The stars are Aries according to a woman's horoscope. Aries - Russian actresses

Many people were born under the zodiac sign Aries famous personalities. All of them are united by strong character, brightness, energy and determination.

A bright representative of this constellation is the singer Lady Gaga. This is a typical Aries. She loves power, fame and recognition. The patron planet of all Aries - Mars - endowed her with a fighting character and fortitude. Lady Gaga's striking stage image is one of the manifestations of the character of her belonging to this zodiac sign. The girl loves shocking, extravagance and originality. In addition, she is a good organizer. The cluster of planets in her horoscope in the first house suggests that she is able to influence people.

An equally bright and charismatic representative of the constellation Aries is Eddie Murphy. The actor has incredible vital energy. He, like a true Aries, achieved everything himself. Thanks to his perseverance and tenacity of character, he was able to build an excellent career as an actor.

The versatile talents that Aries possesses can be seen in the example of Jackie Chan. He is better known as an actor. But in addition to acting in films, he directs, sings well, is a producer and stunt coordinator, and is also actively involved in charity work. Aries are not used to sitting idle; they constantly need movement and development. Jackie Chan fully corresponds to this sign of Aries.

The passion and hot-tempered nature of this zodiac sign is fully reflected in the face of the Russian actor and showman Nikita Dzhigurda. This man is endowed with incredible energetic force, which can be transmitted to others. Dzhigurda, as a true representative of the Aries zodiac sign, is always ready to fiercely defend his point of view.

The next celebrity who was born under this constellation is actress Keira Knightley. Aries endowed her with an appearance characteristic of this zodiac sign. As a rule, most Aries have good looks, charm and good manners. Despite her fragile physique, the actress is endowed with enormous willpower and perseverance. She always achieves her goal thanks to the optimism and determination inherent in all Aries.

The character of a typical Aries is manifested in boxer Vladimir Klitschko. In his sports career, he is helped not only by excellent physical data (which is very characteristic of Aries), but also by the spirit of a winner. Klitschko is always determined to win. It's no wonder that she is given to him so often. In general, athletes born under this constellation have a great chance of making a successful career.

Robert Downey Jr. is also excellent example Zodiac sign Aries. Possessing high intelligence, charm and wit, he moves through the world without any obstacles. Of course, difficulties happen, but the actor masterfully copes with all adversities and does not give up.

31.05.2013 15:45

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By interacting with people born under other zodiac signs, our character is polished and changes somewhat. But the qualities given to us by the constellations remain dominant throughout our lives.Today I want to talk about the zodiac sign Aries.

Herecharacter description Aries

Aries is a born leader, and nothing can be done about it. Our society needs such people, they are the engines of progress. Already when you first meet Aries, you can literally feel it with your skin. main feature of this zodiac sign - inescapable self-confidence and in its rightness. Even when Aries is silent, one can read inner firmness and inflexibility in his every gesture. And if he speaks... Believe me, arguing with Aries is not very promising.

Well, the reason for this is simple: Aries is the first sign of the entire Zodiac circle, symbolizing the origin of Life, the beginning of all beginnings. That is why all the astrologers of the world inevitably compared the character of Aries with the character of a newborn baby. For Aries, the first place in the Universe is their “I”. The whole world, in his firm belief, revolves around him and must adapt to him. It’s not surprising that Aries may simply not notice other people’s desires and needs, but they are so sensitive to their own.

Just as a baby, having wanted something, immediately notifies the whole world about it with his persistent cry, Aries also considers it necessary to declare his desires, demanding from those around him and even from Fate itself what, in his opinion, rightfully belongs to him. His style is not to look for difficult paths, but to achieve what he wants in the most in simple ways. Oddly enough, such self-confidence often bears fruit: both those around him and Fate really meet the selfish Aries halfway, helping him achieve his goal.

However, Aries’s selfishness and even narcissism are to a large extent smoothed out by his other “childish” traits. Indeed, it is difficult to be offended by a person who is capable of learning with such unflagging interest the world around us, recklessly rush to defend the weak or take at face value all the words of your interlocutor. Aries is sincere and truthful, and always expects the same from others.

In general, in a relationship with an Aries, you can be sure of one of his invaluable qualities: he does not keep a stone in his bosom and does not weave cunning intrigues behind your back. He is all in front of you, in full view: if something does not suit him about you, he will tell you about it with all directness. If it comes to conflict, Aries is easy to lose his temper with - get ready for his violent and sudden outbursts of anger, which, however, pass as quickly as a May thunderstorm.

Not hesitating to express to others everything that he thinks about them (and these are not always pleasant things), Aries himself, like any child, in his soul always craves recognition, approval and praise. For all his confidence, sometimes excessive, he can react very painfully to criticism addressed to him, and praise and even rude flattery can inspire him.

In work, Aries always strives for leadership and a set goal, and ideally, for recognition and glory, and often achieves his goal. He is independent, energetic, knows how to take responsibility, and in times of failure, his optimism and incredible self-confidence do not allow him to give up for long. In other words, Aries is a born leader, and he has every chance to reach the very heights.

The element of Aries - Fire - gives him optimism and passion. His ruling planet, warlike Mars, gives his character decisiveness and energy.

Sincere and truthful, active and persistent, courageous and generous, with a keen sense of justice, Aries is a true leader. Despite the obstacles, he is ready to move forward, paving the way for those who follow him. His energy is limitless, as is his faith in himself, and he never tires of taking everything from life in order to generously share with others.

Famous Aries

Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Nikolai Gogol, Korney Chukovsky, Hans Christian Andersen, Eddie Murphy, Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Herzen, Francis Coppola, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Steven Seagal, Garry Kasparov, Alla Pugacheva, Giacomo Casanova.
Among my very close friends there are a lot of Aries, and I want to tell you that my experience of communicating with them confirms everything that has been said about this sign, but nevertheless, I have very good relations with them. good relationship. I've often wondered what attracts me to Aries. And I came to the conclusion that it is their assertiveness, self-confidence and spiritual kindness, and in general, that attracts me to everything that is not in me. My horoscope is “Taurus”, and this sign tends to think about everything for a long time, doubt its actions, fear of accidentally offending someone, sometimes this even weighs on itself. In Aries, I am attracted to self-confidence, assertiveness, and energy.

Aries will share everything with you

Love, friendship, money.

But you must not only take,

But also be able to give to them!

Aries does not like boring everyday life,

For them, a gray day is terribly difficult.

I like holidays,

They make them very happy!

And in order to defeat Aries,

You have to be quite brave.

You must be smart enough

Turn an Aries into a lamb!

There is no fear of collapse in this life,

If the steering wheel is in his steel hands!

Hot debate on your birthday

Aries will not lead with us:

On this day he is friendly to people,

We are patient and generous with treats,

Without thinking about time,

Ready to party until dawn -

And we welcome this in him,

Anticipating our feast.

Who can have fun as well

Forgetting about all the problems,

Like Aries, putting yourself at risk

Your health (ours too)?

Ah, Aries, you have bravado in everything

In love, resentment and creation -

And even a show from birth

Ready to create for everyone's delight.

Ode to Aries

I'm an Aries, born in April
And, in general, I’m proud of it,
And the fact that I’m a romantic in life,
So I'm not ashamed of this!

It's probably absurd to be ashamed
What is given by fate
Moreover, so many
We, Aries, cannot be understood...

We, Aries, are a great force!
We, Aries, are support and light!
No need to prove to the world
That Aries is no more reliable!

Sometimes we can be capricious
Sometimes we offend our friends.
Sometimes we get lost in life
And we declare war on the world,

But we don’t hold any grudges in our hearts
And in general, it’s no secret for a long time,
That hearts are more tender than those of Aries,
Everyone else simply doesn't!

The sign of Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Mars represents the principles of energy and activity, not only in the external, but also in inner life. Therefore, among the celebrities born under this sign there are many athletes, and simply active, extraordinary personalities. Professions associated with Mars: military man, athlete, firefighter, worker performing heavy physical work, car driver, metallurgist. Mars is entrepreneurship, action, courage, self-affirmation, enthusiasm, inspiration.

Famous Aries

Famous Aries men

Hans Christian Andersen, born April 2, 1805, is a famous Danish writer and poet.

Johann Sebastian Bach, born March 21, 1685 - famous German composer.

Leonardo da Vinci, born April 15, 1452 - famous Italian artist (painter), sculptor, architect and scientist.

Tamerlane, born April 9, 1336, is a Central Asian Turkic commander and conqueror who played a significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Rus'.

Vincent van Gogh, born March 30, 1853, is a famous Dutch post-impressionist artist.

Franz Joseph Haydn, born March 31, 1732, is a famous Austrian composer.

Harry Houdini, born March 24, 1874, is a famous American illusionist and hypnotist.

Charles Chaplin, born April 16, 1889, is a famous English film actor, screenwriter, composer and director.

Nikita Khrushchev, born April 15, 1894 - First Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (1953–1964), Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1958–1964), Hero Soviet Union, three times Hero of Socialist Labor.

Robert Downey, born April 4, 1965, is a famous American actor, producer and musician.

Quentin Tarantino, born March 27, 1963, is a famous American film director, screenwriter, actor, film producer, and cameraman.

Innokenty Smoktunovsky, born March 28, 1925 - theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR.

Sergei Puskepalis born April 15, 1966 - Soviet and Russian actor and theater and film director. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur, born March 31, 1948 - pop artist, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Alexander Buynov, born March 24, 1950 - pop singer, People's Artist of Russia.

Alexander Serov, born March 24, 1954 - pop singer, composer, People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Presnyakov (senior), born March 26, 1946 - composer, singer and musician, member of the VIA "Gems", Honored Artist of Russia.

Vladimir Pozner, born April 1, 1934 - Soviet, Russian and American journalist and TV presenter, first president of the Russian Television Academy (1994-2008), writer.

Ivan Urgant, born April 16, 1978, is a popular Russian actor, showman, TV presenter, singer, musician, and producer.

Dmitry Nagiyev, born April 4, 1967, is a popular Soviet and Russian actor, musician, singer, showman, TV presenter, and DJ.

Vladimir Klitschko, born March 25, 1976, is a Ukrainian heavyweight boxer, 1996 Olympic champion, and WBO professional world champion.

Maxim Marinin, born March 23, 1977 - Russian figure skater, two-time world champion, Olympic champion.

Famous Aries women

Catherine de' Medici, born April 13, 1519 - Queen of France from 1547 to 1559; wife of Henry II, King of France from the Valois dynasty.

Sarah Jessica Parker, born March 25, 1965, is an American actress (best known for the TV series Sex and the City), producer.

Emma Watson, born April 15, 1990, is a British actress, best known for her role as Hermione in the Harry Potter films.

Lady Gaga, born March 28, 1986, is an American singer, winner of 6 Grammy awards.

Bella Akhmadulina, born April 10, 1937 - Soviet and Russian poetess, writer, translator.

Alla Pugacheva, born April 15, 1949 - famous Soviet and Russian pop singer, producer, songwriter, film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the USSR.

Laima Vaikule, born March 31, 1954, is a Soviet and Latvian pop singer and actress. People's Artist of Latvia.

Alika Smekhova, born March 27, 1968, is a Soviet and Russian actress, singer, and TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, born April 3, 1971 - famous actress theater and cinema, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia.

Ksenia Rappoport, born March 25, 1974 - Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia.

Elena Podkaminskaya, born April 10, 1979 - Russian theater and film actress.

Greetings to new and regular readers! In the article “Aries: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrity” - about positive and negative qualities his character. Names of Aries famous in the world. Video.

Aries: character of the zodiac sign

A person born under this sign has pronounced leadership qualities. He takes on any task, regardless of the circumstances. He has been striving for freedom since childhood, so there is a high probability early care from my parents' house.

Often he develops arrogance, and at a young age, a desire to dominate everything. This zodiac sign is ruled by Mars, the warlike planet. Aries are by nature conquerors and pioneers.

Aries are born in spring, when the sun shines brightly. So they try to shine, and not shine all their lives. Men are smart businessmen, assertive businessmen, careerists. Women are not inferior to them in stubbornness; they stubbornly try to climb the career ladder. However, they may not have enough patience and may quickly burn out.

They depend on the opinions of loved ones. If the family is dissatisfied with their idea, they are able to abandon their plan. They are caring parents, love to play with their child, tell fairy tales, and they themselves tend to believe in miracles.

The element of this sign is Fire

Usually he does not close himself off to people, but, on the contrary, goes towards them. They are very stubborn both in achieving goals and in small things. And, nevertheless, you can always find a common language with them.

Bright, hot-tempered, stubborn Aries always strive to be the center of attention. For them, people are the backdrop against which they reveal themselves in all their glory. Energy makes them take on several things at once, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.

Therefore by nature good health Over time it begins to fail. They need a nanny partner who can live in their shadow, constantly admiring them. “Nanny” will take care of timely nutrition, sleep and rest for an overly active companion.

Aries are optimistic and do not like to lose heart and give up. The fire element inside forces them to continuously move forward. Sometimes, despite his naturally good health and tenacity of character, he turns out to be a dreamer.

Dreaming of fame, a representative of the fire element is able to lie on the couch without making any effort to make his dream come true. This happens when the position of the planets is unfavorable at the time of birth.

Aries - celebrities

As you can see, a unique company has gathered!

  • Charlie Chaplin
  • Elton John
  • Mstislav Rostropovich
  • Harry Houdini
  • Rafael Santi
  • Maria Sharapova
  • Leonardo da Vinci
  • Nikita Khrushchev
  • Alla Pugacheva
  • Catherine de' Medici
  • Irina Khakamada
  • Montserrat Caballe
  • Robert Kiyosaki
  • Jean-Paul Belmondo
  • Vincent van Gogh
  • Francisco Goya
  • Sergey Lavrov
  • Johann Sebastian Bach
  • Rene Descartes
  • Otto von Bismarck
  • Nikolai Gogol
  • Sergei Rachmaninov
  • Jackie Chan
  • Ivan Urgant
  • Dmitry Nagiev
  • Marlon Brando
  • Ronaldinho
  • Diana Ross
  • Claudia Cardinale
  • Hans Christian Andersen
  • Anastasia Vertinskaya
  • Simone Signoret