How to poison bark beetles in timber. How to deal with bark beetles in the garden using folk remedies and insecticides? What is barrier protection

There are a huge number of varieties of bark beetle, which differ from each other in appearance, habits and eating habits. Some settle in the forest and destroy the bark of conifers, others love the juicy sapwood of deciduous and fruit trees. There are also pests that feed on and spoil fresh lumber or dry wood, including in products and buildings.

How to recognize a pest

If lumber from infected or dead trees is used to build a house, a bathhouse, or used for furniture, you may encounter big problem. One such log is enough to cause irreparable damage to all wooden objects.

Sometimes, during the period of mass reproduction, beetles simply attack wooden buildings. Insects begin to damage the walls and cause considerable damage household. It is quite difficult to get rid of these “neighbors”, since they live right in the massif, eat and reproduce there, without coming to the surface.

Infected material can be detected by characteristic small holes with piles of small sawdust near them.

This is what the grinders did:

  • brownie - dirty brown, 2.5-3 mm in length, yellowish spots covered with hairs near the head. Feeds on damp wood. Therefore, it sharpens the outer walls;
  • furniture - the most dangerous look. Lives directly inside houses and apartments, except for walls, loves furniture very much, wooden frames, book pages and anything that contains cellulose. Portrait: dark brown color, size - up to 5 mm. They do not appear on the surface, there are few passages, and the larva leaves its home only after its complete destruction. They make a quiet knock, similar to the ticking of a clock, leaving holes 2-3 mm in diameter. Favorable temperature for larval growth is +26-29 degrees;
  • crebneus - brown-brown in color, with long branched mustaches similar to a comb, for which it received its name. It does not come to the surface until it destroys all the wood.

Longhorned beetles, typographers and other individuals that feed on bast do not live in lumber, but only spoil its presentation. The sooner you start the fight, the less damage you will incur.

What to do to remove the bark beetle

Contaminated wood intended for construction is the responsibility of building materials sellers. But if you discover such a problem, you will have to urgently seek treatment. There are special drugs for this various actions. They impregnate surfaces or pump them into holes with syringes.

As a preventive measure, before construction, all new wood is treated with antiseptics. It could be:

  • Belinka - the line contains preventative agents for already affected wood;
  • Antishashelin - used as an injection that is injected into the holes;
  • Lignofix is ​​non-toxic to humans; in the insect body it disrupts the processes of reproduction and development. The drug remains active for 10 years.

When choosing an antiseptic, pay attention to its action and purpose. Impregnation is carried out in 2-3 layers, after 2 days the procedure is repeated for greater efficiency.

It is advisable to use antiseptics on the affected surface if the beetles have recently settled.

You can try folk recipes for processing, for example, prepare a mixture of water (10 l) and sodium fluoride solution (125 g) or 1 part kerosene and 3 parts turpentine.

To prevent the problem and not search for how to remove bark beetle, regularly inspect the surface wooden buildings. If you find the slightest damage, treat it with protective coatings.

Please note that high humidity promotes the reproduction of insects. Apply treatment several times a year (spring and summer) wooden walls, fences, buildings. Applying various means, follow the instructions.

Removing the bark beetle: professional means and methods

If the pest has already firmly established itself in the house, you need to use all radical measures to get it out. To do this, it is best to contact the specialists who perform the processing:

Microwaves are also used to remove the grinder. The principle of operation is simple - the wood is heated to a high temperature, at which the pests die along with the larvae. The waves do not affect humans, they reach hard to reach places, do not affect the structure of wood. Disadvantage: expensive equipment, not suitable for large volumes.

All types of treatments are best carried out during the period when beetles emerge (early May to mid-June). Don't try any of these methods yourself. This is especially true for fumigation.

For processing, it is necessary to use protective suits and follow safety rules when working with pesticides. After the procedure, degas and ventilate the premises. Inept actions can harm the health of others. Therefore, contact the specialists!

More than seven hundred and fifty species include such a subfamily of beetles as bark beetles. Their favorite places to settle are wood, roots, and subbark. How to get rid of the bark beetle if the beetles spend almost their entire life inside the tree, boring entrance channels into the wood? Bark beetles lay eggs in wood tissue, as a result of which the trees quickly die, and the pests calmly move to new plantings.

The bark beetle, a photo of which can be seen in this article, is an individual from one to nine millimeters in length with an oblong body and short legs. There may be a depression at the end of the body. It differs from other insects in the structure of its nests. The passages made by beetles under the bark with very complex patterns lead to the death of trees.

Danger of the bark beetle

How to get rid of bark beetle? To answer this question, let's first find out what its danger is. The fact is that the massive spread of the bark beetle leads to the destruction of forest plantations over vast areas.

Just one weakened or rotten tree can cause the death of all forest plantings, since bark beetles reproduce very quickly: they bear offspring twice a season.

If you detect signs of the presence of insects on trees, immediately sound the alarm and begin processing green spaces.

Signs of the presence of bark beetles in the forest

  • The appearance of a large number of woodpeckers, constantly chiseling wood.
  • The presence of drill flour on the bark, which appears when beetles make tunnels.
  • Resin is flowing from the holes on the trunk, which means the bark beetles have already laid larvae, and new numerous offspring will soon appear.

  • If the bark has fallen off, it means the tree is almost destroyed, which indicates a large number of pests in the forest.
  • If fir and spruce needles turn red, it means they are damaged by bark beetles.

Protecting wooden surfaces from bark beetles

To protect against pests, apply evenly ready solution onto the surface, without moistening it, but only saturating it well. Treat all cracks and openings especially carefully, as this is where beetles lay their eggs. After drying, fill the holes made by pests with putty. It would be correct if, when purchasing building material You will ask the seller about treating trees against bark beetle, impregnating trunks sawn into boards with a special solution. If all this has already been done, there is no need for you to start prevention yourself. It is enough to carefully and constantly monitor the condition of the wooden surfaces of your home, do everything necessary on time, and then you can be calm: there will be no place for dangerous pests in your home.

Fighting bark beetles

Destruction of bark beetles is a whole range of measures to treat, destroy pests, and reduce the risk of their reappearance. Bark beetles are considered the most common and dangerous pests: they feed on the wood of living and dead plants, living tissues are deprived nutrients, and the trees die. Thanks to their sensitive sense of smell, bark beetles easily distinguish a weak tree from a strong, healthy one. How to get rid of bark beetle? This question worries many people. Considering the degree of infestation, removal of the bark beetle is possible.

The most effective methods of combating bark beetles

  • Clear forest or summer cottage plot from stumps, fallen branches, diseased, damaged or rotten trees.
  • Sand the trees, i.e. remove the bark from infected plants, wait until the pests appear on the surface of the trunk, and destroy them.

  • Constantly taking proper care of your plantings will strengthen the immunity of the forest or your garden.

Destruction of the bark beetle will be problematic if you do not constantly care for the trees: water them, feed them, cut off dry branches. A neglected garden or forest is a favorable environment for bark beetles.

The most effective protective agent is treating green spaces with special solutions from April to August. If the condition of the forest or your garden is very bad, the treatment can be repeated up to four times, with breaks of sixteen to eighteen days between sprayings.

It must be remembered that destroying the bark beetle using one method will not give positive results. Only using all of the above methods in combination will help you get rid of dangerous pests once and for all.

There is a bark beetle in the house

Many owners country houses, dachas, apartments, decorated wooden elements, suffer from an invasion of bark beetles, which for many years can bore into your wooden home, then turning it into dust.

You can detect their presence in the house. As they move, the larval worms make a rustling noise that you can hear. Get rid of insects immediately before they eat the whole house.

Bark beetle treatment will help with this. The fact is that the larvae live in wood for three to four years, destroying up to fifty millimeters of tasty material per year. Then the larvae become beetles and mate again. Bark beetles can reproduce much faster in wood damaged by fungus.

Many owners of private wooden houses, dachas had to observe holes in the tree and wood dust around them. It was the bark beetles that left their traces. To check how deep these marks are, take a knife or other sharp object and poke it into the holes. Depending on the depth of the damage, cut out a piece of wood, including a healthy part just in case.

Bark beetle in the country and means to combat it

Many summer residents know what a bark beetle is. Repeatedly noticed small holes on the tree trunk and wood flour around them are all traces of the pest. The holes seem small, but the problems are huge. To make sure whether the core is damaged or not, you need to pierce the tree in the places where the beetle moves and check if there is a void there. If there is emptiness right up to the middle, the tree cannot be saved. But if the emptiness is shallow, you can try. To do this, cut out the damaged area, capturing the healthy wood around it. Be sure to burn all this at the stake.

If some tree is on your personal plot severely damaged by hordes of bark beetles, it is better to get rid of it so that the infection does not spread to other plantings and buildings. As they say, prevention is better than cure. So, preventive measures for country pets include their proper treatment. It is as follows. It is necessary to spray the entire tree trunk with the preparation “Wood Healer”, “Anti-Bug” or other impregnations, they are large assortment sold in stores. The spray you prepare will be no less effective. To do this, mix half a bucket of water with green soap and two glasses of crude carbolic acid. Dilute the prepared composition with water in a ratio of one to twenty-five and treat your trees.

How to get rid of bark beetles in your home: instructions

As they say better problem prevent it rather than solve it later. A bark beetle in a house is a natural disaster.

  • To prevent the appearance of pest colonies, you first need to dry everything in the house, since bark beetles love moisture.
  • Look around everything wooden surfaces. If there are a lot of holes, there is no point in treating it; it is better to cut out the infected areas and burn them. And if there are only a few holes, then the areas of the tree affected by the bark beetle need to be treated.
  • Before processing, you need to clean the surface from dirt and debris, prepare clothes for yourself, and a respirator so that the toxic substances with which you will destroy bark beetles do not get on your skin or eyes.
  • Get rid of rotten pieces of wood in or around your home to avoid attracting bark beetles.
  • If your home is heated with wood, make sure it is always dry.
  • Fix any leaks in the pipes. The fact is that the bark beetle cannot exist without water.

Pest control agent

To find out which remedy will be more effective, refer to history. Even fathers and grandfathers protected their wooden buildings using linseed oil. If you don't have it, try drying oil. Drying quickly, it creates a protective layer on the surface and prevents wood from rotting.

When it wasn't chemicals, each owner had his own remedy for the bark beetle. Many used cold or hot smoke. The only disadvantage of this method is that it does not give 100% guarantee. Many beetles do not die, but hide and, after waiting time, continue to destroy the plantings again.

Bark beetle treatment by special means- the most effective way to combat pests. It is better to entrust this work to professionals. Now there are many organizations involved in pest control.

You can carry out the work of disinfecting your home from bark beetle yourself using chemicals, which are sold in a large assortment in stores.

Are you familiar with this kind of misfortune? Well, we are sure that you are far from the only person who has encountered it. Therefore, we will learn to exterminate the problem at the very root (otherwise it will be too late later).

A little about the bark beetle: knowing the enemy by sight

So, the bark beetle is enough small bug, the body length of which almost never exceeds 1 cm. The color is usually inconspicuous brown or black, but in some species it can be brighter. By the way, bark beetles are very close relatives of another group of coleopteran pests – weevils.

All types of bark beetles are dangerous for living wood: those that feed on the stem mass, those that devour exclusively roots, and those that prefer needles. But for the home, only the first option is scary. Moreover, not only adult beetles, but also their larvae will live in the walls. And since almost the entire life of these insects passes in the thickness of the wood, where they feed and build extensive passages, very soon the house will simply be worn out from the inside.

First signs: recognize enemy infiltration

  1. The very first thing that should alert you is the appearance of so-called “drill flour” on the floor, especially near the baseboards. This is a dry powdery mass that remains as a result of the vital activity of both adult insects and their larvae. It consists of small piles at the entrance holes through which bark beetles penetrate into the wood, as well as plaque on the floor and walls. If you see such an alarming symptom, carefully inspect the building. It is quite possible that the moves themselves will be revealed.
  2. Pay attention to the living trees growing near the house. If a bark beetle lives in them, it can be easily detected by picking out a piece of bark. Under it you will see wide voids - nesting places for the pest, as well as long narrow passages that it makes while feeding. And, by the way, the same characteristic yellow dust can also cover the ground on which the affected trees grow. Inspect your area, do you have it?
  3. Listen to rustling noises in the house. Beetles lead a secretive lifestyle and are practically inaudible during the day. Night is another matter. Bark beetles make passages in wood and sharpen it, so you can always hear a characteristic noise.

It is better to prevent than to “treat” a house

If you buy ready house, be careful in your choice and do not purchase a structure that is already infested with a pest. Inspect the walls, pay attention to the surface of the wood. Yellow dust coating, small, sometimes barely noticeable holes, holes under the bark - all these are very bad signs.

Choosing material for construction own home from scratch, also approach the task with special care. Here's what's important to know:

  1. The wetter the wood, the higher the likelihood that it will harbor bark beetles. The fact is that the beetle feeds almost exclusively on juices, and solid he simply spits it out (it later becomes that same drill dust). So the drier the raw material, the less likely it is to be damaged.
  2. If you take wood with bark, the risk increases: it is very difficult to see traces of the misfortune on its surface. Therefore, look at the ends: there should be nothing at all that looks like rottenness! And even more so, no grooves or grooves.

Moreover, even new home must be treated to reduce the possibility of bark beetles to a minimum. For this, special solutions are usually used.

Treating your home: fighting the disaster

And yet, even prevention is not capable of 100% eradicating the infection. The bugs may come, and then you need to start a real war with them. Otherwise the house will be completely drained. What measures should be taken:

  1. The most radical method is to completely cut off or even cut down the affected areas. To be used exclusively mechanical tools, because from electrical (such as grinder) a strong vibration arises, spreading beetle eggs throughout the room. All garbage, dust and sawdust must be burned.
  2. Clean all wall surfaces thoroughly. The caulk should be pulled out and destroyed. A regular vacuum cleaner will do an excellent job of cleaning walls.
  1. The simplest is boiling water. But it should only be used if appearance the wall doesn't matter. Brew boiling water and scald the entire affected surface with it, trying to get into the passages. You can use drying oil, also hot, but again, if the interior is not important.
  2. There are many on sale special solutions, designed specifically for eradicating bark beetles in the house. Use them. But there is also a nuance here: usually for such treatment you need 2 products, one of which is an antiseptic, and the other is a fire retardant (fire retardant). They must be applied in separate layers, leaving each to dry during the day.
  3. A mixture of turpentine and kerosene is an excellent destroyer of adult insects, larvae and eggs. Our ancestors also used it. Mix in a ratio of 3:1 (turpentine and kerosene, respectively) and inject the “treat” directly into the beetles with a syringe.

After sanitization, it is necessary to solve one more problem - to clog all passages and exits for the pest. Sealants are used for this. For external lesions, those made of silicone are suitable, and for internal lesions, acrylic ones are suitable.

Remember that when purchasing or building a wooden house yourself, you must be prepared to carefully monitor and care for it throughout the entire period of your stay. A one-time measure will not solve anything. The bark beetle may return. Therefore, do not be irresponsible about prevention, inspect the walls and promptly respond to any alarming symptom. We wish you to enjoy a healthy and safe life in wooden house as long as possible!

Video: how to kill a bark beetle

Today they are at the peak of popularity. And this is not only a tribute to fashion, but also a desire modern people to everything natural, safe, environmentally friendly. Wood is just such a material. But, unfortunately, the other side of the coin is the vulnerability of the tree to various external factors. One of the dangers to wood is the bark beetle. Bark beetle in the house- this is a real disaster for the owners.

What to do if a bark beetle is found in the house?

It's really unpleasant. Bark beetle in the house- This is a small insect pest. One of the most dangerous for a tree, because short term capable of destroying both living trees and wooden buildings. The bark beetle feeds on wood, makes tunnels in it, lays eggs, and generally leads an active life. In the end wooden building loses strength and collapses.

How to recognize a bark beetle in a wooden house?

The main sign of a pest is small holes in the wood from which small shavings spill out.
- Also one of the signs can be called specific noise, especially at night. This is the sound of a beetle's activity. But it appears already with a global defeat.
If you have the slightest suspicion that a beetle already settled, it is necessary to act immediately. The fight against bark beetle can only be won if it is started on time.

How to get rid of bark beetle in a wooden house?

This question arises for any owner who has discovered a pest attack on his home.
The first and easiest way is to call special insect control services that will treat your home with the strongest poisons. But, firstly, such treatment for bark beetle is not cheap, and, secondly, the poisons that such services use are very unsafe for humans. Such treatment will be relevant in the event of a mass attack of the bark beetle, when other methods were powerless. In other cases, you can fight on your own.
And how to fight the bark beetle on your own:
- the first thing to do before starting the fight is to assess the extent of the damage. Carefully inspect the house if only surface layer wood, the passages are not deep, then treatment with chemical or biological agents will be sufficient. If the passages are deep and the wood has lost its strength, then it is better to cut out and burn the affected area, replacing it with new healthy wood.
It is important to consider several factors:
1. You can only remove a section of a tree with a bark beetle mechanically, without the use of power tools. Otherwise, from the vibration that such a tool will give, pest eggs will spread to healthy areas.
Destruction of the bark beetle will require some effort and knowledge.
2. When planning this method of protection, you need to make sure that neighboring areas are not contaminated. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.
3. After clearing or removing a section of a tree infested with a bark beetle, all debris should be carefully removed and burned.

Treatment with insecticides. Insecticides are chemical substances that are aimed at controlling insects. You can buy such drugs freely in any specialized store. When choosing, give preference to trusted companies and more or less safe composition.
There are two ways to treat wood with insecticides:
- injections. Using a syringe, liquid is injected into the beetle's passages, filling them until the liquid comes out.
- impregnation of the entire surface. Apply the substance liberally to the surface of the wood with a brush and leave until completely absorbed.
Treatment with insecticides must be repeated 2-3 times with a break of 10-14 days.
After the last treatment, the surface should be covered with varnish or paint so that the individuals remaining in the tree cannot get out.

Pheromone traps are also used as a remedy for bark beetle. They emit a certain smell, which should attract all the bark beetles in the area, and then the trap is destroyed. This method is completely environmentally friendly, but only affects adult beetles; the larvae and pupae will remain in your home

There are also old time-tested remedies that cannot be tolerated. The surface favored by the beetle should be treated with a mixture of turpentine and kerosene in a ratio of 3 to 1.

The older generation also offers boiling water as a remedy for bark beetles. They need to pour over the surface, pour into the passages. The beetle must die. High temperature is really destructive for the bark beetle, but such superficial treatment may not be enough.

The method described above is easier to apply to individual boards, for example, if you find a bark beetle in materials for building a house. Then the effect of heat or cold will be effective. The bark beetle dies at temperatures below thirty degrees and above forty. If you can provide the required temperature conditions, you will certainly get rid of the pest.

And of course one of the most effective ways the fight against bark beetle is to carry out preventive measures in order to prevent its occurrence.

Bark beetle in the house - prevention of occurrence

There are two areas of prevention:
- at the stage of building a house
- in a ready-made house
What can you do during the construction phase to prevent bark beetles from infesting your house:
- the first and most important thing is to carefully select the lumber that you will purchase for construction. You need to buy them only from trusted loggers; the boards and logs should be as dry as possible, since the bark beetle loves a humid environment. Choose materials without bark, since entire colonies of beetles can be hidden under the bark from prying eyes. Before purchasing, be sure to inspect all materials; if you find small holes on them that look like bark beetle passages, do not buy such material.
- processing. Preventive treatment is required before construction begins; it will protect the house from bark beetles and other troubles. For impregnation, special antiseptic compositions with insecticides, various stains, as well as such folk remedies such as waste, hot drying oil, kerosene, various oils. You can treat wood with deep-acting impregnations. Such impregnations in the wood fibers thicken and turn into polymer, which strengthens the material and complicates the beetle’s work. The bark beetle simply cannot gnaw through such a tree.

Regarding the finished house:
- thorough inspection every spring. In order to identify the beetles in time and begin to fight.
- coating surfaces with varnish or paint and timely renewal of the coating.

Irina Zheleznyak, Staff correspondent of the online publication
"AtmWood. Wood-industrial newsletter"

All photos from the article

Natural wood has many obvious advantages in comparison with other building materials. These benefits include affordable price, low thermal conductivity, environmental safety, simplicity machining etc.

The list of advantages of lumber can be continued, but there are significant drawback, which forces us to take a fresh look at the use of wood as the main building material. We are talking about low resistance to biological factors, for example, to bark beetles.

In this article we will talk about how to fight bark beetles in a wooden house and how to achieve significant success in this difficult matter. But before deciding how to remove bark beetles from wooden house, let's consider how dangerous these insects are and what damage they can cause.

Basic information about the pest

Bark beetles are small beetles (no more than 8 mm) that live in the bark and upper layers wood

Most of the insect's life is spent inside the tree. The insect makes an entrance hole in the bark, penetrates this hole and gnaws out passages where eggs will subsequently be laid. The beetles are fertile, and therefore infection is particularly dangerous.

Among the signs of wood infestation with bark beetles, we especially note the appearance of drill flour on certain areas of the surface of lumber. Another sign is a scattering of open holes with a diameter of up to 2 mm.

If you find any signs of insect life, it’s time to find out how to destroy the bark beetle in wooden structures and carry out this work immediately.

The most simple solution in this situation, a specialist from the local sanitary and epidemiological service will be called.

A specialist who has in his arsenal various types insecticides and sufficient experience in their use will certainly solve the problem of the dominance of bark beetles. But, unfortunately, the price of the service will be considerable, so we’ll try to deal with the beetle ourselves.

Effective methods of wood protection

If you are faced with the question of how to destroy bark beetles in a wooden house, then most likely you will have to use one of the methods listed below.

  • Application of specialized protective coatings;
  • Application of specialized protective impregnations;
  • Applying waste (used engine oil) is an “old-fashioned”, but nevertheless effective method;
  • Impregnation of the surface of lumber with carpentry varnishes and oils;
  • Impregnation of the surface of lumber with kerosene or white spirit;
  • Injecting antiseptic solutions with a syringe directly into the holes made by the beetle;
  • Tapping the surface wooden product and subsequent drilling of holes to damage the bark beetle passages (an antiseptic is introduced into the holes made);
  • Carrying out disinfestation using specialized insecticides and equipment necessary for their application (application of aerosols, use of cold or hot fog generators, etc.);
  • The use of a number of pyrotechnics, including insecticidal and sulfur bombs;
  • Permanent use of fumigator spirals “Fumitox”, “Raptor”, etc.
  • Impact on lumber critical temperatures(freezing and warming);
  • Cutting out the damaged section of lumber;
  • Use of pheromone traps.

Preparing lumber before building a house

In order not to look for a solution to the question of how to remove the bark beetle from a wooden house, it is necessary to fight it in advance, namely, before construction work.

The instructions for combating the bark beetle before the start of construction work are as follows:

  • When purchasing lumber, we carefully ensure that there are no traces of contamination on its surface. As already mentioned, infection can be determined by small oval-shaped holes or by a small amount of sawdust flour.
  • If infected lumber is discovered during construction work, we sand the wood to find out how serious the damage is.
    If the passages are superficial, we inject antiseptics, but if the passages are deep, then it is advisable to burn the wood. The fact is that if affected lumber is used in construction, within a few years the beetle will destroy the entire frame.
  • For preventive purposes, lumber purchased for building a house is impregnated with special antiseptic preparations (“Antizhuk”, “Antishashelin”, “Wood Doctor”, “Empire-20”, etc.).

Tip: Used machine oil can be used as impregnation and wood used for the construction of non-residential buildings.

Fighting beetles in an already used house

You can fight wood infestation with your own hands, but you need to understand that you will have to do this until all the bark beetles die out, including those generations that will subsequently hatch from the eggs.

Preparations to combat bark beetle

Instructions for removing a beetle in an already used house can be carried out in the following ways:

  • If single holes eaten by insects are detected, special insecticides should be used, which are sold in a finished state pumped into syringes.
    We insert the syringe into the hole and pump the liquid into it until it appears outside. Often, if the passage eaten by an insect is large, a whole syringe of insecticide may be needed.
    After a certain time, it is advisable to repeat the wood processing procedure.

Important: In order for the introduction of the insecticide to be effective, the hole should be plugged with a match after each injection. This is done to ensure that the solution does not leak out and that the beetles do not come out.

  • If the damage is significant, which are applied in several layers. The lower the density of the lumber, the more layers of the product will have to be applied.
  • If the wood used to build the house is not dense and hard enough, strengthening impregnations can be used deep penetration . Such preparations penetrate into the pores of lumber, fill them and polymerize. As a result, the wood becomes denser and it is more difficult for the bark beetle to make its moves in it.
  • Upon completion of processing, the lumber must be coated with one or another paint coatings , which form a dense film on the surface of the wood.

This measure will not allow beetles from the outside to gain access to the tree and at the same time will become a significant obstacle to the comfortable life of insects that may have remained inside the lumber.


Once you have built a timber frame, you can live in it calmly without worrying about bark beetles. But such carelessness can lead to partial or complete destruction of the building. When living in a wooden house, you must always be on alert and, if necessary, fight off potentially harmful insects.

More useful information you can find it by watching the video in this article.
