shortened, but not more than 2/3 of their original length. The second pruning is carried out in late autumn, after leaf fall. Both old side branches and young shoots are cut off, leaving 4–5 buds.

To the delight of Russian summer residents, several winter-hardy varieties have been bred that can withstand frosts down to -20 °C; this helps the plant survive the cold, but does not mean that it can winter without shelter. Growing wisteria in central Russia is a responsible step. To protect root system, the ground around the base of the bush is covered with a thick layer of mulch (15 cm). You can use peat, compost, dry oak leaves. Overgrown vines are removed from the supports and laid on the ground, while the plant needs to be littered with spruce branches so that there is no direct contact with the cold soil. Having laid the wisteria, it is covered with spruce branches, burlap or other suitable material.

Wisteria, or wisteria, is a popular flowering vine. They grow quickly, winter successfully and bloom stunningly in many countries with mild climates. It is not surprising that gardeners, fascinated by the beauty of blooming wisteria, want to have such a wonderful plant on their site!

Many residents of central Russia, seeing the riotous flowering of wisteria while on vacation in the Crimea, on the Black Sea coast or in warm foreign countries, only sighed with regret... After all, when trying to grow wisteria in open ground your garden - as a rule, disappointment set in. IN best case scenario, several modest inflorescences appeared on a wisteria seedling, and in the worst case, the planted wisteria died after the first winter.

These unsuccessful attempts by Russian gardeners to grow wisteria in their garden are quite natural, since until recently they could only find it on sale here.
Our gardeners are usually offered either wisteria chinensis(Wisteria chinensis), or wisteria profusely blooming, or multi-flowered (Wisteria floribunda), or their numerous decorative forms. Unfortunately, these types of wisteria tolerate temperatures down to -20 degrees, and only for a very short period of cold snap.

Growing Blue Moon wisteria in our garden

Wisteria settled in our garden several years ago (spring 2008).
Moreover, at that time, the acquisition of wisteria was rather an impulsive act, dictated by necessity. We made a rest area on our site and placed a support above it. We needed an interesting vine that would form a shadow over the benches.
The choice of beautiful vines in our climate is small, but I wanted to plant something

We were offered to buy cold-resistant wisteria, which can withstand even severe frosts (-40C). That's how we got it wisteria macrostachia, or large cyst (Wisteria macrostachya). And my acquaintance with her variety “Blue Moon” (“Blue Moon”, translated as “Blue Moon”) began. The homeland of this plant is the USA, Minnesota.

The purchased wisteria seedling was small, no more than 30 cm long. Now, looking back, I can honestly admit: at that moment I had great doubts that this baby would quickly braid the provided support and provide at least some shade...
I didn’t even dream about wisteria blooming then.

Imagine my surprise when a wisteria seedling planted in early June (in standard Voronezh black soil) began to develop rapidly a month after adaptation. By August the height of the plant was more than two meters!

Before the onset of the first frost, we removed the wisteria from the support - along with the ropes to which its shoots clung. They laid the vine on the boards, covered it with lutrasil on top.

The growth of the annual bloom of Wisteria "Blue Moon"

After a successful wintering, already in the second year of its life in our garden, wisteria “Blue Moon” pleased us with its first two inflorescences in June. Although they were still small, the main thing is that the young wisteria bloomed!

Before the second wintering, it was no longer possible to remove our powerful wisteria from its support. The winter turned out to be very cold, and we were worried about our vine. But our worries were in vain: even the young growth of the vine was not affected by severe frosts (-34C).

Photo: two-year-old wisteria; wisteria inflorescence; wisteria fruits

And by the third summer, our expanded wisteria already had 46 full-fledged inflorescences!
Moreover, which also surprised me a lot - after flowering, seeds began to form on the wisteria vine!
By autumn, the wisteria seeds are fully ripe. I collected the ripened beans with seeds.

Fruiting of wisteria macrostachy and sowing seeds

I sowed one third of the wisteria seeds in a box immediately after harvesting and left it in the garden to grow naturally.

I stored the remaining wisteria seeds in a cool place (+10C) until spring. At the beginning of March I sowed them in light soil. Kept the wisteria crops warm, at a temperature of + 25C.
My experience has shown that Wisteria Macrostachia seeds begin to germinate
already on the fifth day. The germination rate of these seeds was almost one hundred percent.

Photo: wisteria shoots; wisteria seedlings

In the garden in the spring, I saw that the seeds of wisteria macrostachia, which had undergone cold stratification, also sprouted. However, their germination rate was no more than 60 percent.

And last spring (2011) I discovered self-seeding in our wisteria. The shoots appeared from the seeds that fell in April from the few beans that I left to overwinter on the vine. This fact is the most important evidence of the successful adaptation of Wisteria macrostachy. After this, we can say with complete confidence that our flowering and fruiting plant is fully adapted to local climatic conditions.

Study of the preservation of varietal characteristics in wisteria seedlings

Now it’s too early to talk about prospects (or vice versa) seed propagation wisteria macrostachia variety "Blue Moon".
Regarding this wisteria, no one can unequivocally state how high the percentage of failure of varietal characteristics is in plants grown from seeds.
This will show the flowering of my wisteria seedlings (and whether they will bloom at all...). On professional level No such studies have yet been conducted.

I planted some of my last year’s wisteria seedlings in open ground, and left them there in the first winter.
In the spring of this year (2012) it will already be possible to draw at least some conclusions regarding the winter hardiness of Wisteria macrostachy seedlings; but, alas, not their flowering.

Only vegetatively propagated planting material wisteria gives complete confidence in the preservation of all varietal characteristics of the plant.

Pruning and vegetative propagation of wisteria

I haven’t yet worked on the formation of our wisteria as such. Recommendations for pruning wisteria found on the Internet turned out to be very contradictory. That’s why I haven’t cut our vine yet, and it grows “in free flight.” I think that with strength
With its growth, it will be difficult to give wisteria a strict shape...

Last summer I planted another specimen of winter-hardy wisteria in the garden - specifically for experiments in shaping, and I will start doing this this year.

One young wisteria has been growing in my 5-liter pot for two years now.
years - I’ll try from it, but that’s still to come...

About vegetative propagation wisteria (cuttings and layering) I can say that there are no difficulties in this matter.
In order to obtain cuttings, I cut off some shoots of wisteria. At the same time, I choose shoots for propagation without any rules, purely intuitively: I liked the whip, cut it off from the mother plant and cut it into cuttings.

Flowering of a 4-year-old wisteria macrostachia vine

During the three years of life of our wisteria macrostachy “Blue Moon,” the development and flowering of which I described in detail earlier, the number of its inflorescences could still be counted.
But already the fourth season of growing wisteria has exceeded all my expectations in terms of the abundance of its flowering - it has become impossible to count the numerous inflorescences!

According to the stated characteristics, the wisteria macrostachy “Blue Moon” should undergo three waves of flowering over the summer. I have not yet observed this in our four-year-old vine.
Its abundant flowering lasts more than a month.
Wisteria inflorescences exposed to bright sun are the first to bloom. A little later, those inflorescences that are shaded by the openwork leaves of the vine bloom.

In the photo: abundant flowering of Blue Moon wisteria

In our garden, the first wave of wisteria flowering occurs at the end
May-early June. Believe me, this is a wonderful sight worthy of admiration!
The lilac-blue flowers of Wisteria macrostachy "Blue Moon" have an amazing scent, and its cascading inflorescences resemble huge bunches of grapes.
The support along which we let the vine grow in the first years of its life is located not far from the window. The enchanting aroma of beautiful wisteria flowers penetrates the room.

“...and the house is bewitched
An airy branch of blue wisteria..."
Anna Akhmatova

Prospects for growing wisteria macrostachia in the middle zone

Four years of observation of our wisteria vine, of course, do not yet provide grounds for drawing categorical conclusions about various aspects of its cultivation in the middle zone. It remains to be found out: where on the territory of our country are the northernmost borders that allow the successful cultivation of wisteria macrostachy “Blue Moon”. Even the microclimate of a particular area will play a role here, not to mention regions and regions.

But given the recent harsh winter(2009-2010) my young wisteria suffered frosts of -34C, and after such an extreme wintering it bloomed, then I can allow myself to express my opinion.
I have no doubt that this wisteria variety has a great future in central Russia. I think that today Wisteria macrostachya “Blue Moon” is unlikely to have
worthy competitors in terms of vertical gardening. After all, the growth of this beautifully flowering vine over the summer is 4-5 meters!

The success of wisteria flowering depends not on winter cold, but on the sum of positive summer temperatures. It is important to find a suitable location for this vine in the garden.
In a favorable place, the vigor of wisteria growth and the abundance of its flowering will be many times greater - precisely because of the successful planting of the seedling. Our wisteria grows around brick wall house (on the south side), which gives her in the summer extra heat- what this vine needs. During a prolonged spring, wisteria unfurls its leaves and opens its buds relatively late.

In the conditions of our garden, wisteria "Blue Moon" in just four years created a gorgeous green wall and the “ceiling” in the family recreation corner (see title photo).

Now we no longer have a question about construction or acquisition. Indeed, even in the hottest time, the abundant foliage of wisteria provides such dense shade that the summer heat is not felt under it.
The liana retains its green outfit throughout the fall, until snow falls.

The shoots of Wisteria Macrostachia will easily twine around any support that is provided - be it an arch, a pergola or any type of trellis. The main thing is that supporting structure was strong enough to support the weight of this large vine. You can plant wisteria along a strong fence, on the south side.
Wisteria macrostachy "Blue Moon" growing in the garden will delight you with its unforgettable flowering and aroma for many years.

Olga Vladimirovna Milyaeva (Voronezh)

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Chinese wisteria (Wisteria sinensis), which is often called "wisteria" by its generic Latin name, is a climbing plant. tree plants, part of the legume family. Despite the fact that its homeland is the subtropics of China, most of the nine species of this crop, with proper care and compliance with appropriate agricultural technology, can be a decoration for any garden or personal plot in areas with temperate climate. At the same time, wisteria, which is quite labor-intensive to care for and grow at home, will delight gardeners with its long flowering, and its climbing vine-like stems can be an excellent addition to the facade design of a residential building or decorating a summerhouse.

How to grow wisteria in Russia?

Planting wisteria in central Russia can be done by cuttings of tree shoots or seeds.

When using the first method It is necessary in early spring to cut cuttings 20–25 cm long from annual, well-ripened shoots. For rooting, a soil mixture consisting of turf soil is used, river sand, humus and peat chips, which are mixed in a ratio of 3:1:1:1. With abundant watering, by the end of the summer season they take root well and are planted with a lump of soil on permanent place growth.

Growing by seeds more labor-intensive and requires certain skills in basic agricultural techniques. Seeds are planted in a greenhouse in the fall, in November, or in open ground in early spring. Planting soil is prepared from four parts of leaf humus and equal parts of turf soil and sand. In order to provide the necessary soil moisture, sowing seeds are covered with plastic film. When the seeds germinate and the first two true leaves form, the crops are thinned out. At greenhouse cultivation containers are often used in which two or three seeds are placed. Planting in a permanent place is carried out at the end of summer.

At the same time, many gardeners, in order to ensure optimal conditions growing season, cover the plants with glass jars.

Choosing a place for permanent growth

In order for the plant to go through the growing season normally and have a long flowering period, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

This is how wisteria multiplies; caring for and growing it at home is possible in any part of Russia if you create a certain temperature regime for preservation and flowering.

Wisteria flowers or wisteria are a tree-like vine of amazing beauty. Even the reserved Japanese compare a garden in which wisteria blooms with a corner of paradise. Try to grow the beautiful wisteria on your plot, because care and cultivation are not so difficult. Execution simple rules will help you grow a real miracle.

Description of the plant

If you describe wisteria, this description will turn out to be a truly fabulous plant.

Delicate green shoots, tree-like stems, long inflorescences, brushes of various colors look very decorative. In total, 9 species of wisteria plants are known, but only Chinese and Japanese wisteria or, also, abundantly flowering, are grown as a garden crop. Wisteria flowers are long racemes that can reach up to 80 cm. When good care The liana will delight you with its flowering twice a season - in spring and in the second half of summer. All varieties of wisteria are stunning with magnificent, numerous flowers. Wisteria looks especially decorative when used for vertical gardening of arches, gazebos, fences...

The homeland of wisteria is China. Brief description plants are tree-like vines with dense foliage, up to 20 meters long. Liana is very well adapted to urban conditions. The growth of wisteria is interesting - the vine wraps around the supports from right to left. By properly pruning the vine, you can grow an elegant tree in a tub or pot.

Frost-resistant wisteria

The homeland of this variety is North America. Frost-resistant wisteria is very fast growing plant, but her maximum length is only 8 meters. The leaves of the variety consist of 8-9 small leaves. The variety's inflorescences are luxurious, reaching a length of 30 cm, consisting of blue or blue-purple flowers. The variety blooms in early June, flowering lasts about three weeks.

For this variety, it is advisable to choose a sunny area on the south side of the house for planting. Frost-resistant wisteria can grow on any type of soil, but it is advisable to plant it to achieve abundant flowering, on black soil or loam.
You should not plant frost-resistant wisteria in wetlands and lowlands where there is stagnant water. This type It is not as demanding on watering as others and tolerates dry summer periods well. Only young specimens need systematic watering.

Abundantly flowering wisteria

This vine was originally developed by the Japanese. The plant can reach a height of 10 meters, has very decorative, large foliage, the length of which is about 40 cm. Each large leaf contains up to 20 small leaves. The flowering clusters of wisteria, reaching a length of 70 cm, are very beautiful. This variety blooms after the leaves bloom, in the second decade of May. Sometimes this wisteria blooms a second time, in the second half of summer. Wisteria can be white, purple, or pink.
This type of wisteria can withstand frosts down to -25 degrees. To plant it, it is preferable to choose areas in the sun, with very light and loose soil, moderately moist. Under no circumstances should there be stagnation of water on the site. It is desirable that the soil is very nutritious.

Read also: Small-leaved elm bonsai: description of the species, care and rules of formation

Chinese wisteria

The homeland of this vine is China. A plant with very dense foliage, the length of shoots can reach 20 meters. Chinese Wisteria has a very large leaves up to 30 cm in length. This variety blooms with purple flowers, sometimes white, which are collected in lush clusters up to 40 cm in length. The Chinese liana blooms along with the leaves blooming, and its flowering lasts all summer. Very often, with the arrival of warm autumn days, the plant blooms again.

Site selection

This plant prefers light, permeable, and rich soil. The composition of the soil should be neutral or slightly alkaline. If there is too much lime in the soil, this will affect the color of the plant’s foliage, which will noticeably turn pale. We also must not forget that wisteria loves drainage - stagnation of water for the vine can be disastrous. In order for wisteria to bloom profusely and for a long time, it must be planted in a lighted area.

It’s great if you select a place to plant wisteria where there is sun before lunch. Just the ideal place to plant a plant is the arches in the east or west of the garden plot.


The seed method of propagating wisteria is not very popular, since plants grown from seeds may never bloom in their entire lives. No one knows why this happens. It is best to use the vegetative propagation method, as it is faster and more reliable. Wisteria reproduces well by layering. Early in the spring, a one-year-old shoot is taken and an incision is made on it diagonally. Then the shoot is placed with the cut down on a pot filled with nutrient substrate. The shoot is secured and buried in the soil, leaving the top on the surface. Already next spring it will be possible to plant the vine.

Growing from seeds

Seed planting scheme.

Growing wisteria from seeds is quite a labor-intensive task. To get a wisteria plant from seeds, they must be sown in the last days of November or at the very beginning of December. For sowing, prepare a soil mixture of four parts leaf soil, one part turf and one part sand. The seeds sown on the surface of the substrate should be sprinkled with a thin layer of river sand. Then the soil is moistened with a spray bottle and the container is covered with glass or covered with transparent film to make an artificial greenhouse. Boxes must be placed in dark room, the air temperature in which is +22-25 degrees. For those who do not know how to grow wisteria from seeds, you need to know that this process is quite lengthy - only after almost a month will the first fragile shoots appear.

In three to four weeks, shoots should appear. Two weeks after seed germination, the boxes with young plants are transferred to a bright room, but under no circumstances are they placed in direct sunlight.

After the seedlings have formed two true leaves, they should be planted in small separate containers along with a lump of earth around the roots. Transplanted seedlings should be shed with weak potassium permanganate.
Sprouts planted in separate pots should be gradually accustomed to the environment in which they will live. To do this, pots with seedlings are taken out every day for two hours into an unheated room, or a window is opened for an hour or two, but provided that there are no drafts in the room where the wisteria grows. Liana seeds can be sown directly in the garden in early spring. In this case, the seedlings will live much better in open ground and will be more hardy.

Read also: Rules for caring for perennial gypsophila

Planting a seedling

Planting wisteria grown from seeds, according to its rules, is not much different from planting others in the garden perennial plants. So, how to plant wisteria? Only after the soil and air have warmed up sufficiently in the spring can wisteria seedlings be planted. Important condition- Wisteria is a heat-loving plant, and therefore it will be necessary to wait until planting in the garden until the threat of May frosts has passed.

The planting hole for the seedlings is dug to a depth of 50 cm. The diameter of the hole should be about 60 cm. To enrich the soil, compost or humus is added to the hole before planting. If the soil on the site is acidic, then dolomite flour or a small amount of lime should be added to the planting hole. Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the hole. Drainage can be made from ceramic fragments, broken red bricks, and stones. Experienced gardeners recommend adding a little complex mineral fertilizer to the hole before planting the vine.

When the planting hole is prepared, the seedlings, along with a lump of earth around the roots, are taken out of the pots and planted. After planting, the soil around the seedling must be compacted and then watered generously.

In the northern regions, flower growers prefer not to take risks and grow wisteria as a potted crop rather than in the garden. As the seedling grows in the pot, a wisteria tree is formed, very graceful and blooming profusely. In the spring and summer, pots with wisteria are placed in the garden.

Features of care

Many gardeners do not know how to care for wisteria in the garden. Wisteria is very capricious when planting and caring - these are flowers that should be given special, close attention. The most important thing in growing this plant is to constantly monitor soil moisture.

Watering and fertilizers

Growing wisteria is painstaking work, but the result is worth the effort. The vine needs to be watered very often. During drought, vines should be watered twice a day. Water the vine moderately, soaking the soil around the roots. A prerequisite is that the soil must be moderately moist, but in no case soggy. In the spring, it is very important not to let the earthen lump on the roots dry out, since spring is the moment of formation of buds, which can crumble from lack of moisture. Caring for wisteria in the garden means vigilant control of root moisture.

With the arrival of cool autumn days, watering begins to be gradually reduced. To make care easier and at least slightly reduce the amount of watering, many gardeners mulch the ground around the plant. Grass clippings or compost can be used as mulch. Mulch will not only inhibit the growth of weeds, but will also keep the soil moist.
Caring for wisteria means regular feeding for the proper development of the plant and long-term lush flowering. The vine needs to be fertilized three times a month. It is advisable to alternate feeding with mineral fertilizers and organic matter. You can add mullein infusion diluted 1:20 under the wisteria. Wisteria will also gratefully accept fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers. Once during the entire growing season, you need to add chalk under the wisteria, dissolving 100 grams. chalk in 12 liters of water.

Read also: When and how is delphinium transplanted?

Pruning and wintering

Caring for wisteria includes mandatory pruning. In order for the plant to bloom magnificently every season, it must be pruned twice a year. The first pruning is always carried out immediately after flowering. During the first pruning, all side shoots must be shortened, but no more than 2/3.
The second pruning is carried out in the fall with the beginning of leaf fall. During the second pruning, all old side shoots are cut off, as well as young ones, leaving four to five buds on them.
To the delight of our flower growers, several varieties of wisteria have been bred that can withstand winter cold. Winter-hardy wisteria can withstand frosts down to -25 degrees. But this does not mean at all that winter-hardy varieties do not need shelter for the winter. Caring for wisteria must necessarily include preparing the plant for wintering.
To protect the root system, a 12-centimeter layer of mulch from peat, compost, and dry leaves is laid around the plant. Strongly overgrown vines are removed from the supports and carefully laid on a layer of spruce branches on the ground. Having laid the wisteria, it is covered with a layer of spruce branches, bags or any other covering material.

Pests and diseases

Wisteria is a fairly disease-resistant plant. In addition, the vine is poisonous, which means that insects do not like it too much. But still some problems may arise.

Wisteria can be attacked by caterpillars that gnaw holes in the foliage. To get rid of caterpillars, the vine must be sprayed with biological preparations.

Aphids, which suck the sap from the plant, can also infect leaves and flowers. Aphids must be controlled by spraying the vine with insecticides. It happens that wisteria is attacked by the clover mite. You can tell that a tick has settled on a vine by the bronze color of the foliage. In this case, the plant is treated with acaricide solutions.
If wisteria grows in soil that is high in alkali, chlorosis may occur. As a result of this disease, the leaves of the vine begin to turn yellow. To rid the vine of chlorosis, it is necessary to apply fertilizers with iron salts.

Wisteria in garden design

This plant grows and climbs very quickly, and therefore is ideal for landscaping. vertical surfaces. Very often, vines decorate the facades of houses, balconies, and gazebos. During the flowering period, wisteria is fabulously beautiful, and after flowering the plant is decorated with lush, juicy foliage.
