Blowing out the sewer. How to clean sewer pipes in different ways

The sewer system is one of the important utilities of the building, which residents use constantly. For this reason, blockages occur frequently. It is advisable for owners of apartments and households to have information on what and how to clean sewer pipes and with what tools.

Determining the location of the blockage

It is better to prevent the need for sewer cleaning in a private home in advance than to fix a problem with its functioning in emergency procedure. Measures related to regular prevention of blockages can reduce the likelihood of their occurrence to a minimum.

Finding a place where the sewage drainage system is clogged is often a difficult task, especially if it is not done by a professional. Usually, a clogged sewer in a private home does not happen instantly - the garbage collects gradually. It accumulates in some place in the pipe and prevents the free movement of liquid through it.

Thus, the main sign of the formation of a traffic jam and the fact that sewer blockages will soon need to be cleared is a violation of the drainage from plumbing fixtures. A disgusting smell from the pipeline due to the fact that dirt and solid fractions have accumulated inside it in the presence of a water seal appears very rarely if the system is in a neglected state.

As a result, water, if a dense blockage forms, stops leaving the sink and toilet and remains there. Often the reason for the need to clean sewer pipes is the irresponsible flushing of small household waste and ordinary paper down the drain. To prevent an accident, the problem should be resolved promptly.

Water seal present:

  1. On sinks, sinks, trays in bathrooms and shower rooms by using siphons.
  2. Drains are installed in laundry rooms, bathrooms, garages and washrooms.
  3. Toilets are equipped with a built-in elbow.
  4. In washing and dishwashers it is organized using a drain hose with a lift, or using a special device.

It is water seals that are considered to be the place where garbage plugs accumulate most often. These elements are available in every sewer system, except for primitive drainage structures that are laid in some summer cottages.

The main causes of sewer obstruction

To ensure high-quality and safe cleaning of sewer pipes in a private home in order to eliminate a garbage blockage, it is first of all important to find out why it appeared.

After finding out the reason, it will be clear how to clean sewer pipes at home on our own. The culprits for the formation of plugs in waste liquid removal systems are various objects, for example, pieces of toilet soap.

There are the following causes of clogged drains:

  1. Ingress of debris, hair, paper.
  2. Layering of salt and fat deposits.
  3. Soap jam formation.
  4. Mistakes made during the design and installation of the system.

Presence of foreign objects in the sewer system

Often, the problem of how to clear a severe clog in the sewer has to be solved due to various objects getting into it. Once stuck inside, they become a place where another type of debris accumulates.

Hair caught in a sink or bathtub drain can cause a lot of trouble. In large quantities, they are woven into a knot that cannot be dealt with only with a stream of hot water.

The method of how to clean a sewer pipe in a private house involves the use of a mechanical method or special means. You need to know that even toilet paper can cause serious blockage in the drainage system.

Layering of salt and fat deposits

A narrowing of the passage inside the pipes can occur due to the layering of deposits on their walls from different types waste of inorganic and organic origin and then you need to immediately decide how to flush the sewer pipes.

A thick coating inside the drain structure may appear as a result of the settling and adhesion of fat particles on it. inner surface. One of the common causes of blockages in pipes is the use of hard water in household activities, which collects salt deposits much faster. Metal pipelines especially suffer from this.

Soap jam formation

Soap clogs are caused by frequent use of soap and water in the bathroom or sink. They are quite difficult to get rid of because, once in the sewer, the soapy liquid mixes with other debris and hardens in the pipe in the form of a plug. In this case, it is not easy to find the answer to how to break through a sewer pipe at home.

Errors in design and installation

The cause of frequent blockages in the sewer system may be errors and miscalculations that were made during the design or installation process engineering communications. As a result, problem areas for the passage of liquid are created. There is always a high risk of debris jams in them.

In such cases, there is no point in finding a solution to the question of how to clean a sewer pipe in a private house, since serious repairs or new installation the entire system. Otherwise, the owners will have to regularly deal with the consequences of mistakes made.

Effective methods for cleaning drains in a private home

If preventive measures turned out to be useless and it was not possible to prevent the formation of a traffic jam, it is necessary to take measures to clean the sewer pipes in a private house.

There are several types of ways to deal with blockages in the wastewater disposal system:

  • thermal;
  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • hydrodynamic.

Each of them has its own characteristics and approaches to deal with the causes of blockages and blockages in the sewer system. A combination of some methods is also allowed when cleaning pipes, both at the dacha and in your own household. Especially if, when serious problems arise, you need to find a method for quickly cleaning the sewer.

Using hot water

Especially often, soap deposits accumulate on pipes in bathrooms and bathrooms. You can quickly deal with them by flushing the drain with hot water, to which you can add baking soda for greater effectiveness. In this case, the blockage usually does not cause any particular problems.

You just need to take into account that before flushing the sewer in a private house with boiling water, you need to prepare enough liquid in a volume of several buckets. Similarly, you can deal with fatty deposits on kitchen plumbing fixtures.

When there is no opportunity or desire to disassemble the pipes in order to get as close as possible to the problem area, you can use a hose and send a stream of hot liquid through it into the pipeline.

Mechanical cleaning

It’s quite difficult to deal with it without help, so you have to either call a plumber or ask a partner to help. Of all the methods on how to clean a sewer yourself, this is considered the most difficult and should be familiarized with before starting work.

Cables for plumbing are different and differ in their parameters and other characteristics, including:

  • dimensions - length and diameter;
  • appearance- cable or coiled spring;
  • the presence of additional devices - with tips in the shape of a ball, spiral or without them at all.

If, when deciding how to clean sewer pipes in a private house, you choose a cable with a spiral, then you need to know that it screws well into the clog and often allows you to pull out the plug. In turn, a cable with a ball is used mainly to push the garbage further, having previously broken it into several parts.

It should not be forgotten that the cable does not pass through right angle turns and siphons. Therefore, it must be introduced through the connection point of the plumbing fixture to the drainage system or through special revisions, such as a tee with a screw plug, which are installed on sewer pipes.

If the device has a small diameter compared to the cross-section of the pipe, then it can pass through 90-degree turns in the system, but it will feel like the cable is resting on something solid. Then, after overcoming the turn, he will begin to move freely.

When a cable is selected as a tool for cleaning sewer pipes, you should proceed in stages:

  1. The device is unwound and inserted into a suitable hole in the sewer network.
  2. When pushing it, you need to act with a slight twist until it reaches the blockage that has formed. The main thing is not to confuse the problem area and the place where the pipes are connected.
  3. To make it clear that the goal has been achieved and that a 90-degree turn or joint has not been hit, it is necessary to perform a back-and-forth motion using a scrolling tool. When the cable reaches the blockage, it begins to resist rotational movements.
  4. If, when solving the problem of how to clean sewer pipes, you choose a device without a tip or with a ball, then you need to try to push the plug as far as possible, breaking it into several parts. You can make sure that the blockage is broken only by carefully filling the pipes with water.
  5. When, before breaking through a sewer in a private house, a device with a spiral tip is selected. You should try to pick up the garbage with it and pull it out.
  6. If the problem has been resolved, the tool is carefully removed from the pipe and after deciding what to flush the sewer with - boiled water or a chemical composition - they begin to completely destroy traces of the blockage.

When using a cable made in the form of a spring, you should not allow it to twist, as in this case it may break or be placed inside the pipe in a spiral, and this will not allow it to be cleaned, but will only create additional problems.

Use of chemicals

Usage chemical compositions is a method for cleaning sewer pipes from grease and blockages, but only for the purpose of prevention or completing their cleaning in another way to consolidate the primary result.

In order not to cause harm to health or damage to the wastewater disposal system when using them, you need to know about the peculiarities of using chemicals and adhere to certain rules:

  1. Due to the specific nature of different components, they can damage communications. This feature must be taken into account when choosing a composition for flushing a sewer in a private house, depending on the specific type of pipe product.
  2. When working with chemicals, be sure to follow the precautions that are usually listed on the product packaging, since many of them emit toxic fumes.
  3. Before cleaning the sewer system in an apartment, household or country house, certain conditions must be created in the room. It should be well ventilated.

When purchasing chemicals for cleaning plumbing, you need to carefully read the instructions. According to it, a certain volume of the drug is poured down the drain. Then, after the time specified in the instructions, rinsing is done using a strong water stream, which can be either cold or warm.

Cleaning sewer pipes using a hydrodynamic method

This method of cleaning a sewer pipe is the most radical of all those used. In this case, the blockage is removed with a jet of water under high pressure. For implementation this method should be applied special equipment, which is available to professionals working in this field.

Prevention of blockages and their prevention

Today there are a large number of the most different methods, providing an effective fight against blockages and garbage jams. But it is better to avoid a situation where drastic measures need to be taken. All communications require care and timely prevention, and sewer pipes are no exception.

You need to follow certain rules:

  1. Do not send poorly soluble substances down the drain.
  2. Install sewer pipelines at a slight slope.
  3. At least once a week, flush your plumbing drains with boiling water for several minutes.
  4. Install special grates in drains.
  5. When your drain is clogged, you don’t have to call a plumber. You should try cleaning it yourself first. To do this, you can use folk remedies for cleaning sewer pipes - table vinegar and soda.
By preventing blockages and avoiding labor-intensive measures to eliminate them, you will be able to save not only a lot of time, but also money.

All household waste goes through sewer pipes. Everyone gets food debris, hair and other debris into the water. All this causes blockages even in smooth plastic pipes. Tips on how to clean a sewer at home will help you cope with the situation yourself.

A clogged kitchen drain is a common situation.

What causes a blockage to appear?

Water standing in the sink or bathtub and the appearance of an unpleasant odor are signs of a blockage in the sewer pipe. Common reasons for its appearance are:

  • operating a kitchen sink without a mesh;
  • large debris getting into the toilet;
  • fat accumulation in the pipes;
  • insufficient slope of the sewer line.
  • V autonomous system Freezing of a section of pipe or damage to the system may occur.

When using cast iron pipes over time, their diameter significantly decreases due to deposits and corrosion on the walls. A line with a cross-section smaller than the required one quickly becomes clogged and requires thorough cleaning.

Attention. Areas prone to frequent clogs include: kitchen sink, bathtub, and toilet drains.

Simple ways to deal with blockages

The sewer system in a private house is clogged, what should I do to quickly restore its operation? This question arises for everyone from time to time. Removing a garbage jam does not always require the use of complex methods and special tools, it’s worth trying to solve the problem with simple and accessible means.


Every family has this common plumbing tool. It consists of smooth wooden handle and a rubber bowl at the end. Cleaning sewer pipes with a plunger is performed according to the following scheme:

  • If there is not enough water in the sink, you should fill it up to the height of the bowl.
  • The device is pressed against the drain hole, and translational movements are made up and down.
  • Next, the plunger rises sharply; if the water quickly flows into the hole, then the work is finished. If necessary, movements with the device are repeated several times.

The pressure created by the plunger forces the debris to move and continue moving through the pipe.

Using a plunger to break through a clog in the toilet

Advice. If there is an overflow, it is necessary to close the hole with a plug, otherwise it will not be possible to create pressure in the system.

Draining boiling water

The main reason for clogged pipes in the kitchen is a large amount of grease settling on the walls. Hot water effectively dissolves such deposits, so it is worth opening a hot tap and trying to flush the system.

Helps dissolve fat folk remedy– a solution of soda and vinegar. This method is very simple and everything you need is in the kitchen. Before cleaning the drain with soda and vinegar, you need to prepare a rag to plug the drain. To work you will need:

  • a glass of soda;
  • a glass of 9% vinegar;
  • cork.

Soda is poured into the dry sink drain and vinegar is poured. The hole is quickly closed with the prepared object. The substances enter into a violent reaction, during which deposits on the walls of the pipes are broken down. An equally effective substitute for vinegar would be citric acid, which gives an active reaction when interacting with soda. After some time, the drain is flushed with hot water.

Pipe cleaning methods

All measures to clear pipes from blockages are carried out in one of three ways:

  • mechanical cleaning - performed using a special tool;
  • chemical cleaning - active reagents in the form of powder, solution or gel decompose waste;
  • hydrodynamic cleaning - operates using water pressure under pressure.

Mechanical tools

The use of a plunger is also considered mechanical cleaning; if its use does not produce results, they move on to a plumbing cable. It allows you to deal with debris that has accumulated at a great distance from the drain. The sewer cleaning cable is made independently from metal wire. The factory version is made of a flexible spiral and ends with a handle. You can enter it through the inspection hatch, or by removing the siphon under the sink.

Plumbing cables vary in diameter and length; for use in a private home, a tool with a cross-section of 6-9 mm and a length of 5-6 meters is sufficient. To increase the efficiency of use, toilet attachments in the form of a brush or hook are offered for the cable. The work is performed in a certain sequence:

  1. It is necessary to cover the floor in the place of work plastic film, and put gloves on your hands. Preparatory activities will protect against contamination by sewage that may flow from the pipe.
  2. The tip of the cable is inserted into the pipe and carefully pushed inside. During movement, the tool is rotated in one direction.
  3. When the cable reaches an obstacle, they try to break it into separate fragments using forward movements.
  4. If there is a major blockage, the cable is removed and cleaned several times. Mechanical sewer cleaning ends by pouring a large volume of hot water into the system.

Advice. A soft spring cable is suitable for cleaning plastic pipes; it will not damage the walls of the pipeline.

Cleaning pipes with a cable

There are electric cables that can be used to clean sewer pipes with your own hands in difficult situations. The device has a drum, a pistol-type handle and a set of attachments. The device is placed in the pipe and works like a drill, destroying any blockage.

Preparations for chemical cleaning

Sewer blockages are divided into several types:

  • mechanical - occur as a result of large debris entering the system;
  • technological - appear when pipes wear out or design errors;
  • operational - accumulate during the use of the pipeline.

If an object that has entered the system can only be removed mechanically, then the operational blockage can be treated with special means. It usually occurs due to the deposition of fat on the walls, which attracts and retains various small debris.

Alkaline preparations

Cleaning sewer pipes at home is possible without using tools or unscrewing fittings. To do this you need to use one of the chemicals, presented in huge quantities. The preparations have different consistencies:

  • powder - dry substance is easily poured inside the pipe;
  • gel is an economical and effective product that covers the entire surface of the walls and flows slowly;
  • liquid - used for complex blockages.

Any chemical is aggressive; before using it, you should wear gloves and leave the room after application so as not to inhale the fumes.

Advice. Do not leave the drug in the pipes longer than the manufacturer recommends. The active substance may damage the sewer material. After use, the line is washed with water.

Acids and alkalis are used to remove blockages; one of these substances is caustic soda, used for cleaning sewers. It easily corrodes organic compounds, so it should be handled with care. The drug may cause chemical burns. They work with it wearing gloves and goggles, and there should be constant access to fresh air in the room. The technology for cleaning with soda is very simple: two tablespoons of caustic soda are poured into the drain and poured with a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, the drain is washed with water.

The popular sewer pipe cleaner “Mole” is made on the basis of caustic soda. It is used to remove deposits and prevent. Treatment with the composition 1-2 times a month will rid the pipes of grease and food debris.

Safe way adding alkali

Granular products

“Floop” is a preparation in the form of granules, produced in two types: for use with cold and hot water. The powder is poured into the drain in the recommended amount and filled with water. The action time is 3-15 minutes, the pipe field is washed with plenty of water. The drug removes limescale, fibers and food debris.

“Pothan” is a potent drug that dissolves paper, hair, and grease. Do not allow it to come into contact with skin, clothing or surrounding objects. The powder is poured into a dry drain and after 3 minutes, poured with hot water. After another 3 minutes, rinse the pipe with warm water.

When choosing a chemical to clear clogs in sewer pipes, you should consider the recommendations for use for various materials.

Gels for sewerage

Among gel preparations, “Mr. Muscle” and “Tiret” are popular. Both products are universal and can be used for plastic and metal pipelines. Gels are effective for minor blockages and as a preventive measure.

An effective way to remove plaque and debris plugs is to clean the sewer using a hydrodynamic method. To perform this, it is necessary to direct a hose with a metal tip and nozzles from the system. Water is supplied into it under high pressure, which is directed through nozzles onto the walls of the pipes. To operate, you need a pump that pumps up to 190 MPa. The movement of the nozzle is carried out due to jet thrust jets directed in the opposite direction. The nozzle breaks through the drain, and the water removes sediment.

Efficiency of using the hydrodynamic method

Advice. The hydrodynamic method is safe and productive, it is suitable for any type of pipe.

Execute hydrodynamic elimination If there is a blockage, you can purchase a sewer cleaning machine. This unit has various sizes and modifications:

  • manual - work like household pump with hose;
  • gasoline - powerful and effective devices cope with blockages in large diameter pipes;
  • drum - powered by electricity, used for internal and external sewerage networks.

Regular maintenance of sewer pipes will eliminate the need to deal with blockages.

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Clogging of the drain occurs even with the most careful use. This is a big nuisance that is sometimes not very easy to deal with. Sewage system - a pipeline running from the taps and toilet to drain hole. You can prevent blockages in different ways, but it is still better to try to avoid such situations. Let's look at what causes blockages in pipes, how to clean pipes, and what the most effective methods are.

Causes of clogged pipes

The cause of any blockage is the accumulation of foreign substances in a specific place. They block the passage of water. The most common sources of such cases are:

  • paper - toilet paper does not very often cause a blockage, it is quite soft and dissolves in water, we are talking about newsprint, it collects in a lump in places where pipes turn or before the toilet flushes;
  • rags - these items end up in the sewer system when emptying buckets or basins after cleaning the room or when directly flushing the machine into the toilet - compressed fibers can tightly clog the drain;
  • wool and hair are a common cause of clogged pipes under shower stalls and bathtubs;
  • sand and earth particles - they end up in the system after washing shoes or animal paws, these substances are collected in the siphon;
  • fat - not only after washing dishes, fat ends up in the pipes, clogging the sewer, this also means soap containing a certain amount of fat, body fat Most often they form in the knees; in these places, the drained water sits for some time and fat is deposited on the walls of the sewer pipes.

There are many more reasons for clogged sewer systems, but this is when we talk about multi-apartment high-rises, whose residents often dispose of food waste, cat litter and similar things down the drain. In private homes, the attitude towards drainage is more reverent. Therefore, these reasons are the most common in a private home.

How to clear clogged pipes at home, the necessary tools and equipment

Finding out the cause of the blockage, especially if it occurred against the background of relatively stable sewerage operation, is not difficult. It is enough to find out from each family member whether any actions have been taken in relation to the toilet? Did a large amount of toilet paper, or a sponge, or any other item get there? Typically, the answer will clarify everything.

If water flows with force for a long time, for a long time, and the rest of the plumbing fixtures are working properly, it means that the blockage has occurred specifically in the place of the siphon, elbows or outlet of this plumbing item. Gradually settling substances, fat, food residues after washing dishes slowly but steadily worsen the quality of waste water, clogging the drain.

If the blockage happened unexpectedly without objective reasons, you can find out the location using plumbing fixtures. You should see which item has reduced the quality of throughput and look for the reason in this place.

Ways to remove blockages

At the moment, there are many effective and efficient ways to remove blockages. From old-fashioned methods using soda, before using the latest household chemicals for cleaning pipes.

Even though sewer system will be equipped with special filters, it is not always possible to avoid clogging. Perhaps, at least once in their life, everyone has encountered a similar problem. Don't despair. There are three main ways to remove a blockage, and knowledge of the theory will help you apply the methods in practice and remove the blockage even before the substances in the pipe become seriously compacted.

These are the options:

  • chemical method using special household chemicals;
  • mechanical method using devices and tools;
  • hydrodynamic method using high water pressure.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular options.

Chemical methods for removing blockages

The use of modern chemicals allows you to quickly and effectively deal with a large number of blockages. You can see it in stores huge assortment a product such that you might not be able to figure it out without outside help. The products are sold in various forms:

  • liquid;
  • gel-like;
  • granular;
  • powdery.

The similarity between all these forms is in the main component - the basis of each remedy is caustic soda. Thanks to the substance, you can easily dissolve fat, small debris, and organic deposits.

This method of removing blockages is considered very fast. Chemical ingredients, spreading through the sewer system, envelop the inner surface of the pipes and break down organic deposits. So when trying to clear clogged pipes, you should give preference to liquid products. Solid and powdery ones act on deposits or blockages fragmentarily and only partially remove accumulations. There is no point in chasing a brand when purchasing such a product; caustic soda is equally effective in combating blockages in a product from any manufacturer.

When purchasing a product, pay attention not to the price, but to the consistency.

But it should be understood that not all pipes can withstand the aggressive effects of chemicals. Depending on the material from which the pipes are made, you should buy the product. Caustic soda should be used wisely so as not to harm the integrity of the pipes and human health.

There are strict rules when using household chemicals:

  • to avoid serious chemical burns, you can only work with drugs while wearing gloves;
  • It is highly advisable to use a respirator to protect the respiratory system from toxic fumes.

You can use chemicals to remove blockages and prevent their occurrence. For example, when using drugs once every ten days, you can completely protect the sewer system from blockages. Fats simply will not be able to have time to be deposited and accumulate, retain other debris and clump together.

Mechanical methods for clearing blockages

Mechanical methods of blockage are carried out using some devices or objects. Let's look at the most popular options:

  • if you know exactly what caused the “sharp” blockage, you can remove the item with your hands, protecting them with rubber gloves; if you don’t have gloves, wear plastic bags;
  • if you fail to reach the object with your hands, you can use a rigid wire with a bent end in the form of a hook;
  • using a plunger, hydraulic shocks can push the blockage out of the narrowest area;
  • a plastic bottle can replace a plunger if you don’t have one.

If mechanical methods were not effective, a chemical method is used.

How to effectively deal with clogged bathroom pipes at home

Clogs in the bathroom can be caused by clumps of hair, soap residue, dirt, animal hair, and similar items. In this case, clogging occurs gradually: at first the water drains more slowly, then poorly, and as a result, it may not drain at all. This can cause big trouble. But before you call a specialist, you should try to clear the blockage in the pipes yourself.

Typically at home effective means To remove a clogged fragment of the system, use a plunger. This device is only effective when cleaning the bathtub. The algorithm for solving the problem is as follows:

  • To ensure that the water pressure does not decrease during operation of the plunger, the overflow hole is clogged and water is drawn in;
  • Place the plunger over the drain hole and press rhythmically to create high pressure, the plunger is removed abruptly, this forces the stray lump - the cause of the blockage - to move from its place and cease to be a monolithic mass;
  • if there are no changes, it is recommended to pour it into drain pipe boiling water and after a short time repeat the steps with the plunger.

As a rule, such manipulations will help to influence the blockage and eliminate it without contacting a plumber. Using boiling water will ensure that the clog is broken through.

There are other options for removing clogs in the bathroom. You need to know them in order to promptly and effectively influence an unpleasant situation.

No less effective is the use of a plumbing cable: this is a thick, rigid wire with a spiral. The tool is used as follows:

  • a bucket or any other container should be placed directly under the siphon;
  • carefully dismantle the siphon and inspect it to see if it is clogged with debris, clean it if necessary;
  • install the siphon in place;
  • if nothing has changed and the water drains slowly or does not drain at all, then the pipes need to be cleaned;
  • the siphon is removed again and plumbing cable plunges into the pipe;
  • as soon as the cable hits something that offers resistance, turn the tool to the right and jerk, pull out the device and clear the debris from the end of the cable;
  • there is no need to act with force, otherwise the device may break in the system or damage the integrity of the pipes.

Should be cleaned very carefully plastic pipes, since there is a risk of damage.

How to clear clogged pipes in the kitchen at home

You can clear a clogged pipe in the kitchen using any of the following methods. Or you can use folk methods that give effect. Here are some of them:

  • Using soda and vinegar is a simple, economical and effective option: take soda and vinegar in equal quantities, pour soda into the drain hole, pour vinegar on top, close the hole for a couple of hours, after this time you need to pour hot water into the drain hole. This is an inexpensive method that will clear the blockage and will not damage the structure of the pipes. This method can also be used to prevent blockages in the future.
  • Heat the soda in a dry frying pan for about twenty minutes, cool and dissolve in water, pour into the pipe. In terms of effectiveness, this method is comparable to a chemical pipe cleaner, but while providing the same effect, it is gentle.
  • Using lemon is safe and reliable option clearing the blockage. Squeeze the juice of one lemon or pour a bag of lemon juice into the drain hole.
  • The concentrated saline solution also helps remove foreign matter from the pipes, including this method It is preferable to use a plunger.

How to clear clogged pipes at home without ruining them

When trying to remove a blockage, you should remember that the irrational use of chemicals can cause failure of plumbing equipment. Using products without taking into account the characteristics of pipes and their material can damage structures. Therefore, you need to choose a household chemical to remove the blockage taking into account the material from which the system is made and the type of blockage. Metal or cast iron pipes clog faster, are susceptible to corrosion and easily accumulate deposits on the walls. Plastic pipes become clogged less frequently and are easier to clear. A plunger or chemicals effectively clean these types of pipes. Mechanical or chemical methods more suitable for metal pipes.

Cleaning plastic pipes

Due to their smooth internal surface, plastic pipes are less likely to become clogged, unlike cast iron pipes. But if a blockage occurs, then most likely it is either a bend or a turn in the system. This type of pipe can be cleaned using chemicals intended for plastic. In general, the means for cleaning pipes have already been listed, to summarize, we can say that the blockage is eliminated as follows:

  • special chemicals, often when one has a bad result, another remedy is used, and it gives results;
  • traditional methods;
  • plunger;
  • mechanical means - extremely carefully.

Preventing blockages

To avoid blockages, preventive maintenance should be carried out systematically. A set of preventive actions will help avoid troubles associated with clogged pipes and eliminating the defect. It is recommended to install special catchers - filters and fine mesh. All turns, elbows and joints should be equipped with inspection hatches and openings to monitor the condition of the pipes.

For prevention, the system is periodically washed with boiling water, solutions of soda and vinegar. Care should be taken to ensure that large particles of debris do not enter the sewer system along with water. Taking these simple measures will help keep the sewer system in order.

If you still have questions about how to clear the blockage yourself, watch the video on how to clear a drain at home and feel free to start eliminating the troubles. Do it yourself this work quite affordable.

Everyone who does not use special devices in the form from time to time encounters such a problem as sewer blockage. This can happen both in an apartment and in a private house. Many people fix this problem with the help of specialists. But what to do if this happened, for example, on a holiday. Of course, there is a very low probability that the master will still respond to the call. That is why it is necessary to be able to cope with this situation on your own. In this article we will list several effective and proven ways, How clear the blockage sewerage in an apartment and private house without the help of professionals.

Causes of sewer blockage

Usually the sewer becomes clogged at the most inopportune moment. More often this happens to residents of apartments with old communications. Especially when it comes to old ones. This nuisance is associated both with the structural features of the sewer system itself and with the human factor. The first harbinger The future problem will be slow drainage of water and, possibly, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the drain hole. There are five main factors contributing to pipe clogging:

  • Fat blockages– account for 70-80% of all unpleasant cases. The largest amount of grease clogs are supplied to the sewer system by washing machines and dishwashers, as well as. This case is relevant both for residents of high-rise buildings and for owners of private cottages. Fat deposits gradually accumulate over many years before leading to serious consequences. The accumulation period depends on the quality of the pipe material and the correct installation. Fat deposits are heterogeneous in thickness. Their internal diameter is softer and has a jelly-like consistency, while the outer one, which adjoins directly to the inner wall of the pipe, is very hard. This is explained by the fact that it is gradually reinforced with various fibers that fall into the drains. This could be small threads after washing clothes, hair, particles of undissolved powder and much more. Plus, these stable formations attract and absorb mineral salts from wastewater, which makes them even denser. If your sewer system is in addition leaky or it is designed in such a way that there is a draft that travels through the pipes, the fat layer will dry out and thicken even more. The presence of a draft is not the main reason for hardening. This can also occur due to a small amount of passing water. In other words, saving water does not lead to anything good, and the internal cavity of the pipes quickly becomes impassable. Whether your system is sealed or not is very easy to understand. In a negative case, there will be a characteristic bad smell. Fatty blockages are the most persistent and the most difficult to remove.
  • Mechanical blockages account for only 10-20% of all cases. Mechanical blockages mean various objects that, in principle, should not fall into the sewer. For example, in the process where water with residues of various mortars? Of course in . Personal hygiene items and items related to personal care. For example, cotton balls, adhesive bandages, ear sticks and even toilet paper are undesirable items for the sewer system. For all this, there is a trash can in the apartment. But what about the remnants of various solutions, you won’t take them outside and pour them directly into sewer hatch, Truth? In this case, it is necessary to thoroughly flush the system and ensure that dirty water left without a trace. In one word - pour more water. Be sure to ensure that children do not throw small objects from toys or construction sets, as well as rags and puzzles into the toilet. For some reason they really love to do this. By the way, grounds from natural coffee, onion peels and peels of vegetables and fruits have a very detrimental effect on the condition of the pipes and contribute to the formation of blockages. This is especially true in the warm season, when there is an abundance of them.
  • Mechanical damage sewer system may occur due to foreign solid objects entering the system. In private homes, external sewer pipes can be damaged by tree roots. They can wrap around the pipe and simply crush it. A chip will form in this place, and its edges, according to the laws of physics, will protrude inward. This will serve as a barrier to the passage of water and will stop various debris, which will lead to the rapid formation of a traffic jam.
  • Incorrect installation carried out by inexperienced specialists will definitely make itself felt after some time. The problem may arise if the pipes are located too low acute angle or, conversely, have minimum slope, and also if the wrong section is chosen, too small, or if the ends were not cleaned at the junction or soldering of two pipes and burrs remained on them. Such small omissions must be carefully monitored. The sewer drain may not work properly if it is not installed fan pipes and valve. Blockages will become very common if the pipe turns are made at right angles, if the pipes are too bent in a small area and have many turns.
  • Excess operational resource sewerage. Even if the pipes in your system are installed correctly, but they are many years old, you are still at risk. Only their PVC pipes are practically not susceptible to the formation and retention of fatty deposits on the walls. If you are still using cast iron pipes, then you should know that their internal cavity is susceptible to corrosion, on the surface of which a coating of dirt and grease will happily linger.

By understanding the causes of blockages, in the future you will be able to protect yourself from unwanted consequences and operate your sewer system correctly.

Sewage clogged areas

To effectively remove the blockage without resorting to the help of specialists, it is necessary navigate V problem areas. To do this, you need to understand the structure of the sewer system. Let's take a closer look:

  • If clogged kitchen sink or . There is no need to panic, but the first thing you should do is look under the sink. There you will see a siphon, which has a sump in the form of a bowl, from which a pipe goes directly to the riser. In most cases, it is the siphon. Due to the peculiarities of its design, it performs several functions at once: it collects most of the garbage and heavy particles at the bottom of the bowl and prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the sewer into the apartment or house. The water that is constantly present in the sump traps these “aromas”. You will understand that the system requires cleaning when so much debris has accumulated in it that there is simply no room left for water, and odors begin to seep through. The first step is to unwind the siphon. You should start from its bottom. Be prepared for the stench to befall you and dirty water to leak. dark water. Sometimes the siphon is twisted very tightly. To avoid stripping the threads and damaging it, wrap it in cloth and try again. Be sure to place a basin or bucket under the siphon to prevent dirt from getting onto the floor. And don't forget to wear rubber gloves.
    Remove debris from the sump. In the case of a kitchen sink, these will be large pieces of food, onion skins and other food particles. In the case of a bathroom sink, in 90% of cases it will be hair. They may be wrapped around the threaded part and may be difficult to remove. After complete removal of accumulations in the sump, it must be rinsed thoroughly with hot water. running water and only then screw it into place. Turn off the water and see if the water flows well. If there is a result, but it is not sufficient, you need to unscrew the siphon completely. Sometimes it happens that hair gets wrapped around a long screw, which acts as a fastening element. You should unscrew it from the top, and hold the siphon from below so that it does not scroll.
  • If the drain is clogged. The main reason for this type of blockage is the large amount of hair that gets into the system while washing your hair. You must perform the same steps as in the previous case. The first thing you need to check is the siphon.
  • Less often, but it happens The toilet drain is clogged. This can happen if it is not used properly or if a foreign object gets into the system. We have already said that with frequent and regular flushing of building mortar residues into the toilet, clogging is inevitable. The same thing will happen if you throw plastic bags, personal hygiene products and used baby diapers down the toilet. If water does not flow through during flushing, it is necessary to unscrew the wide flexible corrugation, which is located at the back of the toilet and is connected to the riser. AND with my own hands remove from there a foreign object that interferes with the normal functioning of the system. Cement or plaster residue should also be removed whenever possible. Again, do not forget to place a basin under the corrugation. The drain may not work if the corrugation does not have a slope and is installed almost perpendicular to the drain. Please note and for this moment. You can fix this problem yourself only by raising the level of the toilet and setting up an impromptu podium. After all, the corrugation is inserted into a ready-made hole in the riser, which is almost impossible to redo.

Ways to clear a clogged drain in an apartment

Before you start self-liquidation blockage, it is necessary to assess the full scale of the tragedy. Namely, to understand whether the blockage is local or global. By the way, the latter cannot be cleaned without the appropriate services. Make a check very simple. Open all the taps in your apartment or private house at the same time and see if the water flows out at the same speed everywhere. If, for example, everything is in order in the bathtub and sink, but the water in the kitchen sink is barely absorbed or does not stand at all, then you are in luck. This is a local blockage. If there is a slow outflow of water in all nodes, then the entire system is clogged. First, let's look at methods that can clear a small blockage, and then we'll move on to a more radical method.

No. 1. Flushing pipes with boiling water

The first and most primitive way is flushing pipes boiling water This method is most often used in the kitchen, since boiling water can dissolve a certain amount of fat. You need to pour 3-5 liters of boiling water into the sink and wait 10-15 minutes. Owners of sinks made of polymer materials should be careful here. As is known, some of their species react poorly to exposure high temperatures. Therefore, before resorting to this method, carefully read the instructions for using the product. Boiling water can remove a small blockage caused by a small amount of fat. He will simply take it with him and the problem will go away on its own.

No. 2. Cleaning pipes with baking soda and vinegar

If a more aggressive method is needed, try using products that are definitely available in every home - soda and canteens vinegar. Thanks to the neutralization reaction that occurs when these two components interact, you can get rid of moderate blockages. But it is not recommended to use an overly concentrated solution, otherwise the internal walls of the pipes may be damaged. Cleaning should be done as follows: pour a glass into the drain hole baking soda. After this, a glass of table vinegar is poured there. The reaction will occur over about 30 minutes. During this time, it is prohibited to open the water and generally use plumbing equipment. When the reaction is complete, rinse the drain with hot running water. Don't skimp on water. Grains of soda sand should be completely washed away from the walls of the pipes along with any contaminants.

No. 3. Removing blockages using special means

If none of the above methods work, you can seek help from chemical compositions. Any store will recommend you a variety of household chemical solutions intended for these purposes. Please note that you cannot clean it with any product you like. There must be a special recommendation on the label. The selected liquid must be used strictly according to the instructions and using personal protective equipment. Users of polymer sinks should be careful not to allow the solution to get into the bottom of the sink. It is better to use a watering can to ensure that household chemicals get into the drain hole accurately. Usually the remedy must be given certain time stand to work on the blockage, and then rinse it with hot or cold water, depending on the recommendations in the instructions.

Eat two types liquids – alkaline and acidic. The former are more suitable for use in the kitchen, because the main element of the blockage is fat. Acidic ones are recommended for use in bathrooms. They are able to dissolve soap residue and hair. You must understand that severe blockages with a large amount of fat deposits it will not be possible to completely eliminate it so easily. In the first paragraph, we wrote that the consistency of fat is different. Now imagine that the standard water pipe, which has a cross-sectional diameter of 50 mm, has fat deposits 10 mm thick around the perimeter. Larger particles, in turn, can settle on them, which can form blind plugs. The average length of the pipes is about 1 meter. When pouring household chemicals, you cannot guarantee that the liquid will be able to seep through the remaining space unhindered and be evenly distributed along the entire length. Often fat dissolves in a small area and only a soft layer of it. Therefore, the blockage may soon form again. To treat the entire pipe with the solution, you will need a very large amount of it, which will be very expensive.

No. 4. Mechanical method

When household chemicals powerless, need to find a way mechanical impact for blockage. For this purpose, use a special plumbing cable. With its help, you can easily break through a plug that has formed or even remove a foreign object that, when it gets into the pipe, has blocked the lumen. A long cable will help remove clogged pipes in a private home if it is concentrated in the outer part of the sewer system. It is more efficient and convenient to do the work together. It is necessary to provide free access to the internal cavity of the clogged pipe. To do this, you need to unscrew the lower part of the siphon and move it to the side. The cable is a wire of a certain thickness at the end of which there is a handle. One person should hold the cable and slowly turn the handle, while the second should move it along the pipe. It is recommended to perform rotations in one direction.

The cable, moving along the pipe, will bend under the influence of rotational moment, and remove the fatty layer from the walls. Sometimes special attachments in the form of a brush with hard bristles are put on the end of the cable. With such a device, your chances will increase. The cable can only cope with a soft layer. Wastewater, of course, it will immediately become easier to flow, but it is necessary to constantly maintain this condition.

No. 5. Plunger in the fight against sewer blockage

One more thing simple device, which our grandmothers still continue to use, is plunger Removing a blockage with its help will be effective provided that the plug is located near the beginning of the drain hole. Working with a plunger is very simple. It is necessary to position the plunger in the sink so that its bowl completely covers the drain. After this, you need to fill the sink with some water. Now move the plunger handle up and down. It is necessary to perform 15-20 such back-and-forth movements. The collected water will serve as an indicator of how effective the cleaning was. If, after you removed the plunger bowl from the hole, the water quickly disappeared, then you have achieved the desired result. If the water flows away slowly, the procedure should be repeated.

No. 6. Hydrodynamic method: when other methods do not work

Now let's look at one of the most effective ways to remove blockages, both in an apartment and in a private house, with the help of specialists. This method should be chosen if none of the above could help you. Special services that professionally provide such services use a machine that eliminates problems hydrodynamically. For small diameter pipes there are mobile installations. Hydrodynamic method involves fighting blockages using water supplied under high pressure through various sizes injectors. The work is carried out in two stages to achieve complete cleaning of the internal cavity of the pipes:

This method is used not only to remove large amounts of dense fatty deposits, but also to eliminate. Only in this case it is called thermohydrodynamic and instead cold water Very hot water is used, which almost reaches boiling temperature. Work at all stages is carried out in the same way. In the case of PVC pipes the use of high-temperature exposure is prohibited, because this material remains stable only up to a temperature of 110°C. In other cases there are no restrictions.

Preventing sewer blockages

To prevent regular blockages in your home or apartment, you must adhere to preventive measures. Although they are not 100%, they will protect you from unpleasant consequences:

  • You should not save on water with obvious fanaticism. If the amount of liquid necessary for their natural purification does not enter the sewer pipes, then expect trouble. The sewer system especially needs hot water, which initial stage It can also cope with light fat deposits and prevent its accumulation. When pouring the remaining rich broth and other similar compounds into the sink or toilet, be sure to rinse it several times or unscrew it for a few minutes.
  • Attentively Monitor the liquid level in the sewer wells. This rule primarily applies to owners of private houses. If you are gaping, you can remember this when the contents of the well begin to flow out through the drain holes in the plumbing units. This is especially dangerous if the system is not equipped with a check valve on the outlet pipe, and if this also happens on ground floor, where the difference in height with the liquid level in the well will be minimal, you will certainly flood, you know what. The law of communicating vessels in this case will work instantly.
  • Don't use the toilet instead of a trash can. Many plumbers do not recommend throwing into it even toilet paper. At the same time, many users wash off leftover food, sour jam with seeds or compote cake, cat litter, hair from a comb or hair from a pet brush, cotton pads and swabs, personal hygiene products, small household garbage and other most unexpected items. . This is a sure step towards a quick blockage.
  • Be sure to install special protective nets on the drain hole of the kitchen sink. They will prevent large amounts of food waste from going down the drain. Once the mesh becomes clogged, be sure to throw its contents in the trash.
  • If your financial situation allows you to purchase a household waste shredder, be sure to do so. The contents of the shredder after use should also go straight to the trash bin.
  • It is also necessary to install screens on the bathroom drain hole. This will prevent hair from getting into the drain, which is the main cause of clog formation.
  • Be sure to carry out periodic preventative cleaning using boiling water or vinegar and soda.
  • Do not trust the work of laying sewer pipes and arranging the system as a whole to dubious workers.
  • Don't forget that all items, and sewer pipes are no exception, have a certain resource. By exceeding it, you doom yourself not only to the risk of failure of the entire system, but also to using water containing rust particles. Change sewer pipes on time.
  • Regularly check that the liquid level in the drain well does not exceed the permissible level.

Remember that blockages always appear unexpectedly and disturb the comfort of the inhabitants of the house. It is much cheaper to purchase meshes for each drain hole than to resort to the expensive services of specialists.
