Exercises for the inner thighs. How to lose weight in the inner thigh: the best approach to solving the problem

If you are thinking about how to remove fat from inside hips, and it seems that this is simply impossible, try these 7 best exercises for the hips.

They will tone you up and make your body fit, and will also help you get rid of excess fat in this problem area.

Yes, it is quite possible to get the legs you dreamed of!

Ballerina exercises for slender legs

Exercises for losing weight in the inner thighs

If you do all these inner thigh fat loss exercises three times a week, you will definitely see results. Just remember this every time you feel like your muscles are burning!

5 Best Inner Thigh Exercises

Exercises for the inner thigh - video | Let's put away the breeches!

1. Pilates: Leg Raises for Inner Thighs

Pilates is a serious core workout, and the inner thighs are key to stabilizing the muscles in many exercises. In fact, you may feel your inner thighs working even harder than your abs. This simple exercise is easy to do and is one of the best for those who want to slim their legs.

How to do it:

Lie on your side, straighten your lower leg and place your upper leg so that your foot or knee is on the floor. Lean on your forearm, or support your head with your hand.

Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your lower leg without bending it, tightening your core muscles. Inhale as you lower your leg.

Do 10-15 repetitions, then switch sides.

2. Frog Squat

This seemingly funny movement is actually a calorie burner, so get ready to get your heart rate up and every muscle in your body working at once!

How to do it:

Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Tightening your stomach, bend your knees and push your buttocks back, while spreading your knees, and try to reach the floor with your hands.

Bend over as much as possible, but remember to keep your upper body up.

In a quick movement, straighten your legs and hips, push off with your legs and jump, legs together as you jump, arms above your head.

Before landing, spread your legs and return to the squat position.

Repeat 10-15 times, then take a break and catch your breath - you deserve it!

3. Lunge to the side

Lunges are great thigh exercises on their own, but side lunges specifically target the inner thigh muscles.

How to do it:

Feet together. You can grab a pair of dumbbells if you want to make the exercise more challenging. Extend your right leg far and bend your knee. Try to keep your left leg as straight as possible, do not tilt your upper body, and keep your right knee bent so that your knee does not extend past your toes.

With emphasis on your right foot, return to the starting position. Repeat the movement on your left leg to complete the repetition. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

4. Plie squat

When people ask how women can get rid of thigh fat, it's worth taking a closer look at the ladies with the most enviable legs. For example, to ballerinas. The plie squat is what makes dancers' legs look long and slender. This exercise will easily fit into your regular fitness routine.

How to do it:

Spread your legs wide, toes turned out to the sides at a 45-degree angle, and chest out. You can also use dumbbells like the model in the photo to make the workout more challenging.

Bend your knees and tighten your glutes, core, and inner thighs. Keep your hips behind your little toes as you squat, and your hips will be at a 90-degree angle to the floor.

Focusing on your heels, straighten your legs to complete the rep. Do 10-15 repetitions.

5. Compressing the fitball

Fitball is one of the integral parts of equipment for training. It can work wonders in shaping the shape of your inner thighs. We can say that this is the answer to the question “How to remove fat from the inner thigh.”

How to do it:

Lie on your back. Bend your knees, feet on the floor. Hold a well-inflated exercise ball between your knees.

Arms at your sides, core tense. Now squeeze your knees, thinking that you are trying to flatten the exercise ball. It's a small movement, but it's your goal.

Squeeze as hard as you can, then relax while still squeezing the ball. Repeat 20-25 times to complete the set.

6. Bridge

The bridge is a yoga pose that has a lot of benefits on how to lose fat from your inner thighs.

How to do it:

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on the floor, arms at your sides. Inhale, and as you exhale, lift your hips toward the ceiling, lifting them off the floor and trying to make a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Keep your thighs parallel to each other, squeezing your inner thighs. Don't let your knees spread out to the sides.

Hold the position for 30 seconds to a minute, just remember to breathe. Relax and repeat 2-3 times.

7. Most Important: Do Cardio

One of key points The trick to losing inner thigh fat is to speed up your calorie burn with cardio, which will get you working up a sweat and get your heart rate up. Cardio exercise burns tons of calories and also helps the body process stored fat, revealing lean and toned muscles. Even better, there is no longer a need to spend the whole day in the gym. Opt for exercises that burn more calories, such as running, jumping rope, climbing stairs or cycling, so you never have to worry about how to lose fat between your legs again.

Try combining them with intense interval training, where you work up a sweat for a minute and then recover for another minute. The total is 20-30 minutes three times a week. After this, you will be able to smile at the reflection of your own slender and toned legs in the mirror.

Video - exercises for the inner thighs

The inner thighs are one of the most common problem areas. It is worth noting that not only plump girls, but also slender girls have deficiencies in this part of the body. In order to tighten the inner thigh, you will need special machines or exercises. We will tell you more about them in the article.

The essence of the problem

The fact is that the skin in this place is thinner and less elastic, and the inner thighs are the place where fat accumulates the most. Accordingly, these are flabby places that can resemble jellied meat and even shake when walking.

Thin women have the opposite problem. As mentioned above, the inner thigh is where fat is stored. If a person has little fat, then a gap forms between the legs. The thinner the woman, the larger the gap.

It is worth noting that men body fat there is much less on the legs, fat mainly accumulates on the stomach. So they are less likely to suffer from fat inner surface hips.

The muscles of the inner thighs are adductor muscles. This muscle group includes the gracilis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, adductor brevis, and pectineus muscles. The main function of this muscle group is to change the position of the hip. In other words, with the help of these muscles we bring our legs together and spread them apart.

How to tighten and pump up the inner thighs

Most of the people who want to change this part of the body want to lose weight and get rid of a lot of fat accumulated in this part of the body. Exercises that should help remove excess fat from this area and pump up the thigh muscles are focused on moving and spreading the legs, carried out with a certain effort.

However, it is worth considering that losing weight in one specific area of ​​the body is almost impossible. So if you want to remove excess fat from this area, you need to lose weight overall. Exercises alone are not enough, you need to reconsider yours. Most diets provide for complete exclusion or severe restriction of fatty, sweet and starchy foods.

Such restrictions can affect not only weight, but also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, namely, promote.

In addition to diet and exercise, tightening this area can help. cosmetic procedures, as well as, which help remove excess fluid from this area and make the skin more elastic. However, these procedures are auxiliary and are practically useless without diet and exercise.

What simulators are suitable for these purposes?

  • To perform the exercises, you can use equipment such as a gymnastic ball.
  • Dumbbells.
  • Special exercise equipment, some models of which can only be installed in the gym.

Among the simulators, a simulator that has special doors, which, in turn, have special protrusions for positioning the legs and are connected to a load, can help in putting this part of the body in order. When the sashes are brought together, the load rises, and when they are moved apart, it lowers. The load placed on the muscles of the inner thigh can be adjusted. By decreasing or increasing the load being lifted.

Special ones, used to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh, are equipment that has two metal loops, on which a soft and durable material. Thanks to the spring mechanism located at the junction of the hinges, they are located at an angle of ninety degrees relative to each other.

When pressure is applied to the hinges, the angle decreases; after the pressure is removed, they return back.
A gymnastic ball is simply a rubber ball filled with air.

It is worth noting that in addition to special exercise machines designed to work the muscles of the inner thighs, this area can be affected by cardio equipment such as a bicycle, a stepper, etc., which promote the loss of fat deposits and generally tidy up the leg muscles.

Purchasing exercise equipment

You can purchase exercise equipment and sports equipment in a special store, where sellers will explain all the features of the product offered, as well as through an online store, where, in addition to photographs, detailed information is provided technical specifications offered product.

How to choose the right one

When purchasing exercise equipment, it is necessary to take into account its cost, the maximum and minimum load that it puts on the muscles and other body systems and its types (the fact is that power loads not useful to everyone), as well as its weight and size.

What is the price

The cost of the simulator depends on its size, the load it exerts, functions and manufacturer.

Popular manufacturers

The most popular manufacturers of exercise equipment and sports equipment are CYBEX and many others.

General principles of training for slender legs

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to warm up your muscles by doing a warm-up. After finishing the class, you should either do stretching exercises again, or do light exercises, for example, walking or spinning for five minutes. You can’t sit down and rest right away.

What exercises can help?

Exercises that will help tidy up the inner thighs are aimed at moving the legs with force, as well as stretching and loading them. This is the abduction and extension of the legs, performed with the use of special equipment and exercise machines, as well as without them, squats with and without a load, etc.

Exercise technique

You can tighten and pump up the muscles of the inner thigh at home, doing exercises for which you only need the desire to do them. It is worth noting that before performing exercises for greater efficiency the muscles need to be warmed up, that is, do a warm-up. This can be done with stretching exercises.

Leg Raise

It is necessary to perform ten to twenty leg lifts.

The most popular exercise, which does not require the use of special equipment, is lifting the legs from a side lying position.

It is necessary to take the starting position so as not to change the position of the body during the exercise, you can support it with your hand bent at the elbow.

Then also carefully return it to its previous position. You can perform from fifteen to twenty lifts, after which you turn over to the other side and work the other leg.

In addition to lifting one leg, simultaneously lift both legs, tightly together, to a small height.

Exercise “scissors”

Thirty crosses must be performed.

Another exercise that can be performed to reduce the volume of fat deposits in the area of ​​the inner thigh, as well as to strengthen the muscles, is scissors.

You need to lie on the floor, raise your legs so that the angle between your raised legs and your torso is just over ninety degrees.

In this case, the distance between crossed legs should be at least twenty centimeters.

Squats are performed in sets, increasing the number of squats every week.

Squats can also help get rid of excess fat on the inside of the thigh.

However, to work this particular muscle group, you need to do this exercise in a certain way.

You need to stand with your legs spread as wide as possible. In this case, the socks should not look straight, but to the sides.

When squatting, it is necessary that when bending your legs, an angle of ninety degrees is formed, and your thighs are parallel to the floor.

The muscles of the inner thigh stretch from the groin area to the knee. They help you walk, run, sit, kneel, etc. Due to bad eating habits, lack of activity or hormonal problems, women accumulate fat on various parts of the body, including the inner thighs.

Unfortunately, regular running or cycling does not work these muscles. This article contains the most effective exercises for the inner thigh at home, a list of the 20 best movements to get rid of cellulite, tone and strengthen the inner thigh muscles. Get ready to say goodbye to constantly chafed inside thighs, painful rashes and pigmentation and fearlessly don vinyl pants and bikinis.


Before you begin the exercises, you need to warm up and stretch. Here's what you can do.

  • Head tilts - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Neck twists - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Arm circles - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Wrist circles - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Shoulder circles - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Circular movements of the lower back - 1 set of 10 repetitions
  • Lateral lunges - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Ankle circles - 1 set of 10 reps
  • Running in place - 3 minutes
  • Calf raises - 2 rounds of 10 reps
  • Jumping jack - 2 rounds of 20 reps
  • Lateral bends - 1 set of 10 reps

Now you are completely ready to perform the exercises. Let's get started.

1. Cross Power Jacks

This exercise is great way start training. It is similar to Jumping Jack.

Involved- inner thighs, quadriceps, glutes and core muscles.

How to do crossoversPowerJack

  1. Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, shoulders relaxed, core toned, knees slightly bent.
  2. Jump cross-legged and land softly on the floor.
  3. Jump with your legs open again and land softly with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 30 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

Advice– you can move your hands up and down, as when doing a jumping jack.

Lateral leg swings help tighten the inner thigh muscles and target the associated muscles.


Execution technique

  1. Stand next to the wall, lay on it right palm as a support. Left hand place it on your belt. The body is toned, the back is neutral.
  2. Raise your left leg to the side, stay in this position for a short time and return to the starting position.
  3. Do the exercise on the other side.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

3. Explosive Squats

This exercise is also known as jump squats.

Involved– Inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, hip flexors, glutes and core.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. The body is toned, the shoulders are laid back, the back is straight.
  2. Squeeze your buttocks, keeping your weight on your heels and sit down (as if you were trying to sit in a chair). Your knees should not go beyond your toes.
  3. While sitting, bring your arms to your chest.
  4. Begin your ascent and, before returning to a standing position, jump by extending your body up and lowering your arms.
  5. Gently lower yourself to the floor and repeat the sequence.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

Advice– keep your back straight, look ahead.

4. Plie squats

Plie squats are another great inner thigh exercise that helps burn fat.

Involved– Inner thighs, quads, glutes, calves and hamstrings.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight, the distance between your feet is slightly wider than shoulder width. Turn your toes 45 degrees, your back is straight, your shoulders are away from your ears.
  2. Now, like a ballerina, raise your arms up to shoulder level. Keep them taut and relax your shoulders.
  3. Go down. Don't lean forward or roll your knees inward. Hold this position for a second and then return to the starting position.
  4. Do one circuit and rest for 20 seconds.
  5. Return to the squat position, transfer your weight to your toes and spring into this position for 15 counts.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

5. Leg swings

Involved– Inner thighs, glutes, hamstrings and hip flexors.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight with your feet together. For support, you can use a wall by placing your palms on it from a straight position or raising your arm to shoulder level from a side position.
  2. Raise your right leg, keep your knees straight, swing your right leg forward and return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

6. Scissor Leg Plank

For a slightly advanced exercise, you'll love the leg-scissor plank. It helps remove fat from the thighs and apart from shaping the thighs, it also helps to tone the core muscles. These are the muscles it works.

Involved– inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, glutes, calves and core muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Get into a plank position. Place 2 folded towels under your toes, with your back and body extended in one line. Direct your gaze down and tighten your body.
  2. Tighten your inner thighs and bring your legs as close together as possible. Hold this position for a second and then return your legs to the starting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

7. Sliding rock climber

This is a variation of the climbing exercise. It is modified to work the inner thighs.

Involved– Inner thighs, quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves and core.

Execution technique

  1. Place your toes on the towels, get into a plank position and tense your core.
  2. Without lifting your foot off the floor, slide your right leg forward, pulling it towards your chest.
  3. Slide your left leg along the floor and pull it towards your chest.
  4. Return to the starting position also through sliding.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

9. Sumo squats with kettlebell

These are wide squats, slightly modified to burn fat reserves on the inner thighs, and to build and tone the muscles of the inner thighs. This great exercise for losing weight, because to do it you will need to spend a lot of energy and calories.

Involved– Inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, calves, glutes, hip extensors, lower back and core muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Hold the kettlebell with both hands near your chest. Keep your elbows close to your body, your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, your shoulders back, your core tight, and your feet pointing outward.
  2. Move your pelvis back and bend your knees into a “sitting on a chair” position. Make sure your knees don't go beyond your toes.
  3. Hold this pose for a second, then return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 35 seconds

9. Leg circles while lying on your side

This is a Pilates exercise that works the following muscles.

Involved– inner and outer surface of the thigh, buttocks.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your right side. Support your head with your right hand.
  2. Raise your left leg and place it in front of you in the pelvic area or lower abdomen. Use your left palm to lift your knee away from your chest.
  3. Extend your right leg and lift it up.
  4. Make circular movements with your right leg, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  5. Repeat the sequence for the left leg.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 20 seconds

10. Lateral lunges with a kettlebell

Lateral lunges with a kettlebell can instantly activate your inner thigh muscles.

Involved– hip adductors, hip flexors, calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes and core muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Hold the weight with both hands. Your arms should be pointing straight down, your legs should be wide open, your shoulders back, your core tense, and your feet pointing outward.
  2. Bend your right knee, keeping your left foot flat on the floor, push your pelvis back and sit on your right side. Support your body with the ball of your right foot.
  3. Return to the starting position and exhale.
  4. Inhale, bend your left knee, keeping your right foot flat on the floor, push your pelvis back and sit on left side. Support your body with the ball of your left foot.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

11. Pilates Ring Leg Compression

For this exercise you will need a Pilates ring or pillow.


Execution technique

  1. Lie on your back. Feet on the width of the mat, back in a neutral position, arms at your sides. Hold the Pilates ring between your legs.
  2. Squeeze your thighs and feel your inner and outer thigh muscles work along with your glutes.
  3. Hold this position for 2 seconds and then relax.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

12. Isometric sumo squats with delay

These modified sumo squats are one of the most effective exercises to train at home to lose weight and tone muscles.

Involved– inner and outer thighs, buttocks, hamstrings and calves.

Execution technique

  1. Stand with your back straight. Spread your legs out to the sides in a sumo squat position with your feet pointing outward to your sides.
  2. Keeping your back straight, sit down. Support your knees with your palms so that they remain in line with your legs.
  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds before standing up.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 5 reps

Rest– 30 seconds

13. Frog Jumping

This is a fun and effective exercise for improving muscle tone.

Involved– Inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, hip extensors, glutes, and calves.

Execution technique

  1. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet turned outward, shoulders back.
  2. Move your pelvis back and bend so that your palms touch the floor.
  3. With your palms on the floor, jump up and land softly on the floor in a half-sitting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

14. Diamond Swings

Diamonds are truly your friends! You can get rid of fat that doesn't want to leave your thighs with the help of diamond swings.

Involved– inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes and abs.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your back. Place your arms at your sides close to your body, palms down.
  2. Raise your legs up. Make sure the distance between them is equal to shoulder width.
  3. Spread your legs as far apart as possible.
  4. Squeeze your inner thigh muscles, bend your knees, and bring your feet together to create a diamond shape.
  5. Straighten your legs up and return to the starting position.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

15. Lunges with back swings

This exercise is a little more advanced and requires good stability and balance. But we can improve the technique of performing it by regularly practicing.

Involved– Inner thighs, hamstrings, quads, glutes, calves and core.

Execution technique

  1. Stand up straight. Pull your shoulders back and tense your core. Step forward with your right foot and lower yourself to such a position that a right angle forms between the shins and thighs of both legs. The knee of the left leg should be pointing straight down and almost touching the floor.
  2. Rise halfway up and balance on your right leg, lift your left leg and swing it back.
  3. Return to the lunge and repeat the movement.
  4. Perform the exercise on the other leg.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

16. Inner Leg Raise

Involved– Inner thighs, hip extensors, hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your left side. Shoulders in line with hips, left elbow bent for support, palm on the floor. Place your right hand in front of you in the area of ​​your lower abdomen for support.
  2. Raise your right leg, bend the knee and place your right foot in front of you at the pelvis.
  3. Raise your left leg 20 degrees from the floor - this is your starting position.
  4. Raise your left leg even higher to an angle of 30-40 degrees and slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat the exercise on your right leg.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

17. Frog bridge

Another great exercise that you haven't seen before, but it's very effective for working on problem areas.

Involved– Inner thighs, pelvic floor, hamstrings, glutes, calves and core muscles.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your back, palms pressed to the floor, gaze directed at the ceiling.
  2. Bend your knees and open your legs so that your feet touch each other.
  3. Supporting yourself with your hands, lift your pelvis up, tighten your buttocks and inner thigh muscles. Exhale and hold this position for a moment before lowering your pelvis to the floor.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 10 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

18. Cossack squats

This exercise is similar to the side lunge, but has certain differences that work the inner thigh muscles located closer to the groin area.

Involved– glutes, inner thighs, hamstrings, quads and calves.

Execution technique

  1. Stand with your feet wide apart, toes pointed out, back neutral, shoulders back, gaze straight ahead.
  2. Bend your right knee into a side lunge. Only this time you need to sit down completely, maintaining your balance by transferring your weight to the ball of your right foot. In this position, keep your left leg straight and place it on your heel for better balance.
  3. Exhale, rise up and return to the starting position.
  4. Inhale and lunge onto your left leg using the technique previously described.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

19. Pilates – standing side slides

This exercise helps strengthen the inner thigh muscles and keep them toned.

Involved– inner and outer thighs, hamstrings, calves and buttocks.

Execution technique

  1. Stand on sliding table for Pilates, legs wider than shoulder width, buttocks tense, arms at your sides, back neutral.
  2. Inhale and move the leg located on the moving surface away from the fixed foot.
  3. Exhale and pull your leg back, returning to the starting position.
  4. Repeat the sequence for the second leg.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

20. Lateral leg raises

This exercise is considered one of the most exhausting and effective for tone. intrinsic muscles on the inner thighs.

Involved– inner, back and outer thighs, buttocks, abs and calves.

Execution technique

  1. Lie on your right side. Place your head on your right palm for support. Align your left shoulder with your right, and your left hip with your right.
  2. Keep your core tense and lift both legs up. Freeze in this position for a moment.
  3. Slowly lower your legs and repeat the exercise.
  4. Perform the sequence while lying on your left side.

Number of repetitions– 3 rounds of 15 repetitions

Rest– 30 seconds

These were the 20 best and most effective exercises for the muscles of the inner thighs. Performing them in combination with other cardio or strength training and maintenance good habits in nutrition will help burn fat on your hips, become more confident and active in everything. So put in the effort and do your best. Be healthy!

Getting rid of cellulite: Making your legs perfect with simple physical activity. By doing exercises for the inner part of your legs daily, you will achieve positive results within the most optimal and short terms(but not less than a few weeks later).

Cellulite does not only affect curvy women who are overweight. These are peculiar deposits under the skin that are formed as a result of many factors. This may be a sedentary habitual lifestyle and abuse of modern fast food(fast food).

Cellulite can safely be called a disease that can be successfully cured with exercise. Today I would like to touch on the most difficult place which is treated for cellulite is the inner thigh .

Making your legs perfect with simple physical activity

By doing exercises for the inner part of your legs every day, you will achieve a positive result in the most optimal and shortest possible time (but no less than in a few weeks).

Performing anti-cellulite exercises correctly

Remember that such exercises are for more high efficiency need to be done at least every second day, but at least twice a week. Before performing a set of exercises, warm up your body to prepare it for exercise. This could be simple walking, light leg swings or jumping.

Choose the warm-up exercises that you like best.

So, we lie down on the floor on either side, rest our hands (elbows) on it and focus on the legs, or rather on one muscle. We bend the leg that is higher at the knee and place the foot in front of the lying knee. Slowly and carefully raise the lying leg, do not lower it completely to the floor and cushion it about 10-15 times.

Adjust the number of loads in one approach yourself; it shouldn’t hurt you. It is better to start with a small amount and gradually increase it.

A set of exercises for cellulite

Pay attention! The range of movements should not be large, but try to do the movements often. You should feel your muscle working.

The following exercises for the inner thigh will be more difficult to perform, since the abdominal muscles are also affected here.

We sit on the floor, rest our elbows on the floor behind us, and bend our legs at the knees. Now slowly lift them up and then spread them apart. Balance your legs several times to get a feel for which muscle is working.

Pulling your knees to your shoulder

The next exercise will need to be done like this: lie down on either side, place your hands in front of you, thereby leaning on the floor. Bend the leg that is on top at the knee and place it behind the lower leg. Now do the exercise little by little with your lying leg, that is, slowly lift it and lower it. Your bent leg will act as a support. After completing this exercise, move your bent leg forward and pump the other leg in the same way. From this exercise, your buttocks will soon become more elastic.

Make an accent! Watch your toe and foot - it should be straight, not elongated.

You can try the following exercises for cellulite on the thighs, which are slightly different from the previous options. To do this, you need to sit on the floor and bend your legs. After this, place your elbows on the inside of your knees and clasp your palms. Try to close your legs with your knees, and create resistance with your hands.

You should feel the muscles on the inside of your legs tense and work. The wider you spread your legs and create more resistance, the more effective the exercise will be.

The following exercises against cellulite on the thighs are very effective, but they are more difficult to do. Lie on your side, straighten your lower leg, bend your upper leg and then place it in front of you. Your hands will serve as support. On the leg that you will be swinging, pull the toe toward you so that it is in a 90-degree position.

Attention! Try not to lift your lower leg off the floor, and raise your upper leg as high as possible. This way the result will be most effective.

For the next exercise you will need to take this position– sit on the floor or other hard surface, rest your elbows on the floor behind you, and place your palms under your tailbone. Raise your straightened legs up, spread them apart with shock-absorbing movements and return to their original position.

Again, feel the muscles you are working. This exercise will also affect the abdominal muscles, so you should also feel their work.

Stretching against cellulite

The simplest stretching will help give the inside of your legs a beautiful shape. Moreover, both transverse and longitudinal. Stretch the muscles in this part of your legs little by little and gradually, so that your figure will soon improve significantly. Do not overdo it with loads, because there is a possibility of rupture of the ligaments and the fact that you can greatly stretch them in a short time.

Number of exercises and correct load

How many times you need to do exercises for the inner thigh against cellulite to get results is up to you to choose, because it all depends on your physical fitness, your weight, age and other indicators.

First, do not try to start with heavy loads from the very first day, because on the second (and especially on the third day) you simply will not be able to get out of bed, let alone do anything.

If you are in good physical condition and do not have excess weight, you can do each type of exercise 25-40 times.

Don't rush, because speed is the main enemy of training, and such exercises do not relate to sports racing, but to restoring muscle tone.

Remember that you should feel comfortable and comfortable during any exercise. This will indicate its correct implementation and the most effective result. You can do all this in front of the mirror to see how great you are. And don't stop thinking about desired result, because this is your best motivation. published.

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P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Ecology of health. Fitness and sports: The inner thigh is a problem area for many people, especially women. The skin on the inner thigh is much thinner than on the outer thigh. The thinness of the skin makes this area less elastic. In addition, more fat is deposited in this area. Fat and thin skin lead to the fact that the inner surface of the thighs becomes flabby, begins to sag, and often becomes like jellied meat. This problem worries many women, even very young ones.

The inner thigh is a problem area for many people, especially women. The skin on the inner thigh is much thinner than on the outer thigh. The thinness of the skin makes this area less elastic. In addition, more fat is deposited in this area. Fat and thin skin lead to the fact that the inner surface of the thighs becomes flabby, begins to sag, and often becomes like jellied meat. This problem worries many women, even very young ones.

What to do? Reduce fat and strengthen inner thigh muscles.

For thin representatives of the fair sex, this area can also cause distress if the gap between the thighs forms the letter O. If this is not a skeletal feature, then a large gap is the norm.

It’s just that thin people have little fat, and this zone, as already mentioned, is a “storage” of fat. That is, nature prudently left room for the fat layer.

Little fat - a lot of space. Hence the gap.

What to do to reduce the gap? Get better or try to increase the muscles of the inner thigh with the help of special targeted exercises.

Weakness of the inner thigh muscles can provoke injuries in this area, which many amateur and professional athletes face.

Stretching these muscles happens very often and causes a lot of discomfort. Pain in the groin can unsettle the training process for a long time.

What to do? To protect the muscles of the inner thigh from injury, you need to strengthen them with the help of special development and stretching exercises. And don't forget before anyone sports activity do a 10-minute warm-up workout!

Muscles of the inner thigh

The muscles of the inner thigh make up the group of adductor muscles. The adductors include five muscles: pectineus, gracilis, adductor longus, adductor brevis, and adductor magnus. The main function of these muscles is to adduct the hip. In other words, bring your legs together. When we bring our legs together, these muscles work. The function tells us how to train them. You need to bring your legs together, but with effort. This is what exercises for the inner thigh are based on.

Reducing fat in the inner thigh area

Many women are concerned about the question of how to remove fat from the inner thighs. The only way to remove fat locally, that is, only in one certain place- This is liposuction. There are no other ways to lose weight locally!

A simple example: right-handed people from an early age operate right hand, and left-handed people use the left hand. If you believe in local weight loss, the dominant arm, which experiences higher loads, should be thinner than the other. Look at your hands. Don't see much difference? That's it. Losing weight in one specific area of ​​the body is unrealistic.

To remove fat from your inner thighs, you need to reduce the overall amount of fat in your body. That is, eat less and move more.

If the weight is normal, then the sagging of the inner thigh is not due to excess fat, but to weakness and looseness of the adductor muscles. To fix the problem you need to do special exercises for the inner thigh.

So, in order for the inner thigh to cease to be a problem area, you need to get rid of excess weight, if any, and train the adductor muscles.

Exercises for the inner thigh


Swings for the inner thigh should be done slowly, with effort, concentrating on the adductor muscles. If desired, you can wear leg weights. We offer three options for the exercise.

First exercise.

This is the most popular exercise for the inner thigh. Starting position: lie on your side, leaning your elbows or resting your head on your outstretched arm; bend the leg on top at the knee and place it in front of you behind the knee of the lower leg. Pull the toe of your lower leg towards you.

Execution: slowly raise and lower your lower leg. You need to lift it as high as possible, and when lowering it, do not put it on the floor. Placing your foot flat on the floor will release tension from the muscles and reduce efficiency.

Do as many repetitions as necessary to feel the adductor muscles “burning.” If you feel a strong burning sensation in these muscles, you can lower your leg and relax, and then lie on the other side and do the exercise for the second leg.

Second exercise.

To accomplish this effective exercise You will need a stable chair. Starting position: lie on your side so that your feet are under the chair. Support your head with your hand placed on your elbow. Place the top foot of the leg on the chair seat. The lower leg is under the seat. Pull the toe of your lower leg towards you and fix it in this position.

Performing the exercise: at the count of times, slowly raise your lower leg to the seat of the chair; on the count of two - just as slowly lower it to the floor. You should repeat raising and lowering your leg until you feel a burning sensation in the muscles of the inner thigh. After this, you need to lie on the other side and do the exercise for the second leg.

Third exercise.

In terms of impact, it is not very different from the first exercise, but this option is effective in its own way. This inner thigh exercise allows you to work different muscles in your legs. At the same time, it is effective for the abs and back muscles, because... they have to strain to maintain balance.

Starting position: lie on your side with your head on your outstretched arm. Raise your upper leg above the floor to a height of approximately 50 cm. Pull the toes of both feet towards you.

Execution: At the count of times, simultaneously raise the lower leg and lower the upper leg slightly. That is, bring your legs together. On the count of two, lower your lower leg to the floor and lift your upper leg. That is, spread your legs. You need to perform the exercise slowly, concentrating on the sensations in the leg muscles and maintaining balance. Do 30 leg folds, then lie on the other side and do another 30 leg folds.


This seemingly quite simple exercise is very effective for the muscles of the inner thigh. At the same time, while performing “scissors”, we simultaneously work out the muscles abdominals. We offer two options for this exercise.

Exercise “Scissors”: option one.

Starting position: lie on the mat, place your hands under your buttocks with your palms on the floor. You can lift your shoulders off the floor, while reaching your chin toward your chest, not toward the sky. This option works to strengthen the neck muscles. But if this is difficult for you, lay your head on the floor.

Raise both legs about 20-30 centimeters above the floor. Pull out your socks.

Execution: vigorously (but not “loosely,” but with force) spread and cross your legs. You need to spread your legs 20-30 cm. Your legs are tense, your hips are strong, your stomach is pulled in. Do at least 20 leg crossings, rest for a few seconds and repeat again.

Exercise “Scissors”: option two.

Starting position: lie on the mat, head on the floor, arms extended along the body. Raise both legs so that they make an angle of slightly more than 90 degrees with your body.

Execution: spread your legs quite wide, but not to the point of feeling discomfort in the muscles. Pull your socks towards you. Slowly bring your legs together, but do not close or cross them, but leave a distance of about 20 cm between them. Having brought them together, spread them again, etc. Make 30 dilutions, then go directly to the scissors. Spread your legs as wide as possible, point your toes out and slowly bring your legs in and out. When mixing, cross. Make 30 details.


You will need an elastic rubber gymnastic ball.

Exercise 1.

Starting position: lie on the mat, bend your knees, feet on the floor. Hold the ball between your knees. Stretch your arms along your body.

Execution: On the count of times, press your feet on the ball, trying to squeeze it. Hold the tension for several seconds. On the count of two, relax your legs. Repeat compression and relaxation 30 times.

Exercise 2.

The essence of this exercise: by trying to hold the ball between the legs while performing a passing exercise, we will keep the muscles of the inner thigh in constant voltage. A related exercise we will have is squats.

Starting position: stand straight, hold a gymnastic ball between your legs just above your knees.

Execution: squat for a count of one, and return to the starting position for a count of two. Repeat in two sets of 10-15 times each.


Plie squat.

This squat is more effective for the inner thighs the wider your legs are. Starting position: stand straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, toes pointing to the sides.

Execution: at the count of times, squat down as low as possible, trying to lower yourself to a line parallel to the floor. In this case, you need to imagine that your back is leaning against the wall, that is, you need to squat with your back as straight and level as possible. Rise up on the count of two. Do 10-30 squats, dividing this number into two approaches. Once prepared, you can perform a plie squat with dumbbells in your hands.

Side lunges.

Stand up straight, hands on your belt. On the count of times, lunge to the right side. The right leg bends at the knee. Make sure that your knee does not go beyond the toe of your right foot. The left leg is straight and extended. The lower you go in the lunge, the more effective the exercise will be. Having made a lunge, you need to fixate for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position. Do the same lunge to the left side. In total you need to do 15-20 lunges in each direction.

Include these exercises in your gymnastics complex or do them separately, devoting 15-20 minutes to them every day. After doing exercises for the inner thighs, be sure to do stretching exercises for these muscles. published

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