Landscape design of a country house - new trends and design classics. Basics of landscape design for independent design How to make a beautiful landscape of your site

“Dacha penal servitude” is a phrase that should disappear from our vocabulary forever. A " country holiday"begins with preparing the place - and landscape design. Let's look at photos of the best landscape design options summer cottage at country house.

"The dacha is not about relaxation." Somehow it has become the custom since the times of the Soviet Union that the concepts of “dacha” and “garden” are closely related for us. For members of the older generation, a country house (dacha) is not a place of relaxation, but a means of survival. Are you jealous of the models in the pictures about their vacation in a cottage on the river bank? You have always dreamed of your own small forest with a gazebo and a hammock, but you strongly associate a dacha with beds, seasonal work “on potatoes” and best case scenario- kebabs? It's time to break the persistent stereotypes and finally arrange the dacha so that it is pleasant to spend time there.

Where to start designing a site near a country house

You should start arranging your dacha with those same “acres”, usually covered with beds with cucumbers and dill. Meanwhile, the dacha plot - good opportunity try yourself as a landscape designer.

The first step is to sketch out your site plan. When designing a garden, you need to start from the location of the house. Mark where there are already buildings (except country house, on the territory there is often a garage, summer kitchen or tool shed). Now is the time to think about what you need for a good rest. with a barbecue? Goldfish pond? Beds with your favorite variety of strawberries? Write down everything that your imagination suggests and place it on the plan.

PLEASE NOTE! the height of plants on the site should decrease from north to south. The beds are where it is warmer. Trees are where the north is.

Independently designing and decorating a summer cottage will require patience, knowledge in many areas and considerable effort. In the excitement of design and a burst of inspiration, do not forget about what exactly you wanted to see on the site from the very beginning. In the process, it is very easy to get carried away and lose the main idea. As a result, instead of a cozy garden and a dream house, you risk getting the same chaos from the beds with which you started the renovation.

Don't be afraid to implement bold ideas and trust your intuition, but try not to stray too far from the core idea and style that you like.


The path layout is laid depending on which areas of the garden you need access to. Good decision - lay out an “excursion route” past those parts of the site that look most attractive. There must be an easy path to the beds and flower beds (if you have saved them).

Pay attention! Main paths should be smooth, without sharp turns.

A walking route among trees or flowers can be made winding and complex so that guests have the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of a flowerbed or garden composition from all sides.

There is not as much space on the dacha plot as we would like. But even with conditionally cramped conditions, the width of the path must be chosen taking into account the fact that two people should “diverge” freely on it. The optimal width is 1-1.5 meters.

The garden path should have a slight slope on both sides - then puddles will not form on it. Besides rainwater the path will additionally “water” nearby flower beds and wash away dust from the path itself.

Material for garden path must be resistant to temperature changes, durable and aesthetically pleasing. Most often, to design paths on country yard use concrete, stone or decorative tiles. A more natural option is paths sprinkled with sand or gravel. Mosaic paths made of pebbles look very attractive.


Landscape design received less attention than interior design. What can we say about lighting an area if it is not always remembered in interior design? With the right lighting, an area can look more interesting in the evenings than during the day.

We use functional lighting, but forget about decorative lighting. To illuminate the paths, turns and buildings on the site, diffused soft light is enough, which makes it possible to safely move around the yard, but does not distract from observing the garden.

Recessed lamps are perfect for functional lighting. They can be mounted along paths, at the edges of steps and near railings. The main purpose is to serve as “guiding lights”, without blinding or irritating the eye. You can also use lamps on poles - if you don’t mind that in daytime days, a “fence” will be visible around the garden paths. Bollards come in all possible styles, so even a technical lighting element can be used to support the overall mood of the space.

Thanks to decorative lighting, you can highlight all the advantages of the area, highlighting individual trees or highlighting flower beds.

To illuminate shrubs, trees or decorative elements, ground mini-spotlights are usually used. They are able to provide not just a warm or cold tone of lighting, but also illuminate the area in any color - thanks to the filters on the glass.

Features of lighting for a summer cottage:

  • lamps need less power than in the city
  • It is better to choose energy-saving lamps
  • It is advisable to provide the possibility of separate inclusion of technical and decorative lighting
  • The power cable for the lighting should be well insulated so that you do not accidentally damage it during gardening work

Garden figurines

Garden figurines of gnomes, animals and mythical characters are very popular in the West, where each of the characters has its own story. You can install any decor on the site. The main thing is that it does not look like a “foreign body” and matches the style of the house and garden. Garden gnomes often hide in bushes, and a forest fairy should live near a tree. Come up with your own fairy tale about how the Easter bunny or dragon came into your garden.

Landscaping garden plot

Tall plants are best placed on the north side. Middle lane The plot is allocated to bushes. If you decide to save a few beds of tomatoes and peppers “for salad”, these plants feel best in sufficient light, on the south side of the garden.

All typical country gardens are planned in a regular style. Beds, greenhouses and even rows of trees are arranged in a geometric pattern.

Landscape design involves a more natural and natural arrangement of trees and flowers. Special attention pay attention to the nuances of the relief. If there is a hillock on your summer cottage, you should not level it. Try to play with the composition that nature has already created for you.

Alpine slide

Alpine slide is a small piece of real mountains, created by your own hands. A simple pile of stones with flowers somehow stuck between them is not an alpine slide. This decor is not as easy to create as it seems. Before you start implementing a composition, it’s a good idea to plan it on paper. A real mountain has peaks and cliffs, smooth plateaus and a green valley.

Construction of the slide begins in the fall. The first layer is gravel or broken brick, on top of which the earthen mixture is poured (in a heap, of course). The approximate height is about a meter (later, when the earth “settles”, the slide will become a little lower).

After shrinking, large stones are installed in the hill (they are buried halfway into the ground). Medium and small elements are placed on top. The choice of plants for a slide depends not only on their requirements for soil and light, but also on the general style of the site. But first of all, you should pay attention to flowers and herbs that do not require complex care.

Important! The basis for the alpine slide are perennials, annual flowers can be replanted several times a year, updating and changing the appearance of the slide.

Popular plants for alpine hills:

  • edelweiss;
  • sedum;
  • saxifrage;
  • lumbago;
  • gubastik.

Flowerbeds in the garden plot

A flowerbed is not necessarily the usual circle or rectangle filled with even rows of flowers. Creating an elegant and thoughtful flower bed requires taste and some effort, but the beauty of the resulting composition is worth it.

Vertical flower beds

Vertical gardening is a popular type of design for urban spaces that can be adapted for a summer cottage. Who said that flowers have to live on earth? They need soil, but soil can be supplied to the height of human growth.

Advantages of vertical flower beds:

  • REQUIRE LESS SPACE than traditional flower beds;
  • THEY MAKE THE SITE ORIGINAL due to the non-standard solution.

Although flowering plants are most often used for vertical flower beds, ornamental vegetables, herbs or greens look no less attractive - and even more unusual. An interesting option for vertical flower beds is climbing fruit-bearing plants.

Classic forms of vertical flower beds:

  • pyramid- plants are planted in a multi-tiered container;
  • flower tower- similar to a pyramid, but the diameter of the “tiers” does not decrease.


Rabatki - flower stripes, usually located along paths, fences or around lawns. The planting width is from half a meter. When the plants in such a flower bed bloom, the ground is covered with a continuous bright carpet.

Types of discounts:

  • unilateral(usually located along the house or fence line);
  • bilateral(usually designed in the middle of the alley).

Plants for flower beds can be very different. The basic principle of choosing plants for gardening is that they should be low, bright, and match each other in color.


This is a flower garden where herbs, small shrubs and even small trees. It is quite difficult to care for it, because each of the plants requires special conditions. Weeding can also add problems - dense planting is distinctive feature mixborder. This type of flower bed is often found in landscape-style gardens, where plants are arranged so as to create a feeling of “accident” of their appearance on the site.

Mixborder features:

  • free lines and shapes of flower beds
  • tall plants - in the background (if there is one viewpoint) or in the center (if the flower garden can be viewed from several sides)
  • look impressive contrasting combinations flowers or vice versa - different types of plants in the same range.

Design project for a summer cottage depending on the area

The style and fullness of a summer cottage directly depends on how many acres are at your disposal. Don’t try to implement everything at once if you only have 6 acres of land. The garden may not fit a swimming pool, but small flower beds and paths will be in perfect condition.

What to consider when planning:

  • Terrain and natural relief.
  • Shape of the plot. The usual “cut” of land can be square, but there are also L-shaped and triangular sections. These features can be used and played up in design.
  • Soil type. This determines how plants will feel comfortable in your garden.
  • Location relative to cardinal directions. This is important both for planting trees and for thinking through garden lighting schemes.

Plot 6 acres

For small plots, the geometric style that was so often found in Soviet vegetable gardens is best suited. It allows you to use the available space as efficiently as possible. You can add originality using non-standard moves (for example, vertical gardening).

NOTE! The house should not cast a shadow on light-loving plants.

Garden trees planted in a row on the north side will not only help organize the space, but will also “shelter” the house from cold winds. In the northern part there are technical buildings and a greenhouse.

If you are not hiding something too important, it is better to abandon the high fence. On no large plot it will only increase the feeling of tightness. Garden paths with smooth curves (not straight) will also help to add “spaciousness”.

Plot 10 acres

The basic rules for designing a site do not depend on the area. The trees and the barn are still in the north. But you have much more room for imagination when designing the southern part. On a plot of 10 acres, you can already equip a gazebo, sow a lawn and even build a bathhouse or sauna (planted with climbing plants).

On a plot of this size it is possible to arrange Japanese garden(you'll have to tinker with installing the gazebo and creating artificial stream) or "corner wildlife", which will be filled not by garden trees, but by forest trees. In this case, it is important to plant not only tall plants, but also undergrowth - herbs and shrubs that do not require a lot of light (daisies, bells and ferns are what you need).

Plot 12 acres

Such an area would fit not only residential buildings, but also a small pond with a waterfall. The soil extracted during the construction of a reservoir can easily be converted into the base for an alpine slide or an independent element of landscape design.

Narrower paths can run from the central path to the house, leading to secluded corners of the garden, to a gazebo or stream.

12 acres make it possible to allocate children their own space on the site and equip a play area with soft grass, where there is no sharp corners, thorny plants or tall trees.

How to do your own landscaping

To competently arrange a site with your own hands without involving a designer, you will need the following skills:

  • agronomist
  • builder and surveyor
  • and, of course, the artist

You should start by studying the features of the shape and location of your site, plotting all existing buildings on the plan and marking out functional areas. Further, armed with a reference book garden trees and plants or a seed store catalog, select those species that suit you for aesthetic reasons - and which suit your site.

Many people think that creating exclusive design creating a garden plot with your own hands, like in a photo gallery, is something unreal. But that's not true. Design ideas You can easily move it to the local area of ​​your own dacha or country house, creating a unique landscape with an atmosphere of harmony and comfort. A small cozy garden or a luxurious park requires the same approach, both in terms of architecture and design, and when choosing plants and space planning. Landscape design of a garden plot is a whole philosophy that unites nature and everyday life. There are many options for arranging a garden with a local area, among them you can always choose one that will fully meet your individual needs. Style, harmony, convenience and simplicity are the basis for creating a unique atmosphere necessary for a relaxed holiday and comfortable country life.

Design project

Creating a landscape design on a garden plot with your own hands is not so much realistic as it is necessary, because today a dacha has ceased to be exclusively a place for growing vegetables. A country house is, first of all, a place where city dwellers come to relax from the hustle and bustle, admire nature, in a word - relax.

There is absolutely no difference: 4, 6 or 10 acres are available. With careful planning, if you manage the space rationally and think through the design, even on a modest-sized plot you can create a landscape of stunning beauty.

Advice! When independently developing a design project for a garden plot, numerous photos from already ready-made solutions. Even if such a project cannot be fully implemented, you can always apply the arrangement or decoration ideas that you particularly like to your site.

The outlines of the site should be transferred to paper, drawing up detailed plan. After this, you can begin to allocate functional zones - economic, recreation, decorative.

Advice! You should take into account in advance the purpose of the future site: only decorative, combined with economic or exclusively for recreation.

All zones need to be filled based on their purpose, your own needs, and the desired style. This stage includes the selection of vegetation, architectural details, arrangement of reservoirs, lighting, laying paths and other communications.

Separately, it is worth considering the boundaries of each site, which will be helped by hedges or lattice partitions covered with ivy. A good border could be paths, an artificial pond, or garden sculptures. The main thing is that the division of zones looks as natural as possible, without sudden changes or breaks.

Advice! The sloping terrain of the site often causes many problems. But if you properly organize the drainage system in the lower part, and divide the slope into several terraces, you can achieve amazing decorative effect, simultaneously dividing the entire area into functional zones by height.

Garden plot style

The success of landscape design of a garden plot largely depends on a well-chosen stylistic decision. The style should not only take into account the size, topography and location of the personal territory, but also emphasize the character of the owner. The differences in styles and their features are clearly demonstrated in the photo gallery, but before you try on one or another design for your site, it is better to study the features of each.

English style

This design is characterized by maximum naturalness, lack of symmetry, and an abundance of greenery. The appearance of the site seems to have come out of an idyllic landscape painting.

Vegetation is selected of all types. A well-groomed lawn, deciduous trees, trimmed shrubs, and lush multi-tiered flower beds must be present. The latter are mainly composed of flowering plants and shrubs (roses, irises, cyclamens, oleanders, etc.). Trees should provide a lot of shade, so it is worth planting willows along with fruit trees.

Such a solution would look best on a spacious area with noticeable uneven terrain, where a smooth lawn abruptly turns into hilly terrain. The space should be divided into a garden and a park area, connecting them with winding paths with benches in the shade of trees, ponds framed with stone.

Mediterranean style

Mediterranean design is simple, with all the key elements centered around the patio. This type of patio is usually paved with stone, covered with a wooden deck, and partially surrounded by brick wall, painted white or terracotta.

The vegetation is represented by a smooth green lawn, bright areas formed with the help of flower beds. There must be a carved pergola (wooden or forged), partially entwined with ivy, and protection from the sun is provided by thick curtains made of light textiles. A relaxation area with this design must be complemented with wicker furniture, a sun canopy, and decorated with massive vases with bright flowers, elegant sculptures, and fountains.

French style

French style will suit owners of spacious personal plots located next to a large stone house. This style is distinguished by luxury and plenty of free space. The central element of the site will be a wide alley, along which neatly trimmed bushes and trees are planted, antique statues and elaborate flowerpots are placed.

The main features of French design are symmetry, adherence to proportions, clarity of lines, which can be seen in everything. It is definitely worth adding fountains to the area classic style, artificial porticoes, grottoes or labyrinths, columns, stone bridges. The garden should be located at a level below the main building so that it has a full view.

Eastern style

The Japanese style is suitable for both tiny plots of 4 acres and a large garden area. Minimalism and laconicism can be seen in everything: the absence of lush decor, flowering plants, complex shapes. There must be a pond built around which large stones can be placed. An island will look good in its center, which can be accessed through a wooden bridge without railings.

Vegetation should be given preference evergreen trees and shrubs, including dwarf ones. In spring and autumn maples and fruit trees. The paths should be strewn with gravel; in some areas large stones can be laid out to set the pace of movement.

Advice! Instead of a flower garden, it is appropriate to set up a rock garden. In the evening, the area will be effectively complemented by built-in lighting.

The Chinese style is suitable for fans of the philosophy of Feng Shui, which implies the harmony of all elements and the arrangement of decorative elements ensuring freedom of energy flows. There should be a pond in the garden area, around which compositions of greenery and stones should be placed.

A gazebo-pagoda, bright wooden bridges, paths in the form of stairs, an artificial waterfall, and a Buddha statue will emphasize harmony with nature. Must be planted bright flowers red, yellow, purple shades, and also take care of a smooth lawn of dense grass or moss of a rich emerald shade. Bright orange lanterns hung along the paths and next to the gazebo will add color.

Garden plot design: objects

The landscape design of a garden plot is always based on some main object, which can be a residential building, unusual terrain, trees, a neat lawn, etc. Taking into account their style and location, the plot is supplemented with secondary objects, these include:

  • Green spaces.
  • Gazebos and architectural elements.
  • Artificial reservoirs.
  • Garden sculptures.
  • Lighting.
  • Paths.

The final design should combine beauty and convenience, style and comfort. You shouldn’t try to place everything in your garden at once. It is enough to limit yourself to what is necessary and maintain the chosen style.

Green spaces

Landscaping is the most important element of garden design. Plants create a background for all other objects, fill the space with a special charm, uniting it with the surrounding nature.

Landscaping of the site includes phased planting of the following plants:

  1. Trees and shrubs of varying heights create shade, delimit the area, and highlight separate zones. It is best to plant in the walking area low growing shrubs or fruit trees, which let in sunlight and create a comfortable environment, serve as an excellent frame for paths. It is recommended to plant coniferous vegetation in recreation areas, and willows or tall shrubs will look good next to ponds.
  2. Flower beds should be laid out when the main landscape has already been formed. Plants for them are selected taking into account the size of the site and the flowering period of each species. Vertical planting will look impressive along fences or walls when the height of the plants gradually decreases. The shade of the colors in the background should be darker and more saturated than those located in front, which gives visual volume and depth. Alpine slides allow you to beat the existing terrain of the site or create a new one.
  3. Decorating buildings and garden objects with the help of vegetation helps to achieve unity of architecture with nature. These can be all kinds of climbing plants that decorate the walls of gazebos, steps and garden sculptures, as well as flowers or shrubs planted along ponds.
  4. The lawn will serve as an element that will connect all the zones on the site into a single whole. He must be neat and well-groomed. Any type of lawn can be considered herbaceous plants, including flowering ones.
  5. Advice! Beds, if necessary, should be located in the economic zone. If the plot is small, then it is best to design them not in a standard way, but in the form of a semicircle, which will help make more efficient use of the available area and visually expand the space.

    The design of a small garden plot should be moderate; an abundance of flowers and plants can look heavy and “eat up” the usable area.

    Gazebos and architectural elements

    The main building on the garden plot is a residential building, but it does not have to be the central element of the design, much less the only place for leisure and recreation. In design local area Much attention is paid to the use of all kinds of architectural elements that help to properly manage space, make it more practical and comfortable. The buildings also serve as spectacular decor, giving the site an aesthetic and lived-in look. Among them are:

  • Gazebos and pergolas should be placed near bodies of water, in park areas. On a plot of 4 acres it is appropriate to install a small open gazebo with lattice walls, placing it away from the house. This type of building is best decorated with climbing plants or a group of trees. A spacious area can be decorated with a large pergola with textile curtains or a gazebo with columns, located on the shore of a pond or among a cluster of trees.
  • A patio or summer kitchen simultaneously serves as an outbuilding and a place to relax. Such a building is most often located in close proximity to the house or adjacent to one of its walls. In this case, the style and material of the building must match the design of the main building.
  • Bridges over ponds or ravines, as well as arches, help to effectively delimit the space on the site, while at the same time ensuring a smooth transition from one zone to another. It is recommended to plant tall plants near the bridges, and the arch will be complemented by climbing vines or lush flower beds. The elements themselves can be either wooden or stone, depending on the style of the site.
  • A recreation area must be present in the garden plot, regardless of its size. It is best to highlight such a place using wooden flooring, stone slabs or neat lawn. The resting place should be equipped with benches and barbecues, swings, a swimming pool, etc.

Advice! Do not forget about outbuildings when designing the site. They should be organically integrated into the overall style; if necessary, they should be covered with vegetation or a decorative hedge.

Artificial reservoirs

The presence of a pond in a garden plot can completely transform it appearance. Water makes the landscape dynamic, alive, refreshes in the heat, and fills the garden with a serene atmosphere.

When thinking about the design of garden plots of 6 acres or more, you should pay attention to the construction of an artificial reservoir, the size and purpose of which depend on individual needs:

  • The fountain is an ideal solution for small areas. A reservoir of this type serves as a source of constantly moving water and can have any frame that fits into a variety of styles. With the help of a fountain you can mark the center of the site or emphasize any part of it.
  • A waterfall will be an excellent solution for a garden plot with uneven terrain. Streams of water can flow over the stones of a rock garden or alpine slide, forming a small pond below, framed by plants. A water mill or decorative fountain can be installed at the top of the waterfall.
  • Ponds and circulating channels are ideal for decorating large areas. Such ponds will add naturalness to the landscape, in addition, they can be used as a source of water for watering the garden. You can add fish and ducks to the finished pond, plant plants around it and install a gazebo. A pond of complex or elongated shape can be supplemented with a bridge that will connect different banks, continuing the paths.

Advice! The framing of the reservoir can be natural, in the form of a sand embankment or vegetation. Ponds and canals with a stone frame look impressive, which can be complemented by flowerpots with flowers or antique statues that become covered with moss over time.

Garden sculptures

Spectacular accessories add zest to any area. Usage garden sculptures allows you to create an individual style, highlight the character and features of the landscape.

Garden sculptures can be anything from antique statues to modern ceramic animal figurines. Greek or Gothic statues made of stone or metal will look good both in the midst of plants and on the shore of a pond. And bright ceramic figurines will complement flower beds or enliven a recreation area and make a walk more interesting.

Another spectacular accessory is stone flowerpots, inside of which you can plant flowers. Such decor can be made in any style from antique to modern, abstract. Sizes and shapes also vary, which allows you to choose a product for almost any area.


Arranging garden paths will help make your garden area as functional and comfortable as possible. These elements set the pace for the landscape, serve as its decoration, delimit the area and help freely move around it.

The material for the paths should be selected that is resistant to atmospheric influences, temperature, strong and durable. Gravel, paving slabs, and wooden flooring are best suited.

Advice! How smaller plot, the more winding the paths should be - this technique visually expands the space.

A mandatory element of garden paths is the frame, which can be curb stones, large cobblestones, tall vegetation, trimmed bushes, etc.

Advice! The paths should be provided with a slight slope from the center to the edge so that water does not accumulate on them.

Benches should be placed along the paths in the garden area, which will make any walk comfortable. They should emphasize the unity of style and complement it. Benches can be stone, forged, wooden, with or without a back.


When creating a garden plot design with your own hands, be sure to take care of the lighting. With the help of lighting, you can not only secure movement around the local area in the dark, but also highlight the features of its design. The following can serve as functional and decorative light sources in the garden:

  • Lanterns- they can be placed next to benches or along paths.
  • Wall lamps - most often installed on verandas summer kitchens, in the gazebos.
  • Built-in lamps and lighting - can be located next to any decorative element in the garden (under statues, along the fence, around the pond, under bridges and arches). The illumination of the lawn, which is provided by special lamps installed in the soil, will look impressive.
  • Hanging balls and garlands - this type of decorative lighting gives the garden a festive look. With its help you can create a comfortable atmosphere as in small gazebo, and in the open space of the recreation area. Garlands can wrap around the trunks or branches of trees and buildings, creating a soft shimmer.

Designing a garden plot with your own hands will not cause problems if you take into account all the recommendations and also correlate them with the existing conditions. A competent choice of style and content guarantees stunning results even in a small area.

For the owner of a private house, the arrangement of the interior and the personal plot are things of equal value and require equally close attention. We will tell you how to effectively organize the space around your house, plant landscaping and decorate it in the best traditions of landscape design.

Where to start

Before you roll up your sleeves, it’s worth remembering the main goals of landscape design. The main one is the visual expansion of space and organization, ordering of objects located on the site.

High-quality landscape design takes into account the needs of people, provides easy access to infrastructure, while hiding unnecessary technical details of the arrangement and sets the overall tone for the design of a personal plot. Please note that decorative elements should never go against the exterior of buildings and existing structures.

All work carried out during the registration of the site must be visualized by any in an accessible way. To begin with, a general plan in pencil on paper will do, where existing objects are displayed and new ones are added over time.

This method has a drawback: you work on the design of the site so that, first of all, it pleases your eyes, but at the same time you never view it from a bird's eye view. Therefore, over time, you will have to use landscape design programs in order to have an idea of ​​​​the appearance of objects from any angle.

Procedure and time play

You must also clearly understand that all work on landscape design is carried out exclusively for the future. Even an ordinary flower bed or flower garden requires 2-3 years from the moment the seedlings are planted until they take on the proper appearance. Understand this at every stage of development and act strictly consistently. Also know that the procedure for drawing up a design project is always different from the procedure for its implementation.

Design development always begins with stationary objects: buildings, gazebos, fences, ponds and others like them. First, everything that needs to be removed, demolished and dismantled before completion of implementation is removed from the plan, then new objects that are planned to be built by the same time are plotted.

The next stage is the formation of main paths and paths for people to pass through. Since it is paths that in most cases divide the site into zones, it will be necessary to combine the abstract ordering of objects and rationally lay out routes so that access to any part of the plan is as convenient as possible.

Finally, work is underway on individual zones and objects. This includes the formation of green spaces, flower beds, living and artificial hedges, arrangement of recreation areas, ponds, arches and stairs. At the same time, the colors that predominate in the flower beds and are used for painting fences, gates and other exterior elements are determined.

Zoning rules

There is never too much space - this is the key law used in creating landscape compositions. Even if you have two hectares of surrounding land at your disposal, you will still find it useful to visually expand the area and group areas so that the seemingly huge garden requires as little maintenance as possible.

However, you should not be overzealous with zoning: too much division into zones will turn the garden into a motley pile of mixed elements, where there will not be even a hint of a regular structure.

When zoning, start with spaces enclosed between buildings or natural barriers. In them, depending on natural light, it is convenient to place play areas, walkways, small flower beds and fountains.

When you cut off all the small zones, leaving a spacious area of ​​more or less distinct shape, use your imagination and good taste to divide the large area into a number of smaller ones with the correct geometry and shapes. Follow the rule that the area of ​​one zone should not be less than 1-1.5 are, and the aspect ratio of the rectangle described around it should not be more than 5:1.

Design of paths and fences

Zoning should be carried out so that the view from the entrance to the territory gradually opens up. For most sites, one central path or alley with paths branching in different directions is ideal. In areas with increased width, it is better to lay a double alley separated by a flowerbed or natural pond, a winding path with shortcuts, or two paths closer to the edges. Remember, however, that you should not place the main passages too close to the boundary fences.

A mandatory rule is to highlight the paths either by color or shape. It's good when you visually determine the difference between the tracks different types and purposes: the main passages are wide, with continuous paving and borders, and the paths for maintenance and care of the garden are shallower, paved with gaps and merging with the ground or lawn.

It is recommended to divide the area with solid and translucent fences so that visitors do not immediately see the full picture, but are not content with contemplating only individual zones. It’s great if the height of the fences increases with distance from the entrance - cascading design has always been and will be in favor.

Remember to combine textures and the overall style concept. Wooden house well goes well with the log house and natural stone, fence made of embroidered red brick - with concrete paths, modern ceramic facade- with stainless steel handrails. Avoid ridiculous combinations.

Working with relief

Plots, even very limited in size, can be effectively expanded by differences in height, at least small. True, you will have to forget about chain-link fences: to create a multi-level plan, you will need a fence along the boundary on the parapet, otherwise your cunning plan will be revealed by the ground level in the neighboring garden.

A stone garden will always look impressive. Divide the earth into three successive zones and transport the soil from the one closest to the entrance to the most distant one. The boundaries of the zones are formed with stone, the paths smoothly turn into steps paved with slate or paving slabs.

The height difference does not have to be large, but must be proportionate to the width of the site. The good news is that when divided into three tiers, the upper one can always be further raised by deepening the lower one. Start with small things - a difference of 10-12 cm, but do not forget to carefully plan the soil until you get the ideal horizontal plane of each terrace.

You can emphasize the relief without dividing into tiers. Raised flower beds and areolas around trees, sunken paths, U-shaped zones - all this will add additional volume and visually expand the space.


When you find the optimal zoning scheme, start filling individual areas and creating a green-flower composition. You should start by identifying crops that are suitable for climatic conditions and flowering period.

To erase the boundaries of the site, plant shrubs along the perimeter and lushly growing herbaceous plants in front of them. It is advisable to plant trees along the northern and western borders in order to give the most illuminated areas to light-loving plants.

Correct distribution of insolation is very important for plants. Take into account both the daily movement of the sun across the sky and the change in its trajectory during the summer. Do not allow shadows from tall trees to fall on bright flower beds, which should be well lit.

Finally, the most important rules for green spaces are repetition and symmetry. Here, again, you can only rely on your good taste and sense of style. Combine colors correctly, arrange flower beds and flower beds in a cascade, showing them to visitors as they move deeper into the garden, and add accents either with many small and evenly distributed details, or with one large-scale composition. And don't forget that best moment The tree was planted in this place twenty years ago.

In the landscape design of a country house, green spaces, relief, lawns, ponds, architectural groups and lighting are equally important. Construction of a single compositional line consonant with the main structure ( individual house) involves a whole range of landscape works. There are two ways to create a garden with character on the property of a private house: with your own hands and with the help of a professional design agency. The first option is within the power of everyone, the second requires a certain budget.

Landscape design of a country house - where to start?

The development of any territory begins with a drawing or plan on paper. First, divide the area into zones: functional and problematic.

Both big and small suburban areas, in 6, 12 and 20 acres, the first problem may be uneven terrain, with significant differences. What to do with an uneven area? Turn disadvantages into advantages. Think how many rises and slopes, lowlands, inclines, depressions, and series of flat terraces are fraught with interesting possibilities!

If on the site of a country cottage or country house there are small hills that start to “dance” from them. To begin with, you need to secure the slopes with gabions, and then arrange rockeries on them with saxifrage, bryozoans, hare cabbage, periwinkle and sedum.

Ravine or hole in landscape design village house, in which melt and rainwater accumulate, can be turned into a small pond with babbling water. Plant perennials (lilies, broadleaf forget-me-nots) and weeping willow around the pond.

On a site with a large slope, it is a good idea to create steps by “cutting” them directly into the earthen slope. The staircase can go down to a rock garden, a pond, or to a house that will be located in the depths of the garden.

Slopes of varying steepness, small hillocks or low places (lowlands) will give limited space missing depth. So a small garden, laid out on two terraces, looks more voluminous and spacious due to successful zoning with hedges of shrubs or terraced flower beds.

Drainage arrangement in the landscape design of a private house

The main reason for subsidence or destruction of the landscape is regular exposure to groundwater. To avoid subsidence, shrinkage and stagnant soil moisture, drainage is created in the area. Main goal drainage system- collection and disposal of melt and rainwater from the site. Drainage can be in the form of a trench (surface storm drainage) or underground drainage.

To prevent contaminated wastewater from entering groundwater and soil, in a landscape design project for a private home, they must think through sewer system, laying pipes for connecting gas and water. This is one of key points when improving both 6 and 20 acres.

Fence(s) in the landscape design of a country house

After laying engineering communications and the installation of a drainage system, it is necessary to consider options for fencing the site. In landscape design country cottages, in addition to the usual picket fences, there are others interesting options fences

For example, an unattractive tree from an aesthetic point of view, but reliable in operation, is masked from the inside (from the yard) with a hedge of mature conifers. Large trees for landscaping the fence of a personal plot are planted along (in front of) the fence.

It is better to buy seedlings in special nurseries. There you can also pick up meter-long seedlings of thujas, pines or spruces to decorate a green fence. But in this case you will have to worry about whether the trees will take root. When planning to independently grow conifers in your dacha, keep in mind that plants grow in height from 10 to 30 cm per year.

Lawn grass in landscape design near the house

The type of green lawn is determined before earthworks. It is selected taking into account the further use of the lawn, since the arrangement of a lawn in the landscape design of a country house for the patio area and children's outdoor games is radically different in the variety and quality of cereals.

When you need an unpretentious lawn that does not need to be looked after all the time, grasses are planted that do not require regular mowing and special fertilizing. To create such a lawn, choose a grass mixture of three components: fescue, meadow grass and bentgrass. These seeds are excellent for sowing both small-scale and large-scale areas - more than 20 acres.

In places where an area for walking animals is planned on the site, a sports lawn is laid out - hard and dense. Purely decorative corners The landscape of the house is decorated with an expensive and respectable English lawn (ground lawn). To organize a recreation area, a garden lawn is grown under the shade of trees. For those who are not willing to wait for the grass to grow, there are ready-made rolled strips of grass that are sold in nurseries directly with the turf.

Becoming a part decorative design plot, green lawn will increase the humidity near the house, as if a sponge will absorb dust and soot, giving in return freshness and cleanliness to the air.

Landscape design options for a country house

Green spaces - coniferous and deciduous trees form the basis of the plant design of any private territory. near the cottage can be group or ordinary. Lonely planted trees, especially in small areas (6, 10 acres), attract a lot of attention. There should be no flaws on them; plants growing alone must look perfect throughout all four seasons. For ordinary planting, the following have proven themselves well: thuja, maple, walnut, chestnut, oak, juniper, spruce, linden, ash.

Garden compositions on the site include alleys and groups.

On a large plot of 20-30 acres, a group created from several plants of one or different types, are often located in the center of the site. At the same time, the most tall plant planted in the middle, small shrubs - along the edges. To add brightness to the composition, deciduous specimens with beautiful flowers or variegated foliage are placed along with evergreen conifers.

Hedges are formed from winter-hardy plants that grow freely or require pruning. Pedestrian paths(alleys) in the landscape design of a house are lined with shrubs, observing rhythm and close planting.

Do-it-yourself flower beds in the landscape design of a private house

Standard roses are used to effectively demonstrate the site. Small trees are an indispensable material for single plantings and creating flower arrangements. Particularly impressive are the weeping standard forms, the lashes of which hang from the gazebos and terrace roofs right down to the ground. Cascades of blooming roses can be grown near the house and on special supports.

When decorating a rural house, you want the flowers to bloom all summer, not be capricious and cause a minimum of trouble. The fastest way to get beautiful flowerbed- plant annuals and bulbous plants. After planting, the flower garden will begin to smell fragrant within a month.

Don’t have time to sow and change the composition of your flower garden every year? Opt for perennials. Once rooted, the flowers alpine roller coaster, rockeries and mixborders, will delight the eye for many years.

Scheme of a flower bed for landscape design of a country house (photo)

  • A (1) Beautiful flowering shrub "Buddleya Davida" (variety with pinkish-lilac flowers). Well tolerated curly haircut, blooms from July to October.
  • B (1) Wild shrub “Rosa rugosa” (the plant’s better known name is “rose hip”). It does not need shelter in winter; it blooms profusely in mid-summer.
  • C (8) Lilies from Asian hybrids act as the soloists of the flower garden in the photo. Hardy flowers with large inflorescences and tall growth are good both in single planting and in a garden group.
  • D (2) In the photo of the flower garden “Aster shrubby”. In landscape design outside the city, this abundantly flowering bush is used as a border plant bordering mixborders or paths. The flowering period of the perennial occurs at the end of August - beginning of November. Without replanting, bulbous flowers grow on one for 3-5 years.
  • E (12) Salvia blooms in June-July. It ends with the arrival of autumn frosts. On densely pubescent green stems, loose, bright pink inflorescences contrast effectively.
  • F (3) Intricate buds of "Aquilegia" - the object of desire of hundreds of owners suburban areas. The columbine, as the blue flower is also called, blooms spectacularly year after year, reproducing by seeds.
  • G (3) “Dwarf daylilies” are unpretentious to grow. A plant planted in September will bloom beautifully in May to decorate the garden until October.

Modern landscape design of a country house with a gazebo and an artificial pond

If the territory of the site and the budget allow it, and the landscape design is supposed to be designed in a landscape (natural) style, then a small pond with a gazebo would be quite appropriate.

The contours of the reservoir are made exclusively winding, without placing any art objects or objects on its banks. artificial decor. Especially carefully masking communications. Pipes and hatches are decorated near the shores of the reservoir with sedge, dwarf willows, buzulnik, and bergenia.

Material prepared for the website

It will fit well into the concept of the landscape style of a private house. wooden gazebo, pergola or patio with vertical landscaping from noble species of vines: girl's grapes, ivy or climbing rose.

Gazebo with artificial lake well combined from small pebbles. Poskharsky's dark blue bell and pebbles will help imitate water flows.

To avoid tripping over decorative cobblestones, carefully laid out according to Feng Shui, at night, it is wise to take care of lighting the landscape. For cottages with small children personal plots a bulky lighting system is not needed. You can create an individual atmosphere by lighting the porch of the house, garden path and flower beds.

In the landscape design of a large country house, the maximum level of brightness is aimed at lighting accent elements - patios, garden groups, gazebos, water features, stone slides. To organize a safe and functional lighting Floor lamps, spherical lamps, and brass lamps in the Loft style are suitable. Hidden backlight, built into the base of steps, fountains and other landscape elements, and mini-spotlights can be multi-colored or monochromatic, depending on what look you need to give to the site - festive and romantic or mysterious, full of drama.

The best ideas for landscape design of country houses based on projects by foreign architects in the photo:
