Pump for pumping river water. Pump for watering the garden - choosing the best option from the proposed ones

On your own plot of land, first of all you need to take care of providing it with water for irrigation, drinking and other needs. To do this, it is enough that a well is built, and from it it will always be possible to extract the required amount of necessary moisture at any time of the year. But to lift liquid, as you know, you need a pump that runs on electricity. But what if the site is located far from civilization and there is no electricity? In this case, you can do without a pump by using other methods. These methods will now be discussed.

Types of wells

Bore wells can be of two types: sand and artesian. The first type has another name - filter well. It is drilled to the nearest aquifer in sandy soil. The depth can reach 30 meters, and the width of the casing pipe can be about 13 cm. The peculiarity of the structure of such a source is that it is made on the walls of the pipe strainer. To extract water from it, a deep or surface unit is required. It can last about 15 years. But the service life primarily depends on the depth of the aquifer and how intensively it is used.

The second type is an artesian well. The water in it is extracted from great depths; it can reach 200 meters. It has increased productivity and high-quality water. It lasts much longer than the first type - more than 50 years. Accordingly, a more powerful apparatus must be used to lift moisture to the surface. To drill such a hole, permission is required from local government authorities.

Is it possible to get water from these wells without using electric pump? Yes, it is quite possible, and from both types of mines. But it is important to take into account several nuances. Much depends on hand-held devices, which will be applied in this case. They usually do not provide sufficient pressure at depths greater than 30 meters. Therefore, such a system is relevant mainly for a sand well. But first, let's figure out how it is possible to lift liquid from such a structure without a pump, and what is needed for this.

Extraction of water by air pressure

This unusual way Perfect for extracting water from a mine without a pump. That is, you can use any manual hose pump that operates without electricity. Making such a system is quite simple. First you need to completely seal the top of the well. Two holes are made in it: the hose from the pump is inserted into one, and the water supply pipe is inserted into the second. When working with such a device, pressure is created in the shaft, which pushes the liquid out.

If the air pressure entering the shaft is powerful, then it is quite possible to do without an electric pump. But it must be taken into account that such pressure will push water not only up, but also down, into aquifer. The consequences of this will be described below. This method can be used in conjunction with standard approaches. It is especially relevant if the pressure in the pit is not strong enough, even for an electric pump.

Water extraction by hydraulic ram method

This is another one non-standard way water production without a pump: in in this case a hydraulic ram is used - a device designed to mechanically lift liquid from any well, even an artesian one.

This device operates on energy obtained from the flow of water. By raising water to a greater height and lowering it down, the liquid is pushed upward. This design consists of the following components:

    baffle valve;

    return valve;

    supply pipe;

    outlet pipe;

    air cap.

Due to the opening and closing of valves in a certain sequence, liquid circulation occurs. It accelerates through the supply pipe and a hydraulic shock is created, displacing the liquid out into the outlet pipe. Such a device is difficult to make on your own, but it is easy to purchase. And this will be the most the right decision for areas where there is no electricity.

Important points

When extracting water by increasing the pressure inside the mine, it is necessary to take into account several important factors. Firstly, it takes into account geological structure the area where the well is located.

Also important is the flow rate of the mine for extracting liquid from the ground and the productivity of the aquifer.

And, of course, the depth of the aquifer is taken into account.

If all this is not taken into account, then because overpressure the well may fail. Simply put, liquid from the aquifer will stop flowing into the mine. This is due to the fact that the air formed inside will push almost all the water down, pressing it into the ground. Therefore, the air supply must be optimal. It should only be enough to push the water out and not create excess pressure.

If country estates have a garden plot, then most likely it is used either for agricultural or for decorative and floricultural purposes. In both cases, it is impossible to do without regularly carrying out certain agricultural works. And irrigation will always be in the foreground - without effective watering, especially in dry summers, it is hardly possible to achieve a high yield, beautiful flowering flower beds or even just a lush green lawn.

Even if a water main is connected to the site, it is by no means a good idea to use water from it for irrigation. best solution. Firstly, it is very wasteful, and secondly, such water undergoes certain processing, including chlorination, and is not very useful for plants. For watering it is better to use any natural spring, but to use it you will need special equipment– pump.

However, if a buyer goes to a store or accesses an online catalog unprepared, he may encounter a lot of questions that will make optimal choice extremely difficult. Pumping equipment has many faces and differs not only in technical specifications, but also in terms of operational capabilities. It is necessary to take into account many criteria in advance in order to choose the model that is most suitable for the existing conditions. This is what this publication is devoted to - buying a pump for watering a garden: varieties, selection, installation, basic operating rules.

Where will the water be taken from?

It is impossible to choose the right pump if you do not decide in advance where the water for irrigation will be taken from. There can be many options here.

  • The most successful “situation” is when the site has its own or a body of natural origin located in close proximity - a pond or lake, fed from underground sources or a stream and with sufficient water flow. You can irrigate from a nearby river. In any of these cases, a surface pump or a submersible (semi-submersible) drainage type may be required.

If there is an artificial reservoir on the site - a pond or swimming pool, then it can also become a source of water for irrigation. All the same, the water in it must be changed regularly, and you can combine these two operations - supply fresh water to the pool, pumping out the water that already requires replacement to the garden. True, under one condition - that no chemical reagents were used.

  • Even a somewhat swampy body of water can serve as a source of water for irrigating the site, but in this case you will have to purchase a special variety drain pump, which is designed for pumping dirty water.

However, such ideal conditions are quite rare. Most often you have to resort to artificially created water sources.

  • For irrigation, you can use water from a well or borehole. For wells they can be used as surface pumps(if the aquifer is shallow), and submersible. For wells where the water is usually at great depth, only submersible pumps special type.

Collecting water from wells requires special pumping equipment

To lift water from great depths and at the same time ensure its sufficient pressure and required flow rate for further use - not any equipment can cope with this. Read how to approach it in a separate publication on our portal.

However, an important note should be made immediately. Any experienced gardener or the gardener will say that using water directly from their well or borehole for irrigation is extremely undesirable, since such irrigation of plants can do them more harm than good. The best option– the required volume for regular watering is pumped in advance into containers installed on personal plot. The water will warm up within a day, get rid of the chemical compounds dissolved in it, and become quite suitable for irrigation. By the way, this approach opens up wide possibilities for the competent use of fertilizers and top dressings with strict adherence to the recommended proportions for diluting the compositions.

For a set of containers, the already mentioned well or borehole pumps. But directly for watering, you will need to acquire a compact surface-type garden pump or special submersible models designed specifically for collecting water from containers (barrels, Eurocubes, homemade tanks, etc.).

  • A good owner should not waste anything, including rainwater, which is often collected from drainage systems into garden containers. And besides, if a competent storm drain, then a storage storm sewer can also become a source of water for irrigation. In this case, a submersible drainage pump will again become an assistant.

How are storm drains constructed?

Unfortunately, this system drains water from local area Not everyone remembers, or they ignore its creation in the hope that everything will somehow “resolve” by itself. Why this approach is wrong, and how to create it correctly, read in a separate article on our portal.

So, the choice of irrigation pump will primarily depend on the type of water source used.

What performance indicators and generated pressure are required?

Whatever type of pump is chosen, this unit must fully cope with the functions assigned to it.

  1. Firstly, it must ensure that the required volume of water is pumped into certain time is a performance indicator.

Calculating this parameter is not difficult at all. Based on the fact that existing rules for high-quality irrigation of one square meter plot requires from 3 to 6 liters of water (depending on local climate conditions, characteristics of the crops grown, and prevailing weather). It is best to calculate to the maximum - this will create a certain productivity reserve, but everyone is free to decide this issue on their own.

Of course, only the area of ​​the plot that is allocated for crops that require regular watering is taken into account. If lawn or flower beds, their area is also taken into account.

The next value required for calculation is the time that is planned to be spent on watering the entire area. Usually this event is held in the evening, after the heat of the day and the aggressiveness of direct sunlight have subsided, so probably an hour or two will be enough.

To find the required productivity (usually denoted in technical documentation by the symbol Q), all that remains is to multiply the area of ​​the irrigated area and the rate of its irrigation, and divide the resulting value by the time allocated for irrigation.

Q = S uch × N/t

S uch area of ​​irrigated area (m²).

N – The accepted irrigation rate is from 3 to 6 l/m² (for individual crops maybe more).

t – time allotted for watering the site.

For ease of calculation, you can use the proposed calculator. The area in it is indicated in acres - this is what many gardeners are used to.

In ancient times and the Middle Ages, people often faced the task of raising water to a height. It was implemented in various ways, which any homeowner can remember, left on plot of land on for a long time without electricity. In the case of a large depth of the source of water intake and an urgent need for water, the use of ancient methods will bring certain benefits in broadening one’s horizons, improving health and acquiring additional engineering and construction skills.

If you are deciding how to raise water to a height, you cannot do without a pump. Only for lifting you will have to use manual rather than electric ones. homemade devices, the operation of which will require the application of muscular force or the energy of a flowing water flow.

Archimedes screw

The invention of a screw device for supplying water to heights to fill irrigation canals was made by Archimedes around 250 BC.

Fig.1 Operating principle of the Archimedes screw pump

The device consists of a hollow cylinder, inside of which a screw rotates; during operation, it is lowered into the water intake source at an angle. As the propeller blades rotate, they capture water and the propeller lifts it up the pipe; at the top point, the pipe ends and the water is poured into a container or irrigation channel.

In ancient times impeller were rotated by slaves or animals, in our time there may be problems with this and you will have to additionally build a wind wheel to drive the propeller into rotation or strengthen the muscles yourself.

Fig. 2 A variation of the Archimedes wheel - a tube pump

The device is an analogue of modern screw pumps, can have various modifications: the screw rotates with the cylinder or has the shape of a hollow tube wound around a rod.

Montgolfier hydroram method

Mechanic Montgolfier in 1797 invented a device called a hydraulic ram. It uses the kinetic energy of water flowing from top to bottom.

Rice. 3 Operating principle of a hydraulic impact water pump

The principle of operation of the device is based on the fact that when the water flow in a rigid pipe is suddenly blocked, water is forced through a check valve under pressure into the hydraulic tank located at the top. In its lower part there is a fitting on which the outlet water hose is attached, going to the consumer. The non-return valve prevents water from flowing back out - thus, there is a constant cyclic filling of the tank and a continuous rise and supply of water.

The shut-off valve of the device operates automatically, so the presence of a person and the organization of his work other than installing the equipment is not required.

Rice. 4 Appearance industrial hydraulic impact pump

It should be noted that there is no need to make such devices yourself; they are produced industrially in small volumes.


The founder of the method is the German mining engineer Karl Loscher, who invented the method in 1797.

Rice. 5 The principle of operation of an airlift pump and its varieties

Aerolift (airlift) is a type of jet pump that uses air to lift water. The device is a hollow vertical pipe, lowered into water, to the bottom of which a hose is connected. When air under pressure is supplied through a hose into the pipe, its bubbles mix with water, and the resulting foam rises upward due to its light specific gravity.

Air can be supplied using a regular one through a nipple that prevents it from escaping back.

Rice. 6 Automatic water supply by airlift using a compressor

It is quite easy to make such a device for supplying water in the absence of a pump with your own hands and automate the process if there is a compressor supplying air.

Lifting water with a piston pump

Rice. 7 Operating principle of a homemade piston pump

You can make a device for supplying water to a height using the suction method using a piston. The device is a pipe with a system of check valves, inside the cylindrical surface of which a piston moves. During the return movement, water is sucked into the cylinder body, while the piston moves forward check valves close and the water is pushed out.

Rice. 8 Piston pump in the organization of manual water supply.

Holding a piston pump with a long pipe for lifting water from great depths in your hands and pumping water is an activity for trained bodybuilders; it is more convenient to adapt it to lifting water from a narrow well, attaching it to an external column with a handle.

To quickly lift water from shallow depths from narrow crevices, you can use the simplest industrial device. To do this, take a hand-held water pump and place a long plastic tube on its inlet valve. Homemade pump falls into the water long end tube and it pumps by repeatedly pressing the pump button.

Rice. 9 Hand pump for raising water

Methods for lifting water without an electric pump are ineffective and require serious costs and effort to produce an efficient and convenient device, incomparable not only with the cost of the cheapest electric pump, but also with expensive models. Their use is justified when living in areas with a complete lack of electricity, which can be classified as extreme methods of survival.

Stable watering is the key to obtaining bountiful harvest With vegetable beds. If on rainy days the weather takes care of the plants, then in the hot months the gardeners themselves have to deal with it, using buckets and watering cans. The use of pumping equipment helps to facilitate the work.

The market offers various pumps for watering the garden and it is difficult to purchase a suitable model, isn’t it? We will help you navigate the range of equipment, tell you about the features of different modifications and provide step-by-step algorithm selection based on an analysis of the characteristics of the units.

In addition, we will identify trademarks and brands whose products are in demand and trusted among summer residents.

Selection and acquisition suitable model garden pump for irrigation largely depends on what kind of water is supposed to be pumped and where it is planned to be taken from.

Plants cannot develop normally without a sufficient amount of life-giving moisture. But only well-settled warm water is suitable for watering green spaces.

Rainwater is the most affordable option life-giving moisture that has a neutral acid-base balance and contains a minimum of chemical impurities hazardous to plants

Thrifty owners collect rainwater into barrels and large containers located in the area under the gutters. If necessary, all that remains is to get it out by scooping it up with a bucket or pumping it out of the barrel with a pump for watering.

Quite often, if there is a presence on the site, then water for irrigation is taken from them. But a “cold shower” can cause irreparable damage to the delicate roots of plants: they can begin to rot.

For this reason, water pumped out from a hydraulic structure is first poured into containers, allowing it to heat up under sun rays, and only after that they are used for irrigation.

The third, and perhaps the most good option a source from which it is convenient to take water for irrigation - a nearby natural reservoir or a constructed one on our own artificial pond.

Using water from a home pond to water plants, you solve two problems at once: you provide life-giving moisture to green “pets” and perform preventive cleaning of the water structure

In all the water sources listed above, the degree of contamination of the water varies greatly. Therefore, for each of them we have developed individual species pumping equipment.

Types of water pumps

Two types of pumps are used to irrigate garden crops. Depending on the method of water intake and the placement of the unit body relative to the source, they can be surface or submersible.

Option #1 - barrel for pumping out tanks

Such devices are designed specifically for pumping water from small-volume tanks, the depth of which does not exceed 1.2 m.

Among the pumping equipment on the market, such units are considered the easiest to use and maintain.

The main advantage of pumps for irrigation from a barrel is their compactness and mobility. The average weight of the unit is 3-4 kg.

Taking it by the handle, it is convenient to carry it around the site and one by one install it on containers placed under the catchment areas. In addition, barrel pumps are famous for their low noise level.

To pump out irrigation liquid, barrel pump using a bracket, simply fix it on the edge of the container and connect it to the electrical network

The use of barrel units is also convenient because the water used for irrigation can be pre-diluted with fertilizers for feeding cultivated plants.

Most models are equipped with a pressure regulator. With its help, it is convenient to set the pressure required for work. Tank pumps have built-in filters that trap large particles.

But as the owners who have already tried it note household models of this type, built-in filters do not always cope with the task. As a result, even expensive systems quickly become clogged and fail.

The easiest way to solve this problem is by installing an additional homemade filter in the form of a cut made of gauze or mesh tulle folded in 2-3 layers.

The pump is simply placed on a canvas suspended in the form of a hammock so that the mesh layer between the suction device and the water does not allow debris to seep through.

You can prevent rust and sludge from entering the system by placing the pump inside the tank so that it does not reach 5 cm from the bottom of the tank.

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Option #2 - surface for shallow reservoirs

They are placed in close proximity to the source, and water is collected by immersing a suction hose into the structure.

External devices are capable of pumping water from a depth of 8 m and delivering a stream to a level of about 30-50 m. Thanks to this pressure, several rows of beds can be watered from one point.

To start the pump for irrigation from a reservoir, you only need to install the device body on flat surface, attach the suction hose and outlet pipe to it, and then connect to the power supply

The outlet pipe of most surface models is metal pipe. A rubber hose is not suitable for this purpose because at the moment of pumping liquid, rarefied air is created inside it.

As a result: the elastic walls begin to shrink, preventing the water flow from moving normally towards the outlet.

The only drawback of pumps for irrigation from shallow reservoirs is vibration and noise generation during operation.

You can get rid of the loud “growling” by placing the unit in an outbuilding, or by placing the unit body on a rubberized mat or stand.

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Option #3 - submersible for contaminated ponds

Submersible pumps are rarely used for gardening purposes. The working part of this type of device is immersed directly into the source, buried below the water level. The pumped-out liquid is brought to the surface under pressure through rubber pipes.

Submersible units, unlike external models, are able to cover long distances to garden beds with virtually no loss of pressure, which is especially valuable when the source is located remotely

Depending on the type of model, submersible pumps are capable of pumping water from a depth of up to 80 m. This parameter is relevant when used as a source of water intake for irrigation of a drilled well.

Such units are ways to “recycle” lightly and heavily contaminated water, which contains various kinds impurities with a diameter of 5-10 mm.

The shredder, located just above the suction device, during the pumping process will crush the leaves, silt and other debris that have entered the device along with the water into tiny particles.

Thanks to this, irrigation water will be additionally enriched organic fertilizers, which will only have a positive impact on the yield of cultivated crops.

A significant drawback of drainage units used as pumps for irrigation from a pond is low pressure in the system. So you can water the garden with their help only by gravity.

If you plan to use a nozzle or a divider, then the water may not come out at all. You can get out of this situation by doing the work step by step.

First, using a drainer, liquid is pumped into the storage tank. And then, after it settles and the heavy suspensions settle, the garden is watered using a surface and submersible garden pump.

Option #4 - automatic for drip irrigation

Particularly popular are automatic pumps equipped with timers. They make the task much easier for owners who do not have the opportunity to waste precious time and excess moisture for many hours of watering.

Pumps for drip irrigation equipped with pressure switches and hydraulic accumulators. Control in such systems can be either manual or automatic.

The owner’s task is to set the minimum pressure level at which water will flow out of the outlet pipe in a thin stream

Although such equipment is not cheap, the costs fully pay for themselves over time, allowing for more efficient use of hundreds of cubic meters of moisture supplied during the season. And the owner frees up a lot of time that would previously have been spent on watering.

Criteria for selecting units

When choosing pumping equipment, you need to determine the following factors:

  1. Distance from the water intake source to the garden beds.
  2. Height difference from the installation site of the pumping equipment to the extreme point of the garden.
  3. Plot dimensions allocated for crops that require frequent watering.
  4. Irrigation type(root, drip, sprinkling).
  5. Frequency of use pumping equipment.

For drip irrigation, it is enough to install low-power equipment. When planning to irrigate crops through sprinkling, you should give preference to systems that can easily withstand high pressure.

When purchasing a model, you should pay attention to the volume of the tank it is designed for and how much water it can pump in one hour

The most reliable are units with two-stage mechanisms. Such powerful units are chosen by owners of large plots, who have a large area allocated for vegetable beds, flower gardens and gardens that need watering.

No. 1 - calculation of device performance

To calculate the required performance of purchased pumping equipment, average indicators are usually taken.

Depending on climatic conditions and soil conditions in accordance with the current SNiP for watering beds with an area of ​​1 square. m requires from 3 to 6 liters per day.

Therefore, for a vegetable garden with an area of ​​200 square meters. m daily norm will be: 200x6=1200 l.

To meet the needs in this case, you will have to purchase a unit with a capacity of 1.5-2 cubic liters per hour

The maximum productivity of barrel units is 4000 l/hour. When choosing among low-power devices designed for pumping liquid from storage tanks, you should take a closer look at models with a capacity of 2000 l/hour.

The price for such devices starts from 2.5 thousand rubles.

When arranging drip irrigation, the most reliable type of pump is a centrifugal one. After all, only he is capable of pumping large portions water under high pressure throughout the whole day.

When choosing among drainage models, keep in mind that such units have a capacity of 83 to 250 l/min with a water supply of 5 m to 12 m.

When using water for irrigation, the diameter of which is 15-55 mm, you should choose units with a capacity of 37 to 450 l/min. They are capable of delivering to a height of 5-22 m.

Pump pressure means mechanical work unit, as a result of which the pressure of the liquid increases and it is pumped. In this case, part of the drive energy during the pumping process is converted into kinetic energy of the liquid.

The pressure created by the device and the flow rate of the pumped liquid directly depend on each other; in graphical form this dependence is displayed in the form of pump characteristics

The higher the pressure generated, the greater the distance that can be maintained between the pump and the source of water intake. When calculating power, also take into account that the ratio of vertical and horizontal lengths is 1:4.

At the same time, when it comes to watering, too much pressure is more of a hassle than a benefit. After all, the exhaling pressure can not only damage the dividers, tearing them off the hose, but also cause harm to green spaces.

No. 3 - presence of an automation system

Automation significantly increases the cost of pumping equipment. But it plays a significant role, preventing overheating of the “heart” of the unit - the motor.

A float switch protects the device's motor when a predetermined minimum water level is reached. This prevents the unit from running dry, thereby minimizing the risk of breakdowns.

By choosing a unit equipped with, during operation you will not need to control how empty the barrel is.

You only need to wash the float switch under water pressure once a season to prevent the box body from sticking to the outlet pipe.

No. 4 - location of the suction valve

The suction valve may be located above the engine compartment at the top of the device, or on the bottom of the housing.

The presence of a filter on the suction valve of the device will allow you to retain debris that gets in with the water, thereby extending the life of the unit

More practical are models whose water intake is located in the upper part of the body. This design solution reduces the likelihood of silting and penetration of bottom sediment and sand particles into the chamber.

Using for watering submersible units, the suction valves of which are located in the bottom of the housing, use special supplies.

By placing the pump on a stand, you can partially protect the working chamber from fibrous inclusions, agitated sand suspension and large debris.

Pumps are usually supplied with adapters that allow you to connect flexible hoses and rigid pipes with a diameter of 1 ʺ and 1 1/4 ʺ. In budget models, most likely, you will have to buy an additional watering hose and spray nozzle.

Review of pumping equipment manufacturers

High demand for pumping equipment for household use stimulates producers. Today, foreign and domestic manufacturers offer a wide range of equipment in different price categories.

Imported world brands

Among the foreign manufacturers that have proven themselves well in the pumping equipment market, it is worth highlighting:

  • "HAMMER". German leader in the production of first-class pumping equipment. Wide model range, unique technical solutions and the highest reliability - all this is united by the products manufactured under this brand.
  • "PATRIOT". One of the oldest American brands. The quality of the products produced by this company has been tested for generations. Domestic buyers are more familiar with this brand for reliable and easy-to-use chainsaws. But pumping equipment is in no way inferior to them.
  • "Salpeda". Recognized champion on the world market. The Italian company is famous for its good technical traditions. All equipment is manufactured using high-precision technology.
  • "QUATTRO ELEMENTI". Another well-known Italian brand representing high-quality equipment. The company, founded by like-minded engineers, focuses on the reliability and maintainability of its products.

Barrel models for watering the garden of these brands can be purchased at a price of 5.5 thousand rubles. More powerful surface and submersible units will cost 6 thousand and more. And the average power is within 9 thousand rubles.

By choosing products from well-known brands, even in the event of a breakdown, it will be much easier to find spare parts for them, and repair technicians are more willing to accept them for repairs.

Among the companies that are still only building up their potential, but have already earned a positive reputation among a wide range of consumers, it is also worth highlighting “ Makita" And " Gardena».

Domestic brands

Popular brands of pumping equipment from domestic manufacturers:

  • "Vortex". Leading Russian manufacturer. The main advantage of the products is ease of use, quiet operation and minimal hydraulic losses during the pumping process.
  • "Gilex". The Russian company produces reliable pumps that can be used for pumping clean and lightly contaminated water for irrigation.
  • "Gardener". The products manufactured under this brand successfully combine affordable price with decent quality. Compact centrifugal devices Easily handle contaminated water.

The price for centrifugal submersible pumps of these brands starts at 4 thousand rubles. Drainage units of average power cost from 5 thousand and above.

Budget models of domestic production are also widely popular. The price of products ranges from 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

But it is worth noting that they are very sensitive to voltage fluctuations in the electrical network. To work in our conditions, it is better to choose centrifugal models that do not have such a sin.


If the device is designed to pump clean water, then you shouldn’t put it in a rain tank. Fallen leaves and sand will quickly clog the filters and damage the device. And it will not be the manufacturer who is to blame for this, but only the careless owner.

Do you have experience using pumping equipment to water garden beds? Please share information with our readers, tell us what pump you use. You can leave comments in the form below.
