How to open a lingerie store. How to sell underwear

Research by marketers says that underwear is an almost perfect product, since women will be the last to save on it. Of course, the majority of representatives of the fair half of humanity, faced with a choice - a new saucepan or a set of lace underwear, will prefer the latter option. Why? It is logical that kitchen utensils have no effect on the taste of soup, while beautiful underwear significantly increases a woman’s self-esteem. And any reasonable person understands that our life is too short, which means we shouldn’t spend it in washed-out panties.

Therefore, underwear is in constant demand, which depends little on seasonality, the economic situation in the country and other factors. It’s quite easy to join the niche where they sell openwork beauty - you don’t need a huge start-up capital or any serious professional knowledge. Let's consider step by step the process of creating your own store in which you will sell lingerie.

How to open a lingerie store from scratch?

Selling underwear as a business today is a promising area of ​​activity for a number of reasons:

  • Lingerie is one of those wardrobe items that everyone needs: women, men, children (hence, demand will not be long in coming if you approach the matter correctly).
  • The product in question is not seasonal and is necessary for people both in hot summers and frosty winters.
  • The markup on products usually ranges from 100–300%. Agree, not many market industries can boast of such a markup.
  • Underwear does not have any expiration date and takes up very little space, therefore, there is no need for a warehouse for its storage. Also, the compactness of the product will allow you to significantly save on renting premises.

Important: underwear can be classified not only by the type of potential consumers (men's, women's, children's), but also in accordance with segments (branded, knitted, lace, erotic, etc.).

Thus, underwear is a product that will always be in demand, regardless of the income level of the population. However... in order to build a business and stay afloat, it is important to thoughtfully and competently approach each stage of creating your own business. Let's discuss what steps aspiring businessmen need to take to open a lingerie store from scratch. Let's assume that the fair half of humanity will be offered underwear of the average price category (from 1000-1500 rubles per set), since currently this is the most best option, because it’s quite difficult to start selling elite and expensive sets - it’s not a fact that there will be many people willing. But there is also no point in selling something that is outright cheap - it is so easy to lose the respect of customers.

Business registration

If you are confident in choosing a field, then you should think about where to start? Of course, with the preparation of the appropriate documentation. The situation in our country, as in all others, can easily be characterized by a joke: “without a piece of paper you are a bug, but with a piece of paper you are a man.” Likewise, a business conducted without registration is absolutely illegal and punishable.

Law-abiding future businessmen need to decide which format to prefer: a society with limited liability(LLC) or individual entrepreneur(IP)? There is one interesting nuance here - a certain mythical idealization of individual entrepreneurs by our society. For some reason, LLC causes unaccountable fear in people. It’s as if by registering it, you are letting a vampire into your business, sucking blood day and night. It is clear that this refers to taxes, etc. While IP, according to many, is the lesser of two evils. But! Why? Individual entrepreneurs are required to pay pension (26,545 rubles in 2018) and medical contributions (5,840 rubles in 2018) for themselves every year. Plus tax. Even if there is no activity, mandatory contributions will have to be made. With an LLC the situation is somewhat different - it all depends on how many people are employed and whether the organization is working. If you think about the reporting that will need to be submitted, then there are no significant differences - in the case of an LLC, accounting is no more complicated than the documentation of an individual entrepreneur. Now the policy of the Government of the Russian Federation is aimed at reducing the number of individual entrepreneurs, so their working conditions are gradually becoming tougher. For example, from the summer of 2018, the presence of a cash register for individual entrepreneurs will become mandatory. If we talk about the taxation system that will need to be chosen, businessmen usually prefer the simplified tax system or UTII.

Important: When deciding what to form - an individual entrepreneur or an LLC, remember - an individual entrepreneur is liable for debts accumulated in the process of doing business with his property (apartment, car, etc.), LLC - only authorized capital, minimum size which currently amounts to 10,000 rubles. Then it turns out that if you are an individual entrepreneur and the business goes bankrupt, leaving you with large debts, you can easily be left without pants in the literal sense of the word. In this situation, even beautiful underwear is unlikely to console you.

If we consider the business registration process comprehensively, it includes the following:

  • Registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur (at the registration stage you will need to open a bank account, select a taxation system and OKVED codes).
  • Search for premises for trade.
  • Concluding an agreement for renting space.
  • Purchase of a cash register.

Important: Now the requirements for cash registers are at the stage of reform, so when opening a store you should act in accordance with new edition Federal Law of May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ “On the use of cash register equipment when making cash payments and (or) payments using electronic means of payment.”

Selection of premises

Choice suitable place for trade sometimes plays a decisive role in business. This is intuitively clear to anyone. How to avoid taking a wrong turn at the very beginning of the road? Oddly enough, but the selection of premises should be based on the field of activity. For example, those who open a wedding salon , do not depend so much on the location of the point, since they usually go there purposefully, and there are not as many similar companies as lingerie stores. The most romantic wardrobe items are sometimes purchased by women spontaneously - they saw a beautiful set behind the glass, and that’s it, the nagging thought arose that it was simply an absolute necessity! The most important and vital thing. Therefore, it is important that as much as possible more people We saw your window and sign. When choosing a premises, you should decide on the format of the store:

  • A large salon with a wide product range and different price categories - high and medium. Typically a significant area is required, such as an entire building. Renting in shopping center, characterized by high cross-country ability. It is logical that such a scale will need to be supported by considerable start-up capital.
  • A small store can fit in a modest area of ​​even 20 square meters. It is better to find a shopping center where there are no outlets selling underwear. You can also find ground floor space in a building located on a busy street in the city center.
  • An online store is the easiest to organize. All you need is space for storage. You can actually track orders without leaving your home.

Important: It’s worth paying close attention to your competitors: if there is already a lingerie store located next to the place you like, then think about it: are you ready for a tough fight for potential buyers or is it better to find another location? Can you offer consumers something that will make you stand out from the crowd?

Formation of assortment

So you have registered as legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, have found a wonderful place that meets all the requirements - good traffic, reasonable rental costs, no need to make repairs, etc. What next? What to trade and where to get the goods? First you need to understand the assortment. Standard offers from lingerie stores are:

  • Underwear sets;
  • Bras and panties (incomplete);
  • Lingerie for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Pajamas, dressing gowns, T-shirts;
  • Combinations, negligees, bodysuits, corsets, etc.;
  • Swimwear;
  • Leggings, leggings;
  • Tights, stockings, socks.

Remember that the bras and panties included in the set are sold separately from good brands, that is, both items of clothing have their own price, so that customers can easily choose the right size.

Important: When forming the composition of the products offered, it is important to pay attention to the model and size ranges. Both basic underwear, necessary for absolutely everyone, and delicate and beautiful sets purchased for special occasions. Size is a special situation, since not all women fit into the Hollywood standards of 90-60-90, which does not at all interfere with the desire to look good and wear beautiful and high-quality lingerie. Therefore, if you want to stand out from your competitors, then it is best to provide a choice to all customers - both miniature-thin and pleasantly round.

The list presented above relates to women’s needs; if you wish, you can immediately include men’s and children’s underwear in the assortment. Although some entrepreneurs prefer to wait for some time, tracking profits, and only then expand the product line if business goes well.

Selection of suppliers

It is important to take a responsible approach to choosing a supplier, as otherwise you risk losing your invested money. You can, without thinking, buy a carload and a small cart of goods that simply will not be in demand, remaining gathering dust on the hangers. What do women usually want to get in most cases? It's simple - beautiful, modern and high-quality underwear. It is probably difficult to find a company whose product line would fully meet the needs of a businessman, so be prepared to search for several contractors. Before concluding an agreement, make sure that the other party is in good faith - now you can easily find out about taxes by last name.

Typically, a store is stocked with goods in the following ways:

  • Ordering goods directly from the factory;
  • Cooperation with wholesale suppliers;
  • The range is supplied as part of a franchise.

If we talk about the last option, then a franchise allows a novice businessman to relax and surrender to the hands of professionals, since usually the product line has long been formed and time-tested. You don't have to think about which bra models girls like best. However, you need to understand that most often working under a franchise requires the presence of solid start-up capital. If you have such opportunities, then you can pay attention to the brands V.I.P.A and INCANTO.

Of course, not many people have the money for a franchise, so there are still options for purchasing from the factory and from wholesale companies. It is logical that the second option is more convenient - you can purchase several brands of underwear at once, but in the first case the prices will be lower. Typically, entrepreneurs prefer an integrated approach. How to choose a supplier? There are no particular difficulties if you analyze the market and demand, that is, understand which brands are popular with women. If we talk about the optimal price-quality ratio, then you can take note of the following brands of underwear:

  • Milavitsa – Belarusian underwear, different modern design, high quality, practicality and beauty. Marketing research says that this brand is one of the most recognizable and popular in Russia.
  • LAUMA LINGERIE – Baltic underwear made from high-quality fabrics. A nice feature is the wide range of sizes.
  • Infinity is a brand with a wide range of products: women's, men's, children's underwear, swimwear, hosiery, accessories, etc.
  • Intri is a Russian company that produces high-quality underwear, made taking into account the anthropometric data of our population.

Of course, the list can be continued endlessly - now there is simply a sea of ​​lingerie manufacturers that satisfy all needs. Foreign brands are also popular among customers, for example Victoria’s Secret - an American company that delights women unusual designs models and variety of choice.

Important: When starting trading, do not immediately rush into all seriousness, collecting contractors, brands of underwear and betting on quantity. It is best to choose two or three suppliers. After a month, you can analyze the results of the work and understand what is in demand the most. Then the assortment should be adjusted.

Equipment purchase

Businessmen understand that any trade is impossible without consulting equipment. Let's think about what items can be considered essential when opening a lingerie store?

Firstly, it is important to present the product favorably: as a rule, this is done in several ways - the linen is placed on hangers, displayed in display cases, and laid out on racks. Think about ergonomics, take care of customers even at the stage of “they just came in to look” - people should be comfortable looking at the assortment, picking it up, etc. Special attention should be paid to display cases, since women choose primarily with their eyes, so it is easy and simple to interest them - lace, bows and flowing fabrics attract beauties like a magnet. The best option for display cases are mannequins that imitate the human figure in full height. Of course, they cost much more, but the underwear makes a much greater impression on them, making them want to immediately try on and buy the beauty. When placing a product, do not forget about the basic rules of merchandising, since with proper hanging of underwear and a logical layout of other products, the amount of profit increases significantly.

Secondly, the most convenient conditions for customers should be created. How? Bright and spacious fitting rooms with large mirrors. It is worth considering that girls choosing new clothes need somewhere to hang their things, as well as put a bag. Many people ignore these simple needs, but bare “booths” with a lone hook on which you can’t even hang a jacket - just in case it falls off, and a cloudy mirror quite logically repel customers.

Thirdly, we should not forget about those who often accompany beautiful ladies, and also often sponsor the purchase of lingerie sets. Yes, it’s boring for men to stand and wait for the woman they love to try on a pile of lace, so a mini-sofa or banquette is useful where a man can sit while he waits for his companion to do her shopping. A table on which you can lay out catalogs with new collections of underwear, as well as car magazines and a couple of business magazines, won’t hurt either. Everyone remembers the saying: “he who pays the piper calls the tune,” which means that if you create comfortable conditions for men, then next time they will prefer your store, because while the wife will rush between the little things different colors, the husband will sit quietly on the sofa, reading a magazine or dreaming of opening a draft beer store.

To summarize, we will make a list reflecting the minimum equipment requirements:

  • Shelving for goods;
  • Showcase in the cash register area;
  • Hangers for underwear;
  • Mannequins;
  • Mirrors;
  • Curtains for fitting rooms;
  • Hangers for fitting rooms;
  • Sofa for those waiting;
  • Coffee table;
  • Equipment necessary for a cashier;
  • The cashier's work area is a table, a chair.

Recruiting staff

Even if the lingerie you offer is the finest in the world, it won't sell on its own. We need people who are competent in the trading process. How to select personnel? What should you pay attention to? Many people intuitively understand that it is better to invite girls as sellers so that clients do not feel embarrassed. Not everyone is ready to approach a young man (even if he is a salesperson) and ask him about the sizes of bras and panties. And where can you find a miracle man who understands these subtleties? In other words, the first step is to hire two women as consultants. You will also need two cashiers and an accountant. You don’t have to hire the latter as a staff member, but simply use the services of someone who comes to you. If your business involves a very small format, then try to get by with two salespeople working in shifts, expecting that they will also perform the functions of a cashier. A cleaner is also needed - in shopping centers it is possible to conclude a cleaning contract, then there is no need to allocate a working unit. Some businessmen use the option when sellers clean the premises at the end of the shift for an additional fee.

Important: the staff must be friendly, polite and competent. It will be great if the seller owns basic knowledge in the field of psychology, since it is sometimes difficult to approach some buyers without understanding people. It is very important that the consultant is really well versed in the world of underwear and related products, since many clients need help in choosing. Men who want to buy gifts often cannot do without consultation, since they sometimes do not even know the names of many of the cute little things that make up the assortment of the lingerie store. That is why, as a seller, choose a person who understands brands and models, sizes and colors. But you should understand that knowledge alone is not enough, the main role is played by an individual approach to each buyer.

Conducting an advertising campaign

Now the idea that “advertising is the engine of trade” is firmly ingrained in human brains for good reason. Certainly, high level competition simply does not give entrepreneurs the opportunity to sit still, doing nothing to attract customers. When opening a new store, you cannot ignore advertising or save on it, since there may not be a second chance. And it’s best to start “from the start,” that is, come up with a name that will be easy to remember and well perceived by women. The scope for imagination is enormous - you can focus on the theme of the store (“Strapless”, “Lacy Paradise”), on catchy names (“Angelica”, “Victoria”), on playfulness (“Adult fairy tales”, “Temptation”), etc. d. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to study competitors and not stop at similar names. A bright and noticeable sign is also a necessity - to develop it, the best option would be to turn to a good designer, because it is the “face” of the store, forming the first impression of it. Next you should think about advertising campaign, which most often includes the following points:

  • Official website or groups in social networks. Of course, you can do both. Nowadays, only the very lazy don’t surf the Internet, so having a group, for example on VKontakte, is a huge plus if you really take care of the page: update photos, sign prices, answer questions, post information about modern fashion trends in the world of underwear. Of course, the group will need to be advertised, but the costs of this will quickly pay off, since advertising on the Internet allows you to attract a large number of new clients.
  • Advertising on radio and television. Here it is worth considering the specifics of your city, since in some places television commercials bring excellent results, and in others - zero. To decide, consult with experts to learn about audience coverage and statistics.
  • Business cards, leaflets, booklets. They can be distributed in different ways - by agreement, leave them in other stores (for example, in wedding salons), hand them out in shopping centers or on the street, place them in mailboxes etc.
  • Gift certificates. This is a must-have attribute for any lingerie store, since many people purchase certificates as gifts, not being able to make a choice on their own or afraid of making the wrong choice with the gift. Order beautiful, designer postcards with different denominations - let the certificate be a work of art, and not just a piece of cardboard with numbers and a stamp, because in the first case it is both more pleasant to give and to receive.
  • Discount cards. When applying for a card, you can ask clients for a phone number or email, so that you can then send mailings there with information about the arrival of a new collection or discounts.
  • Promotions, discounts, gifts. In honor of the opening of the store, you can immediately provide a discount to all customers. Or give a present. For example, when purchasing a set of underwear, you get stockings as a gift. And don’t forget about promotions for a minute - the mentality of our women is such that they want new underwear, but at the same time the desire to save money is also present, which means that the magic word “discounts” often deprives beautiful ladies of the opportunity to think adequately: they need everything at once, but discounts ! As a result, it’s good for both women and undoubted benefits for businessmen.

If you open a lingerie store not only for the desire to make money, but because you are interested in this area, then there will be no problems with advertising - it will be instinctively clear what to do.

Lingerie store business plan

It is, of course, pleasant to fantasize about opening your own business based on lace and negligees, but without proper calculations you risk ending up with a closed store and a lifetime supply of panties and socks for every taste. It’s great when people starting a business have desires that match their capabilities, but this doesn’t happen so often, so when drawing up a business plan for a lingerie store, you should focus on your starting capital. Let's consider the main expenses that are primarily necessary when opening a retail outlet:

That is, the initial investment is approximately 610 thousand rubles. In addition, the following monthly expenses will be required:

In addition to the above, every quarter the LLC will need to pay income tax (for example, 6% if the tax regime of the simplified tax system “Income” is selected). Don’t forget that the assortment will have to be updated periodically, which will require additional funds.

Let's discuss the return on investment of the business - let's assume that the store is located in a shopping center with good traffic, and the markup on goods is about 250%. Then:

  • on average, 10 purchases can be made in one day;
  • average bill - 1200 rubles;
  • gross profit for one month: 10 * 1200 * 30 = 360,000 rubles;
  • the cost of the goods is 144,000 rubles.
  • tax payment - 360,000 * 0.06 = 21,600 rubles;
  • monthly expenses - 110,000 rubles;
  • profit - 84,400 rubles.

Thus, the initial costs will pay off in about seven to eight months. After this, the business will begin to please you with a constant income.

It can only be built on goods and services that are in constant demand. Women's underwear falls into this category. Shopping for girls has long been not only a necessity, but also a way to cheer yourself up, take your mind off problems and worries, and simply have fun.

Opening your own lingerie store will help give joy to women and ensure stable income for yourself. How to open a lingerie store from scratch and set up a sales location, how much money do you need to invest and how much money can you earn?

Before opening a store, you will need to complete several basic steps: legalize the business, select and decorate the premises, purchase assortment, hire employees and prepare promotions.

We will tell you about each stage in more detail.

Registration of a lingerie store

1. It is most preferable to register your activity, but it is also possible (if you have partners);

3. Select a premises and obtain the conclusions of the fire inspection and SES;

4. Submit an application to the administration for permission to trade;

6. Purchase and register with the tax office, cash register;

8. Obtain product quality certificates.

Finding a location for a lingerie store

Before looking for a place, you need to decide in what format you plan to sell linen:

  • In this case, your own apartment will do;
  • Small boutique store. A small area in a large shopping center will do;
  • large lingerie salon. It is necessary to find a separate building.

The main requirement for the location of a future lingerie store (unless it is online sales) is the constant movement of people near it - large avenues, shopping centers, office buildings, markets, subways, etc.

Until there is a permanent customer base, Regular spontaneous purchases by girls and women passing by are important and desirable.

The most preferable option is to rent a boutique in a shopping center. It is much more profitable to pay for renting such a room than for an entire building. In such a place you are guaranteed a large flow of potential clients.

At first, it will be much cheaper to rent a small space in a large shopping center, and as it develops, you can start opening individual shops.


  • The area required for a medium size is about 15–25 square meters. m.
  • Several meters must be allocated for storage.
  • Availability is important small room for employees where they can change clothes, clean up, and have a snack.

Land development and equipment purchase

Having chosen the necessary place, it is important to think about its arrangement: cosmetic repairs, finishing, decoration. It is better to cover the floor with tiles and paint the walls in light colors.

Make sure there is sufficient lighting - better more. The store should be light, spacious, clean and comfortable. Only to such premises will people want to return again.

For successful trading, you will need to purchase display cases, mannequins or torsos (the lower or upper part of the mannequin), several fitting rooms, mirrors, a counter, hangers, and cabinets. All this should be freely located on the rented territory; cluttering the space is unacceptable (then it is better to abandon several mannequins and a closet).

It is necessary to display the most attractive sets on display windows, and to display popular and new models on mannequins and hangers. It is recommended to decorate, making the interior more attractive to customers.

You can place a sofa or several chairs, coffee table which will contain current catalogs of lingerie.

Purchase of goods

The choice of assortment should be approached very responsibly: correctly selected models are the key to the success of the store. You can start trading with five brands, some of which should be well known.

You can try to organize the sale of some new designer that is still unknown. Purchase prices for such products are lower, and the quality is in no way inferior to other models.. Perhaps it will become a feature of your store.

Availability is also required models of 1–2 expensive brands. Things of this level may also be asked and it is better if you have something to show.

You need to select underwear carefully, ideally if a girl well versed in this matter helps you. After all, beauty is not the main thing; quality must also be at the same level. You should not buy very cheap kits of questionable quality; this is unlikely to help establish your business.

Goods must be clearly visible, beautifully and neatly laid out. A mess will scare away visitors, leaving an unpleasant impression. The client should be able to easily get the kit he likes.

The assortment should include the entire possible range of sizes so that every lady can satisfy her needs. A variety of colors, textures, models, and the presence of individual elements will also have a positive effect on sales. You don't have to limit yourself to just lingerie.

The commercially available robes, negligees, swimsuits, tights, hosiery, children's and men's underwear will significantly expand the circle of potential consumers.

Recruitment for the store

The minimum staff must include:

  • Two sellers.
  • Cashier.
  • The cleaning lady.

For a sales position It is better to invite girls to avoid embarrassment of clients. The position of a cashier can be combined with a salesperson or accountant, this way you can save on wages.

In many stores, salespeople wash the floors themselves after the end of the working day. For an increase of 1–2 thousand rubles in salary, consultants will be happy to perform this simple task, especially since the store’s area is small.

Sales consultants are the face of the store, which means appearance must be neat: clean and ironed clothes, daily and neat makeup. Smiling, polite and responsive consultants will help attract a large number of clients.

Advertising for a lingerie store

The lingerie store is mainly designed for the fair half of humanity, who are not indifferent to various discounts, promotions and unique offers.

In booklets and advertisements telling about your store, it is recommended to mention frequent promotions, drawings of sets from famous designers, and discounts on certain days.

This way, you can stand out from similar stores and attract a large number of women who want to win or save money.

Ads on the radio, whether it's a stand-alone store or an intercom (shopping mall), will help people know about your store's existence. And the more solid and interesting the name of the boutique is, the faster it will be remembered.

Features of doing business

A distinctive feature is its versatility - constant demand regardless of the time of year. Lingerie is bought all year round, it is important to ensure that the models presented on the windows change regularly, and that the assortment is regularly replenished with new items.

Unclaimed items should be put away, and discounts can be made on them. Underwear is a lightweight and compact product, which avoids transportation costs. If you have your own vehicle, you can transport the batches yourself.

It is important to find trusted suppliers in your city who have been working in this field for more than one year. It is imperative to check certificates for goods confirming their quality.

Purchasing directly from manufacturers will delay delivery times, which will not have the best effect on the work of the store.

It is better to purchase in small quantities of different brands and after a few months it will be possible to determine which companies are most preferred by customers. And based on this information, form the main assortment.

Lingerie store business plan

The main expenses to be incurred when opening a store:

  • Rent is about 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of goods 120,000 rubles.
  • Registration 10,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment 60,000 rubles.
  • Advertising 10,000 rubles.

On initial stage will be required 250,000 rubles.

In the future, new cost items will appear - , other expenses, etc.

If you plan to open an online store, costs for rent, equipment, and salaries are excluded. But you will have to spend money on creating your own website, setting up a payment system (or choose to pay in cash).

A little time is needed to fill the site with information and photographs and you can start selling.

Profitability of a lingerie store

The profitability of a lingerie store is high due to the fact that markups on goods are 100–300%, depending on the popularity of the brand. At proper organization store activities store costs can pay for themselves in 6–12 months.

Monthly similar store with competent consultants, located in the right place and beautifully equipped, can bring up to 300,000 rubles.

And since the costs of maintaining the premises are low due to its small area, The figure turns out to be very decent.

The nuances of this type of business

When opening your own lingerie store, you need to remember the high competition in this area. When choosing a place, make sure that there are no other similar establishments nearby.

Think carefully about your pricing policy: expensive models are not affordable for everyone, and it will be difficult to get customers. Low prices are preferable for most of the population, but wealthier people are unlikely to enter such a store, since it does not correspond to their status.

Opening a lingerie store does not require large investments and special education. Having several hundred thousand rubles, the desire to earn money and develop will help you start this business and make it profitable.

Frequent changes in assortment, regular arrival of new products, quality service and cozy interior will help you quickly develop a base of regular customers. A well-chosen location for the store will contribute to a constant flow of customers.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 450,000 rubles.
  • Net profit – 119,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 485,800 rubles.
  • Payback – from 5 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will draw up a detailed business plan for a lingerie store with calculations of expenses and income.

Description of service

This business plan presents the idea of ​​opening your own lingerie store. This product is the basis of the product range. Additionally, the store offers hosiery items. Who is target audience? What market segment does the store occupy? Products in what price category can you find? All these questions will be answered in the presented business plan.

Market analysis

Today on Russian market The situation is quite difficult due to the protracted crisis. And this applies to all industries. The only exception is the food sector. It is no coincidence that we consider underwear as our main product. Apparel is one of those industries that is holding pretty strong.

A true woman is not used to saving on herself. Beautiful lingerie is considered an indispensable attribute of any fashionista. That is why this product was chosen as the main sales unit.

It must be said that 2015 was quite a difficult year for the Russian market. Many stores in the segment have closed due to unprofitability. But why then do we advise opening a lingerie store? There are several reasons for this. Firstly, competition in this segment has sharply decreased, especially in small cities. This will allow a newcomer to the industry to immediately cover a fairly large chunk of the market. As for prices, according to many analysts, it is not worth reducing the cost of goods. If people cannot afford to buy something for 1,000 rubles, then they are unlikely to be able to do it for 900 rubles. That is why you need to build your pricing policy based on the planned profit.

The main competitors in this industry are well-known brand stores. The advantage over them may be more affordable price and work in different retail outlets. also pose a serious danger. They work at competitive prices and on favorable terms. Another group of buyers poses a danger - this. Moreover, this includes branded expensive online boutiques and stores selling domestically produced items at very high prices. low prices. It is quite difficult to fight them, but it is possible. The first step is to differentiate the circle of buyers. Online shopping is gaining popularity, but not everyone uses this type of sales today.

Our store will operate in the middle price segment. The main product will be intended for women. For men, the range will be much smaller. About 98% will be occupied by linen, the rest will be various hosiery. Such a spread will be as profitable and suitable as possible.

I would like to note that rents have increased quite significantly. This is another reason to choose underwear. An area of ​​10–30 m2 will be sufficient for a store.. The rental price for such premises will be optimal. For beginning businessmen, this type of store is also suitable because the size of the initial investment turned out to be small. To purchase goods you need about 150–200 thousand rubles. When compared with the same clothes, the amount of investment is an order of magnitude lower.

I would like to dwell in a little more detail on who will supply the products to the store. IN in this case you can work either with large suppliers, making wholesale purchases from them, or with manufacturers of goods, buying it at an even more favorable price. Many will say that the second option is undoubtedly more profitable, but there is one very important nuance. The manufacturer cannot provide large assortment goods, but suppliers focus their work precisely on this. The ideal option would be to combine work with both sellers.

So, our store will operate in the middle price segment in a rented area (we will choose a shopping center, since this option will help to significantly reduce advertising costs). We will focus on the quality of the product and its aesthetic component. This will help attract women of different incomes.

I would like to note that the brand is not so important for people when choosing underwear, so the emphasis should be placed on the quality and appearance of the product. Only 3.5% are loyal to certain brands when choosing underwear for themselves in a store.

SWOT analysis

When creating a concept for a lingerie store, one cannot help but pay attention to internal and external factors that can significantly affect the operation of the enterprise. If we talk about the external component, it is divided into opportunities and threats. The former, in skillful entrepreneurial hands, can only strengthen their positions, while the latter, in the absence of due attention, on the contrary, can only worsen the situation in the market.

So to external factors in this case will include:

  1. Possibilities
  • Market expansion. This opportunity comes after a sharp reduction in the number of retailers and stores in 2015. With the right government policy, the industry can begin to work at an accelerated pace in 2016.
  • High demand for the product. This is due to the need to buy underwear, which does not depend on how much free money the family has. The second factor driving demand is a possible economic recovery.
  • Growth of niches in this market segment.
  • An opportunity to expand your activities, retrain from a lingerie store to a clothing store.
  1. Threats
  • High level of competition. This is due to the work of well-known brands in the market, and to the revitalization of the segment and the emergence of completely new opportunities.
  • The introduction of various laws and taxes that will become a serious obstacle to the development of your own business. This includes internal and foreign policy. The first can affect competitors within the country, the second can affect the import of goods.
  • Instability of the economic situation within the country. This factor seriously complicates work in any branch of trade. This is primarily due to price fluctuations, which negatively affects contractual relations with product suppliers.
  • Inability to take out a bank loan on favorable terms. This is also due to the serious current situation in the country.

As for internal factors, an entrepreneur can independently adjust them and use them to his advantage. They are more flexible than external ones. So, internal factors include:

  1. Strengths
  • High quality of goods and service, which ensures high customer demand.
  • The opportunity to attract new partners to cooperation, thereby increasing the range and volume of existing products. IN long term not only horizontal, but also vertical expansion is possible, due to the ability to work in related niches (clothing, shoes, etc.).
  • Availability working capital allows them to be accumulated and used with the greatest efficiency.
  • The opportunity to work with foreign manufacturers, which will allow you to offer your customers not only high-quality, but also trendy products.
  • The ability to use technological developments of colleagues from Western countries, which will significantly increase work efficiency (we are talking, first of all, about convenient software that can make it easier to work with goods, account for them, and also manage the store).
  • Highly qualified personnel, whose training will be carried out by the entrepreneur himself, having previously studied the structure and studied the basics of marketing, sales techniques and other data that will increase the efficiency of sellers.
  1. Weaknesses
  • High costs. They are directly related to demand. If it is not there, then the costs for the most part remain unchanged, which can lead to losses in the store.
  • Lack of experience may cause the store to not operate at full capacity. This can also cause ineffective functioning. Therefore, before starting work, it is very important to study the scope of work in as much detail as possible.

Opportunity Assessment

Total: 89 hours per week, 382 hours per month.

Our lingerie store will be open seven days a week. For service we need 2 sellers, they will work in shifts. Here you can choose a schedule by agreeing with them in advance. The most preferable would be 2 through 2.

The cleaning of the premises will be carried out by the staff of the shopping center where the store will be located. The mall management will also be responsible for advertising inside the building.

The responsibilities of the sellers will include customer service, accounting for goods, placing them inside the store, and counting proceeds. To make it more convenient for customers in the store, it will be possible to pay for goods using plastic cards. In this case, the proceeds will be transferred to the organization’s bank account. You can open it in some banks for free, and annual maintenance does not cost that much.

In our case, the entrepreneur will handle advertising and work with suppliers. Hiring an administrator will be unprofitable, since the store will be small. With the expansion or opening of a new outlet, you can hire a person with experience in this field.

As for documentation within the company, it will be compiled by a third-party company. Hiring an accountant will also be inappropriate. The entrepreneur will resort to outsourcing.

The store will be located in the city's shopping center. A room with a size of about 30 m2 will be quite enough. Inside there will be a counter for the seller, a fitting room, small room for placing inventory. Special attention The seller will focus on the efficient distribution of goods in the store. There will be couplets of hangers, racks for promotional goods, several mannequins to demonstrate more spectacular bustiers, corsets, stockings, robes and shirts. There will definitely be mirrors in the fitting room.

To improve quality, the store will package every item sold in bags for free.

Organizational and legal aspects

  1. Design or . Since the store will be small, it makes sense to go with the first option. When registering your own enterprise, you need to remember to enter all OKVED codes. In our case it will be:
  • 52.42.2 - Retail trade of underwear;
  • 52.42.6 - Retail trade in hosiery.

If you plan to expand the range in the near future, you should think about adding additional codes so as not to have to re-register later.

  1. An entrepreneur can choose either UTII. In the first case, two options are possible - simplified tax system “Income” 6% or simplified tax system “income minus expenses” 6-15% (the rate is determined depending on the region).
  2. A certificate of entry into the general trade register is required. In our case, the store will be opened on the territory of the shopping center, which will determine the receipt of the necessary document.
  3. You will need to obtain permission to carry out trading activities.
  4. Conclusions from State Fire Supervision Authority and Rospotrebnadzor are required.
  5. It is necessary to have an official lease agreement and a garbage removal agreement.
  6. You will need permission for outdoor advertising, if any.
  7. Don't forget the tax office.
  8. You will need Goskomstat codes.
  9. If you plan to sell any products that require a license, you will need to obtain one.
  10. Employees must have medical records (do not forget about the regularity of passing commissions).
  11. You will need a list of goods and certificates for them.
  12. Do not forget about the need to have a sanitary passport.

Documents such as a contract for the removal of solid waste may not be needed if the cleaning is carried out at the expense of the landlord and he has a general contract for the maintenance of the entire building. In this case, a certified copy will be sufficient.

Marketing plan

Our store will be small, so large-scale promotions will not be practical. The main lever of influence will be the shopping center. Posters and information about ongoing events will be placed inside. For the opening, the store will be decorated with balloons and welcome messages. A sign will be placed on the front of the building. In the future, the following methods should be used to advertise the store:

  • Carrying out promotions and sales days. Their frequency will be agreed with customers. Inventory balances and the need for their sale will be preliminarily analyzed. Small discounts on products from last season can be arranged regularly by organizing a special tray with products and information about the discount provided.
  • Adding information to city directories. The entrepreneur will do this. But opening your own website with such production volumes is impractical. But when expanding your store, you will need to think about this first. Then contextual advertising and informing customers through your group on social networks can also come into play.
  • Distributing flyers near a shopping center. This will help increase the flow of visitors who will be interested in purchasing high-quality linen at reasonable prices.

All this will help attract customers to the store and increase the organization’s prospects. In parallel with the development and promotion of his own store, an entrepreneur should also think about improving interaction with suppliers. Perhaps he will be able to get more favorable conditions or attract large companies, including international ones, to cooperate. All this contributes further development and opening new points.

Calculation of projected income

The markup on goods in the lingerie segment can vary from 100% to 300%. We will take the figure of 150%, since it is closer to the average price segment.

Average revenue per day will be about 15,000 rubles per day. Therefore, monthly revenue will be 450,000 rubles. Of this, 180,000 rubles will be spent on the purchase of goods.

Production plan

So, for work we will need a room with an area of ​​30 m2, as mentioned above. For effective operation you will also need:

  • fitting room;
  • hangers;
  • mannequins;
  • shelves;
  • racks for placing goods;
  • trays on legs for placing auction goods;
  • showcases;
  • computer;
  • software;
  • sofa;
  • chair or chair for staff;
  • equipment for scanning product barcodes.

A small store will not need video surveillance. But the software will make management much easier.

The salary of sellers will be 30,000 rubles. The total payroll will be 60,000 rubles.

Organizational plan

Financial plan

  • Profit before tax: 450,000 – 310,000 = 140,000 rubles.
  • Tax (calculated as 15% of the difference between income and expenses): 140,000 * 0.15 = 21,000 rubles.
  • Net profit: 140,000 – 21,000 = 119,000 rubles.
  • Profitability: 119,000/450,000*100% = 26.44%
  • Payback: 485,800/119,000 = 4.08. Therefore, the store will pay for itself in 5 months.


The main risks of this industry are:

  1. Unprofessionalism of working sellers.

Such a factor can significantly reduce the profit received and negatively affect the functioning of the store. Irresponsibility can cause differences to occur during audits.

To rid yourself of these negative consequences, it is worth working seriously with the staff, checking the hired employees for competence and professionalism. To evaluate the quality of service, you can send a secret shopper to the store and do this systematically.

It is imperative to train employees to properly operate the equipment and software. This will make their work easier and increase the transparency of everything that happens in the store for the entrepreneur.

It is important that the seller is aware of the manufacturers, the composition of the goods, and the quality of the brands provided. This will help the client choose the most suitable products for themselves and their loved ones.

  1. Rising costs.

This applies to both rent and the cost of goods supplied. To avoid troubles, you need to establish long-term relationships with the tenant and suppliers and document them.

  1. Increased competition

This factor can be smoothed out by building customer loyalty. To do this, the product must be relevant, high quality, fashionable and affordable.

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

An entire industry is involved in the sale of underwear, in which there are several segments, such as the sale of expensive underwear, the sale of mid-price underwear, the sale of cheap underwear, and underwear. non-standard sizes etc. Here we will look at information on how to open this store, what is needed for this, and also consider tips for opening and running a business.

Advantages of this business

Compared to other trading platforms selling regular clothing, lingerie stores have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • unlike clothing fashion, fashion trends remain on underwear for a long time;
  • To open an underwear retail outlet, a small space is enough;
  • underwear is convenient for sale due to its product characteristics. It takes up little space in the warehouse and counter, and practically does not deteriorate;
  • the sale of underwear is carried out with a significant trade margin: up to 300% when selling expensive underwear and from 100% when selling underwear of the average price category.

How to open a lingerie store

So, let's look at information about how to open a lingerie store, what you need for this, how much it costs to open.

Briefly about the main thing

It is best to open stores with an expensive range of underwear in large cities. In small towns and cities, it is better to focus on middle-class buyers who choose a product based on its price.

Trade underwear can be produced in several, most common forms:

  1. underwear. Its opening is possible without significant capital investments, since there is no need to rent a retail space and hire large staff sellers. The costs of its creation will be much lower than the purchase of the right to lease retail space in any shopping center.
  2. Lingerie store with a small trading area. As a rule, such retail outlets are located in crowded places and busy streets. Due to the small area of ​​the working space, there are significant savings on rent. The downside is the lack of wealthy clientele visiting large shopping centers.
  3. Large (stand-alone) lingerie store. A lot of money is needed to open it. The store itself of this level is usually located in large shopping centers with an increased flow of clientele and is designed to sell underwear in the high and medium price categories.

The profitability level of any lingerie store primarily depends on the volume of sales generated. This profitable business with a 100% markup on goods. And the higher the class of the product, the higher the trade margin.

The store can operate and generate stable income all year round. This is due to the fact that the demand for underwear is not subject to seasonal changes.

Outdoor advertising is the most in an efficient way notifying potential customers about the existence of your store and its location. In addition to outdoor advertising, sales can be held, which are also very effective in attracting regular clientele. If a lingerie store is located in a crowded place, then advertising costs will be insignificant. In this case, the majority of buyers will simply walk in from the street and make spontaneous purchases.

Choosing a place

To successfully trade this very delicate product, you need to seriously approach the issue of choosing a retail space. First, you need to decide on the format of the retail outlet, whether it will be a large shopping pavilion or a small store. Each formation has its own criteria for choosing premises, both in terms of area and location, and therefore the cost of the trading platform.

A small store selling lingerie must meet the following criteria:

  • is in a crowded (passage) place;
  • have a retail area of ​​at least 10-20 square meters;
  • the size of the room should be enough to create at least 2 fitting booths;
  • In a retail space, you need to create large display windows.

For small lingerie stores, you need to choose the most crowded places: walk-through streets, pedestrian crossings, small shopping centers, places located close to markets, clothing stores and large food centers.

There is no need to sell lingerie in premises without a display window and with low foot traffic, even if this leads to savings on rent.

Before starting the store, it is necessary to make repairs, including the installation of mirrors, fitting booths, cabinets for storing stock of goods, hanging shelves for the presentation of goods with appropriate lighting. The aesthetic design of the shop window plays an important role.

How much does it cost to open such a store?

All costs when opening a lingerie store are associated with purchasing necessary equipment, the initial shipment of goods and payment of rent. No expensive equipment is required. It is enough to buy cabinets, shelves, a display case and decent lighting fixtures. The first batch of goods should contain a wide range of underwear in different sizes. According to experts, the amount of 80 thousand rubles is enough to purchase it. The total cost of opening a small store will be about 300 thousand rubles.

If you are going to open a small stall or an online store, then the starting capital may be significantly less. When opening an online store, income from sales does not depend on the location of the retail space and can reach the amounts received from selling lingerie on large trading platforms. But it all depends on the site’s advertising and its traffic.

When planning to create a lingerie store, you need to take care of collecting the required set of documents or entrust its preparation law firm, or a lawyer.

There are several enough simple rules, if followed, you will definitely achieve success in the lingerie trade:

  • Try to create a personal atmosphere in the store that will be different from trade pavilions competitors: add more light or, on the contrary, dim the lighting, create an exclusive interior;
  • Conduct regular trainings with your staff to improve the quality of work and increase sales;
  • Change your product range as often as possible. Its regular change will encourage the arrival of visitors to the store who want to see and possibly purchase new items;
  • When returning an item, accept this event with a smile on your face. Many representatives of the fair sex purchase underwear spontaneously and may wish to return it the very next day after purchase. And if the product is not damaged, then they have the right to return it. You should not make complaints to such clients. This will only scare women away from buying “random” goods in the store.
  • Constantly experiment and purchase underwear from different manufacturers in small batches. This way you can determine the best-selling product range.
  • Do not keep “stale” goods on store shelves, but rather put new items in the most visible place.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

400,000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

From 6-7 months.




A lingerie store may not be the most original business idea, but it is unlikely to ever lose its relevance. From the point of view of marketers, lingerie is an ideal product on which the fair half of humanity will be the last to save.

Lingerie, like other toiletry items, tends to wear out, go out of fashion, lose its relevance, or simply become boring to its owner. Modern Russian women with average and higher incomes prefer high-quality, beautiful and expensive models. Thus, the demand for underwear is only increasing every year, and even the unfavorable economic situation in our country does not have such a pronounced impact on it.

There are several price segments in the lingerie market: low, middle, high, luxury lingerie. In the lower price segment, mainly “non-branded” products of Chinese and Korean origin are presented. It accounts for about 95% of all products in the lower price segment. The middle segment mainly represents products that are manufactured in China on order from Russian and European companies. Lingerie in the high price segment and luxury lingerie is produced mainly by Western companies (among which Italian companies predominate), including limited collections.

It is worth noting that the culture of consumption in our country is still at a very low level. This also applies to underwear. More than half of shoppers make a mistake when choosing the size they need, but at the same time they are ready to spend much more money on underwear than they could objectively afford. In addition, the stereotype about the dangers of underwear made from fabrics with the addition of synthetic fibers is still widespread.

Profitability of opening a lingerie store

If you are just taking your first steps in this business, experts recommend starting it by studying the market (Russian and regional), as well as the range of your direct competitors. On the one hand, in lingerie, as in clothing, it is important to follow trends in this area of ​​fashion, regularly update the model range and take into account customer demand. On the other hand, due to certain Russian specifics, not all global trends “take root” among domestic consumers. Therefore, at the very beginning of your work, you should not take risks and buy extravagant models just because they are not presented at other points. It is quite possible that there are certain reasons for this.

Although the business of selling underwear itself is assessed as promising, the market itself is already close to oversaturation. This is due to the history of its formation and development in our country. In Soviet times, beautiful underwear was considered a huge shortage. After the fall of the Iron Curtain, the domestic market was flooded with foreign-made underwear, which was bought up Russian women in huge quantities and at any price, regardless of its quality.

It is not surprising that after more than twenty years the market is on the verge of saturation. Many representatives of the largest manufacturers note a significant noticeable decrease in sales volumes of their products. However, this applies not only to the Russian market, but to the entire industry as a whole. Russian consumers, unlike Western ones, buy new underwear after the old ones are worn out, which does not happen so quickly. This also has a significant impact on sales volumes.

There is also an opposite point of view on the degree of saturation of the lingerie market. The main argument in this case is the inability of domestic producers to meet existing demand. But even an increase in production volumes does not guarantee big sales. Bye Russian manufacturers It is difficult for underwear to compete with Western companies. To do this, you need to invest a lot of effort and time in training personnel, develop domestic production of materials and pay attention not only to quality and design, but also to consumer education.

Ready ideas for your business

Another trend can be noted in the Russian underwear market, which affects the middle price segment, where products from famous Italian factories are presented. Stamps average cost(within 1000-1500 rubles per set) are very popular among our compatriots, so the number of outlets selling such underwear is increasing every year. The problem is that underwear of the same brands is sold both in stalls in markets and in specialized salons. In conditions of fierce competition, both have to constantly reduce product prices.

However, there is no single pricing policy, which would allow at least partial control of the upper and lower price levels. Thus, the difference in the cost of the same set in the same city, but in different stores, can reach 500 rubles. In Italy, as a solution to this situation, a limit is introduced on the number of retail outlets in one district. This option will not “work” in our country.

Opening a lingerie store

So, what does it take to open a lingerie store? First, decide on the organizational and legal form and “specialization” of the store. In the first case, there are two main options - to register as an individual entrepreneur or as a limited liability company. For a small store, the individual entrepreneur option is preferable.

You can also choose the option of selling expensive lingerie, mid-price lingerie or cheap lingerie, underwear of non-standard sizes, corsetry, erotic lingerie, etc. Experts recommend that aspiring entrepreneurs give preference to mid-price lingerie with an optimal price-quality ratio. This type of underwear is always in demand. Its placement does not require much space in a warehouse or display case (while expensive lingerie requires placement on special mannequins). It is sold with a significant trade margin, which is about 100%. The markup on expensive linen will be three times higher, but the costs will also be much more significant. In addition, keep in mind that high-price and luxury lingerie will be sold only in large cities.

The next step is to choose the format of your work. You can open, for example, an online lingerie store. In this case, there is no need for large investments in renting a retail space or wages to sellers. However, it is impossible to do without start-up capital. There is also a problem with choosing underwear: women prefer to choose it in person, rather than from a photo in an online store. Some stores offer the service of trying on several sets of underwear at the customer’s home. If none of them suit her, she only pays shipping. When you make a purchase, delivery becomes free.

A lingerie store can also have a “traditional” version. In this case, the least investment will be required for a retail outlet located in a crowded place and on a busy street or market. The cost of renting a small “patch” is relatively low. However, the assortment of such a point is cheap Chinese-made underwear, so its profit will also not be very large.

A more profitable, but also costly option is a separate lingerie store of medium and high price categories in a shopping center with high traffic. The minimum area of ​​such a store should be 10 square meters. meters. Give preference to an enclosed space where it is possible to place linen mannequins, racks and counters, mirrors and a cash register. Whether a fitting room is needed in a lingerie store or not is an open question. Of course, it is important for the buyer to make sure that the set of underwear she has chosen fits perfectly, especially since purchased underwear is not subject to exchange or return by law.

Ready ideas for your business

However, if the customer refuses to purchase after trying it on and the product is returned to the counter, this will be a gross violation of sanitary standards. Someone negotiates with inspection authorities, someone calls things tried on but not purchased “samples” that supposedly will not go on sale again. How best to proceed in this case, to equip a fitting room with the opportunity to try on the set you like or not, is up to you to decide. Commercial equipment for a store with a total area of ​​10-15 square meters. meters will cost about 50-60 thousand rubles. This includes the purchase of hanging mannequins, racks, hangers, mirrors...

Profitability level of a lingerie store

The level of profitability of a lingerie store directly depends on the volume of its sales, and the latter, in turn, is affected by the assortment and location of the outlet. Traditionally, its assortment consists of 90-100% women's underwear models. A small part of it (no more than 10%) may be an additional assortment - men's or children's underwear. Both cases have their advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, women, as a rule, buy lingerie not only for themselves, but also for their husbands and children. Men, of course, will not go buy their underwear to a store where women's assortment. On the other hand, the fair half of humanity also makes purchases in specialized stores selling men's underwear. Another question is that women, passionate about choosing lingerie for themselves, may simply forget about other members of their family. For these reasons, even if you prefer a mixed assortment, the proportion of men's and children's underwear should not be very large.

But even if your assortment is limited exclusively to female models, choosing it will not be easy if you do not have experience in this field. In the middle price segment, the greatest demand is for Latvian underwear brands Rosme, Lauma, Juria, Roksa, Belarusian Milavitsa, Polish Atlantic and Key, Italian Comet, Lormar and Papillon, Korean Rosa, Rycier, Lolita and Val, as well as some brands of German, French and Russian lingerie. But you need to choose not only manufacturers, but also models and size ranges. The most popular sizes are 75-85 B-D. But your store should have underwear of all sizes in stock, but the number of models of the same size may vary. If you do not have experience in wholesale purchases of underwear, then the assortment according to model range It’s better to form at first, focusing on your direct competitors.

Do not forget that most customers buy underwear in sets. Only about 20-30% buy all items separately. The most convenient way to shop is at wholesale stores in your city. This will make it easier for you, if necessary, to purchase the missing size or item for complete set. The purchase of the initial batch of goods will require at least 250-300 thousand rubles. You can get by with a smaller investment, but be prepared for frequent trips to wholesalers. The most popular kits cost from 350-400 to 1.5-2 thousand rubles. There is no point in purchasing more expensive underwear in large quantities.

You can buy underwear for the store directly from manufacturers. In this case, prices will be lower, but the choice of models is not large, because wholesalers offer a wide selection of underwear from several brands. In addition, manufacturers will have larger minimum quantities of goods than wholesalers. Not all small stores can cope with such working conditions.

On the other hand, linen is an optimal product that does not take up much space for transportation and storage. There are practically no illiquid goods here: fashion trends have little impact on the demand for underwear (especially in our country). Sales of underwear practically do not depend on the season: the demand for it is consistently high. But it’s still best to protect yourself as much as possible and open several small points around the city at once. In this case, you reduce the likelihood of breaking even during an unfavorable season. However, it's not just a matter of seasonality. Sales of underwear are influenced not only by the economic situation or fashion, but also... by the location of the store. Experienced entrepreneurs note that the same product can be in different demand in different areas of the same city. Therefore, opening two or three points at once allows you to “correct” these differences.

Features of personnel selection

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of personnel who will work in your store. For obvious reasons, preference is given to girls. However, additional requirements are imposed on potential employees - the ability to determine by eye the size that will suit the customer, select the right model (which differ anatomically), including for a specific case (under a dress a certain model, for a romantic evening or daily wear). If the store is located in a shopping center, then a minimum of two salespeople will be required, who will work every other day, seven days a week.

Ready ideas for your business

A separate area for your own business is wholesale sales. Unlike retail, in this case you should not bet on underwear from popular brands in our country. It is unlikely that you will be able to compete with existing companies. Try to find a new manufacturer or manufacturers whose products are not yet so popular on the Russian market. With an optimal combination of price and quality, there will be no shortage of customers. But the initial investment will be much higher than with retail. To purchase a batch of goods for wholesale sales, you will need from 1.5-2 million rubles, not counting rental costs storage facilities and advertising campaign.

As the most effective means attracting clients outdoor advertising, radio advertising, print media etc. Advertising budget is usually around 10% of total turnover.

The minimum starting capital for organizing your own lingerie store is about 400 thousand rubles. This includes renting premises, purchasing retail equipment and the first batch of goods, as well as initial advertising costs. The payback period for such a business ranges from 6-7 months.

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Calculator for calculating the profitability of this business

rent + salaries + utilities, etc. rub.

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