Air heating with a gas snail of a private house. Air heating systems for a private house

Working diagram air heating includes minimum set equipment:

  1. heat source (heat generator);
  2. air ducts delivering heat to heated areas.

Examples of homemade air heating are presented in detail on the Internet with photos and diagrams, but interest in such systems does not wane. The advantages of air heating include:

  • high efficiency, reaching 93%;
  • direct heat transfer to heated areas without pipes, heating radiators, etc.;
  • the ability to create a room microclimate by combining heating with a climate system;
  • power and low inertia of air heating, allowing you to quickly warm up your home to the required temperatures.

Here are several ways to install air heating in a private home on our own, let's note the pros and cons of each method.

How to make air heating of a private house from the sun

Advantages solar heating are obvious - the homeowner invests only in the purchase of equipment, and the heat source itself costs nothing. Solar power plants pay for themselves in about three years, and their service life is ten times longer (up to 30 years).

There are two types of solar heating: solar and .

Advantages of solar heating:

  • absolute environmental safety;
  • ease of operation;
  • constant development of production technology and reduction in equipment costs.

Among the shortcomings we note:

  • low station productivity on cloudy days;
  • the still high cost of equipment and installation;
  • the need for accurate calculation and correct placement of equipment for maximum productivity.

Solar powered installations

The operating principle of such installations is based on the formation of direct current by sunlight when it hits special semiconductors. The converter converts direct current into alternating current. The voltage that appears in the solar panels is transferred to the heating system. The energy can also be stored by the battery and then used in cloudy weather.

Solar batteries are technically difficult; their production will require knowledge and skills. In addition, such equipment is usually used to. This type of heating is used where there is electric heating - or. If the installation power is sufficient, then you can provide the house with hot water.

The efficiency of batteries depends mainly on the amount solar energy. In middle and northern latitudes, where there is not enough sun, it is recommended to use combined installations in which solar panels will play a supporting role.

Installations on solar collectors

The principle of operation of such installations is also based on the collection and conversion of solar energy, only the transformation occurs not into electrical energy, but into thermal energy. The coolant in the collector heats up under the influence of sun rays and gives off its heat to the room. The performance of such an installation also depends on the amount of sunlight.

Heating installations are classified according to the type of coolant:

  • water and antifreeze;
  • air.

The procedure for installing a solar collector:

  1. Insulate the wall of the southern side of the house with polystyrene foam and paint it with black paint.
  2. Sew wooden slats on top.
  3. Punch 2 convection holes for cold air from below through the wall of the house and the insulation from the edges, and 1 from above for hot air. The diameter of the holes is 20 cm.
  4. Sew corrugated sheeting onto the slats and cover the top with black plastic film(preferably glass).

The principle of operation of the collector is very simple: cold air circulates from the house through the lower openings, heated air enters the house through the upper convection opening.

In November, at noon at a temperature of 9 degrees on a sunny day, the air supplied to the house is heated by the collector to 46 degrees.

Scheme of solar air heating of a private house

How to make air heating with your own hands from a stove

When calculating air heating, it is assumed that 1 kW of power heating device can heat 10 sq.m of a well-insulated room. Fireplace inserts with a power of 10 kW are respectively capable of heating a house with an area of ​​100 sq.m.

Natural convection systems

An air heating system from a stove (fireplace) involves the distribution of heat to other rooms of the house by streams of heated air. For this purpose, flexible heat-insulating channels coming from the fireplace are usually used.

The movement of heated air flows can be natural or forced. If the air flow is directed vertically, then natural movement will be ensured; if hot air needs to be supplied over long distances horizontally, then you need forced submission. A project for air heating a house from a fireplace should make maximum use of natural convection, which requires large-section air ducts.

Fireproof materials and minimal aerodynamic resistance are the main requirements for air ducts. The length of the air duct from the fireplace to the room should be no more than 3 m. There should be no narrowings or bends on it. The natural air movement heating system can heat no more than 4 rooms. During installation, special attention is paid to insulating sections of air ducts near flammable building materials.

Forced convection systems

The principle is to collect air in a convection chamber and pump it from there into different rooms home with one or more duct-type fans. The heat supply distance is no more than 10 m. Flexible ventilation ducts or air ducts of small diameters are used.

Scheme of air heating from a forced convection oven

How to make air heating based on buleryan

The Buleryan stove was developed for Canadian lumberjacks. Due to its unique characteristics, it spread very quickly, and today buleryan is used for heating homes, factories, garages, greenhouses and other facilities.

The operation of the furnace is based on the principle of gas generation, i.e. “smoldering” combustion mode with oxygen deficiency. Cold air enters the furnace openings from below, and air heated to 60 - 80 degrees comes out of the pipes of the upper part of the furnace. The combustion mode in such a furnace is full, i.e. with afterburning of combustible gases in a furnace with air supply. The stove is very economical - one load of firewood is enough for 6 - 8 hours.

Do-it-yourself air heating of a private house from Buleryan is achieved by connecting air ducts to the stove pipes and distributing heat through air ducts throughout the house. Ducts can be made of corrugated aluminum or tin. Air ducts transport hot air only from the furnace; there is no return flow, which reduces heating efficiency.

The photo shows a buleryan stove. Made in Canada

How to make air heating from cans

Do-it-yourself air heating of a private house from cans - example self-made efficient heating system from scrap materials.

1. Making air flows

  1. Will need 196 tin cans soda bottles, which need to be washed and holes made at the bottom and top.
  2. Fasten the cans together with silicone, making a pipe of 14 cans. There are 14 columns of 14 cans in total. These are the channels through which warm air will enter the house.

2. Making a box for the collector

  • For the box you will need plywood and boards, PVA glue, high-temperature silicone, and mineral wool for insulation.
  • The board needs to be cut to size, the joints must be nailed and glued.
  • The finished dry box must be insulated with mineral wool.
  • In the top wall you need to make 14 holes to fit the size of the can. These are gathering places warm air.

3. Manifold assembly

It is better to see the assembly of the collector and its preparation for operation - the whole process is shown in detail in the video at the end.

The collector is capable of heating the air to 70 - 80° C. The use of such a collector can significantly save the consumption of natural gas and electricity for heating.

This is what a collector made of aluminum cans looks like


A variety of air heating systems allow you to choose a convenient and maximum effective scheme for each specific case. The popularity of air heating in the USA and the EU is not accidental - the efficiency of such heating installations is about 90%, while that of water heating, which is popular in Russia, is no more than 60%. The future lies in inexpensive and effective methods air heating, so now you need to select installations and use them to heat your homes.

Traditionally, water is used as a coolant in heating systems. This conventional heating method has both advantages and disadvantages. When building your own home, the owner's possibilities for experimentation are almost unlimited.

It makes sense to consider alternative options. The most interesting of them is air heating country house. We will dwell on it in more detail in this article.

Air is a very effective coolant, much more convenient than water. The simplest option for such heating is conventional. Small room This device, consisting of a fan and a heating coil, can warm up in literally a matter of minutes. Of course, for a private home you will need more serious equipment.

Gas or can be used as a heat source. An electric heater is also suitable, but this option is not considered very profitable, since electricity costs increase significantly.

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After the need for thermal energy and its costs are correlated, the power of the heating equipment is calculated and its type is selected. Then the hot air flow parameters are calculated. Special aerodynamic calculations are performed to calculate the required dimensions of the air ducts.

A diffuser grille is installed at the outlet of the air duct. Its size and configuration may affect the speed of air flow

You can preliminarily calculate the power of the equipment based on the following figures: for heating every 10 sq. meters of room you will need about 0.7-0.8 kW of heat. This is provided that the house is well insulated, otherwise more powerful equipment will be needed. But complete design and detailed calculations It is better to entrust it to an experienced engineer.

Incorrect calculations can have a very bad effect on the state of the finished system. An unprofessionally designed air heating system is characterized by such problems as frequent equipment breakdowns, overheating of indoor air, overheating of equipment, drafts, and increased noise levels.

Simultaneously with designing an air heating system, it makes sense to think about the placement of stationary pieces of furniture in the house. Supply and exhaust grilles should be located in places away from the constant presence of people.

They also should not be hidden under cabinets, cabinets or other objects that impede the free movement of air masses.

In a multi-storey private house, it is recommended to place exhaust grilles in such a way that on the upper floors the cooled air is taken into the system from above, and on the lower floors - from below. This will ensure a more even distribution of heat throughout all rooms. Read more about how to correctly calculate air heating.

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Rigid air ducts made of galvanized steel are very reliable and durable. For their successful installation, you will need elbows with a rotation angle of 45 and 90 degrees.

Air masses moving inside a structure can make some noise. To reduce this negative impact, it is recommended to hide the air ducts under a layer of sound insulation.

Typically this material also has thermal insulation properties, which only increases the efficiency of the system.

To ensure that air heating structures make as little noise as possible during operation, it is recommended to cover them with a layer of insulating material

It is worth considering the option of purchasing air ducts that already have such an insulating layer applied. This will simplify and speed up installation work.

If there is a need to install a fan, or several such devices, then it is usually included in the system next to the heater. The fan is supplied with power and also provides backup source electricity.

The system also includes one or more filters. These could be filters mechanical cleaning which prevent the spread of dust particles. Along with these devices, it is recommended to install a carbon filter that absorbs various odors. Of course, filters need to be cleaned and/or replaced periodically.

Part of the air duct is led outside to provide fresh air. This section is supplied to the filter system, and then the air is supplied to the heat exchanger of the heating device. If installation work is carried out during the construction of a house, then its implementation usually does not cause any great difficulties. The main thing is a good project.

To improve the microclimate in the house, such useful elements as an air humidifier, ionizer, ultraviolet sterilizer, etc. are built into the air heating system. These elements are not mandatory, but if funds allow, you should not refuse them.

Another useful device is a ducted air conditioner. It is also built into the air duct system. This will allow you to use the system in the warm season to cool the air in the room.

Systems automatic control significantly improve the operation of the air heating system and reduce heat costs, as well as simplify the operation of the equipment

The final stage is connecting the automatic control system. You will need air temperature sensors in the rooms and a control panel with a processor that will process the received data and regulate the operation of the heating equipment.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Interesting information on calculations and design of air heating is shown here:

In this video you can see two options for relatively inexpensive installation of air heating systems using Russian-made devices and materials:

Air heating is a worthy and profitable option for heating a private home. It is more different high efficiency compared to traditional water systems and can significantly improve the quality of life in the home. But to ensure the successful implementation of this idea, the system must be correctly calculated and professionally designed.

Do you have any questions? Or do you have personal experience using air heating for your home? Please share your own opinion on this issue. Leave comments, ask questions, share tips in the block below.

An alternative to water and electric heating is air heating of a private house according to the Canadian method. Such a system assumes that thermal air will circulate in the pipeline, evenly distributing thermal energy along the entire perimeter of the room. Air heating can be integrated with the ventilation system, complemented by filter elements, air conditioners and humidifiers.

The principle of air heating for a private house

Such a heating system involves the use of specially designed thermoregulation, in which the air is first heated to the required temperature, and then transfers its heat to the room, heating everything around - furniture, objects and the human body. Air heating when using air heating occurs without intermediaries in the form of radiators or other units, so there is no pointless heat loss.

Such heating is usually used for houses frame structure, which are widespread in Canada, hence the name of the technology. The fact is that frame houses, unlike brick buildings, cannot effectively retain the heat produced by batteries, and air heating creates an optimal microclimate with minimal financial costs.

Visual diagram of air heating using an example two-story house looks like this:

Types of air heating

There are two main types of such a system.

Natural (gravity)

The system involves air circulation according to the following scheme:
  • Warm air from the stove expands, and when it becomes lighter, it spreads through the radiators.
  • Warm air reduces pressure, and cold masses are drawn into the resulting space.
  • The cold masses are heated, and the cycle repeats from the first point.
  • Warm masses entering the house displace the cold flow.
  • Heating occurs as long as the boiler is running.
Heating of a two-story house using this principle is implemented according to the following scheme:

The gravity system is used only in small buildings. It is characterized by inertia, and its main advantage is its non-volatile circuit. It can work effectively without installing additional electrical appliances, due to this there is a saving on installation.


Such heating is realized using an external energy source to ensure the required circulation intensity. The principle of such a system is as follows:
  • The main heating unit is a fan, which must be installed under the heater. For example, an air cannon can act as a fan.
  • Air heated by the heat generator enters the fan, where it is cleaned of debris and germs.
  • Through the fan grilles, air enters the air ducts and heats the room. The air ducts must be insulated if an air conditioner is installed in the future, otherwise condensation will accumulate.

When using forced air heating, air is taken from the outside, so it is regularly cleaned.

Heat sources for air heating

There are three types:
  • Ground-air. The soil below the freezing point maintains a high temperature all year round, and the deeper it lies, the higher it is. This heat can be extracted around the clock by submerging a horizontal collector and several deep probes.
  • Air-to-air. A typical representative of the canonical heating system is ducted air conditioners. Their operating principle is based on the release of hot air from heat pump and its subsequent movement to all rooms through interconnected air ducts.
  • Water-air. This heat source is used in case of shallow passage groundwater. When using such a system, you need to dig a well and lower the heat exchanger probe into it. This scheme is used when there is a non-freezing reservoir near the building. Since the whole essence of the process is tied to constant access to water, the use of such a heating system is rare. The scheme of such heating:

Equipment involved in air heating

To heat the air and redirect it in the desired direction, you should install the necessary equipment:
  • Heat generator. It can be a gas air heater, a heat gun, a water heater or a solar collector. One of them to choose from will be the heat source.
  • Heat exchanger. The purpose of this device is to heat the air; it is not allowed to mix the coolant with gas. It is also called a recuperator and economizer. Its installation is mandatory for large systems.
  • Air ducts. Through them, heated air is supplied to individual rooms. There are square, rectangular and round sections, they are presented in certain standard sizes. Connecting them to each other is not difficult, so installation can be done independently.
  • Filter, acting as a freshener and humidifier, is able to maintain clean air.
  • Automatic temperature tracking system indoors, it controls the operation of the heat generator.
  • Air conditioner. It is built into the system and used on hot summer days.
Structurally, the heat generator contains: a burner, a combustion chamber and a heater. Cold air enters the heat exchanger from under the fan. Energy is released in the combustion chamber, due to which the air in the heat exchanger is heated. The burner can burn any fuel, regardless of what type of heat exchanger is used in the heating system. If necessary, the burner can be replaced together with the entire supply system.

Air heating calculation

Before you start making calculations, you need to take into account several factors that affect the correctness of the calculations:
  • Heat losses are calculated separately for each room.
  • Aerodynamic calculations are carried out for the entire heating system.
  • The choice of power and type of air heater will depend on the estimated heat loss.
  • The amount of air received is calculated depending on the power of the heating device.
  • It will be necessary to accurately calculate the cross-section of the air channels.
The accuracy of the calculated data will be affected by:
  • wall thickness and material;
  • the number of people who will constantly be in the room;
  • number of windows and their total area;
  • power and heat transfer of additional heat sources.
The features of the calculation depend on whether a ventilation system will be installed or not, so we will further consider both options:

Calculation of heating without ventilation

To calculate heat losses through walls, windows, roofs and floors, the following formula is used:

Q = 1/R * (tв - tн) * S, Where

  • R- heat transfer resistance of the structure’s enclosure, that is, a wall, window, floor or roof (m?*?S/W);
  • - internal air temperature;
  • - outside air temperature;
  • S- area of ​​the structure fencing.
To use this formula, you first need to calculate the heat transfer resistance. The following formula is used for calculation:

R = ? / ?, Where

  • ? – thickness of the structure (m);
  • ? – coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material, W/(m*?С).
When the heat losses of all fences are calculated, the values ​​​​must be added up and the value of the optimal power of the heating system is obtained, at which heat losses through the walls, floor, windows and roof can be compensated.

According to a simplified calculation scheme, which is also used for other heating systems, it is generally accepted that per 1 m? 40 watts of thermal unit power is quite enough. For each individual region of the country you need to use your own coefficient. For example, in the northern regions it is 1.5-2. If housing has standard height ceilings equal to 2.5-2.7 meters, then when calculating you can adhere to the following values: per 10 m? -1 kW.

Calculation of heating with ventilation

If the air heating system is combined with ventilation, the thermal energy that will be spent on heating the supply air must be added to the value obtained in the previous section. It is calculated using the following formula:

Q = c * m (tв - tн), Where

  • m- mass of supply air (kg);
  • With- specific heat capacity of the air layer (W/(kg*? C)). The coefficient is 0.28.
You will learn about the stages of calculating the air system, including the pros, cons and common mistakes in the video:

Do-it-yourself air heating (video)

As soon as you have ready-made calculations in hand, you can proceed to preparing the installation of the selected system. First, a diagram of the approximate passage of the air ducts and their connections to each other is drawn.

Having sketched out a preliminary plan for connecting the system, it is better to discuss it with specialists, even if you have your own personal experience in this matter, so that an outsider can objectively evaluate and find hidden defects that can lead to vibration, drafts and extraneous noise during operation of the system.

A knowledgeable specialist can help you choose suitable model a heat generator that would ensure heating of the air to the required temperature and would not overheat during intensive operation. If the device is quite bulky, it is better to allocate an additional room adjacent to the house for it. Thermal installations there are two types:

  • Stationary. They most often run on gas fuel and, due to their impressive size, should be installed only in separate rooms. They are mainly used by farmers to heat large buildings, and they are also often installed in factory floors.
  • Mobile. Convenient for those who have dachas and country cottages, they are not made as large as their stationary counterparts. Their combustion chamber is isolated, but to ensure environmental safety, such units must be located in rooms with a built-in smoke exhaust system. This type is also known as a heater type.
Algorithm self-installation air heating consists of several stages:
  • Boiler installation and heat exchanger installation. The first one is usually mounted in basement. It is prohibited to connect its gas version on your own; this must be agreed upon with the relevant services.
  • Creating a hole in the wall of the room where the heat exchanger is located. The air vent sleeve will be routed into it.
  • Connection of the heat exchanger with the air supply pipe.
  • Installation of a fan under the combustion chamber. Lead to it outside return pipe.
  • Installation of air ducts and their fastening. Most often, they are chosen with round, it is necessary to select special brackets for it.
  • Installation of supply channels and return air ducts, their insulation.
The installation of a climate system for a frame house is demonstrated in the video:

Pros and cons of air heating

  • Possibility of energy saving. At night, the thermostat is turned down, and during the day, on the contrary, its indicators are returned to their previous state so that the house warms up.
  • No leaks. The coolant in such a system is air, and it cannot spontaneously leave the system. Its freezing is also impossible. This property is especially important in country houses, the owners of which visit them very rarely.
  • Absence additional equipment and, as a result, savings on it.
  • High efficiency of the system. If the heating installation is entrusted to a highly qualified specialist, then the heating efficiency will be at the level of 93%. Compared to other types of heating, this is a big indicator. For example, when using water heating it barely reaches 75%.
  • Cooling function. In the summer season, if you organize additional draft, you can use air to cool the room.
  • Minimum fuel consumption. The coolant of such a system heats up quickly, while the heat generator operates in a “gentle” mode. Its activation is regulated by automatic sensors that are triggered by a decrease in room temperature.
  • No costs for purchasing other heating or air conditioning devices.
  • Silence. Air moves through the pipes without creating additional sounds.
The advantage for aesthetes is that such heating can be intelligently combined with your favorite design, for example:

  • This kind of heating cannot be done in an old house. Its design needs to be thought through before the construction of housing.
  • The system requires regular maintenance.
  • Water heating requires constant regulation of humidity levels and the need to check the cleanliness of filters.
  • Without a backup source of electricity in cottages located far away in the event of a power outage, the system will not work.
You can get expert advice on arranging efficient home heating using a boiler for air heating in the video attached below:

For private houses and cottages, air heating is the optimal heating system. To carry it out, you must first correctly carry out all the calculations, select an air heating system, develop a diagram and begin installation. To perform heating correctly, it is better to involve specialists.

Let's first understand what heating is in general. GOST 22270-76 defines heating as artificially maintaining the indoor air temperature at a level higher than the outside air temperature. Thus, heating is always heating the air in the room. The air can be heated locally, for example, by radiators, convectors, air heaters with natural or forced convection (using a fan), surface heaters (warm floors and walls), or centrally in an air heater that serves several rooms. In this case, air is forcedly taken from the premises, supplied to the air heater and the heated air is distributed throughout the premises. Air intake and supply is carried out through special channels - air ducts. An air heater with a fan can be supplemented with units that provide air purification, humidification or dehumidification. Through a special air duct, it is possible to mix external air to the internal air in the required volume, thereby ensuring fresh ventilation. By adding an air cooling section to the unit, you can ensure that the set temperature in the room is maintained all year round. The air processed in this way in accordance with GOST 22270-76 is called conditioned air, and the unit itself is called an air conditioner. If the unit serves one room, then it is called a local air conditioner, and if there are several, then it is called a central air conditioner.

Air heating is the common name for an air conditioning system that operates on heating.

Interested in heating a country house? Is it possible to heat it with air?

Are you asking: is it possible to heat the air in the house? Yes, you can. Do you have any doubts that the walls will be warm if there are no radiators? But batteries are not necessarily located on all walls (from personal experience), and the room is warm. Is it possible to heat air in reasonable volumes and to reasonable temperatures and supply it to the room in order to ensure the required temperature in the room? Certainly. But unlike batteries, you will receive air that is not only warm, but also clean, fresh, and with the required humidity.

What are the advantages of air heating?

The fact is that it is not only heating (heating the air in the room), but an air conditioning system. In accordance with GOST 22270-76 Air conditioning is the provision of the required temperature, humidity and air modes. Air conditioning can provide the required indoor temperature, relative humidity, cleanliness, movement speed, pressure, rate of change of pressure, as well as gas, ionic and bacteriological compositions of air.

Is it true that air heating can quickly heat up a cold country house or cottage?

You need to understand that a house is not only the air that is in it, but building structures, furniture... In order to heat a house, it is not enough to heat the air, you need to heat the floors with ceilings and walls with furniture. Only then will the house become comfortable. The heat capacity of air is very small - 4 thousand times less than the heat capacity of water. Therefore, you can heat the air quickly, and heat cold house It won't work quickly. As practice shows, a frame or wooden house warms up in about a day. Warm up stone house in winter - a very long time. To speed up warming up, the house should have additional powerful sources of rapid heat, for example, an enclosed wood-burning fireplace.

But, one way or another, the “air” warms up the house faster than other heating systems.

Interested in eco-friendly housing. I want a house that meets green standards. The ecology of housing is vitally important to me, because I care about the health of my children and I would simply like to live in the “right” conditions. What will air heating do for my family in terms of ecology?

The air climate system is initially designed to provide the air parameters in the house necessary for comfortable well-being. These are temperature, humidity, mobility, air quality. The latter is ensured by the ventilation function “built-in” into the system, which provides for the automatic addition of air from the street in the required quantity to the air circulating in the house. This amount is calculated taking into account the composition and pollution of the external air. The mixture of indoor air and mixed air is constantly cleaned in a system filter before being supplied to the living areas of the house. The ANTARES Comfort system uses mechanical filters with a cleaning class of at least M5 (EU5), which makes it possible to quite effectively clean the air from dust, including the notorious pm2.5. At the user's request, it is possible to install even finer filters (electronic filter and additional HEPA filter). To eliminate odors, it is possible to install carbon filters. If desired, all air circulating in the house can be additionally treated with ultraviolet light. There are special lamps for this. Thus, a house with an air climate system is equipped with a good general house “gas mask” and is able to ensure that the internal microclimate meets “green” air quality standards. Naturally, the need for “communication” with environment through open windows.

I am allergic to pollen. Could installing your climate control system make my life easier?

When you are at home, yes, it can. More details -

Warm floors and a fireplace, how can these heat sources “cooperate” with air heating?

Since a heated floor serves as an air heater, this additional heat influx must be taken into account when designing air heating. If this is done correctly, there will be “cooperation”. Otherwise, the room will overheat. But there are rooms in the house where this is necessary. These are bathrooms, swimming pools, baths and other spa areas. In these rooms, heated floors are indicated (as doctors say). It is advisable to install heated floors in the entrance area (vestibule, hallway). You need to be aware that when cooling your home, areas with heated floors are likely to be undercooled.

When using the fireplace air system“will spread” its heat throughout the house, thereby lowering the temperature in the fireplace area and reducing the consumption of the main fuel for heating the house.

Nowadays, facade glazing of cottages and panoramic windows on the entire wall of country houses are in fashion. These are, as a rule, large heat losses in winter and strong insolation in summer. What will your “air” give in this situation?

With the current level of window production technology, heat loss through them is relatively small. In such houses, the first place is not heating, but cooling the house. Cooling a house with “cold floors and walls” is not good. There is a high chance of developing pneumonia. But the air system copes with this much better. Moreover, central air conditioning creates significantly more comfortable living conditions than local air conditioning, which is used everywhere in residential buildings. With central air conditioning, there are no obvious strong air currents. The air is cooled evenly throughout the house, without forming “drafts”. Another advantage is that the air climate system has supply and exhaust ventilation, while local air conditioners (split systems) do not.

In my country house there is a so-called. second light. I came to the conclusion that because of it, the second floor is overheating. How is this problem solved with air heating?

Usually, a little more air is supplied to the lower floor than is required by calculation. As practice shows, with an increase in air supply to the lower floor by 10%, the air temperature will increase by top floor turns out to be 1-1.5⁰С lower than at the bottom. But when cooling the house, the lower floor will be slightly cooler than the upper floor. Therefore, for good reason, we need to create a floor zoning system. It is also advisable to do zoning in houses with large glazing to the south - southwest.

I heard that with air heating it is quite easy to do zoning, i.e. control of climate parameters separately for rooms. Is this true?

The answer to this question is not simple. Indoor air quality is determined by several parameters: temperature, humidity, freshness, cleanliness. Freshness and cleanliness of air throughout the house can easily be ensured by the central unit. In fact, this is a supply and exhaust unit with fresh air purification. This installation can be with heat and humidity recovery. In addition, the supply air can be brought (heated/cooled) to a certain temperature and humidity. This treated air is delivered through ducts to all areas of the building. Each zone has its own air fan coil(fan coil), the task of which is to ensure the specified temperature, humidity, mobility, cleanliness and freshness of air in the area. This scheme is widely used in public buildings(for example, in hotels). The use of this scheme in a private house with an area of ​​less than 400 m2 is not economically feasible. On one central unit, you can make a temperature zoning system, but in a very narrow range - approximately 3⁰С-4⁰С. Moreover, this difference can only be achieved at external temperatures close to the boundary ones (below -25⁰С and above +30⁰С). When the outside temperature is above -10⁰С, the temperature difference between zones will be less. This is due to the fact that at such temperatures the central unit operates in ventilation mode most of the time, mixing the air throughout the entire volume of the house.

Do you need regular sanitation of the air heating system and inspection hatches for cleaning air ducts?

Dust can only accumulate in return ducts because they do not have filters at the inlet. But even if this dust comes off the walls of the air duct, it will end up on the filter. If the filter is not periodically cleaned and/or replaced, it will begin to generate dust and, first of all, will clog the heat exchangers. This dust will practically not reach the air ducts.

In general, cleaning air ducts is not a complicated procedure. There are a lot of videos on YouTube dedicated to this process. But you need to understand that after this procedure the whole house will need to be washed, just like after a renovation. All the dust from the air ducts will be in the house.

Our operating experience shows that there is no need to carry out this procedure earlier than 15-20 years.

What is the maintenance of air heating system equipment?

  • First of all, clean and/or replace the air filter and check the quality of electrical connections.
  • Check and, if necessary, replace the humidifier pad.
  • Checking the cleanliness of heat exchangers. If necessary, clean or replace them.
  • This is true for all units.
  • If a freon cooler is present, check and, if necessary, fill with freon.
  • If the UV lamp burns out, replace it.

How to calculate the cost of operating an air heating system?

On our website we have a calculator that we have developed, which allows you to approximately calculate the capital and operating costs of an air climate system already at the stage of preliminary architectural design of a house -

Algorithms for calculating capital and operating costs are based on statistical analysis of completed projects.

Is it possible to calculate the cost of an air heating system, having only the architectural design of the house in hand?

Read the answer to the previous question.

Is it possible to install air heating in an apartment? What about in the office?

Modern office centers have long switched to systems central air conditioning. Therefore, in the product line of any more or less large manufacturer of ventilation equipment there are corresponding units. It's more difficult with apartments. Office equipment is too noisy for apartments. But in our line there is such equipment - this is the UNIT series (AVN 100, AVN150). This equipment is designed for apartments of 100 - 200 m2. For small apartments We have developed more compact equipment, but it has not yet been implemented in hardware. The installation of the equipment described above is most beautifully implemented in new buildings with a single central heating riser and branches from it throughout the apartments. These branches can be installed heat meters. The use of our compact units will reduce apartment heating costs by approximately 40-50% due to the adaptive ventilation system and heat recovery of exhaust air.

Where is air heating equipment usually located?

Usually in a technical room (furnace room). But there are cases when the equipment is placed in a bathroom, dressing room, or in a built-in closet.

What does home interior design benefit from using an air-conditioning system?

No pipes or batteries.

I decided to build a house. When is it better to start designing an air heating system and what initial data are needed for this?

It is better to start at the stage of a preliminary architectural design. Needed

  • facades
  • cuts
  • A 3D model wouldn't hurt either.

And to complete it simultaneously with the completion of the development of design documentation, in order to take into account the specifics of the air vehicle for the design design.

How long does it usually take to design and install an air heating system for a house of 150...180 square meters?

Pure design time takes about 2-5 days. But taking into account the approvals, it may last for 5 years (there are such precedents). Installation is usually done in 4-6 days, but can also take years. We are interested in quickly making and receiving a payment, but the customer often wants to prolong the pleasure of parting with money.

What is the reliability of your equipment?

Warranty period – 3 years.

In fact, over 8 years of equipment production, there was only one case of fan motor failure. Previously there were difficulties with electric heaters. But with the transition to others heating elements this problem has been resolved. There have been cases of blown fuses in the automation unit due to power surges.

What are the features of ANTARES Comfort equipment compared to foreign equipment for air heating?

AVN "ANTARES Comfort" is essentially a fan heater. Any fan heater has two elements - a fan and a heat exchanger. Manufacturers of similar equipment before us used fans with a wheel with forward-curved blades and asynchronous motor. We began to use fans with backward-curved blades and valve motors. This made it possible to significantly simplify the control automation and use a large number of air ducts with noise reduction.

Our unit is simpler than Western prototypes not only internally. Opportunity smooth adjustment Fan rotation speeds allow us to somewhat mitigate design flaws and make systems quieter compared to American ones. In addition, valve fans consume less electricity than asynchronous fans of the same power.

He built a 2-story house with water heating. He invested well in insulating the walls, roof, and basement. I installed expensive double-glazed windows in the windows. In general, I am a supporter of energy saving and wanted to build a thermos house. At first it seemed that I had achieved my goal. I would like to live and be happy, but over time I noticed that I had to keep the windows open almost constantly. Otherwise it becomes stuffy. This circumstance led me to a simple thought: why spend so much money on insulation if the vents are the same holes from which heat uncontrollably flies out of my “thermos”... What kind of energy saving is there... They say that with “air” vents are not needed at all . Is that so? And what can be done in my situation to save heat.

Yes, indeed, vents are not necessary for air conditioning. Air heating in basic version already includes ducted supply ventilation. But the vents may still be needed, for example, for washing windows... In your situation, when the decoration of the premises is completed and the water heating system copes with its function (even with the vents open), it is more reasonable to install only an air-conditioning unit. Our company produces such installations. This is AVN120/180VENT. They stand out among their analogues by using a CO2 controller and an M5 class filter with increased dust capacity. Thanks to the controller, the installation will automatically turn on only when the level is exceeded carbon dioxide, installed by you. And this is already a considerable saving. The user also sets the temperature at which the supply air heating is turned on. Inflow, however, will require the creation of an air duct system. But, unlike air heating, these will only be supply air ducts, much smaller in cross-section, which are much easier to lay and “hide” in the existing interior.

You claim that the air heating system in its “basic” version has the function of forced ventilation, but one site claims that this is a half-truth and that the actual air mixed from the street in your system is clearly not enough for normal ventilation.

Strange statement. The addition of external air into the system can be from 0 to 100% of the air passing through the unit. The limiting case, 100% admixture, is used in explosive industries. In other cases, the required volume of supply air is calculated depending on the intensity of pollution and this volume is mixed into the system. If in fact there is not enough inflow, then this is a question of the designer’s qualifications.

Passive house is my goal. Does this concept fit with your air heating capabilities?

IPD Director Dr. Wolfgang Feist defines a passive house as a building in which thermal comfort (ISO 7730) can be achieved by additional heating or cooling of the small amount of supply air required to achieve regulated air quality performance - without the need for additional air recirculation.

Let's consider a 6x6 house along the internal perimeter of the 2nd floor with a heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structures R=10 (400 mm of insulation), an area of ​​light openings of 16 m2, in which 5 people live. In accordance with SNIP, this house needs to be supplied with air of 300 m3/h. A direct-flow air system, heating the supply air to no more than 50⁰C, will provide compensation for heat loss at home for the Moscow region and ventilation even in severe frosts. That. This house falls under the definition of a passive house. Although it would be more correct to make the system such that in the absence of some guests, the volume of supply air decreased and the volume of recirculated air passing through the system increased.

Is heat and moisture recovery from the exhaust air of a residential building used for air heating?

Certainly. Moreover, the recuperator works more efficiently in summer than in winter, reducing the load on the cooling system.

I have a one-story house with stove heating. I turn on the stove, it’s hot and stuffy at the top, but my feet are cold. I open the windows - there is a draft. In cold weather, one corner freezes... What will air heating do in my case?

If you don’t want to change anything (get rid of the stove), then hang a chandelier with a fan and the heat will be evenly distributed.

What are the disadvantages of air heating? They should be there. After all, nothing is perfect.

In our country, where air climate systems are just beginning to appear in private homes, it is generally accepted that the main disadvantage of air heating is its noise, supposedly inherent in the very principle of this heating. The second drawback, according to critics, is the huge air ducts that need to be somehow hidden in the interior. Third: in these air ducts various legionella and Staphylococcus aureus grow. The argumentation of these statements is usually based on the abstract everyday experience of critics, who, as a rule, do not have personal experience in operating houses with air heating. There are, of course, among the critics and victims of local craftsmen who took up the “aircraft” for the first time and “broke the woods.” However, the experience of our company allows us to assert that with a competent approach, all the disadvantages listed above are nothing more than “horror stories”.

A number of experts argue that air heating is good only for huge shopping centers, cinemas, schools and kindergartens (?), while it is completely unsuitable for housing, since there is nowhere to hide the air ducts and it is impossible to deal with the noise from air movement through them. Also, Staphylococcus aureus and all other pathogenic flora grow in the air ducts along with dust...

Read the answer to the previous question.

Some air heating experts claim that you, positioning yourself as the developer of the first domestic equipment for household air-conditioning systems, actually “copied” your equipment from the American one. This is true?

The truth is that we use the principle of "air heating", which has really found widespread use in homes in the US and Canada. Our equipment was developed by us independently, naturally, taking into account American experience, but at the same time it has novelty not only in design, but also in new functionality. This is evidenced by our Russian Federation patents for inventions and utility models (97482, 122154, 2439439, 2525818), which, as is known, are issued by the patent office only with proven world novelty in the method and technical level.

Your air heating colleague, from a company that installs equipment from a well-known American brand in Russia, spoke on the forum to the effect that your equipment was copied from the West and you use the cheapest foreign components that you could find. Is this true? Another statement from the same specialist (not verbatim): “ANTARES Comfort” is a domestic “Zhiguli” and you can get from point A to point B with them, but with a “Mercedes” (read air heating equipment from the USA) it will be much more comfortable and more reliable. So, what do you say?

See the answer to the previous question. We can only add that, unlike our foreign colleagues, we use in our equipment the most modern new generation fans from a leading European manufacturer German company EBMPapst. So, the engine in our equipment is not even from a Mercedes, but from a Maybach.

Several “heating” sites claim that air heating requires more frequent maintenance by specialists than hydraulic systems and has a fairly high energy consumption.

Of course, the more complex the equipment, the higher the qualifications must be service personnel. We tried to bring the complexity of our equipment to the complexity of a vacuum cleaner. You do not need to be highly qualified to change the air filter and vacuum the heat exchanger. And the rest (for example, changing a blown fuse) is required only when some component fails. But this is not periodic work.

There is more fuss with gas (American) furnaces. This is still a gas unit of increased danger.

I have a supply air handling unit and a distribution duct system in my house. Can all this be used for air heating at home?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to build an air heating system at the base of your air supply. The fact is that the air supply units are designed according to their productivity for the influx of fresh air based on, if simplified, 60 m 3 per person per hour. That is, for 3 people it is 180 m 3 / h. And the heat loss of your home can, for example, be 15 kW/h. Remembering that 1 m 3 of air carries about 10 W of heat, it turns out that for heating it would be necessary to about 1500 m 3 / h. Naturally, it is completely unreasonable to exhaust all this heated air through the ventilation. For this reason, the air heating system organizes the circulation of this air inside the house. For this purpose, supply and return air ducts are used. Fresh air is added to the air taken from the premises, after which the mixture is purified, heated and supplied to the premises. By the way, unlike your air supply unit, in this case the mixed fresh air does not need to be prepared in any way.

In the USA and Canada, air heating has taken root in frame houses on the principle of cheap heating for cheap houses. In our country, this is presented as the height of perfection and, accordingly, for a lot of money. What prevents you from doing the same as overseas?

IN North America They approach the design of houses in a comprehensive manner. The fact that there will be air in the house is known before the start of architectural design, therefore, in architectural and construction drawings optimal solutions are also being developed for internal communications.

Our culture of designing private houses has not yet reached these heights. Looking at some projects, it seems that the architect did not even imagine that there would be anything other than furniture in the house.

Paraphrasing the 1st law of the computer world according to Golob

An inaccurately planned program takes three times longer than expected; carefully planned - only twice as expensive; an inaccurately planned house costs 1.5 times more than a well planned one.

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Systems organized on the principle of heating with heated air are successfully used for heating workshops, warehouses, administrative buildings, private houses and other objects.

This type of heating can be carried out in various ways and using various equipment. What such systems have in common is the absence of any coolant other than air and auxiliary elements, in particular radiators.

Types of air heating

There are two fundamentally different schemes for this type of heating

Air heating combined with ventilation

Heated air is transferred using elements supply and exhaust ventilation. In this case, the operating parameter is not only the room temperature, but also the specified air exchange rate.

Heat is generated using boilers or gas heat generators. A system of air ducts is connected to them, through which warm air is distributed throughout all areas of the heated premises. The system can be supplemented with filtration, a humidifier, and a recuperator.

Air heating using fan heaters, gas or electric heat guns, convectors

It implements so-called direct heating. One or more devices are installed indoors to generate and distribute warm air. The heated air spreads in a certain direction, gradually mixing with colder air. It is possible to combine such heating with recovery systems.

Regardless of the chosen scheme, preliminary implementation is recommended in any case.

Feasibility of application

It is advisable to use an air heating system in the following cases:

  1. If necessary, as soon as possible organize heating
  2. For heating large premises with complex configuration
  3. If necessary, organize zones with different temperatures
  4. The air heating system can be used as temporary heating during construction, renovation or finishing works. This system can, if necessary, be upgraded to a permanently functioning level. And in the future use it as the main or backup
  5. If the budget is limited, the heat source for air heating is comparable in cost to hot water boilers equal power, and air ducts are much cheaper than pipes, fittings, radiators used in heating systems with liquid coolant

Features of heating with heated air for industrial and production facilities

The organization of air heating combined with ventilation in private residential buildings differs from the implementation of air heating systems for industrial real estate - warehouses, workshops, hangars, repair shops, etc. These differences are associated with the scale of industrial facilities, the large volume of heated spaces, and increased requirements for functionality and reliability.

Let us list these nuances that our specialists usually encounter at industrial facilities:

  • High power heating equipment, large overall dimensions air ducts, as a rule, have a complex geometry of their laying schemes
  • More complex design solutions in heating systems
  • As a consequence, there is a need for a special operational service of the enterprise responsible for the uninterrupted operation of the heating system
  • Absence high requirements to aesthetics. As a result, air ducts and equipment, as a rule, are not covered with suspended ceilings and plasterboard partitions
  • More complex installation, including at high altitudes

Currently, air heating of a private house, organized according to the so-called Canadian method, has become quite widespread in frame houses. The thickness of the walls and roofs in them is relatively small; they are not able to retain heat in the house, even taking into account the gasket thermal insulation materials. Traditional with installation of water communications in big houses is often a costly and complex undertaking.

In this case, an air heating system combined with ventilation may be the most optimal solution with high efficiency. This method of heating home premises has long been successfully used in the USA and Canada.

The principle by which air heating of a private house is built is similar to that used when organizing similar systems at industrial facilities. The heat source heats the air flowing through the ducts into all heated rooms.

But there are some peculiarities. Air ducts used in homes, as a rule, have a smaller cross-section compared to air ducts installed in industrial facilities, and in the lion's share of cases they are laid hidden. They are covered with suspended ceilings, hidden in the space under the floor, behind walls, or decorated to match the design of the premises.

The heating equipment itself, as a rule, is a household gas or diesel air heater, heat exchanger, filter, humidifier, automation devices, is also visually closed.

Another difference from industrial systems- the source of warm air is located in one of the rooms, while at production facilities it is usually taken to a separate room - a boiler room or heat generator room.

The main pros and cons of using air heating technology

Widespread use of air heating technology in various objects due to its many advantages. The main ones are:

  • High efficiency. In some systems this value can be close to 90%. For comparison, a heating system with coolant has an efficiency of less than 60%
  • Possibility to heat a large area, including in the central areas of the premises
  • Low installation and operating costs
  • Compatibility with the ventilation network. Possibility, subject to connection to duct air conditioner, use the system for cooling in summer
  • The absence of liquid coolant in the air heating system, which eliminates the occurrence of emergency situations (frost, leaks)
  • Low level of inertia. Warming up of rooms is carried out very quickly
  • The ability to stop the system even in severe frosts without the risk of its failure

But there are obvious disadvantages of these systems, of which we can highlight:

  • Warm air tends to rise upward, so for the most efficient and uniform heating, it is advisable to lay a network of air ducts in the lower part of the room or hide them under the floors. Unfortunately, this is often impossible or very difficult to do, especially at industrial sites.
  • The use of air heating technology can cause all the dust that is present in the house on the floor surface to rise upward. If you do not clean the premises often, the air will be dusty.
  • The complexity of calculations for such a system. In order for air heating in a small private house or at a large-scale industrial facility to function effectively, it is necessary that this system be professionally calculated. These calculations are quite complex and much more complex than the calculations required when organizing a water heating system. They need to take into account many parameters. It is necessary to calculate: heat losses in the premises served, the type and required power of the heat generator, the optimal air flow speed, the air exchange rate, the necessary and sufficient cross-section of air ducts and other specific engineering parameters

Having analyzed the above, it becomes obvious that the air heating system is at the junction of two engineering sections. These sections are heating and ventilation.

Accordingly, the Contractor to whom you entrust the work at your Site must have such specialists or generalists who have experience in calculating, selecting and installing such systems.

It is necessary to take into account that if the air heating system is made with errors, then it will not only fail to cope with its intended purpose - to provide the necessary comfortable temperature in winter period. But it can also be noisy and quite expensive. When laying air ducts hidden, reworking such a heating system that is not working correctly is a very expensive and problematic undertaking.

If you are looking for a contractor for air heating of your private home or industrial facility, we are happy to offer you our services!
