We will cover the meadow or lawn flower mixtures for your garden. Moorish lawn on Russian soil Blooming lawns

A colorful meadow, dotted with dozens of varieties of grasses and wildflowers, attracts the eye like a magnet. For you - the secrets of planting and caring for a Moorish lawn.


The ideal English lawn looks impressive, but is quite boring. Bright Moorish attracts with its naturalness and restrained beauty.

Benefits of a flowering lawn:

  • simple care, minimum agrotechnical measures;
  • to give a pleasant appearance, you only need to mow the area once - during the growing season;
  • easy to select herbal and flower mixtures;
  • the number of plant species suitable for creating a variegated meadow at the dacha reaches forty;
  • a beautiful corner can be easily created on insufficiently fertile soil;
  • weed growth is quite slow;
  • You can arrange a Moorish lawn even in a small area.

Stages of creating a flowering meadow with your own hands

It is not enough to simply sow grass and wildflowers. Caring for a Moorish lawn is easy, but arrangement will require accuracy and attention to detail. Nothing extraordinary, but negligence is inappropriate.

Step by step:

  1. Select suitable place. Best option- an open, well-lit area.
  2. To the composition of the soil special requirements No.
  3. The area should not be very large. You can arrange a flowering meadow next to a hedge, in front of the house or near a pond (if there is one).
  4. Buy grass and meadow flower seeds. Combine flowers according to your taste, choosing more bright colors or calmer tones.
  5. Experienced summer residents recommend buying domestic varieties; they take root better in the local climate.
  6. Level the soil, get rid of weeds and accumulated debris. If there are too many weeds, treat the soil with herbicides. Doses - according to instructions.
  7. Dig up the soil, add peat, fertilizer and sand. Before planting, it is advisable to replenish the soil with nitrogen-containing compounds.
  8. The final stage is compaction and leveling of the soil. You can plant the Moorish lawn after 2-3 weeks.

Seeds. Compound

To arrange a flowering meadow on your site, specialized stores “Everything for the Garden”, “Green World”, etc. sell ready-made seed mixtures. Separate bags contain cereals and seeds of flowering plants.

How to sow:

  1. The first option: mix the contents of both bags and sow both herbs and flowers at the same time. The lawn will be more uniform.
  2. Option two: sow cereals, and then flowers. As a result, bright “islands” will appear on the lawn.

Sow seeds only in well-warmed soil. IN different regions this period falls on April-May.

Landing rules:

  • moisten the soil, but do not flood it;
  • bury the seeds from 3 to 5 mm;
  • number of seeds: 10 g per 1 sq. m;
  • Carefully level the soil and water the lawn.

Shoots will appear in a week or two. By mid-July, the lawn with flowers will be perfect.

Advice: non-woven material, stretched over a future flowering lawn, will speed up seed germination and protect seedlings from birds. Provide normal air access to the soil.

Flowers for flower beds and lawns

It’s easy to create a bright corner that pleases the eye from spring until the end of autumn.

Select plants that bloom at different times.

Every owner can easily find suitable cereals and flowers.

Advice: the optimal ratio of flowers and meadow grasses: 80% to 20% or 95% to 5%. Check with the store which plants are annuals and which will delight you for several years.

Popular herbs:

  1. Meadow bluegrass.
  2. The bentgrass is thin.
  3. Perennial ryegrass.
  4. Timothy grass.

Flowers for the Moorish lawn:

  1. Oriental poppy. Large, bright flowers are visible from afar. Scarlet poppies, the highlight of the colorful meadow, bloom in mid-May.
  2. Swimsuit. The herbaceous perennial has taken root in many parts of Russia. Fiery yellow buds - “roses” will enliven any lawn. Loves moist soil, several interesting varieties have been developed.
  3. Cornflower. Tender blue flowers give the lawn nice view. It germinates well and has a long flowering period.
  4. Meadow chamomile. A perennial familiar to everyone. It blooms for a long time and looks good next to bluebells and cornflowers.
  5. Clover. Low plants with soft lilac flowers are unpretentious, pleasing to the eye and attract bees. Long flowering period.
  6. Nemesia. Beautiful, yellow or white flowers are collected in graceful inflorescences. The plant tolerates winter well and grows well in sunny areas.
  7. Marigold. The plant with bright yellow or orange flowers has taken root well in different regions of the country. Marigolds bloom for a long time, do not require special care.
  8. Chinese carnation. Bushes up to 0.5 m high with narrow leaves are frequent “guests” of Moorish or flowering lawns. Flowers - from white to purple, always with a burgundy border and slits. Hybrid varieties are annuals, flowering from June to August.

Pay attention! Many flowers for the Moorish lawn are honey plants. Butterflies and bees will often fly to your site. Choose flowers with bright buds.

Decorating lawns with flowers. Photo gallery

Stick to it basic rules for placing flowering plants:

  • Plant creeping or cushion-shaped perennials in the foreground;
  • leave room for growth, maintain a checkerboard pattern;
  • on a small lawn, do not get carried away by the number of compositions;
  • select plants that have similar environmental requirements;
  • the assortment should ensure flowering for a long time;
  • Don’t forget about bulbous species that go well with grains.

Photo of a Moorish (blooming) lawn.


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The green lawn at the dacha can be used in different ways: to have picnics on it, to play sports, to organize a children's playground. But most often, a trimmed lawn is created as a decorative detail of the landscape. Individually planted exclusive or simply beautiful plants, monoflowers, spruce, thuja and other coniferous vegetation.

In each specific situation The grass layer experiences different loads, so it is important to choose the right grass or seed mixture for your lawn.

The best lawn grasses

To ensure that the green lawn does not require renewal for as long as possible, unpretentious types of grasses with long term life. Their development from germination to flowering is rather slow, but they remain viable for several years.

Top 10 best perennial lawn grasses:

  • Sheep fescue ( Festuca ovina L.) is a long-lasting herb with narrow leaves gathered into a dense bush. It grows back immediately after the snow melts, is not afraid of frequent and low mowing, and is highly drought-resistant and also resistant to trampling;
  • Red fescue ( Festuca rubea) is one of the unpretentious cereal plants for the lawn. this type of fescue grows equally well on all types of soil, including poor rocky ones, and is resistant to difficult weather conditions (drought, low temperatures). Used for landscaping problem areas. The root system of the plant forms dense turf that is resistant to mechanical damage. Easily tolerates drought and severe frosts. Life expectancy up to 15 years;
  • Meadow bluegrass ( Poa pratensis L.) is a frost-resistant grass popular among landscape designers that grows quickly after winter. Numerous thin roots are highly branched, intertwine in the soil for a short time and form a dense elastic turf. Grows well in moist but not swampy areas. Although meadow bluegrass is not very picky regarding soil type, it does not respond well to high acidity;
  • Meadow fescue ( Festuca pratensis) – forms a powerful bush, with proper care remains viable for up to 15 years. Less resistant to trampling than red fescue;
  • Common bentgrass ( Agrostis capillaries) is a low grass with a thin stem and narrow leaves. Frost-resistant plant, grows on all types of soil, including salt marshes. To create a dense lawn, regular low mowing is recommended;
  • Dog bentgrass, or velvet bentgrass ( Agrostis canina) is a low-growing frost-resistant grass with rooting shoots. Forms low but dense grass stand. Not afraid of wet areas;
  • White bentgrass ( Agrostis alba) is a cereal plant that forms a uniform, dense grass stand. Can tolerate flooding during spring floods, afraid of drought. The roots, intertwined in the soil, form a strong, elastic turf;
  • Bentgrass ( Agrostis stolonifera) – grows well on loams and sandy loams with high air permeability. Since root system superficial, the plant does not respond well to drought. The advantage is the creeping shoots, due to the rapid growth of which the growth of weeds is suppressed.
  • Perennial ryegrass or pasture ( Lolium perenne L.) is a fast-growing meadow grass that forms a dense dense cover already in the first year of life. Viability is a little over 5 years. Does not develop well in dry, swampy areas and heavy clay soils;
  • Beckmania vulgaris ( Beckmannia eruciformis) is a winter-hardy grass that tolerates flooding well. Powerful roots contribute to the formation of strong turf. The grass is resistant to trampling and grows back quickly after mowing.

Current prices for your city:

Annual herbs

Since the lawn is not created for one year, annual grasses are practically not used in it. The exception is temporary lawns. For example, it is planned to create a flower garden on the site, but not now, but in a year or two. In this situation, it is advantageous to sow the land with annual or biennial cereals or herbs: an unimproved piece of land will not spoil the landscape, and in due time the soil will be easy to cultivate, since annual plants will not create turf.

There are not many annual grasses for lawns, perhaps due to the fact that they are not in great demand. Most often, only two types are used in landscaping, ryegrass and bluegrass.

Grasses for temporary lawn:

When and how to sow seeds

Lawn sowing can be done from early spring to September. In spring, this is done from April, when the earth warms up under the sun and the moisture has not yet evaporated. In a humid environment, the seeds quickly swell and begin to germinate. Seeds sown no later than the second ten days of September have time to germinate before the onset of cold weather, and young shoots take root even before the first frost. The root system of plants endures winter with virtually no loss.

Sowing can be carried out in summer, but for this you should choose favorable conditions: in cloudy weather, after rain. To prevent young seedlings from drying out, you need to water the soil all the time until the grass comes into force.

How to seed a lawn:

  • Calculate the seed rate for the entire lawn and measure required quantity seed material;
  • Divide all the land allocated for the lawn into small, equal-sized plots; Depending on the area, there can be 2, 4, 6 or more (it’s more convenient when you get an even number);
  • The mass of seeds is also divided into equal parts according to the number of plots;
  • Sow each area with one portion of seeds, scattering them evenly by hand;
  • You should move from the sown part in the direction of the not yet sown part.

A few weeks before sowing, the soil is dug up, and a few days later it is leveled with a rake. Immediately after sowing, the soil is leveled again with a rake in order to lightly cover the seeds with soil.

For better contact of the seed with the soil, it is recommended to roll the area with a light roller. It will compact the top layer, and the seeds will begin to germinate faster.

Useful video on planting lawn mixtures:

Seed consumption

Seeds different types Lawn grasses differ in size and density, so seeding rates for specific crops vary. If we take the average parameters (the size of the seed and its density), in the lungs, 30-40 g of seeds per 1 m2 are sown in loose soils, and 40-50 g/m2 in heavy soils. If the lawn has a large area, the mass of seed is calculated per 1 hundred square meters and is 3-4 kg on light soils and 4-5 kg ​​on heavy soils.

A significant deviation from the norm in one direction or another is not desirable, as this affects the quality of the lawn. If you take more seeds, their germination is extended over time and occurs more slowly. The sprouts “compete” with each other: those that emerged earlier suppress the growth of late shoots. If less than the norm is sown, seedlings are sparse, uneven, and bald spots remain on the lawn.

Which herb to choose

Typically, seed stores sell ready-made lawn mixtures, and the crops included in them are selected for different growing conditions. Knowing where you plan to make a lawn, you need to buy a mixture that is suitable for the composition of the soil, corresponding to the degree of shading of the area, as well as soil moisture.

Lawn in the shade

Not all meadow grasses tolerate shade; it can be said that only a few lawn plants have the ability to withstand shade. This unique feature is inherent bluegrass. It grows well under tree canopies and in the shade of buildings. Even if very little sunlight falls on the lawn, the plant will cover all the bald spots and will not lose its rich color.

Important. Unfortunately, bluegrass It is not resistant to trampling, so it is better not to walk on it. Also, in order to preserve the picturesqueness of the lawn, you will have to give up frequent mowing.

For important places

In low-lying places with constant humidity, the root system of plants becomes wet, and the lawn not only loses its decorative value, it simply dies. It is recommended to sow on such soil swamp bluegrass with strong roots. The plant forms a lush green cover and grows back quickly after mowing. The disadvantage is the short lifespan, which is why you need to constantly sow seeds to maintain the decorative appearance of the lawn.

Grows well in wet soil white bentgrass. Unlike swamp bluegrass, it lives for about 8 years, but is inferior to it in juiciness. These two lawn plants complement each other perfectly.

For dry places

Without watering, the lawn quickly loses its attractiveness, which makes it difficult to maintain its aesthetic appearance in a dacha that is visited from time to time. In such a situation it will help ready mix, which contains drought-resistant herbs. These include the common comb ( Cynosurus cristatus).

In addition to the fact that the plant does not require watering, it has another advantage: resistance to trampling.

In non-irrigated areas, creeping clover develops well ( Trifolium repens L.).

This is a drought-resistant grass that is not demanding on soil type and forms strong, low-growing bushes. The first year growth is sluggish, but after cutting the greenery grows back very quickly. The plant does not tolerate shade and swampy areas. Red fescue matches clover ( Festuca rubea trichophylia) is a drought-resistant grass that combines well with other grasses and is included in most lawn grass mixtures.

It also grows well in areas without regular watering. red fescue, meadow grass, longleaf fescue, thin bentgrass.

For sports fields

Unlike hard surfaces (tiles, paving stones), soft grass does not heat up under the sun, making it ideal for creating intensively used areas: picnic areas, ball games, golf courses. The grass used for these purposes must form a dense turf and be highly resistant to stress. Meadow bluegrass has these properties Bluegrass.

Thanks to the dense turf formed by the root system of the plant, it is also used in the fight against soil erosion in problem areas: slopes, banks of reservoirs.

In grass mixture for lawns active use also includes bluegrass Braun, perennial ryegrass and various varieties of tall fescue ( Mustang, FRRSC-1).

For regions with cold winters

In areas with harsh climatic conditions It is recommended to use seeds to create lawns cereal crops, since they most easily tolerate low temperatures and cold snaps. The leading places in the list of the hardiest herbs are occupied by thin bentgrass, red fescue and bluegrass. These plants have similar properties: they are not afraid of sudden temperature changes, early autumn and late spring frosts.

Weed suppressant herbs

It is very difficult to fight weeds inside the lawn: it is impossible to weed without touching the cultivated plants, and it is difficult to pull out by hand. It will be easier to care for your lawn if you include lawn mixture included herbs that inhibit the growth of weeds. First of all, these are species with rooting shoots, such as .

It is difficult for weeds to penetrate through the dense turf formed by the intertwined roots of lawn plants, so the mixture for the lawn must contain plants with a strong root system: red fescue, white bentgrass, common beckmania.

Highly decorative lawns

To create a beautiful lawn, intended not for walking, but for decorating the landscape, they use dog bentgrass and blue fescue. They form a beautiful, uniform cover that you just want to touch with your hand. Dog bentgrass is very attractive, its leaves are soft to the touch, and in the grass stand they resemble an expensive velvety fabric spread on the ground.

Important. The disadvantage of both types is their instability to trampling, so they are not used in the creation of sports lawns and recreation areas.

All lawns, to one degree or another, require constant care: mowing, sowing seeds, and irrigation. But there is a type of lawn that does not require special attention, This Moorish meadow.

Groundcover perennials can be planted in place of a traditional lawn. This is a great alternative to lawn. Especially if you only come for the weekend and don’t have time to take care of the lawn. The lawn in the garden is not a small football field, which requires a lot of effort and time to care for it. Instead of a lawn of cereal grasses, it is better to make a carpet of flowering ground cover perennials that are resistant to trampling and do not require constant care. They are called ground cover for their ability to quickly grow horizontally and cover the ground with a dense, beautiful carpet.

These include low-growing perennial flowers no more than 15-20 cm high. They grow quickly and form a dense cover of flowers and greenery. Low-growing groundcover perennials blooming from early spring to late autumn. This is an excellent alternative to a grass lawn. Especially at the dacha, if you come only for the weekend and don’t have time to care for the lawn. Due to their rapid growth and formation of a dense, beautiful carpet, ground cover perennials are used to decorate the garden.

Ground cover perennials are incredibly beautiful, bloom all season and do not require special care. Quite the contrary: ground cover plants cover the ground with a dense carpet and maintenance of the site is reduced to a minimum. No weeding is required - the most labor-intensive work in the garden.

Ground cover perennials perform the following functions:

  • Decorative soil cover instead of a grass lawn.
  • A dense cover protects the soil from overheating, drying out, and erosion.
  • They saturate the soil with oxygen and improve its structure.
  • Fallen stems and leaves replenish the soil with organic matter.
  • Protects against weeds: it is more difficult for them to penetrate through thick cover.

Let's consider the most unpretentious ground cover perennials that tolerate trampling well. They can be planted in place of a grass lawn that does not need to be mowed. You can also cover some areas and tree trunk circles with them.

Ground cover perennials instead of lawns

Duchesnea is an interesting groundcover perennial with creeping, easily rooted shoots. The dark green trifoliate leaves are very similar to strawberry leaves. The decoration is bright red, not large and not edible berries. Blooms throughout the summer, from May to September. Duchesnea grows well in lighted places, on poor soils; in fertile soil the flowering will be weak and there will be a lot of leaves. The soil must be moist to obtain a dense and even cover. It propagates vegetatively (by dividing the bush, rooted rosettes) and by seeds, which can be sown in both spring and autumn. It grows quickly. In snowless winters it can freeze out and overwinters under the snow.

Sedum Sedum types and varieties

All types sedum (Sedum) can be roughly divided into two groups. We are interested in frost-resistant ground cover perennial species sedums The stems of sedums are branched and, when growing, form lush bush or subshrub. Sedum quickly produces uniform plantings in the second year. By using different varieties ground cover sedums you can create multi-colored “carpets” that bloom throughout the season and change color depending on the time of year and flowering.

(Sedum spurium) - a plant about 20 cm tall. Stems creeping and erect up to 25 cm long. The leaves are thickened, ovate-wedge-shaped, dark green, about 2 cm long. It blooms in July-August with pinkish-purple inflorescences up to 10 cm in diameter.

(Sedum album) - evergreen groundcover perennials up to 7 cm high. Creeping, rooting stems. The leaves are fleshy, linear-oval, up to 1 cm long, green, and by autumn they acquire a reddish color. The flowers are small, fragrant, pinkish-white, collected in paniculate-umbellate inflorescences up to 10 cm high. Blooms in June - July.

Bryozoan or Irish moss
- perennial ground cover plant. Forms a dense, evergreen, mossy cover. Flowering from July to September. The bush is small, up to 8 cm high, forms a dense green cushion, which is formed by pruning. Creeping shoots are covered with small needle-like leaves and tiny single, snow-white flowers. Bryozoan grows well in the shade and in the sun, is not picky about the quality of the soil, and prefers moderate watering. A wonderful honey aroma emanates from its flowers.

Lawn of flowering bryozoan subulate

A well-growing groundcover perennial with a very wide variety of leaf colors. An unpretentious plant that goes very well with its garden neighbors. Grows on light soils without stagnant water. It is characterized by good winter hardiness, disease resistance, and easy propagation.

Heuchera looks good in group plantings with hostas, primroses, daylilies in rock gardens, and can be used as a border.

Creeping thyme (thyme)

A drought-resistant creeping herb that forms dense cushions of small, aromatic leaves as it grows. Thyme grows well only in the sun. The soil should be sandy and dry. Does not require watering or fertilizing.

Creeping thyme is an excellent honey plant that has a healing effect on bees. After 3-4 years, the old thyme bushes begin to thin out; they need to be removed, young shoots sent there and lightly sprinkled with earth.

For the winter, it is better to cover creeping thyme with dry leaves or spruce branches, which must be removed after the snow melts.

Veronica is a creeping groundcover perennial, unpretentious to light and moisture, up to only 5 cm high. Long and very thin recumbent shoots are densely dotted with small blue-blue flowers. Veronica is growing well.

Grows well in loose, fairly moist soil, in sun or light partial shade. During the season it grows quite quickly, forming a thick carpet.

IN recent years is becoming increasingly popular among summer residents due to its unpretentiousness and massive flowering. In addition, by forming dense mats of intertwined stems, it crowds out all other weeds!

Creeping tenacious is able to grow even in the most difficult areas, in arid and infertile soils. It quickly covers any area, forming a dense carpet. The plant looks most beautiful in the shade or partial shade under trees. In the sun, the leaves lose their decorative effect, the flowers become pale. It is better to plant tenacious on loamy soil, propagating by seeds or rosettes. There is no need to water and loosen the seedlings often. If you need to create a dense covering in the shade, instead of a lawn, creeping tenacious is the best option.

Alpine antenna for lawn

A very effective ground cover perennial with small leaves. The height of the plant is up to 15 cm with peduncles, while the height of the leaves is no more than 5 cm. It blooms from June to September on sunny places. It is frost-resistant, does not freeze, is practically not subject to trampling and fits perfectly into the landscape of the site, covering the area with a kind of flower “cushion”. Antennaria is popularly called "Cat's Paw".

Loosestrife or meadow tea

The stems of loosestrife lie on the ground, the length can reach up to 30-40 cm. Loosestrife can bloom all summer, covered with small yellow bells. Loosestrife is resistant to trampling and mowing. Loosestrife will save the owner of the plot from weeding: weeds do not penetrate through its dense cover.

In nature, loosestrife grows along river banks, in swamps and in shady places. Loosestrife also grows well in the sun, as long as the soil is moist. Under good conditions, the cover of shoots will be impossible to trample. For better growth and renewal loosestrife can be mowed periodically.

Loosestrife retains its decorative appearance even after frost: the bright green color of the leaves gives way to bronze-reddish.

evergreen creeping groundcover perennial. Leaves are located on a long branched stem. They are capable of creating dense coverings both in the sun and in the shade, flaunting green leaves on flexible shoots and bright flowers.
Periwinkle easily reproduces, grows, blooms and recovers from damage. They are of particular value as shade-tolerant plant, which grows well in almost any area of ​​the garden with the exception of dry areas. Periwinkle is not demanding in care, but responds gratefully to feeding. And pinching the shoots improves branching and the density of the resulting coating.

White creeping clover

Creeping clover, unlike meadow clover, has flowers white. It is also known as Dutch clover, white porridge, lungwort, honey plant, curly honey plant, whitecap, white woodpecker.

Creeping white clover quickly forms dense and lush turf. Clover is resistant even to intense loads and tolerates trampling well. They protect the soil and improve its characteristics. The trifoliate green leaves and white flowers look impressive. The plant is quite aggressive, so restrictors are required.

White creeping clover is not picky about soil, is winter-hardy and disease-resistant, and resists drought well. It does not require mowing and remains decorative for a long time.

Kotula bristly hairs

Kotula bristle-haired loves clay or sandy soil. Depending on the conditions, the height of the green cover ranges from 3 to 30 centimeters. This type of kotula is not demanding in terms of care and is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of effort on caring for garden design elements.

Visually, the kotula looks like a rug of different density and height. The flowers have the shape of a hemisphere, the diameter of which reaches 1.4 cm. They can grow both in partial shade and in sunlight. It blooms for two months: May – June.

Cotula rougha(Leptinella Squalida) is excellent evergreen For pedestrian paths. The small leaves of the plant resemble a fern; they are green in summer and turn bronze-red in autumn. At first glance they are fragile and delicate, but in fact they do not trample. After a person passes, the cover of the cotula is quickly restored. Kotula, low (5-7 cm) ground cover perennial plant. It grows quickly, takes root, and forms a dense cover of wintering leaves. Flowers are expressionless. But the five-centimeter leaves of the cotula are dark green in color with a brownish tint. The plant is ideal for creating decorative paths.

in the shade it forms a mat up to 20 cm high, in the sun - half as high. It smells very nice. Loves fertile, loose soil and watering.
Budra flowers are small, blue or light purple. The leaves go green under the snow, and in the spring they appear in crimson-violet tones.

It is better to cultivate budra in slightly shaded, fairly moist corners of the garden. At the same time, it quickly forms a dense natural “lawn” in the shade of trees, but it is advisable to control its spreading. Otherwise, it will quickly turn into a nasty weed.

Budra is popularly called dognip or catnip.
