Why do you dream of a traffic light and a pedestrian crossing? Maly Velesov dream book

If you are wondering why you dream of crossing the road, popular interpreters will help you understand this issue. The meaning may vary depending on the details of the plot, as well as the events of reality. Both positive and negative interpretations are possible.

Interpretation for women

This is what the fair sex dreams of crossing the road:

  • For a young girl, a vision can symbolize leaving her parental home and entering an independent life. This may be due to studying in another city, going to work or getting married.
  • If a lady crossed a country road without asphalt in a dream, this means that no changes will happen in her life in the near future. To overcome a period of stagnation, you need to change the environment for a while.
  • If you are crossing a road in a countryside area surrounded by dense forest, it means you need a rest. Perhaps it is worth deciphering the dream literally and going into nature.
  • Crossing the road at a red light means for a girl a change of views and beliefs. You may want to radically change your life by leaving a relationship that does not bring you joy.

Interpretation for men

Why do representatives of the stronger sex dream of crossing the road? Such explanations are relevant for them.

  • Driving at a red traffic light - good sign for a man. This demonstrates his determination and fearlessness. No obstacles or problems will stop him on the path to achieving his goals.
  • If you were crossing the road when the light was green, it means that it is now very favorable time for decisive action. Everything should work out well.
  • If you can't cross the road due to heavy traffic, it means there are too many obstacles and competitors on your way. You should not go ahead - it will not bring results. Take a wait-and-see approach to accumulate energy for further activities.
  • If you cross the road in the direction from your home, this may portend a break in your relationship with the woman you love.
  • If you cross railway crossing, perhaps you will soon change your place of residence.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller's interpreter contains the following considerations about what one dreams of crossing the road to:

  • If you are crossing a rocky road, you will most likely have to face many difficulties on the way to your goal. The vision may also mean that you will find yourself in some unfamiliar place.
  • If you were crossing the road towards blooming garden or lush greenery, it means that you are doing something very good and it will definitely bring you success.
  • Crossing the road with a person of the opposite sex is a symbol that you will soon meet a life partner with whom you will build a strong and trusting relationship.
  • If, while crossing the road, you stumble, this means that in work or in relationships you will commit serious mistake, the consequences of which will be felt for a long time.

Vanga's Dream Book

This is what you dream about crossing the road in a dream, according to the famous soothsayer:

  • If the transition was tortuous, it means that you are choosing the wrong paths to achieve your goals. If you don’t rush, but learn to think and analyze the situation, then everything in life will be much easier for you.
  • If you can't find a crosswalk, it means that you don't fully understand what you want from life. Perhaps it's time to retire and do some introspection.
  • If you cross the road, deftly maneuvering between rushing cars, this symbolizes your ability to easily cope with any obstacles.
  • If dust kicked up under your feet while you were crossing the road, you should beware of deceivers. Someone will try to mislead you and take advantage of it.
  • If you are crossing a very wide empty road, this is a symbol of your loneliness. But the reason is not the indifference of others, but your isolation.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If you are wondering why you dream of crossing the road, take a look at the interpreter of Nostradamus. From it you will get the following information:

  • If the road you were crossing was completely empty and there was a deserted field on both sides, it means that you are a very secretive person. Your detachment from other people prevents you from living fully.
  • If the road was very dusty, it means someone will try to drag you into an adventure. In the near future, try not to agree to any offers related to financial investments, as well as those that require you high degree responsibility.
  • If you cross a railway track, this indicates your determination and absolute self-confidence.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

In Tsvetkov’s interpreter, the following is said about the plot in which you cross the roadway:

  • If the road is covered with snow so much that you can’t see the markings underneath, this means that you have a lot of problems and you don’t yet see a way out of the current situation.
  • If there was some kind of obstacle at the pedestrian crossing in the form of a partition or a large stone, this means that you have a secret ill-wisher who does not miss the opportunity to put a spoke in your wheels.
  • Lack of inspiration and imagination - this is what dreams of crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing mean. Everything in your life is going smoothly, but monotonously. You're pretty tired of this routine. It's time to experiment and bold decisions.
  • If, while crossing the road, you come across a high wall, this means that you have exhausted your resources in a certain type of activity. Most likely, it's time to open up to new opportunities.
  • If the road was slippery, this means that at the moment your actions are contrary to the law or moral principles.
  • If, when crossing the road, you cannot reach the opposite side, then you are doing something meaningless that does not bring you any moral pleasure or material well-being, no prospects for personal growth.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The interpreter Hasse contains the following information about dreams in which you had to cross the road:

  • If you go down a pedestrian crossing as if you were walking down stairs, this indicates your personal or professional degradation. Climbing upward means growth and movement towards success.
  • If the pedestrian crossing was very narrow, this means that you have to act in limited and cramped conditions.
  • An unexpected adventure - this is what you dream about crossing the railway. It may be related to a trip or a new acquaintance.
  • If the road you crossed was full of deep potholes, puddles, or even a swamp, this indicates how difficult it is for you to succeed.

Esoteric dream book

Here are the interpretations that can be found in Esoteric dream book:

  • The tendency to take unreasonable risks is what dreams of crossing the road with cars mean. You don't always have to rely on luck. We must act based on common sense.
  • If, after crossing a road, you immediately find yourself on another, and so on several times, this is a symbol of the fact that life is opening up opportunity after opportunity for you. Now is not the time to take a break. Make the most of your chances.
  • If in a dream you are lying on a pedestrian crossing, this is a symbol of your inaction. But it harms not only you, but also those around you, who to some extent depend on your actions and work results.

Road - a road in a broad sense can mean some process that is to be carried out or passed through. Many associations with the word “road” exist, reflected in stable phrases: “winding path”, “straight road”, “hard road”, “path”, “high road”, “beaten paths (roads)”, etc. It is these concepts that underlie the interpretation of dreams in which you saw a road. Seeing a crooked road in a dream means that you are moving through life in the wrong direction, and if you don’t come to your senses, you risk encountering big troubles. A straight and wide road in a dream - you are on the right, albeit not entirely easy, path in real life, and after a while you will have a stable job, a stable financial situation and a loving family, but for this you will still have to work a lot. Walking along a deserted road in a dream could be an indication that you are lonely and very worried. It seems to you that no one understands or loves you, but this is far from the case. If you lead the way, then in life, through your strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights, becoming a truly great person. But, having achieved a high position, do not turn away from friends and loved ones, remembering your difficult times. Walking along a dusty road means that there are many deceitful people around you, evil people, seeking to harm you by any means, to discredit your good name in the eyes of your loved ones. A narrow path - you will have to go through a difficult path to fame, a stable life and financial situation. But everything will work out in the end. Walking along a cobblestone road in a dream indicates that you are slowly but surely moving towards your goal. Losing your way in a dream will symbolize that you will make a mistake in solving some business issue and suffer financial losses as a result.

Road: wide, smooth, beautiful - success and glory; narrow and dirty - poverty and hard life; rocky and unfamiliar - new things that can bring a lot of losses if you are not careful. A road lined with trees and flowers is a sign of family comfort and mutual understanding between spouses and children. If you are walking along the road with friends - happy family life. To go astray is to make a mistake in some business matter, which will entail financial losses. Railway - does your business require special care?? activity and attention, enemies are trying to seize the initiative; barriers on the road, an obstacle - to treason. Walking on sleepers means anxiety, exhausting work; walking along the rail - to success in business thanks to your professional skills. For a girl railway- to travel with pleasant entertainment, as the dream book says about this dream.

The road - a straight wide road - is a symbol that you are on the right path. Walking along a deserted road is evidence of your loneliness; walking along a dusty road is a warning: there are many deceitful, evil people around you who are trying to harm you by any means. Paving the way is a sign that, thanks to strong character and hard work, you will achieve great heights

Descent - Temporary setbacks that will help you draw certain conclusions and accept the right decision. Going down a hill, stairs, an elevator, an escalator - you are looking for a foothold. Descent into the cave - trust your intuition, and you will find a way out of the situation. Coming down - be careful

Road, interpretation in Tsvetkov’s dream book. To walk along the path in sadness, hard work, to see a curve, in potholes, to losses, the railroad dreams of successful business, new sudden changes in business, crisis. And what does crossing the road mean? There is not a word about this.

Films of Phelomena. Crossing the road in a dream is rivalry and conflict in reality. Perhaps you became an obstacle to the implementation of someone’s idea or got involved in someone else’s business, perhaps without even knowing it. interpretation of sleep Road.

Pregnancy in a dream is one of the most popular interpretations in the dream book, since many women have this dream, regardless of whether they actually dream of having a child or, conversely, are afraid of it. Such dreams can predict pregnancy in reality or, conversely, do not indicate pregnancy at all. So, what do so many pregnancy dreams actually mean? It is possible that your dreams about pregnancy speak about its literal meaning. The dream books of Freud and Jung tend towards this.

Muslims have quite complex system ideas about the nature of death, the very moment of dying and what happens after death. According to the Islamic view of life after death, the soul of the deceased is placed behind the "obstacle" (Barzakh), and the body, interred, decomposes and eventually turns to dust. Only on Qiyamat (Judgment Day), by the will of Allah, will new bodies be created into which souls will rush. Revived in this way, people will stand before their Creator and be responsible for the deeds they carried out during their lives.

Aesop explains why such a dream occurs. Aesop's sonic testifies that crossing a road in a dream means in reality not having clear life goals. You should definitely think about what you would like to achieve and come up with a plan that you need to follow to find what you want. Clear plan guarantees half the success.

Crossing a dangerous intersection before finding yourself in a difficult life situation. Universal dream book recommends to have patience and strength and gradually solve all the problems that arise. If in a dream you managed to complete this journey without incident and calmly get out onto the sidewalk, then in life you will be able to cope with all the troubles.

Grishina’s interpreters have an explanation of why the railroad is broken in dreams. Grishina's dream book suggests that the poor condition of the tracks reflects your internal state. You cannot understand what you really want and how you can achieve it. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope with such a situation on your own. Contact a psychologist.

Miller explains why you dream of driving on a dirt road. In this case, Miller’s dream book warns that you will have to face many difficulties on the path to success. The more dirt you see in front of you in a dream, the more injustice and deception you will have to endure. But all trials will be rewarded.

If the road is smooth and wide, then the person is on the right path, but if the road is broken, winding and too narrow, this will symbolize obstacles on the way to the goal. You should also analyze what the person has been thinking about lately; maybe these thoughts became the cause of the dream. Dream interpretation is a comprehensive approach.

The symbol of a road in a dream is very broad in its interpretation and very important. The road to dreams reflects life path, therefore, after a person has woken up, one should carefully analyze what exactly the road was like in the dream.

If in a dream a person tries to cross the road, then this may symbolize the need to cross some border, overcome some obstacle or reach new level of your life. Or - choose new way your movement through life.

Dream Interpretation: Zebra pedestrian crossing - if you crossed the road at a pedestrian crossing in a dream, it means from now on in your life success will begin to alternate with failure, and joy with sadness. Don't worry, this period ends in better side for you.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a dream about a zebra would tell you that you need to make a choice. If you dreamed of a zebra, it means that before you decide something, think carefully and choose the only correct solution. The zebra also emphasizes the essence of life - the alternation of bad with good, good with bad, black with white.

Dream Interpretation: Why did you dream about a zebra - you are wasting your time, energy and nerves on solving unnecessary matters. Your hobby does not bring any benefit or even moral satisfaction, you only lose your health and your well-being worsens.

A road with obstacles - to be hampered by something, moving forward is negative sign in dreams. A rocky or dirt road always portends problems and difficulties. Too narrow road (trail) - sign disabilities in any situation (case). Animals or people who cross the road or block the path are competitors (rivals). On the road, water or a large puddle means getting bogged down in bits of problems.

Did you dream about a broken road? For the Interpretation of sleep, the necessary details. If the dreamer stands on the edge and looks down, the dream foreshadows the emergence of a difficult situation from which it will be extremely difficult to find a way out. Falling off a cliff in a dream means that in reality you will quarrel with your loved one on the basis of unfounded jealousy or commit a bad act, which you will later regret for a long time.

Difficult life events are foreshadowed by a dream in which a black road was carried out. Dirt on the way also does not bode well. According to the interpretation of the dream book, dirt on the road in a dream predicts unrest and possible losses. Did you have to walk along a dirt road in a dream? Perhaps the dreamer will lose the friendship of people close to him, and through his own fault.

A road with cars in a dream foreshadows imminent changes in life. If the dreamer himself is driving along the road in a car, it means that he controls his own destiny. But if in a dream the dreamer stands on the side of the road and looks at passing cars, then in this situation nothing depends on his actions.

Moving along the road - the dream speaks of your future progress. Dramatic professional changes are now possible. You can count on a new position and promotion. But it is worth noting that you can move along the road only by applying effort, and in life you will need to show yourself well now so that your success is rewarded by your superiors.

Notice the traffic on the road in your dream. So a dream in which there is heavy traffic on the road, cars or people are scurrying everywhere, then even smoothness asphalt pavement such a dream will not add a positive interpretation, because in reality an intense struggle awaits you. But sleeping with a road in the forest, a quiet path through a field, is a completely different matter.

The road goes into the distance, even beyond the horizon - an endless field, then your life is now going too openly. You probably trust too intimate secrets and put personal secrets on public display. On the one hand, this makes it easier for people to trust you, but on the other hand, it will be easier for enemies and envious people to fight against you.

It is worth paying attention to the slope of the road; if it is equal, then the changes will be insignificant and fate does not prepare serious tests for you. Driving on a road uphill - you will encounter serious obstacles. But moving downhill means that you will not experience problems in the upcoming changed conditions.

Why do you dream about transition?

Summer dream book

Use the transition - go towards the intended goal.

Why do you dream about transition?

Autumn dream book

Seeing in a dream how you are walking through an underground passage means overcoming some difficulties.

Why do you dream about transition?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light in a dream speaks of the unreality of your plans and means a changeable relationship in love.

Transition with a traffic light - in reality you will experience an upsurge of vital creative forces that will help you overcome all obstacles on the path to happiness.

Crossing a difficult intersection with heavy traffic - you will experience a feeling of annoyance and dissatisfaction with your position among your colleagues.

An underground passage means that in reality you will receive patronage, thanks to which you will quickly move up the career ladder.

Going through railway tracks- portends a delay in business due to the machinations of opponents who are trying to harm your enterprise in any way.

Why do you dream about transition?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Seeing a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light in a dream means you have to make an important decision on which the immediate future of your loved ones depends.

Seeing a pedestrian crossing with a traffic light in a dream - get the information you are interested in.

If in a dream you are crossing a complex intersection with heavy traffic, this dream means concern about your uncertain position.

Seeing an underground passage in a dream means that you will soon have an influential patron.

Crossing railroad tracks means that you will encounter minor obstacles on the way to achieving your intended goal.

Why do you dream about transition?

Dream interpretation book by S. Karatov

If you saw a zebra crossing across the street in a dream, then your life will become just as striped when luck gives way to problems.

But in the end, you will be able to successfully move to the successful side of your life.

If you saw an underground passage in a dream, then you will be able to expose the treachery of your enemies.

See also: why do you dream about a crossroads, why do you dream about a tunnel, why do you dream about a street.

Why do you dream about transition?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dreamed of a pedestrian crossing without a traffic light, then your life plans are unrealistic and in matters of love, not everything will be fine with you.

If you saw a transition with a traffic light in a dream, then you will soon have an upsurge of vital creative forces.

If you saw in a dream crossing a difficult intersection with heavy traffic, then you will experience a feeling of frustration and you will not be happy with your situation.

Why do you dream about transition?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does Transition mean in a dream - the desire for change.

Why do you dream about transition?

Dream book of symbols

Transition - manifests itself in its direct meaning in the role of transitional, intermediate processes, moods, situations and events in the life of the sleeper, and also gives choice and opportunity. And depending on their type (wide, easy or narrow, difficult passage) - indicates a positive or negative aspect of the intermediate stage of the oneironaut’s life. More significant is the symbolism of those spaces and situations with which these transitions connect the dreamer’s consciousness and where he ends up, where he ends up.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The dream has to do with the emotions, hidden talents, unfulfilled dreams and needs of the sleeping person. A picture with a good meaning promises the fulfillment of a cherished desire. An expressionless dream promises routine. The embodiment of a dream takes from one day to three years.

In life, we are faced with the need for long trips or short trips, besides, most people walk or take transport to work or school and back almost every day. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that we often dream about the road.

The road is included in the dream book as a symbol of change, dynamics and the search for answers to questions. To accurately answer what the road is in a dream about, you need to remember all the details of the dream.

The most common questions:

  • Why do you dream about the railway?
  • Why do you dream about a road located high in the mountains or in the middle of a forest?
  • Why do you dream about a snowy road?
  • Why do you dream of a dirty road or full of potholes?
  • What to expect if you dreamed of the road to the cemetery?

Let's look at these and other examples of dream plots.

Avid travelers dream about the railway quite often, being just a reflection of their daytime impressions. But what does it symbolize for ordinary people who are not keen on travel, trains and rarely visit other cities? To understand why you dream of a railway, you should remember its significant characteristics.

A railway in a dream is a symbol of goals and their implementation. Moreover, if you dream of a railway along which the dreamer is walking, a rapid change in life awaits him. And crossing railroad tracks means a lack of clear goals that worries a person.

In addition, it is important what kind of railway there was in the dream. Maybe the rails were rusty, or were they new and shiny? If the rails are old, then the methods of achieving your goals need to be updated; New rails dream of the successful implementation of plans.

When you dream of a railway going into an endless distance, the long journey to your cherished dream will end in success and joy. If you dreamed of a railway that abruptly ends, you need to add variety to your activities.

Why you dream of a railway along which an endless stream travels is more difficult to answer. If the dreamer himself was on the train and looked out the window, his development and improvement of his skills will soon begin to bear fruit. And if the dreamer watched the train from the side, this is a sign of inspiration and creative enthusiasm. Seeing a railway in a dream does not mean the best state of the emotional side of the dreamer’s life. You need to relax and pamper yourself more often.

Forest and mountain trails

To understand why he dreams of a road in the mountains or in a forest, the dreamer should ask himself how long ago he was in such places, whether he saw films the day before, or read books on this topic. Places, films, books are deposited in the subconscious and appear in dreams, without meaning anything specific. If none of the above happened, you can try to answer the question “Why do you dream about a road in the mountains or in a forest?”, based on the details of the dream.

Roads in the mountains are completely different in dreams: covered with ice, steep, narrow, wide, littered with stones. In the dream book, a road in the mountains is included as a symbol of achievement.

If you dreamed of an icy road, then you should pay attention to the difficulty of the transition. In the case when the dreamer does not slip and walks easily on the ice, despite great difficulties and an unstable situation, he will cope with all issues in life with honor.

If the road is very slippery, it’s hard to take every step and the dreamer fell several times, you should beware external influence, especially “slippery” people. And if the road is icy, but the person refrained from falling at the last moment, there will be anxious moments in reality, but you should not worry, everything will end well.

  • A long wide mountain road symbolizes space and peace of mind. Long narrow is a good period for planning your activities.
  • A narrow road, the continuation of which is blocked by a turn - you should not think about distant future events in the near future.
  • If a wide road stretches and then breaks off, large investments in a promising enterprise may not give what the dreamer wants, it is better to take a more careful approach to considering possible problems.

Walking along a mountain road among huge blocks of stones - perhaps the dreamer has chosen the wrong path in life; there is still time to reconsider his principles and ways of satisfying his desires. A very steep climb up the mountain is a symbol of the need to expend a lot of effort to achieve success.

Occasionally, there is such a scenario when stones begin to fall from above, and a person has to run and look for a safe place - unforeseen circumstances will force one to act faster, and this can reduce the quality of the tasks performed. The dream book advises you to take a more responsible approach to your connections and activities in reality.

Make regular trips by bus between familiar points in your city - everyday affairs will go smoothly and easily. If it was pleasant to ride on the bus, this is good news.

The long journey that the dreamer set off on on his own symbolizes the desire for global change. Riding in the driver's seat with your eyes closed is a passive position in relation to your own life. If the dreamer had to drive in the driver’s seat, but he does not know how to drive, there is a feeling of anxiety about the lack of knowledge to do things in reality. Engage in development, read more and visit places where you can make useful connections.

Seeing how cars drive around the dreamer if he had to walk along the roadway - perseverance and endurance will help to cope with any problems in reality. Maybe in a dream you happened to see someone being hit by a car? The experiences of others should be taken into account.

Why you dream of running along the road depends on why the dreamer ran and on the quality of the road. So, running along the road in a dream from a pursuer is empty fears; running after something important, afraid of being late, is a turmoil. The dreamer should calm down and do things consistently. The better the road, the easier it is to achieve your goals.

Unusual stories

A cable car located high above the ground along which the dreamer had to walk is a sign of great risk and great opportunity. The cable car is very tightly intertwined with anxiety, a suspended state. If the cable car is fragile, the risk is not justified.

If the cable car breaks, there is uncertainty and regret. Don't worry in vain, analyze the past and create the future, taking into account mistakes. The cable car along which other people walked - someone close to you needs support.

Dreams in which it appears are not very pleasant, although this is a groundless prejudice, since the cemetery is a positive symbol. In the dream book, the road leading to the cemetery is included as an awareness of the past. And if the dreamer had to wander along cemetery paths - finding a real path in life.

  • A wide road with huge holes through which the dreamer literally flies - a person already has all the opportunities to overcome problems.
  • A long journey for which nothing is prepared and a person does everything at the last moment - reluctance to change, attempts to slow down development. Cast aside your fears and boldly hit the road.
  • When you get lost, looking for the right direction means doubting yourself and others.
  • Looking for something lost on the roadway, in danger of being hit by cars, is unreasonably putting your business at risk.
  • Seeing how the wide road disappears under is unforeseen large-scale positive changes.
  • To see in a dream a road from which cars fall one after another into a road - in reality the dreamer is observing an example of reckless behavior; it is better not to repeat it after others, but to choose your own direction.

The road in the dream book has many interpretations, and they are positive, associated with changes and decisions on important matters. Any change can be beneficial to a person if he can understand how best to use his powers at the right moment.

A road is a path from something to something, movement, development. But it may also be that it serves as a kind of barrier or boundary. In this case, in a dream you do not walk (drive) along it, but cross it. The road can be any: a narrow path, a sidewalk or a multi-lane tarsus, the essence remains the same. Crossing the road is crossing a certain sidewalk, or the inability to overcome it if it is impossible to cross the road.

Who or what is on the other side? And what do you experience in a dream in relation to such a situation? It happens that it is difficult to cross the road in a dream, for example, the flow of cars is in the way. This can be interpreted as some kind of psychological or some other barrier that prevents you from doing something important in reality. It’s worth taking a closer look at your unmet needs. You really want to cross this road, but on the other side you see a loved one. You probably actually have a certain coldness in your relationship, and you want to get closer to this person. Or on the other side is your house or hometown, but you cannot get into it, although you crave it. This may be due to homesickness. How do you feel in the place where you live now? Where would you like to live? On the other side cheerful company- You may feel lonely. There it is sunny and warm, but here it is damp and uncomfortable - probably in reality some discomfort is felt.

It could be different: you don't want to end up on the opposite side. It's scary, dark, damp, lonely... But here you are quite comfortable. Moreover, you don't want anyone or anything to pass from the other side to you. In this case, the road means protection. If unpleasant characters or things from the other side cannot cross the road and get to you, you feel protected, although you know that there is danger. Maybe this is yours close person protects you. And you know it. Tell him thank you! Admit that you love him, early in the morning! It may also be that those from whom you should expect trouble simply do not notice you. Your boss didn’t catch you playing solitaire, for example))) Simply put, you are sure that your success is the result of luck.
It’s another matter if dangers pass to you unhindered. Some decrepit old woman with a creepy look, for example, or a black cloud. You probably feel tired, powerless, a helpless desire to stop this. Someone is violating your personal boundaries, trying to get into your soul, manipulating you. You feel it. It is possible that this is an illusion, but it is worth taking a closer look at who you are afraid of and why. It is possible that guests from the other side may symbolize inevitable unpleasant events. Again, they may seem inevitable only to you, you should pay attention to this.

It happens that in a dream you are in some comfortable, pleasant place - in a city, for example - but you completely voluntarily leave this city, crossing the road. Although, maybe not entirely voluntarily... You crossed the road, and it’s uncomfortable, somehow chilly, you don’t know what awaits you. You have stepped out of your comfort zone in reality. This means that you have decided, are ready, or are forced to do something unusual. Stereotypes are broken miserably or seriously questioned. Although, you may resist such changes if you yourself have not decided to change something. But you also need to break, and endure troubles, for the sake of future success. A new habit, disappointment in a belief, giving up something, a new daily routine - all this disrupts your comfortable state, forces you to adapt and develop immunity.

The same role of barrier and protection can be played by a doorway, a gate - in general, everything that needs to be crossed, stepped over, crossed.

Interpretations and discussions