The cheapest electric heating for a private home. Electric heating at home - which is better: boilers or air convectors

Along with classic central heating, people are increasingly using alternative methods of heating their homes. This is especially true for private households. The owners of such houses can choose the cheapest heating available in their region of residence. But in order to understand which type to give preference to, you will need to conduct a simple analysis.

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    Types of heating

    Heating is the process of heating the surrounding air or surfaces, resulting in an increase in room temperature. To produce heat, various types of energy are used, which are further converted into heat. There are three ways to organize home heating:

    • centralized;
    • autonomous;
    • individual.

    In the first case, the classic method is used, when heating radiators (radiators) are installed in the rooms. Hot water circulates through them, supplied through branched pipelines. This coolant is generated outside the home, and the price for its use is calculated not in the cost of energy conversion, but in the actual heat sent to the consumer.

    Since heating companies involved in supplying coolant are trying to save money, almost all heating networks are in a deplorable state. Because of this, losses only when heated water passes through pipes amount to about thirty percent. For example, in Europe this figure does not exceed two percent. Therefore, the heating temperature of the battery is often insufficient to achieve comfortable conditions. In addition, the consumer cannot in any way influence the heating on and off, not to mention self-adjustment temperature. At the same time, due to wear and tear of equipment, frequent interruptions are also possible.

    Autonomous heating involves finding a source of thermal energy in a special building built on the territory of the building management. This place is called the boiler room. The advantage of this approach is the absence of operating costs, stable and regulated heat supply. But the initial start-up of this system is associated with high costs, so the boiler house is not completely shut down, even at the end of the heating season. In this case, the cost of heating depends on the type of fuel used and the required power of the entire system. Therefore, it is important to choose the right cheapest fuel for heating.

    The source of individual heating is located directly in the room that needs to be heated. This type is characterized by simplicity and precise temperature control. But its disadvantages include self-repair of the system in case of failure. The emergence of dependence on suppliers of transformed energy into heat, for example, gas, electricity.

    How to make heating in a country house? Full review in 5 minutes!

    Energy resources used

    To obtain heat, in addition to the equipment that will accumulate and release it, energy is needed. Its source can be substances with high energy potential, that is, a parameter characterizing their feasibility of use. Its unit of measurement is usually expressed in joules (J) or kilowatt-hours (kW/h).

    All existing resources are divided into two classes: primary and secondary. The origin of the first involves natural processes: thermal waters, minerals, sunlight, wind. The latter are by-products of human activities: waste, emissions of flammable gases.

    Primary resources are conventionally divided into renewable, inexhaustible and limited. Renewable energy includes energy obtained from sunlight, plant products (wood), and the movement of water and air. Thermal waters and substances that release thermonuclear energy are considered inexhaustible. But the most widespread use is natural resources, the supply of which is limited. These are substances such as coal, oil, gas, peat, shale, as well as uranium and thorium.

    Since these resources will eventually run out, their use becomes more expensive every year. Therefore, technologies are being developed aimed at using practically unlimited energy, and more and more new devices are being invented to use it.

    Solving the problem of choosing the most cheap looking heating for a private home, people, although rarely, give preference to alternative energy sources. In particular, the use solar panels and collectors, wind generators, biogas devices, heat pumps. Building a heating system using alternative energy sources is a rather expensive process, but over time, due to the practically free energy received, the installation costs pay off. The average period is about ten years.

    Previously, it was impossible for residents of multi-storey buildings to refuse centralized heating, but now such an opportunity has arisen, so the choice of an advantageous heating method has become relevant for them too. Although for residents of high-rise buildings, compared to people living in the private sector, not all options are available.

    What is cheaper to heat a country house?

    Heat-reproducing devices

    Modern manufacturers in the field of heating technology can offer consumers a wide selection of heating devices. The offered equipment differs both in the type of energy source used and in power. For private use, this can be a budget device that allows you to warm up a small room, or an expensive one, but intended for autonomous heating big house. But despite this, there are three classic type equipment using as an energy source:

    Each type of equipment has its own advantages and disadvantages. For one type, the cost of consumed resources will be low, but the purchase and installation of equipment will be very expensive, and for the other - vice versa. Therefore, to find out what the most economical heating will be for country house or apartment, you will need to take into account not only the cost of resources, but also the costs of installation, adjustment and maintenance of heating devices.

    When choosing the cheapest heating for a dacha, private house or apartment, you must adhere to a single average indicator, since buildings can be made of different building material and is located in different climatic zones. Therefore, it makes sense to consider financial expenses as the cost of one kilowatt per square meter of surface.

    The best heating system for a private home!

    Gas boilers

    Gas heating uses devices that burn gas. As a result of this process, thermal energy is generated, which is transferred to the coolant (water). This water circulates through a closed pipeline system, giving off its heat to radiator structures, which already heat the air in the room.

    Gas boilers differ in their operating principle, which affects the efficiency factor (efficiency factor). Thus, as of mid-2018, the average price of gas in the country was 6.63 rubles per cubic meter. Respectively, the cost of heating using gas per 1 kW will be:

    The most interesting is the condensation type. Such boilers are more economical than classical designs due to the use of the heat of condensation of water vapor and the shape of the burner. The cheapest such boiler will cost about 60 thousand rubles. It will cost about 4 thousand rubles to install it and the same amount of work to set up the system. In addition to the boiler, you will need to purchase pipes, radiators, all kinds of fittings, as well as draw up a heating system installation project and obtain permits.

    Heating a country house with wood

    Electric tanks

    The operating principle of such a boiler is based on the use of tubular electric heating elements (TEH) or transmission electric current through water located between two electrodes. Electric heating boilers are mini-boiler rooms. Their design includes circulation pump, expansion barrel, automation system. The average cost of electricity is 3.1 rubles per kilowatt. At the same time, the tariff may be cheaper if you use the boiler only during preferential times (from 23-00 to 7-00), but for this you will need a two-tariff electricity meter day-night.

    The efficiency of electric boilers is quite high and averages 98-99 percent. Thus, costs will be approximately:

    It is believed that for every ten square meters the boiler needs to expend one kilowatt of its power.

    That is, if it is necessary to warm up a home with an area of ​​one hundred square meters, while the boiler will operate for about six hours per day, you will need 60 kW/h, and 1860 kW per month. But, as practice shows, on average during the heating season in a cold winter, expenses are about 10 thousand rubles.

    Electric boilers are divided into wall-mounted and floor-mounted. For the former, the power ranges from 5 to 60 kW, and for the latter it is more than 60 kW. In addition, electric boilers differ in the type of coolant circulation. It can be natural or forced. Buying a boiler will cost about 7 thousand rubles, another 4 thousand will cost to install and connect it. In some cases, it will be necessary to change the electrical wiring to provide the boiler with the required power.

    Water and heating of a country house // FORUMHOUSE

    Solid fuel

    Although solid fuel devices have made a technological breakthrough recently, their efficiency still does not exceed seventy percent on average. Wood, coal, and pellets are used as fuel. The furnace can be loaded automatically or manually. If you use automation, electricity costs can be ignored.

    The heating cost will look like this:

    The principle of operation of the boiler is based on the transfer of heat generated during the combustion of fuel in the firebox of the device, a water jacket communicating with the circuit of the heating system. The price of the cheapest modern solid fuel boiler is 40 rubles, its setup costs about 3 thousand. To equip the heating system, you will also need batteries, pipes, a chimney, and a place to store fuel.

    Alternative sources

    Building systems on alternative sources allows you to really get cheap heat with your own hands. Such systems are built on solar panels or collectors. The use of photocells makes it possible to achieve an efficiency of about fifteen percent. The resulting energy is converted into electricity, which can be used to heat water or connect thermal electrical appliances.

    Solar collectors consist of a black metal plate placed under a layer of water. The plate transfers heat to the water. If the circuit is placed in a tank and cold water is connected, the liquid will begin to circulate through the circuit using a pump.

    Wind generators also make it possible to obtain inexpensive heating by rotating the propeller. When it rotates from the wind, an EMF is induced on the generator. After the generator, the voltage goes to the transformer, where it increases to desired value and is sent to the power grid.

    The heat pump operates on the Carnot principle. This is a complex high-tech device. It collects external heat and converts it into internal heat. Its efficiency value is much greater than unity. For example, if the device consumes 1 kW, then at the output it will be able to produce about 4.5 kW of thermal power.

    Alternative sources look attractive, but in order to have enough power for heating, you will need to make a rather impressive initial investment. For example, a system of solar panels will cost about half a million rubles.

    How to make cheap heating for a private house?

    System selection

    Thus, it is possible to heat a house cheaply in several ways. The most economical ways are to use inexhaustible energy. But due to the cost of the devices, their use has not yet gained sufficient popularity. That's why By type of resources used, heating systems are arranged in the following order:

    Using solid fuel boilers, it will be possible to burn coal, wood or other solid fuel. Pellets are used to automate the process. But a rather significant disadvantage of this heating method is the need to find a place to store fuel.

    If gas is supplied to a private household, then heating with it will also be not a bad option. But it will be inconvenient to obtain permits to install such a system. Electric heating of large areas significant savings won't bring it. Due to high energy consumption. Its only advantage will be ease of installation, which does not even require connection to the chimney.

The specified components of the structure are too important. That is why it is important to select all installation parts technically competently. The heating design of an apartment includes various devices. Heating installation includes batteries, air vents, expansion tank, fasteners, boiler pipes, pressure-increasing pumps, thermostats, manifolds, connection system. On this page of the site we will try to select certain parts of the system for your garage.

Having chosen once favorable heating for your home outside the city, you can sleep peacefully like a baby, knowing that nothing will happen to your warmth. The heating network will work and heat your home the way you want it, no matter what the mood of the utility services today.

Choose the most profitable heating difficult, but possible. It’s difficult for the simple reason that the range presented today is very wide. But the specialists of our engineering company “Savard” are always ready to come to your aid and help you find optimal solution. Do not forget that only companies with the necessary licenses have the right to install such communications.

The most profitable heating for private, country houses

By the way, profitable home heating can be installed when you decide on the heating method. The fact is that there are two methods. One of them - single-pipe - is suitable for small buildings. While for large or two-, three-story cottages, the two-pipe method is preferable, since there is no mixing of hot water and coolant in it.

Owners of private country cottages who have managed to install a heating system using water in their homes unanimously claim that such heating is very comfortable. After all, the heating is excellent, the system is safe, the air is clean, dust-free and not dry.

The boiler acts as a heating element for the system. The boiler runs on natural gas or oil. Water enters the boiler using a special pump, which also supplies water to the radiators and radiators. It should be noted that the pump operates almost silently, which, you see, is very convenient.

Which heating is profitable and why?

After installing the heating system, it is necessary to carry out pressure testing. For this you need a pressure testing pump. There are different types of pumps. For a private home, a manual one is quite suitable.

Pressure testing is needed not only for heating system pipes, but also for sewer pipes. By the way, the sewerage scheme in a private house is simple. It's quite easy to build. Read about the sewerage system in a private house in this article.

Characteristics of a heating boiler for a private home

The power of the heat generator is selected depending on the volume of the room. For a house with dimensions up to 400 m2, a boiler with a capacity of 42 kW is sufficient. For large areas, including guest houses, country panel houses. garages, bathhouses and greenhouses, a high-performance unit or an economical cascade system is required. It consists of several boilers connected to each other alternately. The thermal mode is supported by automation, turning the units on or off if necessary.

Fuel boilers are available in two types: floor-mounted and wall-mounted. Floor-mounted ones are more expensive, but more reliable and durable.

Types of double-circuit boilers, depending on power:

  • Flow type. Used when hot water consumption is minimal
  • With integrated boiler. This system is designed for a full-fledged domestic hot water supply in a country house.
  • Specialized solutions: for heating water in a swimming pool, installing saunas and Jacuzzis

In domestic boilers, an atmospheric burner is installed. Combustion products are removed through the chimney, naturally or with the help of a fan.

  • Steel
  • Galvanized
  • Stainless
  • Copper
  • Polymer
  • It is prohibited to gasify basements and basements
  • It is necessary to provide free access to the tank from all sides
  • Do not expose the gas container to heat or direct sunlight.
  • It is not allowed to operate tanks with damaged housings or corrosion.
  • The distance from the cylinder to the boiler must be at least 1 m

For a continuous supply of fuel, it is best to install several cylinders. They are connected through a special ramp that has a flexible connection, a gas pressure measurement sensor and a safety valve. If the cylinder heats up, the valve releases excess gas, thereby reducing the pressure inside the cylinder.

The costs of maintaining a home for private homeowners are already quite high. That is why the question is so popular, what is the cheaper way to heat a house, the answer to which will save your budget.

Why is it profitable to heat your home yourself?

To do this, you need to understand how the system works. So, there must be a boiler with the function of heating water, which then goes through pipes and enters the heating radiators. After some time, the water cools down and goes back to the boiler, where it is heated again. This system works in a vicious circle. In some cases, you cannot do without a special pump when supplying liquid on a forced basis.

Many people are interested in what is more economical to heat a house with a water heating system, because it is known that heating equipment can operate on various energy sources. That is why equipment is usually divided into:

When answering the question of how to heat a house economically, it is worth focusing on gas and solid fuel boilers, since the cost of “fuel” is in this case acceptable enough. Electric boilers can be quite expensive due to the cost of electricity.

Using heaters for heating

Modern heaters are a very effective and safe method of heating rooms. Especially if people live in the house not all the time, but several seasons a year. Most profitable option consider application oil radiators, which store heat for a long time and consume a small amount of energy.

Thus, to determine which type of heating is best for you, you must first study all the available options, weighing their advantages and disadvantages, the economic costs of installation and operation. Don’t forget to choose a heating option based on the time you spend in the country house. After all, if you live in a dacha only in summer time a year, a fireplace and stove will be enough, but if you live there in winter, you cannot do without a high-quality heating system.

Almost every cottage owner strives to reduce heating costs to a minimum. But choosing the most economical heating private home, many often look only at the price of fuel.

However, here it is necessary to take into account the heat loss of the building, and the capital investment for the arrangement of the heating system, and the cost of servicing the network subsequently. Don’t forget about the labor-intensive operation of this or that option. Only an integrated approach to the issue will help make the operation of the heat supply network as economical as possible, don’t you agree?

In the article, we have collected the most effective ways to increase the efficiency of a heating system, provided practical tips for reducing heat loss, and also assessed the feasibility of using renewable energy sources.

Before choosing fuel, a boiler (or other thermal energy generator) and a heat distribution system throughout the cottage, you need to take a closer look at the house itself. If heat loss through walls, windows, ventilation, subfloors and roofs is enormous, then no tricks to increase the efficiency of the internal heating circuit will help.

First you need to take care of the insulation of all structures and engineering systems dwellings.

With a high level of heat loss, any attempts to increase the efficiency of the heating system will be pointless; most of the heat will still go outside. Moreover, a lot of it will be required. The enclosed space of a cottage is one thing, but a street open to the winds and bad weather is quite another.

Insulation technology and materials are selected based on the climatic conditions of the area where the house is located. There are certain building regulations with minimum requirements by wall thickness and thermal insulation for each Russian region. But without knowledge in heating engineering, it’s not worth doing the project yourself.

Either the calculations will be made incorrectly and the heat loss will be higher, or you will have to overpay for a layer of insulation that is too thick.

When viewing the finished project and subsequent construction of the house, special attention should be paid to:

  • double-glazed windows– up to 25% of all heat loss goes out through the windows;
  • roof and attic floor– that’s another 10–15%;
  • ventilation system– the share of heat loss through ventilation with natural circulation can reach 40–50%.

Walls and floors are also places where heat escapes from a building. But initially no one neglects their insulation. But many owners of private houses often forget about ventilation and attics.

Another point is the presence of “cold bridges” in the enclosing structures. Any iron part that penetrates the wall from the street inside serves as a place for enormous heat loss.

Even a small metal pin slowly but inexorably “pulls” heat out of the home. There should be no such bridges in the project, and during construction it is important to ensure that they are not formed from various metal fasteners.

The image from a thermal imager shows that windows cause significant heat loss, so you should not forget about the need to install energy-saving double-glazed windows

In addition, “cold bridges” can become:

  • ends of floor slabs;
  • window and door slopes;
  • basement walls;
  • lintels and inserts made of concrete or iron.

All these places must be carefully insulated, otherwise you can’t even dream of saving on heating. No one has ever managed to heat the street.

Depending on the quality of insulation, the thermal conductivity coefficient included in the thermal engineering calculation for one building can differ significantly. The thicker the insulation and the fewer points of heat “leakage,” the smaller volumes of fuel have to be burned to heat the cottage.

The money spent on reducing heat loss will definitely pay off. You shouldn’t skimp on this issue, but you shouldn’t forget about the rationality of investments either.

Choosing the cheapest fuel

The second question in saving on heating is. Moreover, we need to look not so much at the cost of a kilocalorie leaving the boiler, but at the total costs of fuel, heating equipment and its maintenance. It is necessary to consider everything as a whole.

The cheapest in terms of the price of generated thermal energy are wood pellets and main gas, but they are also the most expensive in terms of initial costs (+)

If we compare different water heating units, the cheapest ones will be. However, electricity bills are unlikely to make anyone happy later. Plus, for a large cottage, in most cases you will have to lay an additional cable.

For a well-insulated house of 100 square meters, the existing capacity may be sufficient. But heating a two-story home will require much more electric “fuel.” At the same time, standard networks were not initially designed for such loads.

Natural gas in Russia is considered one of the most economical ways to heat private homes. However, there are several nuances here. If there is already a highway in the village, then it happens quite quickly and inexpensively.

But if the distance from the house to it is 200 m or more, then cutting into this pipe will cost a pretty penny. Plus, all approvals and receipt of technical conditions can take up to a year.

You will have to pay from 150 to 250 thousand rubles for the equipment for it. Fortunately, most companies dealing with similar equipment complete all the work in a couple of days.

The price of liquefied gas for it in almost all Russian regions is ultimately equal to what comes from the main pipe. But the initial costs are frankly stinging.

Another fairly cheap boiler is one that runs on exhaust or diesel. Moreover, if fuel can be obtained at a reasonable price, then this may well become the most economical way to heat private housing.

Averaged across Russia, heating options for a country house based on the totality of all costs are arranged in the following order:

  1. Wood or coal stove.
  2. Gas boiler using mains gas.
  3. Wood-burning.
  4. Liquid fuel boiler equipment.
  5. Electric boiler.

The most economical option is a conventional wood or coal stove, provided it is true that there are no problems with fuel in the area where you live. This is due to both the low cost of fuel and the low cost of equipment.

However, such a stove requires constant supervision. And this takes a lot of time and effort. Plus, it is unlikely that it will be possible to particularly improve the efficiency of the heating system connected to it. It is difficult to adjust anything or somehow control the economical consumption of logs (coal).

Much in the matter of the cheapness of fuel depends on its availability in the area where the house is located - in some regions coal or firewood are the cheapest, while in others gas will give them a considerable head start

An electric boiler is the most convenient and safe to use. It doesn’t need a chimney, plus the automation itself monitors everything and heats up the coolant in the system as needed.

With proper installation of electrical wiring, the likelihood of a fire with this heating method is reduced to almost zero. He certainly shouldn’t present any other problems.

However, energy costs are frankly high. It’s also good if you can connect a two-tariff meter with a reduced nightly rate. Otherwise, you should opt for an electric boiler only as a last resort. The most “economical” due to high costs it is difficult to name it for “burned” kilowatts of electricity.

Increasing the efficiency of your heating system

To increase the efficiency of heating a home, it is also possible and necessary to introduce various technologies that reduce fuel consumption into the heating system. There are a huge number of ways to route pipelines from the boiler to the radiators.

Some of them are cheaper to implement, while others are the most economical in terms of reducing losses during transportation of coolant to the batteries.

The efficiency of a home heating system depends on the correctly selected boiler power, pipe layout and even the pipeline material

There are heating equipment of different designs and various additional equipment that can increase the efficiency of the entire system by 10–15% or more. But here you should carefully weigh the pros and cons. In some cases, the costs initial stage may not pay off later.

There is no need to chase the “most economical” and “most effective” options. Often these are just advertising slogans and nothing more.

Method #1: pipe routing and “warm floor”

The most economical piping layout is with a central collector. When using it, each radiator receives the same volume of coolant.

Moreover, it is possible for each battery to adjust the amount of heat supplied individually. Extra waste of thermal energy when transporting heated water through heating pipes with such wiring is practically eliminated.

The boiler manifold circuit is most effective in terms of balancing the hydraulic resistance of individual circuits and controllability of heat flows (+)

Almost always, with collector wiring, the heating system has to be supplemented. Thanks to it, the difference in water temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the network is significantly reduced.

As a result, the controllability of coolant heating and the efficiency of the entire system increase. Less fuel has to be burned in the boiler, the result is direct savings on fuel.

The beam (collector) option is the most economical to operate. However, due to the long length of pipelines, it is also the most expensive to implement.

To maximize the efficiency of your heating system, you can simply abandon radiators and replace them with “warm floor” pipes

The heat from conventional radiators first rises to the ceiling, and only then, due to convection, spreads throughout the room. As a result, the hottest air ends up near the ceiling. And to prevent your feet from freezing on the floor in the cold outside the window, you have to open the radiators all the way. And this again means additional costs for heat generation.

The system is the most economical way heating of residential premises. In this case, the warmest air is concentrated below at the level of a person’s feet. At the same time, heat consumption is reduced, and the most comfortable conditions for people are created in the room.

Method #2: the most efficient boilers

The highest efficiency is found in pyrolysis and condensation boilers. It is difficult to find more economical heating equipment in heating equipment stores. The first option uses wood as fuel, and the second uses gas. In terms of efficiency, they outperform all other analogues using any flammable coolant.

A pyrolysis boiler differs from a conventional wood-burning boiler in the presence of a second firebox and in the fact that in fact it is not wood as such that burns there, but the gas obtained as a result of pyrolysis.

First, the logs smolder in it at high temperatures and limited air supply. And only then the resulting gases burn in the main chamber, releasing heat.

Compared to its standard wood-burning counterpart, it is more efficient (30–40%) and requires less attention. The interval between loading firewood, depending on the capacity of the firebox, reaches 10–16 hours.

Savings here are achieved due to absolutely complete combustion of fuel and a minimum of heat release with combustion products into the chimney.

A gas condensing boiler is even more economical - it takes thermal energy not only from the burned methane, but also from the products of its combustion

Taking into account the collection of additional heat, the final efficiency of such a boiler reaches 105–110%. Here, the energy of both the burned gas and that obtained as a result of the condensation of water vapor occurring in the second chamber is taken into account.

Method #3: choosing a heat accumulator

Another fairly effective way to save on heating is to connect a heat accumulator to a solid fuel boiler. The latter first accumulates heat in itself, and then gradually releases it to the batteries.

In this case, it is not necessary to forcibly limit the power of the coolant heating equipment, simply throwing out the heat into the chimney pipe.

If electricity is supplied to the cottage at different rates day and night, then the heat accumulator can also be included in a system with an electric boiler. In this case, it will accumulate heat at night, when electricity is cheaper.

Renewable heat sources

When calculating the costs in detail with heat pumps, wind turbines, solar collectors and batteries, the situation looks like this. They generate heat and electricity for a private home, but at first glance it is free. Of course, the sun and wind do not bill for heating, but such generation equipment is very expensive.

In Europe, renewable energy is sometimes subsidized from the state budget. Plus, the price tag for fossil fuels is frankly stinging. Therefore, “green technologies” there are economically justified and relatively effective.

In Russia the situation is radically different. Our state is not going to subsidize it yet. And prices for domestic firewood, coal and gas, compared to their neighbors in the west, are not so high.

As a result, based on the totality of all costs, it is difficult to call heat pumps, solar panels and wind turbines particularly economical. They generally show their effectiveness only in remote areas where it is difficult and expensive to deliver burned fuel.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

When choosing the most economical heating option for your cottage, you should take into account many factors and parameters, and the following selection of videos will definitely help you with this.

Which heating is better:

What is the cheapest fuel to heat a country house:

How much does gas and electric heating cost:

There is no universal option for the cheapest and most economical heating. For each specific house, it is necessary to calculate all the costs of fuel, equipment for heating the coolant and the arrangement of the heating system as a whole.

Often you have to start from the availability of a particular fuel, and only then select a boiler for it. Plus, you absolutely shouldn’t forget about high-quality insulation cottage and pipes to radiators.

Electric home heating is a set of devices designed to heat a room using electricity (electric boilers, heaters, heated floors and other products). The advantage of this method is accessibility, reliability and high efficiency.

What types of electric heating exist, and what are their features? Which type is recommended to be preferred? How much will it cost? We will consider these and other questions in the article.

Feasibility of use, what to pay attention to

Using electricity to heat a home, office or apartment is relevant if you have money to pay for the consumed electricity. In terms of costs gas heating cheaper (not in all countries). Therefore, when choosing between gas and electricity, preference is most often given to the first option.

But what to do when gas is not supplied to the house? Electric heating comes to the rescue here, because light is supplied almost everywhere.

For safe operation of electric heating, it is recommended to make a 3-phase input and connect the load evenly. If only one of the phases is used, you will have to change the wiring in the house and solve problems with replacing circuit breakers at the entrance.

The cost issue is resolved by installation. Its peculiarity is the recording of energy consumption at different times of the day for calculation at different tariffs.

For example, at night the cost of electricity is lowest. This time can be used to heat the living space. The rest of the day, it is recommended to use other types of heating, for example, a solid fuel boiler.

Another option is possible. In the presence of water heating, a heat storage tank is used, which accumulates heat at a minimum tariff for light, and releases it during periods of peak loads and maximum prices.

To preserve heat and save electricity, it is important to cover the house with foam plastic. This method is also relevant for other heating methods.

Types of electric heating - types, application features

Today there is a huge selection of electric heating devices. Let's look at the available options:

  1. ELECTRIC BOILERS. Here the coolant plays the main role, and the unit itself is built on the convective function. used for heating houses and apartments. The advantages include safety of use, high efficiency and ease of use. The disadvantages include the complexity of the design, which requires professional installation, as well as problems with repairs in the event of equipment failure. It is important to note the high energy consumption and cost of electricity. Additional disadvantages of heating devices are power limitations and other difficulties.
  2. ELECTRIC CONVECTORS(air heating). Such electric heating systems are actively used in retail outlets and offices with a small area. The equipment quickly heats the room, but due to its low power, several devices will be required for use in an apartment or house. It is not used as the main type of heating due to low efficiency. During operation, drafts and areas with poor heating are formed. The main advantage is low costs for electricity and ease of maintenance. Read more on the topic here.
  3. ELECTRIC HEATED FLOORS. There may be regular and . Such heating systems are used in the form of additional heating. They provide heated flooring and guarantee comfort. Application as a single system is irrelevant. To heat the room, the surface temperature must be very high, so walking on such a surface with bare feet will not be comfortable. In addition, the “lion’s share” of heat goes down, which reduces efficiency.
  4. INFRARED HEATERS. When used correctly, this type of electric heating can be used as a primary heating source. The designs vary in design and are used for mounting on the ceiling, walls or flooring. The advantages are ease of installation and maintenance, but their disadvantages are action in a certain area and uneven heating of the room. For more information about follow the link.
  5. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES— heat fans, oil fans, heat guns. Such devices play an auxiliary function and are not used as the main source of heating. With their help it is easy to heat a small room. It will not be possible to provide heating for the entire house or apartment. Disadvantages - inability to work automatically, dry air and other problems.
  6. COMBINATION BOILERS. They operate on different types of fuel. Seven out of ten heaters on the market have electric heating elements. There are two types - standard and universal. Combination boilers are actively used in country houses where there is no gas supply or there are interruptions in the supply of electrical energy. Features include the ability to connect a group of circuits, efficiency, absence of failures in the operation of the heating system, the possibility of programming and modernization. Combination boilers are available for gas and electricity, wood and gas, wood and electricity. Multi-fuel units are also highlighted.

We will consider the features of each type of boiler in more detail below.

What type of heating is best

When choosing the appropriate option, it is important to focus on the type of building that needs heating. Note that there are no ideal electric heating systems for all occasions. Such issues are resolved individually and taking into account operating conditions.

  1. At permanent residence Water heating is suitable in the house. A special feature is the need to monitor work daily.
  2. For country houses dacha type with periodic visits, air heating is sufficient. It turns on for short periods of time to warm the premises to the required temperature.
  3. Warm floors are used as an additional heat source. Used to increase comfort and maintain temperature at an optimal level. Sometimes used as the main source of heat, but in exceptional cases.

The main thing is to analyze the advantages and disadvantages decision taken, and then implement your plans.

Electric boilers for water heating

The main device in the electric heating system of a house or apartment is usually a boiler. It comes in three types - with heating elements, electrode or induction. The owner has the right to choose any of the options.

The principle of operation is identical in all cases - the use of electrical energy to heat water. Each type has individual characteristics, which require separate consideration.

Induction boilers

Scientists have noticed that under the influence of a magnetic field, an object heats up. Induction type boilers have been developed on this principle. They are a coil that passes large currents through itself.

Water passes through the induction field area, is heated, and then sent to the system.

The electric boiler includes a starting relay, a thermostat, pressure relief valves for coolant and air, capacitors, a thermomanometer and contacts for switching additional products (for example, air sensors).

Advantages of induction boilers:

  1. Heat is generated directly in the coolant. This guarantees minimal losses. Manufacturers of such equipment note minimal electricity consumption (especially when compared with boilers equipped with standard heating elements). The use of induction boilers allows you to save up to 25-30 percent of electricity.
  2. Reduced energy costs due to lack of inertia. After switching on, an induction field immediately appears, and the water is heated to the required temperature. From the moment it is turned off, the liquid stops heating.
  3. No deposits form on the surface of the heating element. This is due to the loyal heating mode of the main element. In addition, constant vibration eliminates core vibration.
  4. Compactness. Induction boilers are significantly smaller than conventional devices.
  5. Service life is up to 30 years. During the entire period of use, the device does not require repair or replacement of elements.
  6. The materials used in the manufacture of induction boilers are: high quality, which allows the use of an electric heating element with different coolants.

Among the disadvantages of the products, it is worth highlighting the high cost and the need to control the thermal fluid. Automatic checking is not possible, so all checks are done manually.

If you ignore this requirement, there is a high risk of the coil overheating and the housing melting.

In general, induction boilers are highly reliable and economical.

Popular models.

Induction boiler VIN-3

A vortex heating device used to heat water and use it for technical needs, as well as heating various rooms.

The main coolant is water, which heats up to 95 degrees Celsius in operating mode. Power - from 3 to 80 kW. Efficiency - 99.8%.

The product has a size of 62*13.3 cm. The optimal heating area is from 30 to 40 square meters.

According to the manufacturer, antifreeze is allowed to be used as a coolant.


The device has a power of 7 kW, which allows you to heat a room with an area of ​​up to 90 square meters. Structurally, the product consists of a transformer, the secondary winding of which is a pipe.

The manufacturer correctly calculated the parameters to avoid overheating of the boiler elements even during prolonged operation. The resource of the heating device is limited by the service life of the coil wires.

The product is characterized by high efficiency (98%), fire resistance, service life of up to 30 years and energy savings (up to 50%). During operation, the appearance of scale is excluded.

IN basic equipment includes the unit itself, a temperature sensor, safety elements, a remote control and a passport.

VIN-7 in VIP configuration

The electric heating device has a power of 7 kW and is installed on the wall. Features - efficiency 98%, use of water as a coolant. Dimensions: width 13.3 cm, height 72 cm.

Heating elements new electric boilers

This is the simplest type of boiler with electric heater tubular type (heating element). The device is made using a special material that releases thermal energy when current passes.

The main element is hidden in an electrically insulating tube, and the gap between the heater and the outer part is filled with sand. This guarantees better transfer of thermal energy from the coil to the housing. Water enters the boiler, where it is heated using a heating element.

Advantages - affordable price and the ability to replace the heating element. To increase the efficiency of boilers, it is important to pay attention to the availability of the following options - electronic control and power regulation.

Such devices are more economical, but also have more high price. The advantage of improved products is lower energy consumption due to the connection of the required number of heaters.

The disadvantages of an electric boiler with a heating element are low efficiency, heat loss and large dimensions.

An important nuance is the need to use a closed system. This is due to the risk of deposits appearing on the surface of the heating element.

If the same liquid circulates in the system, the plaque has nowhere to come from. Application of the system open type requires periodic replacement of the heating element. To protect the system, it is better to use distilled water. In this case, the risk of deposits is minimal.

Let us highlight several models of heating element boilers:

Electrode boilers

Electrode boilers operate on the principle of electrolysis. Ions generate heat when moving near the electrode.

An alternating voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz is connected to the electrodes, which ensures a change in polarity from positive to negative 50 times within one second. As a result, heating occurs constantly, and heat is dispersed throughout the system.

The advantage of electrode boilers is the simultaneous heating of all the liquid inside the heater container, which ensures maximum operating efficiency. By quickly reaching the desired temperature, heating costs are reduced (electricity savings reach 40%).

Electrode boilers are compact in size, low in price and easy to install. If there is no coolant, the electric heating system will not fail - it simply stops functioning.

As soon as the water is supplied, the electric heating operates in standard mode. The electrode boiler can be left unattended and not worry about its safety.

But there are also disadvantages. The current passes directly through the coolant, so in the event of a breakdown metal elements heating systems may become energized. It is important to reduce risk.

No less important point- composition of the coolant, which must contain the required volume of salts. A separate requirement is imposed on radiators - they must be made of bimetal or aluminum.

Additional disadvantages include:

  • Ability to work with closed systems.
  • Maximum water heating up to 75 degrees Celsius (otherwise electricity consumption increases).
  • The use of low quality coolant leads to breakdown of the electrodes. The advantage is that they have a low price, and the replacement process itself takes a few minutes.

The considered disadvantages relate more to the nuances of operation and installation of equipment and should be taken into account during the installation process.

Many people use such boilers to heat private homes. The main thing is to follow these recommendations and achieve the correct composition of the water.

Let's consider several models of electrode boilers:

Combination boilers

Combination boilers are devices for space heating that can operate on different types of fuel. The transition can be carried out at any time at the request of the owner.

To switch to another fuel, a different firebox is used or a suitable type of burner is installed.

Boiler combined type, as a rule, is used in country houses with interruptions in gas or electricity supply. These products can operate with the following fuel combinations:

  1. Solid fuel, gas.
  2. Solid fuel, electricity.
  3. Diesel, gas.
  4. Gas, wood, electricity.

There are boilers on sale that can simultaneously operate on four types of fuel. Their disadvantage is their higher price.

Find out more about how to live in a private home.

Boilers for heating with wood and electricity

Most in demand combi boilers, running on solid fuel and electricity. This is due to the availability of both fuel sources in almost all regions of the country. The composition includes a firebox for burning wood, wood chips or pellets, as well as a heat exchanger.

To operate from electricity, a heating element is provided, which is regulated through the control panel.

Many combined boilers operating on electricity and solid fuel have special automation. It switches the device to another mode when the temperature drops below the set level.

Solid fuel electric boilers can operate at 220 or 380 Volts. The output power ranges from 3.5 to 9 kW. Some products have a phase switching option, which allows operation in networks with different voltages.

The advantages of combined boilers include low costs, the ability to adjust, the availability of two or more types of fuel and the ability to operate in automatic mode. Users note the reliability and durability of the equipment.

Disadvantages include the requirement for a separate room (for storing supplies) and the need for supply three-phase network(for some models).

When operating a combination boiler from 380V, you will have to coordinate the connection with Energonadzor.

Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the narrow scope of application (in private homes) and the need for frequent maintenance.

Popular models:

IMPORTANT - a few words about the cost

The price of electric heating boilers is in a wide range and depends on many factors - the manufacturer, the presence of a combined principle, configuration, power and other aspects.

Heating element devices are more expensive, and products based on induction or electrode principle will cost less.

Heating element boilers have a heating tank, a pump for coolant circulation, a temperature sensor, an expansion tank and automation. This means that the device is ready to use and does not require the purchase of additional elements.

As for induction boilers, after purchasing the main equipment you will have to spend money on a control unit (if it is not included). In addition, it is necessary to purchase expansion tank, sensors and other devices. As a result, the cost of electrode boilers may be even higher.

When comparing electric and other heating boilers, it is important to take into account not only their characteristics, pros and cons, but also pay attention to the equipment.

It happens that a manufacturer attracts buyers by lowering the price, offering a product with a minimum configuration. As a result, the buyer is forced to spend money on additional equipment.

Electric convectors for air heating

Electric heaters are divided into several categories:

  1. Convectors;
  2. Oil devices (radiators);
  3. Infrared emitters and ceramic panels.

This heating option is convenient due to its simplicity of organization and connection only to an electrical outlet.

The disadvantage is the need to strengthen the home wiring and obtain more power from the energy supply organization. This is necessary, because the consumption of heaters can reach 20-30 kW. Let's consider the intricacies of heating for various devices.

Oil heaters

The use of oil heaters in heating a private home is very rare. This is due to the low efficiency of the devices and the possibility of using them as an additional heating source.

People resort to buying oil heaters in the presence of serious cold weather, when the main system cannot cope with the tasks assigned to it.

In such circumstances, oil heaters do a good job and hardly dry out the air. A conventional heating element installed in an oil-filled container is used as a heating element.

The coolant retains the accumulated heat for a long time, which contributes to the high efficiency of such devices. The metal walls heat up and give off heat to the surrounding air in the heated room.

The disadvantage of oil heaters is that it takes a lot of time to heat the oil, and subsequently to heat the room. Due to their inertia, oil models can only be used on a long-term basis (in premises where people constantly live).

If you use an oil heater in the country, it is unlikely to warm up a cold room.

Most models are produced on special wheels that allow you to move the product from place to place. Wall-mounted options are available for sale, which can be used when installing constant heating.

Popular models - Ballu BOH/CL-11BRN black, Electrolux EOH/M-5105N, Timberk TOR 21.1507 SLX, Zanussi Loft ZOH/LT-11W 2200W, Ballu Turbo BOH/TB-07FH, Royal Clima ROR-C11-2200M Catania, Electrolux EOH/M-4221.

Infrared heaters

A popular way to organize heating is the use of infrared heaters. Their peculiarity is that they heat objects directly, rather than the surrounding air.

This feature increases the efficiency of infrared models to almost 100%. Next, the heated objects warm the air in the room. By the way, the sun works on the same principle, because its rays only heat the earth and various objects.

When choosing, you need to take into account that IR heaters differ in the type of mounting. They are ceiling, wall and floor. Outdoor models and infrared heaters with thermostats are also produced.

When in the range of the model, a person will be warm even at low temperatures outside. As a result, you can limit the number of heaters and reduce your electricity bills. In addition, the heated elements in the room accumulate and subsequently release the collected heat.

The disadvantage of infrared heaters is negative impact for health (as some experts say). But there are no confirmed facts. In practice, some people complain of deterioration in health when exposed to infrared rays for a long time. If you have such problems, it is better to give preference to other heating options.


Ceramic heating panels

The peculiarity of ceramic heaters is the tight contact between the heater and the front panel (manufactured using thermal ceramics). Such devices heat up to 80-90 degrees Celsius, after which the accumulated heat is transferred to the air in the room. In its spectrum, this heat is close to that emitted by the solar disk.

The design of ceramic heaters is simple. Installed from the inside metal case With polymer coating. Next comes the reflective screen (for maximum efficiency). After it, a heating element is installed, and a ceramic component is fixed to the front part. It is she who gives off heat to the room.

When determining the required number of heaters, take 1 kW of power per 10 “square” of room. The use of ceramic-type models allows you to reduce this parameter by half.

The practice of using heaters only confirms the validity of this approach. To avoid maximum load, it is better to use not 0.5 kW, but 0.6 kW per 10 square meters of area. If the apartment or house has ceilings higher than 2.5 m, the power requirements will also increase.

One example of such a device is the Venezia 120*60 ceramic panel. This is a reliable model consisting of an infrared ceramic plate. Power 750 W.

Advantages: environmental friendliness, reliability, practicality of use and the ability to set the required temperature. The covered area is up to 22 square meters. meters. Model weight - 4 kg. The surface temperature reaches 90 degrees Celsius. Dimensions - 60*120*4 cm. The thermostat and control are mechanical, the heating element is ceramic.

It is worth highlighting other models - Dimol Mini Plus 01, Dimol Standart Plus 03, Stinex Plaza Ceramic 350-700/220 black, Stinex Plaza Ceramic 350-700/220 black, KAM-IN easy heat originals, Dimol mini 01 270 W (cream ), VENECIA" 50*50.

Air convectors

When purchasing air convectors, it is important to pay attention to the way they are mounted. Today, models are available for fixing to the wall or ceiling, for installation on the floor, recessed into the floor or baseboard models.

Generally speaking, air convectors (regardless of type) have an identical structure. It contains a heating device (heating element) with special fins (improving heat transfer). The temperature is set on the regulator, which turns the device on and off.

There are holes on the outside for better penetration warm air into the heated room. In this case, heat exits through the upper openings, and entry through the bottom.

Thanks to this design, the air functions naturally, but the movement of air flows occurs slowly. To improve efficiency, many manufacturers integrate fans. Their task is to accelerate the air flow and increase the heating speed.

The simplest are convectors for mounting on the wall, ceiling and floor. In the first case, it is enough to install a couple of hooks to install the selected model.

As for ceiling products, they are fixed to the surface using dowels or self-tapping screws.

To fix floor-mounted air convectors, the same fasteners will be required, but the fixation is carried out to the floor covering.

More problems arise when fixing in-floor or baseboard models.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Skirting air convectors are installed instead of standard baseboards and have the same appearance. The peculiarity is that the heated air leaves the wall, warming it and the room as a whole. After reaching the required temperature, the product turns into a large radiator that releases heat and maintains the required temperature. Even after switching off, the air convector continues to heat the room.

The downside is inertia. It takes some time to warm up the walls, after which the heat is transferred to the air in the room. This heating method is suitable for houses and apartments with permanent residence.

One example is the STN NEB-M-NS 0.5 (B) model. This is a 500 watt wall mounted unit. The heating power is 2 kW, the covered area is 10 square meters. Supply voltage - 220 V.

The peculiarity of the model is the presence of electronic control, regulation temperature regime and the ability to install programs. The heating element is of a closed type with the possibility of networking. There are protective options (frost protection, overheating shutdown and moisture protection). Device dimensions - 75*45*9.8 cm.

No less interesting models- Hintek SU 1500M, Timberk TEC.E0X M 1500, Dantex SE45N-05, Royal Clima REC-M1000E, Zilon ZHC-2000 SR3.0, Timberk TEC.E5 M 1000, CTH NEB-M-NS 0.7 (B) .

Fan heaters

Fan heaters are often used to heat rooms. Depending on the situation, they are used as a main or additional heating source.

Structurally, fan heaters are a housing with a heating elements and a fan that disperses heat throughout the room. This is a simple but effective tool for heating small spaces.

Advantages - high heat transfer, fast air heating, ease of control and versatility. In addition, fan heaters consume little power, and the cost is the lowest in comparison with other devices.

Additionally, it is necessary to highlight compactness (small size) and safety of use. The likelihood of injury during use is minimal. Most models provide protection against overheating, overload and falling.

Disadvantages - a rapid decrease in temperature if the device is turned off and low productivity.

The main scope of application of fan heaters is apartments, country cottages, dachas, offices, industrial premises. The devices are useful for heating warehouses, shops, pharmacies and other retail outlets. Fan heaters are easy to use because they can be used as an independent device without connecting to a central network.

An example of a fan heater is Electrolux EFH/W - 1020. This is a wall-mounted device that is compact and highly efficient. To get started, you need to mount the model on the wall and plug it into a power outlet.

The device can operate in three modes - ventilation, intensive or economical operation. Electrolux EFH/W - 1020 has a power of 2.2 kW, which guarantees fast heating and air distribution throughout the room.

The advantages of Electrolux EFH/W are its strong design, low weight (4 kg) and wear-resistant heater. During operation, the device is almost silent, which allows it to be installed in bedrooms or other rooms with quiet operation. Additional features include the use of non-combustible materials, protection against overturning and overheating.

Other popular models - Ballu BFH/W-201L, Ballu BHP-W3-20-S, KALASHNIKOV KVF-W21-12, Ballu BHP-W2-30Ballu BHP-W2-100-S, Electrolux EFH/W - 9020, Electrolux EFH /W - 7020.

Thermal curtains

Thermal curtains are a universal device that is ready to provide a comfortable environment in an apartment or house in any weather. In summer the product protects from heat, and in winter from cold.

There are two types of thermal curtains - air or thermal. The former protect the room from the leakage of warm or cool air mass, and the latter block the flow of cold air into the room. One of the main features is the cost.

Thermal curtains are available with or without heating, as well as with hot water supply.

Products also differ in the type of heating element:

  1. Ceramic - operates at high temperatures and is highly reliable.
  2. Tenova - heats up for a long time and at low temperatures.
  3. Spiral - element with high temperature heating

The purpose of the air curtain is to separate different temperature zones, for example between freezer and the room, the area near the window or door.

Installation is carried out vertically or horizontally depending on the type. When choosing a vertical option, you need to take into account the parameters of the doors. It is important that the curtain exceeds them by 15-20 cm.

More powerful industrial models are available that are suitable for installation in cafes, restaurants, offices, garages or other premises. Depending on the model, thermal curtains have different functionality. But overall, they are practical, multifunctional and durable.

For example, consider thermal curtain Ballu BHC-L10-S06 - a device for creating powerful air flow, separating different zones (for example, street and indoor space).

The model is used for installation in shops, offices, vestibules, residential premises, cafeterias and other points.

The advantages of Ballu BHC-L10-S06 are low noise level, fast air heating, easy connection, anti-corrosion treatment of the case and a built-in thermostat (controls heating). There is a no-heat mode (to protect against heat).

If desired, one of two operating modes can be set. The device is equipped with a modern and easy-to-use remote control.

Other popular models - Ballu BHC-CE-3L, Ballu BHC-CE-3, Hintek RP-0306-D, KALASHNIKOV KVC-A08E3-11, Ballu BHC-L08-T03, KALASHNIKOV KVC-A08E5-11, Hintek RS-0308 -D, Hintek RP-0508-D.

Electric heat guns

Electric heat guns provide air heating using special elements:

  1. A regular coil heated to maximum.
  2. Heating element with high efficiency (the peculiarity is maximum efficiency).
  3. Ceramic elements are elements that are safe for health, characterized by reliability and environmental friendliness. Today they are considered the best option from the heating elements proposed above.

Air circulation is ensured thanks to powerful fans, which allows you to heat the room within a few minutes. Some models are equipped with special wheels or slides that guarantee convenient movement or installation of heat guns.

Popularity is ensured due to the absence of combustion chambers, noiselessness, lack of need for maintenance and the possibility of installation without coordination of the installation of the gun with a government agency.

An interesting option is Ballu BHP-PE-3. It is compact and lightweight heat gun, differing in the direction of heating and located in a round housing.

The device is made in a stainless steel casing, with the option of adjusting the tilt. Maximum power - 3 kW, number of modes - two. Weight - 3.7 kg. The Ballu BHP-PE-3 model has small dimensions - 31.5 * 24Х5 * 25 cm. Additional features - heating element, versatility of use, presence of a rotary switch, overheating protection. The device is used in rooms with an area of ​​up to 35 square meters.

Additional models worthy of attention are Ballu BHP-P-3, NeoClima TPK-5, Hintek XS 03220, NeoClima TPP-5, Ballu BHP-P2-3, NeoClima NPG-10, Hintek PROF 03220, Ballu BHP-M-5.

Warm electric floor

Electric heated floors are considered the “youngest” heating system. Its use ensures the most comfortable conditions at home. Due to the heating of the floor surface, heat accumulates in the foot area, after which it rises to the ceiling and is distributed over the entire area.

The peculiarity of the system is its inertia - it “swings” for a long time. It will take a long time to heat a room using a warm electric floor.

On the other hand, after turning off the heating, the floor still gives off the accumulated heat for some time, which ensures that a comfortable temperature is maintained.

Requires qualifications, and the complexity of the work depends on the chosen model and design features.

There are models on sale that require the creation of a new tie (for example, electrical mats and cables).

Some systems are installed on a flat, hard surface and do not require major work (for example, film models). Devices for heating laminate or linoleum are also sold.

Electric heating of a house using heated floors also has a number of disadvantages - the difficulty of repair in the event of a breakdown due to the lack of direct access to the elements, and time-consuming installation (especially when installed under a screed).

Thus, it takes about 30 days to install heated floors under a screed, and about a day to install conventional models. However, the price of the latter will be significantly higher.

A popular model is NeoClima N-TC 953/7.4. This is a heated floor, which includes a kit for self-installation. Features - the need for installation in a screed, a long warranty (16 years), versatility and safety (double insulation).

The heating system includes a heating section, a tape for attaching the cable, a tube for the temperature sensor, instructions and a box.

The cable is 13 meters long and is designed for a small heating area - up to 1.7 square meters. meters. Power consumption - 195 W. Scope of application - small rooms (for example, a bathroom).

No less popular models are NeoClima N-TM 375/2.5, NeoClima N-TM 450/3.0, NeoClima N-TM 600/4.0, NeoClima N-TC 1095/8.6, STN Termolife ET61W (WI-FI control), NeoClima N -TM 1500/10, NeoClima N-TM 1800/12.

General aspects of electric heating

Electric boilers are the only heating device that uses external heating or additional elements. The remaining systems are self-sufficient, which is their constant advantage.

Heating systems are easy to install and control, and have little inertia. For ease of operation, you can connect electronic control units and organize remote control.

The disadvantage of many heating systems is the high cost of maintenance. As for the power consumption required to warm up an apartment, house or room, it is almost identical.

On average, to warm up 50 square meters of room with standard ceilings with a height of 2.5 to 3 meters, 6 to 8 kW of power is required.

An additional aspect when choosing is place of residence (geographical location). If you are in the southern part of the country, electricity costs will be lower (when compared with the northern regions). The design and insulation of the building are no less important.

The more compact and better the house is sheathed, the less energy will be required for heating. Typically, electric heating is used for small one-story houses or apartments. The main condition is the presence of good wiring.

Most often, such systems are used as additional heat sources. Main disadvantage depends on electricity.

The best solution in terms of energy consumption is the use of electrode boilers, warm infrared heaters, as well as devices with automatic control of mode and temperature (smart home system).

Heat pumps for heating a private home

Heat pumps are an environmentally friendly and modern way to heat batteries in the house. The simplest design option is a refrigerator capable of generating cold and heat. A similar principle applies to heat pumps.

The heating operation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Water is sent to the evaporator to reduce the temperature by 5 degrees Celsius.
  2. The cooled composition goes to the compressor, where the liquid is compressed and its temperature increases.
  3. The heated water is sent to a heat exchanger, in which it transfers heat to the heating system, and the cooled liquid is sent to the beginning of the cycle.

Water can be taken from any convenient place, for example, a reservoir or a pump.

The heating system using heat pumps consists of the following elements:

  1. The heat pump itself is a device that extracts geoenergy.
  2. A probe is a coil located in the ground or water.
  3. Heating system, including heat exchange chamber.

Advantages of heat pumps for heating:

  1. Low energy consumption. Heating requires only electrical energy. Power consumption is significantly lower than with conventional electrical appliances. One of the characteristics of heat pumps is the conversion factor, which shows the efficiency of the device, namely the amount of heat output compared to the electricity consumed. For example, if this parameter is equal to five, then from 1 kW of electricity you can get 5 kW of heat.
  2. Versatility. The heating system can be installed in different areas. The device is capable of heating a house at any time of the year at a temperature in winter not lower than -15 degrees Celsius. In addition, in summer the system can be used for cooling.
  3. This is especially convenient for buildings without gas. In addition, in the absence of electricity, the heat pump can operate on a gasoline or diesel engine.
  4. Long service life - up to 50 years. For example, a compressor may require replacement only after 20 years.
  5. Environmental friendliness and safety. The heat pump does not emit gases or foreign waste during operation. The device cannot accidentally overheat.
  6. Automatic operation. The heat pump does not require the addition of water or the need to control its flow to operate.

Disadvantages of the heating device:

  1. High price. To purchase such a system you will have to spend money, and the payback period is at least five years.
  2. In areas with low temperatures, the use of heat pumps is not effective.
  3. The system negatively affects the planet's ecosystem, but the damage is minor and can be ignored.

Knowing the features, advantages and disadvantages of electrical heating systems, it’s easier to make a choice and decide on suitable option for your home.

Every home must be equipped with a heating system

Owners of private housing have a huge advantage over residents apartment buildings. They can decide for themselves which room service systems to use and how to save on installation and operation costs. Those who live in apartments, as a rule, cannot influence the quality and quantity of utility services provided, especially in the direction of increasing them. Owners of private houses can foresee the nuances even at the construction stage and choose the most profitable solution. To the point that the most economical home heating can be installed with your own hands.

The main advantage of electric heating is the rapid spread of heat around the source

This source is available almost everywhere. But it’s unlikely that heating a private home with electricity can be called the cheapest. If you decide to use electrical appliances for heating, be prepared to see large numbers on your electricity bill. The main advantage of electric heating is the rapid spread of heat around the source. Literally within a few minutes after switching on, you can feel the result. That is why electric heaters are most often used not for constant heating of homes, but in some emergency cases. The fire hazard of electric heating devices is also quite high. It is not recommended to leave them on long time unattended.

Solid fuel

This name most often refers to firewood and coal. Firewood, although a very common fuel in Russia, will not help you solve the problem of cheap heating at home.

Fuel briquettes can have different compositions

In private homes, they are usually used to light stoves before laying coal. In large country houses, where, as a rule, there are fireplaces, firewood is also used. Coal is the cheapest and most commonly used solid fuel for heating private homes. Thus, if you want to provide economical heating for your home with your own hands, add to the project a stove that will be heated with coal and heat your home. In some areas, briquetted fuel is also used. This can be peat or pressed wood chips. However, due to geographical features, such types of fuel are not very common in Russia.

Liquid fuel

Chemical derivatives - fuel oil, diesel fuel, etc. - are usually used as liquid fuel. These heat sources are rarely used in private homes. Because combustion produces acrid smoke. Also, due to their increased flammability, it is quite unsafe to store these types of fuel near residential premises.


The cheapest heating of a country house can be organized using gas equipment. The cost of fuel is very low, and modern equipment can be installed and assembled in a matter of hours. However, the cost quality equipment quite high. And the final price of the project will depend on the distance of your home from the gas pipeline.

Alternative energy sources

Installing solar panels can help you save money

Of all the alternative sources known in the world, wind can be used on a more or less large scale in Russia. For this, solar panels or wind turbines are respectively needed. These sources can give you virtually free energy and provide truly the cheapest heating for your home. Moreover, both of them can be very different in size, and, accordingly, cost. However, due to climatic conditions, they cannot be used constantly and everywhere.

So, if you want to make cheap heating for a private house with your own hands, you need to choose which type of fuel will be your main and which auxiliary. First of all, you need to proceed from the location of your home and the availability of certain heat sources. Then you need to calculate the costs of installing equipment for each resource and choose what suits you best. In this important issue It is advisable to consult with specialists. Typically, equipment supplier companies have complete information on this issue.

In a private home, it is advisable to have several heat sources. To heat the main living space, you can use a pipe or one that supplies heat from a distribution boiler. You can heat it using either solid fuel, and with the help of gas or electricity.

To create a special coziness, owners of country houses often use fireplaces. Of course, only natural wood or charcoal should be placed in fireplaces. True, there are also electric fireplaces, but those who like this imitation of living heat are more likely to be residents of apartment buildings than owners of a country house. Also, the design of private houses often includes a bathhouse. Both natural wood and electric stoves can also be used for heating.

Using solar panels is a good way to help your budget. Since solar energy can be accumulated, in most regions of Russia this equipment can be used to have a backup heat source in case of force majeure. In addition, the electricity obtained from solar panels is 100% environmentally friendly.

In any private home, when installing a heating system, it is necessary to provide for various situations. Including emergency ones. So that if a gas boiler fails or a pipe breaks, you can switch to a backup option without any problems. And while repairing the main equipment, you will not be left without heat and energy. Thus, the cheapest heating for a country house is intelligently combined various sources heat. Using them in various combinations, you will ensure uninterrupted operation of the life support system of your home.
