Barrel pump: CMI submersible water pump for irrigation from a well. Barrel pump for watering a garden from a tank: which one to choose: surface, submersible or drainage Pump for watering from a 1000 liter barrel

What parameters should you use to choose a barrel pump for watering your garden? Working principle and technical specifications drum, surface, submersible and drainage pumps.

Stable watering is one of the conditions for the active growth of green spaces on the site. It’s good when the weather pleases with timely rains, but on hot days it’s “drinking” vegetable beds A pump for watering from a barrel will help. Considering the importance of the watering device garden plants and garden crops, the issue of its competent choice must be approached thoroughly.

All plants on the site need high-quality watering

What to consider when choosing a pumping unit?

Settled rainwater is best suited for watering garden crops and household needs. Knowing this, many summer residents collect it in special containers. Even if they have a well or a natural reservoir on their property, many gardeners heat the water before irrigating their beds, first raising it to the surface and pouring it into barrels for a couple of hours. This helps prevent rotting of the root system.

But the water in such sources may not be entirely clean and may contain impurities in the form of residual dirt, algae, and debris. Therefore, when choosing a pump, they are primarily guided by the degree of contamination of the water that they plan to pump.

Some types of pumps allow you to pump water both from a well or barrel, and from a reservoir

When choosing a pump for irrigation from a barrel, it is important to pay attention to its technical capabilities. To do this, you need to analyze a number of parameters in advance:

  • The volume of water required for daily watering;
  • Distance from the water intake to the most distant point of the irrigated garden;
  • Irrigation area and possible elevation differences in the area;
  • Type of irrigation (sprinkler, root or drip).

Parameters for determining the technical characteristics of a hydraulic installation
One of the key parameters for choosing a unit is its power and performance.

Advice: In order to correctly calculate the performance of a pump for irrigation from a barrel for a specific site, you should take SNiP standards as a basis. According to them, on average, 3-6 liters of water are used per day to irrigate 1 m2 of cultivated land.

To ensure effective watering, consider its power when choosing a device.

So, for example, to water a garden with an area of ​​2 acres, you will need a pump capable of pumping up to 1200 liters per hour. The performance of the device can be viewed in the instructions supplied with it. It is designated by the Latin letter “Q”. It is equally important to consider the pressure when choosing a unit.

The height to which the device is capable of lifting and pumping water is measured in meters. The higher this parameter, the greater the distance between the collection point and the unit itself can be.

Motor power can be taken into account depending on the type of irrigation. With drip irrigation, you can get by with low-power devices, but when sprinkling a garden, you will need devices that can easily withstand high pressure.

The main types of pumps for pumping water from containers

For gardening purposes, 4 types of pumps are most often used: barrel, surface, drainage and submersible.

Scheme: operation of the main types of pumps for a summer residence

Drum pump

One of the easiest to connect and maintain is the barrel pump. It is designed specifically for pumping liquids from various kinds storage tanks.
The main advantages of this type of device are:

  • Light weight. Compact pump, the weight of which rarely exceeds 4 kg, will not be difficult to carry with you in your hands, installing it on tanks placed around the territory to collect rainwater.
  • Easy to install and connect. The unit only needs to be installed on the container and connected to the power supply.
  • Possibility to adjust water pressure using a pressure regulator.

Drum pump installation

Most models of pumps for irrigation of water from a barrel are equipped with a built-in filter that prevents rust, debris and small particles from entering the pumped water. But, as practice shows, they often become clogged and therefore require timely cleaning.

Tip: To avoid pump clogging, you can equip additional filter, having built it with your own hands from a mosquito net or old tulle.

To do this, take a piece of fabric larger than the volume of the container, attach it in a circle to the upper edge of the barrel and place the pump on it.
There is no need to worry that the motor will tighten the fabric during operation. This will be prevented by a filter protecting the motor. Such units are designed for pumping liquid from tanks whose depth reaches no more than 1.2 meters, which significantly limits their scope of application.

Operating an irrigation pump

The maximum productivity of such devices is about 4000 l/hour, which is quite enough for processing small areas. Systems with float switches, which automatically turn off when the water level drops to a minimum value, are also convenient to use. If a large area is allocated for a vegetable garden, it is worth considering options with a two-stage mechanism that do not overheat during long-term operation.

Surface aggregate

Such pumps are designed to lift liquid from shallow depths (within 10 meters). They are installed on the surface, immersing only the water intake hose into the reservoir. Since the device pumps liquid by suction, it is highly undesirable to use rubber hoses to remove liquid: under the influence of rarefied air, the walls will simply shrink, preventing the movement of water.

Tip: To reduce vibration during operation, it is better to place the surface water intake unit on a thick rubberized mat.

Surface pump

The undeniable advantages of submersible devices are ease of connection and the ability to produce a powerful jet to a height of up to 50 meters, which greatly simplifies watering large areas. Significant disadvantage These types of devices can be considered their "growl". Therefore, surface units are often placed in closed outbuildings.

Drainage installation

The main purpose of the devices is to pump water from flooded basements and cesspools. But they are often used to collect water from open reservoirs, the water in which is not particularly clean. Unlike barrel pumps submersible devices are not afraid of dirt and debris.

Some models are equipped with special grinders that can grind organic matter. Therefore, by purchasing a drainage pump, you can solve two problems at once: ensure uninterrupted watering of the garden and periodically fertilize the soil in the beds. Giving preference drainage devices, you should be prepared for the fact that the pressure in them is quite weak and watering with their help is quite problematic.

Drain pump

Therefore, it is better to use them only for downloading dirty water into a tank, where, after settling, it is pumped for irrigation using a submersible or barrel device.

Submersible device

For gardening purposes, submersible pumps are used extremely rarely. They are effective in constructing wells and wells with low levels of occurrence groundwater. After all, their main advantage is the ability to raise water flow to a height of 40 to 80 meters.

Submersible pump

Submersible pumps can be of two options:

  • Vibrating. They are intended for pumping only clean water and are afraid of getting into the mud.
  • Centrifugal. They lift the liquid due to the work of wheels and blades. They are less sensitive to impurities and therefore can be used in natural reservoirs.

The devices are immersed in the source below the water level, leaving only the hoses on the surface. Since submersible devices are quite difficult to install, it is best to entrust their installation and maintenance to professionals.

How to choose a pump for a garden: video

Barrel pumps: photo

Over millions of years of evolution, nature has managed to create stable plant species, but in many respects they do not satisfy humans. Why? Not at all different criteria their qualities are selected by man and nature. If for nature main task was to create a stable and viable organism capable of producing offspring or seeds in any, even the most unfavorable, conditions, then man demanded from plants high yield or beauty. Breeders achieve such results quite successfully, but at the same time, plant resistance to diseases and unfavorable climatic conditions is significantly reduced. For example, in nature, wild wheat is considered a malicious weed, which is very difficult to destroy. And cultivated varieties require a lot of additional effort for normal development: special agricultural technology and various nutrients, herbicides and pesticides for protection against various pests, etc.

Watering cold water– severe stress for all cultivated plants, take for watering cold water strongly not recommended. Heating water to air temperature can be done in barrels; rainwater can also be collected in them - an ideal option. But walking through the beds with a watering can is quite a labor-intensive task; not everyone has the desire or opportunity to do such work. There are quite a few currently in implementation various options devices for supplying water from a barrel, we will consider in detail their differences and advantages.

Watering from a barrel has its own characteristics; pumps must meet individual requirements.

  1. Light weight and dimensions. The pump should not take up much space; its light weight should allow it to be moved from one container to another without any problems. The fact is that the volume of barrels rarely exceeds 200 liters; this water may not be enough for a single watering; additional ones have to be used. In addition, during the rains it is advisable to collect maximum quantity water, and this will require more than one barrel.
  2. Ease of use. It should be installed simply and quickly, require minimum quantity fittings and connecting elements. The on/off system is as accessible as possible; operating the equipment should not require special training.
  3. Reliability and safety. To protect against dirt, the suction device must have special filters. Moreover, they should be easy to remove for technical routine maintenance, be reusable, restore their properties after washing, and effectively retain dirt. It is highly desirable that the pump has a special sensor to turn off the electric motor in the event of a critical drop in water level; such equipment prevents operation components the pump runs dry, which significantly increases the service life. The pump must meet the most stringent standards for protection against electric shock.

The most famous pump manufacturers

Let's start with the most famous and reliable ones and end with domestic ones. We are forced to arrange our introduction to products in this order for objective reasons: apart from a very small difference in cost, domestic pumps have no other advantages. The price does not differ much, and due to the short period of guaranteed operation, this virtual savings turns into real losses. We will compare only submersible pumps for irrigation from a barrel.

Karcher pumps

Like all products made in Germany, they differ highest quality and great reliability. Significantly facilitate the care of flower beds and flower beds, universal use, have a wide range of electric motor power, productivity and water pressure in the hoses. The most modern electric motor allows you to save up to 30% energy per unit of water supplied compared to traditional solutions.

During operation, the noise level is minimal even at maximum power, does not create inconvenience for others. You can water the flower beds early in the morning and not worry that the sleep of your family and friends will be disturbed.

High output pressure allows you to simultaneously connect several trunk lines, and connect separate wiring to them. To control the water level in the tank, there is an intelligent switch - the operation of the pump in “dry” mode is completely eliminated, significantly increasing the service life of the equipment.

Sold complete with additional elements; all hoses, fittings and sealing gaskets are made of high-quality plastics and artificial rubber. They are not afraid of harsh ultraviolet rays - the hoses and sprinkler do not need to be hidden in the shade. The material can resist significant dynamic and static forces. It is sold fully prepared for use, no complex commissioning work is required. The hose length is at least 20 meters, the power cable length is at least 25 meters.

Gardena pumps

They have two-stage impellers - significantly increases pump performance while reducing consumption electrical energy. Pressure of at least 2 bar, it is possible to connect sprinklers, sprayers or drip irrigation. A special float switch is installed to prevent the pump from operating without water.

At the bottom there is an effective filter for cleaning solids– clogging of the suction section is eliminated, the engine does not overheat, and the water pressure does not drop. For ease of use there is telescopic rod, mounted on the body. There is no need to connect hoses to the lower outlet; the rod allows you to adjust to the actual height of the barrel.

The housing is sealed to IP X8 class, which completely prevents water from entering the pump parts - risks are reliably prevented short circuit and electric shock. Engine with increased efficiency.

Pumps Zubr

Submersible barrel pumps have a built-in bimetallic contact to protect the windings from critical heating. The body is made of impact-resistant plastic, reduced operating noise, and it is possible to precisely adjust the water pressure.

The water supply rod is of a telescopic type, curved to the side of the barrel. The housing has a built-in filter for pre-purification of water. The dimensions of the outlet pipes are adapted to domestic standards. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not supply the pump with additional elements; for connection, the buyer must independently select the missing elements. Before you start using it, you must complete installation and assembly work.

How to make your own watering devices from a barrel

If you have ordinary low-power household submersible or surface pumps, then they can be adapted for watering from a barrel. This will make it possible to save money, and the performance of the water jet will allow for quick and high-quality watering.

How to convert submersible pumps

During the conversion, two problems need to be solved: bringing the engine switch closer to the barrel and ensuring the purification of the supplied water. Let's start in order.

Step 1. Install the switch

There are two ways to install the switch: wall-mounted or wire-mounted. The first option is more labor-intensive, and you don’t always want to make additional holes in the wall. We recommend installing the switch directly on the wire.

Very important. The switch must always be connected to a phase wire break. But this is only possible if, when laying electrical networks in the house, they took into account modern requirements PUE, three-wire wiring with grounding. Sockets and plugs special type, during switching on, you should never swap the phase wire with the neutral wire, there is a so-called “protection”.

If the wiring in the dacha is two-wire, then you need to buy a special switch that disconnects two wires at the same time. In whatever position you plug the plug into the socket, the phase will always be interrupted by the switch. Regarding technical indicators switch, then it is enough to purchase one for 6 A. Most household submersible pumps has a power of less than 1 kW, and such a switch can withstand 6 A × 220 V = 1.3 kW, this is quite enough for reliable operation.

Step 2. Filter installation

Not all submersible well pumps have a water pre-filter. Instead, you can simply wrap the lower suction part of the pump with fine mesh fabric in several layers. The fabric must be made from synthetic materials.

If everything is prepared, then the pump can be lowered into the barrel; it can be placed on the bottom; in a lying position, the performance does not change. If you wish, hang the pump from the edge of the barrel with wire, cable or synthetic rope.

How to convert surface pumps

By and large, it is not the pumps that need to be rebuilt, but the water containers. The fact is that this type of pump has an intake hose or plastic pipe They must always be in a horizontal or downward position; they cannot be thrown over the top of the barrel. If the hose has an upper elbow, then it will never be possible to fill it with water before starting the pump, and the presence of air prevents it from starting into operating mode.

You need to make an exit in the barrel; you can install it at the lowest point or slightly above the bottom. You should definitely put shut-off valve. If desired, you can connect several containers in series in this way - the watered area will significantly increase.

Very important. Surface pumps are afraid of moisture. After watering, they need to be turned off and hidden indoors. If possible, it is better to make a small canopy over the pump to protect it from natural precipitation.

We cannot give unambiguous advice for all occasions; the final decision must be made independently. But there are several general recommendations, which you need to listen to when choosing a specific pump.

Barrel pump for watering a garden - selection rules

  1. Before purchasing pumps, you need to know the distance from the barrel to the end of the bed or flower bed, the elevation difference in the area, the frequency of watering and the approximate amount of water used at a time, the method of watering. These data have a decisive influence on the choice of a specific brand of pump.
  2. Find in technical passport products the following data: maximum lifting and delivery height, total length and diameter of hoses, engine power and performance, maximum water jet pressure.

It is recommended that the technical data of the pump exceed the required values, taking into account the characteristics of the site and irrigation regimes, by at least 30%. The pump should never operate at maximum power; this significantly reduces the operating time of even the most reliable equipment. The fact is that in such operating modes the windings heat up quite strongly. Although their heating does not cause an immediate short circuit, the material used to insulate the windings begins to lose its original factory dielectric characteristics, which over time will cause complete failure of the pump.

Passport for Patriot submersible pumps. File for download

Submersible pump BELAMOS TF. File for download

Submersible pump "Vodoley", manufacturer "Promelektro". File for download

As for the manufacturers. We have listed only the most well-known models; you can find a large number of other companies in stores. Professional and experienced summer residents strongly recommend paying more than once high price and use the pump for many years without problems, rather than regularly contact repair shops to troubleshoot problems or purchase new pumps. Buy only products that have been tested by time and numerous consumers. Moreover, this is directly related not only to costs, but also to safety.

It is better to use plastic water containers; less debris accumulates in them.

During watering, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the filter; it is advisable to periodically perform a visual inspection and, if necessary, wash or replace it. If the filter begins to clog frequently, remove water from the barrel and clean thoroughly internal surfaces from accumulated dirt. To reduce the amount of dust and leaves that enter, it is recommended to cover the barrel, and make a receiving hole for rainwater exactly according to the diameter of the drainage system.

Video - Watering from a barrel

Having your own garden is always nice. But in order for vegetables and fruits to be tasty and the harvest to be plentiful, they need to be looked after. The most labor-intensive part of maintenance is watering the plantings. Today, there are various ways to water a garden, one of which is to use a pump and barrel. Our article will tell you more about this method.

Not every gardener or gardener has running water on his property. Therefore, using a barrel is often the best option for watering the garden or vegetable garden. To container in in this case you need to purchase a pump. Today, there are various pumps for organizing watering of a garden or vegetable garden.

Drum pumps come in the following types:

  • manual. They are used in cases where there is no access to the power grid or the volume of irrigation is insignificant;
  • electric. Optimal choice for large areas. Equipped with pneumatic or electric drive.

Besides this hand pumps, depending on the principle of operation, there are:

  • membrane;
  • piston;
  • siphon;
  • gate

The manual type of pump works by rotating the handle on top of the device. In this case, the main mechanism itself is located in a barrel on the surface.

In turn electric models are divided into the following subtypes:

  • gate and centrifugal. Such pumps can not only water, but also pump various solutions and even diesel fuel;
  • screw. These models are designed specifically to pump viscous and thick liquids;
  • models with pneumatic drive. With their help, you can pump any neutral liquids, as well as oils.

In addition to the above types, barrel pumps can be chemical. Such devices are made from chemically resistant materials. This type of pump supplies various fertilizers from a barrel to the garden. Many people today prefer to buy chemical pumps for the following reasons:

  • the devices are light in weight;
  • easy to install and further use;
  • easy to clean;
  • convenient in terms of watering beds;
  • the ability to regulate the immersion depth due to the separate part of the pump and its motor;
  • the motor can be electric or pneumatic.

In general, which type of pump is best for you to choose depends on many parameters and the size of the area itself.

Video “Using the Ermak pump to water the garden”

This video clearly shows the use of the Ermak pump in the garden.

Pump Specifications

All pumps, regardless of model and type, have their own technical characteristics. Among them are the following basic indicators:

  • power;
  • performance;
  • operating temperature;
  • suction lift;
  • created pressure – maximum outlet pressure;
  • service life, etc.

Evaluating technical characteristics various models, you can choose the most optimal device for organizing watering for your garden.

How to calculate the required pressure

An important nuance in choosing a barrel pump is such an indicator as the water pressure produced by the device. The pressure reflects the height to which the purchased pump can lift liquid from the barrel.

Please note that the higher this indicator, the higher the pump will be able to supply water to irrigate a larger area. It also follows from this that with a high pressure indicator, a larger distance is permissible between the device and the water intake point. For example, when maximum height 40 meters, the barrel can be removed 400 meters from the watering point. In calculations, it is necessary to take into account that one vertical meter is 10 horizontal meters, with a hose diameter of 1 inch.

As you can see, this indicator is really very important, especially if your garden has large sizes. All calculations related to determining the required pressure must be carried out before purchase. A similar calculation should be carried out for all types of devices that are intended for pumping liquid from any container (well, barrel, well, etc.).

Let's consider the calculation option using the example of a barrel, which is located 30 meters from the edge of the garden. The pump itself will be lowered to a depth of 6 meters. An approximate calculation of the required pressure will be as follows:

  • determine the length of the pipeline (30 + 6 = 36 meters);
  • We make a discount of 20% (0.2) of the hose length (total). The discount is needed to restore pressure losses at the junctions of the pipeline, its turns, etc. We get 36 x 0.2 = approximately 7 meters;
  • then we add the resulting number (7) to the height to which the water should be raised (6). The result is 7+6=13 meters;
  • then, to prevent overloading the product, you need to add another 10 meters. The result is 13+10=23 meters. This will be the pump pressure we need.

In this situation, it is necessary to choose a device with a pressure of 25 to 30 meters. Based on this example, you can easily calculate the required level of pressure for watering your garden.

Choosing the right pump

Today there is simply a huge number of different barrel pumps. Therefore, a gardener or amateur gardener can easily get lost in all this diversity and choose not exactly suitable model for your garden or vegetable garden.

When choosing a device for organizing a proper plant watering system, it is necessary to evaluate the following parameters:

In addition, when choosing a product for watering a garden, you should evaluate the parameters of the site, which also affect the technical characteristics:

  • distance from the water intake source to the extreme point of the garden;
  • how many meters in this situation will be the height difference between the place where the pump is installed and the most extreme point of the garden or garden;
  • how often do you intend to water your garden or garden plot;
  • what area is planted with cultivated plants growing in your garden;
  • the type of watering you choose. It can be rain, root, drip, etc.

Remember that warm and settled water should be used for watering plants. A barrel is ideal for just these purposes. In addition, such a container can accumulate rainwater, which is recognized as the best for watering cultivated plants.

A properly selected barrel pump will allow you to optimize watering your garden as much as possible and spend a minimum of effort and time on it. And the result in the form of a bountiful and tasty harvest will not take long to arrive and will delight you at the end of the summer season!

Video “Automation for the pump. Watering the garden”

The video shows an automation diagram for a water pump based on the RT 40/6 relay.

For summer residents, the issue of water supply is always one of the most pressing, which is why a pump for irrigation from a barrel can be a solution to many problems. All garden crops need timely saturation with vital moisture, because without water not a single living organism on our planet can exist.

Kärcher barrel irrigation pump

What is a barrel pump?

As you know, it is undesirable to use very cold water for irrigation, because vegetables and fruit crops may react poorly to low temperature. That is why summer residents use various containers to accumulate water and subsequently heat it to an acceptable level. Previously, gardeners scooped up water with buckets or watering cans directly from the tank, and thus watered the beds and other plantings. This process required a lot of time and effort. Today, technical advances have come a long way, and such a thing as a barrel pump for watering a garden has made the work of many owners easier. summer cottages. This practical device is a type of water pump that can pump water out of a barrel or tank. The pump is compact in size, has good water pressure, and is easy to operate. This distinguishes it from high-power units for pumping water of surface or submersible type.

Pump for irrigation from a barrel, photo:

This option is great solution for summer cottages that are not connected to a centralized water supply. The principle of operation of the device is simple: a pump is installed on the container, which takes (pumps) water - this is how watering is carried out.

The unit is lightweight (usually up to 4 kg), it is easy to reinstall from one container to another, and it does not produce much noise during operation.

It can also be used for irrigation - adding water-soluble fertilizers directly into the container. To be on the safe side and protect the device from clogging with solid particles that have “slipped” into the system, you can additionally install a homemade filter on the container.

For these purposes, tulle or thick gauze fabric is quite suitable, which should be larger in size than the volume of the water tank. It is placed in a container, the free edges are securely fixed to the barrel, then the pump is immersed directly into the fabric bed. You should not be afraid that during operation the unit will draw fabric into itself, because the “heart” of the system is equipped with a “native” filter at the output. Often experienced summer residents They resort to additional tricks - they place a strong board on top of the container, to which they hang a pump for watering from a barrel. At the same time, it should not reach the bottom by about 10 cm. Various debris and sediment always accumulate at the bottom, but after such manipulations the likelihood that debris will not get into the system increases significantly. Devices of this type are designed to work with tanks whose depth does not exceed 1.2-1.5 meters.

How to choose a pump for irrigation from a barrel?

First, you need to assess the scale of the proposed work, namely, the area of ​​the vegetable garden/garden. If servicing is planned large plot, then it is better to opt for a unit with a two-stage mechanism, which is designed for long work, so it won't overheat.

If you have a small vegetable garden and flower garden, you can take a pump with low power. The most popular and well-proven models are models from the Gardena, Sterwins brands, a pump for irrigation from a Kärcher barrel (Kärcher), as well as Belarusian ZUBR units. The famous German quality of the Kärcher and Gardena brands presents to your attention both expensive systems and quite budget ones (from 2500-3000 rubles). The so-called “inexpensive” pump is capable of pumping approximately 2000 liters of water in 1 hour, which is quite enough for a small or medium-sized area.

Well, if your vegetable garden or garden is of impressive size, then you will need a more powerful device. Keep in mind that the maximum performance of Kärcher and Gardena pumps is 4000 liters of water in 1 hour.

Compact pump for irrigation from a Kärcher barrel (Kärcher), photo:

When choosing a model, also pay attention to the presence of a float switch - this is a very convenient function in which you do not have to control the water level in the container. This ensures protection against “dry running” and minimizes the risk of associated breakdowns.

According to reviews from summer residents, a pump for watering a vegetable garden from a container from the Belarusian brand ZUBR has proven itself well. All model range These units are equipped with a float, have a warranty period of 5 years, technical characteristics are in many ways similar to representatives of the Gardena brand, while their cost is 1.5-2 times lower than their German counterpart. Some models come already complete with a watering hose, pipes, as well as a fitting and nozzles for spraying.

More budget options require additional equipment.

Also, to collect water from barrels (large containers), submersible and surface pumps. Submersible, as the name implies, is immersed in a tank of water. Surface devices Water is collected using suction hoses.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a unit:

  • housing tightness (sealing rubber bands);
  • impact resistance of the case (what material it is made of);
  • mount on the body (to make it convenient to fix the device on the barrel), bracket for securing the hose to the edge of the container;
  • float for determining the water level, which was already mentioned above;
  • manufacturer's warranty.

As practice shows, as well as numerous reviews from owners, for gardening needs the most optimal in terms of power is pump for irrigation from a 200 l barrel. To water one square meter On average, about 5 liters of water are used on land - based on this indicator, you can roughly calculate the pump’s performance. The required power of the unit (as well as water pressure) can be determined based on the distance over which the irrigation hose will be extended.

Pump for drip irrigation from a barrel

Pump for drip irrigation from a barrel in a greenhouse – Aqua Dusya

Separately, it is worth mentioning a convenient and rational method of irrigation - drip. This method allows you to save not only water supplies, but also your time. To organize drip irrigation, it is recommended to use a submersible pump with automatic control of water supply. Of course, this unit is more designed for pumping water from a well or borehole, but it is also suitable for barrels and water tanks. You yourself set the required mode on the pressure switch, in this case - the minimum. Also, using a timer, the frequency of watering is set, the rest is the operation of the system. If you study the information on the relevant forums and listen to advice experienced summer residents, then it becomes clear that a centrifugal submersible pump is the best option for organizing drip irrigation.

A pump for drip irrigation from a barrel will be able to supply water for a long time (at the required pressure) without the threat of overheating of the pump motor. Of course, you should approach the matter seriously - carefully calculate the water consumption over time, draw up a drawing of the route of drip tapes, taking into account the total length of the water supply system. It is also necessary to take into account the number of holes (droppers) per 1 linear meter. As an example, I will give a calculation: you lay 100 m of hose (tape), for each meter there are 6 droppers, in the end we get 600 droppers, each of which dispenses 1 liter of water within 1 hour. Therefore, you will need a pump with a capacity of 600 l/h.

Many dacha owners come to their site only during the season or on weekends. They dig up the garden and plant crops. It's time to water. And here’s the problem - the water in the barrel is supported by duckweed, and a regular pump cannot cope with it. Fortunately, there is a way out. The submersible pump is designed specifically for this type of work. It will easily break through any obstacles and pump out water to the very end. In addition, such equipment will help in delivering water from a well, borehole, lake or pool.

Features of submersible pumps for barrel irrigation in the country

Such equipment is used in many areas of production, as well as in garden plots. He has different structure and power, which depends on the purpose for which the pump is selected. run on electricity and require professional installation.

Watering devices have a number of characteristic features:

  1. They are constantly in the water.
  2. The pumps operate using two types of drives: electrically and mechanically.
  3. When using a submersible pump, the problem of water supply in the house will disappear by itself.
  4. They must be constantly taken out and immersed before work.
  5. They require daily inspection and cleaning of parts.

There are quite a lot of models and outwardly they do not differ much from each other. Therefore, to determine them to any type, you should look at the technical characteristics of submersible devices.

So, all pump models can be distinguished by the following points:

  • Determination of power.
  • Maximum depth for diving.
  • What material is the body itself made of?
  • Height for water supply.
  • Duration of operation.
  • Case size.
  • Power cord length.

Advantages and disadvantages of garden tanks and garden pumps

This equipment, like any other, has its pros and cons.

So, the advantages of submersible pumps include:

  • Small sizes.
  • Work on a site of any complexity.
  • Low power consumption.
  • Easy control system.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Frequency of inspection and immersion.
  2. Difficult to install.

General classification for pumping water

The use of such equipment is extremely wide, however, a different pump is selected for each type of work. Thus, the following groups of watering mechanisms can be distinguished:

  1. By immersion in water.
  2. For its intended purpose.
  3. According to the way it works.
  4. Power supply: electrical and mechanical.

By immersion

There are three types of pumps based on immersion in water.

For surface work

By purpose

For working with wells

Borehole pumps are designed to work with sources. For maximum efficiency and facilities in the ground they drill a small hole with a decent depth. The principle of their operation differs in the presence and absence of a hose. In the first case, all work with pumping water is carried out using a hose that is lowered into the opening. If it is absent, the device is lowered into the water. The advantages of such pumps include: great immersion depth - up to 300 meters, suction of water with particles of dirt or sand. Disadvantages: difficulty of installation and immersion.

The technology for drilling water wells is described.


Well pumps are necessary for working with wells. There are fewer wells, but they work no less powerfully than them. Such devices cool well and are capable of processing sludge and small particles. Their device consists of a hole for pumping water from below and a small hose for collecting water from above.

Read also about pumps for watering a garden from a well.

Cask or barrel

Barrels or barrels are necessary when organizing irrigation from barrels or water tanks. The principle of their operation is to immerse the pump inside the container. A switch is left outside with which you can stop or resume work. The advantages of such devices include: the ability to pump out all the water from the barrel, the presence of a convenient hose and ease of operation. Submersible pumps of this type are first filled, and only then the entire garden is watered. If this requirement is not followed, the hose may become clogged, resulting in pump failure.

Drainage (small)

By way of working


Excellent helpers when watering the garden from any type of container. They are equipped with a pressure boost function for high water consumption. The advantages of this type include: pumps cope well with dirty water, they have high productivity, they are able to deliver water over vast distances. The disadvantages include the complexity of installation and high cost.


Characterized by vibration when working with water. They have low pressure and minimal filling of the tank. However, they are perfect for a small garden. The advantages include uninterrupted operation, as well as ease of installation. The disadvantages are that they are low-power and cannot be installed close to the bottom.


Suitable for delicate pumping of water. For example, they are ideal for barrels covered with duckweed. Their special device allows you to pump out only water without impurities. Their disadvantages include a weak device that leads to breakdowns.

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Manufacturers and prices

Among domestic manufacturers of submersible pumps, the following models can be noted:

  • Baby. The cost of such pumps will be from 1000 to 2000 rubles.
  • Dwarf. Its price varies from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.
  • Belamos. Its cost varies from 10 thousand and above.
  • Vortex. It costs from 6000.

Foreign models include:

  1. Karcher. The most famous brand that produces pumps of all sizes, including small ones. The cost of its products will vary from 3,000 to 15 thousand rubles.
  2. Elpumps. Its price ranges from 6,000 to 14 thousand.
  3. Grinda. The cost of all submersible pumps ranges from 2000 to 5000 rubles.
  4. Gardena. The price range for such a brand is in the range of 4,000 – 20,000 rubles.

Details about pumps for automatic system watering is stated.


The video shows how to choose the right submersible pump.


A submersible pump is a universal assistant in any garden. With its help, you can not only organize watering work, but also clean basements or houses. It has a long service life and excellent technical characteristics.

The whole difficulty of such devices lies only in their installation. It can only be carried out by a specialist in his field. However, the presence of this drawback is nothing compared to the list of advantages that the use of submersible pumps brings.
